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Opinion and expectation of the community who come to the parks for doing sports (Applications in Gaziantep)

Year 2015, Volume: 17 Issue: 3, 21 - 26, 19.01.2016


This study was prepared to determine the opinions and expectations of the community who come to the parks for doing sports. The popoulation consists of the people who come to parks in Gaziantep for doing sports. Including 480 female and 372 male totally 852 people participated to resarch.  Survey method (scanning) and the views and expectations survey which was developed by Tatlı was used for the study. A total number of 852 people, 480 women and 372 men, participated in the research. SPSS 18 statistical packaged software used for analysis of the datas obtained. To comment the results percentage, frequency distribution and X² technique were used. The research results indicated that people come to the parks and doing sport for living a healhty lifestyle, they prefer parks because of free charge and they feel healthy and spry after doing sport. High incidence of the participants want to study with a personal trainer, when consulted by gender women are doing sports to ensure weight control, while men want to do bodybuilding. There is not a significant relation between wish to do sport with a personal trainer and occupational group and when examined the relation between educational status and preference to do sports in parks, it is concluded that primary and secondary school graduates prefer parks because their childen can play in the park while they are doing sport, high school graduates prefer parks because gyms have environment and hygiene problems, university graduates and above prefer parks beacuse gym membership fees are high.


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  • Alexandris K, Carroll B. Demographic Differences in the Perception of Constraints on Recreational Sport Participation: Result from a Study in Greece. Leisure Studies, 1997; (16): 107-125.
  • Asikkutlu HS. Rekreasyonel Motivasyon ve Kisitlayicilar; Ankara Goksu Parki ve Harikalar Diyari Parki Ornegi. Yuksek Lisans tezi, Duzce Universitesi, Duzce, 2008.
  • Ay O. Parklarda Bulunan Egzersiz Alanlarini Kullanmanin Yararlar ve Zararlari Burdur İl Merkezi Calismasi. Saglik Bilimleri Enstitusu, Yuksek Lisans Tezi, Burdur, 2012.
  • Bilgic V. Degisik Yonleriyle Yerellesme, Ankara, Seckin Yayinlari, 2009.
  • Borrie WT. Measuring the Multiple, Deep and Unfolding Aspects of the Wilderness Experience Using the Experience Sampling Method, Faculty of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Ph.D.Thesis, Blacksburg, Virginia,1995.
  • Bucher AC, Richard D. Recreation for Today’s Society, Prentice-Hall, New Jersey, 1974.
  • Bulgu N, Aritan CK, Asci FH. Gundelik Yasam, Kadin ve Fiziksel Aktivite, Hacettepe Journal of Sport Sciences, 2007; 18 (4):167-18.
  • Demir C. Milli Parklarda Turizm ve Rekreasyon Faaliyetlerinin Surdurulebilirligi: Turkiye’deki Milli Parklara Yonelik bir Uygulama, Doktora Tezi, Dokuz Eylul Universitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitusu, 2001.
  • Dishman RK, Washburn RA, Heath GW. Physical Activity Epidemiology. Champaign İL; Human K1inetics, 2004.
  • Dogu G, Kesim U, Sivrikaya O. Belediyelerin Sporla ilgili islevleri: Duzce Belediyesi Ornegi, Cagdas Yerel Yonetimler Dergisi, 2002; 11(2 ):12-19.
  • Erdem İ. Yerel Siyaset ve Belediyecilik. İstanbul, İlke Yayinlari, 2011.
  • Gumus H. Fiziksel Aktivite İcin Park ve Rekreasyon Alanlarina Gelen Kullanicilarin Mekân Secimini ve Fiziksel Aktiviteye Katilimini Etkileyen Faktorler. Gazi Universitesi Saglik Bilimleri Enstitusu, Ankara, 2012.
