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RAA System and Exercise Relationship

Year 2019, Volume: 21 Issue: 2, 261 - 269, 15.09.2019


In this review, it is aimed to discuss the possible
interactions between renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system and exercise for
health and performance and to present new literature on this subject. From this
point of view, an analysis of the experimental and clinical studies on this subject
has been made. Physical exercise leads to a number of changes in the plasma
levels of renin, angiotensin, and aldosterone, which represent the adaptation
of the human body to a new biological environment. Significant (P <0.05)
increases occur in the levels of plasma renin, angiotensin and aldosterone
especially in submaximal and maximal exercise intensity. Hormone levels return
to normal with the end of the exercise. Factors such as age and gender, menstrual
cycle, salt intake, posture, thermal tension, elevation, training, type of
exercise have a major impact on the response of the RAA system to exercise. A
relationship between physical activity and permanent endocrine changes could
not be demonstrated.


  • 1. Altenkirch HU, Gerzer R, Kirsch KA, Weil J, Heyduck B, Schultes I and Röcker L (1990) Effect of prolonged physical exercise on fluid regulating hormones, Europen Journal Appl Physiol, 61,3-4, 209-213.2. Armstrong LE, Francesconi RP, Kraemer WJ, Leva N, De Luca JP and Hubbard RW (1989) Plasma cortisol, renin and aldosterone during an intense heat acclimation program. Int J Sports Med, 10(1): 38-42.3. Aurell M, Vikgren P (1971) Plasma Renin Activity in Su¬pine Muscolar Exercise, J App Physiol, 31:839-41.4. Bocqueraz O, Koulmann N, Guıgas B, Jımenez C and Melın B (2004) Fluid-Regulatory Hormone Responses during Cycling Exercise in Acute Hypobaric Hpoxia ,Medicine, Science in Sports, Exercise, 36, 10, 1730-1736.5. Bonelli J, Waldhausl W, Magometschnigg D, Schwarzmeier J, Korn A and Hitzenberger G (1977) Ef¬fect of Exercise and Prolonged Oral Administra¬tion of Propranolol on Haemodynamic Variables, Plasma Renin Concentration, Plasma Aldoster¬one and c-AMP, Eur J Clin Invest, 7:337-43.6. Bouissou P, Guezennec CY, Galen FX, Defer G, Fiet J and Pesquies PC (1988) Dissociated Response of Al¬dosterone From Plasma Renin Activity During Prolonged Exercise Under Hipoxia, Horm Melabul Res, 20:517-21.7. Bouissou P, Richalet JP, Galen FX, at al (1989) Effect of -Adrenoceptor Blockade on Renin Aldosterone And Alpha-ANF During Exercise At Alti¬tude. J Appl Physiol, 67, 141-6.8. Buono MJ, Yeager JE (1991) Increases in Aldosterone Precede Those of Cortisol During Graded Exer¬cise, J Sports Med Phys Fitness, 31, 48-51.9. Colice GL, Ramirez G (1985) Effect of Hypoxemia on the Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone System in Hu¬mans, J Appl Physiol, 58, 724-30.10. Costill DL, Branam G, Fink W and Nelson R (1976) Exer¬cise Induced Sodium Conservation: Changes in Plasma Renin and Aldosterone, Med Sci Sports, 8-209-13.11. De Souza MJ, Maresh CM, Maguire MS, Kraemer WJ, Flora GG and Goetz KL (1989) Menstrual Sta¬tus and Plasma Vasopressin. Renin Activity, and Aldosterone Exercise Responses, J Appl Physiol, 67, 736-43.12. Ekmekçi A, Canberk A ve Berkman K (2000) Renin-Angiotensin Sistemi,Angiotensinler,Angiotensin Reseptörleri ve Angiotensin Antogonistleri, Park Matbaacılık, İstanbul.13. Fallo F (1993) Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system