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Yahudi Âlimlerin Gözüyle Matbaanın İcadı ve Matbaada Basılan Metinlerin Hükmü

Year 2020, , 559 - 584, 21.08.2020


Matbaanın icadı, kitabın tarihinde çok önemli bir dönüm noktasıdır. Matbaa, başta Avrupa’daki Yahudiler olmak üzere Yahudi dünyasında da çok önemli değişimler yaratmıştır. Bu makalede matbaanın icadının Yahudi ilim adamları tarafından nasıl karşılandığı ele alınacaktır. Bu çerçevede, Yahudi dinî literatüründe matbaanın icadını Yahudilere nispet eden anlatımlar, Yahudilerin matbaaya atfettikleri önem ve kutsal metinlerin matbaa baskılarının ritüellerde kullanımına dair başlıklar irdelenecektir. Makalenin ana konusunu matbaada basılan dinî metinlerin Yahudi dinî hukukuna göre kaşer (caiz) olup olmadığı oluşturmaktadır. Bu tartışmaların incelenmesi sırasında matbaanın icat edildiği asır ve hemen sonraki asırlarda Yahudi âlimler tarafından konuyla ilgili verilen fetvalar araştırmamızın temel kaynaklarını oluşturmaktadır. Böylelikle okurlar, birinci elden kaynaklarla, o dönemdeki fetvaların içeriği ve Yahudiler arasındaki tartışmanın boyutlarını görmüş olacaktır.


