Research Article
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The Impact of Body Composition and Physical Fitness on Parasympathetic Reactivation in Firefighters

Year 2024, Volume: 26 Issue: 2, 173 - 181, 31.08.2024


Objective: Firefighting involves aerobic and anaerobic physical activities that cause heart rates to rise from submaximal to above maximal levels. These varying demands can occur with each call firefighters respond to during their shift, imposing both acute and cumulative cardiovascular loads. Heart rate is commonly used to measure cardiovascular responses during disasters, emergencies, firefighting, and firefighting simulations. There is substantial evidence suggesting that heart rate recovery (HRR) parameters are associated with body composition and aerobic fitness. Therefore, the primary aim of this study is to determine the relationship between body composition, physical fitness, and HRR parameters in firefighters.
Method: This cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted among firefighters working in a metropolitan municipality. Using the G-Power 3.1 program, seventy-four firefighters (age = 32.61 ± 8.9 years, height = 1.76 ± 0.6 cm, weight = 83.9 ± 13 kg) volunteered to participate in this study. Body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC), and body fat percentage (BFP) were recorded for each subject. To determine aerobic fitness (VO2max), each participant performed a submaximal exercise test on a treadmill. HRR was calculated as the difference between peak heart rates post-exercise (HRmax) and heart rates at the first and second minutes of the recovery phase, recorded as HRR1 and HRR2, respectively.
Results: The mean VO2max and BMI of the participants were 48.32 ± 9.18 ml/kg/min and 27.10 ± 3.49 kg/m², respectively. No significant relationship was found between the HRR1 and HRR2 parameters and the variables of BMI, WC, and BFP in firefighters (p>0.05). However, positive significant relationships were detected between HRR1 and HRR2 and VO2max (p<0.05). A statistically significant negative relationship was found between VO2max and the variables of BMI, WC, BFP, and weight (p<0.05). These findings indicate that higher aerobic capacity is associated with better heart rate recovery and lower body fat percentage.
Conclusion: The results of this study demonstrate that cardiovascular autonomic function is significantly related to maximum aerobic fitness. However, no measure of body composition appears to affect the overall HRR response of the firefighters. This research provides important insights into how the aerobic capacity of firefighters affects their heart rate recovery responses. These findings offer a crucial foundation for improving the physical fitness levels and maintaining the cardiovascular health of firefighters.

Ethical Statement

The study received approval from the Clinical Research Ethics Committee of Kastamonu University Faculty of Medicine (2023-KAEK-51), and institutional permissions were obtained from the Metropolitan Municipality Fire Department where the study was conducted. Participants were informed about the research, and written and verbal consent were obtained from each participant.

Supporting Institution


Project Number



The authors thank all firefighters for their participation and technical support in this study. The data collection for this study was conducted under TÜBİTAK project number 123S142.


