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Andreas Vesalius’un De Humani Corporis Fabrica’sı ve/veya Juan Valverde’nin Historia De La Composicion Del Cuerpo Humano’su Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda Anatomi Bilgisini Gerçekten Etkiledi mi? Şemsü’d-dīn ʿİtāḳī’nin Teşriḥü’l-Ebdān’ı Üzerine Bir Ön Çalışma

Year 2021, , 545 - 576, 17.08.2021


Bu çalışmanın amacı Teşhrīḥü’l-Ebdān ve Tercemān-ı Ḳıbāle-i Feylesūfān’da yer alan şekilleri ve bazı açıklamaları göz önüne alarak Vesalius ve Valverde’nin Şemsü’d-dīn ʿİtāḳī’yi etkileyip etkilemediğini belirlemektir. ʿİtāḳī’nin kitabının resimli nüshalarının açıklamaları ve şekilleri incelenmiş ve Galenus’un, İbn Sina’nın, Vesalius’un ve Valverde’nin eserleriyle karşılaştırılmış, sonra bulgular değerlendirilmiştir. ʿİtāḳī’nin kitabı Vesalius ve/veya Valverde’nin eserlerinden yalnızca bazı şekilleri içermekte, fakat mandibula, sakrum, rete mirabile ve uterus gibi konularda yeni bir açıklama bulunmamaktadır. Valverde’nin 1607 tarihinde yayımlanmış Latince baskısı, Hüsrev Paşa, Nr. 464 yazmasındaki ve kadın figürü dışında, İstanbul Üniversitesi, Türkçe Yazmalar, TY 2662 yazmasındaki bütün Batı kaynaklı şekillerin olası kaynağıdır. Valverde’nin kitabının İspanyolca ve/veya İtalyanca ve/veya Latince (1589) baskıları Prof. Uzluk’un kişisel koleksiyonundaki yazmada yer alan, insan iskeleti şekli dışında, pek çok Batı kaynaklı çizimlerin kaynağıdır. Vesalius ve Valverde’nin eserlerinde verilen bilgiler ʿİtāḳī’nin açıklamalarını etkilememiştir. ʿİtāḳī kitabını kendi dönemindeki İslam dünyasının klasik anatomi bilgisine göre yazmış ve açıklamalarını desteklemek/ güçlendirmek için kitabına Doğu ve Batı kaynaklı şekiller eklemiştir ya da ʿİtāḳī’nin eseri başlangıçta çizimler içermemekle birlikte, daha sonra, istinsah edenler Doğu ve Batı kaynaklı anatomik şekilleri açıklamaları desteklemek/güçlendirmek için değişik zamanlarda kitaba ilave etmişlerdir.


  • ʿAbd al-Laṭīf al-Baghdādī, Riḥlat ʿAbd al-Laṭīf al-Baghdādī fī Miṣr aw Kitāb al-Ifādat wa al-Iʿtibār fī l-Umūr al-Mushahadat wa al-Ḥawādith al-Muʿāyanat bi-Arḍ Miṣr, Al-Shaikh AA (ed), Ṭabʿat al-Thāniya [The Second Edition], Hayʿat alMiṣriyyat al-ʿAmat li-l-Kitāb 1998.
  • Abdel-Halim, Rabie E., “Experimental Medicine 1000 Years Ago”, Urology Annals, III/2 (2011), pp. 55-61.
  • Abdülvehhâb bin Yûsuf ibn-i Ahmed el-Mârdânî, Kitâbu’l-Müntehab fî’t-Tıb (823/1420), İnceleme-Metin-Dizin-Sadeleştirme-Tıpkıbasım. Hazırlayan: Ali Haydar Bayat, Merkezefendi Geleneksel Tıp Derneği, İstanbul 2005.
  • Abū ʿAlī Ibn Sīnā, Al-Qānūn fī al-Ṭibb, Vol. II, al-Maṭbaʿat al-ʿĀmira, [Būlāq] 1294/[1877].