  • Amram, David Werner, The Makers of Hebrew Books in Italy, Edvard Stern Publishing Philadephia 1909.
  • Amram, Daniel Chwolson, Reşit Maase ha-Defus be-Yisrael, Warsaw 1897.
  • Baharah, Yair Hayim, Havot Yair, Mahon Eked Sfarim, Ramat Gan 1997.
  • Beit-Arie, Malachi, “The Relationship between Early Hebrew Printing and Handwritten Books: Attachment or Detachment”, Library Archives, and Information Studies, ed. Dov Schidorsky, Magnes Press, Kudüs 1989, ss. 1-26.
  • Berliner, Avraham, Ktavim Nivharim, Mosad Rav Kook, Kudüs 1945.
  • Bleich, J. David, “Survey of Recent Halakhic Periodical Literature: Silk Screened Torah Scrolls”, Tradition: A Journal of Orthodox Jewish Thought 37:1 (2003), ss. 79-92.
  • Chajes, Zvi Hirsch, Şeelot u-Teşuvot, Zolkiew 1850.
  • Eliot, Simon ve Jonathan Rose, A Companion to the History of the Book, Wiley-Blacwell Publishing, Hong Kong 2009.
  • Epstein, Yehiel Michel, Aruh ha-Şulhan (Yore Dea), Hanoh Wagşal Publishing, Kudüs 1987.
  • Fano, Menahem Azarya de, Şeelot u-Teşuvot, Defus Solomon, Kudüs 1963.
  • Fleckles, Eliezer ben David, Teşuva me-Ahava, ed. Yisrael Zeev, Chaim Gross Publishing, New York 1966.
  • Freehof, Solomon B., The Responsa Literature, Varda Books, Illinois 2001.
  • Gans, David, Tsemah David, ed. Mordechai Breuer, Magnes Press, Kudüs 1983.
  • Gracia, Manule Jose Pedrasa, “Minor Printing Offices in Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries”, Print Culture and Peripheries in Early Modern Europe, ed. Benito Rial Costas, Brill, Leiden 2013.
  • Gumbiner, Avraham, Magen Avraham (Oreh Hayim), (Erişim Tarihi: 25.08.2019).
  • Hacker, Joseph R. ve Adam Shear, The Hebrew Book in Early Modern Italy, University of Pennyslvania Press, Philadelphia 2011.
  • Heller, Marvin J., Printing the Talmud: A History of the Earliest Printed Editions of the Talmud, Brill, Leiden 1992.
  • Heller, Marvin J., The Seventeenth Century Hebrew Book, Brill, Leiden 2011.
  • Hirsch, Rudolf, Printing, Selling and Reading 1450-1550, Harrassovvitz, Wiesbaden 1967.
  • Horovitz, Şabtay ben Akiva, Şefa Tel, Hanau 1612.
  • Hurvitz, Mark, Rabbinic Perception of Printing as Depicted in Haskamot and Responsa, Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati 1978.
  • İbn Meymûn, Musa, Teşuvot ha-Rambam, ed. Jehoshua Blau, Mekitsey Nirdamim, Kudüs 1989.
  • Jacobs, Louis, A Tree of Life Diversity, Flexibility, and Creativity in Jewish Law, The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization, Oregon 2007.
  • Jastrow, Marcus, Dictionary of Targumim, Talmud and Midrashic Literature, Luzac & Co., London 1903.
  • Kahana, Yitshak Zeev, Mehkarim be-Sifrut ha-Teşuvot, Mosad Rav Kook, Kudüs 1973.
  • Katzenellenbogen, Hezekiel, Knesset Yehezkiel, Hotsaat Yisrael Zeev, Sudilkov 1732.
  • Landsofer, Yona ben Eliyahu, Bney Yona, Kudüs 2005.
  • Mann, Vivian B. ve Daniel D. Chazin, “Printing, Patronage and Prayer: Art Historical Issues in Three Responsa”. Images: A Journal of Jewish Art and Visual Culture 1 (2007), ss. 92-94.
  • Medina, Samuel de, Şeelot u-Teşuvot, Lvov 1862.
  • Mehlman, Israel, Genuzot Sefarim, The Jewish National and University Library Press, Kudüs 1976.
  • Meral, Yasin, İstanbul’da Yahudi Matbuatı, Divan Kitap, İstanbul 2016.
  • Mongan, Elizabeth ve Edwin Wolf, The First Printers and Their Books, The Free Library of Philadelphia, Philadelphia 1940.
  • Offenberg, Adri K., Hebrew Incunabula in Public Collections, De Graaf, Nieuwkoo 1990.
  • Pollak, Michael, “The Invention of Printing in Hebrew Lore”, Gutenberg-Jahrbuch (1977), ss. 22-28.
  • Portaleone, Avraham, Şiltey Giborim, Mantua 1607.
  • Provençal, Moşe, Şeelot u-Teşuvot, ed. Avraham Yosef Yanay, Mahon Or ha-Mizrah, Kudüs 1989.
  • Przybilski, Martin, “Jewish Concepts of Holiness of Script in the Age of Printing: The Case of Genizah”, The Aura of the Word in the Early Age of Print. ed. Jessica Biskirk ve Samuel Mareel, Routledge Publishing, Oxon 2016.
  • Rakover, Nahum, Zhut ha-Yotsrim ba-Mekorot ha-Yehudim, Jewish Legal Heritage Society, Kudüs 1991.
  • Richardson, Brian, “The Debates on Printing in Renaissance Italy”, La Bibliofilia 100:2/3 (1998), ss. 138-142.
  • Ruderman, David B., Jewish Thought and Scientific Discovery in Early Modern Europe, Yale University Press, New Haven 1995.
  • Schaeper, Silke, “Inventory of Hebrew Incunabula”, Catalogue of Books Printed in the Fifteenth Century Now in the Bodleian Library, ed. Alan Coates, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2005.
  • Segal, David Halevi, Turey Zahav al Şulhan Aruh, (Yore Dea), https://www.sefaria. org/Turei_Zahav_on_Shulchan_Arukh%2C_Yoreh_De’ah.271?lang=bi (Erişim Tarihi: 25.08.2019).
  • Sirat, Coletta, Hebrew Manuscripts of the Middle Ages, trans. Nicolas de Lange, The Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge, Cambridge 2002.
  • Sladek, Pavel, “The Printed Book in the 15th and 16th Century Jewish Culture”, Hebrew Printing in Bohemia and Moravia, ed. Olga Sixtova, Academia and the Jewish Museum in Prague, Prague 2012.
  • Slonik, Benyamin, Mas’at Benyamin, Kudüs 1980.
  • Yaari, Avraham, Mehkarey Sefer, Mosad Rav Kook, Kudüs 1958.

The Invention of the Printing through the Eyes of Jewish Scholars and Responsas on the Books Printed in Printing Houses

Year 2020, , 559 - 584, 21.08.2020


The invention of the printing press is a very important turning point in the history of the book. The printing house has created significant changes in the Jewish world, especially in Europe. In this article, how the invention of the printing press is met by Jewish scholars will be discussed. In this context, the issues such as narratives that attribute the invention of the printing to the Jews in the Jewish religious literature, the importance attributed to the printing press by the Jews and ritual use of the books printed in printing houses will be examined. The main subject of the article is whether the religious texts printed in the printing press are ritually kosher according to Jewish religious law. During the examination of these debates, the responsas given by the Jewish scholars on the subject during the centuries when the printing house was invented and the next centuries are the main sources of our research. In this way, readers will have seen, via first-hand sources, the content of responsas in that period and the extent of the debate among the Jews.


