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Sport and Art

Year 2024, Volume: 26 Issue: 2, 275 - 281, 31.08.2024


Sports and art are two combined phenomena, both performance-based, serving society culture and humanity, increasing in popularity throughout history and with a very high rate of involvement.
The perfectionist quest, which is active in both fields, is represented especially by professionals with different forms and concepts such as movement, harmony, aesthetics and synchronism. The strong relationship between sports and art has become more remarkable in posters, sculptures, designs, paintings and media applications carried out in the name of sports and art, and in organizations such as competitions or competitions. Sports and art have always been hand in hand and complemented each other, but the unity of art and sports has always been a topic of discussion that remains current. While some argue that sports are literally an art, there are also those who claim the opposite and even argue that they are independent concepts. At this point, the main issue we advocate is the relationship between sports and art, which share a common denominator, rather than whether art is a sport or whether sports is an art.
In our article, the harmony of sports and art, their interaction with each other and their contributions to humanity are discussed as a compilation study. The necessary literature review was conducted for the research and the findings were discussed together with similar publications and research. As a result, it has been seen that performing in sports and arts contributes to human development in physiological, psycho-social and physical contexts and exhibits a harmonious integrity.


  • 1.Albizu I. (2017). The Impact Of Mathematics On Ballet: Between The Artistic Body And The Sporting Body. Bajo Palabra-Journal Of Philosophy. 2(16):93-102.
  • 2. Altet X.B. (2002). Istoria Artei, Trad. Răzvan Junescu, Ed. Meridiane, Bucureşti. P. 40.
  • 3. Ardenne, P. (2011). La Rue Est À Moi! Dans 100 Artistes Du Street Art. Paris: Édition La Martinière.
  • 4. Визитей H.H. (1982). Спорт И Эстетическая Деятельность. - Кишенев: Штиинца
  • 5. Catalano, R. F., Berglund, M. L., Ryan, J. A. M., Lonczak, H. S., & Hawkins, J. D. (2002). "Positive youth development in the United States: Research findings on evaluations of positive youth development programs." The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 591(1), 98-124.
  • 6. Cheng T. Spamer M. And Suhr R. (2018). “Sport Als &Erapie İm Klinischen Alltag,” Nervenheilkunde, Vol. 38, No. 6, Pp. 424– 428.
  • 7. De La Mothe, L. A., Blumell, S., Kajikawa, Y.& Hackett, T. A. (2006). Thalamicconnections Of The Auditory Cortex İn Marmoset Monkeys: Core And Medialbelt Regions. Journal Of Comparative Neurology, 72-96.
  • 8. Eyigör, F., Korkmaz, F. D. (2013). 1960’dan Günümüze Plastik Sanatlar Alanında Feminist Yansımalar. http://Feyigorarttick.Blogspot.Com.Tr/2013/01/1960dangunumuze-Plastik-Sanatlar (Erişimtarihi:28.11.2022).
  • 9. Gerek, Z. (2015). Beden Eğitimi Uygulamalarında Ritim Eğitimi. Erzurum: Atatürküniversitesi Yayınları. No.1079, S.14-15.
  • 10. Gıulıanottı, R. (2005). Sport: A Critical Sociology. Polity Press, Cambridge.
  • 11. Gwiazdzinski, L. (2003). Pour Une Ville En Mouvement. Le Mouvement, 23, 1–3
  • 12. Hancock, D. R., & Algozzine, B. (2017). Doing Case Study Research: A Practical Guide for Beginning Researchers. Teachers College Press.
  • 13. Hughson, J. (2010). Re-Uniting Sport And Art: The Potential Of Olympic Posters. Physical Culture And Sport, 50,60.
  • 14. Ilić, S. (1994). Istorija Fizičke Kulture (Staro Doba İ Srednji Vek) [History Of Physical Culture (Old Century And Middle Ages)]. Belgrade: Faculty Of Physical Culture.
  • 15. Jaccoud, C. (1998). Action Publique Et Nouvelles Pratiques Sportives: Roller Et Skate Dans Deux Villes Suisses. Paris: Ed. Cıes.
  • 16. Jiyoung, K. Y. Jungeun, Hong A.And Lee S. (2017). “Finding The Position Of School Dance: A Review İn Accordance With Policy And Public Law Through The Stakeholder Analysis,” Korean Journal Of Sport Pedagogy, Vol. 24, No. 2, P. 79.