  • Acıduman, Ahmet – İlgili, Önder, “Hekim Hayreddin’in “Hulâsatü’t-Tıbb” Adlı Eserinde “Tıbbi Deontoloji” ve “Nöroanatomi” ile İlgili Bölümler”, Sinir Sistemi Cerrahisi Derg, II/1 (2009), pp. 45-51.
  • Adıvar, A. Adnan, Osmanlı Türklerinde İlim, 6. Basım, Remzi Kitabevi, İstanbul 2000.
  • Al-ʿItāqī, The Treatise on Anatomy of Human Body and Interpretation of Philosophers, Esin Kahya (ed), National Hijra Council, Islamabad 1410/1990.
  • Avicenna (Abū ʿAlī al-Ḥusayn ibn ʿAbd Allāh ibn Sīnā), The Canon of Medicine (alQānūn fī’l-ṭibb), Adapted by Laleh Bakhtiar from Translations of Volume I by O. Cameron Gruner and Mazar H. Shah Correlated with the Arabic by Jay R. Crook with Notes by O. Cameron Gruner, Series Editor Sayyed Hossein Nasr, Great Books of the Islamic World, Inc. 1999.
  • Bahşi, İlhan – Bahşi, Ayşe, “Teşrih-ül Ebdan ve Tercümânı Kıbale-i Feylesûfan”: the First Illustrated Anatomy Handwritten Textbook in Ottoman-Turkish Medicine”, Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy, XLI/10 (2019), pp. 1135-1146.
  • Bayat, Ali Haydar, Tıp Tarihi, 1. Baskı, Sade Matbaa, İzmir 2003.
  • Galen, On the Natural Faculties, with An English Translation by Arthur John Brock, William Heinemann, London; G.P. Putnam’s Sons, New York 1916.
  • Galen, On the Usefulness of the Parts of the Body, De Usu Partium, Translated from the Greek with an Introduction and Commentary by Margaret Tallmadge May, I-II, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, New York 1968.
  • Haddad, Sami I. – Khairallah, Amin A., “A Forgotten Chapter in the History of the Circulation of the Blood”, Annals of Surgery, CIV/1 (1936), pp. 1-8.
  • Ḫayrü’d-dīn ibn Elḥāc Bāyezīd bin ʿÖmer Şāh, Kitābu Ḫulāṣati’ṭ-Ṭıbb, AÜTF Deontoloji AD Kütüphanesi, Nr. 15402/a, 1088/[1677-8].
  • Hekim Bereket, Tuḥfe-i Mübārizī, Metin-Sözlük, Hazırlayan: Binnur Erdağı Doğuer, Türk Dil Kurumu Yayınları, Ankara 2013.
  • İhsanoğlu, Ekmeleddin (ed). Osmanlı Tıbbi Bilimler Literatürü Tarihi (History of the Literature of Medical Sciences During the Ottoman Period). 1. Cilt. Hazırlayanlar: Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu, Ramazan Şeşen, M. Serdar Bekar, Gülcan Gündüz, Veysel Bulut, İslam Konferansı Teşkilatı, İslam Tarih, Sanat, Kültür Araştırma Merkezi (IRCICA), İstanbul 2008.
  • Kahya, Esin, “Şemseddin-i İtaki’nin Resimli Anatomi Kitabı”, Araştırma, VIII (1970), pp. 171-186.
  • Kâhya, Esin, “İbn Sînâ’nın Anatomisinin Osmanlı Hekimleri Üzerindeki Etkisi”, Bilim Tarihi, 15 (1993), pp. 3-6.
  • Kâhya, Esin, Şemseddîn-i İtâkî’nin Resimli Anatomi Kitabı, Atatürk Kültür, Dil ve Tarih Yüksek Kurumu, Atatürk Kültür Merkezi, Ankara 1996.
