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Farklı Dozlarda Boldenon Uygulamasının Egzersiz Yaptırılan Sıçanların Bazı Uzun Kemikleri Üzerine Etkisi

Year 2024, , 30 - 39, 01.11.2024


Bu çalışmanın amacı; farklı dozlarda boldenon uygulamasının egzersiz yaptırılan sıçanların Femur ve Humerus kemikleri üzerindeki etkisini incelemektir. Sıçanlar, Kontrol (K), Egzersiz (E), Boldenon1 (B1), Boldenon 2(B2), Boldenon + Egzersiz1 (BE1) ve Boldenon + Egzersiz2 (BE2) olarak 6 farklı gruba ayrıldı. E, BE1 ve BE2 gruplarındaki sıçanlara 6 hafta boyunca 1.5km/saat hızda olacak şekilde haftada 5 gün 45 dakikalık koşu egzersizi yaptırıldı. Buna ek olarak BE1 grubundaki sıçanlara haftada 1.25mg/kg, BE2 grubundaki sıçanlara ise haftada 5mg/kg dozda Boldenon intraperitoneal olarak verildi. B1 (1,25 mg/kg) ve B2 (5 mg/kg) gruplarındaki sıçanlara ise egzersiz yaptırılmadan sadece Boldenon uygulaması yapıldı. Altı haftalık çalışmanın ardından sıçanlardan alınan femur ve humerus kemiklerinin boy uzunlukları, corpus ve cortex kalınlıkları ve medullar çap ölçüleri incelendiğinde gruplar arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark bulunmamıştır (p>0,05). Mevcut çalışmada femur ve humerus kemiklerinin boy uzunlukları ortalamaları incelendiğinde Boldenon uygulaması yapılan B1, B2, BE1 ve BE2 gruplarındaki Femur ve Humerus kemiklerinin boy uzunlukları ortalamaları, K ve E gruplarındaki Femur ve Humerus kemiklerinin boy uzunlukları ortalamalarından daha kısa olduğu görüldü. Sonuç olarak, istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark bulunmasa da Boldenon uygulaması yapılan tüm gruplardaki Femur ve Humerus kemiklerine ait boy uzunlukları diğer gruplara göre daha kısa ölçülmüştür. Bu nedenle Boldenon uygulamasının femur ve humerus kemiklerinin büyümesini durdurabileceği söylenebilir. Anabolik androjenik steroidlerin ekstremite kemikleri üzerine olan etkileri farklı sürede ve dozda uygulama yapılarak incelenmelidir.


