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Karadeniz’de İlk Ruslar ve Şarkel’in İnşası

Year 2010, Volume: 74 Issue: 269, 71 - 112, 01.04.2010


Elimizde 830’ların sonundan bahseden dört kaynak ve iki haber var. Bu haberler ilk bakışta birbiriyle alakasız görünüyor, yan yana koyunca da çelişiyorlar. Ama ikisini birlikte düşünmemiz lazım. Birinci haber Hazarların Don nehri üzerinde Bizans yardımıyla Şarkel1 adlı bir kale yaptırdıkları iddiasını içeren Bizans iddialarıdır ve üç eserde geçer.


  • The Annals of St-Bertin. Ninth Century Histories, Vol.I, çev. Janet L. Nelson, Manchester, 1994.
  • Artamonov, M. A., Hazar Tarihi, çev. D. Ahsen Batur, İstanbul, 2004.
  • el-Belâzurî, Fütûhu’l-Buldân, çev. M. Fayda, 2. Basım, Ankara, 2002.
  • Boba, Imre, Nomads, Northmen and Slavs, The Hague-Wiesbaden, 1967.
  • Constantine Porphyrogenitus, De Administrando Imperio. Vol.II: Commentary, yay. F. Dvornik - R. J. H. Jenkins - B. Lewis - Gy. Moravcsik - D. Obolensky - S. Runciman, London, 1962.
  • Constantine Porphyrogenitus, De Administrando Imperio, yay. R. J. H. Jenkins - Gy. Moravcsik, Washington, 1967.
  • Cross, Samuel H., “Primitive Civilization of the Eastern Slavs”,American Slavic and East European Review, V/1-2 (May, 1946), s.51-87.
  • ----, “The Scandinavian Infiltration into Early Russia”, Speculum, XXI/4 (Oct. 1946), s.505-514.
  • Czeglédy, Károly, “Šarkel: An Ancient Turkish Word for House”, Aspects of Altaic Civilization (5th PIAC 1962) , yay. D. Sinor, Bloomington - The Hague, 1963, s.22-31.
  • Dolukhanov, Pavel, The Early Slavs: Eastern Europe from the Initial Settlement to the Kievan Rus, London, 1996.
  • Duczko, Wladyslaw, Viking Rus. Studies on the Presence of Scandinavians in Eastern Europe, Leiden-Boston, 2004.
  • Duplop, D. M., Hazar Yahudi Tarihi, çev. Z. Ay, İstanbul, 2008.
  • Franklin, Simon - Shepard, Jonathan, The Emergence of Rus. 750-1200, London – New York, 1996.
  • Frye, Richard N., “Byzantine and Sasanian Trade Relations with Northeastern Russia”, Dumbarton Oaks Papers, XXVI (1972), s.263-269.
  • Goldelman, Menashe, “On the Location of the Khazarian City of Al-Baydā”, Archivum Eurasiae Medii Aevi, 10 (1998-1999), s.63-71.
  • Golden, Peter B., “The Question of the Rus’ Qağanate”, Archivum Eurasiae Medii Aevi, II (1982), s.77-97.
  • ----, “Aspects of Nomadic Factor in the Economic Development of Kievan Rus’” (1991 Koropetskiy’den), Nomads and their Neighbours in the Russian Steppe. Turks, Khazars and Qipchaqs, Aldershot, 2003, s.58-101.
  • ----, Hazar Çalışmaları, çev. E. Ç. Mızrak, İstanbul, 2006.
  • ----, Türk Halkları Tarihine Giriş, çev. O. Karatay, Çorum 2006.
  • ----, “Irano-Turcica: The Khazar Sacral Kingship Revisited”, Acta Orientalia Hungaricae, LX/2 (2007), s.161-194).
  • Grekov, Boris, Kiev Rus, Moscow, 1959.
  • İbn Hurdazbih, Yollar ve Ülkeler Kitabı, çev. M. Ağarı, İstanbul, 2008.
  • Kalinina, “Al-Khazar and As-Saqâliba: Contacts. Conflicts?”, The World of the Khazars: New Perspectives - Selected Papers from the Jerusalem 1999 International Khazar Colloquium, Ben-Shammai, Haggai - Róna-Tas, András (yay.), Leiden, 2007, s.195-206.
  • Kaplan, Frederick I., “The Decline of the Khazars and the Rise of the Varangians”, American Slavic and East European Review, XIII/1 (Feb. 1954), s.1-10.
  • Karamzin, N., İstoriya Gosudarstva Rossiyskago, I, Petersburg, 1851.
  • Karatay, Osman, “Doğu Avrupa Türk Tarihinin Anahatları. Altınorda Öncesi Dö- nem”, Karadeniz Araştırmaları, Sayı 3 (Güz 2004), s.1-70.
  • ----, Bey ile Büyücü. Avrasya’da Tanrı, Hükümdar, Devlet ve İktisat Hakkında Dilin Söyle- dikleri, İstanbul, 2006.
  • ----, “Hazarların Musevileşmesine Dair Bir Belge: Kenize Mektupu”, Karadeniz Araştırmaları, 18 (Yaz 2008), s.1-18.
  • Kayapınar, Ayşe, “Bulgarların Balkanlara Göçü ve Tuna Bulgar Devleti”, Balkanlar El Kitabı, I, Çorum-Ankara 2006, s.105-128.
  • Kokovtsov, Pavel K., Yevreysko-Xazarskaya Perepiska v X veke, Leningrad, 1932.
  • Kovalev, Roman K., “What Does Historical Numismatics Sugeest about the Monetary History of Khazaria in the Ninth Century? - Question Revisited”, Archivum Eurasiae Medii Aevi, 13 (2004), s.97-129.
  • Kurat, A. Nimet, “Abū Muhammad Ahmad bin Acsam al-Kūfî’nin Kitāb al-Futūh’u”, AÜ DTCF Dergisi, VII/2 (Haziran 1949), s.255-276.
  • Marcus, Jacob R., The Jew in Medieval World: A Source Book, 315-1791, Cincinnati, 1999.
  • Matthews, W. K., “Medieval Baltic Tribes”, American Slavic and East European Review, VIII/2 (April 1949), s.126-136.
