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Lloyd George Hükümeti: Balfour Deklarasyonu ile Yahudilere Ulusal Yurt Sözü Verilmesi (1916-1920)

Year 2018, Volume: 82 Issue: 294, 727 - 759, 01.08.2018


Filistin, uzun süre “tüm toprakların en küçüğü” olarak adlandırılmıştır. Buna karşın üç semavi dinin kutsal alanlarına ev sahipliği yaptığı için yerküre üzerindeki en değerli/övülmüş toprak parçaları arasında özel bir yere sahiptir. Filistin, Yavuz Sultan Selim’in 1517 senesindeki Mısır Seferi ile Osmanlı topraklarına katılmış ve 1917 yılına kadar 400 yıl Osmanlı idaresinde kalmıştır. Osmanlılar öncesinde Rome dönemi uygulamaları takip edilerek Yahudilerin bir kez daha bölgeye hakim olmasının engellenmesi amacıyla Filistin’de küçük koloni ya da idareler kurulmuştu. Osmanlı idaresinde Filistin’de yaşayan Yahudiler de Osmanlı hoşgörü ve dini özgürlük ortamından diğer haklar gibi yararlanıyorlardı. 1897 yılında Basel Kongresi ile Dünya Siyonist hareketi Filistin’de bir Yahudi Devleti kurmak için harekete geçerek ilk olarak Sultan II. Abdülhamit ile görüştü. Fakat bu görüşmeden istenilen netice elde edilemedi ve hatta Yahudi hacıların Filistin’deki ziyaret süresine sınırlama getirilerek, de facto bir yerleşimin önü kesilmek istendi. Fakat yerel idarecilerin rüşvetle iş görmeleri söz konusu kuralın yıllar içinde delinmesinin yolunu açtı. Yakın gelecekteki planlar için bu gedik yeterli değildi. Siyonistlerin beklediği fırsat I. Dünya Savaşı esnasında savaş ekonomisini sürdüremez hale gelen İngiltere’nin çare arayışları esnasında ortaya çıktı. 1916 yılında Başbakanlık görevini üstlenen Lloyd George bir Siyonist taraftarıydı ve Kabinedeki Dışişleri Bakanı Arthur Balfour yayınladığı deklarasyonla Filistin’de bir Yahudi devleti kurulmasına yardım edileceği sözünü verdi. Yahudi Devleti için önce Filistin’in Osmanlılardan alınması gerekiyordu ve Yahudi bankerlerden destek bekleniyordu. Bu çalışmada İngiliz Dışişleri Bakanlığı arşivlerinde bulunan dönemin yazışmalarında İngiltere’deki Siyonist hareket ile Filistin’in işgaline giden süreç ve işgalin yapılış şekli irdelenecektir. Bu devlete yönelik Arap karşıtlığı ve Şerif Hüseyin ile oğlu Faysal’ın Balfour Deklarasyonu’nu kabulüyle İsrail Devleti’nin kuruluşuna yaptıkları katkı da ele alınacaktır.


  • Arab Bulletin, No, 39. Arab Bureau, Secret, Savoy Hotel, Cairo, January 19, 1917.
  • Arab Bulletin, No, 48. Arab Bureau, Secret, Savoy Hotel, Cairo, April 21, 1917.
  • Arab Bulletin, No, 64. Arab Bureau, Secret, Savoy Hotel, Cairo, September 27, 1917.
  • Arab Bulletin, No, 87. Arab Bureau, Secret, Savoy Hotel, Cairo, April 30, 1918.
  • BOA [Prime Ministry of Turkey Ottoman Archives], HAT [Imperial Decree] 00841. 37876.001.
  • FO371/97, Minute No. 8437 covering letter to Lloyd George MP, 6 March 1906.
  • FO371/59, A. Levy, President of the Swansea Zionist Society, to Sir Edward Grey, 26 May 1906, Letter No. 16985.
  • FO371/97, Memorandum by Sir E. Gray, 20 March 1906.
  • FO 371/64, Text of the Agreement Defi ning the Turco-Egyptian Boundary, November 3, 1906.
