Research Article
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The Relations Between the Ottomans, Zionists and Palestinian Jews as Refl ected in Israeli History Textbooks

Year 2019, , 1131 - 1166, 22.12.2019


Israeli history textbooks published since 1948 dwell at length on the Ottoman government’s relations with the Zionists and its policies toward the Palestinian Jews. Explaining the Ottomans’ opposition to Jewish settlement in Palestine, the textbooks acknowledge their concern that a non-Muslim majority could emerge there to demand autonomy or independence, as had happened earlier in the Balkans. However, they sharply criticize the wartime policies of Jamal Pasha against the Jewish community in Palestine. Although they concede that the majority of the community remained loyal to the Ottoman government, they mainly attribute this to their fears of a harsh retaliation from the part of the government. In contrast, they consider the pro-British activities of Nili and the Hebrew Battalions as the right kind of investment for the future of the community.


  • Bibliography
  • Textbooks Barnavi, Elie, Ha-Meah ha-20: Toldot ‘Am Yisrael ba-Dorot ha-Aharonim [20th Century: The History of the People of Israel in the Modern Age], Sifre, Tel Aviv 1998.
  • Domkeh, Eli‘ezer, ed., Ha-‘Olam veha-Yehudim ba-Dorot ha-Aharonim [The World and the Jews in the Modern Age], Part 2, Volume 1, Zalman Shazar Center, Jerusalem 1999.
  • Domkeh, Eli’ezer, Hanah Urbach, Tsafrir Goldberg, Ha-Leumiyut: Reshit ha-Derekh [Nationalism: The Beginning of the Road], Zalman Shazar Center, Jerusalem 2008.
  • El‘azari, Ednah, Miryam Geva‘, Ha-Tsiyonut be-Mivhan ha-Ma‘aseh, 1914-1939 [Zionism in the Test of Action, 1914-1939], Misrad ha-Hinukh veha-Tarbut, Jerusalem 1984.
  • Horowitz, Shelomoh, Kitsur Toldot Yisrael ba-‘Et ha-Hadashah [Concise History of Israel in the Modern Age], Part 2, Haifa 1960.
  • Inbar, Shulah, Mahapekhah ve-Temurah: Mavat ‘al 1870-1920 [Revolution and Change: A Glance at 1870-1920], Lilach, Petach Tikva 2004.
  • Inbar, Shulah, Mahapekhah u-Geulah be-Yisrael uv-‘Amim [Revolution and Emancipation among Israel and other Nations], Part 1, Lilach, Petach Tikva 2006.
  • Katz, Jacob, Zvi Bakharakh, Yisrael veha-‘Amim [Israel and other Nations], Part 3, Tel Aviv Dvir, Tel-Aviv 1982.
  • Kovarsky, Yuval, Ha-Leumiyut be-Yisrael uv-‘Amim: Reshit ha-Derekh ‘ad 1920 [Nationalism among Israel and other Nations: The Beginning of the Road until 1920], Motsiim le-Or, Kinneret 2014.
  • Mish‘ol, Yigal, Ha-Leumiyut ha-Modernit ve-Reshit ha-Tsiyonut [Modern Nationalism and the Beginnings of Zionism], Hay Sikhol, Me‘ala Edomim 2011.
  • Misrad ha-Hinukh, “Historia le-Kitot waw-tet ba-Bet ha-Sefer ha-Mamlakhti,”, 03/09/2018. Misrad ha-Hinukh, “Tokhnit ha-Limudim ba-Historia la-Hativa ha-Elyona,”, 03/09/2018.
  • Naveh, Eyal, Ne‘omi Vered, Ha-Leumiyut be-Yisrael uv-‘Amim: Reshit ha-Derekh ‘ad 1920 [Nationalism among Israel and other Nations: The Beginning of the Road until 1920], Rekhes, Even Yehudah 2008.
