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The Kocabaşis as Intermediaries?: The Local and Central Administration in Imvros/İmroz and Lemnos in the Early 19th Century

Year 2014, , 223 - 244, 01.04.2014


The communal dynamics of the Aegean islands and the relationship of the islanders with their civil and religious leaders and the relationship between communal leaders and local and central authorities have yet to be told. Studies in the Ottoman-Turkish historiography, generally following a monolithic approach, focused on primarily on Muslim ayans, whereas ignored their non-Muslim counterparts (kocabaşı). In the present literature, kocabaşıs were regarded as equals of ayans and as intermediaries between local people and central government and other Ottoman authorities. However, the economic, political and social conditions under which the non-Muslim counterparts of ayans –kocabaşıs– gained influence and power over local people in different regions of the Empire are not explored well yet. This paper, focuses on the role of the kocabaşıs in the island society and the relationship between kocabaşıs and islanders, and central government. Understanding the relationship among civil, religious local leaders and the Ottoman central authority will provide a better understanding of dynamics of power in the Aegean islands and help to answer the question how the local people were treated by their coreligionist local leaders and Muslim Ottoman authorities, both local and central.


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  • Anastasopoulos, Antonis, “The Mixed Elite of a Balkan Town: Karaferye in the Second Half of the Eighteenth Century,” ed. Antonis Anastasopoulos , Halcyon Days in Crete V, Provincial Elites in the Ottoman Empire, Crete University Press, Rethymno 2005.
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  • Bostan, İdris, “The Establishment of the Province of Cezayir-i Bahr-ı Sefid,” in Halcyon Days in Crete IV, The Kapudan Pasha His Office and His Domain, ed. Elizabeth Zachariadou, Crete University Press, Rethymnon 2002, pp. 240-51.
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  • Demircan, Yasemin, “Tıyn-ı Mahtûm: Akdeniz Dünyasının Mucize Toprağı”, Acta Turcica, 1/1, (Ocak 2012), pp. 281-295.
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  • İnalcık, Halil, “The Emergence of Big Farms, Çiftliks: State, Landlords and Tenants,” eds. J.J.-L. Bacqué-Grammont, Paul Dumont, Contributions à l’histoire économique et sociale de l’Empire ottoman, Association pour le developpement des etuder turques, Leuven 1983.
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  • Kolovos, Elias “Ottoman Documents from the Aegean Island of Andros: Provincial Administration, Adaptation and Limitations in the Case of an Island Society (late 16th - early 19th century),” Doceuments de Travail du CETOBAC, no. 1, Les archives de l’insularite ottomane, ed. Nicolas Vatin and Gilles Veinstein, CETOBAC, Paris 2010, pp. 24-27.
  • Mardin, Şerif “Center-Periphery Relations: A Key to Turkish Politics?” Daedalus, vol 102, Winter 1973, pp. 169-190.
  • Mert, Özcan, “Tanzimat Dönemi’nde Çeşme Kocabaşıları (1839-1876)”, Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih Coğrafya Fakültesi, Tarih Bölümü Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi, vol. 22, n. 35, 2004, p. 140.
  • –––––––, “18. ve 19. Yüzyıllarda Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda Kocabaşı Deyimi, Seçimleri ve Kocabaşılık İddiaları,” Hakkı Dursun Yıldız Armağanı, Marmara Üniv. Fen-Edeb Fakültesi Yay., Ankara 1995, pp. 401-407.
  • McGowan, Bruce, “The Age of Ayans, 1699-1812,” eds. Halil İnalcık and Donald Quataert, An Economic and Social History of the Ottoman Empire, 1300-1914, Cambridge Universty Press, Cambridge 1994, pp. 637-757.
  • Oberhummer, Eugen, “Imbros,” Festchrift für H. Kiepert, Berlin 1898, p. 293.
  • Örenç, Ali Fuat, “Ege Adaları’nın İdarî Yapısı (1830-1923)”, Ege Adaları’nın İdarî, Malî ve Sosyal Yapısı, Stratejik Araştırma ve Etüdler Milli Komitesi, Ankara 2003, pp. 32-56.
