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Büyük Menderes Havzasında Prehistorik Yerleşim Dokusu

Year 2002, , 1 - 34, 01.04.2002


Ege Bölgesi’nin en uzun akarsuyu olan Büyük Menderes Irmağı, Dinar-Sandıklı arasındaki dağlık arazide doğar. Burada bulunan kaynak kollarından biri Dinar’ın hemen kuzeydoğusundaki kireç taşı dikliklerinde yer alan karstik kökenli Antik Çağ’ın ünlü Marsyas kaynağından doğan koldur. Marsyas kaynağı çoğu zaman Büyük Menderes’in başlangıcı sayılır. Daha uzun olan ikinci kol ise Sandıklı Ovası’nı çeviren yüksek dağlardan inen derelerin birleşmesinden oluşur. Çivril Ovası’na kavuşan bu ikinci kol Büyük Menderes adını alır. Bir süre aynı ovanın ekseni doğrultusunda aktıktan sonra Çal’da keskin bir dirsek yaparak batıya döner ve üçüncü bir kaynak olan Banaz Çayı ile birleşir. Günümüzde bu birleşme Banaz Çayı olarak adlandırılmaktadır. Büyük Menderes daha güneyde Sarayköy yakınlarında kendi adını taşıyan çöküntü ovasına girer. Honaz Dağı eteklerini izleyerek gelen Aksu Çayı’nı da aldıktan sonra genellikle ovanın güney kenarına yakın ve yaklaşık 200 km. uzunluğunda bir çığır izler. Dandalas Çayı’na Morsynos ek olarak Menteşe yöresi dağlarından gelen Akçay Harpasos ve Çine Çayları Marsyas da sularını Büyük Menderes Irmağı’na boşaltır. Bu akarsular dışında havzada sularını Büyük Menderes Irmağı’na boşaltan 50’den fazla akarsu, dere ve çay vardır(1).