  • Melin, Elsa, “The Names of the Dnieper Rapids in Chapter 9 of Constantine Porphyrogenitus’ De Administrando Imperio”, Scando-Slavica, 49 (2003), s.35-62.
  • Mesudî, Murûc ez-Zeheb (Altın Bozkırlar), çev. D. A. Batur, İstanbul, 2004.
  • Noonan, Thomas S., “When did Dirhams First Reach the Ukraine?”, Harvard Ukrainian Studies, II/1 (March 1978), s.26-40.
  • ----, “Medieval Islamic Copper Coins from European Russia and Surrounding Regions: The Use of the Fals in Early Islamic Trade with Eastern Europe”, Journal of the American Oriental Society, 94/4 (Oct-Dec 1974), s.448-453.
  • ----, “Why Dirhams First Reached Russia”, Archivum Eurasiae Medii Aevi, 4 (1984), s.151-282.
  • ----, “When Did Rūs/Rus’ First Visit Khazaria and Baghdad?”, Archivum Eurasiae Medii Aevi, 7 (1987-1991), s.213-219.
  • ----, “The Khazar Byzantine World of the Crimea in the Early Middle Ages: The Relgious Dimention”, Archivum Eurasiae Medii Aevi, 10 (1998-1999), s.207- 230.
  • ----, “The Economy of the Khazar Khaganate”, The World of the Khazars: New Perspectives, s.207-244.
  • Novoseltsev, A. P., “Obrazovaniye drevnerusskogo gosudarstva i pervıy ego pravitel’”, Voprosı İstorii, 2-3 (1991), s.3-20.
  • Obolensky, “The Varangian-Russian Controversy: The First Round”, The Byzantine Inheritance of Eastern Europe, London, 1982.
  • Ostrogorsky, George, Bizans Devleti Tarihi, çev. F. Işıltan, 4. baskı, Ankara 1996.
  • Paszkiewicz, Henryk, The Origin of Russia, London, 1954.
  • Petrukhin, Vladimir Y., “Khazaria and Rus’: An Examination of Their Historical Relations”, The World of the Khazars: New Perspectives, s.245-268.
  • Povest’ vremennıx let po Lavrent’evskoy letopisi, yay. D. S. Lihaçev - B. A. Romanov, Moskva-Leningrad, 1950.
  • Pritsak, Omeljan, “The Invitation to the Varangians”, Harvard Ukrainian Studies, I/1 (Mar. 1977), s.10-22.
  • ----, “Rusların Kökeni”, çev. M. B. Çelik, Omeljan Pritsak Armağanı, M. Alpargu - Y. Öztürk (yay.), Sakarya, 2007, s.41-65.
  • Rabinowitz, L., “The Routes of the Radanites”, The Jewish Quarterly Review, XXXV/3 (Jan. 1945), s.251-280.
  • Rady, Martyn, “The Gesta Hungarorum ofg Anonymus, the Anonymous Notary of king Béla: A Translation”, Slavonic and East European Review, LXXXVII/4 (Oct. 2009), s.681-727.
  • Riasanovsky, N., “The Norman Theory on the Origin of the Russian State”, Russian Review, VII/1 (Autumn 1947), s.96-110.
  • Romaşov, S. A., “İstoriçeskaya Geografiya azarskogo Kaganata (V-XIII vv) (Çast 4 i 5)”, Archivum Eurasiae Medii Aevi, 13 (2004), s.185-264.
  • Róna-Tas, András, Hungarians and Europe in the Early Middle Ages, Budapest, 1999.
  • ----, “The Khazars and the Magyars”, The World of the Khazars: New Perspectives, s.269-278.
  • Rybakov, Boris A., Early Centuries of Russian History, Moscow, 1965.
  • Shepard, Jonathan, “The Origins of Rus’ (c.900-1015)”, The Cambridge History of Russia -I-, yay. M. Perrie, Cambridge, 2006, s.47-72.
  • Simon Kézai, The Deeds of the Hungarians, yay. László Veszprémy, Frank Schaer, Jenő Szűcs, Budapest, 1999.
  • Solov’ev, S. M., Soçineniya -I-: İstoriya Rossii s drevneyşix vremen (1-2), Moskva, 1988.
  • Theophanes, The Chronicle of Theophanes Confessor, ed. C. Mango & R. Scott, New York, 1997.
  • Theophanes Continiatus, Corpus Scriptorum Historiae Byzantinae, yay. I. Bekker, Bonn, 1838.
  • Vasiliev, A. A., “The Second Russian Attack on Constaptinople”, Dumbarton Oaks Papers, VI (1951), s.161-225.
  • ----, “The Problem of the Early Russian Campaigns in the Black Sea Area”, American Slavic and East European Review, VIII/1 (Feb.1949), s.1-9.
  • Vinnikov, A. Z., “Kontaktı Donskix Slavyan s Alano-Bolgarskim Mirom”, Sovetskaya Arxeologiya, 3 (1990), s.124-137.
  • Vucinich, Alexander, “The First Russian State: An Apppraisal of the Soviet Theory”, Speculum, XXVIII/2 (Apr. 1953), s.324-334.
  • Yıldız, Hakkı D., “Hazarlar Arasında Müslümanlığın Yayılması”, VIII. Türk Tarih Kongresi Bildirileri, II, Ankara, 1981.
  • Yörükân, Y. Ziya, Müslüman Coğrafyacıların Gözüyle Ortaçağda Türkler, İstanbul, 2004.
  • Yücel, Mualla U., İlk Rus Yıllıklarına Göre Türkler, Ankara, 2007.
  • Zakharii, Roman, The Historiography of Normanist and Anti-Normanist Theories on the Origin of Rus’, Oslo Üniversitesi Viking ve Ortaçağ Araştırmaları Merke- zi’ne sunulmuş YL tezi, Oslo, 2002.
  • Zimonyi, István, The Origins of the Volga Bulghars, Szeged, 1990.
  • Zuckerman, Constantine, “On the Origin of the Khazar Diarchy and the Circumstances of Khazaria’s Conversion to Judaism”, The Turks, I, yay. O. Karatay vd., Ankara, 2002, s.516-523.