  • Özbek, Çiğdem, “Imbros Adası’ndaki Kabeiroi Kutsal Alanı ve Hermes Tapınımı,” Anadolu/ Anatolia Ek Dizi/Suppl. no. 1, Ed. Zeynep Çizmeli-Öğün, Tunç Sipahi, Levent Keskin, Kültür Bakanlığı Yayınları, Ankara 2004, pp. 167-182.
  • Strauss, Johann, “Ottoman Rule Experienced and Remembered: Remarks on some Local Greek Chronicles of the Tourkokratia,” in The Ottomans and the Balkans: A Discussion of Historiography, ed. Fikret Adanır and Suraiya Faroqhi, Brill, Leiden 2002, p. 214.
  • Michael Ursinus, “Local Patmians in Their Quest for Justice: Eighteenth Century Examples of Petitions Submitted to the Kapudan Paşa,”. Nagata, Yuzo, “Ayan in Anatolia and the Balkans During the 18th and 19th Centuries: A Case Study of Karaosmanoğlu Family,” ed. Antonis Anastasopoulos, Halycon Daysin Crete, Provincial Elites in the Ottoman Empire, Crete Univ. Press, Crete 2005, pp. 269-294.
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  • Ursinus, Michael, “Local Patmians in Their Quest for Justice: Eighteenth Century Examples of Petitions Submitted to the Kapudan Paşa,” Doceuments de Travail du CETOBAC, no. 1, Les archives de l’insularite ottomane, ed. Nicolas Vatin and Gilles Veinstein, CETOBAC Paris 2010, pp. 20-23.
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  • (Tahrir Defteri [TD] n. 25, 925 (1519), TD n. 75, TD n. 434 (period of Kanuni Sultan Süleyman), TD n. 490, 977 (1569), TD n.724, 1009 (1600). 75 Numaralı Gelibolu Livası Tahrir Defteri 925 (1519), Başbakanlık Devlet Arşivleri Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara 2009, pp. 7-8.
  • Başbakanlık Osmanlı Arşivi (BOA), Hattı Hümayun (HAT) 862/38465, 3 Rebiülahir 1236 (8 January 1821); BOA, HAT 750/35418, 1 Zilhicce 1236 (30 August 1821); HAT 663/32280, 1 Zilhicce 1236 (30 August 1821).
  • 75 Numaralı Gelibolu Livası Mufassal Tahrir Defteri (925/1519) [Number 75 Tahrir Register of Gelibolu Liva] vol. I, T.C. Başbakanlık Devlet Arşivleri Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara pp. 86-87.
  • Mert, “18. ve 19. Yüzyıllarda Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda Kocabaşı Deyimi,” 403, FN. 14, BOA, Cevdet Adliye (C.ADL.), no. 1060; Cevdet Maliye (C. MAL.), no. 30980; HH. No. 38896-C; (İrade Hariciye, (İ. HR.), n. 7529; lef: 26; İrade Meclisi Vala (İ.MV.), n. 1550, 6392.
  • BOA., C.ADL., n. 1825; Cevdet Dahiliye (C.DH.), n. 13404.
  • Cevdet Zaptiye (C. ZAP.), n. 3922.
  • HH., n. 39316-A.
  • BOA., C.ADL., n. 1825, 2847, 3302; C.DH., n. 5504; C. ZAP., n. 4192; FN. 25, BOA., C.ZAP., n. 2685, 4535.
  • BOA, Mektubi Kalemi, Umum Vilayet, (A.MKT.UM), n. 23/22, 9 Ramazan 1266 (19 July 1850).
  • Sadaret Mektûbî Kalemi Meclis-i Vala, (A.MKT.MVL.), n. 33/132, 27 Zilhicce 1266 (3 November 1850).
  • BOA, A.MKT.UM, n. 23/22, 9 Ramazan 1266 (19 July 1850).
  • BOA, A.MKT.UM, n. 23/22, 9 Ramazan 1266 (19 July 1850).
  • BOA, A.MKT, n. 23/22, 9 Ramazan 1266 (19 July 1850).
  • BOA, A.MKT, n. 27/ 69, 17 Şevval 1266 (26 July 1850).