  • Naveh, Eyal, Ne‘omi Vered, Tsemihah ve Mashberim ba-‘Idan ha-Moderni [Development and Crises in the Modern Age], Rekhes, Even Yehudah 2012.
  • Orli, Iloni, Shalhevet Ofir, Zehavit Schenkolewski, Ve-Ele Toldot [And This is History], Matach, Ramat Aviv 2014.
  • Riegel, Eliezer, Toldot Yisrael ba-Zeman ha-Hadash [The History of Israel in the Modern Age], Tel Aviv Dvir, Tel-Aviv 1955.
  • Toury, Jacob, Dan Helmut Schmidt. Toldot ha-‘Amim ba-Zeman ha-Hadash [The History of Nations in the Modern Age], Volume 2, Yavneh, Tel Aviv 1973. T oury, Jacob, Dan Helmut Schmidt, Toldot ha-‘Amim ba-Zeman ha-Hadash [The History of Nations in the Modern Age], Volume 3, Yavneh, Tel Aviv 1967.
  • Zingrov, Israel, Shahar David, ‘Am ve-‘Olam [The Nation and the World], Volume 1, ʻIdan, Rehovot 1998.
  • Ziv, Michael, Samuel Ettinger, Jacob M. Landau, Divrey ha-Yamim [Chronicles], Volume 4, Part 1, Yuval, Haifa 1963.
  • Ziv, Michael, Jacob Toury, Divrey ha-Yamim - ha-Zeman ha-Hadash [Chronicles – The Modern Age], Volume 2, Yavneh, Tel Aviv 1958.
  • Secondary Sources
  • Abu-Saad, Ismael, “The Portrayal of Arabs in Textbooks in the Jewish School System in Israel”, Arab Studies Quarterly, 29, 1, 2007, pp. 21-38.
  • Alibašić, Ahmet, “Images of the Ottomans in History Textbooks in Bosnia and Herzegovina”, İslâm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 17, 2007, pp. 103-37. Alkan, Necmettin, Nili: Ortadoğu’da Casuslar Savaşı, Kronik, İstanbul 2017.
  • Balta, Evren, Süheyla Demir, “Tarih, Kimlik ve Dış Politika: Rusya Federasyonu Güncel Tarih Ders Kitaplarında Osmanlı-Türk İmajı”, Bilig, 76, 2016, pp. 1-31.
  • Bar-Gal, Yoram, “The Image of the ‘Palestinian’ in Geography Textbooks in Israel”, Journal of Geography, 93, 5, 1994, pp 224-32.
  • Bar-Tal, Daniel, “The Arab Image in Hebrew School Textbooks”, Palestine-Israel Journal, 8, 2, 2001, pp. 5-18.
  • Bar-Tal, Daniel, Yona Teichman, Stereotypes and Prejudice in Conflict: Representations of Arabs in Israeli Jewish Society, Cambridge University Press, New York 2005.
  • Bilmez, Bülent, “Arnavutluk Tarih Ders Kitaplarında Osmanlı/Türk İmgesi”, Osmanlı Araştırmaları, 49, 2017, pp. 343-80.
  • Cemal Paşa, Hatıralar, ed. Alpay Kabacalı, Türkiye İş Bankası Yayınları, İstanbul 2001.
  • Çelik, Hülya, M. Bilal Çelik, “Devrim Sonrası İran Ortaokul Tarih Ders Kitaplarında Türklere İlişkin Söylemlerin Analizi”, Türk Tarih Eğitimi Dergisi, 4, 2, 2015, pp. 202-24.
  • Deveci Bozkuş, Yıldız, “Ermeni Tarih Ders Kitaplarında Türk İmgesi”, Yeni Türkiye, 60, 2014, pp. 1-45.
  • Deveci Bozkuş, Yıldız, “Ermeni Tarih Ders Kitaplarında 1915 Olayları”, TESAM Akademi Dergisi, 2, 1, 2015, pp. 89-105.
  • Deveci Bozkuş, Yıldız, Ermeni Ders Kitaplarında “Türkler”, TEPAV, Ankara 2016.
