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Medya Çağında Weberyen Karizma ve Şöhretin Analojisi

Year 2018, Volume: 3 Issue: 6, 654 - 676, 31.07.2018


XX. yüzyılın
ikinci yarısı itibariyle karizma sözcüğü medyada yaygın bir şekilde şöhretler
için kullanılmaya başlamıştır. Bu durumun ortaya çıkmasında gelişen eğlence
endüstrisinin ve kitle iletişim araçlarının büyük rolü bulunmaktadır. Şöhret
endüstrisinin gelişmesiyle ünlü aktörler, sunucular, sporcular ve müzisyenler
gibi ekranların medyatik şöhret figürleri, karizmatik olarak tanımlanmaya
başlamıştır. Bu durum karizma ve şöhret arasında ki kavramsal uyuşmazlıkların
göz ardı edilmesine ve modern şöhret çalışmalarında neyin yeni ve benzersiz
olduğunun belirlenmesinin önüne geçmektedir. Bu çalışma, Weberyen karizmatik
liderlik ile şöhret kavramlarının kuramsal düzeyde birbirinden farklı yaklaşımlar
olmasına rağmen; iki kavramın medyanın gelişmesiyle birlikte iç içe geçtiğini argümantatif
bir çalışma çerçevesinde incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu bağlamda öncelikle
çalışmanın merkezinde yer alan şöhret kültürü ve Weber’in karizmatik liderlik
kavramına yönelik kuramsal yaklaşımlar incelenmiştir. Kuramsal perspektiflerden
yola çıkarak karizmayla şöhretin modern dönemdeki görünümü ve pratikteki
benzeşmesi açıklanmıştır. Çalışmayla, şöhret ve karizma kavramlarının teorik
düzeyde birbirinden ayrı ve kısmen çelişkili durumları temsil etmesine rağmen;
medya ve iletişim teknolojilerinin gelişmesiyle iki kavramın toplumda büyük
ölçüde iç içe geçtiği ve yeni bir toplumsal ontolojik kavramsallaşmaya
gidildiği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.


  • KaynakçaAberbach, D. (1996). Charisma in Politics, Religion and the Media . London: Macmillian.
  • Alexander, J. C. (2010). The Celebrity Icon. Cultural Sociology,4(3), 323-336.
  • Barron, L. (2015). Celebrity Cultures. California: Sage Publications.
  • Bauman, Z. (2005). Liquid Life. Cambridge : Polity Press.
  • Boorstin, D. (2012). The Image: A guide to pseudo-events in America. New York: Vintage.
  • Boorstin, D. J. (1992). The Image: A Guide to Pseudo-Events in America . New York: N.Y. Vintage Books.
  • Braudy, L. (1997). The Frenzy of Renown. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Braudy, L. (2011). Knowing The Performer From The Performance: Fame. Celebrity and Literary Studies. PMLA, 126(4), 1070-1075.
  • Cashmore, E. (2006). Celebrity Culture. London: Routledge.
  • Cowan, B. (2016). News, Biography, and Eighteenth-Century Celebrity. Oxford Handbooks Online, 1-32.
  • Dickson, G. (2012). Charisma, Medieval and Modern. Religions, 763–789.
  • Doherty, T. (2013). Hollywood and Hitler. New York: Columbia University Press .
  • Driessens, O. (2013). The celebritization of society and culture: Understanding the structural dynamics of celebrity culture. International Journal for Cultural Studies, 16(6), 641 - 657.
  • Dyer, R. (1998). Stars. London: BFI.
  • Franssen, G., ve Honings, R. (2016). Introduction: Starring the Author . G. Franssen, ve R. Honings içinde, Celebrity Authorship and Afterlives in English and American Literature (s. 1 - 22). London: Palgrave Macmillian.
  • Gamson, J. (1992). The assembly line of greatness: Celebrity in twentieth‐century America. Critical Studies in Mass Communication, 1-24.