  • Al-Ismail K., Torreggiani W.C., Munk P.L. ve Nicolaou S. (2002). Glutealmass in a bodybuilder: radiological depiction of a comlication of anaboli csteroid us. EurRadiol, 12, 1366-9.
  • Armada L., Castro Brasil S., Armada‐ Dias L., Bezerra J., Pereira R.M., Takayama L. ve Nascimento‐ Saba C.C. (2018). Effects of aging, gender, and hypogonadism on mandibular bone density. J Invest Clin Dent, 1-7.
  • Arslan M.S. (2022). Büyüme dönemindeki ratlarda tarantula cubensis alkolik ekstraktı ve anabolik androjenik steroid kullanımının bazı uzun kemiklerdeki osteolojik gelişim üzerine etkisinin incelenmesi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Selçuk Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Konya.
  • Belviranlı M., Gökbel H., Okudan N. ve Büyükbaş S. (2013). Effects of grape polyphenols on oxidative damage in liver tissue of acutely and chronically exercised rats. Phytother Res, 27, 672-7.
  • Bonnet N., Benhamou C.L., Brunet-Imbault B., Arlettaz A., Horcajada M.N., Richard O., Vico L., COllomp K. ve Courteix D. (2005). Severe bone alterationsunder β2 agonist treatments: bone mass, micro architecture and strength analyses in femalerats. Bone, 37, 622-33.
  • Buarelli F., Cartoni G.P., Coccioli F., Giannetti L., Merolle M., Neri B. ve Terracciano A. (2005). Detection of boldenone and its major metabolites by liquid chromatography-tandemmass spectrometry inurine samples. Analytica Chimica Acta, 552, 116–26.
  • Carson J.A., Manolagas S.C. (2015). Effects of sex steroids on bones and muscles similarities parallels and putative interactions in health and disease. Bone. 80, 67-78.
  • Carvalho F.B., Bueno A., Lhamas C.L., Gutierres J.M., Carvalho M.B., Brusco I., Oliveira S.M., Bottari N.B., Silva A.D., Miron V.V., Alves M.S., Leitemperger J.W., Loro V.L., Schetinger M.R.C., Morsch V.M. ve Andrade C.M. (2020). Impacts of dose and length of exposure to boldenone and stanazolol on enzymatic antioxidant systems, myeloperoxidase and nagase activities, and gylcogen and lactate levels in rat liver., Steroids, 161.
  • El Deib M.M., El-Sharkawy N.I., Beheiry R.R., Abd-Elhakim Y.M., Ismail S.A., Fahmy E.M. ve Saber T.M. (2021) Boldenone undecylenate disrupts the immune system and induces autoimmune clinical hypothyroidism in rats: vitamin c ameliorative effects. International Immunopharmacology, 99.
  • El-Moghazy M., Tousson E. ve Sakeran M. (2012). Changes in the hepatic and renal structure and function after a growth promoter boldenone injection in rabbits. Animal Biol. 62, 171-80.
  • Gunnes M., Orwoll E.( 1995). Early induction of alterations in cancellous and cortical bone histology after orchiectomy in maturerats. J Bone Miner Res, 10, 1735-44.
  • Hammes S.R., Levin R.E. (2019). Impact of estrogens in males and andrıgens in females. J Clin Invest. 129, 1818-26.
  • Hassan D.A.E., Ghaleb S.S., Zaki A., Abdelmenem A., Nabil S. ve Alim M.A.A. (2022). The toxic effects of Anabolic Steroids on cardiac and skeletal muscles with the potential ameliorative effects of Silymarin and Fenugreek Seeds Extract in Adult Male Albino Rats.254-266.
  • Jenkinson D.M., Harbert A.J. (2008). Supplements and sports. American Family Physician, 78, 1039–46.
  • Karasu A., Gençcelep M., Kayıkcı C. (2018). Radio graphic assessment of epiphyseal plate closure time of ceracarpus and phalanges in goat kids. Van Vet J, 29, 87-92.
  • Kılcı A. (2015). Yüzme egzersizi uygulanan genç sıçanlarda testosteron takviyesinin bazı ekstremite kemikleri üzerindeki morfometrik etkileri. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Selçuk Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Konya.
  • Kicman A.T. (2009). Pharmacology of anabolic steroids. British Journal of Pharmacology. 154, 502-21.
  • Kim B.T., Mosekilde L., Duan Y., Zhang X.Z., Tornvig L., Thomsen J.S. ve Seeman E. (2003). The structural and hormonal basis of sex differences in peak appendicular bone strength in rats. J Bone Miner Res, 18, 150-5.
  • Li X., Takashi M., Kushida K., Shimizu S., Hoshino H. ve Suzuki M., (2000). The effect of nandrolone decanoare on bone mass and metabolism over ectomized rats with ostepeni. J Bones Miner Metab, 18, 150-5.
  • Liu J.D., Wu Y.Q,. (2019). Anabolic-androgenic steroids and cardiovascular risk. Chinese medical journal, 132(18), 2229-2236.
  • Lok S. (2009). Sporda doping amaçlı kullanılan nandrolonun puberta dönemindeki ratların femur ve humerusu üzerine morfometrik etkisi. Doktora Tezi, Selçuk Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Konya.
