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Year 2014, Volume: 16 Issue: 1, 47 - 54, 05.06.2014


This study aims to compare the static and dynamic balance in adolescents’ handball and soccer players. 32 male student national athletes: soccer (N= 17), handball (N= 15) between 15-18 years of age and at least 3 training years were included to the study. Assessment of static and dynamic balance was measured with Prokin 5.0 Technobody. There were no significant differences found between handball and soccer players on static and dynamic balance tests. We think that there are similar movements used often by both group, like faking and changing direction. On the other hand, there was found significant difference between right and left leg of soccer players perimeter scores for unipedal (Forward-Backward) dynamic balance slalom tests, when were compared within each group { t (15)= -3,158, p < 0,01 }. Unipedal (F-B) dynamic balance slalom tests score of right leg was better than left leg for soccer players, but, there were no significant differences for handball players (p>0,05). All of the soccer players are dominantly using their right leg. In addition, this result might relate training methods and years, experience, muscle force asmmetry. On the other hand, handball players’s dominant legs are also right, but their usually jumping legs are left


  • Anderson K, Behm DG. The impact of instability resistance training on balance and stability. Sports Med, 2005; 35: 43–53
  • Anderson C, Gillquist J. Instrumented testing for evaluation of sagittal knee laxity. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, 1990; 256, 178-184
  • Arend S. Developing the substrates of skillful movement. Motor Skills: Theory into Practise, 1981; 4: 1-10.
  • Ashton Miller JA, Wojtys EM, Huston Lj, Fry-Welch D. Can Proprioception really be improved by exercises? Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc, 2001; 9: 128-136.
  • Atilgan Erkut O. Effects of tramboline training on jump, leg strenght, static and dynamic balance of boys. Science of Gymnastics Journal, 2013; 5(2): 15-25.
  • Balter SGT, Stokroos RJ, Akkermans E, Kingma H. Habituation to galvanic vestibular stimulation for analysis of postural control abilities in gymnasts. Neurosci Lett, 2004; 366: 71-75
  • Barfield, W. R. Effects of selected kinematic and kinetic variables on instep kicking with dominant and nondominant limbs. Journal of Human Movement Studies, 1995; 29: 251- 272.
  • Barone R, Macaluso F, Traina M,Leonardi V, Farina F, Di Felice V. Soccer players have a better standing balance in nondominant one-legged stance. Open Access Journal of Sports Medicine, 2001; 2: 1–6.
  • Baydil B. Eurofit testleri ile 12-14 yas grubu erkek öğrencilerin fiziksel uygunluk normlarinin araştirilmasi. Ahi Evran Universitesi Kırsehir Egitim Fakultesi Dergisi (KEFAD), 2006; 7(2): 79-87.
  • Beraud P, Gahery Y. Posturo- kinetic effects on kicking movements of a lack of initial ground support under the moving leg. Neuroscience Letters, 1997; 226: 5-8.
  • Beraud P, Gahery Y. Relationships between the force of voluntary leg movements and the associated postural adjustments. Neuroscience Letters, 1995; 194: 177-180.
  • Bressel E, Yonker J.C, Kras J, Heath EM. Comparision of static and dynamic balance in female collegiate soccer, basketball and gymnastics athletes. Journal of Athletic Training, 2007; 42(1): 42-46.
  • Carolyn A, Emery J, Cassidy D, Terry P, Klassen Rhonda J, Rosychuk, Brian H. Effectiveness of a home-based balance- training program in reducing sports-related injuries among healthy adolescents: a cluster randomized controlled trial. CMAJ, 2005; 172(6): 749–754.
  • Chew-Bullock Tracey SY, Anderson DI, Hamel KA, Gorelick ML, Wallace SA, Sidaway B. Kicking performance in relation to balance ability over the support leg. Human Movement Science, 2012; 31: 1615-1623.
  • Cowley HR, Ford KR, Myer GD, Kernozek TW, Hewett TE. Differences in neuromuscular strategies between landing and cutting tasks in female basketball and soccer athletes. Journal of Athletic Training, 2006; 41: 67-73.
  • Edixhoven P, Huiskes R, De Graaf R. Anteroposterior drwer measurements in the knee using an instrumented test device. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, 1989; 247: 232- 242.
  • Erkmen N, Suveren S, Göktepe S.A, Yazıcıoğlu K. The comparison of balance performance who are in different branches. Spormetre Physical Education and Sport Science Journal, 2007; 3: 115-122.
  • Gardner ER, Martin JH, Jessell TM. The bodily senses. In: Kandel ER, Schwartz JH, Jessell TM, (Ed). Principles of neural science, 4th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2000, pp. 430–449.
  • Gerbino GP, Griffin ED, Zurakowski D. Comparison of standing balance between female collegiate dancers and soccer players. Gait & Posture, 2007; 26(4): 501-507.
  • Gioftsidou A, Malliou P, Sofokleous P, Pafis G, Beneka A, Godolias G. The effects of balance training on balance ability in handball players. Exercise and Quality of Life, 2012; 4(2): 15-22.
  • Gribble PA, Hertel J, Piegaro AB. Predictors for performance of dynamic postural using the Star Excursion Balance Test. Journal of Athletic Training, 2001; 36: 2(Supplement): S-77.
  • Gstöttner M, Neher A, Scholtz A, Millonig M, Lembert S, Raschner C. Balance ability and muscle response of the preferred and nonpreferred leg in soccer players. Motor Control, 2009; 13: 218-231.