and physical exercise.J Sports Med Phys Fitness, 33, 306-12.14. Fasola AF, Martz BL and Helmer OM (1966) Renin Activity During Supine Exercise in Normotensives and Hypertensives. J Appl Physiol, 21,1709-12.15. Fıtzsımons JT (1998) Angiotensin, Thirst and Sodium Appetite. Physiologıcal Reviews, 78, 3, 583-686.16. Francesconi RP, Sawka MN and Pandolf KB (1983) Hvpohydration and Heat Acclimation Plasma Renin and Aldosterone During Exercise, J Appl Phys¬iol, 55, 1790-4.17. Freeman RH, Davis JO (1983) Factors Controlling Renin Secretion and Metabolism, In: Genest J, Kuchel P, Hamet P, Cantin M eds, Hypertension, New York, McGraw-Hill, 2-5-50.18. Ganong WF(1996) Tıbbi Fizyoloji, Cilt 1, 17. Baskı, (Çev: Türk Fizyolojik Bilimler Derneği), Barış kitabevi, Ankara.19. Geyssant A, Geelen G, Denis Ch, at al (1981) Plasma Vasopressin, Renin Activity and Aldosterone Effect of Exercise and Training, Eur .1 Appl Phys¬iol Occup Physiol, 46, 21-30.20. Ghaemmaghami F, Allevard AM, Fareh J, Geelen G and Gharib C (1991) Effects of exercise and prolonged exercise training on blood pressure, vasopressin and plasma rennin activity in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Eur J Appl Phys¬iol Occup Physiol, 62, 3, 198-203.21. Grimby G (1965) Renal Clearances During Prolonged Supine Exercise at Different Loads, J Appl Physiol, 20, 1294-8.22. Guezennec CY, Defer G, Gazorla G, Sabathier C and Lhoste F (1986) Plasma Renin Activity, Aldosterone and Catecholamines Levels When Swimming and Running, Eur J App] Physiol, 54, 632-7.23. Guyton MD, Hall JE (1996) Textbook of Medical Physiologh, Tıbbi Fizyoloji, (Çev: Çavuşoğlu H), 9. Baskı,Yüce Yayınları, Alemdar Ofset, İstanbul.24. Hackental E, Paul M, Ganten D at al (1990) Morphology, Physiology and Molecular Biology of Renin Secretion. Physiol Rev, 70:1067-116.25. Kinugawa T, Ogino K, Miyakoda H, Saitoh M, Hisatome I, Fujımoto Y, Yoshida A, Shigemasa C and Sato R (1997) Responses of Catecholamines, Renin-Angiotensin System, and Atrial Natriuretic Peptide to Exercise in Untrained Men and Women. Gen. Pharmac, 28, 2, 225-228.26. Kirby CK, Convertino VA (1986) Plasma Aldosterone and Sweal Sodium Concentrations After Exercise and Heat Acclimation, J Appl Physiol, 61, 967-70.27. Kosunen KJ, Pakarinen AJ (1976) Plasma Renin, Angiotensin II, and Plasma and Urinarv Aldosterone in Running Exercise, J Appl Phvsiol, 41, 26-9.28. Kotchen TA, Hartley LH. Rice TW, Mougey EH, Jones LG and Mason JW (1971) Renin, Norepinephrine, and Epinephrine Responses to Graded Exercise, J Appl Physiol, 31, 178-84.29. Kozlowski S, Brzezinska Z, Nazar K, Kowalski W and Franczyk M (1973) Plasma Catecholamines During Sustained İsometric Exercise, Clin Sci Mol Med, 15, 723-31.30. Lawrence DL, Shenker V (1991) Effect of Hypoxic Exercise on Atrial Natriuretic Factor and Aldosterone Regulation, Amer J Hyperl, 4, 341-7.31. Maher JT, Jones LG, Hartley H, Williams GH and Rose LI (1975) Aldosterone Dynamics During Graded Exercise at Sea Level and High Altitude, J Appl Physiol, 39, 18-22.32. Mannix ET, Plange P, Aronof GR, Manfredi F and Farber MO (1990) Atrial natriuretic peptide and the renin-aldosteron axis during exercise in man. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 22, 6, 785-9.33. Maresh CM, Wang BC. Goetz KL (1985) Plasma Vasopressin, Renin Activity, and Aldosterone Responses to Maximal Exercise in Active College Females, Eur J Appl Physiol, 54:398-403.34. Melin B, Eclache JP, Geelen G, at al (1980) Plasma AVP, Neurophysin, Renin Activity and Aldosterone During Submaximal Exercise Performed Until Exhaustion in Trained and Untrained Man, Eur J Appl Physiol, 44,141-51.35. Milledge JS, Bryson EI, Catlev DM at al (1982) Sodium Balance, Fluid hHomeostasis and TheRenin Aldosterone System During The Prolonged Exercise of Hill Walking, Cli Sci, 62, 595-604.36. Milledge JS, Catley DM (1982) Renin, Aldosterone and Convening Enzyme During Exercise and Acute Hypoxia in Humans, J Appl Physiol, 52, 320-3.37. Milledge JS, Catley DM, Ward MP, Wiliams ES and Clarke CRA (1983) Renin Aldosterone and Angiotensin Converting Enzyme During Prolonged Altitude Exposure, J Appl Physiol, 55, 699-702. 38. Morgan RM, Patterson MJ and Nimmo A (2004) Acute effects of dehydration on sweat composition in men during prolonged exercise in the heat. The American College of Sports Medicine, 182, 37.39. Muller J (1988) Regulation of Aldosterone Biosynthe¬sis. Heidelberg: Springer-Yerlag Berlin.40. Newmark StR, Himathongkam T, Martin RP, Cooper KH and Rose LI (1976) Adrenocortical Response to Marathon Running, J Clin Endocrinel Metab, 42, 393-8.41. Noyan A (2000) Yaşamda ve Hekimlikte Fizyoloji, 10. Baskı, Meteksan An. Şir, Ankara.42. Patlar S (2009) Effect of Acute Submaximal Exercise on Plasma Renin and Aldosterone Levels in Sedentary People, Asian Journal of Chemistry, 21, 9, 6957-6961.43. Patlar S (2011) Effect of acute and chronic submaximal exercise on plasma renin and aldosterone levels in football players, Isokinetics and Exercise Science, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 227-230.44. Pedersen EB, Danielsen H, Nielsen AH, at alI (1986) Effect of Exercise on Plasma Concentrations of Arginine Vasopressin, Angiotensin II and Aldosterone in Hypertensive and Normotensive Renal Transplant Recipients, Scand J Clin Lab Invest, 46, 151-7.45. Podhorska OM, Dziegel P, Gomulkiewez A, Dolinska KB, Murawska CE, Jethon Z and Zabel M (2004) The role of AT1 and AT2 angiotensin receptors in the mechanism of apoptosis in renal tubular cells after physical exercise, Rocz Akad Med Bialymst, 49, 1, 8-10.46. Pouramir M, Haghshenas O and Sorkhi H (2004) Effects of Gymnastic Exercise on the Body Iron Status and Hematologic Profile. Iran J. Med. Sci, 29, 3, 140-141. 47. Rocker L, Kirsch KA, Hey duck B and Altenkirch U (1989) Influence of Prolonged Physical Exercise on Plasma Volume, Plasma Proteins, Electrolytes and Fluid Regulating Hormones, Inl J Sports Med, 10, 270-4.48. Shigeoka JW, Colice GL and Ramirez G (1985) Effect of Normoxemic and Hypoxemic Exercise on Renin and Aldosterone. J Appl Physiol, 59, 142-8.49. Slater JDH, Tuffley RE, Williams ES at al (1969) Cunirol of Aldosterane Secretion During Acclimati¬zation to Hypoxia in Man, Cli Sci, 37, 327-41.50. Staessen J, Fagard R, Hespel P, Lijnen P, Vanhees L and Amery A (1987) Plasma Renin System During Exercise in Normal Man, J Appl Phxsiol, 63, 188-94.51. Stachenfeld NS, Dipietro L, Kokoszka CA, Silva C, Kefe DL and Nadel ER (1999) Physiological variability of fluid-rugulation hormones in young women. J Appl Physiol, 86, 1092-1096.52. Wade CE, Hill LC, Hunt MM and Dressendorfer RH (1985) Plasma Aldosterone and Renal Function in Run¬ners During A 20-day Road Race, J Appl Physiol, 54, 456-60.53. Wade CE, Ramee SR. Hunt MM and While CJ (1987) Hor¬monal and Renal Responses to Converting En¬zyme Inhibition During Maximal Exercise. J Appl Physiol, 63, 