  • 1.Gledhill N, Jamnik VK. Characterization of the physical demands of firefighting. Can J Sport Sci [Internet]. 1992 Sep 1 [cited 2023 Aug 10];17(3):207–13. Available from:
  • 2. Horn GP, Blevins S, Fernhall B, Smith DL. Core temperature and heart rate response to repeated bouts of firefighting activities. [Internet]. 2013 Sep [cited 2023 Aug 10];56(9):1465–73. Available from:
  • 3. Al-Zaiti S, Rittenberger JC, Reis SE, Hostler D. Electrocardiographic Responses during Fire Suppression and Recovery among Experienced Firefighters. J Occup Environ Med. 2015 Sep 1;57(9):938–42.
  • 4. Pluntke U, Gerke S, Sridhar A, Weiss J, Michel B. Evaluation and Classification of Physical and Psychological Stress in Firefighters using Heart Rate Variability. Proc Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc EMBS. 2019 Jul 1;2207–12.
  • 5. Kales SN, Soteriades ES, Christophi CDA, Christiani DC, Bs MPHA, Ac TR. Emergency Duties and Deaths from Heart Disease among Firefighters in the United States. [Internet]. 2007 Mar 22 [cited 2023 Jul 19];356(12):1207–15. Available from:
  • 6. Smith DL, Barr DA, Kales SN. Extreme sacrifice: Sudden cardiac death in the US Fire Service. Extrem Physiol Med [Internet]. 2013 Feb 1 [cited 2023 Jul 28];2(1):1–9. Available from:
  • 7. Rodrigues S, Paiva JS, Dias D, Cunha JPS. Stress among on-duty firefighters: An ambulatory assessment study. PeerJ [Internet]. 2018 Dec 11 [cited 2023 Jul 19];2018(12):e5967. Available from:
  • 8. Fahy RF, Leblanc PR, Molis JL. Firefighter Fatalities in the United States-2016. 2017 [cited 2023 Aug 10]; Available from:
  • 9. Haller JM, Smith DL. Examination of Strenuous Activity Preceding Cardiac Death during Firefighting Duties. Saf 2019, Vol 5, Page 50 [Internet]. 2019 Aug 9 [cited 2024 May 31];5(3):50. Available from:
  • 10. Kales SN, Smith DL. Firefighting and the heart. Circulation [Internet]. 2017 Apr 4 [cited 2024 May 31];135(14):1296–9. Available from:
  • 11. Soteriades ES, Smith DL, Tsismenakis AJ, Baur DM, Kales SN. Cardiovascular disease in US firefighters: A systematic review. Cardiol Rev [Internet]. 2011 Jul [cited 2023 Jul 28];19(4):202–15. Available from:
  • 12. Dolezal BA, Boland DM, Carney J, Abrazado M, Smith DL, Cooper CB. Validation of heart rate derived from a physiological status monitor-embedded compression shirt against criterion ECG. J Occup Environ Hyg [Internet]. 2014 Dec 15 [cited 2023 Jul 19];11(12):833–9. Available from:
  • 13. Smith DL, Horn GP, Fernhall B, Kesler RM, Fent KW, Kerber S, et al. Electrocardiographic Responses Following Live-Fire Firefighting Drills. J Occup Environ Med [Internet]. 2019 Dec 1 [cited 2023 Jul 19];61(12):1030. Available from: /pmc/articles/PMC8630674/
  • 14. Pumprla J, Howorka K, Groves D, Chester M, Nolan J. Functional assessment of heart rate variability: physiological basis and practical applications. Int J Cardiol. 2002 Jul 1;84(1):1–14.
  • 15. Kleiger RE, Stein PK, Bigger JT. Heart Rate Variability: Measurement and Clinical Utility. Ann Noninvasive Electrocardiol [Internet]. 2005 Jan 1 [cited 2023 Aug 28];10(1):88–101. Available from:
  • 16. Smith DL, DeBlois JP, Kales SN, Horn GP. Cardiovascular strain of firefighting and the risk of sudden cardiac events. Exerc Sport Sci Rev [Internet]. 2016 Jun 1 [cited 2022 Sep 16];44(3):90–7. Available from:
  • 17. Peçanha T, Silva-Júnior ND, Forjaz CL de M. Heart rate recovery: autonomic determinants, methods of assessment and association with mortality and cardiovascular diseases. Clin Physiol Funct Imaging [Internet]. 2014 Sep 1 [cited 2023 Aug 28];34(5):327–39. Available from:
  • 18. Sandercock GRH, Brodie DA. The use of heart rate variability measures to assess autonomic control during exercise. Scand J Med Sci Sports [Internet]. 2006 Oct 1 [cited 2023 Aug 28];16(5):302–13. Available from:
