Research Article
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The Coins of Soloi-Pompeiopolis in the İstanbul Archaeological Museums

Year 2015, Volume: 79 Issue: 286, 827 - 846, 01.12.2015


Located in Viransehir/Mezitli in Mersin today, the city of Soloi-Pompeiopolis was an important port city in Cilicia in antiquity. The city minted coins from the mid-fifth century BC to the third century AD. Unpublished thirty-four coins of Soloi-Pompeiopolis in the İstanbul Arcaheological Museums represent long coinage tradition of the city. This paper examines these coins in the context of the coinage of Soloi-Pompeiopolis. The paper has been divided into four parts. It begins by a brief history of the city, then it goes on to the second part where the coins in the museum are evaluated. The paper ends with a conclusion followed by a catalogue.


  • Appianos, Mithridateios, kullanılan metin ve çeviri: Appian’s Roman History, H. White I-IV. Cambridge, Mass.-Londra 1912-1913, (The Loeb Classsical Library).
  • Arrianos, Anabasis, kullanılan metin ve çeviri: Arrian, P. A. Brunt, I-II. Cambri- dge, Mass. Londra 1976, (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • Cassius Dio, Rhomaika,kullanılan metin ve çeviri: Dio’s Roman History, E. Carry. I-IX., Londra 1969, (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • Herodotos, Historia, kullanılan metin ve çeviri: The Histories, A. D. Godley, Loeb, Cambridge-Mass., Londra 1920-1957.
  • Klaudios, Ptolemaios, Geographika Hyphegesis, kullanılan metin ve çeviri: Geograp- hy of Ptolemy, E. L. Stevenson, New York 1932.
  • Ksenophon, Anabasis, Hellenica, kullanılan metin ve çeviri: Hellenica; Anabasis; Symposium; Apology, C. L. Brownson and O. J. Todd, Londra, New York 1918-1922, (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • Livius, Ab Urbe Condita, kullanılan metin ve çeviri: Livy, E. T. Sage. Londra, New York 1965, (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • Plutarkhos, Demetrius, kullanılan metin ve çeviri: Plutarch’s Lives. Demetrius. XI. Cambridge, Mass. Londra 1968, (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • Polybios, Historiai, kullanılan metin ve çeviri: The Histories, W. R. Paton, I-VI. Cambridge, Mass. Londra 1978. (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • Strabon, Geographika, kullanılan metin ve çeviri: The Geography of Strabo, H. L. Jones. I-VIII. 1968. (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • BMC Cilicia Catalogue of the Greek Coins of Lycaonia, Isauria and Cilicia, G. F. Hill, Londra 1964.
  • RPC I Roman Provincial Coinage, Vol. I: From the death of Caesar to the death of Vitellius (44 BC–AD 69), A. Burnett - M. Amandry - P. P. Ripollès (eds.), British Museum, Bibliothèque Nationale, Londra-Paris, 1992.
  • SNG Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum.
  • SNGAul.Kilikien Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. Deutschland. Samlung H. von Aulock, Kilikien 13. Heft, Nr. 5413-6098. Berlin 1966.
  • SNGAul.Kilikien Nachträge Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. Deutschland. Samlung H. Von Aulock. Nachträge IV. 18. Heft. Kilikien. Nr. 8299-8739. Berlin 1968.
  • SNGCop. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Royal Collection of Coins and Medals. Ly- caonia-Cilicia. Danish National Museum, Copenhagen 1956.
  • SNG France 2 Cilicie Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. France 2. Cabinet des Médailles Cilicie, Bibliothèque Nationale, Numismatica Ars Classica, Paris 1993.
  • SNG Levante Cilicia Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. Switzerland I. Levante-Cilicia, E. Levante, P. Weiss, I. Vecchi (eds.), British Academy, Zürih 1986.
  • SNG Levante Cilicia Suppl. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. Switzerland I. Levante-Cili- cia. Supplement 1, E. Levante (ed.), Zürih 1993.