  • Lion A, Gauchard GC, Deviterne D, Perrin PhP. Differentiated influence of off-road and on-road cycling practice on balance control and the related-neurosensory organization. J Electromygr Kinesio, 2009; 19: 623-30.
  • Matsuda S, Demura S, Uchiyama M. Centre of pressure sway characteristics during static one-legged stance of athletes from different sports. J Sports Sci, 2008; 26(7): 775-9.
  • Olmsted LC, Carcia CR, Hertel J, Shultz SJ. Efficacy of the Star Excursion Balance Tests in detecting reach deficits in subjects with chronic ankle instability. Journal of Athletic Training, 2002; 37: 501-506.
  • Orchard J. Is there a relationship between ground and climatic conditions and injuries in football? Sports Med, 2002; 32: 419-432.
  • Paillard T, Noe F, Riviere T, Marion V, Montaya R, Dupui P. Postural Performance and Strategy in the unipedal stance of soccer players at different levels of competition. Journal of Athletic Training, 2006; 41(2): 172-176.
  • Paterno MV, Myer GD, Ford KR, Hewett TE. Neuromuscular training improves single-limb stability in young female athletes. J. Orthop Sports Phys ther, 2004: 34(6): 305-16.
  • Perrin D. Deviterne F. Hugel C. Perrot. Judo, better than dance, develops sensorimotor adaptabilities involved in balance control. Gait Posture, 2002; 15: 187–194.
  • Rahnama N, Lees A, Bambaecichi E. Comparison of muscle strenght and flexibility betweenthe preferred and non- preferred leg in English soccer players. Ergonomics, 2005; 48(11-14): 1568-1575.
  • Rangger C, Daniel DM, Stone ML, Kaufman K. Diagnosis of an ACL disruption with KT-1000 arthrometer measurements. Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy, 1 (1), 60-66.
  • Rannou F, Prioux J, Zouhal H, Gratas-Delamarche A, Delamarche P, Physiological profile of handball players. J Sports Med Phys Fitness, 2001; 41(3): 349-53.
  • Ross SE, Guskiewicz KM. Examination of static and dynamic postural stability in individuals with functionally stable and unstable ankles. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine, 2004; 14: 332-338.
  • Sadeqi H, Hamdollah H, Rostamkhani H, Bashiri M. The effect of six-weeks strenght, plyometric and combinational trainings (strenght and plyometric) on dynamic balance of male athlete students. A research on sport science: 1988, 111- 123.
  • Salehzadeh K, Karimiasl A, Borna S, Shirmohammadzadeh M. The effects of 8-week plyometric and combinational trainings on dynamic balance of teenage handball players. J Basic Appl Sci Res, 2011; 1(12): 3316-3321.
  • Santoshi J, Bahadur Arvind S. Comparison of selected motor fitness variables amog basketball, volleyball and handball tribal female players. Golden Research Thoughts, 2011; 1(6, Special section): p1.
  • Saygın Ö, Öztürk AÖ. The effect of twelve week aerobic exercise programme on health related physical fitness components and blood lipids in obese girls. African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 2011; 5(12): 1441-1445.
  • Schneiders AG, Sullivan SJ, Handcock P, Gray A, McCrory PR. The effect of exercise on dynamic and static balance. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 2012; 22(1): 85-90.
  • Schuepfer N, Lembert S, Raschner C, Platzer HP, Niederkofler A, Patterson C. Bilateral differences in electromyographic responses of thigh and knee muscles during repeated maximal isokinetic knee extension and flexion in soccer players. Abstract Band of the 5th International Conference on Strenght Training, Odense, 2006.
  • Seiler S, Saeterbakken A. A unique core stability training program improves throwing velocity in female high school athletes. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 2008; 40(5): 25
  • Şimşek D, Ertan H. Postural kontrol ve spor: spor branşlarına yönelik postural sensör-motor stratejiler ve postural salınım. Spormetre Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 2011, 9(3): 81-90.
  • Siu Ming Fong S, Wai Nam Tsang W, Yin Fat Ng G. Practicing taekwondo may improve proprioception, leg strength and balance International Sport Med Journal, June 2013; 14(2): 44-52. Available at URL: http://www.ismj.com
  • Tsang WWN, Hui-Chan CWY. Effect of 4- and 8-wk intensive tai chi training on balance control in the elderly. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 2004; 36: 648–657.
  • Vuillerme N, Danion F, Marin L, Boyadjian A, Prieur JM, Weise I, Nougier V. The effect of expertise in gymnastics on postural control. Neurosci Lett, 2001; 303: 83–86.
  • Vuillerme N, Nougier V. Attentional demand for regulating postural sway: the effect of expertise in gymnastics. Brain Research Bulletin, 63: 161-165, 2004.
  • Wickstrom RL. Fundamental motor patterns (3rd ed.). Philadelphia: Lea and Febiger, 1983.
  • Williams LR, Walmsley A. Response timing and muscular coordination in fencing: a comparison of elite and novice fencers. J Sci Med Sport, 2000; 3: 460-75.
  • Williams HG. Perceptual and motor development. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1983.
  • Yiou E, Do MC. In a complex sequential movement, what component of the motor program is improved with intensive practice, sequence timing or ensemble motor learning? Exp Brain Res, 2001; 137: 197-204.
  • http://www.tecnobody.it (last access date: 27 January 2011).