  • 19. Hristopher C, Ole RC, Ugene E, Lackstone HB, Ashkow RJP, Laire C, et al. Heart-Rate Recovery Immediately after Exercise as a Predictor of Mortality. [Internet]. 1999 Oct 28 [cited 2023 Jul 31];341(18):1351–7. Available from:
  • 20. Goldberger JJ, Le FK, Lahiri M, Kannankeril PJ, Ng J, Kadish AH. Assessment of parasympathetic reactivation after exercise. Am J Physiol - Hear Circ Physiol [Internet]. 2006 Jun [cited 2023 Aug 28];290(6):2446–52. Available from:
  • 21. Cornell DJ, Noel SE, Zhang X, Ebersole KT. Influence of Body Composition on Post-Exercise Parasympathetic Reactivation of Firefighter Recruits. Int J Environ Res Public Heal 2021, Vol 18, Page 339 [Internet]. 2021 Jan 5 [cited 2024 Jun 1];18(1):339. Available from:
  • 22. Cornell DJ, Noel SE, Zhang X, Ebersole KT. Influence of a Training Academy on the Parasympathetic Nervous System Reactivation of Firefighter Recruits—An Observational Cohort Study. Int J Environ Res Public Heal 2021, Vol 18, Page 109 [Internet]. 2020 Dec 26 [cited 2024 Jun 1];18(1):109. Available from:
  • 23. Dzikowicz DJ, Carey MG. Correlates of Autonomic Function, Hemodynamics, and Physical Activity Performance During Exercise Stress Testing Among Firefighters. Biol Res Nurs [Internet]. 2023 [cited 2023 Jul 19];25(3). Available from:
  • 24. Cornell DJ, Flees RJ, Shemelya CM, Ebersole KT. Influence of Cardiorespiratory Fitness on Cardiac Autonomic Recovery Among Active-Duty Firefighters. J strength Cond Res [Internet]. 2024 Jan 1 [cited 2024 Jun 22];38(1):66–73. Available from:
  • 25. Millis RM, Austin RE, Hatcher MD, Bond V, Faruque MU, Goring KL, et al. Association of body fat percentage and heart rate variability measures of sympathovagal balance. Life Sci. 2010 Jan 30;86(5–6):153–7. 26. Esco MR, Henry NW, Michele SO. Skinfold thickness is related to cardiovascular autonomic control as assessed by heart rate variability and heart rate recovery. J Strength Cond Res [Internet]. 2011 Aug [cited 2024 Jun 1];25(8):2304–10. Available from:
  • 27. Barbosa Lins TC, Valente LM, Sobral Filho DC, Barbosa e Silva O. Relation between heart rate recovery after exercise testing and body mass index. Rev Port Cardiol (English Ed. 2015 Jan 1;34(1):27–33.
  • 28. C Poston WS, Keith Haddock C, Jahnke SA, Jitnarin N, Tuley BC. The Prevalence of Overweight, Obesity, and Substandard Fitness in a Population-Based Firefighter Cohort HHS Public Access. J Occup Env Med. 2011;53(3):266–73.
  • 29. Hosick PA, Matthews EL, Leigh S. Cardiorespiratory fitness and the relationship between body fat and resting testosterone in men. [Internet]. 2018 Jan 1 [cited 2022 Sep 14];126(1):61–6. Available from:
  • 30. Cohen J. Statistical Power Analysis. Curr Dir Psychol Sci [Internet]. 1992 Jun 1 [cited 2024 Aug 6];1(3):98–101. Available from:
  • 31. ACSM’s Exercise Testing and Prescription - Madeline Paternostro Bayles - Google Kitaplar [Internet]. [cited 2024 Jul 8]. Available from: hl=tr&lr=&id=X8SpEAAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PT20&dq=American+College+of+Sports+Medicine.+(2018).+ACSM%27s+Guidelines+for+Exercise+Testing+and+Prescription+(10th+ed.).+Philadelphia:+Wolters+Kluwer.&ots=FScoYpGIdF&sig=1unBDFjWUI9WSXbRMA_5XkdzYn4&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=American College of Sports Medicine. (2018). ACSM’s Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription (10th ed.). Philadelphia%3A Wolters Kluwer.&f=false
  • 32. Bruce RA, Kusumi F, Hosmer D. Maximal oxygen intake and nomographic assessment of functional aerobic impairment in cardiovascular disease. Am Heart J. 1973 Apr 1;85(4):546–62.
  • 33. Foster C, Porcari JP, Anderson J, Paulson M, Smaczny D, Webber H, et al. The talk test as a marker of exercise