  • Akdeniz 1996 E.Akdeniz, “1995 Yılı Büyük Menderes Ovası ve Çevresi Yüzey Araştırmaları”, XIV.AST, Ankara 1996, 233 vd.
  • Eisma 1978 D.Eisma, “Stream Deposition and Erosion by the Eastern Shore of the Aegean”, The Enviromental History of the Near and Middle East, Since the Last Ice Age, (Ed.W.C. Brice), Londra, 1978.
  • French 1968 D.H.French, Anatolia and the Aegean in the Third Millenium B.C., (Basılmamış Doktora Tezi), Cambridge, 1968.
  • Gebel 1984 H.G.Gebel, “Ein Weiteres Prahistorisches Felsgesteingerat in Didyma”, IstMıtt 34 (1984), 29 vd.
  • Göney 1975 S.Göney, Büyük Menderes Bölgesi, İstanbul, 1975.
  • Joukowsky 1986 a M.Joukowsky, Prehistoric Aphrodisias I, An Account of the Excavations and Artifact Studies, Louvain-La Neuve, 1986.
  • Joukowsky 1986 b M.Joukowsky, Prehistoric Aphrodisias, II, An Account of the Excavations and Artifact Studies, Louvain-La Neuve, 1986.
  • Joukowsky 1987 M.Joukowsky, “Prehistoric Aphrodisias”, Aphrodisias de Carie, Colloque de l’Universite de Lille III, ( la Geniere-K.Erim), Paris 1987, 31 vd.
  • Lamb 1937 W.Lamb, “Excavations at Kusura Near Afyon Karahisar”, Archaeologia 86 (1937), 1vd.
  • Lamb 1938 W.Lamb, “Excavations at Kusura Near Afyon Karahisar”, Archaeologia 87 (1938), 217 vd.
  • Leurquin 1986 J.L.Leurquin, “Prospection de la Vallee du Dandalas Campagne de Fouilles-1982”, Prehistoric Aphrodisias I, An Account of the Excavations and Artifact Studies, Louvain-La Neuve, 1986, 725 vd.
  • Lloyd 1972 S.Lloyd, Beycesultan III/I, Late Bronze Age Architecture, Londra,1972.
  • Lloyd-Mellaart 1962 S.Lloyd-J.Mellaart, Beycesultan I, The Chalcolithic and the Early Bronze Age Levels, Londra, 1962.
  • Lloyd-Mellaart 1965 S.Lloyd-J.Mellaart, Beycesultan II, Middle Bronze Age Architecture and Pottery, Londra, 1965.
  • Marchese 1976 R.T.Marchese, History of Urban Organization in the Lower Maeander River Valley: Regional Settlement Patterns to the Second Century A.D.Newyork, 1976.
  • Mellaart 1954 J.Mellaart, “Preliminary Report on a Survey of Pre-Classical Remains in Southern Turkey”, AS 4 (1954), 175 vd.
  • Mellaart 1955 J.Mellaart, “Beycesultan Excavations, First Preliminary Report”, AS 5 (1955), 39 vd.
  • Mellaart 1958 J.Mellaart,“Excavations at Beycesultan, 1957, Pottery from the Lower Levels at Beycesultan”, AS 8 (1958), 113 vd.
  • Mellaart 1961 J.Mellaart, “Early Cultures of the South Anatolian Plateau”, AS 11 (1961), 159 vd.
  • Mellaart 1963 J.Mellaart, “Early Cultures of the South Anatolian Plateau, II”, AS 13 (1963), 199 vd.
  • Mellaart-Murray 1995 J.Mellaart-A.Murray, Beycesultan III/II: Late Bronze Age and Phrygian Pottery and Middle and Late Bronze Age Small Objects, Oxford, 1995.
  • Peschlow-Bindokat 1996 A.Peschlow-Bindokat, Der Latmos, Eine unbekannte Gebirgslandschaft an der Türkischen Westküste, Mainz, 1996
  • Peschlow-Bindokat 1999 A.Peschlow-Bindokat, “Die Arbeiten des Jahres 1997 in Herakleia am Latmos und Umgebung”, XVI. AST II, Ankara 1999, 461 vd.
  • Ramsay 1960 W . M .Ramsay, Anadolu’nun Tarihi Coğrafyası, (Çev.M.Pektaş), İstanbul, 1960.
  • Schattner1992 T.G.Schattner, “Didymaein Minoische-Mykenischen Fund Platz”, AA 1992, 369 vd.
  • Strabon Geographica, (Çev.A.Pekman), İstanbul, 1993.
  • Voigtlander 1983 W.Voiglander, “Frühe Funde von Killiktepe bei Milet”, IstMitt 35 (1983), 5 vd.der, “Survey bei Akbük” III. AST, Ankara, 1986, 251 vd.
  • Voigtlander 1986b W.Voigtlander, “Umrisse Eines Vor und Frühgeschichtlichen Zentrums an der Karisch-Ionischen Küste”, AA 1986, 613 vd.
  • Yakar 1974 J. Yakar, “The Twin Shrines of Beycesultan”, AS 24 (1974), 151 vd.
  • Yakar 1985 J. Yakar, The Later Prehistory of Anatolia, BAR 268, Oxford, 1985 Yakar 1991 J.Yakar, Prehistoric Anatolia, Tel Aviv, 1991.

