Research Article
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The Effect of the Adapted Physical Education Course on the Attitudes of the University Students towards the Education of Individuals with Disabilities

Year 2021, Volume: 23 Issue: 2, 171 - 177, 31.08.2021


The aim of this study was to determine the effect of an undergraduate Sports for the Disabled course on the attitudes of Sports Science students towards the education of individuals with disabilities. The study group consisted of 119 Sports Sciences Faculty Coaching Education Department students studying at Aksaray University. The data were collected with the "Personal Information Form" and the "Attitude toward Disabled Persons Scales" (ATDP). The course of Sports for the Disabled was given to the participants theoretically for 14 weeks and 60 minutes a week. After the descriptive statistics of the study data were determined, the normality of the data was tested with the Shapiro-Wilk test and the comparison of pre-test and post-test scores was conducted with Paired Samples t-Test. The margin of error for all analyzes was taken as p<0.01. It was concluded that the Sports for the Disabled course positively affected the attitudes of the Faculty of Sports Sciences students towards the education of individuals with disabilities.


Dear Editor, Please find attached the article titled " The Effect of the Sports Course for the Disabled on the Attitudes of the Students of the Faculty of Sports Sciences towards the Individuals with Disabilities", which I sent to be published in the Turkish Journal of Sports and Exercise. In the literature, it is stated that the more information university students have about individuals with intellectual disabilities, the more positive their attitudes towards individuals with mental disabilities who do sports. In this context, it is clear that it is important to change the attitudes of future coaches, who are likely to work with disabled children, towards disabled individuals. This research proved that the Disabled Sports undergraduate course changed the attitudes of the coach candidates. For any information about this article, you can contact me at e-mail address. Thank you for considering this article. Best Regards, Dr. Murat ERGİN


  • 1. Abu Darwesh M, Bsharah M. The effect of studying the course of teaching those of Special Needs on students' attitudes toward the handicapped. Jordan Journal of Education Sciences, 2007; 3(4): 385-395.
  • 2. Acak M, Karakaya YE, Tan Ç, Coşkuner Z. Investigation of the attitudes of students from exercise and sports education for individuals with disabilities department toward individuals with disabilities. Turkish Studies, 2016; 11(19): 1-8. doi:10.7827/TurkishStudies.10045.
  • 3. Adler P, Cregg M, Duignan A, Ilet G, Woodhouse M. Effect of training on attitudes and expertise of optometrists towards people with intellectual disabilities. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics, 2005; 25: 105–118. doi:10.1111/j.1475-1313.2004.00253
  • 4. Ajzen I. Attitudes, personality, and behavior. McGraw-Hill Education, 2005.
  • 5. Akbuğa B, Gürsel F. Changing college student physical education teacher’s attitudes towards individuals with physical disability by knowledge. SPORMETRE The Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, 2007; 5(1): 5-8.
  • 6. Al-Hadabi B, Al-Zoubi S, Bakkar B, Al-Yahyai F, Al-Gaseem M, Al-Qaryouti I. Effects of an adapted physical education course on attitudes toward sport of Omani individuals with disabilities. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 2021; 9(2): 255-264.
  • 7. Alkan İ. Examination in terms of self-efficacy of the attitudes of the students of physical education and sports collage towards the disabled. Master Thesis, Mustafa Kemal University, Institute of Health Sciences, 2018; Hatay.
  • 8. Alptekin S, Batık MV. Effect of special education course on department of special education students` attitudes toward persons with disability. e-International Journal of Educational Research, 2013; 4(4): 18-34.
  • 9. Alsalhe T. The influence of the traditional APE course on the attitudes of preservice physical educators in Saudi Arabia toward teaching students with physical disabilities. Journal of Educational & Psychological Sciences, 2015; 16(4): 610-624.
  • 10. Al-Yahyai F, Al-Zoubi S, Bakkar B, Al-Hadabi B, Al-Gaseem M, Al-Qaryouti I. Effects of a special art education course on attitudes toward Omani learners with special needs. International Journal of Higher Education, 2021; 10(1): 191-200.
  • 11. Au KW, Man DW. Attitudes toward people with disabilities: A comparison between health care professionals and students. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 2006; 29(2): 155–160. doi:10.1097/01.mrr.0000210048.09668.ab
  • 12. Avramidis E, Bayliss P, Burden R. A survey into mainstream teachers' attitudes towards the inclusion of children with special educational needs in the ordinary school one local education authority. Educational Psychology, 2000; 20(2): 191-211.
