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Ioannes Chrysostomus’un Düşüşü: Doğu Roma Başkentinde Din ve Politika

Year 2003, , 745 - 770, 01.12.2003


Geç Roma İmparatorluğu’nda, din ve politika ayrılmaz bir ikili oluşturmuşlardır. Bu, sadece İmparatorluğun Hıristiyanlaşmaya başladığı IV. yüzyılın ilk çeyreği ve sonrasındaki bir faktör değil, esas kökleri Hıristiyanlaşma öncesinde bulunan bir olgudur. Esasen, pagan Roma’da, imparatorun Pontifex Maximus (=baş rahip) statüsüne sahip olması, (ve ayrıca kişiliğinin tanrısal bir niteliğe sahip olması), imparatorun, Hıristiyanlaşma süreci içerisinde, kilise işlerine müdahale etmesinin yasal çerçevesini oluşturmaktadır. İmparatorluk ile kilise arasındaki bu tür ilişkiler, aslında Constantinus’tan (306-337) önce başlar1. Ancak, hem doğrudan imparatorun, hem de saray yetkililerinin kilise işlerinde aktif olarak yer almaya başlamaları Constantinus ve sonrası dönemde ortaya çıkan bir faktördür. Bununla birlikte, IV. yüzyılda iktidarda bulunan Constantinus, oğlu II. Constantius (337-61) ve I. Theodosius (379-95) gibi güçlü imparatorlar, saray yetkililerinin kilise politikalarında belirgin bir şekilde görünür hale gelmelerini gölgelemişlerdir. 395’de Theodosius’un ölümü üzerine yerine geçen genç oğullarının (Doğu’da Arcadius, Batı’da Honorius) döneminde, onların gençliği ve tecrübesizliğinden dolayı, özellikle Doğu’da bürokrasi hem devletin iç ve dış politikalarında, hem de kilise ile ilişkilerinde çok daha fazla ön plana çıkmıştır.