  • Lok S. (2015). Does the use of testosterone enanthate as a form of doping in sports cause early closure of epiphyseal in bones?. Int. J. Morphol, 33, 1201-4.
  • Maravelias C., Dona A., Stefanidou M. ve Spiliopoulou C. (2005). Advers effects of anabolic steroids in athletes: a constant threat. ToxiolLett, 158, 167-75.
  • Medras M., Brona A. ve Jozkow P. (2018). The central effects of androgenic anabolic steroid use. J Addict Med, 1-9.
  • Neamat–Allah A.N.F. (2014). Effect of boldenone undecylenate on haematological and biochemical parameters in veal calves. Global Veterinaria, 13, 1092-6.
  • Nebot E., Aparício V.A., Camiletti-Moiron D., Martinez R., Erben R.G., Kapravelou G. ve Pietschmann P. (2016). Stanozolol decreases bone turnover markers, increases mineralization, and alters femoral geometry in male rats. Calcified tissue international, 98, 609-18.
  • Oda S.S., El – Ashmawy I.M. (2012). Adverse effect of the anabolic steroid boldenone undecylenate on reproductive functions of male rabbits. Int J Exp Path, 93, 172-88.
  • Özdemir M. (2017). Egzersiz ile birlikte metenolon enantat takviyesinin sıçanların bazı kemikleri üzerindeki etkileri. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Selçuk Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Konya.
  • Popot M.A., Boyer S., Menaut L., Garcia P., Bonnaire Y. ve Lesage D. (2008). Boldenone, testosterone and 1,4-androstandiene-3,17-dione determination in faeces from horses, untreated and after administration of androsta-1,4-diene-3,17-dione (boldione), Biomedical Chromatography, 22, 662-70.
  • Rocha D.G., Lana M.A.G., Assis D.C., Macedo A.N., Corrêa J.M., Augusti R. ve Faria A.F. (2022). A novel strategy for the detection of boldenone undecylenate misuse in cattle using ultra‐high performance liquid chromatography coupled to high resolution orbitrap mass spectrometry: From non‐targeted to targeted. Drug Testing and Analysis, 14, 667-75.
  • Saber T.M., Omran B.H., El Deib M.M., El-Sharkawy N.I., Metwally M.M. ve Abd-Elhakim Y.M. (2021). Early postmortem biochemical, histological, and immunohistochemical alterations in skeletal muscles of rats exposed to boldenone undecylenate: forensic implication. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 83.
  • Sarı A. (2018). Trenbolon takviyesinin koşu yapan sıçanlarda ekstremite kemikleri üzerine etkileri. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Selçuk Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Konya.
  • Sevim Y. (2007). Antrenman bilgisi. Ankara: Nobel Yayın Dağıtım. 178-182.
  • Sims N.A., Dupont S., Krust A., Clement-Lacroix P., Minet D., Resche-Rigon M., Gaillard-Kelly M. ve Baron R. (2002). Deletion of estrogen receptors reveals a regulatory role for estrogen receptors in bone remodeling in females but not in males. Bone, 30, 18-25.
  • Souza D.B.D., Brasil F.B., Marchon R.G. ve Félix-Patrício B. (2021). Effects of nandrolone decanoate on femur morphology. Experimental study. Acta Cirurgica Brasileira, 36,145-154.
  • Tav K.H. (2018). 6 hafta düzenli egzersiz ile birlikte sıçanlara farklı sürelerde testosteron uygulamasının kemik doku üzerine etkisi. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Yüksek lisans Tezi, Konya.
  • Tousson E. (2016). Histopathological alterations after a growth promoter boldenone injection in rabbits. Toxicology and Industrial Health, 32, 299-305.
  • Tousson E., El – Moghazy M., Massoud A. Ve Akel A. (2012). Histopathological and immunohistochemical changes in the testes of rabbits after incetion with the growth promoter boldenone. Reproductive Scs. 19, 253-9.
  • Weisman Y., Cassorla F., Malozowski S., Krieg R. J., Goldray D., Kaye A. M. ve Somjen D. (1993). Sexspecific response of bone cells to gonadal steroids: modulation in perinatally androgenized females and in testicular feminized male rats. Steroids. 58: 126-33.
  • Windahl S.H., Vidal O., Andersson G., Gustafsson J.A. ve Ohlsson C., (1999). Increasedcortical bone mineral content but unchanged trabecular bone mineral density in female er_mice. J ClinInvest, 104, 895-901.
  • Yavari A. (2009). Abuse of anabolic androjenic steroids. Journal of Stress Physiology, 5, 22-32.
  • Zelleroth S., Nylander E., Örtenblad A., Stam F., Nyberg F., Grönbladh A. ve Hallberg M. (2021). Structurally different anabolic androgenic steroids reduce neurite outgrowth and neuronal viability in primary rat cortical cell cultures. The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 210, 105863.