  • 13. Avramidis E, Norwich B. Teachers' attitudes towards integration/inclusion: a review of the literature. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 2002; 17(2): 129-147.
  • 14. Block ME, Hutzler Y, Barak S, Klavina A. Creation and validation of the self-efficacy instrument for physical education teacher education majors toward inclusion. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 2013; 30: 184–205.
  • 15. Block ME, Obrusnikova I. Inclusion in physical education: a review of the Literature from 1995-2005. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 2007; 24(2): 103-124.
  • 16. Block ME, Rizzo TL. Attitudes and attributes of physical educators associated with teaching individuals with severe and profound disabilities. Journal of the Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps, 1995; 20(1): 80-87.
  • 17. Chen CCH, Lee TMC, Yuen HK, Chan F. Attitudes toward people with disabilities between Chinese rehabilitation and business students: an implication for practice rehabilitation psychology, Rehabilitation Phychology, 2002; 47(3): 324-338.
  • 18. DePauw KP, Karp GG. Attitudes of selected college students toward including disabled individuals in integrated settings. Adapted physical activity. Springer, 1990: 149-157.
  • 19. Di Nardo M, Kudláček M, Tafuri D, Sklenaříková J. Attitudes of preservice physical educators toward individuals with disabilities at University Parthenope of Napoli. Acta Gymnica, 2014; 44(4): 211-221.
  • 20. Gözün Ö, Yıkmış A. The effectiveness of informing teacher candidates about mainstreaming in changing their attitudes towards inclusion. Ankara University Faculty of Educational Sciences Journal of Special Education, 2004; 5(2): 65-77.
  • 21. Gürsel F. Physical education and sports for the disabled course and students’ attitudes. Journal of Education, 2006; 31(31): 67-73.
  • 22. Heikinaro-Johansson P, Sherrill C. Integrating children with special needs in physical education: A school district assessment model from Finland. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 1994; 11(1): 44-56.
  • 23. Hodge SR, Jansma P. Effects of contact time and location of practicum experiences on attitudes of physical education majors. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 1999; 16(1): 48-63.
  • 24. Hutzler Y, Zach S, Gafni O. Physical education students’ attitudes and self-efficacy towards the participation of children with special needs in regular classes. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 2005; 20(3): 309–327. doi:10.1080/08856250500156038
  • 25. Ison N, McIntyre S, Rothery S, Smithers-Sheedy H, Goldsmith S, Parsonage S, ‘Just like you’: a disability awareness programme for children that enhanced knowledge, attitudes and acceptance: pilot study findings. Developmental Neurorehabilitation, 2010; 13(5): 360–368. doi:10.3109/17518423.2010.496764
  • 26. Karademir T, Açak M, Türkçapar Ü, Eroğlu H. Determination of physical education teacher candidates' attitudes towards mental disability. Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, 2018; 20(3): 103-112.
  • 27. Konar N, Yıldıran İ. Physical education and sports teaching for the disabled: requirements and a program model. Selçuk University Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science, 2012; 14(2): 208-216.
  • 28. Kowalski EM, Rizzo TL. Factors influencing preservice student attitudes toward individuals with disabilities. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 1996; 13(2): 180-196.
  • 29. Li C, Chen S, Zhang J. A status analysis of the integrated physical education in Hong Kong elementary schools. Asian Journal of Exercise & Sports Science, 2010; 7: 35–41.
  • 30. Li C, Wong N, Sum R, Yu C. Preservice teachers’ mindfulness and attitudes toward students with autism spectrum disorder: the role of basic psychological needs satisfaction. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 2019; 36(1): 150–163.
  • 31. Martin K, Kudláček M. Attitudes of pre-servıce teachers in an Australian University towards inclusion of students with physical disabilities in general physical education programs. European Journal of Adapted Physical Activity, 2010; 3(1): 30-48.
  • 32. Melekoğlu MA. Examining the impact of interaction project with students with special needs on development of positive attitude and awareness of general education teachers towards inclusion. Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, 2013; 13(2): 1053-1077.
  • 33. Metin N, Güleç H, Şahin Ç. Examining the competencies of primary school teachers after in-service training for the integration of intellectual disabled children. I. International Turkey Educational Research Congress, Çanakkale. 2009.
