e-ISSN: 2147-5652
Founded: 1999
Publisher: Selcuk University
Cover Image
The Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise (TJSE) is published 3 times a year by the Faculty of Sport Sciences, Selcuk University. It is a refereed international journal. The journal accepts articles of a high standard on various aspects of the physical education and sport sciences; movement and training, coaching, sport-health, physiology, anatomy, biochemistry, sociology, psychology, biomechanics, kinanthropometry, sport management and other interdisciplinary perspectives. The following types of papers are welcome: original articles, review articles, and letters to the editor. 

The journal was found in 1999. The journal's first name was the Selcuk University Journal of Physical Education and Sport. In 2012, the journal's name was changed as Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise.

2024 - Volume: 26 Issue: 2

Research Article

Investigation of Mental Endurance Levels of Turkish Folk Dance Competition Athletes According to Various Variables

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