  • FO373/7/36, Zionism: A Short History from 720 BC-1918, by the British Foreign Offi ce, prepared for the Peace Conference, February 1919.
  • FO141/803, Telegram No. 954 from Sir M[ark]. Sykes, Cairo to Foreign Offi ce, 5 June 1917.
  • FO78/368, Consul W.L. Young, Jerusalem to Col. Campbell, Cairo, 19 April 1839.
  • FO78/390, Draft No. 134 by Lord Ponsonby, Foreign Offi ce, 11 August 1840.
  • FO371/3053, Memorandum by Lord Robert Cecil, Foreign Offi ce, 25 April 1917
  • FO141/805, Telegram No. 554 from Sir Mark Sykes to the High Commissioner for Egypt, Cairo, 1 June 1997.
  • FO371/3052, Foreign Offi ce Minute by Lord Robert Cecil to Lord Hardinge, 21 April 1917.
  • FO141/805, Dispatch via the Foreign Offi ce from Aaron Aaronsohn to Alexander Aaronsohn New York
  • FO371/3083, Lord W. Rothschild to Rt. Hon. A.J. Balfour, Foreign Offi ce, 18 July 1917.
  • FO371/3083, Draft Replay to Lord Rothschild from Mr. Balfour, Foreign Offi ce, August 1917.
  • FO371/3395, Secret Report on the existing Political Situation in Palestine and Contigous Areas by Maj. W. Ormsby-Gore, Political Offi cer in Charge of the Zionist Comission, 22 August 1918.
  • FO141/742, Leafl et Entitled “The British Cabinet and Zionism”, 16 November 1921, Foreign Offi ce.
  • FO371/5114, Maj. Genl L.J. Bols, Chief Administrator, Occupied Enemy Territory Administration, Jerusalem to Earl Curzon, Foreign Offi ce, 7 June 1920.
  • FO371/5114, Council (Waad Hair) of the Ashkenasic Jewish Community Jerusalem, Foreign Offi ce, 7 May 1920.
  • FO608/99, Account of the Fifth Meeting of the Advisory Committee to the Palestine Offi ce, held 10 March [May] 1919.
  • FO141/742, Sir H. Samuel, Jerusalem, to Sir A. Mond, London, 24 December 1920.
  • FO141/803, Dr. C. Weizmann, Zionist Organization, to Brig.-Gen, GF. Clayton, Egyptian Expeditionary Force, 5 November 1918.
  • FO371/3395, Secret Report on the existing Political Situation in Palestine and Contiguous Areas by Maj. W. Ormsby-Gore, Political Offi cer in Charge of the Zionist Commission, 22 August 1918.
  • FO141/803, Memorandum by Col. R. Storrs, Military Governor, Jerusalem to Headquarters, O.E.T.A., 4 November 1918.
  • FO371/4167, Foreign Offi ce draft letter to Sir R. Rodd, Rome, 9 January 1919.
  • FO608/99, Statement on the Internal Situation in palestine, 10 February 1919.
  • FO608/99, The Future Constitution of Palestine, Foreign Offi ce, 7 May 1919.
  • FO 371/64, Demarcation of Egyptian Frontier, August-October 1906.
  • FO 371/2449, French Agreement, March-April 1915, The Constantinople Agreement, March-April 1915.
  • FO371/2817, Mr. Lucien Wolf to L. Oliphant, 13 October 1916, Jews in the Russian Army, Report of the Commander of the Staff for the Supreme Commander-in- Chief, 29 June 1915.
  • British War Cabinet Records, Situation in Turkey, 15/11/1917, G.T. 2630, File Number: 0.1/132/377.
  • FO608/99, Foreign Offi ce Minutes, 26 January 1919.
  • FO371/4167, Foreign Offi ce Covering Docket, 19 February 1919.
  • FO 371/61, Sir N. O’Conor to Sir Edward Grey, Jerussalem, April 6, 1906; Albert M. Hyamson, Palestine Under The Mandate 1920-1948, (London: Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1950), 24-25.
  • FO 371/61, The Earl of Cromer to Sir Edward Grey, Cairo, April 24, 1906.