  • Gamson, J. (1994). Claims to Fame: Celebrity in Contemporary America. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • Garland, R. (2010). Celebrity Ancient and Modern. Symposıum: Celebrıty Around The World (s. 484–488). Springer Science Business Media, LLC 2010.
  • Giles, D. (2000). Illusions of Immortality. London: Macmillan Press.
  • Gritten, D. (2002). Fame: Stripping Celebrity Bare. London: Allen Lane.
  • Harrison, J. (2003). Paul's Language of Grace in its Graeco-Roman Context. Oregon: Mohr Sieback.
  • Hendriks, E. C. (2017). Breaking Away From Charisma? The Celebrity Industry’s Contradictory Connection to Charismatic Authority. Communication Theory 27 (4), 347-366.
  • Holmes:, ve Redmond: (2006). Introduction to Part II Fame body. S. Holmes, ve S. Redmond içinde, Framing Celebrity: New Directions in Celebrity Culture (s. 121 - 127). London: Routledge.
  • Inglis, F. (2010). Review: A Short History of Celebrity. New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
  • Krieken, V. (2012). Celebrity Society. London: Routledge.
  • Kuhn, T. (1962). The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
  • Kyllönen, H. (2012). Representations of Success, Failure and Death in Celebrity Culture. University of Sussex.
  • Lindholm, C. (1990). Charisma. B. Blackwell.
  • Lorraine York. (2018). Reluctant Celebrity: Affect and Privilege in Contemporary Stardom. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Marshall, D. (1997). Celebrity and Power: Fame and Contemporary Culture. Minneapolis: : University of Minnesota Press.
  • Mommsen, M. J. (1974). The Age of Bureaucracy: Perspectives on the Political Sociology of Max Weber. Blackwell Publishers.
  • Monaco, J. (1978). Celebrity: The Media As Image Makers . New York: Delta.
  • Oakes, L. (2010). The Charismatic Personality. Sydney: Australian Academic Press.
  • Parrinder, G. (1987). Charisma. M. Eliade içinde, The Encyclopedia of Religion.
  • Potts, J. (2009). A History of Charisma. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Pringle, H. (2004). Celebrity Sells. West Sussex: John Wiley ve Sons LTD .
  • Ribke, N. (2015). A Genre Approach to Celebrity Politics. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Rojek, C. (2001). Celebrity. London: Reaktion Books.
  • Rojek, C. (2003). Şöhret. (S. K. Akbaş, ve K. Kızıltuğ, Çev.) İstanbul: Ayrıbtı Yayınları.
  • Rojek, C. (2012). Fame Attack: The Inflation of Celebrity and Its Consequences. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
  • Sanders, J. (2000). Charisma, Converts, Competitors: Societal and Sociological Factors in the Success of Early Christianity. SCM Press .
  • Schatzmann: S. (1987). A Pauline Theology of Charismata . Hendrickson Publisher.
  • Schickel, R. (1985). Intimate strangers: The Culture of Celebrity. Garden City, NY: Doubleday ve Company.
  • Spencer, H. (1971). On Society as a System. M. Truzzi içinde, Sociology: The Classic Statements (s. 73-74). New York: Random House Pr.
  • Taylor, P. A., ve Harris, J. L. (2008). Critical Theories of Mass Media: Then and Now. Berkshire: Mc Graw Hill Open University Press.
  • Turner, G. (2006). Understanding Celebrity. California: Sage Publications.
  • Vinovrski, N. J. (2015). Casanova’s Celebrity: a Case Study of Well knownness in 18th. The University of Queensland.
  • Weber, M. (1968). Economy and Society. Berkeley: University of California Press.