  • Kâhya, Esin, “One of the Samples of the Influences of Avicenna on the Ottoman Medicine, Shams al-Din Itaqi”, Belleten, LXIV/239 (2000), pp. 63-68.
  • Margόcsy, Dániel – Somos, Márk – Joffe, Stephen N., “Vesalius’ Fabrica: A Report On the Worldwide Census of the 1543 and 1555 Editions”, Soc Hist Med, XXX (2017), pp. 201-223.
  • Meyerhof, Max, “Ibn An-Nafîs (XIIIth cent.) and His Theory of the Lesser Circulation”, Isis, XXIII/1 (1935), pp. 100-120.
  • Nidhámí-i-ʿArúḍí-i-Samarqandí, The Chahár Maqála (“Four Discourses”), Translated into English by Edward G. Browne [Reprinted from the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, July and October, 1899], Luzac & Co., London 1900.
  • O’Malley, Charles D. – Saunders, J. B. de C. M. (eds), Leonardo da Vinci on the Human Body: the Anatomical, Physiological, and Embryological Drawings of Leonardo da Vinci. Henry Schuman [1952].
  • Russell, Gül, “The owl and the pussy cat” the process of cultural transmission in anatomical illustration. Transfer of modern Science & Technology to the Muslim World. Proceedings of the International Symposium on “Modern Sciences and the Muslim World”. Science and Technology Transfer from the West to the Muslim World From the Renaissance to the Beginning of the XXth Century (Istanbul 2-4 September 1987), İhsanoğlu, Ekmeleddin (ed). The Research Centre for Islamic History, Art and Culture (IRCICA), İstanbul 1992.
  • Sarton, George, Introduction to the History of Science, Volume II, from Rabbi Ben Ezra to Roger Bacon, in Two Parts, Part II, Reprinted, Published for the Carnegie Institution of Washington by the Williams and Wilkins Company, Baltimore 1962.
  • Saunders, J. B. deC. M - O’Malley, Charles D. (eds.), The Illustrations from the Works of Andreas Vesalius of Brussels, With Annotations and Translations, A Discussion of the Plates and Their Background, Authorship and Influence, and A Biographical Sketch of Vesalius by J. B. deC. M. Saunders and Charles D. O’Malley. Second Printing. Cleveland and New York: The World Publishing Company 1950.
  • Shah, Mazhar H., The General Principles of Avicenna’s Canon of Medicine, Naveed Clinic, Karachi, Pakistan 1966.
  • Shams al-Dīn ʿItāqī. Tashrīḥ al-Abdān wa Tarjamān Qibāla Faylasūfān, Türkiye Yazma Eserler Kurumu Başkanlığı, İstanbul Süleymaniye Manuscript Library, Hüsrev Paşa Collection, Nr. 464.
  • Shams al-Dīn ʿItāqī, Tashrīḥ al-Abdān wa Tarjamān Qibāla Faylasūfān. İstanbul University, Turkish Manuscripts, TY 2662.
  • Shams al-Dīn ʿItāqī, Tashrīḥ al-Abdān wa Tarjamān Qibāla Faylasūfān. Ankara University, Institute of History of Medicine (B&W Photo prints).
  • Shefer-Mossenshon, Miri, Ottoman Medicine: Healing and Medical Institutions, 1500- 1700. State University of New York Press, Albany 2009.
  • Singer, Charles, “Galen’s Elementary Course on Bones”, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine XLV/11 (1952), pp. 767-776.
  • Şehsüvaroğlu, Bedi N., “Bizde Anatomi Öğretimine Dair”, İstanbul Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Mecmuası XV/1 (1952), pp. 365-412.
  • Terzioğlu, Arslan, “İbn Sīnā’nın Tabābeti ve Avrupa’ya Tesirleri”, İbn Sînâ Doğumunun Bininci Yılı Armağanı. Aydın Sayılı (ed), T.C. Atatürk Kültür, Dil ve Tarih Yüksek Kurumu, Türk Tarih Kurumu Yayınları, Ankara 1984, pp. 41-66+13 figures.