  • Engle, Anita, The Nili Spies, Frank Cass, London 1966.
  • Erözden, Ozan, “Hırvatistan Tarih Ders Kitaplarında Osmanlı-Türk İmajı”, İ.Ü. Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Dergisi, 50, 2014, pp. 39-54.
  • Florence, Ronald, Lawrence and Aaronsohn, Viking, New York 2007.
  • Friedman, Isaiah, Germany, Turkey, and Zionism, 1897-1918, Transaction Publishers, New Brunswick, NJ 1998.
  • Göksun, Yenal, Suriye İlk ve Ortaöğretim Ders Kitaplarında Türkler ve Türk İmajı, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Marmara Üniversitesi, İstanbul 2011.
  • İsov, Mümin, “Bulgaristan Tarih Ders Kitaplarında Türk Azınlığın Yerine İlişkin Bazı Gözlemler”, Balkan Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi, 3, 1, 2014, pp. 37-51.
  • Kapar, Mehmet Ali, “Sovyetler Birliği Dönemi Ders Kitaplarında Eskiçağ Tarihi ve Eski Türk Tarihi’nin Öğretimi”, USAD, 5, 2016, pp. 239-52.
  • Kınıklıoğlu, Suat, “Images and Representations of Turks and Turkey in Soviet History Textbooks”, International Textbook Research, 29, 3, 2007, pp. 259-71.
  • Mandel, Neville J., “Ottoman Policy and Restrictions on Yishuv in Palestine: 1881–1908 — Part I”, Middle Eastern Studies, 10, 3, 1974, pp. 312-32.
  • Mandel, Neville J., “Ottoman Practice as Regards Yishuv in Palestine: 1881–1908”, Middle Eastern Studies, 11, 1, 1975, pp. 33-46.
  • Naveh, Eyal, “La imagen de Europa y del mundo árabe-islámico en el currículo escolar y los libros de texto de historia en Israel”, in Conociendo al otro: El islam y Europa en sus manuales de historia, ed. Luigi Cajani, pp. 173-214, Fundación ATMAN, Madrid 2008. Nets-Zehngut, Rafi, “Israeli Approved Textbooks and the 1948 Palestinian Exodus”, Israel Studies, 18, 3, 2013, pp. 41-68.
  • Öke, Mim Kemal, “The Ottoman Empire, Zionism, and the Question of Palestine (1880-1908)”, International Journal of Middle East Studies, 14, 1982, pp. 329-41.
  • Peled-Elhanan, Nurit, Palestine in Israeli School Books: Ideology and Propaganda in Education, I. B. Tauris, London, 2012.
  • Podeh, Elie, “History and Memory in the Israeli Educational System: The Portrayal of the Arab-Israeli Conflict in History Textbooks (1948–2000)”, History & Memory, 12, 1, 2000, pp. 65-100.
  • Podeh, Elie, The Arab-Israeli Conflict in Israeli History Textbooks, 1948-2000, Bergin & Garvey, Westport, CT 2002.
  • Podeh, Elie, “Univocality within Multivocality: The Israeli-Arab-Palestinian Conflict as Reflected in Israeli History Textbooks, 2000–2010”, Journal of Educational Media, Memory, and Society, 2, 2, 2010, pp. 46-62.
  • Pirický, Gabriel, “The Ottoman Age in Southern Central Europe as Represented in Secondary School History Textbooks in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia”, Journal of Educational Media, Memory, and Society, 5, 2013, pp. 108-29.
  • Reinkowski, Maurus, “Late Ottoman Rule over Palestine: its Evaluation in Arab, Turkish and Israeli Histories, 1970–90”, Middle Eastern Studies, 35, 1, 1999, pp. 66-97.
  • Schatzker, Chaim, “The German image in Israeli Textbooks”, Patterns of Prejudice, 10, 6 1976, pp. 21-35.
