Research Article
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Year 2020, Volume: 22 Issue: 1, 87 - 95, 30.04.2020



  • Akuthota, V., Ferreiro, A., Moore, T. and Fredericson, M. Core stability exercise principles. Current Sports Medicine reports, 2008, 7(1), 39-44.
  • Allen, B. A., Hannon, J. C., Burns, R. D., & Williams, S. M. Effect of a core conditioning intervention on tests of trunk muscular endurance in school-aged children. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 2014, 28(7), 2063-2070.
  • Bayrakdar, A., Demirhan, B., & Zorba, E. The Effect Of Calisthenics Exercises Of Performed On Stable and Unstable Ground On Body Fat Percentage and Performance In Swimmers. Manas Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 2019, 8(3), 2979-2992.
  • Behm, D. G., Drinkwater, E. J., Willardson, J. M., & Cowley, P. M. Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology position stand: The use of instability to train the core in athletic and nonathletic conditioning. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, 2010, 35(1), 109-112.
  • Cissik, J. M. The role of core training in athletic performance, injury prevention, and injury treatment. Strength & Conditioning Journal, 2011, 33(1), 10-15.
  • Cowley, P. M., Swensen, T., & Sforzo, G. A. Efficacy of instability resistance training. International journal of sports medicine, 2007, 28(10), 829-835.
  • Cressey, E. M., West, C. A., Tiberio, D. P., Kraemer, W. J., & Maresh, C. M. The effects of ten weeks of lower-body unstable surface training on markers of athletic performance. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 2007, 21(2), 561.
  • Mutlu Cuğ, E. A., Özdemir, R. A., Korkusuz, F., & Behm, D. G. The effect of instability training on knee joint proprioception and core strength. Journal of sports science & medicine, 2012, 11(3), 468.
  • Genç, H., Ciğerci, A. E., & Sever, O. Effect of 8-week core training exercises on physical and physiological parameters of female handball players. Physical education of students, 2019, 23(6), 297-305.
  • Harsley, P., Bishop, D., & Gee, T. Reproducibility of speed, agility and power assessments in elite academy footballers. In: UKSCA 10th Annual Strength and Conditioning Conference, 19th - 20th July 2014, Warwickshire.
  • Henderson, N. D., Berry, M. W., & Matic, T. Field measures of strength and fitness predict firefighter performance on physically demanding tasks. Personnel psychology, 2007, 60(2), 431-473.
  • Heyward, V. H., & Wagner, D. R. Applied body composition assessment (No. Ed. 2). Human Kinetics, 2004.
  • Imai, A., Kaneoka, K., Okubo, Y., Shiina, I., Tatsumura, M., Izumi, S., & Shiraki, H. Trunk muscle activity during lumbar stabilization exercises on both a stable and unstable surface. Journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy, 2010, 40(6), 369-375.
  • Kalaycıoğlu, T. Bale ve modern dans öğrencilerinde gövde stabilizasyon eğitim programının fiziksel uygunluk üzerine etkisi (Doctoral dissertation, Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Hacettepe Üniversitesi. Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü. 2012, Ankara).
  • Lephart, S. M., Smoliga, J. M., Myers, J. B., Sell, T. C., & Tsai, Y. S. An eight-week golf-specific exercise program improves physical characteristics, swing mechanics, and golf performance in recreational golfers. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 2007, 21(3), 860-869.
  • Majewski-Schrage, T., Evans, T. A., & Ragan, B. Development of a core-stability model: a delphi approach. Journal of sport rehabilitation, 2014, 23(2), 95-106.
  • McGill, S. Core training: Evidence translating to better performance and injury prevention. Strength & Conditioning Journal, 2010, 32(3), 33-46.
  • Mills, J. D., Taunton, J. E., & Mills, W. A. The effect of a 10-week training regimen on lumbo-pelvic stability and athletic performance in female athletes: a randomized-controlled trial. Physical Therapy in Sport, 2005, 6(2), 60-66.
  • Moreau, C. E., Green, B. N., Johnson, C. D., & Moreau, S. R. Isometric back extension endurance tests: a review of the literature. Journal of manipulative and physiological therapeutics, 2001, 24(2), 110-122.
  • Myer, G. D., Brent, J. L., Ford, K. R., & Hewett, T. E. A pilot study to determine the effect of trunk and hip focused neuromuscular training on hip and knee isokinetic strength. British journal of sports medicine, 2008, 42(7), 614-619.
  • Noyes, F. R., Barber-Westin, S. D., Smith, S. T., & Campbell, T. A training program to improve neuromuscular indices in female high school volleyball players. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 2011, 25(8), 2151-2160.
  • Oliver, G. D., & Di Brezzo, R. Functional balance training in collegiate women athletes. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 2009, 23(7), 2124-2129.
  • Parkhouse, K. L., & Ball, N. Influence of dynamic versus static core exercises on performance in field based fitness tests. Journal of bodywork and Movement Therapies, 2011, 15(4), 517-524.
  • Reed, C. A., Ford, K. R., Myer, G. D., & Hewett, T. E. The effects of isolated and integrated ‘core stability’training on athletic performance measures. Sports medicine, 2012, 42(8), 697-706.
  • Reiman, M. P., & Manske, R. C. Functional testing in human performance. Human kinetics, 2009.
  • Scott, S. Able bodies balance training. Human Kinetics, 2008.
  • Sever, O., & Zorba, E. Comparison of effect of static and dynamic core exercises on speed and agility performance in soccer players. Isokinetics and Exercise Science, 2018, 26(1), 29-36.
  • Sever, O., & Zorba, E. Investigation of physical fitness levels of soccer players according to position and age variables. Facta Universitatis, Series: Physical Education and Sport, 2018, 295-307.
  • Sever, O. Comparison of static and dynamic core exercises’ effects on Stork balance test in soccer players, Journal of Human Sciences, 2017, 14(2), 1781-1791.
  • Stray-Pedersen, J. I., Magnusen, R., Kuffel, E., Seiler, S., & Katch, F. I. Sling Exercise Training Improves Balance, Kicking Velocity, and Torso Stabilisation Strength in Elite Soccer Players: Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 2006, 38(5), S243.
  • Tong, T. K., Wu, S., Nie, J., Baker, J. S., & Lin, H. The occurrence of core muscle fatigue during high-intensity running exercise and its limitation to performance: the role of respiratory work. Journal of sports science & medicine, 2014, 13(2), 244.
  • Tong, T. K., Wu, S., & Nie, J. Sport-specific endurance plank test for evaluation of global core muscle function. Physical Therapy in Sport, 2014, 15(1), 58-63.
  • Weston, M., Hibbs, A. E., Thompson, K. G., & Spears, I. R. Isolated core training improves sprint performance in national-level junior swimmers. International journal of sports physiology and performance, 2015, 10(2), 204-210.
  • Willardson, J. M. Developing the core/National Strength and Conditioning Association. Human Kinetics: National Strength and Conditioning Association, 2014, 41-115.
  • Willardson, J. M. Core stability training: applications to sports conditioning programs. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 2007, 21(3), 979-985.
  • Zorba, E. Vücut yapısı: Ölçüm yöntemleri ve şişmanlıkla başa çıkma. Morpa Kültür Yayınları, 2006.