  • Ullmann, Manfred, Islamic Medicine, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh 1978.
  • Uzluk, F. Nafiz, “İbni Sina Eşşeyhürreis”, Büyük Türk Filozof ve Tıb Üstadı İbni Sina: Şahsiyeti ve Eserleri Hakkında Tetkikler, Türk Tarih Kurumu Yayınları, Muallim Ahmet Halit Kitap Evi, İstanbul 1937, pp:1-20.
  • [Ünver], A. Süheyl, “Üç Asırlık Resimli Bir Teşrih Kitabımız “Risalei Tarihi Ebdan” Şirvanlı Şemsettin (Itakî) 1622-1648”, Tedavi Notları, IX/7 (1934), pp. 189-193.
  • Vesalius, Andreas, De Hvmani corporis fabrica libri septem, Per Ioannem Oporinum. Basileae 1555.
  • Valuerde, Ioan de, Historia de la composcion del cuerpo humano, Impressa por Antonio Salamanca, y Antonio Lafrerij, En Roma 1556.
  • Valverde, Giouan, Anatomia del corpo humano & da luy con molte figure di rame, et eruditi discorsi in luce mandata, In Roma Per Ant. Salamanca, et Antonio Lafrerj, 1559.
  • Valverdo, Ioanne, Anatome Corporis Humani, Nunc primum a Michaele Columbo latine reddita, et additis nouis aliquot tabulis exornata, Studio et industria Ivntarvm, Venetiis 1589.
  • Valverdo, Ioanne, Anatome Corporis Humani, Nunc primum a Michaele Colúbo latine reddita, et additis nouis aliquot tabulis exornata, Studio et industria Ivntarvm, Venetiis 1607.
  • Williams, Peter L. - Dyson, Mary (eds.), Gray’s Anatomy, Thirty-Seventh Edition, ELBS edition first published 1992, Reprinted, ELBS with Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh 1992.

Did Andreas Vesalius’s De Humani Corporis Fabrica and/or Juan Valverde’s Historia De La Composicion Del Cuerpo Humano Really Influence the Anatomy Knowledge in the Ottoman Empire?A Preliminary Study on Shams al-Dīn ʿItāqī’s Tashrīh al-Abdān

Year 2021, , 545 - 576, 17.08.2021


Aim of this study was to determine whether Vesalius and Valverde influenced Shams al-Dīn ʿItāqī considering the figures and several statements in Tashrīḥ al-Abdān wa Tarjamān Qibāla Faylasūfān. The statements and figures in illustrated copies of ʿItāqī’s book were examined and compared to those in Galen’s, Avicenna’s, Vesalius’s, and Valverde’s works, then the findings were evaluated. ʿItāqī’s book contains some figures only from Vesalius and/or Valverde’s works, but there is no new explanation related to issues such as the mandible, the sacrum, the rete mirabile, and the uterus. The Latin edition of Valverde’s book published in 1607 was probably the source of the Western-originated illustrations in the manuscript Hüsrev Paşa, Nr. 464 and of all the Western-based illustrations, except for the female figure in the manuscript of Istanbul University, Turkish Manuscripts, TY 2662. Spanish and/or Italian and/or Latin (1589) editions of Valverde’s book were the sources of most of the Western-originated illustrations, except the human skeleton figure in the manuscript of Prof. Uzluk’s personal collection. The information given by the works of Vesalius and Valverde has not influenced the explanations of ʿItāqī. ʿItāqī wrote his book according to the classical anatomical knowledge in the Islamic world of his era and he added Easternand Western-originated figures to his book to support/strengthen his statements. Or ʿItāqī work Tasrīḥ al-Abdān originally contained no illustrations. However, later, scribes/copiers added Eastern- and Western-originated anatomical figures to the book to support/strengthen statements at different times.