  • Gungormus HA. Ozel Saglik-Spor Merkezlerinden Hizmet Alan Bireyleri Rekreasyonel Egzersizlere Guduleyen Faktorler. Doktora. Tezi, Gazi Universitesi, Saglik Bilimleri Enstitusu, Ankara, 2007.
  • Henderson KA. Theory application and development in recreation, park and leisure research. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 1994; 26: 421-425.
  • Karakucuk S. Bos Zamanlari Degerlendirme, Rekreasyon. 6. Baski, Ankara, Ozbaran ofset matbaacilik, 2008.
  • Kilbas S. Genclik ve Bos Zamani Degerlendirme. Adana, Cukurova Universitesi Basimevi, 1994.
  • Lawlor DA, Hopker SW. The Effectiveness of exercise as an intervention in the management of depression: Systematic review and meta-regression analysis of randomized controlled trials. British Medical Journal, 2001; 322:1-8.
  • Mengutay S, Zorba E, Agilonu A, Cerit E, Agilonu O. Yerel yonetimlerde calisanlarin katildiklari rekreatif etkinliklere yonelten nedenler ve kazanimlari (Mugla Belediyesi ornegi). 9. Uluslararasi Spor Bilimleri Kongresi, 2006: 6(2);160-176.
  • Macnaghten P, Urry J. Bodies in the woods, Body and Society, 2000; 6 (3): 166 - 182.
  • Morgan WP. Physical activity, fitness, and depression. In: Bouchard C, Shephard RJ, Stephens T, eds. Physical activity, fitness, and health. Champaign İL: Human Kinetics, 1994: 851-67.
  • North TC, Mc Cullagh P, Zung VT. Effect of Exercise on depression. Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews, 1990; 18: 379-415.
  • Ozdemir AS, Karakucuk S, Gumus M, Kiran S. Turkiye Tas Komuru Kurumu Genel Mudurlugunde calisan yer alti iscilerinin bos zamanlarini degerlendirme aliskanliklarinin belirlenmesi. 9. Uluslararasi Spor Bilimleri Kongresi, Mugla, 2006.
  • Ozguc N. Turizm Cografyasi: Ozellikler Bolgeler, 2. Basim, İstanbul: Cantay Kitapevi, 1998.
  • Rodríguez L, Ortiz R. Implementing the balanced scorecard in public sector agencies: An experience in municipal sport services. Academia, Revista Latinoamericana de Administración, 2010; 45: 116-139.
  • Salihoglu BC. Artvin Hatila Vadisi Milli Parki dogal kaynak degerlerinin rekreasyonel niteliginin incelenmesi. Yuksek Lisans Tezi, Karadeniz Teknik Universitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitusu, Trabzon, 1997.
  • Searle M, Jackson E. Socio-economic variation in perceived barriers to recreation participation among would-be participants. Leisure Sciences, 1985; 7: 227-249.
  • Simsek D, Katirci H, Akyildiz M, Sevil G. Acik Alan Egzersiz Parklari ve Kullanicilarina iliskin Bir Arastirma. Spor metre. Beden Egitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 2011; (9): 41-48.
  • Sivrikaya O. Duzce Belediyesinin spor hizmetleri icin ornek bir yonetim modeli. Abant İzzet Baysal Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitusu, Yayimlanmamis Doktora Tezi, Düzce, 2009.
  • Sixt S, Beer S, Bluher M, Korff N, Peschel T. Long- but not short-term multifactorial intervention with focus on exercise training improves coronary endothelial dysfunction in diabetes mellitus type 2 and coronary artery disease. European Heart Journal, 2010; 31: 112-119.
  • Tatli CK. Yerel yonetimlerin yaptirdigi spor parklariyla ilgili sorunlar ve cozum onerileri (Mersin Ornegi). Yuksek Lisans Tezi, Egitim Bilimleri Enstitusu Beden ve Spor Anabilim Dali, Mersin, 2013.
  • Tezcan M. Sosyolojik Acidan Bos Zamanlarin Degerlendirilmesi, Ankara Universitesi Egitim Bilimleri Fakultesi Yayinlari, No: 116, Ankara, 1982.
  • Tsai EH. A Cross-cultural study of influence of perceived positive outcome on participation in regular active recreation: Hong Kong and Australian University. Leisure Sciences, 2005; 27(5): 385-404.
  • Tucker P, Irwin JD, Gilliland J, Larsen K, Hess P. environmental influences on physical activity levels in youth. Health and Place, 2009; 15: 357-363.
Year 2015, Volume: 17 Issue: 3, 21 - 26, 19.01.2016