The Investigation of the Effect of Static and Dynamic Core Training on Performance on Football Players

Year 2020, Volume: 22 Issue: 1, 87 - 95, 30.04.2020


This study was carried out to investigate the effect of static and dynamic core training on the performance of football players. In this study, static and dynamically applied core exercises were evaluated in terms of speed and agility in football players, and then their effects on anaerobic power tests, core stabilization tests and body composition were compared. While 10 of the 30 football players participating in the study were practicing dynamic core exercises and 10 of them were practicing static core exercises 2 days a week for about 9 weeks and 30 minutes a day, 10 athletes continued their football training with the other group athletes as control groups. The effects of the exercises, performed at the end of 9 weeks on performance, body composition, and core stabilization tests were compared in the pre and post-test in order (p<0.05). There is no significant difference in the height, body weight, body mass index parameters of 30 subjects (10 control, 10 static core, 10 dynamic core) belonging to the 3 groups participating in the study. Significant differences were found at waist level and hip circumference at the level of p<0.05 in comparisons between the first and last measurements of all anthropometric measurements. While there was a significant increase in the duration of leg lift, push-up, plank, shuttle, and isometric tests, a decrease was observed in the plank, shuttle and isometric test times in the control group. In the pre and post-test comparisons, 30 m speed, long jump, vertical jump, agility 550 and arrowhead agility tests showed a significant difference at p<0.05 level. It can be said that core studies should be included in training aimed at increasing performance in the football branch.