  • Ammianus Marcellinus. =Ammianus Marcellinus, The Later Roman Empire (A.D. 354-378), Selected and translated by W. Hamilton with an Introduction and Notes by A. Wallace-Hadrill, (Harmondsworth 1986).
  • Athanasius, The Life of Antony. =Athanasius, The Life of Antony, Nicene and Post Nicene Fathers, 2. Seri, cilt IV (içinde), (Edinburgh 1991).
  • Chronicon Paschale = Chronicon Paschale 284-628 A.D. (Translated Texts for Historians için İng. çev. notlar ve giriş M. Whitby & M. Whitby) (Liverpool 1989).
  • C.Th. =Codex Theodosianus, (İng. çev. Clyde Parr), The Theodosian Code, (Princeton 1952).
  • Cyprianus, Chastity. =Cyprian, Of The Discipline and Advantage of Chastity, The Ante-Nicene Fathers, cilt V (içinde), (Edinburgh 1995).
  • Mark the Deacon, The Life of Porphy = Mark the Deacon, The Life of Porphyr, bishop of Gaza (İng. çev. G.F. Hill) (Oxford 1913).
  • Palladius, Dialogue. =Palladius, Dialogue on the Life of St. John Chrysostom, (Translated and Edited by Robert T. Meyer) Ancient Christian Writers, cilt 45, (New York 1985).
  • Philostorgius, HE. = Philostorgius, Kirchengeschichte, Mit Dem Leben Des Lucian Von Antiochien Und Den Fragmenten Eines Arianischen Historiographen, von J. Bidez & F. Winkelmann (Berlin 1972).
  • Socrates, HE. =Socrates, Church History, From AD. 305-439, Nicene and Post Nicene Fathers-2. seri, cilt II (içinde), (Edinburgh 1989).
  • Sozomenus, HE. =Sozomenus, Church History From AD. 323-425, Nicene and Post Nicene Fathers 2. Seri, cilt II (içinde), (Edinburgh 1989).
  • Theodoret, HE. =Theodoret, The Ecclesiastical History, Nicene and Post Nicene Fathers 2. Seri, cilt III, (Edinburgh 1996).
  • Zosimus. =Zosimus, New History, (İng. çev. ve açıklamalar Ronald T. Ridley, (Canberra 1982).
  • Arjava 1993……, A. Arjava, “Women in the Christian Empire: Ideological Changes and Social Reality”, Studia Patristica XXIV, (1993) s.6-9.
  • Barnes 1990……, T.D. Barnes, “The Consecration of Ulfila” Journal of Theological Studies XL, (1990), s. 541-45.
  • Baur 1988……, C. Baur, John Chrysostom and His Time, cilt 2, 1 ve 2. Kısımlar, (Vaduz 1988).
  • Cameron 1993a……, A. Cameron, The Later Roman Empire AD.284-430, (Londra 1993).
  • Cameron 1993b……, A. Cameron, The Mediterranean World in Late Antiquity AD. 395-600, (Londra 1993).
  • Chadwick 1991……, H. Chadwick, “The Role of the Christian Bishop in Ancient Society” in Heresy and Orthodoxy in the Early Church (Chadwick’in makalelerinden oluşan bir kolleksiyon), (Aldershot 1991), s. 1-14
  • Chadwick 1993……, H. Chadwick, “Bishops and Monks” Studia Patristica XXIV, (Leuven 1993) s. 45-61.
  • Chadwick 1998……, H. Chadwick, “Orthodoxy and Heresy from the Death of Constantine to the Eve of the First Council of Ephesus” The Cambridge Ancient History The Late Empire, A.D. 337-425, cilt XIII, (ed. A. Cameron & P. Garnsey, Cambridge University Press 1998), s. 561-600.
  • Clark 1983……, E.A. Clark, Women in the Early Church (Wilmington 1983).
  • Clark 1986……, E.A. Clark, Ascetic Piety and Women’s Faith: Essays on Late Ancient Christianity, (Lewiston 1986).
  • Fowden 1978……, G. Fowden, “Bishops and Temples in the eastern Roman Empire AD. 320-435” Journal of Theological Studies XXIX/1, (1978), s.53-78.
  • Frend 1984……, W.H.C. Frend, The Rise of Christianity (Philedelphia 1984).
  • Haas 1997……, C. Haas, Alexandria in Late Antiquity, Topography and Social Conflict, (Baltimore & Londra 1997).
  • Hall 1994….S. Hall, “Women Among the Early Martyrs” Martyrs and Martyrologies (içinde) (Oxford 1994).
  • Hartney 2001……, Aideen Hartney, “Men, Women and Money - John Chrysostom and the Transformation of the City” Studia Patristica XXXVII, (ed. by M. Wiles & E.J. Yarnold) (Leuven 2001), s. 527-34.
  • Heather 1998……, P. Heather, “Goths and Huns c.320-425”, Cambridge Ancient History, vol. XIII (içinde), (Cambridge 1998).
  • Hefele 1871……, C.J. Hefele, A History of The Christian Councils, From the Original Documents to the Close of the Council of Nicaea AD. 325, (İng. çev. W.R. Clark) (Edinburgh 1871).
  • Heine 1993…… S. Heine, Women and Early Christianity: A Reappraisal (Minneapolis 1988).
  • Holum 1982……, K.G. Holum, Theodosian Empresses, Women and Imperial Dominion in Late Antiquity (Berkeley, Los Angeles & Londra 1982).
  • Hunt 1998……, D. Hunt, “The Church as a Public Institution” Cambridge Ancient History XIII, (Cambridge 1998), s.238-76.
  • Jones 1964……, A.H.M. Jones, The Later Roman Empire, 2 vols. (Oxford 1964, sık sık yeni basımı yapılır).
  • Jonkers 1954……, E.J., Jonkers, Acta Et Symbola Conciliorum Quae Saeculo Quarto Habita Sunt, Textus Minores vol. XIX, (Leiden 1954).
  • Kaçar 2002a……, T. Kaçar, “The Parting of the Ways: The East and the West at the Council of Serdica A.D.343” Hacettepe Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi XIX/1, (2002) 139-151.
  • Kaçar 2002b……, T. Kaçar, “Doğu Roma İmparatorluğunda Kilise ve Saray: Ioannes Chrysostomus’un Yükselişi” Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, E-Dergi 2002/I, (
  • Kelly 1995……, J.N.D. Kelly, Golden Mouth. The Story of John Chrysostom, Ascetic, Preacher, Bishop, (Michigan 1995).
  • Liebeschuetz 1984……, W. Liebeschuetz, “Friends and Enemies of Johm Chrysostom” Maistor: Classical, Byzantine and Renaissance Studies for Robert Browning, ed. by Ann Moffatt, Byzantina Australiensa 4, (Austuralya-Canberra 1984), s.85-111.
  • Liebeschuetz 1985……, J.H.G.W. Liebeschuetz, “The Fall of John Chrysostom” Nothingham Medieval Studies XXIX, (1985) s.1-31.
  • Liebeschetz 1990……, W. Liebeschuetz, Barbarians and Bishops: Army, Church and State in the Age of Arcadius and Chrysostom, (Oxford 1990).
  • Liebeschuetz 1997……, W. Liebeschuetz, “The Rise of the Bishop in the Christian Roman Empire and the Successor Kingdoms” Donum Amicitiae. Studies in Ancient History, ed. by E. D_browa, (Kraków1997) 113-125.
  • Mayer & Allen 2000……, W. Mayer & P. Allen, John Chrysostom (Londra & New York 2000).
  • Percival 1899……, H.R. Percival, The Seven Ecumenical Councils of the Undivided Church, Their Canons and Dogmatic Decrees, Nicene and Post Nicene Fathers serisi, cilt XIV, (Edinburgh 1899=yeni basım 1997).
  • PLRE I & II……, Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire A.D. 260-395, vol.1, hazırlayanlar AHM. Jones & JR. Martindale & J. Morris, (Cambridge1971); PLRE II A.D. 395-527, hazırlayanlar J.R. Martindale & J. Morris, (Cambridge 1980).
  • Vasiliev 1943……, A.A. Vasiliev, Bizans İmparatorluğu Tarihi cilt I, (çev. A.M. Mansel), (Ankara 1943).