  • ʿAbd al-Laṭīf al-Baghdādī, Riḥlat ʿAbd al-Laṭīf al-Baghdādī fī Miṣr aw Kitāb al-Ifādat wa al-Iʿtibār fī l-Umūr al-Mushahadat wa al-Ḥawādith al-Muʿāyanat bi-Arḍ Miṣr, Al-Shaikh AA (ed), Ṭabʿat al-Thāniya [The Second Edition], Hayʿat alMiṣriyyat al-ʿAmat li-l-Kitāb 1998.
  • Abdel-Halim, Rabie E., “Experimental Medicine 1000 Years Ago”, Urology Annals, III/2 (2011), pp. 55-61.
  • Abdülvehhâb bin Yûsuf ibn-i Ahmed el-Mârdânî, Kitâbu’l-Müntehab fî’t-Tıb (823/1420), İnceleme-Metin-Dizin-Sadeleştirme-Tıpkıbasım. Hazırlayan: Ali Haydar Bayat, Merkezefendi Geleneksel Tıp Derneği, İstanbul 2005.
  • Abū ʿAlī Ibn Sīnā, Al-Qānūn fī al-Ṭibb, Vol. II, al-Maṭbaʿat al-ʿĀmira, [Būlāq] 1294/[1877].
  • Acıduman, Ahmet – İlgili, Önder, “Hekim Hayreddin’in “Hulâsatü’t-Tıbb” Adlı Eserinde “Tıbbi Deontoloji” ve “Nöroanatomi” ile İlgili Bölümler”, Sinir Sistemi Cerrahisi Derg, II/1 (2009), pp. 45-51.
  • Adıvar, A. Adnan, Osmanlı Türklerinde İlim, 6. Basım, Remzi Kitabevi, İstanbul 2000.
  • Al-ʿItāqī, The Treatise on Anatomy of Human Body and Interpretation of Philosophers, Esin Kahya (ed), National Hijra Council, Islamabad 1410/1990.
  • Avicenna (Abū ʿAlī al-Ḥusayn ibn ʿAbd Allāh ibn Sīnā), The Canon of Medicine (alQānūn fī’l-ṭibb), Adapted by Laleh Bakhtiar from Translations of Volume I by O. Cameron Gruner and Mazar H. Shah Correlated with the Arabic by Jay R. Crook with Notes by O. Cameron Gruner, Series Editor Sayyed Hossein Nasr, Great Books of the Islamic World, Inc. 1999.
  • Bahşi, İlhan – Bahşi, Ayşe, “Teşrih-ül Ebdan ve Tercümânı Kıbale-i Feylesûfan”: the First Illustrated Anatomy Handwritten Textbook in Ottoman-Turkish Medicine”, Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy, XLI/10 (2019), pp. 1135-1146.
  • Bayat, Ali Haydar, Tıp Tarihi, 1. Baskı, Sade Matbaa, İzmir 2003.
  • Galen, On the Natural Faculties, with An English Translation by Arthur John Brock, William Heinemann, London; G.P. Putnam’s Sons, New York 1916.
  • Galen, On the Usefulness of the Parts of the Body, De Usu Partium, Translated from the Greek with an Introduction and Commentary by Margaret Tallmadge May, I-II, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, New York 1968.
  • Haddad, Sami I. – Khairallah, Amin A., “A Forgotten Chapter in the History of the Circulation of the Blood”, Annals of Surgery, CIV/1 (1936), pp. 1-8.
  • Ḫayrü’d-dīn ibn Elḥāc Bāyezīd bin ʿÖmer Şāh, Kitābu Ḫulāṣati’ṭ-Ṭıbb, AÜTF Deontoloji AD Kütüphanesi, Nr. 15402/a, 1088/[1677-8].
