
TroyAcademy is an international peer-reviewed journal and published three time a year (February June October ), that covers original and qualified studies in the field of social and humanities with a scientific approach and includes research that will contribute to the field.

TroyAcademy aims to share and publish scientific articles, research and review articles, review articles, that is written according to the scientific research criteria and ethical rules, about international relations, economics, business, political science, literature, history, art history, philosophy, sociology, archaeology, geography, cultural studies and so on.

The editorial language of the journal is Turkish and English. Articles submitted to the TroyAcademy journal should be written according to the journal writing rules, prepared using the article writing template and the similarity rate should not exceed 20%.

TroyAcademy provides open access to journal content, based on the principle that providing scientific research to all researchers for free will increase the publication and globalization of its knowledge.

Scientific and legal responsibility for the articles published in TroyAcademy belongs to the authors. All publication rights of articles belong to Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University and may not be printed or reproduced in whole or in part without the permission of the publisher.