  • Şimşek, Ahmet, Nigar Maharramova Cengiz, “Rusya Tarih Ders Kitaplarında Türk-Osmanlı İmgesi”, Türk Tarih Eğitimi Dergisi, 4, 2015, pp. 225-58.
  • Tak, İsa, Nurses Yıldız, “1980–1990 Yılları Arasında Bulgaristan’da İlköğretim ve Ortaöğretim Kurumlarında Okutulan Tarih Ders Kitaplarında Türk ve Osmanlı Algısı”, Uluslararası Türk Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, 2, 2014, pp. 67-100.
  • Tezcan, Selim. “İsrail Lise Tarih Ders Kitaplarında Türk İmajı”, in Dünyada Türk İmajı: Tarih Ders Kitaplarındaki Durum, ed. Ahmet Şimşek, Pegem Akademi, Ankara 2018, pp. 283-302.
  • Tezcan, Selim, Alper Sarıbaş, Mehmet Sadık Gür, “İsrail Tarih Ders Kitaplarının (1948-2014) Gözünden Tanzimat’a Kadar Osmanlı-Yahudi İlişkileri”, TYB Akademi, 7, 21, 2017, pp. 77-103.
  • Tezcan, Selim, Mehmet Sadık Gür, Alper Sarıbaş, “İsrail Tarih Ders Kitaplarının (1948-2014) Gözünden Selçuklular: Filistin-Kudüs Hâkimiyetleri ve Haçlı Seferleri ile Cihad Hareketinin Başlangıcındaki Rolleri”, Filistin Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2, 2017, pp. 103-33.
  • Tezcan, Selim, Mehmet Sadık Gür, Alper Sarıbaş, “İsrail Tarih Ders Kitaplarında Türk İstiklal Savaşı ve Cumhuriyet Dönemi”, Bilig, 86, 2018, pp. 137-67.
  • Ural, Selçuk, “Makedonya’da 6, 7 ve 8. Sınıf Türkçe Tarih Ders Kitaplarında Osmanlı-Türk Algısı,” Tarih Okulu Dergisi, 7, 2014, pp. 797-826. Verrier, Anthony, ed., Agents of Empire, Brassey’s, London 1995.
  • Wirth, Laurent, “Facing Misuses of History”, in The Misuses of History: Symposium on “Facing Misuses of History”, Oslo (Norway) 28-30 June 1999, pp. 23-56, Council of Europe Publishing, Strasburg 2000.
  • Yiğit, Mehmet, Arap Ülkelerinde Okutulan Lise Tarih Ders Kitaplarında Türkler (Ürdün ve Suriye Örneği), Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Gazi Üniversitesi, Ankara 2009.

Osmanlılar, Siyonistler ve Filistin Yahudileri Arasındaki İlişiklerin İsrail Tarih Ders Kitaplarındaki Yansımaları

Year 2019, , 1131 - 1166, 22.12.2019


1948’den itibaren basılan İsrail tarih ders kitapları, Osmanlı yönetiminin Siyonistlerle ilişkileri ve Filistin Yahudilerine karşı politikaları üzerinde detaylı olarak durmaktadır. Osmanlıların Filistin’deki Yahudi iskânına karşıtlıkları açıklanırken bölgede yeni bir gayrı-Müslim çoğunluğunun ortaya çıkacağı ve daha önce Balkanlarda olduğu gibi özerklik veya bağımsızlık isteyebileceği yönündeki endişeleri teslim edilmektedir. Ancak Cemal Paşa’nın I. Dünya Savaşı sırasında Filistin Yahudilerine karşı izlediği politikalar sert bir şekilde eleştirilmektedir. Kitaplar Filistin’deki Yahudi cemaatinin çoğunluğunun Osmanlı yönetimine sadık kaldığını kabul etseler de bunu yönetimin şiddetli bir misillemede bulunacağından duydukları korkuyla açıklamaktadır. Nili örgütü ile İbrani Bölüklerinin Britanya yanlısı faaliyetleri ise cemaatin geleceği için doğru yönde yapılmış bir yatırım olarak değerlendirilmektedir.