  • Hekim Bereket, Tuḥfe-i Mübārizī, Metin-Sözlük, Hazırlayan: Binnur Erdağı Doğuer, Türk Dil Kurumu Yayınları, Ankara 2013.
  • İhsanoğlu, Ekmeleddin (ed). Osmanlı Tıbbi Bilimler Literatürü Tarihi (History of the Literature of Medical Sciences During the Ottoman Period). 1. Cilt. Hazırlayanlar: Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu, Ramazan Şeşen, M. Serdar Bekar, Gülcan Gündüz, Veysel Bulut, İslam Konferansı Teşkilatı, İslam Tarih, Sanat, Kültür Araştırma Merkezi (IRCICA), İstanbul 2008.
  • Kahya, Esin, “Şemseddin-i İtaki’nin Resimli Anatomi Kitabı”, Araştırma, VIII (1970), pp. 171-186.
  • Kâhya, Esin, “İbn Sînâ’nın Anatomisinin Osmanlı Hekimleri Üzerindeki Etkisi”, Bilim Tarihi, 15 (1993), pp. 3-6.
  • Kâhya, Esin, Şemseddîn-i İtâkî’nin Resimli Anatomi Kitabı, Atatürk Kültür, Dil ve Tarih Yüksek Kurumu, Atatürk Kültür Merkezi, Ankara 1996.
  • Kâhya, Esin, “One of the Samples of the Influences of Avicenna on the Ottoman Medicine, Shams al-Din Itaqi”, Belleten, LXIV/239 (2000), pp. 63-68.
  • Margόcsy, Dániel – Somos, Márk – Joffe, Stephen N., “Vesalius’ Fabrica: A Report On the Worldwide Census of the 1543 and 1555 Editions”, Soc Hist Med, XXX (2017), pp. 201-223.
  • Meyerhof, Max, “Ibn An-Nafîs (XIIIth cent.) and His Theory of the Lesser Circulation”, Isis, XXIII/1 (1935), pp. 100-120.
  • Nidhámí-i-ʿArúḍí-i-Samarqandí, The Chahár Maqála (“Four Discourses”), Translated into English by Edward G. Browne [Reprinted from the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, July and October, 1899], Luzac & Co., London 1900.
  • O’Malley, Charles D. – Saunders, J. B. de C. M. (eds), Leonardo da Vinci on the Human Body: the Anatomical, Physiological, and Embryological Drawings of Leonardo da Vinci. Henry Schuman [1952].
  • Russell, Gül, “The owl and the pussy cat” the process of cultural transmission in anatomical illustration. Transfer of modern Science & Technology to the Muslim World. Proceedings of the International Symposium on “Modern Sciences and the Muslim World”. Science and Technology Transfer from the West to the Muslim World From the Renaissance to the Beginning of the XXth Century (Istanbul 2-4 September 1987), İhsanoğlu, Ekmeleddin (ed). The Research Centre for Islamic History, Art and Culture (IRCICA), İstanbul 1992.
  • Sarton, George, Introduction to the History of Science, Volume II, from Rabbi Ben Ezra to Roger Bacon, in Two Parts, Part II, Reprinted, Published for the Carnegie Institution of Washington by the Williams and Wilkins Company, Baltimore 1962.
  • Saunders, J. B. deC. M - O’Malley, Charles D. (eds.), The Illustrations from the Works of Andreas Vesalius of Brussels, With Annotations and Translations, A Discussion of the Plates and Their Background, Authorship and Influence, and A Biographical Sketch of Vesalius by J. B. deC. M. Saunders and Charles D. O’Malley. Second Printing. Cleveland and New York: The World Publishing Company 1950.
  • Shah, Mazhar H., The General Principles of Avicenna’s Canon of Medicine, Naveed Clinic, Karachi, Pakistan 1966.
  • Shams al-Dīn ʿItāqī. Tashrīḥ al-Abdān wa Tarjamān Qibāla Faylasūfān, Türkiye Yazma Eserler Kurumu Başkanlığı, İstanbul Süleymaniye Manuscript Library, Hüsrev Paşa Collection, Nr. 464.