  • SNG Paris Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, France, Bibliothèque Nationale, Collection Jean et Marie Delepierre, Paris 1983.
  • SNG PfPs Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. Deutschland. Pfälzer Privatsammlungen 6 Band, Isaurien und Kilikien, Nr. 1-1486. München 2001.
  • SNG Turkey 2. Anamur Museum, Volume 1. Roman Provincial Coins, O. Tekin - S. Altınoluk (eds.), İstanbul 2007. Modern Kaynaklar
  • Arslan, Melih, “Anadolu Medeniyetleri Müzesinde Roma Dönemi Kilikya Şe- hir Sikkeleri”, Anadolu Medeniyetleri Müzesi 1992 Yıllığı, 1993, ss. 197-255.
  • Aulock, Helmuth von, “Die Prägung des in Kilikien”, Jahrbuch für Numismatik und Geldgeschichte 14 (1964), ss. 79-82.
  • Babelon, Ernest, Traité des monnaies grecques et romaines, Deuxieme partie: Descrip- tion historique, Vol. II, Paris 1910.
  • Beloch, Karl Julius, Griechische Geschichte2, I-IV, Strassburg 1967.
  • Bovon, Anne, “La representation des guerriers perses et la notion de Barbare dans la première moitié du Vᵉ siècle”, Bulletin Correspondance Hellenique 87 (1963), ss. 579-602.
  • Boyce, Aline Abaecherli, “The Coins of Pompey’s Pirate City”, American Journal of Archaeology 56 (1952), ss. 171-172.
  • “The Harbour of Pompeiopolis. A Study in Roman Imperial Ports and Dated Coins”, American Journal of Archaeology 62 (1958), ss. 67-78.
  • “Festal and Dated Coins of Empire: Four Papers”, Numismatic Notes and Mono- graphs 153, American Numismatic Society, New York 1965.
  • “The Foundation Year of Pompeiopolis in Cilicia. The Statement of a problem”, Hommages Renard, vol. 3.2 (1969), ss. 87-103.
  • Briant, Pierre, Alexander the Great and His Empire: A Short Introduction, çev. A. Kuhrt, Princeton 2010.
  • Butcher, Kevin, “Some Cilician Coins in Hatay Museum”, C. S. Lightfoot (ed.), Recent Turkish Coin Hoards and Numismatic Studies, Oxford 1991, ss. 181-200.
  • “Some rare or unpublished Cilician coin types”, Numismatic Circular 101 (1993).
  • Casabonne, Oliver, “Conquete perse et phenomene monetaire: L’exemple cili- cien” O. Casabonne (ed.), Mecanismes et innovations monetaires dans I’ Anatolie achemenide. Numismatique et histoire. Actes de la table ronde internationale d ‘Istanbul, 22-23 Mai 1997, Varia Anatolica XII, 2000, ss. 21-91.
  • Casabonne, Oliver – Forlanini, Massimo – Lemaire, Andrew, “Ingirâ (Cili- cie). Numismatique et géographie historique”, Revue belge de numismatique 147 (2001), ss. 57-66.
  • Dagron, Gilbert – Feissel, Denis, Inscriptions de Cilicie, Paris 1987.
  • De Callataÿ, François, “Les monnayages ciliciens du premier quart du IVe s. av. J.-C.”, O. Casabonne (ed.), Mecanismes et innovations monetaires dans I’ Anatolie ache- menide. Numismatique et histoire. Actes de la table ronde internationale d ‘Istanbul, 22-23 Mai 1997, Varia Anatolica XII, 2000, ss. 92-127.
  • Erzen, Afif, Kilikien bis zum Ende der Perserherrschaf, Leipzig 1940.
  • Gladiss, Almut von, “Ein Denkmal aus Soloi”, Istanbuler Mitteilungen 23-24 (1973-74), ss. 175-181.
  • Green, Peter, Alexander to Actium: the historical evolution of the Hellenistic age, Berke- ley-Los Angeles 1990.