  • Bibliography
  • Textbooks Barnavi, Elie, Ha-Meah ha-20: Toldot ‘Am Yisrael ba-Dorot ha-Aharonim [20th Century: The History of the People of Israel in the Modern Age], Sifre, Tel Aviv 1998.
  • Domkeh, Eli‘ezer, ed., Ha-‘Olam veha-Yehudim ba-Dorot ha-Aharonim [The World and the Jews in the Modern Age], Part 2, Volume 1, Zalman Shazar Center, Jerusalem 1999.
  • Domkeh, Eli’ezer, Hanah Urbach, Tsafrir Goldberg, Ha-Leumiyut: Reshit ha-Derekh [Nationalism: The Beginning of the Road], Zalman Shazar Center, Jerusalem 2008.
  • El‘azari, Ednah, Miryam Geva‘, Ha-Tsiyonut be-Mivhan ha-Ma‘aseh, 1914-1939 [Zionism in the Test of Action, 1914-1939], Misrad ha-Hinukh veha-Tarbut, Jerusalem 1984.
  • Horowitz, Shelomoh, Kitsur Toldot Yisrael ba-‘Et ha-Hadashah [Concise History of Israel in the Modern Age], Part 2, Haifa 1960.
  • Inbar, Shulah, Mahapekhah ve-Temurah: Mavat ‘al 1870-1920 [Revolution and Change: A Glance at 1870-1920], Lilach, Petach Tikva 2004.
  • Inbar, Shulah, Mahapekhah u-Geulah be-Yisrael uv-‘Amim [Revolution and Emancipation among Israel and other Nations], Part 1, Lilach, Petach Tikva 2006.
  • Katz, Jacob, Zvi Bakharakh, Yisrael veha-‘Amim [Israel and other Nations], Part 3, Tel Aviv Dvir, Tel-Aviv 1982.
  • Kovarsky, Yuval, Ha-Leumiyut be-Yisrael uv-‘Amim: Reshit ha-Derekh ‘ad 1920 [Nationalism among Israel and other Nations: The Beginning of the Road until 1920], Motsiim le-Or, Kinneret 2014.
  • Mish‘ol, Yigal, Ha-Leumiyut ha-Modernit ve-Reshit ha-Tsiyonut [Modern Nationalism and the Beginnings of Zionism], Hay Sikhol, Me‘ala Edomim 2011.
  • Misrad ha-Hinukh, “Historia le-Kitot waw-tet ba-Bet ha-Sefer ha-Mamlakhti,”, 03/09/2018. Misrad ha-Hinukh, “Tokhnit ha-Limudim ba-Historia la-Hativa ha-Elyona,”, 03/09/2018.
  • Naveh, Eyal, Ne‘omi Vered, Ha-Leumiyut be-Yisrael uv-‘Amim: Reshit ha-Derekh ‘ad 1920 [Nationalism among Israel and other Nations: The Beginning of the Road until 1920], Rekhes, Even Yehudah 2008.
  • Naveh, Eyal, Ne‘omi Vered, Tsemihah ve Mashberim ba-‘Idan ha-Moderni [Development and Crises in the Modern Age], Rekhes, Even Yehudah 2012.
  • Orli, Iloni, Shalhevet Ofir, Zehavit Schenkolewski, Ve-Ele Toldot [And This is History], Matach, Ramat Aviv 2014.
  • Riegel, Eliezer, Toldot Yisrael ba-Zeman ha-Hadash [The History of Israel in the Modern Age], Tel Aviv Dvir, Tel-Aviv 1955.
  • Toury, Jacob, Dan Helmut Schmidt. Toldot ha-‘Amim ba-Zeman ha-Hadash [The History of Nations in the Modern Age], Volume 2, Yavneh, Tel Aviv 1973. T oury, Jacob, Dan Helmut Schmidt, Toldot ha-‘Amim ba-Zeman ha-Hadash [The History of Nations in the Modern Age], Volume 3, Yavneh, Tel Aviv 1967.