The Analogy of Weberian Charisma and Celebrity in the Age of Media

Year 2018, Volume: 3 Issue: 6, 654 - 676, 31.07.2018


In the second half
of the 20th century, the word of charisma began to be widely used in
celebrities in the media. The emerging entertainment industry and mass media
have a major role in this situation. With the development of celebrity industry
famus actors, news servers, athletes and musicians have started to be defined
as charismatic. Although the concepts of celebrity and Weberian charisma
represent theoretically different phenomena, we aim at suggesting that the two
concepts are intertwined with the development of media in the 20th century. In
this context, the theoretical approaches to the concepts of celebrity culture
and Weber's charismatic authority which are in the center of the study were
examined first. Based on theoretical perspectives, the perspective of charisma
and celebrity in the modern age and their resemblance in practice have been
revealed. With this study, we come to a conclusion that two concepts have
largely intertwined in society with the development of media although the concepts
of celebrity and charisma represent discrete and partially contradictory
situations at the theoretical level, and there is a tendency towards a new
social ontological conceptualization.


  • KaynakçaAberbach, D. (1996). Charisma in Politics, Religion and the Media . London: Macmillian.
  • Alexander, J. C. (2010). The Celebrity Icon. Cultural Sociology,4(3), 323-336.
  • Barron, L. (2015). Celebrity Cultures. California: Sage Publications.
  • Bauman, Z. (2005). Liquid Life. Cambridge : Polity Press.
  • Boorstin, D. (2012). The Image: A guide to pseudo-events in America. New York: Vintage.
  • Boorstin, D. J. (1992). The Image: A Guide to Pseudo-Events in America . New York: N.Y. Vintage Books.
  • Braudy, L. (1997). The Frenzy of Renown. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Braudy, L. (2011). Knowing The Performer From The Performance: Fame. Celebrity and Literary Studies. PMLA, 126(4), 1070-1075.
  • Cashmore, E. (2006). Celebrity Culture. London: Routledge.
  • Cowan, B. (2016). News, Biography, and Eighteenth-Century Celebrity. Oxford Handbooks Online, 1-32.
  • Dickson, G. (2012). Charisma, Medieval and Modern. Religions, 763–789.
  • Doherty, T. (2013). Hollywood and Hitler. New York: Columbia University Press .
  • Driessens, O. (2013). The celebritization of society and culture: Understanding the structural dynamics of celebrity culture. International Journal for Cultural Studies, 16(6), 641 - 657.
  • Dyer, R. (1998). Stars. London: BFI.
  • Franssen, G., ve Honings, R. (2016). Introduction: Starring the Author . G. Franssen, ve R. Honings içinde, Celebrity Authorship and Afterlives in English and American Literature (s. 1 - 22). London: Palgrave Macmillian.
  • Gamson, J. (1992). The assembly line of greatness: Celebrity in twentieth‐century America. Critical Studies in Mass Communication, 1-24.
  • Gamson, J. (1994). Claims to Fame: Celebrity in Contemporary America. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • Garland, R. (2010). Celebrity Ancient and Modern. Symposıum: Celebrıty Around The World (s. 484–488). Springer Science Business Media, LLC 2010.
  • Giles, D. (2000). Illusions of Immortality. London: Macmillan Press.
  • Gritten, D. (2002). Fame: Stripping Celebrity Bare. London: Allen Lane.
  • Harrison, J. (2003). Paul's Language of Grace in its Graeco-Roman Context. Oregon: Mohr Sieback.
  • Hendriks, E. C. (2017). Breaking Away From Charisma? The Celebrity Industry’s Contradictory Connection to Charismatic Authority. Communication Theory 27 (4), 347-366.
  • Holmes:, ve Redmond: (2006). Introduction to Part II Fame body. S. Holmes, ve S. Redmond içinde, Framing Celebrity: New Directions in Celebrity Culture (s. 121 - 127). London: Routledge.
  • Inglis, F. (2010). Review: A Short History of Celebrity. New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
  • Krieken, V. (2012). Celebrity Society. London: Routledge.
  • Kuhn, T. (1962). The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
  • Kyllönen, H. (2012). Representations of Success, Failure and Death in Celebrity Culture. University of Sussex.
  • Lindholm, C. (1990). Charisma. B. Blackwell.
  • Lorraine York. (2018). Reluctant Celebrity: Affect and Privilege in Contemporary Stardom. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Marshall, D. (1997). Celebrity and Power: Fame and Contemporary Culture. Minneapolis: : University of Minnesota Press.
  • Mommsen, M. J. (1974). The Age of Bureaucracy: Perspectives on the Political Sociology of Max Weber. Blackwell Publishers.
  • Monaco, J. (1978). Celebrity: The Media As Image Makers . New York: Delta.
  • Oakes, L. (2010). The Charismatic Personality. Sydney: Australian Academic Press.
  • Parrinder, G. (1987). Charisma. M. Eliade içinde, The Encyclopedia of Religion.
  • Potts, J. (2009). A History of Charisma. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Pringle, H. (2004). Celebrity Sells. West Sussex: John Wiley ve Sons LTD .
  • Ribke, N. (2015). A Genre Approach to Celebrity Politics. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Rojek, C. (2001). Celebrity. London: Reaktion Books.
  • Rojek, C. (2003). Şöhret. (S. K. Akbaş, ve K. Kızıltuğ, Çev.) İstanbul: Ayrıbtı Yayınları.
  • Rojek, C. (2012). Fame Attack: The Inflation of Celebrity and Its Consequences. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
  • Sanders, J. (2000). Charisma, Converts, Competitors: Societal and Sociological Factors in the Success of Early Christianity. SCM Press .
  • Schatzmann: S. (1987). A Pauline Theology of Charismata . Hendrickson Publisher.
  • Schickel, R. (1985). Intimate strangers: The Culture of Celebrity. Garden City, NY: Doubleday ve Company.
  • Spencer, H. (1971). On Society as a System. M. Truzzi içinde, Sociology: The Classic Statements (s. 73-74). New York: Random House Pr.
  • Taylor, P. A., ve Harris, J. L. (2008). Critical Theories of Mass Media: Then and Now. Berkshire: Mc Graw Hill Open University Press.
  • Turner, G. (2006). Understanding Celebrity. California: Sage Publications.
  • Vinovrski, N. J. (2015). Casanova’s Celebrity: a Case Study of Well knownness in 18th. The University of Queensland.
  • Weber, M. (1968). Economy and Society. Berkeley: University of California Press.
There are 48 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makale

Berk Çaycı

Celalettin Aktaş

Publication Date July 31, 2018
Submission Date April 12, 2018
Acceptance Date July 3, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 3 Issue: 6


APA Çaycı, B., & Aktaş, C. (2018). Medya Çağında Weberyen Karizma ve Şöhretin Analojisi. TRT Akademi, 3(6), 654-676.

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