  • L/P&S/18/B49, Sir Edward Grey to Sir G. Louther (Constantinople), Foreign Offi ce, September 20, 1910.
  • L/P&S/18/B446, The Seven Independent Arab States, 1935, No. 14706.
  • Library of Congress Manuscript Division, The Papers of Mark L. Bristol-VI, War Diary, March 30, 1925.
  • Memorandum Respecting the Bagdad Railway, No. 3743. Januray 28, 1909.
  • Report of the High Commissioner on the Administration of Palestine, 1920-1925, (London: Printed by His Majesty’s Stationery Offi ce, 1925). News Papers New York Times The Zionist Review Washington Post Secondary Sources
  • Aaronsohn, Alexander, With The Turks In Palestine, (New York: Houghton Miffl in Company, 1916).
  • Adams, Michael, “What Went Wrong in Palestine?”, Journal of Palestine Studies, Vol. 18, No. 1, Special Issue, (Autumn, 1988).
  • Bar, Yosef, Eitan, “The Last Crusade? British Propaganda and the Palestine Campaign, 1917-18”, Journal of Contemporary History, Vol. 36, No. 1 (Jan., 2001).
  • Barr, James, A Line in the Sand, Britain, France and the Struggle for he Mastery of the Middle East, (Sydney: Simon & Schuster, 2011).
  • Best, Anthony, and et. all., International History of Twentieth Century and Beyond, 2nd Ed., (London: Routledge, 2008).
  • Cafer el-Askeri, İsyancı Arap Ordusunda Bir Harbiyeli [An Ottoman Military College Graduate in Insurgent Arab Army], (trans. Halit Özkan), (İstanbul: Klasik Yayınları, 2008).
  • Davişa, Adid, Arap Milliyetçiliği - Zaferden Umutsuzluğa [Arab Nationalism in the Twentieth Century], (trans. Lüfi Yalçın), (İstanbul: Literatür Yayıncılık, 2004).
  • Derveze, İzzet, Osmanlı Filistininde Bir Posta Memuru (A Postal Servant in Ottoman Palestine], (trans. Ali Benli), (İstanbul: Klasik Yayınları, 2007).
  • Fromkin, David, Barışa Son Veren Barış Modern Ortadoğu Nasıl Yaratıldı? 1914-1922 [A Peace to End All Peace The Fall of The Ottoman Empire and The Creation of the Modern Middle East], trans. Mehmet Harmancı, (Istanbul: Epsilon Yayınları, 2013).
  • Herzl, Theodore, The Jewish State, (Switzerland: 1896).
  • Jiryis, Sabri, “Forty Years Since the Seizure of Palestine”, Journal of Palestine Studies, Vol. 18, No. 1, Special Issue (Autumn, 1988).
  • Kayalı, Hasan, Jön Türkler ve Araplar [Young Turks and Arabs], (trans. Türkan Yöney), 2nd ed. (İstanbul: Tarih Vakfı Yurt Yayınları, 1998).
  • Köni, Hasan, “Birinci Dünya Savaşı Öncesi İstihbarat [Intelligence Activities Before WWI]”, Avrasya Dosyası, İstihbarat Özel, Vol. 8, No. 2 (Summer 2002).
  • Köse, İsmail, “1917 Yılı Ortalarında Osmanlı Devleti’nin I. Dünya Savaşı’ndan Çekilmesinin Sağlanması Teşebbüsü [The Initative of Insuring Ottoman State’s Withdrawal From WWı in mid-1917], Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Meslek Yüksekokulu Dergisi, Vol. 15, No. 2 (2012).
  • Köse, İsmail, Hicaz İsyanı [Hedjaz Uprising], (Istanbul: Selis Yayınları, 2014).
  • Kral Abdullah, Biz Osmanlı’ya Neden İsyan Ettik [Why We Revolt Against Ottomans], 9th ed. (trans. Halit Özkan), (İstanbul: Klasik Yayınları, 2013).