The Effect of Different Doses of Boldenone on Some Long Bones of Exercised Rats

Year 2024, , 30 - 39, 01.11.2024


The aim of this study is to examine the effects of different doses of boldenone on femur and humerus bones of exercised rats. Rats were divided into 6 different groups as Control (C), Exercise (E), Boldenone1 (B1), Boldenone2 (B2), Boldenone + Exercise1 (BE1), and Boldenone + Exercise 2 (BE2). The rats in the E, BE1 and BE2 groups were given a 45-minute jogging exercise 5 days a week at 1.5km/h for 6 weeks. In addition, Boldenone Undecylenate steroid was given intraperitonealy at a dose of 1.25mg/kg per week to rats in the BE1 group and 5mg/kg per week to the rats in the BE2 group. The rats in the B1 (1,25 mg/kg) and B2 (5 mg/kg) groups were given only Boldenone without any exercise. After the 6 weekly of experiment, when the lengths, corpus and cortex thicknesses and medullary diameter measurements of the femur and humerus bones taken from the rats were examined, there was no statistical significance between the groups (p>0.05). In the current study, when the average lengths of the femur and humerus bones were examined, it was seen that the average lengths of the Femur and Humerus bones in the B1, B2, BE1 and BE2 groups that received Boldenone were shorter than the average lengths of the Femur and Humerus bones in the C and E groups. As a result, although there was no statistically significant difference, the lengths of the Femur and Humerus bones in all groups that received Boldenone were shorter than the other groups. Therefore, it can be said that Boldenone application can stop the growth of femur and humerus bones. The effects of anabolic androgenic steroids on extremity bones should be examined by using at different times and doses.