  • BOA, Hariciye Nezareti Mektubî Kalemi (HR.MKT), n. 47/70, 2 Zilkade 1268 (18 August 1852).
  • BOA, HR.MKT 49/60 9 Zilhicce 1268 (24 September 1852).
  • BOA, Sadaret Mektubî Umum Vilayet, (A.MKT.UM), n. 188/43, 9 Rebiülevvel. 1269 (18 August 1852)
  • BOA, A.MKT.UM, n. 188/43, 9 Rebiülevvel 1269 (18 August 1852).
  • BOA, A.MKT.UM, n. 131/46, 2 Receb 1269 (11 April 1853).
  • Meclisi Vala, (MVL), n. 253/80, 1269 Ra 9 (20 Ocak 1853), BOA, MVL, no. 253/80, 9 Rebiülahir 1269 (20 January 1853), BOA; HR.MKT, n. 49/60, 9 Zilhicce 1268 (24 September 1852), BOA.
  • HR.MKT, n. 49/60, 1268 Zilhicce 1852 (28 September 1852).
  • BOA, HR.MKT, n. 65/85, 28.Muharrem 1270 (31 October 1853).
  • BOA, Sadarat Amedî Kalemi, ( A.AMD), n. 27/29, 12 Safer 1267 (17 Aralık 1850), BOA; A.MKT.UM., n. 82/ 45, 10 Muharrem 1268 (5 November 1851).
  • BOA, A.MKT.UM, n. 72/17, 28 Şevval 1267 (26August 1851), BOA.
  • BOA, MVL 121/ 109 19 Zilhicce 1268 (4 September 1852).
  • BOA, MVL, n. 105/107, Petition of the islanders, 7 Zilhicce 1267 (3 October 1851).
  • BOA, A.MKT 109/90, 3Rebiülahir 1264 (8 February 1848). The letter of mutasarrıf of Biga; A.MKT 109/60 29 Safer 1264 (5 February 1848).
  • BOA, A.MKT 109/60, 29 Safer 1264 (5 February 1848).
  • BOA, A.MKT, n. 109/90 3 Rebiülahir 1264 (8 February 1848).
  • BOA, C.MAL, n. 302/12281 29 Zilkade 1254 (13 February 1839).
  • BOA, C.ML, n. 86/3948 19 Rabiülahir 1255 (2 July 1839).

19. Yüzyıl Başlarında İmroz ile Limni’de Yerel ve Merkezî Yönetim

Year 2014, , 223 - 244, 01.04.2014


Osmanlı yönetimindeki Kuzey Ege adalarında nüfusun çoğunluğunu oluşturan Ortodoks Hristiyan Rum toplumunun sosyal dinamikleri, sivil ve dinî liderleriyle merkezî ve yerel yönetimle olan ilişkileri hâlâ yeteri kadar bilinmemektedir. Osmanlı-Türk tarih yazıcılığında, Müslüman ayanlar üzerine odaklanan çalışmalar bulunurken, benzer mevkiye ve görevlere sahip gayrimüslim kocabaşılar hakkında pek fazla çalışma bulunmamaktadır. Yapılan araştırma ve çalışmalar, kocabaşıların statü yönünden Müslüman ayanlara denk olduğunu ve adalılar ile merkezî hükümet arasında aracı görevi gördüklerini ortaya koymuştur. Bununla beraber, kocabaşıların tarihî süreçte değişen ekonomik, politik ve sosyal şartlar paralelinde kazandıkları gücün artması ve bu durumun ahali üzerindeki etkileri konusu henüz detaylı araştırmalara konu olmamıştır. Bu makale; kocabaşıların, ada toplumlarındaki rolünü, kocabaşı ve adalılar ile merkezî hükümet arasındaki ilişkiler konusunu ele almaktadır. Adalıların sivil ve dinî liderlerinin yanı sıra merkezî hükümetle olan ilişkilerini kavramak, ada toplumlarındaki güç ilişkileriyle adalılara dindaşları olan kocabaşılar ile Müslüman yerel ve merkezî yönetim tarafından nasıl muamele edildiğini anlamamıza yardımcı olacaktır.


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  • İnalcık, Halil, Tanzimat ve Bulgar Meselesi [Tanzimat and Bulgarian Issue], Ankara 1943.