  • Agilonu A. Yerel Yonetimlerde Rekreasyon Hizmetleri ve Model Belirleme (Fethiye Ornegi). Marmara Universitesi Saglik Bilimleri Enstitusu, Doktora Tezi, İstanbul, 2007.
  • Alexandris K, Carroll B. Demographic Differences in the Perception of Constraints on Recreational Sport Participation: Result from a Study in Greece. Leisure Studies, 1997; (16): 107-125.
  • Asikkutlu HS. Rekreasyonel Motivasyon ve Kisitlayicilar; Ankara Goksu Parki ve Harikalar Diyari Parki Ornegi. Yuksek Lisans tezi, Duzce Universitesi, Duzce, 2008.
  • Ay O. Parklarda Bulunan Egzersiz Alanlarini Kullanmanin Yararlar ve Zararlari Burdur İl Merkezi Calismasi. Saglik Bilimleri Enstitusu, Yuksek Lisans Tezi, Burdur, 2012.
  • Bilgic V. Degisik Yonleriyle Yerellesme, Ankara, Seckin Yayinlari, 2009.
  • Borrie WT. Measuring the Multiple, Deep and Unfolding Aspects of the Wilderness Experience Using the Experience Sampling Method, Faculty of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Ph.D.Thesis, Blacksburg, Virginia,1995.
  • Bucher AC, Richard D. Recreation for Today’s Society, Prentice-Hall, New Jersey, 1974.
  • Bulgu N, Aritan CK, Asci FH. Gundelik Yasam, Kadin ve Fiziksel Aktivite, Hacettepe Journal of Sport Sciences, 2007; 18 (4):167-18.
  • Demir C. Milli Parklarda Turizm ve Rekreasyon Faaliyetlerinin Surdurulebilirligi: Turkiye’deki Milli Parklara Yonelik bir Uygulama, Doktora Tezi, Dokuz Eylul Universitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitusu, 2001.
  • Dishman RK, Washburn RA, Heath GW. Physical Activity Epidemiology. Champaign İL; Human K1inetics, 2004.
  • Dogu G, Kesim U, Sivrikaya O. Belediyelerin Sporla ilgili islevleri: Duzce Belediyesi Ornegi, Cagdas Yerel Yonetimler Dergisi, 2002; 11(2 ):12-19.
  • Erdem İ. Yerel Siyaset ve Belediyecilik. İstanbul, İlke Yayinlari, 2011.
  • Gumus H. Fiziksel Aktivite İcin Park ve Rekreasyon Alanlarina Gelen Kullanicilarin Mekân Secimini ve Fiziksel Aktiviteye Katilimini Etkileyen Faktorler. Gazi Universitesi Saglik Bilimleri Enstitusu, Ankara, 2012.
  • Gungormus HA. Ozel Saglik-Spor Merkezlerinden Hizmet Alan Bireyleri Rekreasyonel Egzersizlere Guduleyen Faktorler. Doktora. Tezi, Gazi Universitesi, Saglik Bilimleri Enstitusu, Ankara, 2007.
  • Henderson KA. Theory application and development in recreation, park and leisure research. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 1994; 26: 421-425.
  • Karakucuk S. Bos Zamanlari Degerlendirme, Rekreasyon. 6. Baski, Ankara, Ozbaran ofset matbaacilik, 2008.
  • Kilbas S. Genclik ve Bos Zamani Degerlendirme. Adana, Cukurova Universitesi Basimevi, 1994.
  • Lawlor DA, Hopker SW. The Effectiveness of exercise as an intervention in the management of depression: Systematic review and meta-regression analysis of randomized controlled trials. British Medical Journal, 2001; 322:1-8.
  • Mengutay S, Zorba E, Agilonu A, Cerit E, Agilonu O. Yerel yonetimlerde calisanlarin katildiklari rekreatif etkinliklere yonelten nedenler ve kazanimlari (Mugla Belediyesi ornegi). 9. Uluslararasi Spor Bilimleri Kongresi, 2006: 6(2);160-176.
  • Macnaghten P, Urry J. Bodies in the woods, Body and Society, 2000; 6 (3): 166 - 182.
  • Morgan WP. Physical activity, fitness, and depression. In: Bouchard C, Shephard RJ, Stephens T, eds. Physical activity, fitness, and health. Champaign İL: Human Kinetics, 1994: 851-67.
  • North TC, Mc Cullagh P, Zung VT. Effect of Exercise on depression. Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews, 1990; 18: 379-415.
  • Ozdemir AS, Karakucuk S, Gumus M, Kiran S. Turkiye Tas Komuru Kurumu Genel Mudurlugunde calisan yer alti iscilerinin bos zamanlarini degerlendirme aliskanliklarinin belirlenmesi. 9. Uluslararasi Spor Bilimleri Kongresi, Mugla, 2006.
  • Ozguc N. Turizm Cografyasi: Ozellikler Bolgeler, 2. Basim, İstanbul: Cantay Kitapevi, 1998.
  • Rodríguez L, Ortiz R. Implementing the balanced scorecard in public sector agencies: An experience in municipal sport services. Academia, Revista Latinoamericana de Administración, 2010; 45: 116-139.
  • Salihoglu BC. Artvin Hatila Vadisi Milli Parki dogal kaynak degerlerinin rekreasyonel niteliginin incelenmesi. Yuksek Lisans Tezi, Karadeniz Teknik Universitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitusu, Trabzon, 1997.
  • Searle M, Jackson E. Socio-economic variation in perceived barriers to recreation participation among would-be participants. Leisure Sciences, 1985; 7: 227-249.
  • Simsek D, Katirci H, Akyildiz M, Sevil G. Acik Alan Egzersiz Parklari ve Kullanicilarina iliskin Bir Arastirma. Spor metre. Beden Egitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 2011; (9): 41-48.
  • Sivrikaya O. Duzce Belediyesinin spor hizmetleri icin ornek bir yonetim modeli. Abant İzzet Baysal Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitusu, Yayimlanmamis Doktora Tezi, Düzce, 2009.
  • Sixt S, Beer S, Bluher M, Korff N, Peschel T. Long- but not short-term multifactorial intervention with focus on exercise training improves coronary endothelial dysfunction in diabetes mellitus type 2 and coronary artery disease. European Heart Journal, 2010; 31: 112-119.
  • Tatli CK. Yerel yonetimlerin yaptirdigi spor parklariyla ilgili sorunlar ve cozum onerileri (Mersin Ornegi). Yuksek Lisans Tezi, Egitim Bilimleri Enstitusu Beden ve Spor Anabilim Dali, Mersin, 2013.
  • Tezcan M. Sosyolojik Acidan Bos Zamanlarin Degerlendirilmesi, Ankara Universitesi Egitim Bilimleri Fakultesi Yayinlari, No: 116, Ankara, 1982.
  • Tsai EH. A Cross-cultural study of influence of perceived positive outcome on participation in regular active recreation: Hong Kong and Australian University. Leisure Sciences, 2005; 27(5): 385-404.
  • Tucker P, Irwin JD, Gilliland J, Larsen K, Hess P. environmental influences on physical activity levels in youth. Health and Place, 2009; 15: 357-363.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Huseyin Ozturk