  • Göktürk, Tevfik, “Small coins from Cilicia and Surrounding”, O. Casabonne (ed.), Mecanismes et innovations monetaires dans l’ Anatolie achemenide. Numismatique et his- toire. Actes de la table ronde internationale d ‘Istanbul, 22-23 Mai 1997, Varia Anatolica XII, 2000, ss. 143-151.
  • Güney, Hale, Soloi-Pompeiopolis Sikkeleri, Marmara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İstanbul 2006.
  • “Same type, different legend: Anchiale or Soloi?”, Adalya XVII (2014), ss. 45-54.
  • Head, Barclay Vincent, Historia numorum: a manual of Greek numismatics, Londra 1967.
  • Hild, Friedrich, “Soloi”, Der neue Pauly 11 (2001), 703-704.
  • Houghton, Arthur, Coins of the Seleucid Empire from the Collection of Arthur Houghton, The American Numismatic Society, New York 1983.
  • “The Royal Seleucid mint of Soloi”, Numismatic Chronicle CXLIX (1989), ss. 15-32.
  • Imhoof-Blumer, Friedrich, Kleinasiatische Münzen, 1901-1902 Vienna.
  • Howgego, Chris, Greek Imperial Countermarks: Studies in the Provincial Coinage of the Roman Empire, Oxford 1985.
  • Jones, Arnold Hugh Martin, The Greek City from Alexander to Justinian, Oxford 1966.
  • The Cities of the Roman Provinces, Amsterdam 1983.
  • Kraay, Colin Mackennal, Archaic and Classical Greek Coins, Londra 1976.
  • Magie, David, Roman Rule in Asia Minor to the end of the third century after Christ, I-II. Princeton 1950.
  • Meyer, Marion, “Cilicia As a Part of the Seleucid Empire the Beginning of Mu- nicipal Coinage”, E. Jean – A. M. Dinçol – S. Durugönül (eds.), La Cilicie: espaces et pouvoirs locaux ( 2e millénaire av. J.-C.-4e siècle ap. J.-C. ). Actes de la table ronde internationale d’Istanbul, 2-5 Novembre 1999, Varia Anatolica XIII 2001, ss. 505-518.
  • Mİrkholm, Otto, “Seleucid Coins from Cilicia ca. 220-150 B.C.”, The American Numismatic Society Museum Notes 11 (1964), ss. 53-62.
  • Myres, John Linton, “The Colonial Expansion of Greece”, B. Burry – S. A. Cook – F. E. Adcock (eds.), Cambridge Ancient History III, Cambridge 1954, ss. 641- 650.
  • Newell, Edward Theodore, “Tarsos under Alexander”, American Journal of Nu- mismatics 52 (1918), ss. 69-116.
  • The Coinage of the Western Seleucid Mints, New York 1941.
  • Olshausen, Eckart, “Soloi”, Der Kleine Pauly V (1975), s. 262.
  • Özbayoğlu, Erendiz, “Soloi (Cilicia) ve ‘Soloekismus’”, Olba II (1999), ss. 209- 219.
  • Peschlow-Bindokat, Anneliese, “Zur Säulenstrasse von Pompeiopolis in Kilik- ien”, Istanbuler Mitteilungen 25 (1925), ss. 373-391.
  • Polosa, Annalisa, “The Coins”, E. E. Schneider, Elaiussa Sebaste III. L’agora Ro- mana, İstanbul 2010, ss. 164-186.
  • Price, Martin, The coinage in the name of Alexander the Great and Philip Arrhidaeus: A British Museum catalogue, Zürih/Londra 1991.
  • Robinson, Edward Stanley Gotch, “The Archer of Soloi in Cilicia”, Anatolian Studies (1923), ss. 355-357.
  • “Greek Coins Acquired by the British Museum 1938-1948”, Numismatic Chronicle 6 (1948) vol. 8, ss. 43-59.
  • Ruge, Walter, “Pompeiopolis”, Paulys Real-Encyclopädie der classischen Altertumswis- senschaft III A (1929), ss. 935-938.