  • Akuthota, V., Ferreiro, A., Moore, T. and Fredericson, M. Core stability exercise principles. Current Sports Medicine reports, 2008, 7(1), 39-44.
  • Allen, B. A., Hannon, J. C., Burns, R. D., & Williams, S. M. Effect of a core conditioning intervention on tests of trunk muscular endurance in school-aged children. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 2014, 28(7), 2063-2070.
  • Bayrakdar, A., Demirhan, B., & Zorba, E. The Effect Of Calisthenics Exercises Of Performed On Stable and Unstable Ground On Body Fat Percentage and Performance In Swimmers. Manas Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 2019, 8(3), 2979-2992.
  • Behm, D. G., Drinkwater, E. J., Willardson, J. M., & Cowley, P. M. Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology position stand: The use of instability to train the core in athletic and nonathletic conditioning. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, 2010, 35(1), 109-112.
  • Cissik, J. M. The role of core training in athletic performance, injury prevention, and injury treatment. Strength & Conditioning Journal, 2011, 33(1), 10-15.
  • Cowley, P. M., Swensen, T., & Sforzo, G. A. Efficacy of instability resistance training. International journal of sports medicine, 2007, 28(10), 829-835.
  • Cressey, E. M., West, C. A., Tiberio, D. P., Kraemer, W. J., & Maresh, C. M. The effects of ten weeks of lower-body unstable surface training on markers of athletic performance. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 2007, 21(2), 561.
  • Mutlu Cuğ, E. A., Özdemir, R. A., Korkusuz, F., & Behm, D. G. The effect of instability training on knee joint proprioception and core strength. Journal of sports science & medicine, 2012, 11(3), 468.
  • Genç, H., Ciğerci, A. E., & Sever, O. Effect of 8-week core training exercises on physical and physiological parameters of female handball players. Physical education of students, 2019, 23(6), 297-305.
  • Harsley, P., Bishop, D., & Gee, T. Reproducibility of speed, agility and power assessments in elite academy footballers. In: UKSCA 10th Annual Strength and Conditioning Conference, 19th - 20th July 2014, Warwickshire.
  • Henderson, N. D., Berry, M. W., & Matic, T. Field measures of strength and fitness predict firefighter performance on physically demanding tasks. Personnel psychology, 2007, 60(2), 431-473.
  • Heyward, V. H., & Wagner, D. R. Applied body composition assessment (No. Ed. 2). Human Kinetics, 2004.
  • Imai, A., Kaneoka, K., Okubo, Y., Shiina, I., Tatsumura, M., Izumi, S., & Shiraki, H. Trunk muscle activity during lumbar stabilization exercises on both a stable and unstable surface. Journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy, 2010, 40(6), 369-375.
  • Kalaycıoğlu, T. Bale ve modern dans öğrencilerinde gövde stabilizasyon eğitim programının fiziksel uygunluk üzerine etkisi (Doctoral dissertation, Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Hacettepe Üniversitesi. Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü. 2012, Ankara).
  • Lephart, S. M., Smoliga, J. M., Myers, J. B., Sell, T. C., & Tsai, Y. S. An eight-week golf-specific exercise program improves physical characteristics, swing mechanics, and golf performance in recreational golfers. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 2007, 21(3), 860-869.
  • Majewski-Schrage, T., Evans, T. A., & Ragan, B. Development of a core-stability model: a delphi approach. Journal of sport rehabilitation, 2014, 23(2), 95-106.
  • McGill, S. Core training: Evidence translating to better performance and injury prevention. Strength & Conditioning Journal, 2010, 32(3), 33-46.
  • Mills, J. D., Taunton, J. E., & Mills, W. A. The effect of a 10-week training regimen on lumbo-pelvic stability and athletic performance in female athletes: a randomized-controlled trial. Physical Therapy in Sport, 2005, 6(2), 60-66.
  • Moreau, C. E., Green, B. N., Johnson, C. D., & Moreau, S. R. Isometric back extension endurance tests: a review of the literature. Journal of manipulative and physiological therapeutics, 2001, 24(2), 110-122.
  • Myer, G. D., Brent, J. L., Ford, K. R., & Hewett, T. E. A pilot study to determine the effect of trunk and hip focused neuromuscular training on hip and knee isokinetic strength. British journal of sports medicine, 2008, 42(7), 614-619.
  • Noyes, F. R., Barber-Westin, S. D., Smith, S. T., & Campbell, T. A training program to improve neuromuscular indices in female high school volleyball players. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 2011, 25(8), 2151-2160.
  • Oliver, G. D., & Di Brezzo, R. Functional balance training in collegiate women athletes. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 2009, 23(7), 2124-2129.
  • Parkhouse, K. L., & Ball, N. Influence of dynamic versus static core exercises on performance in field based fitness tests. Journal of bodywork and Movement Therapies, 2011, 15(4), 517-524.
  • Reed, C. A., Ford, K. R., Myer, G. D., & Hewett, T. E. The effects of isolated and integrated ‘core stability’training on athletic performance measures. Sports medicine, 2012, 42(8), 697-706.
  • Reiman, M. P., & Manske, R. C. Functional testing in human performance. Human kinetics, 2009.
  • Scott, S. Able bodies balance training. Human Kinetics, 2008.
  • Sever, O., & Zorba, E. Comparison of effect of static and dynamic core exercises on speed and agility performance in soccer players. Isokinetics and Exercise Science, 2018, 26(1), 29-36.
  • Sever, O., & Zorba, E. Investigation of physical fitness levels of soccer players according to position and age variables. Facta Universitatis, Series: Physical Education and Sport, 2018, 295-307.
  • Sever, O. Comparison of static and dynamic core exercises’ effects on Stork balance test in soccer players, Journal of Human Sciences, 2017, 14(2), 1781-1791.
  • Stray-Pedersen, J. I., Magnusen, R., Kuffel, E., Seiler, S., & Katch, F. I. Sling Exercise Training Improves Balance, Kicking Velocity, and Torso Stabilisation Strength in Elite Soccer Players: Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 2006, 38(5), S243.
  • Tong, T. K., Wu, S., Nie, J., Baker, J. S., & Lin, H. The occurrence of core muscle fatigue during high-intensity running exercise and its limitation to performance: the role of respiratory work. Journal of sports science & medicine, 2014, 13(2), 244.
  • Tong, T. K., Wu, S., & Nie, J. Sport-specific endurance plank test for evaluation of global core muscle function. Physical Therapy in Sport, 2014, 15(1), 58-63.
  • Weston, M., Hibbs, A. E., Thompson, K. G., & Spears, I. R. Isolated core training improves sprint performance in national-level junior swimmers. International journal of sports physiology and performance, 2015, 10(2), 204-210.
  • Willardson, J. M. Developing the core/National Strength and Conditioning Association. Human Kinetics: National Strength and Conditioning Association, 2014, 41-115.
  • Willardson, J. M. Core stability training: applications to sports conditioning programs. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 2007, 21(3), 979-985.
  • Zorba, E. Vücut yapısı: Ölçüm yöntemleri ve şişmanlıkla başa çıkma. Morpa Kültür Yayınları, 2006.
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Sports Medicine
Journal Section Articles