  • 34. Moroz A, Gonzales-Ramos G, Festinger T, Langer K, Zefferino S, Kalet A. Immediate and follow-up effects of a brief disability curriculum on disability knowledge and attitudes of PM&R residents: A comparison group trial. Medical Teacher, 2010; 32: 360–364. doi:10.3109/0142159X.2010.490602
  • 35. Nalbant S. Physical educators’ attitude toward teaching students with special educational needs. Journal of Physical Education and Sports Studies, 2018; 10(2): 113-121.
  • 36. Özer D. Physical education and sports for the disabled. 5. Ed. Nobel Publishing, 2017.
  • 37. Özyürek M. Attitudes and changing attitudes towards those affected by disability. 5. Ed. Kök Publishing, 2013.
  • 38. Reina R, Hutzler Y, Iniguez-Santiago M, Moreno-Murcia J. Student attitudes toward inclusion in physical education: the impact of ability beliefs, gender, and previous experiences. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 2019; 36(1): 132–149.
  • 39. Reina R, L´opez V, Jiménez M, García-Calvo T, Hutzler Y. Effects of awareness interventions on children’s attitudes toward peers with a visual impairment. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 2011; 34(3): 243–248. doi:10.1097/MRR.0b013e3283487f49
  • 40. Rizzo TL. Attributes related to teachers' attitudes. Perceptual and motor skills, 1985; 60(3): 739-742.
  • 41. Rizzo TL, Kirkendall DR. Teaching students with mild disabilities: what affects attitudes of future physical educators? Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 1995; 12(3): 205-216.
  • 42. Sarı HY, Bektaş M, Altıparmak S. Determination of nursing students’ attitudes towards disabled people. New Medical Journal, 2010; 27(2): 80-83.
  • 43. Scruggs TE, Mastropieri MA. Teacher perceptions of mainstreaming/inclusion, 1958-1995: a research synthesis. Exceptional Children, 1996; 63(1): 59-74.
  • 44. Sezer F. Preventive guidance work towards people with disabilities to developing a positive attitude; an experimental application. Education Sciences, 2012; 7(1): 16-26.
  • 45. Shank MD. Sport marketing: A strategic perspective. Prentice Hall, 2002.
  • 46. Sherrill C. Adapted physical activity, recreation, and sport: crossdisciplinary and lifespan. 6th Ed. McGraw Hill, 2004.
  • 47. Smadi A. Attitudes of administrators of sports activities toward the participation of students with disabilities in sports activities in the Jordanian universities. Al-Istiqlal University Research Journal, 2016; 1(2): 191-208.
  • 48. Stachura K, Garven F. Comparison of occupational therapy and physiotherapy students' attitudes towards people with disabilities. Physiotherapy, 2003; 89(11): 653-664.
  • 49. Şahin F, Güldenoğlu B. Investigation the effects of a special education training program on attitudes toward people with disabilities. Amasya Educational Journal, 2013; 2(1): 214-239.
  • 50. Şahin H, Akyol AD. Evaluation of nursing and medical students’ attitudes towards people with disabilities. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2010; 19: 2271–2279. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2702.2009.03088.x
  • 51. Tant M, Watelain E. Forty years later, a systematic literature review on inclusion in physical education (1975–2015): A teacher perspective. Educational research review, 2016; 19: 1-17.
  • 52. Tavil YZ, Özyürek M. The effect of realistic information and interaction on the change of special education teacher candidates' attitudes towards people with disabilities. Ekev Akademy Journal, 2009; 13(39): 265-276.
  • 53. Tervo RC, Azuma S, Palmer G, Redinius P. Medical students attitudes toward persons with disability: A comparative study. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 2002; 83: 1537– 1542. doi:10.1053/apmr.2002.34620 54. Tervo RC, Palmer G, Redinius P. Health professional student attitudes towards people with disability. Clinical Rehabilitation, 2004; 18: 908–915. doi:10.1191/0269215504cr820oa
  • 55. Thompson TL, Emrich K, Moore G. The effect of curriculum on the attitudes of nursing students toward disability. Rehabilitation Nursing, 2003; 28(1): 27-30. doi:10.1002/j.2048-7940.2003.tb01718.x
  • 56. Tripp A, Sherrill C. Attitude theories of relevance to adapted physical education. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 1991; 8(1): 12-27.
Year 2021, Volume: 23 Issue: 2, 171 - 177, 31.08.2021



  • 1. Abu Darwesh M, Bsharah M. The effect of studying the course of teaching those of Special Needs on students' attitudes toward the handicapped. Jordan Journal of Education Sciences, 2007; 3(4): 385-395.