Vücut Kompozisyonun ve Fiziksel Uygunluğun İtfaiyecilerde Parasempatik Reaktivasyona Etkisi

Year 2024, Volume: 26 Issue: 2, 173 - 181, 31.08.2024


Yangınla mücadele, kalp atış hızlarının submaksimalden maksimumun üzerine çıkmasına neden olan aerobik ve anaerobik fiziksel aktiviteleri içermektedir. Bu değişen talepler, itfaiyecilerin vardiya sırasında yanıt verdiği her çağrıda ortaya çıkabilmekte ve itfaiyecilere hem akut hem de kümülatif kardiyovasküler yük bindirmektir. Kalp atım hızı, afet ve acil durumlarda, yangınla mücadelede ve yangınla mücadele simülasyonları sırasında kardiyovasküler tepkileri ölçmek için yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. Kalp atış hızı toparlanma (HRR) parametrelerinin vücut kompozisyonu ve aerobik kondisyonla ilişkili olduğuna dair önemli kanıtlar bulunmaktadır. Bu nedenle, mevcut çalışmanın temel amacı, itfaiyecilerde vücut kompozisyonu ve fiziksel uygunluğun, HRR parametreleri arasındaki ilişkiyi belirlemektir. Kesitsel tanımlayıcı tipte planlanan çalışma, bir büyükşehir belediyesinde görev yapan itfaiyeciler arasında gerçekleştirilmiştir. G-Power 3.1 programı kullanılarak yetmiş dört itfaiyeci (yaş = 32,61 ± 8,9 yıl, boy = 1,76 ± 0,6 cm, ağırlık = 83,9 ± 13 kg), bu çalışmaya katılmaya gönüllü oldu. Her denek için beden kütle indeksi (VKİ), bel çevresi (BÇ) ve vücut yağ yüzdesi (VYY) kaydedildi. Aerobik uygunluğu (VO2max) belirlemek için, her katılımcı bir koşu bandı üzerinde submaksimal egzersiz testi gerçekleştirdi. HRR, egzersiz sonrası pik kalp atım sayıları (KAHmax) ile dinlenme fazının ilk iki dakikasındaki kalp atım sayıları arasındaki farklar olarak hesaplandı ve HRR1 ve HRR2 dakika olarak kaydedildi. Katılımcıların; VO2max ve BKİ ortalamaları sırasıyla; 48,32 ± 9,18 ml/kg/dk ve 27,10 ± 3,49 kg/m2 olarak bulunmuştur. BKİ, BÇ, VYY değerlerinin ile itfaiyecilerin HRR1 ve HRR2 parametreleri arasında anlamlı ilişki saptanmamıştır. (p>0,05). Ancak, HRR1 ve HRR2 ile VO2max ile pozitif yönlü anlamlı ilişkiler tespit edilmiştir (p<0,05). BKİ, BÇ, VYY ve kilo değişkenleri ile VO2max arasında negatif yönlü istatistiksel olarak anlamlı ilişki bulunmuştur (p<0,05). Bu bulgular, daha yüksek aerobik kapasitenin daha iyi kalp atış hızı toparlanması ve daha düşük vücut yağ yüzdesi ile ilişkili olduğunu göstermektedir. Bu çalışmanın sonuçları, kardiyovasküler otonomik fonksiyonun maksimum aerobik kondisyon ile önemli ölçüde ilişkili olduğunu göstermektedir. Bununla birlikte, hiçbir vücut kompozisyonu ölçüsünün, itfaiyecilerin genel HRR tepkisini etkilemediğini göstermektedir. Bu araştırma, itfaiyecilerin aerobik kapasitesinin, kalp atış hızı toparlanma tepkilerini nasıl etkilediğini anlamada önemli katkılar sağlamaktadır.