Akan Bayrakdar 0000-0002-3217-0253

Hilal Kılınç Boz 0000-0001-6348-9753

Ömer Işıldar This is me 0000-0002-3892-8053

Publication Date April 30, 2020
Acceptance Date April 17, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 22 Issue: 1


APA Bayrakdar, A., Kılınç Boz, H., & Işıldar, Ö. (2020). The Investigation of the Effect of Static and Dynamic Core Training on Performance on Football Players. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise, 22(1), 87-95.
AMA Bayrakdar A, Kılınç Boz H, Işıldar Ö. The Investigation of the Effect of Static and Dynamic Core Training on Performance on Football Players. Turk J Sport Exe. April 2020;22(1):87-95.
Chicago Bayrakdar, Akan, Hilal Kılınç Boz, and Ömer Işıldar. “The Investigation of the Effect of Static and Dynamic Core Training on Performance on Football Players”. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise 22, no. 1 (April 2020): 87-95.
EndNote Bayrakdar A, Kılınç Boz H, Işıldar Ö (April 1, 2020) The Investigation of the Effect of Static and Dynamic Core Training on Performance on Football Players. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise 22 1 87–95.
IEEE A. Bayrakdar, H. Kılınç Boz, and Ö. Işıldar, “The Investigation of the Effect of Static and Dynamic Core Training on Performance on Football Players”, Turk J Sport Exe, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 87–95, 2020.
ISNAD Bayrakdar, Akan et al. “The Investigation of the Effect of Static and Dynamic Core Training on Performance on Football Players”. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise 22/1 (April 2020), 87-95.
JAMA Bayrakdar A, Kılınç Boz H, Işıldar Ö. The Investigation of the Effect of Static and Dynamic Core Training on Performance on Football Players. Turk J Sport Exe. 2020;22:87–95.
MLA Bayrakdar, Akan et al. “The Investigation of the Effect of Static and Dynamic Core Training on Performance on Football Players”. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise, vol. 22, no. 1, 2020, pp. 87-95.
Vancouver Bayrakdar A, Kılınç Boz H, Işıldar Ö. The Investigation of the Effect of Static and Dynamic Core Training on Performance on Football Players. Turk J Sport Exe. 2020;22(1):87-95.

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