  • Kalaycis, Hrisostimos, Οι εκκλησιές και τα ξωκλήσια της ‹Ιμβρου:Η θρησκευτικότητα και η λαϊκή παράδοση του νησιού [Churches and Country Churches of Imros: Religiosity and Public Traditions of the Island], Eteria Meletis Tis Kathimas Anatolis, Αthens 2007.
  • Karas, Melitonos, Ή νήσος ‹Ιμβρος: Συμβολή εις την Εκκλησιαστικήν Ιστορίαν [Imvros Island: A Contribution to the Ecclesiastical History], Patriarhikon Idrima Paterikon Meleton, Thessaloniki 1987.
  • Kritovoulos, Mihail, Istanbul’un Fethi [Kritovoulos, the Conquest of Istanbul], 2nd ed., transl. Karolidi, Kaknüs, Istanbul 2007.
  • Lowry, Heath W. , Fifteenth Century Ottoman Realities, Christian Peasant Life on the Aegean Island of Lemnos, Eren Press, Istanbul 2002.
  • Moustoxydis, Andreas and Koutloumousianos, Bartholomew, A Historical Memorandum Concerning Island of Imbros, Gokceada-Imbros Protection, Solidarity and Sustainable Development Association, Istanbul 2010, [Constantinople: A. Koromela & P. Paspalles Printers, 1845].
  • Nagata, Yuko, Muhsin-zade Mehmed Paşa ve Ayanlık Müessesesi, Study of Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa Monograph Series, Tokyo 1982.
  • Süleyman Penah Efendi, Mora İhtilâli Tarihçesi [History of the Morean Revolt] ed. Aziz Berker, Tarih Vesikaları, Ankara 1942-1943.
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  • Alexandris, Alexis, “ Imbros and Tenedos: A Study of Turkish Attitudes Toward Two Ethnic Greek Islands Communities Since 1923”, Journal of the Hellenic Diaspora, 7 (1), 1980, p. 5.
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  • Anastasopoulos, Antonis, “The Mixed Elite of a Balkan Town: Karaferye in the Second Half of the Eighteenth Century,” ed. Antonis Anastasopoulos , Halcyon Days in Crete V, Provincial Elites in the Ottoman Empire, Crete University Press, Rethymno 2005.
  • Aziz, Aysel “Gökçeada üzerine Toplumsal Bir İnceleme,” Ankara Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Dergisi, sy. 28/1-2, 1973, p. 91.
  • Bostan, İdris, “The Establishment of the Province of Cezayir-i Bahr-ı Sefid,” in Halcyon Days in Crete IV, The Kapudan Pasha His Office and His Domain, ed. Elizabeth Zachariadou, Crete University Press, Rethymnon 2002, pp. 240-51.
  • Dal, Dilara, “XVIII. Yüzyılda Sakız Adası’nın EtnikYapısı ve Ortodoks-Katolik Reaya Arasındaki İlişkiler” [Ethnic Composition of Sakız Island in the 18th century and Relations between Orthodox Christian and Latin Subjects], Tarihin Peşinde, Uluslararası ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi [The Pursuit of History. International Periodical for History and Social Research] 1, 2009, p. 57.
  • Demircan, Yasemin, “Tıyn-ı Mahtûm: Akdeniz Dünyasının Mucize Toprağı”, Acta Turcica, 1/1, (Ocak 2012), pp. 281-295.
  • Emecen, Feridun, “Ege Adaları’nın İdari Yapısı” [Administrative Structure of the Aegean Islands] in Ege Adaları’nın İdari, Malî ve Sosyal Yapısı [Administrative, Economic and Social Structure of the Aegean Islands] ed. İdris Bostan, Stratejik Araştırma ve Milli Etüdler Komitesi [SAEMK], Ankara 2003, p. 63.
  • Haldon, John, “Lemnos, Monastic Holdins and the Byzantine State: ca. 1261-1453” in continuity and Change in Late Byzantine and Early Ottoman Society, eds. A. Bryer, Heath Lowry, Dumbarton Oaks, Birmingham, England, Washington D.C. 1986.