  • Sear, David, Greek Coins and Their Values, Londra 1979.
  • Tahberer, Bekircan, “Some unpublished and rare coins from ancient Cilicie”, The Celator 10, (2001), vol. 15, ss. 24-28.
  • Tekin, Oğuz, “Sikkeler”, S. Durugönül (ed.), Nagidos = Results of an excavation in an ancient city in rough Cilicia, Nagidos = Dağlık Kilikia’da bir antik kent kazısının sonuçları, Adalya Ekyayın Dizisi 6, Suna-İnan Kıraç Akdeniz Medeniyetleri Araştırma En- stitüsü, Antalya 2007.
  • “Monete provenienti dallo scavo”, E. E. Schneider (ed.), Elaiussa Sebaste I. Campagne di scavo 1995-1997, L’Erma di Bretschneider, Roma 1999, ss. 319-326.
  • “Catalogue of the Excavation Coins Found in the Campaigns of 1998 and 1999”, E. E. Schneider (ed.), Elaiussa Sebaste II. Un porto tra Oriente e Occidente, L’Erma di Bretschneider, Roma, 2003, ss. 541-556.
  • Vacano, Otfried von, Typenkatalog der antiken Münzen Kleinasiens, Berlin 1986.
  • Valverde, Luis Almela, “La ceca de Pompeiopolis y Pompeyo Magno”, Gaceta Numismática 164 (2007), ss. 3-18. Asociación Numismática Española.
  • “Sobre una Emission de Pompeyo Magno en Pompeiopolis (BMC 48 = RPC 14001)”, Gaceta Numismática 164 (2007), ss. 249-252.
  • “Novedades acerca de la ceca de Pompeiopolis y Pompeyo Magno”, Varia nummorum (2012), ss. 91-95.
  • Waage, Dorothy B., Antioch on the Orontes. Vol. IV. 2: Roman, Byzantine and Crusader Coins, Princeton 1952.
  • Waddington, William Henry, Mélanges De Numismatique Et De Philologie, Paris 1961.
  • Yağcı, Remzi, “Soloi/Pompeiopolis 2000 yılı Kazıları”, Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı, 1. Cilt, 28 Mayıs-01 Haziran 2001, Ankara 2001, ss. 285-294.
  • Yağcı, Remzi – Kaya, F. Hakan, “Soloi-Pompeiopolis 2012 Yılı Kazıları”, ANMED: Anadolu Akdenizi Arkeoloji Haberleri 2013-11, ss. 138-143.

İstanbul Arkeoloji Müzeleri’nde Bulunan Soloi-Pompeiopolis Kenti’ne Ait Bir Grup Sikke

Year 2015, Volume: 79 Issue: 286, 827 - 846, 01.12.2015


Günümüzde, Mersin ilinin Mezitli ilçesi Viranşehir beldesinde yer alan SoloiPompeiopolis kenti, Antik Çağ’da Kilikia Bölgesi’nde hem ekonomik hem de stratejik açıdan önem kazanmış bir liman kentidir. Kent, MÖ. V. yüzyıl ortalarında başlayan ve MS. III. yüzyıla kadar süren uzun bir sikke basma geleneğine sahiptir. İstanbul Arkeoloji Müzeleri’nin Sikke Koleksiyonu’nda yer alan ve Soloi-Pompeiopolis Kenti’ne ait, yedi tanesi gümüş, yirmi yedisi bronz olan, yayımlanmamış 34 sikke, kentin tarihi boyunca bastığı sikkelerden örnekler içerir. Bu çalışmada kentin sikke basım geleneği ışığında söz konusu 34 sikke incelenmiştir. Çalışma, kentin tarihine kısa bir giriş kısmı, sikkelerin değerlendirildiği ikinci kısım, ve ardından sonuç ve katalog kısımlarının yer aldığı dört bölümden oluşur.


  • Appianos, Mithridateios, kullanılan metin ve çeviri: Appian’s Roman History, H. White I-IV. Cambridge, Mass.-Londra 1912-1913, (The Loeb Classsical Library).