  • Kürkçüoğlu, Ömer, Osmanlı Devleti’ne Karşı Arap Bağımsızlık Hareketi (1908-1918), [Arab Independence Movement Against Ottomans (1908-1918)], (Ankara: Ankara Üniversitesi Yayını: 1982).
  • Landman, S., Zionist Organisation, London to Rt. Hon. A.J. Balfour, Foreign Offi ce, 13 January 1919.
  • Manuel, Frank E., “The Palestine Question in Italian Diplomacy, 1917-1920”, The Journal of Modern History, Vol. 27, No. 3 (Sep., 1955).
  • Paşa, Cemal, Hatıralar [Memories], 5. Baskı, ed. by Alpay Kabacalı, (Istanbul: İş Bankası Yayınları, 2010).
  • Renton, James, “Changing Languages of Empire and the Orient: Britain and the Intervention of the Middle East, 1917-1918”, The Historical Journal, Vol. 50, No. 3 (Sep., 2007).
  • Scholch, Alexander, “Britain in Palestine, 1838-1882: The Roots of the Balfour Policy”, Journal of Palestine Studies, Vol. 22, No. 1 (Autumn, 1992).
  • Wasserstein, Bernard, “Clipping the Claws of the Colonizers’: Arab Offi cials in the Government of the Palestine, 1917-48”, Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 13, No. 2 (May, 1977).
  • Yüksel, Nahit, “Cumhuriyet’in “ilk” Bütçesi, Coşku, Gurur ve Kaygı [“First” Budget of the Republic: Enthusiasm, Pride and Anxiety]”, Maliye Dergisi, No. 159, (July- Dec. 2010). pp. 299-322.
  • Google earth, [31/12/2013].

The Lloyd George Government of the UK: Balfour Declaration the Promise for a National Home to Jews (1916-1920)

Year 2018, Volume: 82 Issue: 294, 727 - 759, 01.08.2018


Palestine, throughout modern known history has been geographically called “the least of all lands”. Meanwhile because hosted holy shrines of three monotheistic religions, it was/is one of the most praised/precious small piece of land on the globe. Palestine came under Ottoman rule after Sultan Selim’s Egyptian Campaign in 1517 and until the year of 1917 was an Ottoman land during 400 years. Before Ottomans, following old Roman experience, small colonies or administrations had been planted in Palestine with the express intention of preventing the political regeneration of the Jews. Under Ottoman rule, Jews and other two religions have been peacefully living in Palestine. In 1897 at Basel Congress, World Zionist Organization decided to establish a Jewish State in Palestine. They asked Ottoman Sultan Abdulhamid II for a national home in Palestine but could not achieve what they desired. Abdulhamid II also restricted Jewish pilgrimage to Palestine to prevent any possible de facto unpermitted foreign settlement of Jews. But, due to corruption and bribery of local rulers that rule could not be implemented properly. Nowadays addressing their future plans Zionists were asking to send high number of Jews to Palestine and the progress taken by bribery was not enough such kind of stream. The opportunity Zionists looking for emerged during WWI while British search of support for unsustainable war economy. In the year of 1916, a Zionist sympathizer Lloyd George became British Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of his Cabinet Arthur Balfour proclaimed his famous publication promising a national home hence Israeli State for Jews. To realize that aim Palestine had to be occupied and become a British colony. This paper will search archive documents and related second hand publications to shed light on Zionist activities and establishment process of Israel, special focus will be put on the role of Lloyd George Government. Arab reactions, especially the attitude of Sheriff Hussein and his son Faisal to the developments also will be discussed.


  • Arab Bulletin, No, 39. Arab Bureau, Secret, Savoy Hotel, Cairo, January 19, 1917.
  • Arab Bulletin, No, 48. Arab Bureau, Secret, Savoy Hotel, Cairo, April 21, 1917.
  • Arab Bulletin, No, 64. Arab Bureau, Secret, Savoy Hotel, Cairo, September 27, 1917.
  • Arab Bulletin, No, 87. Arab Bureau, Secret, Savoy Hotel, Cairo, April 30, 1918.
  • BOA [Prime Ministry of Turkey Ottoman Archives], HAT [Imperial Decree] 00841. 37876.001.