Project Number



  • 1.Gledhill N, Jamnik VK. Characterization of the physical demands of firefighting. Can J Sport Sci [Internet]. 1992 Sep 1 [cited 2023 Aug 10];17(3):207–13. Available from:
  • 2. Horn GP, Blevins S, Fernhall B, Smith DL. Core temperature and heart rate response to repeated bouts of firefighting activities. [Internet]. 2013 Sep [cited 2023 Aug 10];56(9):1465–73. Available from:
  • 3. Al-Zaiti S, Rittenberger JC, Reis SE, Hostler D. Electrocardiographic Responses during Fire Suppression and Recovery among Experienced Firefighters. J Occup Environ Med. 2015 Sep 1;57(9):938–42.
  • 4. Pluntke U, Gerke S, Sridhar A, Weiss J, Michel B. Evaluation and Classification of Physical and Psychological Stress in Firefighters using Heart Rate Variability. Proc Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc EMBS. 2019 Jul 1;2207–12.
  • 5. Kales SN, Soteriades ES, Christophi CDA, Christiani DC, Bs MPHA, Ac TR. Emergency Duties and Deaths from Heart Disease among Firefighters in the United States. [Internet]. 2007 Mar 22 [cited 2023 Jul 19];356(12):1207–15. Available from:
  • 6. Smith DL, Barr DA, Kales SN. Extreme sacrifice: Sudden cardiac death in the US Fire Service. Extrem Physiol Med [Internet]. 2013 Feb 1 [cited 2023 Jul 28];2(1):1–9. Available from:
  • 7. Rodrigues S, Paiva JS, Dias D, Cunha JPS. Stress among on-duty firefighters: An ambulatory assessment study. PeerJ [Internet]. 2018 Dec 11 [cited 2023 Jul 19];2018(12):e5967. Available from:
  • 8. Fahy RF, Leblanc PR, Molis JL. Firefighter Fatalities in the United States-2016. 2017 [cited 2023 Aug 10]; Available from:
  • 9. Haller JM, Smith DL. Examination of Strenuous Activity Preceding Cardiac Death during Firefighting Duties. Saf 2019, Vol 5, Page 50 [Internet]. 2019 Aug 9 [cited 2024 May 31];5(3):50. Available from:
  • 10. Kales SN, Smith DL. Firefighting and the heart. Circulation [Internet]. 2017 Apr 4 [cited 2024 May 31];135(14):1296–9. Available from:
  • 11. Soteriades ES, Smith DL, Tsismenakis AJ, Baur DM, Kales SN. Cardiovascular disease in US firefighters: A systematic review. Cardiol Rev [Internet]. 2011 Jul [cited 2023 Jul 28];19(4):202–15. Available from:
  • 12. Dolezal BA, Boland DM, Carney J, Abrazado M, Smith DL, Cooper CB. Validation of heart rate derived from a physiological status monitor-embedded compression shirt against criterion ECG. J Occup Environ Hyg [Internet]. 2014 Dec 15 [cited 2023 Jul 19];11(12):833–9. Available from:
  • 13. Smith DL, Horn GP, Fernhall B, Kesler RM, Fent KW, Kerber S, et al. Electrocardiographic Responses Following Live-Fire Firefighting Drills. J Occup Environ Med [Internet]. 2019 Dec 1 [cited 2023 Jul 19];61(12):1030. Available from: /pmc/articles/PMC8630674/
  • 14. Pumprla J, Howorka K, Groves D, Chester M, Nolan J. Functional assessment of heart rate variability: physiological basis and practical applications. Int J Cardiol. 2002 Jul 1;84(1):1–14.
  • 15. Kleiger RE, Stein PK, Bigger JT. Heart Rate Variability: Measurement and Clinical Utility. Ann Noninvasive Electrocardiol [Internet]. 2005 Jan 1 [cited 2023 Aug 28];10(1):88–101. Available from:
  • 16. Smith DL, DeBlois JP, Kales SN, Horn GP. Cardiovascular strain of firefighting and the risk of sudden cardiac events. Exerc Sport Sci Rev [Internet]. 2016 Jun 1 [cited 2022 Sep 16];44(3):90–7. Available from:
  • 17. Peçanha T, Silva-Júnior ND, Forjaz CL de M. Heart rate recovery: autonomic determinants, methods of assessment and association with mortality and cardiovascular diseases. Clin Physiol Funct Imaging [Internet]. 2014 Sep 1 [cited 2023 Aug 28];34(5):327–39. Available from:
  • 18. Sandercock GRH, Brodie DA. The use of heart rate variability measures to assess autonomic control during exercise. Scand J Med Sci Sports [Internet]. 2006 Oct 1 [cited 2023 Aug 28];16(5):302–13. Available from:
  • 19. Hristopher C, Ole RC, Ugene E, Lackstone HB, Ashkow RJP, Laire C, et al. Heart-Rate Recovery Immediately after Exercise as a Predictor of Mortality. [Internet]. 1999 Oct 28 [cited 2023 Jul 31];341(18):1351–7. Available from:
  • 20. Goldberger JJ, Le FK, Lahiri M, Kannankeril PJ, Ng J, Kadish AH. Assessment of parasympathetic reactivation after exercise. Am J Physiol - Hear Circ Physiol [Internet]. 2006 Jun [cited 2023 Aug 28];290(6):2446–52. Available from:
  • 21. Cornell DJ, Noel SE, Zhang X, Ebersole KT. Influence of Body Composition on Post-Exercise Parasympathetic Reactivation of Firefighter Recruits. Int J Environ Res Public Heal 2021, Vol 18, Page 339 [Internet]. 2021 Jan 5 [cited 2024 Jun 1];18(1):339. Available from:
  • 22. Cornell DJ, Noel SE, Zhang X, Ebersole KT. Influence of a Training Academy on the Parasympathetic Nervous System Reactivation of Firefighter Recruits—An Observational Cohort Study. Int J Environ Res Public Heal 2021, Vol 18, Page 109 [Internet]. 2020 Dec 26 [cited 2024 Jun 1];18(1):109. Available from:
  • 23. Dzikowicz DJ, Carey MG. Correlates of Autonomic Function, Hemodynamics, and Physical Activity Performance During Exercise Stress Testing Among Firefighters. Biol Res Nurs [Internet]. 2023 [cited 2023 Jul 19];25(3). Available from:
  • 24. Cornell DJ, Flees RJ, Shemelya CM, Ebersole KT. Influence of Cardiorespiratory Fitness on Cardiac Autonomic Recovery Among Active-Duty Firefighters. J strength Cond Res [Internet]. 2024 Jan 1 [cited 2024 Jun 22];38(1):66–73. Available from:
  • 25. Millis RM, Austin RE, Hatcher MD, Bond V, Faruque MU, Goring KL, et al. Association of body fat percentage and heart rate variability measures of sympathovagal balance. Life Sci. 2010 Jan 30;86(5–6):153–7. 26. Esco MR, Henry NW, Michele SO. Skinfold thickness is related to cardiovascular autonomic control as assessed by heart rate variability and heart rate recovery. J Strength Cond Res [Internet]. 2011 Aug [cited 2024 Jun 1];25(8):2304–10. Available from:
  • 27. Barbosa Lins TC, Valente LM, Sobral Filho DC, Barbosa e Silva O. Relation between heart rate recovery after exercise testing and body mass index. Rev Port Cardiol (English Ed. 2015 Jan 1;34(1):27–33.
  • 28. C Poston WS, Keith Haddock C, Jahnke SA, Jitnarin N, Tuley BC. The Prevalence of Overweight, Obesity, and Substandard Fitness in a Population-Based Firefighter Cohort HHS Public Access. J Occup Env Med. 2011;53(3):266–73.
  • 29. Hosick PA, Matthews EL, Leigh S. Cardiorespiratory fitness and the relationship between body fat and resting testosterone in men. [Internet]. 2018 Jan 1 [cited 2022 Sep 14];126(1):61–6. Available from:
  • 30. Cohen J. Statistical Power Analysis. Curr Dir Psychol Sci [Internet]. 1992 Jun 1 [cited 2024 Aug 6];1(3):98–101. Available from:
  • 31. ACSM’s Exercise Testing and Prescription - Madeline Paternostro Bayles - Google Kitaplar [Internet]. [cited 2024 Jul 8]. Available from: hl=tr&lr=&id=X8SpEAAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PT20&dq=American+College+of+Sports+Medicine.+(2018).+ACSM%27s+Guidelines+for+Exercise+Testing+and+Prescription+(10th+ed.).+Philadelphia:+Wolters+Kluwer.&ots=FScoYpGIdF&sig=1unBDFjWUI9WSXbRMA_5XkdzYn4&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=American College of Sports Medicine. (2018). ACSM’s Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription (10th ed.). Philadelphia%3A Wolters Kluwer.&f=false
  • 32. Bruce RA, Kusumi F, Hosmer D. Maximal oxygen intake and nomographic assessment of functional aerobic impairment in cardiovascular disease. Am Heart J. 1973 Apr 1;85(4):546–62.
  • 33. Foster C, Porcari JP, Anderson J, Paulson M, Smaczny D, Webber H, et al. The talk test as a marker of exercise
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Exercise Physiology, Physical Fitness
Journal Section Articles