  • Arrianos, Anabasis, kullanılan metin ve çeviri: Arrian, P. A. Brunt, I-II. Cambri- dge, Mass. Londra 1976, (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • Cassius Dio, Rhomaika,kullanılan metin ve çeviri: Dio’s Roman History, E. Carry. I-IX., Londra 1969, (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • Herodotos, Historia, kullanılan metin ve çeviri: The Histories, A. D. Godley, Loeb, Cambridge-Mass., Londra 1920-1957.
  • Klaudios, Ptolemaios, Geographika Hyphegesis, kullanılan metin ve çeviri: Geograp- hy of Ptolemy, E. L. Stevenson, New York 1932.
  • Ksenophon, Anabasis, Hellenica, kullanılan metin ve çeviri: Hellenica; Anabasis; Symposium; Apology, C. L. Brownson and O. J. Todd, Londra, New York 1918-1922, (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • Livius, Ab Urbe Condita, kullanılan metin ve çeviri: Livy, E. T. Sage. Londra, New York 1965, (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • Plutarkhos, Demetrius, kullanılan metin ve çeviri: Plutarch’s Lives. Demetrius. XI. Cambridge, Mass. Londra 1968, (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • Polybios, Historiai, kullanılan metin ve çeviri: The Histories, W. R. Paton, I-VI. Cambridge, Mass. Londra 1978. (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • Strabon, Geographika, kullanılan metin ve çeviri: The Geography of Strabo, H. L. Jones. I-VIII. 1968. (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • BMC Cilicia Catalogue of the Greek Coins of Lycaonia, Isauria and Cilicia, G. F. Hill, Londra 1964.
  • RPC I Roman Provincial Coinage, Vol. I: From the death of Caesar to the death of Vitellius (44 BC–AD 69), A. Burnett - M. Amandry - P. P. Ripollès (eds.), British Museum, Bibliothèque Nationale, Londra-Paris, 1992.
  • SNG Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum.
  • SNGAul.Kilikien Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. Deutschland. Samlung H. von Aulock, Kilikien 13. Heft, Nr. 5413-6098. Berlin 1966.
  • SNGAul.Kilikien Nachträge Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. Deutschland. Samlung H. Von Aulock. Nachträge IV. 18. Heft. Kilikien. Nr. 8299-8739. Berlin 1968.
  • SNGCop. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Royal Collection of Coins and Medals. Ly- caonia-Cilicia. Danish National Museum, Copenhagen 1956.
  • SNG France 2 Cilicie Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. France 2. Cabinet des Médailles Cilicie, Bibliothèque Nationale, Numismatica Ars Classica, Paris 1993.
  • SNG Levante Cilicia Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. Switzerland I. Levante-Cilicia, E. Levante, P. Weiss, I. Vecchi (eds.), British Academy, Zürih 1986.
  • SNG Levante Cilicia Suppl. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. Switzerland I. Levante-Cili- cia. Supplement 1, E. Levante (ed.), Zürih 1993.
  • SNG Paris Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, France, Bibliothèque Nationale, Collection Jean et Marie Delepierre, Paris 1983.
  • SNG PfPs Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. Deutschland. Pfälzer Privatsammlungen 6 Band, Isaurien und Kilikien, Nr. 1-1486. München 2001.
  • SNG Turkey 2. Anamur Museum, Volume 1. Roman Provincial Coins, O. Tekin - S. Altınoluk (eds.), İstanbul 2007. Modern Kaynaklar
  • Arslan, Melih, “Anadolu Medeniyetleri Müzesinde Roma Dönemi Kilikya Şe- hir Sikkeleri”, Anadolu Medeniyetleri Müzesi 1992 Yıllığı, 1993, ss. 197-255.
  • Aulock, Helmuth von, “Die Prägung des in Kilikien”, Jahrbuch für Numismatik und Geldgeschichte 14 (1964), ss. 79-82.