  • FO371/97, Minute No. 8437 covering letter to Lloyd George MP, 6 March 1906.
  • FO371/59, A. Levy, President of the Swansea Zionist Society, to Sir Edward Grey, 26 May 1906, Letter No. 16985.
  • FO371/97, Memorandum by Sir E. Gray, 20 March 1906.
  • FO 371/64, Text of the Agreement Defi ning the Turco-Egyptian Boundary, November 3, 1906.
  • FO373/7/36, Zionism: A Short History from 720 BC-1918, by the British Foreign Offi ce, prepared for the Peace Conference, February 1919.
  • FO141/803, Telegram No. 954 from Sir M[ark]. Sykes, Cairo to Foreign Offi ce, 5 June 1917.
  • FO78/368, Consul W.L. Young, Jerusalem to Col. Campbell, Cairo, 19 April 1839.
  • FO78/390, Draft No. 134 by Lord Ponsonby, Foreign Offi ce, 11 August 1840.
  • FO371/3053, Memorandum by Lord Robert Cecil, Foreign Offi ce, 25 April 1917
  • FO141/805, Telegram No. 554 from Sir Mark Sykes to the High Commissioner for Egypt, Cairo, 1 June 1997.
  • FO371/3052, Foreign Offi ce Minute by Lord Robert Cecil to Lord Hardinge, 21 April 1917.
  • FO141/805, Dispatch via the Foreign Offi ce from Aaron Aaronsohn to Alexander Aaronsohn New York
  • FO371/3083, Lord W. Rothschild to Rt. Hon. A.J. Balfour, Foreign Offi ce, 18 July 1917.
  • FO371/3083, Draft Replay to Lord Rothschild from Mr. Balfour, Foreign Offi ce, August 1917.
  • FO371/3395, Secret Report on the existing Political Situation in Palestine and Contigous Areas by Maj. W. Ormsby-Gore, Political Offi cer in Charge of the Zionist Comission, 22 August 1918.
  • FO141/742, Leafl et Entitled “The British Cabinet and Zionism”, 16 November 1921, Foreign Offi ce.
  • FO371/5114, Maj. Genl L.J. Bols, Chief Administrator, Occupied Enemy Territory Administration, Jerusalem to Earl Curzon, Foreign Offi ce, 7 June 1920.
  • FO371/5114, Council (Waad Hair) of the Ashkenasic Jewish Community Jerusalem, Foreign Offi ce, 7 May 1920.
  • FO608/99, Account of the Fifth Meeting of the Advisory Committee to the Palestine Offi ce, held 10 March [May] 1919.
  • FO141/742, Sir H. Samuel, Jerusalem, to Sir A. Mond, London, 24 December 1920.
  • FO141/803, Dr. C. Weizmann, Zionist Organization, to Brig.-Gen, GF. Clayton, Egyptian Expeditionary Force, 5 November 1918.
  • FO371/3395, Secret Report on the existing Political Situation in Palestine and Contiguous Areas by Maj. W. Ormsby-Gore, Political Offi cer in Charge of the Zionist Commission, 22 August 1918.
  • FO141/803, Memorandum by Col. R. Storrs, Military Governor, Jerusalem to Headquarters, O.E.T.A., 4 November 1918.
  • FO371/4167, Foreign Offi ce draft letter to Sir R. Rodd, Rome, 9 January 1919.
  • FO608/99, Statement on the Internal Situation in palestine, 10 February 1919.
  • FO608/99, The Future Constitution of Palestine, Foreign Offi ce, 7 May 1919.
  • FO 371/64, Demarcation of Egyptian Frontier, August-October 1906.
  • FO 371/2449, French Agreement, March-April 1915, The Constantinople Agreement, March-April 1915.
  • FO371/2817, Mr. Lucien Wolf to L. Oliphant, 13 October 1916, Jews in the Russian Army, Report of the Commander of the Staff for the Supreme Commander-in- Chief, 29 June 1915.
  • British War Cabinet Records, Situation in Turkey, 15/11/1917, G.T. 2630, File Number: 0.1/132/377.