The Fall of Ioannes Chrysostomus: Religion and Politics in the Capital of the Eastern Roman Empire

Year 2003, , 745 - 770, 01.12.2003


Ioannes Chrysostomus was ordained as the bishop of Constantinopolis with the full support of the court bureacracy in AD. 397. However, in a short time after the ordination he was at trial before an episcopal synod organised by the imperial back up. How this had happened? This paper attempts to explore the reasons behind the fall of Chrysostomus. My suggestions for the bishop's fall are as follows: a- As Chrysostomus was a reformist figure, his attempts to redesign the church of Constantinopolis and its dependent institutions created problems. b- The increasing power of Chrysostomus frightened the bureacracy because the bishop had played an important intermediary. c- The aim of Chrysostomus to remodel the society of the capital in the ideal Christian manner led to the reaction among the upper class women. d- Chrysostomus' relationships with the western church increased the tension in the eastern capital, where the court was careful to avoid any western intervention. Also the diplomacy between Alexandria and Constantinopolis worked at the expense of Chrysostomus.


  • Ammianus Marcellinus. =Ammianus Marcellinus, The Later Roman Empire (A.D. 354-378), Selected and translated by W. Hamilton with an Introduction and Notes by A. Wallace-Hadrill, (Harmondsworth 1986).
  • Athanasius, The Life of Antony. =Athanasius, The Life of Antony, Nicene and Post Nicene Fathers, 2. Seri, cilt IV (içinde), (Edinburgh 1991).
  • Chronicon Paschale = Chronicon Paschale 284-628 A.D. (Translated Texts for Historians için İng. çev. notlar ve giriş M. Whitby & M. Whitby) (Liverpool 1989).
  • C.Th. =Codex Theodosianus, (İng. çev. Clyde Parr), The Theodosian Code, (Princeton 1952).
  • Cyprianus, Chastity. =Cyprian, Of The Discipline and Advantage of Chastity, The Ante-Nicene Fathers, cilt V (içinde), (Edinburgh 1995).
  • Mark the Deacon, The Life of Porphy = Mark the Deacon, The Life of Porphyr, bishop of Gaza (İng. çev. G.F. Hill) (Oxford 1913).
  • Palladius, Dialogue. =Palladius, Dialogue on the Life of St. John Chrysostom, (Translated and Edited by Robert T. Meyer) Ancient Christian Writers, cilt 45, (New York 1985).
  • Philostorgius, HE. = Philostorgius, Kirchengeschichte, Mit Dem Leben Des Lucian Von Antiochien Und Den Fragmenten Eines Arianischen Historiographen, von J. Bidez & F. Winkelmann (Berlin 1972).
  • Socrates, HE. =Socrates, Church History, From AD. 305-439, Nicene and Post Nicene Fathers-2. seri, cilt II (içinde), (Edinburgh 1989).
  • Sozomenus, HE. =Sozomenus, Church History From AD. 323-425, Nicene and Post Nicene Fathers 2. Seri, cilt II (içinde), (Edinburgh 1989).
  • Theodoret, HE. =Theodoret, The Ecclesiastical History, Nicene and Post Nicene Fathers 2. Seri, cilt III, (Edinburgh 1996).
  • Zosimus. =Zosimus, New History, (İng. çev. ve açıklamalar Ronald T. Ridley, (Canberra 1982).
  • Arjava 1993……, A. Arjava, “Women in the Christian Empire: Ideological Changes and Social Reality”, Studia Patristica XXIV, (1993) s.6-9.
  • Barnes 1990……, T.D. Barnes, “The Consecration of Ulfila” Journal of Theological Studies XL, (1990), s. 541-45.
  • Baur 1988……, C. Baur, John Chrysostom and His Time, cilt 2, 1 ve 2. Kısımlar, (Vaduz 1988).
  • Cameron 1993a……, A. Cameron, The Later Roman Empire AD.284-430, (Londra 1993).
  • Cameron 1993b……, A. Cameron, The Mediterranean World in Late Antiquity AD. 395-600, (Londra 1993).
  • Chadwick 1991……, H. Chadwick, “The Role of the Christian Bishop in Ancient Society” in Heresy and Orthodoxy in the Early Church (Chadwick’in makalelerinden oluşan bir kolleksiyon), (Aldershot 1991), s. 1-14
  • Chadwick 1993……, H. Chadwick, “Bishops and Monks” Studia Patristica XXIV, (Leuven 1993) s. 45-61.