  • Shams al-Dīn ʿItāqī, Tashrīḥ al-Abdān wa Tarjamān Qibāla Faylasūfān. İstanbul University, Turkish Manuscripts, TY 2662.
  • Shams al-Dīn ʿItāqī, Tashrīḥ al-Abdān wa Tarjamān Qibāla Faylasūfān. Ankara University, Institute of History of Medicine (B&W Photo prints).
  • Shefer-Mossenshon, Miri, Ottoman Medicine: Healing and Medical Institutions, 1500- 1700. State University of New York Press, Albany 2009.
  • Singer, Charles, “Galen’s Elementary Course on Bones”, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine XLV/11 (1952), pp. 767-776.
  • Şehsüvaroğlu, Bedi N., “Bizde Anatomi Öğretimine Dair”, İstanbul Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Mecmuası XV/1 (1952), pp. 365-412.
  • Terzioğlu, Arslan, “İbn Sīnā’nın Tabābeti ve Avrupa’ya Tesirleri”, İbn Sînâ Doğumunun Bininci Yılı Armağanı. Aydın Sayılı (ed), T.C. Atatürk Kültür, Dil ve Tarih Yüksek Kurumu, Türk Tarih Kurumu Yayınları, Ankara 1984, pp. 41-66+13 figures.
  • Ullmann, Manfred, Islamic Medicine, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh 1978.
  • Uzluk, F. Nafiz, “İbni Sina Eşşeyhürreis”, Büyük Türk Filozof ve Tıb Üstadı İbni Sina: Şahsiyeti ve Eserleri Hakkında Tetkikler, Türk Tarih Kurumu Yayınları, Muallim Ahmet Halit Kitap Evi, İstanbul 1937, pp:1-20.
  • [Ünver], A. Süheyl, “Üç Asırlık Resimli Bir Teşrih Kitabımız “Risalei Tarihi Ebdan” Şirvanlı Şemsettin (Itakî) 1622-1648”, Tedavi Notları, IX/7 (1934), pp. 189-193.
  • Vesalius, Andreas, De Hvmani corporis fabrica libri septem, Per Ioannem Oporinum. Basileae 1555.
  • Valuerde, Ioan de, Historia de la composcion del cuerpo humano, Impressa por Antonio Salamanca, y Antonio Lafrerij, En Roma 1556.
  • Valverde, Giouan, Anatomia del corpo humano & da luy con molte figure di rame, et eruditi discorsi in luce mandata, In Roma Per Ant. Salamanca, et Antonio Lafrerj, 1559.
  • Valverdo, Ioanne, Anatome Corporis Humani, Nunc primum a Michaele Columbo latine reddita, et additis nouis aliquot tabulis exornata, Studio et industria Ivntarvm, Venetiis 1589.
  • Valverdo, Ioanne, Anatome Corporis Humani, Nunc primum a Michaele Colúbo latine reddita, et additis nouis aliquot tabulis exornata, Studio et industria Ivntarvm, Venetiis 1607.
  • Williams, Peter L. - Dyson, Mary (eds.), Gray’s Anatomy, Thirty-Seventh Edition, ELBS edition first published 1992, Reprinted, ELBS with Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh 1992.
There are 44 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Araştırma Makaleleri

Ahmet Acıduman This is me 0000-0003-2021-4471

Çağatay Aşkit This is me 0000-0001-6357-320X

Gözde Acıduman This is me 0000-0003-2980-1138

Publication Date August 17, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Acıduman, A., Aşkit, Ç., & Acıduman, G. (2021). Did Andreas Vesalius’s De Humani Corporis Fabrica and/or Juan Valverde’s Historia De La Composicion Del Cuerpo Humano Really Influence the Anatomy Knowledge in the Ottoman Empire?A Preliminary Study on Shams al-Dīn ʿItāqī’s Tashrīh al-Abdān. BELLETEN, 85(303), 545-576.