  • 17. Jung T. S., Jung, T. S. (2017). “Relations Among Tendency Of Perfectionism, Self-Management And Competition Anxiety Of The High School Students Majoring İn Dancing,” Be Korean Journal Of Physical Education, Vol. 56, No. 5, Pp. 607–619.
  • 18. Kleiner, F. S., & Matz, L. (2019). Gardner's Art Through the Ages: A Global History (16th ed.). Cengage Learning.
  • 19. Kos, A.Wei, Y. Tomažič, S. & Umek, A. (2018). The Role Of Science And Technology İn Sport. Procedia Computer Science, 129, 489-495.
  • 20. Козін, O. В. (2022). Єдність Спорту, Науки І Мистецтва: Аналітичний Огляд. Health-Savıng Technologıes, Rehabılıtatıon And Physıcal Therapy, 68.
  • 21. Kreft L. (2014). The End Of Philosophy: Aesthetics And Philosophy Of Sport. Synthesis Philosophica. 29(2):347-59.
  • 22. Krzysztofik, M., Trybulski, R., Trąbka, B., Perenc, D., Huszcz, K., Zajac, A., & Moraru, C. E. (2022). Theimpactof Resistance Exercise Range Of Motion On The Magnitude Of Upper-Body Post-Activation Performance Enhancement.Bmc Sports Science, Medicine And Rehabilitation, 14(1), 123.
  • 23. Lemus-Delgado, D. (2021). International Sports Events And National İdentity: The Opening Ceremony Of Thetaipeiuniversiade. Sport İn Society, 24(7), 1093-1109.
  • 24. Leșe, A. C., Minea, R. & Armencia, A. I. (2021). Performance İn Sports And Art. The Beginnings. Review Of Artistic Education, 21(1).
  • 25. Leşe, A. C., & Minea, R. (2022). 2. Performance İn Sports And Art. The Beginnings. Review Of Artistic Education, (23), 137-141.
  • 26. Lit And D. Byczkowska-Owczarek, (2019). “Performing On The Boundary Of Art And Sport: The Case Of Competitive Ballroom Dancers,” Czech Sociological Review, Vol. 55, No. 3, Pp. 369–392.
  • 27. Luiggi, M., & Griffet, J. (2019). Sport İnjury Prevalence And Risk By Level Of Play And Sports Played Among A Representative Population Of French Adolescents. A School-Based Study. Revue D'epidemiologie Et De Sante Publique, 67(6), 383-391.
  • 28. Mcmahon M. (2016). The Other Industrial Art: Deleuze, Cinema, Affect And Sport. Deleuze Studies. 10(2):206-22.
  • 29. Riffaud, T. Recours, R.& Gibout, C. (2015). Sports Et Arts De Rue: Être Citadins Autrement!. Loisir Et Société/Society And Leisure, 38(3), 423-435.
  • 30. Sakibaev, K. Kozuev, K Atabaev, I. Alimbekova, A. & Argynbaeva, A. (2022). Somatotypological İndicatorsofphysical Development İn Residents Of Kyrgyzstan. Iranian Journal Of War And Public Health, 14(3), 279-285.
  • 31. Smirnov, A. O. & Sadykova, T. I. (2021). The Organizational Principles Of Medical Support Of Ceremoniesofopening And Closing İnternational Sport Competitions. Problems Of Social Hygiene Of Public Healthandthehistory Of Medicine, 29(6), 1563-1565.
  • 32. Stolyarov V. (1985). Sport As An Element Of Developing An Aesthetic Culture Among The Youth//"Review". Sport Science Periodical. International Council Of Sport Science And Physical Education, Рp. 36-41.
  • 33. Stolyarov V. (1989). Paradoxes, Contradictions And Values Of The Modern Sport (Social And Philosophical Analysis). Paper Presented At The Jyvaskyla Congress: "Movement And Sport - A Challenge For Life- Long Leaning", June 17-22, Jyvaskyla, Finland.
  • 34. Stolyarov V.I. (1990). Attitude Paradox Of The Population To The "Sport For All" And Ways Of İts Solution // Reports Of The National Scientific And Practical Conference "Physical Culture And Healthy Life Style". - Moscow, Pp. 92-105.
  • 35. Sun H., Purser A. C. E. (2017). “Dancing Like A Girl: Physical Competence And Emotional Vulnerability İn Professional Contemporary Dance,” Women İn Sport & Physical Activity Journal, Vol. 25, No. 2, Pp. 105–110.
  • 36. Thaut, M. H. (2013). Rhythm, Music, And The Brain: Scientific Foundations And Clinicalapplications. New York: Routledge.
  • 37. Thomas M. R. (2001). Recent Theories Of Human Development, Sage Publications Q.
  • 38. Yao J. And Lee W. J. (2019). “A Study On The Dionysian Elements İn Break Dancing,” Be Journal Of The Korean Society For The 10 Emergency Medicine International Philosophy Of Sport Dance & Martial Arts’, Vol. 27, No. 3, Pp. 73–83.