Nuray Demiralp 0000-0002-3002-7752

Hürmüz Koç 0000-0002-2763-7971

Project Number TÜBİTAK 123S142
Publication Date August 31, 2024
Submission Date June 29, 2024
Acceptance Date August 12, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 26 Issue: 2


APA Demiralp, N., & Koç, H. (2024). The Impact of Body Composition and Physical Fitness on Parasympathetic Reactivation in Firefighters. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise, 26(2), 173-181.
AMA Demiralp N, Koç H. The Impact of Body Composition and Physical Fitness on Parasympathetic Reactivation in Firefighters. Turk J Sport Exe. August 2024;26(2):173-181. doi:10.15314/tsed.1507128
Chicago Demiralp, Nuray, and Hürmüz Koç. “The Impact of Body Composition and Physical Fitness on Parasympathetic Reactivation in Firefighters”. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise 26, no. 2 (August 2024): 173-81.
EndNote Demiralp N, Koç H (August 1, 2024) The Impact of Body Composition and Physical Fitness on Parasympathetic Reactivation in Firefighters. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise 26 2 173–181.
IEEE N. Demiralp and H. Koç, “The Impact of Body Composition and Physical Fitness on Parasympathetic Reactivation in Firefighters”, Turk J Sport Exe, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 173–181, 2024, doi: 10.15314/tsed.1507128.
ISNAD Demiralp, Nuray - Koç, Hürmüz. “The Impact of Body Composition and Physical Fitness on Parasympathetic Reactivation in Firefighters”. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise 26/2 (August 2024), 173-181.
JAMA Demiralp N, Koç H. The Impact of Body Composition and Physical Fitness on Parasympathetic Reactivation in Firefighters. Turk J Sport Exe. 2024;26:173–181.
MLA Demiralp, Nuray and Hürmüz Koç. “The Impact of Body Composition and Physical Fitness on Parasympathetic Reactivation in Firefighters”. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise, vol. 26, no. 2, 2024, pp. 173-81, doi:10.15314/tsed.1507128.
Vancouver Demiralp N, Koç H. The Impact of Body Composition and Physical Fitness on Parasympathetic Reactivation in Firefighters. Turk J Sport Exe. 2024;26(2):173-81.

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