  • Zingrov, Israel, Shahar David, ‘Am ve-‘Olam [The Nation and the World], Volume 1, ʻIdan, Rehovot 1998.
  • Ziv, Michael, Samuel Ettinger, Jacob M. Landau, Divrey ha-Yamim [Chronicles], Volume 4, Part 1, Yuval, Haifa 1963.
  • Ziv, Michael, Jacob Toury, Divrey ha-Yamim - ha-Zeman ha-Hadash [Chronicles – The Modern Age], Volume 2, Yavneh, Tel Aviv 1958.
  • Secondary Sources
  • Abu-Saad, Ismael, “The Portrayal of Arabs in Textbooks in the Jewish School System in Israel”, Arab Studies Quarterly, 29, 1, 2007, pp. 21-38.
  • Alibašić, Ahmet, “Images of the Ottomans in History Textbooks in Bosnia and Herzegovina”, İslâm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 17, 2007, pp. 103-37. Alkan, Necmettin, Nili: Ortadoğu’da Casuslar Savaşı, Kronik, İstanbul 2017.
  • Balta, Evren, Süheyla Demir, “Tarih, Kimlik ve Dış Politika: Rusya Federasyonu Güncel Tarih Ders Kitaplarında Osmanlı-Türk İmajı”, Bilig, 76, 2016, pp. 1-31.
  • Bar-Gal, Yoram, “The Image of the ‘Palestinian’ in Geography Textbooks in Israel”, Journal of Geography, 93, 5, 1994, pp 224-32.
  • Bar-Tal, Daniel, “The Arab Image in Hebrew School Textbooks”, Palestine-Israel Journal, 8, 2, 2001, pp. 5-18.
  • Bar-Tal, Daniel, Yona Teichman, Stereotypes and Prejudice in Conflict: Representations of Arabs in Israeli Jewish Society, Cambridge University Press, New York 2005.
  • Bilmez, Bülent, “Arnavutluk Tarih Ders Kitaplarında Osmanlı/Türk İmgesi”, Osmanlı Araştırmaları, 49, 2017, pp. 343-80.
  • Cemal Paşa, Hatıralar, ed. Alpay Kabacalı, Türkiye İş Bankası Yayınları, İstanbul 2001.
  • Çelik, Hülya, M. Bilal Çelik, “Devrim Sonrası İran Ortaokul Tarih Ders Kitaplarında Türklere İlişkin Söylemlerin Analizi”, Türk Tarih Eğitimi Dergisi, 4, 2, 2015, pp. 202-24.
  • Deveci Bozkuş, Yıldız, “Ermeni Tarih Ders Kitaplarında Türk İmgesi”, Yeni Türkiye, 60, 2014, pp. 1-45.
  • Deveci Bozkuş, Yıldız, “Ermeni Tarih Ders Kitaplarında 1915 Olayları”, TESAM Akademi Dergisi, 2, 1, 2015, pp. 89-105.
  • Deveci Bozkuş, Yıldız, Ermeni Ders Kitaplarında “Türkler”, TEPAV, Ankara 2016.
  • Engle, Anita, The Nili Spies, Frank Cass, London 1966.
  • Erözden, Ozan, “Hırvatistan Tarih Ders Kitaplarında Osmanlı-Türk İmajı”, İ.Ü. Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Dergisi, 50, 2014, pp. 39-54.
  • Florence, Ronald, Lawrence and Aaronsohn, Viking, New York 2007.
  • Friedman, Isaiah, Germany, Turkey, and Zionism, 1897-1918, Transaction Publishers, New Brunswick, NJ 1998.
  • Göksun, Yenal, Suriye İlk ve Ortaöğretim Ders Kitaplarında Türkler ve Türk İmajı, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Marmara Üniversitesi, İstanbul 2011.