  • Al-Ismail K., Torreggiani W.C., Munk P.L. ve Nicolaou S. (2002). Glutealmass in a bodybuilder: radiological depiction of a comlication of anaboli csteroid us. EurRadiol, 12, 1366-9.
  • Armada L., Castro Brasil S., Armada‐ Dias L., Bezerra J., Pereira R.M., Takayama L. ve Nascimento‐ Saba C.C. (2018). Effects of aging, gender, and hypogonadism on mandibular bone density. J Invest Clin Dent, 1-7.
  • Arslan M.S. (2022). Büyüme dönemindeki ratlarda tarantula cubensis alkolik ekstraktı ve anabolik androjenik steroid kullanımının bazı uzun kemiklerdeki osteolojik gelişim üzerine etkisinin incelenmesi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Selçuk Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Konya.
  • Belviranlı M., Gökbel H., Okudan N. ve Büyükbaş S. (2013). Effects of grape polyphenols on oxidative damage in liver tissue of acutely and chronically exercised rats. Phytother Res, 27, 672-7.
  • Bonnet N., Benhamou C.L., Brunet-Imbault B., Arlettaz A., Horcajada M.N., Richard O., Vico L., COllomp K. ve Courteix D. (2005). Severe bone alterationsunder β2 agonist treatments: bone mass, micro architecture and strength analyses in femalerats. Bone, 37, 622-33.
  • Buarelli F., Cartoni G.P., Coccioli F., Giannetti L., Merolle M., Neri B. ve Terracciano A. (2005). Detection of boldenone and its major metabolites by liquid chromatography-tandemmass spectrometry inurine samples. Analytica Chimica Acta, 552, 116–26.
  • Carson J.A., Manolagas S.C. (2015). Effects of sex steroids on bones and muscles similarities parallels and putative interactions in health and disease. Bone. 80, 67-78.
  • Carvalho F.B., Bueno A., Lhamas C.L., Gutierres J.M., Carvalho M.B., Brusco I., Oliveira S.M., Bottari N.B., Silva A.D., Miron V.V., Alves M.S., Leitemperger J.W., Loro V.L., Schetinger M.R.C., Morsch V.M. ve Andrade C.M. (2020). Impacts of dose and length of exposure to boldenone and stanazolol on enzymatic antioxidant systems, myeloperoxidase and nagase activities, and gylcogen and lactate levels in rat liver., Steroids, 161.
  • El Deib M.M., El-Sharkawy N.I., Beheiry R.R., Abd-Elhakim Y.M., Ismail S.A., Fahmy E.M. ve Saber T.M. (2021) Boldenone undecylenate disrupts the immune system and induces autoimmune clinical hypothyroidism in rats: vitamin c ameliorative effects. International Immunopharmacology, 99.
  • El-Moghazy M., Tousson E. ve Sakeran M. (2012). Changes in the hepatic and renal structure and function after a growth promoter boldenone injection in rabbits. Animal Biol. 62, 171-80.
  • Gunnes M., Orwoll E.( 1995). Early induction of alterations in cancellous and cortical bone histology after orchiectomy in maturerats. J Bone Miner Res, 10, 1735-44.
  • Hammes S.R., Levin R.E. (2019). Impact of estrogens in males and andrıgens in females. J Clin Invest. 129, 1818-26.
  • Hassan D.A.E., Ghaleb S.S., Zaki A., Abdelmenem A., Nabil S. ve Alim M.A.A. (2022). The toxic effects of Anabolic Steroids on cardiac and skeletal muscles with the potential ameliorative effects of Silymarin and Fenugreek Seeds Extract in Adult Male Albino Rats.254-266.
  • Jenkinson D.M., Harbert A.J. (2008). Supplements and sports. American Family Physician, 78, 1039–46.
  • Karasu A., Gençcelep M., Kayıkcı C. (2018). Radio graphic assessment of epiphyseal plate closure time of ceracarpus and phalanges in goat kids. Van Vet J, 29, 87-92.
  • Kılcı A. (2015). Yüzme egzersizi uygulanan genç sıçanlarda testosteron takviyesinin bazı ekstremite kemikleri üzerindeki morfometrik etkileri. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Selçuk Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Konya.
  • Kicman A.T. (2009). Pharmacology of anabolic steroids. British Journal of Pharmacology. 154, 502-21.
  • Kim B.T., Mosekilde L., Duan Y., Zhang X.Z., Tornvig L., Thomsen J.S. ve Seeman E. (2003). The structural and hormonal basis of sex differences in peak appendicular bone strength in rats. J Bone Miner Res, 18, 150-5.
  • Li X., Takashi M., Kushida K., Shimizu S., Hoshino H. ve Suzuki M., (2000). The effect of nandrolone decanoare on bone mass and metabolism over ectomized rats with ostepeni. J Bones Miner Metab, 18, 150-5.
  • Liu J.D., Wu Y.Q,. (2019). Anabolic-androgenic steroids and cardiovascular risk. Chinese medical journal, 132(18), 2229-2236.
  • Lok S. (2009). Sporda doping amaçlı kullanılan nandrolonun puberta dönemindeki ratların femur ve humerusu üzerine morfometrik etkisi. Doktora Tezi, Selçuk Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Konya.
  • Lok S. (2015). Does the use of testosterone enanthate as a form of doping in sports cause early closure of epiphyseal in bones?. Int. J. Morphol, 33, 1201-4.
  • Maravelias C., Dona A., Stefanidou M. ve Spiliopoulou C. (2005). Advers effects of anabolic steroids in athletes: a constant threat. ToxiolLett, 158, 167-75.