AMA Acıduman A, Aşkit Ç, Acıduman G. Did Andreas Vesalius’s De Humani Corporis Fabrica and/or Juan Valverde’s Historia De La Composicion Del Cuerpo Humano Really Influence the Anatomy Knowledge in the Ottoman Empire?A Preliminary Study on Shams al-Dīn ʿItāqī’s Tashrīh al-Abdān. TTK BELLETEN. August 2021;85(303):545-576. doi:10.37879/belleten.2021.545
Chicago Acıduman, Ahmet, Çağatay Aşkit, and Gözde Acıduman. “Did Andreas Vesalius’s De Humani Corporis Fabrica and/Or Juan Valverde’s Historia De La Composicion Del Cuerpo Humano Really Influence the Anatomy Knowledge in the Ottoman Empire?A Preliminary Study on Shams Al-Dīn ʿItāqī’s Tashrīh Al-Abdān”. BELLETEN 85, no. 303 (August 2021): 545-76.
EndNote Acıduman A, Aşkit Ç, Acıduman G (August 1, 2021) Did Andreas Vesalius’s De Humani Corporis Fabrica and/or Juan Valverde’s Historia De La Composicion Del Cuerpo Humano Really Influence the Anatomy Knowledge in the Ottoman Empire?A Preliminary Study on Shams al-Dīn ʿItāqī’s Tashrīh al-Abdān. BELLETEN 85 303 545–576.
IEEE A. Acıduman, Ç. Aşkit, and G. Acıduman, “Did Andreas Vesalius’s De Humani Corporis Fabrica and/or Juan Valverde’s Historia De La Composicion Del Cuerpo Humano Really Influence the Anatomy Knowledge in the Ottoman Empire?A Preliminary Study on Shams al-Dīn ʿItāqī’s Tashrīh al-Abdān”, TTK BELLETEN, vol. 85, no. 303, pp. 545–576, 2021, doi: 10.37879/belleten.2021.545.
ISNAD Acıduman, Ahmet et al. “Did Andreas Vesalius’s De Humani Corporis Fabrica and/Or Juan Valverde’s Historia De La Composicion Del Cuerpo Humano Really Influence the Anatomy Knowledge in the Ottoman Empire?A Preliminary Study on Shams Al-Dīn ʿItāqī’s Tashrīh Al-Abdān”. BELLETEN 85/303 (August 2021), 545-576.
JAMA Acıduman A, Aşkit Ç, Acıduman G. Did Andreas Vesalius’s De Humani Corporis Fabrica and/or Juan Valverde’s Historia De La Composicion Del Cuerpo Humano Really Influence the Anatomy Knowledge in the Ottoman Empire?A Preliminary Study on Shams al-Dīn ʿItāqī’s Tashrīh al-Abdān. TTK BELLETEN. 2021;85:545–576.
MLA Acıduman, Ahmet et al. “Did Andreas Vesalius’s De Humani Corporis Fabrica and/Or Juan Valverde’s Historia De La Composicion Del Cuerpo Humano Really Influence the Anatomy Knowledge in the Ottoman Empire?A Preliminary Study on Shams Al-Dīn ʿItāqī’s Tashrīh Al-Abdān”. BELLETEN, vol. 85, no. 303, 2021, pp. 545-76, doi:10.37879/belleten.2021.545.
Vancouver Acıduman A, Aşkit Ç, Acıduman G. Did Andreas Vesalius’s De Humani Corporis Fabrica and/or Juan Valverde’s Historia De La Composicion Del Cuerpo Humano Really Influence the Anatomy Knowledge in the Ottoman Empire?A Preliminary Study on Shams al-Dīn ʿItāqī’s Tashrīh al-Abdān. TTK BELLETEN. 2021;85(303):545-76.