  • İsov, Mümin, “Bulgaristan Tarih Ders Kitaplarında Türk Azınlığın Yerine İlişkin Bazı Gözlemler”, Balkan Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi, 3, 1, 2014, pp. 37-51.
  • Kapar, Mehmet Ali, “Sovyetler Birliği Dönemi Ders Kitaplarında Eskiçağ Tarihi ve Eski Türk Tarihi’nin Öğretimi”, USAD, 5, 2016, pp. 239-52.
  • Kınıklıoğlu, Suat, “Images and Representations of Turks and Turkey in Soviet History Textbooks”, International Textbook Research, 29, 3, 2007, pp. 259-71.
  • Mandel, Neville J., “Ottoman Policy and Restrictions on Yishuv in Palestine: 1881–1908 — Part I”, Middle Eastern Studies, 10, 3, 1974, pp. 312-32.
  • Mandel, Neville J., “Ottoman Practice as Regards Yishuv in Palestine: 1881–1908”, Middle Eastern Studies, 11, 1, 1975, pp. 33-46.
  • Naveh, Eyal, “La imagen de Europa y del mundo árabe-islámico en el currículo escolar y los libros de texto de historia en Israel”, in Conociendo al otro: El islam y Europa en sus manuales de historia, ed. Luigi Cajani, pp. 173-214, Fundación ATMAN, Madrid 2008. Nets-Zehngut, Rafi, “Israeli Approved Textbooks and the 1948 Palestinian Exodus”, Israel Studies, 18, 3, 2013, pp. 41-68.
  • Öke, Mim Kemal, “The Ottoman Empire, Zionism, and the Question of Palestine (1880-1908)”, International Journal of Middle East Studies, 14, 1982, pp. 329-41.
  • Peled-Elhanan, Nurit, Palestine in Israeli School Books: Ideology and Propaganda in Education, I. B. Tauris, London, 2012.
  • Podeh, Elie, “History and Memory in the Israeli Educational System: The Portrayal of the Arab-Israeli Conflict in History Textbooks (1948–2000)”, History & Memory, 12, 1, 2000, pp. 65-100.
  • Podeh, Elie, The Arab-Israeli Conflict in Israeli History Textbooks, 1948-2000, Bergin & Garvey, Westport, CT 2002.
  • Podeh, Elie, “Univocality within Multivocality: The Israeli-Arab-Palestinian Conflict as Reflected in Israeli History Textbooks, 2000–2010”, Journal of Educational Media, Memory, and Society, 2, 2, 2010, pp. 46-62.
  • Pirický, Gabriel, “The Ottoman Age in Southern Central Europe as Represented in Secondary School History Textbooks in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia”, Journal of Educational Media, Memory, and Society, 5, 2013, pp. 108-29.
  • Reinkowski, Maurus, “Late Ottoman Rule over Palestine: its Evaluation in Arab, Turkish and Israeli Histories, 1970–90”, Middle Eastern Studies, 35, 1, 1999, pp. 66-97.
  • Schatzker, Chaim, “The German image in Israeli Textbooks”, Patterns of Prejudice, 10, 6 1976, pp. 21-35.
  • Şimşek, Ahmet, Nigar Maharramova Cengiz, “Rusya Tarih Ders Kitaplarında Türk-Osmanlı İmgesi”, Türk Tarih Eğitimi Dergisi, 4, 2015, pp. 225-58.
  • Tak, İsa, Nurses Yıldız, “1980–1990 Yılları Arasında Bulgaristan’da İlköğretim ve Ortaöğretim Kurumlarında Okutulan Tarih Ders Kitaplarında Türk ve Osmanlı Algısı”, Uluslararası Türk Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, 2, 2014, pp. 67-100.
  • Tezcan, Selim. “İsrail Lise Tarih Ders Kitaplarında Türk İmajı”, in Dünyada Türk İmajı: Tarih Ders Kitaplarındaki Durum, ed. Ahmet Şimşek, Pegem Akademi, Ankara 2018, pp. 283-302.