  • Chadwick 1998……, H. Chadwick, “Orthodoxy and Heresy from the Death of Constantine to the Eve of the First Council of Ephesus” The Cambridge Ancient History The Late Empire, A.D. 337-425, cilt XIII, (ed. A. Cameron & P. Garnsey, Cambridge University Press 1998), s. 561-600.
  • Clark 1983……, E.A. Clark, Women in the Early Church (Wilmington 1983).
  • Clark 1986……, E.A. Clark, Ascetic Piety and Women’s Faith: Essays on Late Ancient Christianity, (Lewiston 1986).
  • Fowden 1978……, G. Fowden, “Bishops and Temples in the eastern Roman Empire AD. 320-435” Journal of Theological Studies XXIX/1, (1978), s.53-78.
  • Frend 1984……, W.H.C. Frend, The Rise of Christianity (Philedelphia 1984).
  • Haas 1997……, C. Haas, Alexandria in Late Antiquity, Topography and Social Conflict, (Baltimore & Londra 1997).
  • Hall 1994….S. Hall, “Women Among the Early Martyrs” Martyrs and Martyrologies (içinde) (Oxford 1994).
  • Hartney 2001……, Aideen Hartney, “Men, Women and Money - John Chrysostom and the Transformation of the City” Studia Patristica XXXVII, (ed. by M. Wiles & E.J. Yarnold) (Leuven 2001), s. 527-34.
  • Heather 1998……, P. Heather, “Goths and Huns c.320-425”, Cambridge Ancient History, vol. XIII (içinde), (Cambridge 1998).
  • Hefele 1871……, C.J. Hefele, A History of The Christian Councils, From the Original Documents to the Close of the Council of Nicaea AD. 325, (İng. çev. W.R. Clark) (Edinburgh 1871).
  • Heine 1993…… S. Heine, Women and Early Christianity: A Reappraisal (Minneapolis 1988).
  • Holum 1982……, K.G. Holum, Theodosian Empresses, Women and Imperial Dominion in Late Antiquity (Berkeley, Los Angeles & Londra 1982).
  • Hunt 1998……, D. Hunt, “The Church as a Public Institution” Cambridge Ancient History XIII, (Cambridge 1998), s.238-76.
  • Jones 1964……, A.H.M. Jones, The Later Roman Empire, 2 vols. (Oxford 1964, sık sık yeni basımı yapılır).
  • Jonkers 1954……, E.J., Jonkers, Acta Et Symbola Conciliorum Quae Saeculo Quarto Habita Sunt, Textus Minores vol. XIX, (Leiden 1954).
  • Kaçar 2002a……, T. Kaçar, “The Parting of the Ways: The East and the West at the Council of Serdica A.D.343” Hacettepe Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi XIX/1, (2002) 139-151.
  • Kaçar 2002b……, T. Kaçar, “Doğu Roma İmparatorluğunda Kilise ve Saray: Ioannes Chrysostomus’un Yükselişi” Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, E-Dergi 2002/I, (
  • Kelly 1995……, J.N.D. Kelly, Golden Mouth. The Story of John Chrysostom, Ascetic, Preacher, Bishop, (Michigan 1995).
  • Liebeschuetz 1984……, W. Liebeschuetz, “Friends and Enemies of Johm Chrysostom” Maistor: Classical, Byzantine and Renaissance Studies for Robert Browning, ed. by Ann Moffatt, Byzantina Australiensa 4, (Austuralya-Canberra 1984), s.85-111.
  • Liebeschuetz 1985……, J.H.G.W. Liebeschuetz, “The Fall of John Chrysostom” Nothingham Medieval Studies XXIX, (1985) s.1-31.
  • Liebeschetz 1990……, W. Liebeschuetz, Barbarians and Bishops: Army, Church and State in the Age of Arcadius and Chrysostom, (Oxford 1990).
  • Liebeschuetz 1997……, W. Liebeschuetz, “The Rise of the Bishop in the Christian Roman Empire and the Successor Kingdoms” Donum Amicitiae. Studies in Ancient History, ed. by E. D_browa, (Kraków1997) 113-125.
  • Mayer & Allen 2000……, W. Mayer & P. Allen, John Chrysostom (Londra & New York 2000).
  • Percival 1899……, H.R. Percival, The Seven Ecumenical Councils of the Undivided Church, Their Canons and Dogmatic Decrees, Nicene and Post Nicene Fathers serisi, cilt XIV, (Edinburgh 1899=yeni basım 1997).
  • PLRE I & II……, Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire A.D. 260-395, vol.1, hazırlayanlar AHM. Jones & JR. Martindale & J. Morris, (Cambridge1971); PLRE II A.D. 395-527, hazırlayanlar J.R. Martindale & J. Morris, (Cambridge 1980).
  • Vasiliev 1943……, A.A. Vasiliev, Bizans İmparatorluğu Tarihi cilt I, (çev. A.M. Mansel), (Ankara 1943).
There are 45 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Araştırma Makaleleri