Comparision of dynamic and static balance in adolescents handball and soccer players

Year 2014, Volume: 16 Issue: 1, 47 - 54, 05.06.2014


This study aims to compare the static and dynamic balance in adolescents' handball and soccer players. 32 male student national athletes: soccer (N= 17), handball (N= 15) between 15-18 years of age and at least 3 training years were included to the study. Assessment of static and dynamic balance was measured with Prokin 5.0 Technobody. There were no significant differences found between handball and soccer players on static and dynamic balance tests. We think that there are similar movements used often by both group, like faking and changing direction. On the other hand, there was found significant difference between right and left leg of soccer players perimeter scores for unipedal (Forward-Backward) dynamic balance slalom tests, when were compared within each group { t (15)= -3,158, p < 0,01 }. Unipedal (F-B) dynamic balance slalom tests score of right leg was better than left leg for soccer players, but, there were no significant differences for handball players (p>0,05). All of the soccer players are dominantly using their right leg. In addition, this result might relate training methods and years, experience, muscle force asmmetry. On the other hand, handball players's dominant legs are also right, but their usually jumping legs are left. 


  • Anderson K, Behm DG. The impact of instability resistance training on balance and stability. Sports Med, 2005; 35: 43–53
  • Anderson C, Gillquist J. Instrumented testing for evaluation of sagittal knee laxity. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, 1990; 256, 178-184
  • Arend S. Developing the substrates of skillful movement. Motor Skills: Theory into Practise, 1981; 4: 1-10.
  • Ashton Miller JA, Wojtys EM, Huston Lj, Fry-Welch D. Can Proprioception really be improved by exercises? Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc, 2001; 9: 128-136.
  • Atilgan Erkut O. Effects of tramboline training on jump, leg strenght, static and dynamic balance of boys. Science of Gymnastics Journal, 2013; 5(2): 15-25.
  • Balter SGT, Stokroos RJ, Akkermans E, Kingma H. Habituation to galvanic vestibular stimulation for analysis of postural control abilities in gymnasts. Neurosci Lett, 2004; 366: 71-75
  • Barfield, W. R. Effects of selected kinematic and kinetic variables on instep kicking with dominant and nondominant limbs. Journal of Human Movement Studies, 1995; 29: 251- 272.
  • Barone R, Macaluso F, Traina M,Leonardi V, Farina F, Di Felice V. Soccer players have a better standing balance in nondominant one-legged stance. Open Access Journal of Sports Medicine, 2001; 2: 1–6.
  • Baydil B. Eurofit testleri ile 12-14 yas grubu erkek öğrencilerin fiziksel uygunluk normlarinin araştirilmasi. Ahi Evran Universitesi Kırsehir Egitim Fakultesi Dergisi (KEFAD), 2006; 7(2): 79-87.
  • Beraud P, Gahery Y. Posturo- kinetic effects on kicking movements of a lack of initial ground support under the moving leg. Neuroscience Letters, 1997; 226: 5-8.
  • Beraud P, Gahery Y. Relationships between the force of voluntary leg movements and the associated postural adjustments. Neuroscience Letters, 1995; 194: 177-180.
  • Bressel E, Yonker J.C, Kras J, Heath EM. Comparision of static and dynamic balance in female collegiate soccer, basketball and gymnastics athletes. Journal of Athletic Training, 2007; 42(1): 42-46.
  • Carolyn A, Emery J, Cassidy D, Terry P, Klassen Rhonda J, Rosychuk, Brian H. Effectiveness of a home-based balance- training program in reducing sports-related injuries among healthy adolescents: a cluster randomized controlled trial. CMAJ, 2005; 172(6): 749–754.