  • Tezcan, Selim, Alper Sarıbaş, Mehmet Sadık Gür, “İsrail Tarih Ders Kitaplarının (1948-2014) Gözünden Tanzimat’a Kadar Osmanlı-Yahudi İlişkileri”, TYB Akademi, 7, 21, 2017, pp. 77-103.
  • Tezcan, Selim, Mehmet Sadık Gür, Alper Sarıbaş, “İsrail Tarih Ders Kitaplarının (1948-2014) Gözünden Selçuklular: Filistin-Kudüs Hâkimiyetleri ve Haçlı Seferleri ile Cihad Hareketinin Başlangıcındaki Rolleri”, Filistin Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2, 2017, pp. 103-33.
  • Tezcan, Selim, Mehmet Sadık Gür, Alper Sarıbaş, “İsrail Tarih Ders Kitaplarında Türk İstiklal Savaşı ve Cumhuriyet Dönemi”, Bilig, 86, 2018, pp. 137-67.
  • Ural, Selçuk, “Makedonya’da 6, 7 ve 8. Sınıf Türkçe Tarih Ders Kitaplarında Osmanlı-Türk Algısı,” Tarih Okulu Dergisi, 7, 2014, pp. 797-826. Verrier, Anthony, ed., Agents of Empire, Brassey’s, London 1995.
  • Wirth, Laurent, “Facing Misuses of History”, in The Misuses of History: Symposium on “Facing Misuses of History”, Oslo (Norway) 28-30 June 1999, pp. 23-56, Council of Europe Publishing, Strasburg 2000.
  • Yiğit, Mehmet, Arap Ülkelerinde Okutulan Lise Tarih Ders Kitaplarında Türkler (Ürdün ve Suriye Örneği), Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Gazi Üniversitesi, Ankara 2009.
There are 61 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Araştırma Makaleleri

Selim Tezcan This is me

Publication Date December 22, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Tezcan, S. (2019). The Relations Between the Ottomans, Zionists and Palestinian Jews as Refl ected in Israeli History Textbooks. BELLETEN, 83(298), 1131-1166.
AMA Tezcan S. The Relations Between the Ottomans, Zionists and Palestinian Jews as Refl ected in Israeli History Textbooks. TTK BELLETEN. December 2019;83(298):1131-1166. doi:10.37879/belleten.2019.1131
Chicago Tezcan, Selim. “The Relations Between the Ottomans, Zionists and Palestinian Jews As Refl Ected in Israeli History Textbooks”. BELLETEN 83, no. 298 (December 2019): 1131-66.
EndNote Tezcan S (December 1, 2019) The Relations Between the Ottomans, Zionists and Palestinian Jews as Refl ected in Israeli History Textbooks. BELLETEN 83 298 1131–1166.
IEEE S. Tezcan, “The Relations Between the Ottomans, Zionists and Palestinian Jews as Refl ected in Israeli History Textbooks”, TTK BELLETEN, vol. 83, no. 298, pp. 1131–1166, 2019, doi: 10.37879/belleten.2019.1131.
ISNAD Tezcan, Selim. “The Relations Between the Ottomans, Zionists and Palestinian Jews As Refl Ected in Israeli History Textbooks”. BELLETEN 83/298 (December 2019), 1131-1166.
JAMA Tezcan S. The Relations Between the Ottomans, Zionists and Palestinian Jews as Refl ected in Israeli History Textbooks. TTK BELLETEN. 2019;83:1131–1166.
MLA Tezcan, Selim. “The Relations Between the Ottomans, Zionists and Palestinian Jews As Refl Ected in Israeli History Textbooks”. BELLETEN, vol. 83, no. 298, 2019, pp. 1131-66, doi:10.37879/belleten.2019.1131.
Vancouver Tezcan S. The Relations Between the Ottomans, Zionists and Palestinian Jews as Refl ected in Israeli History Textbooks. TTK BELLETEN. 2019;83(298):1131-66.