Publication Rules:
Original articles, editorials and reviews in the field of physical education and sport are published.
The journal is published every 4 months, 3 times a year. Studies submitted for publication should not have been published in any journal before. It should not be sent to another journal for publication during the evaluation process. This is the sole responsibility of the authors. If it has been presented in a congress before, the congress in which it was presented, date and place should be indicated on the title page as a footnote.
In order for the studies submitted to the journal to be published, they must be approved by the editorial board. Corrections deemed necessary in terms of meaning and spelling can be made by the editor. Referee opinions are taken before the publication of the work submitted to the journal. In order for the studies to be published in the journal, they must be accepted by the referees and approved by the editors in terms of scientific content and form.
Studies that are not prepared according to the journal's spelling rules are not evaluated and this situation is notified to the authors.
Along with the manuscript submitted for publication, the publication rights notification form must be signed by all authors in the order of their names and sent to the journal.
The study will be prepared in Microsoft Word programme and sent to the editor from the official web page of the journal.
The studies whose publication process is completed are published based on the date of arrival. However, this order may not be applied for some prioritised studies in order to keep them up to date. The editors are fully authorised to decide on this, no objection or justification can be asked.
The scientific ethical and legal responsibility of the published studies belongs to the author(s).
In studies requiring ethics committee permission, information about the permission (name of the committee, date and number) should be included on the first page of the article; in case reports, information about the signature of the informed consent form should be included in the article.
Submitted and pre-checked manuscripts are scanned for plagiarism using Turnitin and Ithenticate software. Acceptable similarity rate is determined as 20% in our journal and the manuscripts exceeding the relevant rate are returned to the author.
Spelling Rules:
The text of the study should be double-spaced with 2.5 cm margins on the right and left sides of each page. The first lines of the paragraphs should start 1.25 cm inside. The entire study should be written in Times New Roman font in 12 pt and should not exceed 16 pages.
The Title Page should be prepared as a separate page: Title of the study (bold and left justified), author(s) name(s), author(s) information (institution, department, city, country). In addition, the postal address, e-mail address, telephone and fax number of the author responsible for correspondence should be clearly indicated in this section. If the study is abstracted from a master's or doctoral thesis and presented at the congress, it should be written as a footnote.
Text of the study:
Title of the study, Abstract, Keywords (Turkish abstract and keywords), Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements (if necessary), References. All titles should be left justified and the first letters of the words should be capitalised.
The title of the study should be written left justified and bold with only the first letters of the words capitalised. Abstract; it should consist of at least 200 and at most 300 words. Keywords; the phrase ‘keywords’ should be written left justified and bold. 3-5 keywords should be included.
Figures, graphs, photographs, etc. should be labelled as ‘Figure’ and numerical values should be labelled as ‘Table’. Figure names should be written under the relevant graphic and table names should be written above the relevant numerical value.
In the References section, the references should be arranged and numbered alphabetically according to the surnames of the authors. The number of the source used in the references made in the text should be indicated in parentheses ‘( .... It has been reported that there is an increase in isokinetic muscle strength (5, 9). This situation ....)’. However, if it is necessary to specify the reference to the sources used in the study separately in the text, it should be expressed as ‘Ergun (8) athletes ......’ in single-author studies, ‘Ostojic and Mazic (11) the effect of exercise...’ in studies with 2 authors, and ‘Casa et al. (7) the effect of fatigue ......’ if the number of authors is more than 2. All references should be mentioned in the References section.
Articles should be prepared according to the Vancouver Citation System.
In case article;
Casa DJ, Armstrong LE, Hillman SK, Montain SJ, Reiff RV, Rich BSE, Roberts WO, Stone JA. National athletic trainers’ association position statement: fluid replacement for athletes. Journal of Athletic Training, 2000; 35(2): 212-224.
In case journal written by institution;
American College of Sports Medicine. Joint position stand: Nutrition and athletic performance. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 2000; 32(12): 2130-2145.
In case book;
Cohen J. Statistical Power Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences. 2nd ed. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc, 1988: 274-275.
In case chapter of book;
Bangsbo J. Physiology of Training. In: Science and Soccer, Relly, T and Williams, AM, eds. New York: Roudledge, 2003.
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