  • FO608/99, Foreign Offi ce Minutes, 26 January 1919.
  • FO371/4167, Foreign Offi ce Covering Docket, 19 February 1919.
  • FO 371/61, Sir N. O’Conor to Sir Edward Grey, Jerussalem, April 6, 1906; Albert M. Hyamson, Palestine Under The Mandate 1920-1948, (London: Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1950), 24-25.
  • FO 371/61, The Earl of Cromer to Sir Edward Grey, Cairo, April 24, 1906.
  • L/P&S/18/B49, Sir Edward Grey to Sir G. Louther (Constantinople), Foreign Offi ce, September 20, 1910.
  • L/P&S/18/B446, The Seven Independent Arab States, 1935, No. 14706.
  • Library of Congress Manuscript Division, The Papers of Mark L. Bristol-VI, War Diary, March 30, 1925.
  • Memorandum Respecting the Bagdad Railway, No. 3743. Januray 28, 1909.
  • Report of the High Commissioner on the Administration of Palestine, 1920-1925, (London: Printed by His Majesty’s Stationery Offi ce, 1925). News Papers New York Times The Zionist Review Washington Post Secondary Sources
  • Aaronsohn, Alexander, With The Turks In Palestine, (New York: Houghton Miffl in Company, 1916).
  • Adams, Michael, “What Went Wrong in Palestine?”, Journal of Palestine Studies, Vol. 18, No. 1, Special Issue, (Autumn, 1988).
  • Bar, Yosef, Eitan, “The Last Crusade? British Propaganda and the Palestine Campaign, 1917-18”, Journal of Contemporary History, Vol. 36, No. 1 (Jan., 2001).
  • Barr, James, A Line in the Sand, Britain, France and the Struggle for he Mastery of the Middle East, (Sydney: Simon & Schuster, 2011).
  • Best, Anthony, and et. all., International History of Twentieth Century and Beyond, 2nd Ed., (London: Routledge, 2008).
  • Cafer el-Askeri, İsyancı Arap Ordusunda Bir Harbiyeli [An Ottoman Military College Graduate in Insurgent Arab Army], (trans. Halit Özkan), (İstanbul: Klasik Yayınları, 2008).
  • Davişa, Adid, Arap Milliyetçiliği - Zaferden Umutsuzluğa [Arab Nationalism in the Twentieth Century], (trans. Lüfi Yalçın), (İstanbul: Literatür Yayıncılık, 2004).
  • Derveze, İzzet, Osmanlı Filistininde Bir Posta Memuru (A Postal Servant in Ottoman Palestine], (trans. Ali Benli), (İstanbul: Klasik Yayınları, 2007).
  • Fromkin, David, Barışa Son Veren Barış Modern Ortadoğu Nasıl Yaratıldı? 1914-1922 [A Peace to End All Peace The Fall of The Ottoman Empire and The Creation of the Modern Middle East], trans. Mehmet Harmancı, (Istanbul: Epsilon Yayınları, 2013).
  • Herzl, Theodore, The Jewish State, (Switzerland: 1896).
  • Jiryis, Sabri, “Forty Years Since the Seizure of Palestine”, Journal of Palestine Studies, Vol. 18, No. 1, Special Issue (Autumn, 1988).
  • Kayalı, Hasan, Jön Türkler ve Araplar [Young Turks and Arabs], (trans. Türkan Yöney), 2nd ed. (İstanbul: Tarih Vakfı Yurt Yayınları, 1998).
  • Köni, Hasan, “Birinci Dünya Savaşı Öncesi İstihbarat [Intelligence Activities Before WWI]”, Avrasya Dosyası, İstihbarat Özel, Vol. 8, No. 2 (Summer 2002).
  • Köse, İsmail, “1917 Yılı Ortalarında Osmanlı Devleti’nin I. Dünya Savaşı’ndan Çekilmesinin Sağlanması Teşebbüsü [The Initative of Insuring Ottoman State’s Withdrawal From WWı in mid-1917], Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Meslek Yüksekokulu Dergisi, Vol. 15, No. 2 (2012).