  • İnalcık, Halil, “The Emergence of Big Farms, Çiftliks: State, Landlords and Tenants,” eds. J.J.-L. Bacqué-Grammont, Paul Dumont, Contributions à l’histoire économique et sociale de l’Empire ottoman, Association pour le developpement des etuder turques, Leuven 1983.
  • –––––––, “Centralization and Decentralization” eds. T. Naff and R. Owen, Studies in Eighteenth Century Islamic History, Carbondale and Edwrdsville, London and Amsterdam 1977, pp. 27, 41-43.
  • –––––––, “The Status of the Greek Orthodox Patriarch under the Ottoman,” in Halil İnalcık, Essays in Ottoman History, Eren Press, Istanbul 1998, pp. 196-8.
  • –––––––, “Tanzimat’ın Uygulanması ve Sosyal Tepkileri” [The Application of Tanzimat and Social Responses] Belleten XXVIII, no. 112 (1964), p. 642.
  • Karpat, Kemal, “Millets and Nationality: The Roots of the Incongruity of Nation and State in the Post-Ottoman Era” in Christians and Jews in the Ottoman Empire, v. I, eds. Benjamin Braude and Bernard Lewis, Holmes & Miller Publishers Inc., New York, London 1982, p. 147.
  • Kolovos, Elias “Ottoman Documents from the Aegean Island of Andros: Provincial Administration, Adaptation and Limitations in the Case of an Island Society (late 16th - early 19th century),” Doceuments de Travail du CETOBAC, no. 1, Les archives de l’insularite ottomane, ed. Nicolas Vatin and Gilles Veinstein, CETOBAC, Paris 2010, pp. 24-27.
  • Mardin, Şerif “Center-Periphery Relations: A Key to Turkish Politics?” Daedalus, vol 102, Winter 1973, pp. 169-190.
  • Mert, Özcan, “Tanzimat Dönemi’nde Çeşme Kocabaşıları (1839-1876)”, Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih Coğrafya Fakültesi, Tarih Bölümü Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi, vol. 22, n. 35, 2004, p. 140.
  • –––––––, “18. ve 19. Yüzyıllarda Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda Kocabaşı Deyimi, Seçimleri ve Kocabaşılık İddiaları,” Hakkı Dursun Yıldız Armağanı, Marmara Üniv. Fen-Edeb Fakültesi Yay., Ankara 1995, pp. 401-407.
  • McGowan, Bruce, “The Age of Ayans, 1699-1812,” eds. Halil İnalcık and Donald Quataert, An Economic and Social History of the Ottoman Empire, 1300-1914, Cambridge Universty Press, Cambridge 1994, pp. 637-757.
  • Oberhummer, Eugen, “Imbros,” Festchrift für H. Kiepert, Berlin 1898, p. 293.
  • Örenç, Ali Fuat, “Ege Adaları’nın İdarî Yapısı (1830-1923)”, Ege Adaları’nın İdarî, Malî ve Sosyal Yapısı, Stratejik Araştırma ve Etüdler Milli Komitesi, Ankara 2003, pp. 32-56.
  • Özbek, Çiğdem, “Imbros Adası’ndaki Kabeiroi Kutsal Alanı ve Hermes Tapınımı,” Anadolu/ Anatolia Ek Dizi/Suppl. no. 1, Ed. Zeynep Çizmeli-Öğün, Tunç Sipahi, Levent Keskin, Kültür Bakanlığı Yayınları, Ankara 2004, pp. 167-182.
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  • 75 Numaralı Gelibolu Livası Mufassal Tahrir Defteri (925/1519) [Number 75 Tahrir Register of Gelibolu Liva] vol. I, T.C. Başbakanlık Devlet Arşivleri Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara pp. 86-87.
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  • BOA., C.ADL., n. 1825; Cevdet Dahiliye (C.DH.), n. 13404.
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  • HH., n. 39316-A.
  • BOA., C.ADL., n. 1825, 2847, 3302; C.DH., n. 5504; C. ZAP., n. 4192; FN. 25, BOA., C.ZAP., n. 2685, 4535.
  • BOA, Mektubi Kalemi, Umum Vilayet, (A.MKT.UM), n. 23/22, 9 Ramazan 1266 (19 July 1850).