Publication Date January 19, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 17 Issue: 3


APA Ozturk, H. (2016). Opinion and expectation of the community who come to the parks for doing sports (Applications in Gaziantep). Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise, 17(3), 21-26.
AMA Ozturk H. Opinion and expectation of the community who come to the parks for doing sports (Applications in Gaziantep). Turk J Sport Exe. January 2016;17(3):21-26. doi:10.15314/tjse.27307
Chicago Ozturk, Huseyin. “Opinion and Expectation of the Community Who Come to the Parks for Doing Sports (Applications in Gaziantep)”. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise 17, no. 3 (January 2016): 21-26.
EndNote Ozturk H (January 1, 2016) Opinion and expectation of the community who come to the parks for doing sports (Applications in Gaziantep). Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise 17 3 21–26.
IEEE H. Ozturk, “Opinion and expectation of the community who come to the parks for doing sports (Applications in Gaziantep)”, Turk J Sport Exe, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 21–26, 2016, doi: 10.15314/tjse.27307.
ISNAD Ozturk, Huseyin. “Opinion and Expectation of the Community Who Come to the Parks for Doing Sports (Applications in Gaziantep)”. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise 17/3 (January 2016), 21-26.
JAMA Ozturk H. Opinion and expectation of the community who come to the parks for doing sports (Applications in Gaziantep). Turk J Sport Exe. 2016;17:21–26.
MLA Ozturk, Huseyin. “Opinion and Expectation of the Community Who Come to the Parks for Doing Sports (Applications in Gaziantep)”. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise, vol. 17, no. 3, 2016, pp. 21-26, doi:10.15314/tjse.27307.
Vancouver Ozturk H. Opinion and expectation of the community who come to the parks for doing sports (Applications in Gaziantep). Turk J Sport Exe. 2016;17(3):21-6.

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