  • Amram, David Werner, The Makers of Hebrew Books in Italy, Edvard Stern Publishing Philadephia 1909.
  • Amram, Daniel Chwolson, Reşit Maase ha-Defus be-Yisrael, Warsaw 1897.
  • Baharah, Yair Hayim, Havot Yair, Mahon Eked Sfarim, Ramat Gan 1997.
  • Beit-Arie, Malachi, “The Relationship between Early Hebrew Printing and Handwritten Books: Attachment or Detachment”, Library Archives, and Information Studies, ed. Dov Schidorsky, Magnes Press, Kudüs 1989, ss. 1-26.
  • Berliner, Avraham, Ktavim Nivharim, Mosad Rav Kook, Kudüs 1945.
  • Bleich, J. David, “Survey of Recent Halakhic Periodical Literature: Silk Screened Torah Scrolls”, Tradition: A Journal of Orthodox Jewish Thought 37:1 (2003), ss. 79-92.
  • Chajes, Zvi Hirsch, Şeelot u-Teşuvot, Zolkiew 1850.
  • Eliot, Simon ve Jonathan Rose, A Companion to the History of the Book, Wiley-Blacwell Publishing, Hong Kong 2009.
  • Epstein, Yehiel Michel, Aruh ha-Şulhan (Yore Dea), Hanoh Wagşal Publishing, Kudüs 1987.
  • Fano, Menahem Azarya de, Şeelot u-Teşuvot, Defus Solomon, Kudüs 1963.
  • Fleckles, Eliezer ben David, Teşuva me-Ahava, ed. Yisrael Zeev, Chaim Gross Publishing, New York 1966.
  • Freehof, Solomon B., The Responsa Literature, Varda Books, Illinois 2001.
  • Gans, David, Tsemah David, ed. Mordechai Breuer, Magnes Press, Kudüs 1983.
  • Gracia, Manule Jose Pedrasa, “Minor Printing Offices in Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries”, Print Culture and Peripheries in Early Modern Europe, ed. Benito Rial Costas, Brill, Leiden 2013.
  • Gumbiner, Avraham, Magen Avraham (Oreh Hayim), (Erişim Tarihi: 25.08.2019).
  • Hacker, Joseph R. ve Adam Shear, The Hebrew Book in Early Modern Italy, University of Pennyslvania Press, Philadelphia 2011.
  • Heller, Marvin J., Printing the Talmud: A History of the Earliest Printed Editions of the Talmud, Brill, Leiden 1992.
  • Heller, Marvin J., The Seventeenth Century Hebrew Book, Brill, Leiden 2011.
  • Hirsch, Rudolf, Printing, Selling and Reading 1450-1550, Harrassovvitz, Wiesbaden 1967.
  • Horovitz, Şabtay ben Akiva, Şefa Tel, Hanau 1612.
  • Hurvitz, Mark, Rabbinic Perception of Printing as Depicted in Haskamot and Responsa, Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati 1978.
  • İbn Meymûn, Musa, Teşuvot ha-Rambam, ed. Jehoshua Blau, Mekitsey Nirdamim, Kudüs 1989.
  • Jacobs, Louis, A Tree of Life Diversity, Flexibility, and Creativity in Jewish Law, The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization, Oregon 2007.
  • Jastrow, Marcus, Dictionary of Targumim, Talmud and Midrashic Literature, Luzac & Co., London 1903.
  • Kahana, Yitshak Zeev, Mehkarim be-Sifrut ha-Teşuvot, Mosad Rav Kook, Kudüs 1973.
  • Katzenellenbogen, Hezekiel, Knesset Yehezkiel, Hotsaat Yisrael Zeev, Sudilkov 1732.
  • Landsofer, Yona ben Eliyahu, Bney Yona, Kudüs 2005.
  • Mann, Vivian B. ve Daniel D. Chazin, “Printing, Patronage and Prayer: Art Historical Issues in Three Responsa”. Images: A Journal of Jewish Art and Visual Culture 1 (2007), ss. 92-94.
  • Medina, Samuel de, Şeelot u-Teşuvot, Lvov 1862.
  • Mehlman, Israel, Genuzot Sefarim, The Jewish National and University Library Press, Kudüs 1976.
  • Meral, Yasin, İstanbul’da Yahudi Matbuatı, Divan Kitap, İstanbul 2016.
  • Mongan, Elizabeth ve Edwin Wolf, The First Printers and Their Books, The Free Library of Philadelphia, Philadelphia 1940.
  • Offenberg, Adri K., Hebrew Incunabula in Public Collections, De Graaf, Nieuwkoo 1990.
  • Pollak, Michael, “The Invention of Printing in Hebrew Lore”, Gutenberg-Jahrbuch (1977), ss. 22-28.
  • Portaleone, Avraham, Şiltey Giborim, Mantua 1607.
  • Provençal, Moşe, Şeelot u-Teşuvot, ed. Avraham Yosef Yanay, Mahon Or ha-Mizrah, Kudüs 1989.
  • Przybilski, Martin, “Jewish Concepts of Holiness of Script in the Age of Printing: The Case of Genizah”, The Aura of the Word in the Early Age of Print. ed. Jessica Biskirk ve Samuel Mareel, Routledge Publishing, Oxon 2016.
  • Rakover, Nahum, Zhut ha-Yotsrim ba-Mekorot ha-Yehudim, Jewish Legal Heritage Society, Kudüs 1991.
  • Richardson, Brian, “The Debates on Printing in Renaissance Italy”, La Bibliofilia 100:2/3 (1998), ss. 138-142.
  • Ruderman, David B., Jewish Thought and Scientific Discovery in Early Modern Europe, Yale University Press, New Haven 1995.
  • Schaeper, Silke, “Inventory of Hebrew Incunabula”, Catalogue of Books Printed in the Fifteenth Century Now in the Bodleian Library, ed. Alan Coates, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2005.
  • Segal, David Halevi, Turey Zahav al Şulhan Aruh, (Yore Dea), https://www.sefaria. org/Turei_Zahav_on_Shulchan_Arukh%2C_Yoreh_De’ah.271?lang=bi (Erişim Tarihi: 25.08.2019).
  • Sirat, Coletta, Hebrew Manuscripts of the Middle Ages, trans. Nicolas de Lange, The Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge, Cambridge 2002.
  • Sladek, Pavel, “The Printed Book in the 15th and 16th Century Jewish Culture”, Hebrew Printing in Bohemia and Moravia, ed. Olga Sixtova, Academia and the Jewish Museum in Prague, Prague 2012.
  • Slonik, Benyamin, Mas’at Benyamin, Kudüs 1980.
  • Yaari, Avraham, Mehkarey Sefer, Mosad Rav Kook, Kudüs 1958.
There are 46 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Araştırma Makaleleri