  • Köse, İsmail, Hicaz İsyanı [Hedjaz Uprising], (Istanbul: Selis Yayınları, 2014).
  • Kral Abdullah, Biz Osmanlı’ya Neden İsyan Ettik [Why We Revolt Against Ottomans], 9th ed. (trans. Halit Özkan), (İstanbul: Klasik Yayınları, 2013).
  • Kürkçüoğlu, Ömer, Osmanlı Devleti’ne Karşı Arap Bağımsızlık Hareketi (1908-1918), [Arab Independence Movement Against Ottomans (1908-1918)], (Ankara: Ankara Üniversitesi Yayını: 1982).
  • Landman, S., Zionist Organisation, London to Rt. Hon. A.J. Balfour, Foreign Offi ce, 13 January 1919.
  • Manuel, Frank E., “The Palestine Question in Italian Diplomacy, 1917-1920”, The Journal of Modern History, Vol. 27, No. 3 (Sep., 1955).
  • Paşa, Cemal, Hatıralar [Memories], 5. Baskı, ed. by Alpay Kabacalı, (Istanbul: İş Bankası Yayınları, 2010).
  • Renton, James, “Changing Languages of Empire and the Orient: Britain and the Intervention of the Middle East, 1917-1918”, The Historical Journal, Vol. 50, No. 3 (Sep., 2007).
  • Scholch, Alexander, “Britain in Palestine, 1838-1882: The Roots of the Balfour Policy”, Journal of Palestine Studies, Vol. 22, No. 1 (Autumn, 1992).
  • Wasserstein, Bernard, “Clipping the Claws of the Colonizers’: Arab Offi cials in the Government of the Palestine, 1917-48”, Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 13, No. 2 (May, 1977).
  • Yüksel, Nahit, “Cumhuriyet’in “ilk” Bütçesi, Coşku, Gurur ve Kaygı [“First” Budget of the Republic: Enthusiasm, Pride and Anxiety]”, Maliye Dergisi, No. 159, (July- Dec. 2010). pp. 299-322.
  • Google earth, [31/12/2013].
There are 69 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Araştırma Makaleleri

İsmail Köse This is me

Publication Date August 1, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 82 Issue: 294


APA Köse, İ. (2018). The Lloyd George Government of the UK: Balfour Declaration the Promise for a National Home to Jews (1916-1920). BELLETEN, 82(294), 727-759.
AMA Köse İ. The Lloyd George Government of the UK: Balfour Declaration the Promise for a National Home to Jews (1916-1920). TTK BELLETEN. August 2018;82(294):727-759. doi:10.37879/belleten.2018.727
Chicago Köse, İsmail. “The Lloyd George Government of the UK: Balfour Declaration the Promise for a National Home to Jews (1916-1920)”. BELLETEN 82, no. 294 (August 2018): 727-59.
EndNote Köse İ (August 1, 2018) The Lloyd George Government of the UK: Balfour Declaration the Promise for a National Home to Jews (1916-1920). BELLETEN 82 294 727–759.
IEEE İ. Köse, “The Lloyd George Government of the UK: Balfour Declaration the Promise for a National Home to Jews (1916-1920)”, TTK BELLETEN, vol. 82, no. 294, pp. 727–759, 2018, doi: 10.37879/belleten.2018.727.
ISNAD Köse, İsmail. “The Lloyd George Government of the UK: Balfour Declaration the Promise for a National Home to Jews (1916-1920)”. BELLETEN 82/294 (August 2018), 727-759.
JAMA Köse İ. The Lloyd George Government of the UK: Balfour Declaration the Promise for a National Home to Jews (1916-1920). TTK BELLETEN. 2018;82:727–759.
MLA Köse, İsmail. “The Lloyd George Government of the UK: Balfour Declaration the Promise for a National Home to Jews (1916-1920)”. BELLETEN, vol. 82, no. 294, 2018, pp. 727-59, doi:10.37879/belleten.2018.727.
Vancouver Köse İ. The Lloyd George Government of the UK: Balfour Declaration the Promise for a National Home to Jews (1916-1920). TTK BELLETEN. 2018;82(294):727-59.