1796-800.54. Warburton DE, Haykowsky MJ, Quinney HA, Blackmore D, Teo KK, Taylor DA, McGavock J and Humen DP (2004) Blood volume expansion and cardiorespiratory function: effects of training modality. Med Sci Sports Exercise, 36, 6, 991-1000.55. Weiss M, Pollert R, Stehele R and Weicker H (1988) Differ¬ences in Sympathoadrenal, Hormonal, and Meta¬bolic Adaptation to Submaximal and Maximalarm and Leg Work Compared with Whole Stroke in Breast-Style Swimming, Int .1 Sports Med, 9, 118-24.56. Wells CL, Horvath SM (1973) Heat Stress Responses Trebled to The Menstrual Cycle, J Appl Physiol, 35, 1-5.57. Wilkerson JE, Horvath SM, Gulin B, Molnar S and Diaz FJ (1982) Plasma Electrolyte Content and Concen¬tration During Treadmill Exercise in Humans. J Appl Physiol, 53, 1529-39.58. Williams ES, Ward MP, Milledge JS, Withey WR, Older MWJ and Forsling ML (1979) Effect of The Ex¬ercise of Seven Consecutive Days Hill-Walking on Fluid Homeostasis, Cli Sci, 56, 305-16.59. Wolff JP, Nguyen NU, Dumoulin G and Berthelay S (1986) Plasma Renin and Aldosterone Changes Dur¬ing Twenty Minutes Moderate Exercise, Eur J. Appl Physiol, 54, 602-7.60. Wolff JP, Nguyen NU, Dumoulin G and Berthelay S (1987) Relative effects of the supine posture and of immersion on the renin aldosterone system at rest and during exercise .Eur J Appl Physiol, 56,3,345-349.61. Yılmaz B (1999) Hormonlar ve Üreme Fizyolojisi, Feryal Matbaa, 1.Basım, 247-371, Ankara.
Year 2019, Volume: 21 Issue: 2, 261 - 269, 15.09.2019



  • 1. Altenkirch HU, Gerzer R, Kirsch KA, Weil J, Heyduck B, Schultes I and Röcker L (1990) Effect of prolonged physical exercise on fluid regulating hormones, Europen Journal Appl Physiol, 61,3-4, 209-213.2. Armstrong LE, Francesconi RP, Kraemer WJ, Leva N, De Luca JP and Hubbard RW (1989) Plasma cortisol, renin and aldosterone during an intense heat acclimation program. Int J Sports Med, 10(1): 38-42.3. Aurell M, Vikgren P (1971) Plasma Renin Activity in Su¬pine Muscolar Exercise, J App Physiol, 31:839-41.4. Bocqueraz O, Koulmann N, Guıgas B, Jımenez C and Melın B (2004) Fluid-Regulatory Hormone Responses during Cycling Exercise in Acute Hypobaric Hpoxia ,Medicine, Science in Sports, Exercise, 36, 10, 1730-1736.5. Bonelli J, Waldhausl W, Magometschnigg D, Schwarzmeier J, Korn A and Hitzenberger G (1977) Ef¬fect of Exercise and Prolonged Oral Administra¬tion of Propranolol on Haemodynamic Variables, Plasma Renin Concentration, Plasma Aldoster¬one and c-AMP, Eur J Clin Invest, 7:337-43.6. Bouissou P, Guezennec CY, Galen FX, Defer G, Fiet J and Pesquies PC (1988) Dissociated Response of Al¬dosterone From Plasma Renin Activity During Prolonged Exercise Under Hipoxia, Horm Melabul Res, 20:517-21.7. Bouissou P, Richalet JP, Galen FX, at al (1989) Effect of -Adrenoceptor Blockade on Renin Aldosterone And Alpha-ANF During Exercise At Alti¬tude. J Appl Physiol, 67, 141-6.8. Buono MJ, Yeager JE (1991) Increases in Aldosterone Precede Those of Cortisol During Graded Exer¬cise, J Sports Med Phys Fitness, 31, 48-51.9. Colice GL, Ramirez G (1985) Effect of Hypoxemia on the Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone System in Hu¬mans, J Appl Physiol, 58, 724-30.10. Costill DL, Branam G, Fink W and Nelson R (1976) Exer¬cise Induced Sodium Conservation: Changes in Plasma Renin and Aldosterone, Med Sci Sports, 8-209-13.11. De Souza MJ, Maresh CM, Maguire MS, Kraemer WJ, Flora GG and Goetz KL (1989) Menstrual Sta¬tus and Plasma Vasopressin. Renin