Turhan Kaçar This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2003
Published in Issue Year 2003


APA Kaçar, T. (2003). Ioannes Chrysostomus’un Düşüşü: Doğu Roma Başkentinde Din ve Politika. BELLETEN, 67(250), 745-770.
AMA Kaçar T. Ioannes Chrysostomus’un Düşüşü: Doğu Roma Başkentinde Din ve Politika. TTK BELLETEN. December 2003;67(250):745-770. doi:10.37879/belleten.2003.745
Chicago Kaçar, Turhan. “Ioannes Chrysostomus’un Düşüşü: Doğu Roma Başkentinde Din Ve Politika”. BELLETEN 67, no. 250 (December 2003): 745-70.
EndNote Kaçar T (December 1, 2003) Ioannes Chrysostomus’un Düşüşü: Doğu Roma Başkentinde Din ve Politika. BELLETEN 67 250 745–770.
IEEE T. Kaçar, “Ioannes Chrysostomus’un Düşüşü: Doğu Roma Başkentinde Din ve Politika”, TTK BELLETEN, vol. 67, no. 250, pp. 745–770, 2003, doi: 10.37879/belleten.2003.745.
ISNAD Kaçar, Turhan. “Ioannes Chrysostomus’un Düşüşü: Doğu Roma Başkentinde Din Ve Politika”. BELLETEN 67/250 (December 2003), 745-770.
JAMA Kaçar T. Ioannes Chrysostomus’un Düşüşü: Doğu Roma Başkentinde Din ve Politika. TTK BELLETEN. 2003;67:745–770.
MLA Kaçar, Turhan. “Ioannes Chrysostomus’un Düşüşü: Doğu Roma Başkentinde Din Ve Politika”. BELLETEN, vol. 67, no. 250, 2003, pp. 745-70, doi:10.37879/belleten.2003.745.
Vancouver Kaçar T. Ioannes Chrysostomus’un Düşüşü: Doğu Roma Başkentinde Din ve Politika. TTK BELLETEN. 2003;67(250):745-70.