  • Medras M., Brona A. ve Jozkow P. (2018). The central effects of androgenic anabolic steroid use. J Addict Med, 1-9.
  • Neamat–Allah A.N.F. (2014). Effect of boldenone undecylenate on haematological and biochemical parameters in veal calves. Global Veterinaria, 13, 1092-6.
  • Nebot E., Aparício V.A., Camiletti-Moiron D., Martinez R., Erben R.G., Kapravelou G. ve Pietschmann P. (2016). Stanozolol decreases bone turnover markers, increases mineralization, and alters femoral geometry in male rats. Calcified tissue international, 98, 609-18.
  • Oda S.S., El – Ashmawy I.M. (2012). Adverse effect of the anabolic steroid boldenone undecylenate on reproductive functions of male rabbits. Int J Exp Path, 93, 172-88.
  • Özdemir M. (2017). Egzersiz ile birlikte metenolon enantat takviyesinin sıçanların bazı kemikleri üzerindeki etkileri. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Selçuk Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Konya.
  • Popot M.A., Boyer S., Menaut L., Garcia P., Bonnaire Y. ve Lesage D. (2008). Boldenone, testosterone and 1,4-androstandiene-3,17-dione determination in faeces from horses, untreated and after administration of androsta-1,4-diene-3,17-dione (boldione), Biomedical Chromatography, 22, 662-70.
  • Rocha D.G., Lana M.A.G., Assis D.C., Macedo A.N., Corrêa J.M., Augusti R. ve Faria A.F. (2022). A novel strategy for the detection of boldenone undecylenate misuse in cattle using ultra‐high performance liquid chromatography coupled to high resolution orbitrap mass spectrometry: From non‐targeted to targeted. Drug Testing and Analysis, 14, 667-75.
  • Saber T.M., Omran B.H., El Deib M.M., El-Sharkawy N.I., Metwally M.M. ve Abd-Elhakim Y.M. (2021). Early postmortem biochemical, histological, and immunohistochemical alterations in skeletal muscles of rats exposed to boldenone undecylenate: forensic implication. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 83.
  • Sarı A. (2018). Trenbolon takviyesinin koşu yapan sıçanlarda ekstremite kemikleri üzerine etkileri. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Selçuk Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Konya.
  • Sevim Y. (2007). Antrenman bilgisi. Ankara: Nobel Yayın Dağıtım. 178-182.
  • Sims N.A., Dupont S., Krust A., Clement-Lacroix P., Minet D., Resche-Rigon M., Gaillard-Kelly M. ve Baron R. (2002). Deletion of estrogen receptors reveals a regulatory role for estrogen receptors in bone remodeling in females but not in males. Bone, 30, 18-25.
  • Souza D.B.D., Brasil F.B., Marchon R.G. ve Félix-Patrício B. (2021). Effects of nandrolone decanoate on femur morphology. Experimental study. Acta Cirurgica Brasileira, 36,145-154.
  • Tav K.H. (2018). 6 hafta düzenli egzersiz ile birlikte sıçanlara farklı sürelerde testosteron uygulamasının kemik doku üzerine etkisi. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Yüksek lisans Tezi, Konya.
  • Tousson E. (2016). Histopathological alterations after a growth promoter boldenone injection in rabbits. Toxicology and Industrial Health, 32, 299-305.
  • Tousson E., El – Moghazy M., Massoud A. Ve Akel A. (2012). Histopathological and immunohistochemical changes in the testes of rabbits after incetion with the growth promoter boldenone. Reproductive Scs. 19, 253-9.
  • Weisman Y., Cassorla F., Malozowski S., Krieg R. J., Goldray D., Kaye A. M. ve Somjen D. (1993). Sexspecific response of bone cells to gonadal steroids: modulation in perinatally androgenized females and in testicular feminized male rats. Steroids. 58: 126-33.
  • Windahl S.H., Vidal O., Andersson G., Gustafsson J.A. ve Ohlsson C., (1999). Increasedcortical bone mineral content but unchanged trabecular bone mineral density in female er_mice. J ClinInvest, 104, 895-901.
  • Yavari A. (2009). Abuse of anabolic androjenic steroids. Journal of Stress Physiology, 5, 22-32.
  • Zelleroth S., Nylander E., Örtenblad A., Stam F., Nyberg F., Grönbladh A. ve Hallberg M. (2021). Structurally different anabolic androgenic steroids reduce neurite outgrowth and neuronal viability in primary rat cortical cell cultures. The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 210, 105863.
There are 42 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Sports Training
Journal Section Research Article

Berkay Erdem 0000-0001-7862-2203

Sefa Lök 0000-0001-9632-2888

Early Pub Date October 31, 2024
Publication Date November 1, 2024
Submission Date July 4, 2024
Acceptance Date September 6, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Erdem, B., & Lök, S. (2024). Farklı Dozlarda Boldenon Uygulamasının Egzersiz Yaptırılan Sıçanların Bazı Uzun Kemikleri Üzerine Etkisi. Türk Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 7(2), 30-39. https://doi.org/10.46385/tsbd.1508744

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