The Fabric of a Prehistoric Settlement in the Büyük Menderes River Basin

Year 2002, , 1 - 34, 01.04.2002


Meander Valley is located in southwestern Anatolia, starting at the Dinar-Sandıklı region (Upper Meander Valley), it extends towards to the Aegean sea shore (Upper Meander Valley). Within the Meander Valley, prehistoric settlement of the different periods have been found. The various types of evidence belong to the very early cultural periods. The earliest cultural remains at Meander Valley are the pictures on rocks which were determined at Beşparmak Mountains. The first actual settling began in the Late Neolithic Period. However, the cultural structure of that period still keeps it uncertainty. This uncertainty lasted until the Late Chalcolithic Period. It can be said that, in the Late Chalcolithic Period when 30 settlements were documented, the Valley people got rid of migration to a large extent and established commercial relationships with other regions. In the Early Bronze Age I, which had been reached without any cultural deficiencies, there was a decrease of the number of settlements. The physical remains were of rather high quality. It's possible to name the culture of this period as "The Early Bronze Age I Culture of Meander Valley". Beycesultan, Kusura and Aphrodisias can each be described as subcultures of this culture. The number of settlements in the Early Bronze Age II increased to 81. There is a quality increase and a variety of the findings. As it happened widely in West Anatolia, this period ended with a great disaster in the Valley as well. In the Early Bronze Age III, on the other hand, the number of settlements decreased by half. In addition to this, the physical elements of culture began a distinct process. In The Middle Bronze Age, when settlements were determined in 42 centres, settlements which can be named as City States started to come into being in Anatolia and the mainland of Greece. Beycesultan is this kind of a settlement. In this period, the Valley had very intimate relationships with whether the Central Anatolia or Crete. In the Late Bronze Age, The cultural structure of the Valley faced great changes, and local culture groups increasingly came into being. The number of settlements increased to 56. At the upper parts of the Valley, the Hittite influence, and at the lower parts, the Mycenaeans influence is perceived. It is possible that part of the countries of Ahhiyawa and Arzawa, which were mentioned in Hittite texts, has been located in the Valley.


  • Akdeniz 1996 E.Akdeniz, “1995 Yılı Büyük Menderes Ovası ve Çevresi Yüzey Araştırmaları”, XIV.AST, Ankara 1996, 233 vd.
  • Eisma 1978 D.Eisma, “Stream Deposition and Erosion by the Eastern Shore of the Aegean”, The Enviromental History of the Near and Middle East, Since the Last Ice Age, (Ed.W.C. Brice), Londra, 1978.
  • French 1968 D.H.French, Anatolia and the Aegean in the Third Millenium B.C., (Basılmamış Doktora Tezi), Cambridge, 1968.
  • Gebel 1984 H.G.Gebel, “Ein Weiteres Prahistorisches Felsgesteingerat in Didyma”, IstMıtt 34 (1984), 29 vd.
  • Göney 1975 S.Göney, Büyük Menderes Bölgesi, İstanbul, 1975.
  • Joukowsky 1986 a M.Joukowsky, Prehistoric Aphrodisias I, An Account of the Excavations and Artifact Studies, Louvain-La Neuve, 1986.
  • Joukowsky 1986 b M.Joukowsky, Prehistoric Aphrodisias, II, An Account of the Excavations and Artifact Studies, Louvain-La Neuve, 1986.
  • Joukowsky 1987 M.Joukowsky, “Prehistoric Aphrodisias”, Aphrodisias de Carie, Colloque de l’Universite de Lille III, ( la Geniere-K.Erim), Paris 1987, 31 vd.
  • Lamb 1937 W.Lamb, “Excavations at Kusura Near Afyon Karahisar”, Archaeologia 86 (1937), 1vd.
  • Lamb 1938 W.Lamb, “Excavations at Kusura Near Afyon Karahisar”, Archaeologia 87 (1938), 217 vd.
  • Leurquin 1986 J.L.Leurquin, “Prospection de la Vallee du Dandalas Campagne de Fouilles-1982”, Prehistoric Aphrodisias I, An Account of the Excavations and Artifact Studies, Louvain-La Neuve, 1986, 725 vd.
  • Lloyd 1972 S.Lloyd, Beycesultan III/I, Late Bronze Age Architecture, Londra,1972.
  • Lloyd-Mellaart 1962 S.Lloyd-J.Mellaart, Beycesultan I, The Chalcolithic and the Early Bronze Age Levels, Londra, 1962.
  • Lloyd-Mellaart 1965 S.Lloyd-J.Mellaart, Beycesultan II, Middle Bronze Age Architecture and Pottery, Londra, 1965.
  • Marchese 1976 R.T.Marchese, History of Urban Organization in the Lower Maeander River Valley: Regional Settlement Patterns to the Second Century A.D.Newyork, 1976.
  • Mellaart 1954 J.Mellaart, “Preliminary Report on a Survey of Pre-Classical Remains in Southern Turkey”, AS 4 (1954), 175 vd.
  • Mellaart 1955 J.Mellaart, “Beycesultan Excavations, First Preliminary Report”, AS 5 (1955), 39 vd.
  • Mellaart 1958 J.Mellaart,“Excavations at Beycesultan, 1957, Pottery from the Lower Levels at Beycesultan”, AS 8 (1958), 113 vd.
  • Mellaart 1961 J.Mellaart, “Early Cultures of the South Anatolian Plateau”, AS 11 (1961), 159 vd.
  • Mellaart 1963 J.Mellaart, “Early Cultures of the South Anatolian Plateau, II”, AS 13 (1963), 199 vd.
  • Mellaart-Murray 1995 J.Mellaart-A.Murray, Beycesultan III/II: Late Bronze Age and Phrygian Pottery and Middle and Late Bronze Age Small Objects, Oxford, 1995.
  • Peschlow-Bindokat 1996 A.Peschlow-Bindokat, Der Latmos, Eine unbekannte Gebirgslandschaft an der Türkischen Westküste, Mainz, 1996
  • Peschlow-Bindokat 1999 A.Peschlow-Bindokat, “Die Arbeiten des Jahres 1997 in Herakleia am Latmos und Umgebung”, XVI. AST II, Ankara 1999, 461 vd.
  • Ramsay 1960 W . M .Ramsay, Anadolu’nun Tarihi Coğrafyası, (Çev.M.Pektaş), İstanbul, 1960.
  • Schattner1992 T.G.Schattner, “Didymaein Minoische-Mykenischen Fund Platz”, AA 1992, 369 vd.
  • Strabon Geographica, (Çev.A.Pekman), İstanbul, 1993.
  • Voigtlander 1983 W.Voiglander, “Frühe Funde von Killiktepe bei Milet”, IstMitt 35 (1983), 5 vd.der, “Survey bei Akbük” III. AST, Ankara, 1986, 251 vd.
  • Voigtlander 1986b W.Voigtlander, “Umrisse Eines Vor und Frühgeschichtlichen Zentrums an der Karisch-Ionischen Küste”, AA 1986, 613 vd.
  • Yakar 1974 J. Yakar, “The Twin Shrines of Beycesultan”, AS 24 (1974), 151 vd.
  • Yakar 1985 J. Yakar, The Later Prehistory of Anatolia, BAR 268, Oxford, 1985 Yakar 1991 J.Yakar, Prehistoric Anatolia, Tel Aviv, 1991.
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Archaeology
Journal Section Araştırma Makaleleri