  • Babelon, Ernest, Traité des monnaies grecques et romaines, Deuxieme partie: Descrip- tion historique, Vol. II, Paris 1910.
  • Beloch, Karl Julius, Griechische Geschichte2, I-IV, Strassburg 1967.
  • Bovon, Anne, “La representation des guerriers perses et la notion de Barbare dans la première moitié du Vᵉ siècle”, Bulletin Correspondance Hellenique 87 (1963), ss. 579-602.
  • Boyce, Aline Abaecherli, “The Coins of Pompey’s Pirate City”, American Journal of Archaeology 56 (1952), ss. 171-172.
  • “The Harbour of Pompeiopolis. A Study in Roman Imperial Ports and Dated Coins”, American Journal of Archaeology 62 (1958), ss. 67-78.
  • “Festal and Dated Coins of Empire: Four Papers”, Numismatic Notes and Mono- graphs 153, American Numismatic Society, New York 1965.
  • “The Foundation Year of Pompeiopolis in Cilicia. The Statement of a problem”, Hommages Renard, vol. 3.2 (1969), ss. 87-103.
  • Briant, Pierre, Alexander the Great and His Empire: A Short Introduction, çev. A. Kuhrt, Princeton 2010.
  • Butcher, Kevin, “Some Cilician Coins in Hatay Museum”, C. S. Lightfoot (ed.), Recent Turkish Coin Hoards and Numismatic Studies, Oxford 1991, ss. 181-200.
  • “Some rare or unpublished Cilician coin types”, Numismatic Circular 101 (1993).
  • Casabonne, Oliver, “Conquete perse et phenomene monetaire: L’exemple cili- cien” O. Casabonne (ed.), Mecanismes et innovations monetaires dans I’ Anatolie achemenide. Numismatique et histoire. Actes de la table ronde internationale d ‘Istanbul, 22-23 Mai 1997, Varia Anatolica XII, 2000, ss. 21-91.
  • Casabonne, Oliver – Forlanini, Massimo – Lemaire, Andrew, “Ingirâ (Cili- cie). Numismatique et géographie historique”, Revue belge de numismatique 147 (2001), ss. 57-66.
  • Dagron, Gilbert – Feissel, Denis, Inscriptions de Cilicie, Paris 1987.
  • De Callataÿ, François, “Les monnayages ciliciens du premier quart du IVe s. av. J.-C.”, O. Casabonne (ed.), Mecanismes et innovations monetaires dans I’ Anatolie ache- menide. Numismatique et histoire. Actes de la table ronde internationale d ‘Istanbul, 22-23 Mai 1997, Varia Anatolica XII, 2000, ss. 92-127.
  • Erzen, Afif, Kilikien bis zum Ende der Perserherrschaf, Leipzig 1940.
  • Gladiss, Almut von, “Ein Denkmal aus Soloi”, Istanbuler Mitteilungen 23-24 (1973-74), ss. 175-181.
  • Green, Peter, Alexander to Actium: the historical evolution of the Hellenistic age, Berke- ley-Los Angeles 1990.
  • Göktürk, Tevfik, “Small coins from Cilicia and Surrounding”, O. Casabonne (ed.), Mecanismes et innovations monetaires dans l’ Anatolie achemenide. Numismatique et his- toire. Actes de la table ronde internationale d ‘Istanbul, 22-23 Mai 1997, Varia Anatolica XII, 2000, ss. 143-151.
  • Güney, Hale, Soloi-Pompeiopolis Sikkeleri, Marmara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İstanbul 2006.
  • “Same type, different legend: Anchiale or Soloi?”, Adalya XVII (2014), ss. 45-54.
  • Head, Barclay Vincent, Historia numorum: a manual of Greek numismatics, Londra 1967.
  • Hild, Friedrich, “Soloi”, Der neue Pauly 11 (2001), 703-704.
  • Houghton, Arthur, Coins of the Seleucid Empire from the Collection of Arthur Houghton, The American Numismatic Society, New York 1983.