  • Chew-Bullock Tracey SY, Anderson DI, Hamel KA, Gorelick ML, Wallace SA, Sidaway B. Kicking performance in relation to balance ability over the support leg. Human Movement Science, 2012; 31: 1615-1623.
  • Cowley HR, Ford KR, Myer GD, Kernozek TW, Hewett TE. Differences in neuromuscular strategies between landing and cutting tasks in female basketball and soccer athletes. Journal of Athletic Training, 2006; 41: 67-73.
  • Edixhoven P, Huiskes R, De Graaf R. Anteroposterior drwer measurements in the knee using an instrumented test device. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, 1989; 247: 232- 242.
  • Erkmen N, Suveren S, Göktepe S.A, Yazıcıoğlu K. The comparison of balance performance who are in different branches. Spormetre Physical Education and Sport Science Journal, 2007; 3: 115-122.
  • Gardner ER, Martin JH, Jessell TM. The bodily senses. In: Kandel ER, Schwartz JH, Jessell TM, (Ed). Principles of neural science, 4th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2000, pp. 430–449.
  • Gerbino GP, Griffin ED, Zurakowski D. Comparison of standing balance between female collegiate dancers and soccer players. Gait & Posture, 2007; 26(4): 501-507.
  • Gioftsidou A, Malliou P, Sofokleous P, Pafis G, Beneka A, Godolias G. The effects of balance training on balance ability in handball players. Exercise and Quality of Life, 2012; 4(2): 15-22.
  • Gribble PA, Hertel J, Piegaro AB. Predictors for performance of dynamic postural using the Star Excursion Balance Test. Journal of Athletic Training, 2001; 36: 2(Supplement): S-77.
  • Gstöttner M, Neher A, Scholtz A, Millonig M, Lembert S, Raschner C. Balance ability and muscle response of the preferred and nonpreferred leg in soccer players. Motor Control, 2009; 13: 218-231.
  • Lion A, Gauchard GC, Deviterne D, Perrin PhP. Differentiated influence of off-road and on-road cycling practice on balance control and the related-neurosensory organization. J Electromygr Kinesio, 2009; 19: 623-30.
  • Matsuda S, Demura S, Uchiyama M. Centre of pressure sway characteristics during static one-legged stance of athletes from different sports. J Sports Sci, 2008; 26(7): 775-9.
  • Olmsted LC, Carcia CR, Hertel J, Shultz SJ. Efficacy of the Star Excursion Balance Tests in detecting reach deficits in subjects with chronic ankle instability. Journal of Athletic Training, 2002; 37: 501-506.
  • Orchard J. Is there a relationship between ground and climatic conditions and injuries in football? Sports Med, 2002; 32: 419-432.
  • Paillard T, Noe F, Riviere T, Marion V, Montaya R, Dupui P. Postural Performance and Strategy in the unipedal stance of soccer players at different levels of competition. Journal of Athletic Training, 2006; 41(2): 172-176.
  • Paterno MV, Myer GD, Ford KR, Hewett TE. Neuromuscular training improves single-limb stability in young female athletes. J. Orthop Sports Phys ther, 2004: 34(6): 305-16.
  • Perrin D. Deviterne F. Hugel C. Perrot. Judo, better than dance, develops sensorimotor adaptabilities involved in balance control. Gait Posture, 2002; 15: 187–194.
  • Rahnama N, Lees A, Bambaecichi E. Comparison of muscle strenght and flexibility betweenthe preferred and non- preferred leg in English soccer players. Ergonomics, 2005; 48(11-14): 1568-1575.
  • Rangger C, Daniel DM, Stone ML, Kaufman K. Diagnosis of an ACL disruption with KT-1000 arthrometer measurements. Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy, 1 (1), 60-66.