  • 2. Acak M, Karakaya YE, Tan Ç, Coşkuner Z. Investigation of the attitudes of students from exercise and sports education for individuals with disabilities department toward individuals with disabilities. Turkish Studies, 2016; 11(19): 1-8. doi:10.7827/TurkishStudies.10045.
  • 3. Adler P, Cregg M, Duignan A, Ilet G, Woodhouse M. Effect of training on attitudes and expertise of optometrists towards people with intellectual disabilities. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics, 2005; 25: 105–118. doi:10.1111/j.1475-1313.2004.00253
  • 4. Ajzen I. Attitudes, personality, and behavior. McGraw-Hill Education, 2005.
  • 5. Akbuğa B, Gürsel F. Changing college student physical education teacher’s attitudes towards individuals with physical disability by knowledge. SPORMETRE The Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, 2007; 5(1): 5-8.
  • 6. Al-Hadabi B, Al-Zoubi S, Bakkar B, Al-Yahyai F, Al-Gaseem M, Al-Qaryouti I. Effects of an adapted physical education course on attitudes toward sport of Omani individuals with disabilities. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 2021; 9(2): 255-264.
  • 7. Alkan İ. Examination in terms of self-efficacy of the attitudes of the students of physical education and sports collage towards the disabled. Master Thesis, Mustafa Kemal University, Institute of Health Sciences, 2018; Hatay.
  • 8. Alptekin S, Batık MV. Effect of special education course on department of special education students` attitudes toward persons with disability. e-International Journal of Educational Research, 2013; 4(4): 18-34.
  • 9. Alsalhe T. The influence of the traditional APE course on the attitudes of preservice physical educators in Saudi Arabia toward teaching students with physical disabilities. Journal of Educational & Psychological Sciences, 2015; 16(4): 610-624.
  • 10. Al-Yahyai F, Al-Zoubi S, Bakkar B, Al-Hadabi B, Al-Gaseem M, Al-Qaryouti I. Effects of a special art education course on attitudes toward Omani learners with special needs. International Journal of Higher Education, 2021; 10(1): 191-200.
  • 11. Au KW, Man DW. Attitudes toward people with disabilities: A comparison between health care professionals and students. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 2006; 29(2): 155–160. doi:10.1097/01.mrr.0000210048.09668.ab
  • 12. Avramidis E, Bayliss P, Burden R. A survey into mainstream teachers' attitudes towards the inclusion of children with special educational needs in the ordinary school one local education authority. Educational Psychology, 2000; 20(2): 191-211.
  • 13. Avramidis E, Norwich B. Teachers' attitudes towards integration/inclusion: a review of the literature. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 2002; 17(2): 129-147.
  • 14. Block ME, Hutzler Y, Barak S, Klavina A. Creation and validation of the self-efficacy instrument for physical education teacher education majors toward inclusion. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 2013; 30: 184–205.
  • 15. Block ME, Obrusnikova I. Inclusion in physical education: a review of the Literature from 1995-2005. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 2007; 24(2): 103-124.
  • 16. Block ME, Rizzo TL. Attitudes and attributes of physical educators associated with teaching individuals with severe and profound disabilities. Journal of the Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps, 1995; 20(1): 80-87.
  • 17. Chen CCH, Lee TMC, Yuen HK, Chan F. Attitudes toward people with disabilities between Chinese rehabilitation and business students: an implication for practice rehabilitation psychology, Rehabilitation Phychology, 2002; 47(3): 324-338.
  • 18. DePauw KP, Karp GG. Attitudes of selected college students toward including disabled individuals in integrated settings. Adapted physical activity. Springer, 1990: 149-157.
  • 19. Di Nardo M, Kudláček M, Tafuri D, Sklenaříková J. Attitudes of preservice physical educators toward individuals with disabilities at University Parthenope of Napoli. Acta Gymnica, 2014; 44(4): 211-221.
  • 20. Gözün Ö, Yıkmış A. The effectiveness of informing teacher candidates about mainstreaming in changing their attitudes towards inclusion. Ankara University Faculty of Educational Sciences Journal of Special Education, 2004; 5(2): 65-77.
  • 21. Gürsel F. Physical education and sports for the disabled course and students’ attitudes. Journal of Education, 2006; 31(31): 67-73.