The First Rus' in the Black Sea and the Construction of Sarkel

Year 2010, Volume: 74 Issue: 269, 71 - 112, 01.04.2010


The Slavs, who were living peacefully under the Khazars and constantly expanding eastward, appear on the Don basin at the beginning of the 8th century. This place is situated on the fur trade route for between Northern Europe and Black Sea coast. Simultaneously, the Rus', a Nordic tribe from Sweden, entered among the Slav masses as warrior-traders, and came to the Khazar ethnic borders probably in the second half of the 8th century, but definitely at the beginning of the 9th century. Thus means they began to become acquainted with the Black Sea world. Apart from their commercial activities the Rus' sometimes tested their military might in the areas they reached. In one such occasion in 830's, they inflicted great harm on the Khazars, whom they had caught unprepared along the Don river. The latter in turn defeated them with the help of the Magyars, and subdued vast regions toward the Baltic during their counterattack. That the Khazars constructed the castle Sarkel on the Don, that Russian embassy in İstanbul could not return home due to 'fierce' peoples and had to go via the Frank domain, and that the Magyars rose in Black Sea affairs as an active force were all inter-related developments in the same period. Consequently, even though they had to strive for more than 8,5 centuries to reach the coasts, the Rus'/Russians became one of them determinative forces in the Black Sea basin.