Activity, and Aldosterone Exercise Responses, J Appl Physiol, 67, 736-43.12. Ekmekçi A, Canberk A ve Berkman K (2000) Renin-Angiotensin Sistemi,Angiotensinler,Angiotensin Reseptörleri ve Angiotensin Antogonistleri, Park Matbaacılık, İstanbul.13. Fallo F (1993) Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system and physical exercise.J Sports Med Phys Fitness, 33, 306-12.14. Fasola AF, Martz BL and Helmer OM (1966) Renin Activity During Supine Exercise in Normotensives and Hypertensives. J Appl Physiol, 21,1709-12.15. Fıtzsımons JT (1998) Angiotensin, Thirst and Sodium Appetite. Physiologıcal Reviews, 78, 3, 583-686.16. Francesconi RP, Sawka MN and Pandolf KB (1983) Hvpohydration and Heat Acclimation Plasma Renin and Aldosterone During Exercise, J Appl Phys¬iol, 55, 1790-4.17. Freeman RH, Davis JO (1983) Factors Controlling Renin Secretion and Metabolism, In: Genest J, Kuchel P, Hamet P, Cantin M eds, Hypertension, New York, McGraw-Hill, 2-5-50.18. Ganong WF(1996) Tıbbi Fizyoloji, Cilt 1, 17. Baskı, (Çev: Türk Fizyolojik Bilimler Derneği), Barış kitabevi, Ankara.19. Geyssant A, Geelen G, Denis Ch, at al (1981) Plasma Vasopressin, Renin Activity and Aldosterone Effect of Exercise and Training, Eur .1 Appl Phys¬iol Occup Physiol, 46, 21-30.20. Ghaemmaghami F, Allevard AM, Fareh J, Geelen G and Gharib C (1991) Effects of exercise and prolonged exercise training on blood pressure, vasopressin and plasma rennin activity in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Eur J Appl Phys¬iol Occup Physiol, 62, 3, 198-203.21. Grimby G (1965) Renal Clearances During Prolonged Supine Exercise at Different Loads, J Appl Physiol, 20, 1294-8.22. Guezennec CY, Defer G, Gazorla G, Sabathier C and Lhoste F (1986) Plasma Renin Activity, Aldosterone and Catecholamines Levels When Swimming and Running, Eur J App] Physiol, 54, 632-7.23. Guyton MD, Hall JE (1996) Textbook of Medical Physiologh, Tıbbi Fizyoloji, (Çev: Çavuşoğlu H), 9. Baskı,Yüce Yayınları, Alemdar Ofset, İstanbul.24. Hackental E, Paul M, Ganten D at al (1990) Morphology, Physiology and Molecular Biology of Renin Secretion. Physiol Rev, 70:1067-116.25. Kinugawa T, Ogino K, Miyakoda H, Saitoh M, Hisatome I, Fujımoto Y, Yoshida A, Shigemasa C and Sato R (1997) Responses of Catecholamines, Renin-Angiotensin System, and Atrial Natriuretic Peptide to Exercise in Untrained Men and Women. Gen. Pharmac, 28, 2, 225-228.26. Kirby CK, Convertino VA (1986) Plasma Aldosterone and Sweal Sodium Concentrations After Exercise and Heat Acclimation, J Appl Physiol, 61, 967-70.27. Kosunen KJ, Pakarinen AJ (1976) Plasma Renin, Angiotensin II, and Plasma and Urinarv Aldosterone in Running Exercise, J Appl Phvsiol, 41, 26-9.28. Kotchen TA, Hartley LH. Rice TW, Mougey EH, Jones LG and Mason JW (1971) Renin, Norepinephrine, and Epinephrine Responses to Graded Exercise, J Appl Physiol, 31, 178-84.29. Kozlowski S, Brzezinska Z, Nazar K, Kowalski W and Franczyk M (1973) Plasma Catecholamines During Sustained İsometric Exercise, Clin Sci Mol Med, 15, 723-31.30. Lawrence DL, Shenker V (1991) Effect of Hypoxic Exercise on Atrial Natriuretic Factor and Aldosterone Regulation, Amer J Hyperl, 4, 341-7.31. Maher JT, Jones LG, Hartley H, Williams GH and Rose LI (1975) Aldosterone Dynamics During Graded Exercise at Sea Level and High Altitude, J Appl Physiol, 39, 18-22.32. Mannix ET, Plange P, Aronof GR, Manfredi F and Farber MO (1990) Atrial natriuretic peptide and the renin-aldosteron axis during exercise in man. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 22, 6, 785-9.33. Maresh CM, Wang BC. Goetz KL (1985) Plasma Vasopressin, Renin Activity, and Aldosterone Responses to Maximal Exercise in Active College Females, Eur J Appl Physiol, 54:398-403.34. Melin B, Eclache JP, Geelen G, at al (1980) Plasma AVP, Neurophysin, Renin Activity and Aldosterone During Submaximal Exercise Performed Until Exhaustion in Trained and Untrained Man, Eur J Appl Physiol, 44,141-51.35. Milledge JS, Bryson EI, Catlev DM at al (1982) Sodium Balance, Fluid hHomeostasis and TheRenin Aldosterone System During The Prolonged Exercise of Hill Walking, Cli Sci, 62, 595-604.36. Milledge JS, Catley DM (1982) Renin, Aldosterone and Convening Enzyme During Exercise and Acute Hypoxia in Humans, J Appl Physiol, 52, 320-3.37. Milledge JS, Catley DM, Ward MP, Wiliams ES and Clarke CRA (1983) Renin Aldosterone and Angiotensin Converting Enzyme During Prolonged Altitude Exposure, J Appl Physiol, 55, 699-702. 38. Morgan RM, Patterson MJ and Nimmo A (2004) Acute effects of dehydration on sweat composition in men during prolonged exercise in the heat. The American College of Sports Medicine, 182, 37.39. Muller J (1988) Regulation of Aldosterone Biosynthe¬sis. Heidelberg: Springer-Yerlag Berlin.40. Newmark StR, Himathongkam T, Martin RP, Cooper KH and Rose LI (1976) Adrenocortical Response to Marathon Running, J Clin Endocrinel Metab, 42, 393-8.41. Noyan A (2000) Yaşamda ve Hekimlikte Fizyoloji, 10. Baskı, Meteksan An. Şir, Ankara.42. Patlar S (2009) Effect of Acute Submaximal Exercise on Plasma Renin and Aldosterone Levels in Sedentary People, Asian Journal of Chemistry, 21, 9, 6957-6961.43. Patlar S (2011) Effect of acute and chronic submaximal exercise on plasma renin and aldosterone levels in football players, Isokinetics and Exercise Science, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 227-230.44. Pedersen EB, Danielsen H, Nielsen AH, at alI (1986) Effect of Exercise on Plasma Concentrations of Arginine Vasopressin, Angiotensin II and Aldosterone in Hypertensive and Normotensive Renal Transplant Recipients, Scand J Clin Lab Invest, 46, 151-7.45. Podhorska OM, Dziegel P, Gomulkiewez A, Dolinska KB, Murawska CE, Jethon Z and Zabel M (2004) The role of AT1 and AT2 angiotensin receptors in the mechanism of apoptosis in renal tubular cells after physical exercise, Rocz Akad Med Bialymst, 49, 1, 8-10.46. Pouramir M, Haghshenas O and Sorkhi H (2004) Effects of Gymnastic Exercise on the Body Iron Status and Hematologic Profile. Iran J. Med. Sci, 29, 3, 140-141. 47. Rocker L, Kirsch KA, Hey duck B and Altenkirch U (1989) Influence of Prolonged Physical Exercise on Plasma Volume, Plasma Proteins, Electrolytes and Fluid Regulating Hormones, Inl J Sports Med, 10, 270-4.48. Shigeoka JW, Colice GL and Ramirez G (1985) Effect of Normoxemic and Hypoxemic Exercise on Renin and Aldosterone. J Appl Physiol, 59, 142-8.49. Slater JDH, Tuffley RE, Williams ES at al (1969) Cunirol of Aldosterane Secretion During Acclimati¬zation to Hypoxia in Man, Cli Sci, 37, 327-41.50. Staessen J, Fagard R, Hespel P, Lijnen P, Vanhees L and Amery A (1987) Plasma Renin System During Exercise in Normal Man, J Appl Phxsiol, 63, 188-94.51. Stachenfeld NS, Dipietro L, Kokoszka CA, Silva C, Kefe DL and Nadel ER (1999) Physiological variability of fluid-rugulation hormones in young women. J Appl Physiol, 86, 1092-1096.52. Wade