  • 22. Heikinaro-Johansson P, Sherrill C. Integrating children with special needs in physical education: A school district assessment model from Finland. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 1994; 11(1): 44-56.
  • 23. Hodge SR, Jansma P. Effects of contact time and location of practicum experiences on attitudes of physical education majors. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 1999; 16(1): 48-63.
  • 24. Hutzler Y, Zach S, Gafni O. Physical education students’ attitudes and self-efficacy towards the participation of children with special needs in regular classes. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 2005; 20(3): 309–327. doi:10.1080/08856250500156038
  • 25. Ison N, McIntyre S, Rothery S, Smithers-Sheedy H, Goldsmith S, Parsonage S, ‘Just like you’: a disability awareness programme for children that enhanced knowledge, attitudes and acceptance: pilot study findings. Developmental Neurorehabilitation, 2010; 13(5): 360–368. doi:10.3109/17518423.2010.496764
  • 26. Karademir T, Açak M, Türkçapar Ü, Eroğlu H. Determination of physical education teacher candidates' attitudes towards mental disability. Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, 2018; 20(3): 103-112.
  • 27. Konar N, Yıldıran İ. Physical education and sports teaching for the disabled: requirements and a program model. Selçuk University Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science, 2012; 14(2): 208-216.
  • 28. Kowalski EM, Rizzo TL. Factors influencing preservice student attitudes toward individuals with disabilities. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 1996; 13(2): 180-196.
  • 29. Li C, Chen S, Zhang J. A status analysis of the integrated physical education in Hong Kong elementary schools. Asian Journal of Exercise & Sports Science, 2010; 7: 35–41.
  • 30. Li C, Wong N, Sum R, Yu C. Preservice teachers’ mindfulness and attitudes toward students with autism spectrum disorder: the role of basic psychological needs satisfaction. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 2019; 36(1): 150–163.
  • 31. Martin K, Kudláček M. Attitudes of pre-servıce teachers in an Australian University towards inclusion of students with physical disabilities in general physical education programs. European Journal of Adapted Physical Activity, 2010; 3(1): 30-48.
  • 32. Melekoğlu MA. Examining the impact of interaction project with students with special needs on development of positive attitude and awareness of general education teachers towards inclusion. Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, 2013; 13(2): 1053-1077.
  • 33. Metin N, Güleç H, Şahin Ç. Examining the competencies of primary school teachers after in-service training for the integration of intellectual disabled children. I. International Turkey Educational Research Congress, Çanakkale. 2009.
  • 34. Moroz A, Gonzales-Ramos G, Festinger T, Langer K, Zefferino S, Kalet A. Immediate and follow-up effects of a brief disability curriculum on disability knowledge and attitudes of PM&R residents: A comparison group trial. Medical Teacher, 2010; 32: 360–364. doi:10.3109/0142159X.2010.490602
  • 35. Nalbant S. Physical educators’ attitude toward teaching students with special educational needs. Journal of Physical Education and Sports Studies, 2018; 10(2): 113-121.
  • 36. Özer D. Physical education and sports for the disabled. 5. Ed. Nobel Publishing, 2017.
  • 37. Özyürek M. Attitudes and changing attitudes towards those affected by disability. 5. Ed. Kök Publishing, 2013.
  • 38. Reina R, Hutzler Y, Iniguez-Santiago M, Moreno-Murcia J. Student attitudes toward inclusion in physical education: the impact of ability beliefs, gender, and previous experiences. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 2019; 36(1): 132–149.
  • 39. Reina R, L´opez V, Jiménez M, García-Calvo T, Hutzler Y. Effects of awareness interventions on children’s attitudes toward peers with a visual impairment. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 2011; 34(3): 243–248. doi:10.1097/MRR.0b013e3283487f49
  • 40. Rizzo TL. Attributes related to teachers' attitudes. Perceptual and motor skills, 1985; 60(3): 739-742.
  • 41. Rizzo TL, Kirkendall DR. Teaching students with mild disabilities: what affects attitudes of future physical educators? Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 1995; 12(3): 205-216.
  • 42. Sarı HY, Bektaş M, Altıparmak S. Determination of nursing students’ attitudes towards disabled people. New Medical Journal, 2010; 27(2): 80-83.
  • 43. Scruggs TE, Mastropieri MA. Teacher perceptions of mainstreaming/inclusion, 1958-1995: a research synthesis. Exceptional Children, 1996; 63(1): 59-74.