Spor ve Sanat

Year 2024, Volume: 26 Issue: 2, 275 - 281, 31.08.2024


Bu makalenin amacı, spor ve sanat arasındaki etkileşimleri derinlemesine inceleyerek her iki alanın birbirini nasıl etkilediğini ve zenginleştirdiğini ortaya koymaktır. Literatürde spor ve sanatın kesişim noktalarına dair kapsamlı bir incelemeye olan ihtiyaç giderek artmaktadır; çünkü bu iki alanın birlikteliği, kültürel ve sosyal dinamikleri anlaşılmasına katkıda bulunacaktır. Bu tür bir inceleme, hem spor hem de sanat alanında çalışan profesyoneller için yenilikçi perspektifler sunarken, akademik ve kültürel çalışmalara da katkı sağlayacaktır. Spor ve sanat, her ikisi de performansa dayalı, toplum kültürüne ve insanlığa hizmet eden, tarih boyunca popülaritesi giderek artan ve tutulum oranı oldukça yüksek iki birleşik fenomendir. Her iki alanda da etkin olan mükemmelliyetçi arayış, özellikle profesyoneller tarafından hareket, uyum, estetik, senkron gibi farklı biçim ve kavramlarla temsil edilmektedir. Spor ve sanat adına gerçekleştirilen poster, heykel, tasarım, resim ve medya uygulamalarında, yarışma ya da müsabaka gibi organizasyonlarda spor ve sanat arasındaki güçlü ilişki daha dikkat çekici bir hal almıştır. Spor ve sanat her zaman el ele olmuş ve birbirini tamamlamıştır ancak bunun yanında sanat ve spor birlikteliği her dönem güncelliğini koruyan bir tartışma konusu olmaktan da çıkamamıştır. Bir kesim sporun tam anlamıyla bir sanat olduğunu savunurken aksini iddia eden hatta birbirinden bağımsız kavramlar olduklarını savunanlar da olmuştur. Bu noktada bizim savunucusu olduğumuz esas konunun sanatın bir spor olup olmadığı ya da sporun bir sanat olup olmadığından çok spor ve sanatın ortak paydada birleşen ilişkisidir. Makalede spor ve sanatın uyumu, birbirleri ile etkileşimi ve insanlığa olan katkıları derleme bir çalışma olarak ele alınmıştır. Araştırma için gerekli literatür taraması yapılmış, bulgular benzer yayın ve araştırmalar ile birlikte tartışılmıştır. Sonuç olarak, sporda ve sanatta performans sergilemenin fizyolojik, psiko-sosyal ve fiziksel bağlamda insan gelişimine katkı sağladığı ve bağdaşık bir bütünlük sergiledikleri görülmüştür