  • Rannou F, Prioux J, Zouhal H, Gratas-Delamarche A, Delamarche P, Physiological profile of handball players. J Sports Med Phys Fitness, 2001; 41(3): 349-53.
  • Ross SE, Guskiewicz KM. Examination of static and dynamic postural stability in individuals with functionally stable and unstable ankles. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine, 2004; 14: 332-338.
  • Sadeqi H, Hamdollah H, Rostamkhani H, Bashiri M. The effect of six-weeks strenght, plyometric and combinational trainings (strenght and plyometric) on dynamic balance of male athlete students. A research on sport science: 1988, 111- 123.
  • Salehzadeh K, Karimiasl A, Borna S, Shirmohammadzadeh M. The effects of 8-week plyometric and combinational trainings on dynamic balance of teenage handball players. J Basic Appl Sci Res, 2011; 1(12): 3316-3321.
  • Santoshi J, Bahadur Arvind S. Comparison of selected motor fitness variables amog basketball, volleyball and handball tribal female players. Golden Research Thoughts, 2011; 1(6, Special section): p1.
  • Saygın Ö, Öztürk AÖ. The effect of twelve week aerobic exercise programme on health related physical fitness components and blood lipids in obese girls. African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 2011; 5(12): 1441-1445.
  • Schneiders AG, Sullivan SJ, Handcock P, Gray A, McCrory PR. The effect of exercise on dynamic and static balance. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 2012; 22(1): 85-90.
  • Schuepfer N, Lembert S, Raschner C, Platzer HP, Niederkofler A, Patterson C. Bilateral differences in electromyographic responses of thigh and knee muscles during repeated maximal isokinetic knee extension and flexion in soccer players. Abstract Band of the 5th International Conference on Strenght Training, Odense, 2006.
  • Seiler S, Saeterbakken A. A unique core stability training program improves throwing velocity in female high school athletes. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 2008; 40(5): 25
  • Şimşek D, Ertan H. Postural kontrol ve spor: spor branşlarına yönelik postural sensör-motor stratejiler ve postural salınım. Spormetre Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 2011, 9(3): 81-90.
  • Siu Ming Fong S, Wai Nam Tsang W, Yin Fat Ng G. Practicing taekwondo may improve proprioception, leg strength and balance International Sport Med Journal, June 2013; 14(2): 44-52. Available at URL: http://www.ismj.com
  • Tsang WWN, Hui-Chan CWY. Effect of 4- and 8-wk intensive tai chi training on balance control in the elderly. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 2004; 36: 648–657.
  • Vuillerme N, Danion F, Marin L, Boyadjian A, Prieur JM, Weise I, Nougier V. The effect of expertise in gymnastics on postural control. Neurosci Lett, 2001; 303: 83–86.
  • Vuillerme N, Nougier V. Attentional demand for regulating postural sway: the effect of expertise in gymnastics. Brain Research Bulletin, 63: 161-165, 2004.
  • Wickstrom RL. Fundamental motor patterns (3rd ed.). Philadelphia: Lea and Febiger, 1983.
  • Williams LR, Walmsley A. Response timing and muscular coordination in fencing: a comparison of elite and novice fencers. J Sci Med Sport, 2000; 3: 460-75.
  • Williams HG. Perceptual and motor development. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1983.
  • Yiou E, Do MC. In a complex sequential movement, what component of the motor program is improved with intensive practice, sequence timing or ensemble motor learning? Exp Brain Res, 2001; 137: 197-204.
  • http://www.tecnobody.it (last access date: 27 January 2011).
There are 50 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Zeynep Karadenızlı