  • 44. Sezer F. Preventive guidance work towards people with disabilities to developing a positive attitude; an experimental application. Education Sciences, 2012; 7(1): 16-26.
  • 45. Shank MD. Sport marketing: A strategic perspective. Prentice Hall, 2002.
  • 46. Sherrill C. Adapted physical activity, recreation, and sport: crossdisciplinary and lifespan. 6th Ed. McGraw Hill, 2004.
  • 47. Smadi A. Attitudes of administrators of sports activities toward the participation of students with disabilities in sports activities in the Jordanian universities. Al-Istiqlal University Research Journal, 2016; 1(2): 191-208.
  • 48. Stachura K, Garven F. Comparison of occupational therapy and physiotherapy students' attitudes towards people with disabilities. Physiotherapy, 2003; 89(11): 653-664.
  • 49. Şahin F, Güldenoğlu B. Investigation the effects of a special education training program on attitudes toward people with disabilities. Amasya Educational Journal, 2013; 2(1): 214-239.
  • 50. Şahin H, Akyol AD. Evaluation of nursing and medical students’ attitudes towards people with disabilities. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2010; 19: 2271–2279. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2702.2009.03088.x
  • 51. Tant M, Watelain E. Forty years later, a systematic literature review on inclusion in physical education (1975–2015): A teacher perspective. Educational research review, 2016; 19: 1-17.
  • 52. Tavil YZ, Özyürek M. The effect of realistic information and interaction on the change of special education teacher candidates' attitudes towards people with disabilities. Ekev Akademy Journal, 2009; 13(39): 265-276.
  • 53. Tervo RC, Azuma S, Palmer G, Redinius P. Medical students attitudes toward persons with disability: A comparative study. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 2002; 83: 1537– 1542. doi:10.1053/apmr.2002.34620 54. Tervo RC, Palmer G, Redinius P. Health professional student attitudes towards people with disability. Clinical Rehabilitation, 2004; 18: 908–915. doi:10.1191/0269215504cr820oa
  • 55. Thompson TL, Emrich K, Moore G. The effect of curriculum on the attitudes of nursing students toward disability. Rehabilitation Nursing, 2003; 28(1): 27-30. doi:10.1002/j.2048-7940.2003.tb01718.x
  • 56. Tripp A, Sherrill C. Attitude theories of relevance to adapted physical education. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 1991; 8(1): 12-27.
There are 55 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Sports Medicine
Journal Section Articles

Murat Ergin 0000-0001-6188-0492

Publication Date August 31, 2021
Acceptance Date September 27, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 23 Issue: 2


APA Ergin, M. (2021). The Effect of the Adapted Physical Education Course on the Attitudes of the University Students towards the Education of Individuals with Disabilities. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise, 23(2), 171-177.
AMA Ergin M. The Effect of the Adapted Physical Education Course on the Attitudes of the University Students towards the Education of Individuals with Disabilities. Turk J Sport Exe. August 2021;23(2):171-177.
Chicago Ergin, Murat. “The Effect of the Adapted Physical Education Course on the Attitudes of the University Students towards the Education of Individuals With Disabilities”. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise 23, no. 2 (August 2021): 171-77.
EndNote Ergin M (August 1, 2021) The Effect of the Adapted Physical Education Course on the Attitudes of the University Students towards the Education of Individuals with Disabilities. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise 23 2 171–177.
IEEE M. Ergin, “The Effect of the Adapted Physical Education Course on the Attitudes of the University Students towards the Education of Individuals with Disabilities”, Turk J Sport Exe, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 171–177, 2021.
ISNAD Ergin, Murat. “The Effect of the Adapted Physical Education Course on the Attitudes of the University Students towards the Education of Individuals With Disabilities”. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise 23/2 (August 2021), 171-177.
JAMA Ergin M. The Effect of the Adapted Physical Education Course on the Attitudes of the University Students towards the Education of Individuals with Disabilities. Turk J Sport Exe. 2021;23:171–177.
MLA Ergin, Murat. “The Effect of the Adapted Physical Education Course on the Attitudes of the University Students towards the Education of Individuals With Disabilities”. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise, vol. 23, no. 2, 2021, pp. 171-7.
Vancouver Ergin M. The Effect of the Adapted Physical Education Course on the Attitudes of the University Students towards the Education of Individuals with Disabilities. Turk J Sport Exe. 2021;23(2):171-7.

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