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  • BOA, A.MKT.UM, n. 188/43, 9 Rebiülevvel 1269 (18 August 1852).
  • BOA, A.MKT.UM, n. 131/46, 2 Receb 1269 (11 April 1853).
  • Meclisi Vala, (MVL), n. 253/80, 1269 Ra 9 (20 Ocak 1853), BOA, MVL, no. 253/80, 9 Rebiülahir 1269 (20 January 1853), BOA; HR.MKT, n. 49/60, 9 Zilhicce 1268 (24 September 1852), BOA.
  • HR.MKT, n. 49/60, 1268 Zilhicce 1852 (28 September 1852).
  • BOA, HR.MKT, n. 65/85, 28.Muharrem 1270 (31 October 1853).
  • BOA, Sadarat Amedî Kalemi, ( A.AMD), n. 27/29, 12 Safer 1267 (17 Aralık 1850), BOA; A.MKT.UM., n. 82/ 45, 10 Muharrem 1268 (5 November 1851).
  • BOA, A.MKT.UM, n. 72/17, 28 Şevval 1267 (26August 1851), BOA.
  • BOA, MVL 121/ 109 19 Zilhicce 1268 (4 September 1852).
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  • BOA, A.MKT 109/90, 3Rebiülahir 1264 (8 February 1848). The letter of mutasarrıf of Biga; A.MKT 109/60 29 Safer 1264 (5 February 1848).
  • BOA, A.MKT 109/60, 29 Safer 1264 (5 February 1848).
  • BOA, A.MKT, n. 109/90 3 Rebiülahir 1264 (8 February 1848).
  • BOA, C.MAL, n. 302/12281 29 Zilkade 1254 (13 February 1839).
  • BOA, C.ML, n. 86/3948 19 Rabiülahir 1255 (2 July 1839).
There are 75 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Araştırma Makaleleri

Feryal Tansuğ This is me

Publication Date April 1, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014


APA Tansuğ, F. (2014). The Kocabaşis as Intermediaries?: The Local and Central Administration in Imvros/İmroz and Lemnos in the Early 19th Century. BELLETEN, 78(281), 223-244.
AMA Tansuğ F. The Kocabaşis as Intermediaries?: The Local and Central Administration in Imvros/İmroz and Lemnos in the Early 19th Century. TTK BELLETEN. April 2014;78(281):223-244. doi:10.37879/belleten.2014.223
Chicago Tansuğ, Feryal. “The Kocabaşis As Intermediaries?: The Local and Central Administration in Imvros/İmroz and Lemnos in the Early 19th Century”. BELLETEN 78, no. 281 (April 2014): 223-44.
EndNote Tansuğ F (April 1, 2014) The Kocabaşis as Intermediaries?: The Local and Central Administration in Imvros/İmroz and Lemnos in the Early 19th Century. BELLETEN 78 281 223–244.
IEEE F. Tansuğ, “The Kocabaşis as Intermediaries?: The Local and Central Administration in Imvros/İmroz and Lemnos in the Early 19th Century”, TTK BELLETEN, vol. 78, no. 281, pp. 223–244, 2014, doi: 10.37879/belleten.2014.223.
ISNAD Tansuğ, Feryal. “The Kocabaşis As Intermediaries?: The Local and Central Administration in Imvros/İmroz and Lemnos in the Early 19th Century”. BELLETEN 78/281 (April 2014), 223-244.
JAMA Tansuğ F. The Kocabaşis as Intermediaries?: The Local and Central Administration in Imvros/İmroz and Lemnos in the Early 19th Century. TTK BELLETEN. 2014;78:223–244.
MLA Tansuğ, Feryal. “The Kocabaşis As Intermediaries?: The Local and Central Administration in Imvros/İmroz and Lemnos in the Early 19th Century”. BELLETEN, vol. 78, no. 281, 2014, pp. 223-44, doi:10.37879/belleten.2014.223.
Vancouver Tansuğ F. The Kocabaşis as Intermediaries?: The Local and Central Administration in Imvros/İmroz and Lemnos in the Early 19th Century. TTK BELLETEN. 2014;78(281):223-44.