  • “The Royal Seleucid mint of Soloi”, Numismatic Chronicle CXLIX (1989), ss. 15-32.
  • Imhoof-Blumer, Friedrich, Kleinasiatische Münzen, 1901-1902 Vienna.
  • Howgego, Chris, Greek Imperial Countermarks: Studies in the Provincial Coinage of the Roman Empire, Oxford 1985.
  • Jones, Arnold Hugh Martin, The Greek City from Alexander to Justinian, Oxford 1966.
  • The Cities of the Roman Provinces, Amsterdam 1983.
  • Kraay, Colin Mackennal, Archaic and Classical Greek Coins, Londra 1976.
  • Magie, David, Roman Rule in Asia Minor to the end of the third century after Christ, I-II. Princeton 1950.
  • Meyer, Marion, “Cilicia As a Part of the Seleucid Empire the Beginning of Mu- nicipal Coinage”, E. Jean – A. M. Dinçol – S. Durugönül (eds.), La Cilicie: espaces et pouvoirs locaux ( 2e millénaire av. J.-C.-4e siècle ap. J.-C. ). Actes de la table ronde internationale d’Istanbul, 2-5 Novembre 1999, Varia Anatolica XIII 2001, ss. 505-518.
  • Mİrkholm, Otto, “Seleucid Coins from Cilicia ca. 220-150 B.C.”, The American Numismatic Society Museum Notes 11 (1964), ss. 53-62.
  • Myres, John Linton, “The Colonial Expansion of Greece”, B. Burry – S. A. Cook – F. E. Adcock (eds.), Cambridge Ancient History III, Cambridge 1954, ss. 641- 650.
  • Newell, Edward Theodore, “Tarsos under Alexander”, American Journal of Nu- mismatics 52 (1918), ss. 69-116.
  • The Coinage of the Western Seleucid Mints, New York 1941.
  • Olshausen, Eckart, “Soloi”, Der Kleine Pauly V (1975), s. 262.
  • Özbayoğlu, Erendiz, “Soloi (Cilicia) ve ‘Soloekismus’”, Olba II (1999), ss. 209- 219.
  • Peschlow-Bindokat, Anneliese, “Zur Säulenstrasse von Pompeiopolis in Kilik- ien”, Istanbuler Mitteilungen 25 (1925), ss. 373-391.
  • Polosa, Annalisa, “The Coins”, E. E. Schneider, Elaiussa Sebaste III. L’agora Ro- mana, İstanbul 2010, ss. 164-186.
  • Price, Martin, The coinage in the name of Alexander the Great and Philip Arrhidaeus: A British Museum catalogue, Zürih/Londra 1991.
  • Robinson, Edward Stanley Gotch, “The Archer of Soloi in Cilicia”, Anatolian Studies (1923), ss. 355-357.
  • “Greek Coins Acquired by the British Museum 1938-1948”, Numismatic Chronicle 6 (1948) vol. 8, ss. 43-59.
  • Ruge, Walter, “Pompeiopolis”, Paulys Real-Encyclopädie der classischen Altertumswis- senschaft III A (1929), ss. 935-938.
  • Sear, David, Greek Coins and Their Values, Londra 1979.
  • Tahberer, Bekircan, “Some unpublished and rare coins from ancient Cilicie”, The Celator 10, (2001), vol. 15, ss. 24-28.
  • Tekin, Oğuz, “Sikkeler”, S. Durugönül (ed.), Nagidos = Results of an excavation in an ancient city in rough Cilicia, Nagidos = Dağlık Kilikia’da bir antik kent kazısının sonuçları, Adalya Ekyayın Dizisi 6, Suna-İnan Kıraç Akdeniz Medeniyetleri Araştırma En- stitüsü, Antalya 2007.
  • “Monete provenienti dallo scavo”, E. E. Schneider (ed.), Elaiussa Sebaste I. Campagne di scavo 1995-1997, L’Erma di Bretschneider, Roma 1999, ss. 319-326.