Yasin Meral This is me 0000-0001-5794-721X

Publication Date August 21, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Meral, Y. (2020). Yahudi Âlimlerin Gözüyle Matbaanın İcadı ve Matbaada Basılan Metinlerin Hükmü. BELLETEN, 84(300), 559-584.
AMA Meral Y. Yahudi Âlimlerin Gözüyle Matbaanın İcadı ve Matbaada Basılan Metinlerin Hükmü. TTK BELLETEN. August 2020;84(300):559-584. doi:10.37879/belleten.2020.559
Chicago Meral, Yasin. “Yahudi Âlimlerin Gözüyle Matbaanın İcadı Ve Matbaada Basılan Metinlerin Hükmü”. BELLETEN 84, no. 300 (August 2020): 559-84.
EndNote Meral Y (August 1, 2020) Yahudi Âlimlerin Gözüyle Matbaanın İcadı ve Matbaada Basılan Metinlerin Hükmü. BELLETEN 84 300 559–584.
IEEE Y. Meral, “Yahudi Âlimlerin Gözüyle Matbaanın İcadı ve Matbaada Basılan Metinlerin Hükmü”, TTK BELLETEN, vol. 84, no. 300, pp. 559–584, 2020, doi: 10.37879/belleten.2020.559.
ISNAD Meral, Yasin. “Yahudi Âlimlerin Gözüyle Matbaanın İcadı Ve Matbaada Basılan Metinlerin Hükmü”. BELLETEN 84/300 (August 2020), 559-584.
JAMA Meral Y. Yahudi Âlimlerin Gözüyle Matbaanın İcadı ve Matbaada Basılan Metinlerin Hükmü. TTK BELLETEN. 2020;84:559–584.
MLA Meral, Yasin. “Yahudi Âlimlerin Gözüyle Matbaanın İcadı Ve Matbaada Basılan Metinlerin Hükmü”. BELLETEN, vol. 84, no. 300, 2020, pp. 559-84, doi:10.37879/belleten.2020.559.
Vancouver Meral Y. Yahudi Âlimlerin Gözüyle Matbaanın İcadı ve Matbaada Basılan Metinlerin Hükmü. TTK BELLETEN. 2020;84(300):559-84.