CE, Hill LC, Hunt MM and Dressendorfer RH (1985) Plasma Aldosterone and Renal Function in Run¬ners During A 20-day Road Race, J Appl Physiol, 54, 456-60.53. Wade CE, Ramee SR. Hunt MM and While CJ (1987) Hor¬monal and Renal Responses to Converting En¬zyme Inhibition During Maximal Exercise. J Appl Physiol, 63, 1796-800.54. Warburton DE, Haykowsky MJ, Quinney HA, Blackmore D, Teo KK, Taylor DA, McGavock J and Humen DP (2004) Blood volume expansion and cardiorespiratory function: effects of training modality. Med Sci Sports Exercise, 36, 6, 991-1000.55. Weiss M, Pollert R, Stehele R and Weicker H (1988) Differ¬ences in Sympathoadrenal, Hormonal, and Meta¬bolic Adaptation to Submaximal and Maximalarm and Leg Work Compared with Whole Stroke in Breast-Style Swimming, Int .1 Sports Med, 9, 118-24.56. Wells CL, Horvath SM (1973) Heat Stress Responses Trebled to The Menstrual Cycle, J Appl Physiol, 35, 1-5.57. Wilkerson JE, Horvath SM, Gulin B, Molnar S and Diaz FJ (1982) Plasma Electrolyte Content and Concen¬tration During Treadmill Exercise in Humans. J Appl Physiol, 53, 1529-39.58. Williams ES, Ward MP, Milledge JS, Withey WR, Older MWJ and Forsling ML (1979) Effect of The Ex¬ercise of Seven Consecutive Days Hill-Walking on Fluid Homeostasis, Cli Sci, 56, 305-16.59. Wolff JP, Nguyen NU, Dumoulin G and Berthelay S (1986) Plasma Renin and Aldosterone Changes Dur¬ing Twenty Minutes Moderate Exercise, Eur J. Appl Physiol, 54, 602-7.60. Wolff JP, Nguyen NU, Dumoulin G and Berthelay S (1987) Relative effects of the supine posture and of immersion on the renin aldosterone system at rest and during exercise .Eur J Appl Physiol, 56,3,345-349.61. Yılmaz B (1999) Hormonlar ve Üreme Fizyolojisi, Feryal Matbaa, 1.Basım, 247-371, Ankara.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Sports Medicine
Journal Section Articles

Suleyman Patlar 0000-0003-3817-3575

Sadettin Ünsal 0000-0002-0805-9707

Publication Date September 15, 2019
Acceptance Date September 6, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 21 Issue: 2


APA Patlar, S., & Ünsal, S. (2019). RAA System and Exercise Relationship. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise, 21(2), 261-269.
AMA Patlar S, Ünsal S. RAA System and Exercise Relationship. Turk J Sport Exe. September 2019;21(2):261-269. doi:10.15314/tsed.604845
Chicago Patlar, Suleyman, and Sadettin Ünsal. “RAA System and Exercise Relationship”. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise 21, no. 2 (September 2019): 261-69.
EndNote Patlar S, Ünsal S (September 1, 2019) RAA System and Exercise Relationship. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise 21 2 261–269.
IEEE S. Patlar and S. Ünsal, “RAA System and Exercise Relationship”, Turk J Sport Exe, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 261–269, 2019, doi: 10.15314/tsed.604845.
ISNAD Patlar, Suleyman - Ünsal, Sadettin. “RAA System and Exercise Relationship”. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise 21/2 (September 2019), 261-269.
JAMA Patlar S, Ünsal S. RAA System and Exercise Relationship. Turk J Sport Exe. 2019;21:261–269.
MLA Patlar, Suleyman and Sadettin Ünsal. “RAA System and Exercise Relationship”. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise, vol. 21, no. 2, 2019, pp. 261-9, doi:10.15314/tsed.604845.
Vancouver Patlar S, Ünsal S. RAA System and Exercise Relationship. Turk J Sport Exe. 2019;21(2):261-9.

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