  • “Catalogue of the Excavation Coins Found in the Campaigns of 1998 and 1999”, E. E. Schneider (ed.), Elaiussa Sebaste II. Un porto tra Oriente e Occidente, L’Erma di Bretschneider, Roma, 2003, ss. 541-556.
  • Vacano, Otfried von, Typenkatalog der antiken Münzen Kleinasiens, Berlin 1986.
  • Valverde, Luis Almela, “La ceca de Pompeiopolis y Pompeyo Magno”, Gaceta Numismática 164 (2007), ss. 3-18. Asociación Numismática Española.
  • “Sobre una Emission de Pompeyo Magno en Pompeiopolis (BMC 48 = RPC 14001)”, Gaceta Numismática 164 (2007), ss. 249-252.
  • “Novedades acerca de la ceca de Pompeiopolis y Pompeyo Magno”, Varia nummorum (2012), ss. 91-95.
  • Waage, Dorothy B., Antioch on the Orontes. Vol. IV. 2: Roman, Byzantine and Crusader Coins, Princeton 1952.
  • Waddington, William Henry, Mélanges De Numismatique Et De Philologie, Paris 1961.
  • Yağcı, Remzi, “Soloi/Pompeiopolis 2000 yılı Kazıları”, Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı, 1. Cilt, 28 Mayıs-01 Haziran 2001, Ankara 2001, ss. 285-294.
  • Yağcı, Remzi – Kaya, F. Hakan, “Soloi-Pompeiopolis 2012 Yılı Kazıları”, ANMED: Anadolu Akdenizi Arkeoloji Haberleri 2013-11, ss. 138-143.
There are 80 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Archaeology
Journal Section Araştırma Makaleleri

Hale Güney This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 79 Issue: 286


APA Güney, H. (2015). İstanbul Arkeoloji Müzeleri’nde Bulunan Soloi-Pompeiopolis Kenti’ne Ait Bir Grup Sikke. BELLETEN, 79(286), 827-846.
AMA Güney H. İstanbul Arkeoloji Müzeleri’nde Bulunan Soloi-Pompeiopolis Kenti’ne Ait Bir Grup Sikke. TTK BELLETEN. December 2015;79(286):827-846. doi:10.37879/belleten.2015.827
Chicago Güney, Hale. “İstanbul Arkeoloji Müzeleri’nde Bulunan Soloi-Pompeiopolis Kenti’ne Ait Bir Grup Sikke”. BELLETEN 79, no. 286 (December 2015): 827-46.
EndNote Güney H (December 1, 2015) İstanbul Arkeoloji Müzeleri’nde Bulunan Soloi-Pompeiopolis Kenti’ne Ait Bir Grup Sikke. BELLETEN 79 286 827–846.
IEEE H. Güney, “İstanbul Arkeoloji Müzeleri’nde Bulunan Soloi-Pompeiopolis Kenti’ne Ait Bir Grup Sikke”, TTK BELLETEN, vol. 79, no. 286, pp. 827–846, 2015, doi: 10.37879/belleten.2015.827.
ISNAD Güney, Hale. “İstanbul Arkeoloji Müzeleri’nde Bulunan Soloi-Pompeiopolis Kenti’ne Ait Bir Grup Sikke”. BELLETEN 79/286 (December 2015), 827-846.
JAMA Güney H. İstanbul Arkeoloji Müzeleri’nde Bulunan Soloi-Pompeiopolis Kenti’ne Ait Bir Grup Sikke. TTK BELLETEN. 2015;79:827–846.
MLA Güney, Hale. “İstanbul Arkeoloji Müzeleri’nde Bulunan Soloi-Pompeiopolis Kenti’ne Ait Bir Grup Sikke”. BELLETEN, vol. 79, no. 286, 2015, pp. 827-46, doi:10.37879/belleten.2015.827.
Vancouver Güney H. İstanbul Arkeoloji Müzeleri’nde Bulunan Soloi-Pompeiopolis Kenti’ne Ait Bir Grup Sikke. TTK BELLETEN. 2015;79(286):827-46.