Engin Akdeniz This is me

Publication Date April 1, 2002
Published in Issue Year 2002


APA Akdeniz, E. (2002). Büyük Menderes Havzasında Prehistorik Yerleşim Dokusu. BELLETEN, 66(245), 1-34.
AMA Akdeniz E. Büyük Menderes Havzasında Prehistorik Yerleşim Dokusu. TTK BELLETEN. April 2002;66(245):1-34. doi:10.37879/belleten.2002.1
Chicago Akdeniz, Engin. “Büyük Menderes Havzasında Prehistorik Yerleşim Dokusu”. BELLETEN 66, no. 245 (April 2002): 1-34.
EndNote Akdeniz E (April 1, 2002) Büyük Menderes Havzasında Prehistorik Yerleşim Dokusu. BELLETEN 66 245 1–34.
IEEE E. Akdeniz, “Büyük Menderes Havzasında Prehistorik Yerleşim Dokusu”, TTK BELLETEN, vol. 66, no. 245, pp. 1–34, 2002, doi: 10.37879/belleten.2002.1.
ISNAD Akdeniz, Engin. “Büyük Menderes Havzasında Prehistorik Yerleşim Dokusu”. BELLETEN 66/245 (April 2002), 1-34.
JAMA Akdeniz E. Büyük Menderes Havzasında Prehistorik Yerleşim Dokusu. TTK BELLETEN. 2002;66:1–34.
MLA Akdeniz, Engin. “Büyük Menderes Havzasında Prehistorik Yerleşim Dokusu”. BELLETEN, vol. 66, no. 245, 2002, pp. 1-34, doi:10.37879/belleten.2002.1.
Vancouver Akdeniz E. Büyük Menderes Havzasında Prehistorik Yerleşim Dokusu. TTK BELLETEN. 2002;66(245):1-34.