  • 1.Albizu I. (2017). The Impact Of Mathematics On Ballet: Between The Artistic Body And The Sporting Body. Bajo Palabra-Journal Of Philosophy. 2(16):93-102.
  • 2. Altet X.B. (2002). Istoria Artei, Trad. Răzvan Junescu, Ed. Meridiane, Bucureşti. P. 40.
  • 3. Ardenne, P. (2011). La Rue Est À Moi! Dans 100 Artistes Du Street Art. Paris: Édition La Martinière.
  • 4. Визитей H.H. (1982). Спорт И Эстетическая Деятельность. - Кишенев: Штиинца
  • 5. Catalano, R. F., Berglund, M. L., Ryan, J. A. M., Lonczak, H. S., & Hawkins, J. D. (2002). "Positive youth development in the United States: Research findings on evaluations of positive youth development programs." The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 591(1), 98-124.
  • 6. Cheng T. Spamer M. And Suhr R. (2018). “Sport Als &Erapie İm Klinischen Alltag,” Nervenheilkunde, Vol. 38, No. 6, Pp. 424– 428.
  • 7. De La Mothe, L. A., Blumell, S., Kajikawa, Y.& Hackett, T. A. (2006). Thalamicconnections Of The Auditory Cortex İn Marmoset Monkeys: Core And Medialbelt Regions. Journal Of Comparative Neurology, 72-96.
  • 8. Eyigör, F., Korkmaz, F. D. (2013). 1960’dan Günümüze Plastik Sanatlar Alanında Feminist Yansımalar. http://Feyigorarttick.Blogspot.Com.Tr/2013/01/1960dangunumuze-Plastik-Sanatlar (Erişimtarihi:28.11.2022).
  • 9. Gerek, Z. (2015). Beden Eğitimi Uygulamalarında Ritim Eğitimi. Erzurum: Atatürküniversitesi Yayınları. No.1079, S.14-15.
  • 10. Gıulıanottı, R. (2005). Sport: A Critical Sociology. Polity Press, Cambridge.
  • 11. Gwiazdzinski, L. (2003). Pour Une Ville En Mouvement. Le Mouvement, 23, 1–3
  • 12. Hancock, D. R., & Algozzine, B. (2017). Doing Case Study Research: A Practical Guide for Beginning Researchers. Teachers College Press.
  • 13. Hughson, J. (2010). Re-Uniting Sport And Art: The Potential Of Olympic Posters. Physical Culture And Sport, 50,60.
  • 14. Ilić, S. (1994). Istorija Fizičke Kulture (Staro Doba İ Srednji Vek) [History Of Physical Culture (Old Century And Middle Ages)]. Belgrade: Faculty Of Physical Culture.
  • 15. Jaccoud, C. (1998). Action Publique Et Nouvelles Pratiques Sportives: Roller Et Skate Dans Deux Villes Suisses. Paris: Ed. Cıes.
  • 16. Jiyoung, K. Y. Jungeun, Hong A.And Lee S. (2017). “Finding The Position Of School Dance: A Review İn Accordance With Policy And Public Law Through The Stakeholder Analysis,” Korean Journal Of Sport Pedagogy, Vol. 24, No. 2, P. 79.
  • 17. Jung T. S., Jung, T. S. (2017). “Relations Among Tendency Of Perfectionism, Self-Management And Competition Anxiety Of The High School Students Majoring İn Dancing,” Be Korean Journal Of Physical Education, Vol. 56, No. 5, Pp. 607–619.
  • 18. Kleiner, F. S., & Matz, L. (2019). Gardner's Art Through the Ages: A Global History (16th ed.). Cengage Learning.
  • 19. Kos, A.Wei, Y. Tomažič, S. & Umek, A. (2018). The Role Of Science And Technology İn Sport. Procedia Computer Science, 129, 489-495.
  • 20. Козін, O. В. (2022). Єдність Спорту, Науки І Мистецтва: Аналітичний Огляд. Health-Savıng Technologıes, Rehabılıtatıon And Physıcal Therapy, 68.
  • 21. Kreft L. (2014). The End Of Philosophy: Aesthetics And Philosophy Of Sport. Synthesis Philosophica. 29(2):347-59.
  • 22. Krzysztofik, M., Trybulski, R., Trąbka, B., Perenc, D., Huszcz, K., Zajac, A., & Moraru, C. E. (2022). Theimpactof Resistance Exercise Range Of Motion On The Magnitude Of Upper-Body Post-Activation Performance Enhancement.Bmc Sports Science, Medicine And Rehabilitation, 14(1), 123.
  • 23. Lemus-Delgado, D. (2021). International Sports Events And National İdentity: The Opening Ceremony Of Thetaipeiuniversiade. Sport İn Society, 24(7), 1093-1109.
  • 24. Leșe, A. C., Minea, R. & Armencia, A. I. (2021). Performance İn Sports And Art. The Beginnings. Review Of Artistic Education, 21(1).
  • 25. Leşe, A. C., & Minea, R. (2022). 2. Performance İn Sports And Art. The Beginnings. Review Of Artistic Education, (23), 137-141.
  • 26. Lit And D. Byczkowska-Owczarek, (2019). “Performing On The Boundary Of Art And Sport: The Case Of Competitive Ballroom Dancers,” Czech Sociological Review, Vol. 55, No. 3, Pp. 369–392.
  • 27. Luiggi, M., & Griffet, J. (2019). Sport İnjury Prevalence And Risk By Level Of Play And Sports Played Among A Representative Population Of French Adolescents. A School-Based Study. Revue D'epidemiologie Et De Sante Publique, 67(6), 383-391.
  • 28. Mcmahon M. (2016). The Other Industrial Art: Deleuze, Cinema, Affect And Sport. Deleuze Studies. 10(2):206-22.
  • 29. Riffaud, T. Recours, R.& Gibout, C. (2015). Sports Et Arts De Rue: Être Citadins Autrement!. Loisir Et Société/Society And Leisure, 38(3), 423-435.
  • 30. Sakibaev, K. Kozuev, K Atabaev, I. Alimbekova, A. & Argynbaeva, A. (2022). Somatotypological İndicatorsofphysical Development İn Residents Of Kyrgyzstan. Iranian Journal Of War And Public Health, 14(3), 279-285.
  • 31. Smirnov, A. O. & Sadykova, T. I. (2021). The Organizational Principles Of Medical Support Of Ceremoniesofopening And Closing İnternational Sport Competitions. Problems Of Social Hygiene Of Public Healthandthehistory Of Medicine, 29(6), 1563-1565.
  • 32. Stolyarov V. (1985). Sport As An Element Of Developing An Aesthetic Culture Among The Youth//"Review". Sport Science Periodical. International Council Of Sport Science And Physical Education, Рp. 36-41.
  • 33. Stolyarov V. (1989). Paradoxes, Contradictions And Values Of The Modern Sport (Social And Philosophical Analysis). Paper Presented At The Jyvaskyla Congress: "Movement And Sport - A Challenge For Life- Long Leaning", June 17-22, Jyvaskyla, Finland.
  • 34. Stolyarov V.I. (1990). Attitude Paradox Of The Population To The "Sport For All" And Ways Of İts Solution // Reports Of The National Scientific And Practical Conference "Physical Culture And Healthy Life Style". - Moscow, Pp. 92-105.
  • 35. Sun H., Purser A. C. E. (2017). “Dancing Like A Girl: Physical Competence And Emotional Vulnerability İn Professional Contemporary Dance,” Women İn Sport & Physical Activity Journal, Vol. 25, No. 2, Pp. 105–110.
  • 36. Thaut, M. H. (2013). Rhythm, Music, And The Brain: Scientific Foundations And Clinicalapplications. New York: Routledge.
  • 37. Thomas M. R. (2001). Recent Theories Of Human Development, Sage Publications Q.
  • 38. Yao J. And Lee W. J. (2019). “A Study On The Dionysian Elements İn Break Dancing,” Be Journal Of The Korean Society For The 10 Emergency Medicine International Philosophy Of Sport Dance & Martial Arts’, Vol. 27, No. 3, Pp. 73–83.
There are 38 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Sports and Recreation
Journal Section Revıew Articles