Oya Erkut

Nusret Ramazanoglu This is me

Selda Uzun

Asiye Camlıguney This is me

Sinan Bozkurt This is me

Cetin Tıryakı This is me

Veysel Kucuk This is me

Bilsen Sırmen This is me

Publication Date June 5, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 16 Issue: 1


APA Karadenızlı, Z., Erkut, O., Ramazanoglu, N., Uzun, S., et al. (2014). Comparision of dynamic and static balance in adolescents handball and soccer players. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise, 16(1), 47-54. https://doi.org/10.15314/tjse.21624
AMA Karadenızlı Z, Erkut O, Ramazanoglu N, Uzun S, Camlıguney A, Bozkurt S, Tıryakı C, Kucuk V, Sırmen B. Comparision of dynamic and static balance in adolescents handball and soccer players. Turk J Sport Exe. June 2014;16(1):47-54. doi:10.15314/tjse.21624
Chicago Karadenızlı, Zeynep, Oya Erkut, Nusret Ramazanoglu, Selda Uzun, Asiye Camlıguney, Sinan Bozkurt, Cetin Tıryakı, Veysel Kucuk, and Bilsen Sırmen. “Comparision of Dynamic and Static Balance in Adolescents Handball and Soccer Players”. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise 16, no. 1 (June 2014): 47-54. https://doi.org/10.15314/tjse.21624.
EndNote Karadenızlı Z, Erkut O, Ramazanoglu N, Uzun S, Camlıguney A, Bozkurt S, Tıryakı C, Kucuk V, Sırmen B (June 1, 2014) Comparision of dynamic and static balance in adolescents handball and soccer players. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise 16 1 47–54.
IEEE Z. Karadenızlı, O. Erkut, N. Ramazanoglu, S. Uzun, A. Camlıguney, S. Bozkurt, C. Tıryakı, V. Kucuk, and B. Sırmen, “Comparision of dynamic and static balance in adolescents handball and soccer players”, Turk J Sport Exe, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 47–54, 2014, doi: 10.15314/tjse.21624.
ISNAD Karadenızlı, Zeynep et al. “Comparision of Dynamic and Static Balance in Adolescents Handball and Soccer Players”. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise 16/1 (June 2014), 47-54. https://doi.org/10.15314/tjse.21624.
JAMA Karadenızlı Z, Erkut O, Ramazanoglu N, Uzun S, Camlıguney A, Bozkurt S, Tıryakı C, Kucuk V, Sırmen B. Comparision of dynamic and static balance in adolescents handball and soccer players. Turk J Sport Exe. 2014;16:47–54.
MLA Karadenızlı, Zeynep et al. “Comparision of Dynamic and Static Balance in Adolescents Handball and Soccer Players”. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise, vol. 16, no. 1, 2014, pp. 47-54, doi:10.15314/tjse.21624.
Vancouver Karadenızlı Z, Erkut O, Ramazanoglu N, Uzun S, Camlıguney A, Bozkurt S, Tıryakı C, Kucuk V, Sırmen B. Comparision of dynamic and static balance in adolescents handball and soccer players. Turk J Sport Exe. 2014;16(1):47-54.

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