Elif Arzen Demirel İnal 0000-0001-8110-2938

Ramazan İnal 0000-0003-3094-7847

Publication Date August 31, 2024
Submission Date April 3, 2024
Acceptance Date August 27, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 26 Issue: 2


APA Demirel İnal, E. A., & İnal, R. (2024). Sport and Art. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise, 26(2), 275-281.
AMA Demirel İnal EA, İnal R. Sport and Art. Turk J Sport Exe. August 2024;26(2):275-281. doi:10.15314/tsed.1464330
Chicago Demirel İnal, Elif Arzen, and Ramazan İnal. “Sport and Art”. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise 26, no. 2 (August 2024): 275-81.
EndNote Demirel İnal EA, İnal R (August 1, 2024) Sport and Art. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise 26 2 275–281.
IEEE E. A. Demirel İnal and R. İnal, “Sport and Art”, Turk J Sport Exe, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 275–281, 2024, doi: 10.15314/tsed.1464330.
ISNAD Demirel İnal, Elif Arzen - İnal, Ramazan. “Sport and Art”. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise 26/2 (August 2024), 275-281.
JAMA Demirel İnal EA, İnal R. Sport and Art. Turk J Sport Exe. 2024;26:275–281.
MLA Demirel İnal, Elif Arzen and Ramazan İnal. “Sport and Art”. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise, vol. 26, no. 2, 2024, pp. 275-81, doi:10.15314/tsed.1464330.
Vancouver Demirel İnal EA, İnal R. Sport and Art. Turk J Sport Exe. 2024;26(2):275-81.

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