  • The Annals of St-Bertin. Ninth Century Histories, Vol.I, çev. Janet L. Nelson, Manchester, 1994.
  • Artamonov, M. A., Hazar Tarihi, çev. D. Ahsen Batur, İstanbul, 2004.
  • el-Belâzurî, Fütûhu’l-Buldân, çev. M. Fayda, 2. Basım, Ankara, 2002.
  • Boba, Imre, Nomads, Northmen and Slavs, The Hague-Wiesbaden, 1967.
  • Constantine Porphyrogenitus, De Administrando Imperio. Vol.II: Commentary, yay. F. Dvornik - R. J. H. Jenkins - B. Lewis - Gy. Moravcsik - D. Obolensky - S. Runciman, London, 1962.
  • Constantine Porphyrogenitus, De Administrando Imperio, yay. R. J. H. Jenkins - Gy. Moravcsik, Washington, 1967.
  • Cross, Samuel H., “Primitive Civilization of the Eastern Slavs”,American Slavic and East European Review, V/1-2 (May, 1946), s.51-87.
  • ----, “The Scandinavian Infiltration into Early Russia”, Speculum, XXI/4 (Oct. 1946), s.505-514.
  • Czeglédy, Károly, “Šarkel: An Ancient Turkish Word for House”, Aspects of Altaic Civilization (5th PIAC 1962) , yay. D. Sinor, Bloomington - The Hague, 1963, s.22-31.
  • Dolukhanov, Pavel, The Early Slavs: Eastern Europe from the Initial Settlement to the Kievan Rus, London, 1996.
  • Duczko, Wladyslaw, Viking Rus. Studies on the Presence of Scandinavians in Eastern Europe, Leiden-Boston, 2004.
  • Duplop, D. M., Hazar Yahudi Tarihi, çev. Z. Ay, İstanbul, 2008.
  • Franklin, Simon - Shepard, Jonathan, The Emergence of Rus. 750-1200, London – New York, 1996.
  • Frye, Richard N., “Byzantine and Sasanian Trade Relations with Northeastern Russia”, Dumbarton Oaks Papers, XXVI (1972), s.263-269.
  • Goldelman, Menashe, “On the Location of the Khazarian City of Al-Baydā”, Archivum Eurasiae Medii Aevi, 10 (1998-1999), s.63-71.
  • Golden, Peter B., “The Question of the Rus’ Qağanate”, Archivum Eurasiae Medii Aevi, II (1982), s.77-97.
  • ----, “Aspects of Nomadic Factor in the Economic Development of Kievan Rus’” (1991 Koropetskiy’den), Nomads and their Neighbours in the Russian Steppe. Turks, Khazars and Qipchaqs, Aldershot, 2003, s.58-101.
  • ----, Hazar Çalışmaları, çev. E. Ç. Mızrak, İstanbul, 2006.
  • ----, Türk Halkları Tarihine Giriş, çev. O. Karatay, Çorum 2006.
  • ----, “Irano-Turcica: The Khazar Sacral Kingship Revisited”, Acta Orientalia Hungaricae, LX/2 (2007), s.161-194).
  • Grekov, Boris, Kiev Rus, Moscow, 1959.
  • İbn Hurdazbih, Yollar ve Ülkeler Kitabı, çev. M. Ağarı, İstanbul, 2008.
  • Kalinina, “Al-Khazar and As-Saqâliba: Contacts. Conflicts?”, The World of the Khazars: New Perspectives - Selected Papers from the Jerusalem 1999 International Khazar Colloquium, Ben-Shammai, Haggai - Róna-Tas, András (yay.), Leiden, 2007, s.195-206.
  • Kaplan, Frederick I., “The Decline of the Khazars and the Rise of the Varangians”, American Slavic and East European Review, XIII/1 (Feb. 1954), s.1-10.
  • Karamzin, N., İstoriya Gosudarstva Rossiyskago, I, Petersburg, 1851.
  • Karatay, Osman, “Doğu Avrupa Türk Tarihinin Anahatları. Altınorda Öncesi Dö- nem”, Karadeniz Araştırmaları, Sayı 3 (Güz 2004), s.1-70.
  • ----, Bey ile Büyücü. Avrasya’da Tanrı, Hükümdar, Devlet ve İktisat Hakkında Dilin Söyle- dikleri, İstanbul, 2006.
  • ----, “Hazarların Musevileşmesine Dair Bir Belge: Kenize Mektupu”, Karadeniz Araştırmaları, 18 (Yaz 2008), s.1-18.
  • Kayapınar, Ayşe, “Bulgarların Balkanlara Göçü ve Tuna Bulgar Devleti”, Balkanlar El Kitabı, I, Çorum-Ankara 2006, s.105-128.
  • Kokovtsov, Pavel K., Yevreysko-Xazarskaya Perepiska v X veke, Leningrad, 1932.
  • Kovalev, Roman K., “What Does Historical Numismatics Sugeest about the Monetary History of Khazaria in the Ninth Century? - Question Revisited”, Archivum Eurasiae Medii Aevi, 13 (2004), s.97-129.
  • Kurat, A. Nimet, “Abū Muhammad Ahmad bin Acsam al-Kūfî’nin Kitāb al-Futūh’u”, AÜ DTCF Dergisi, VII/2 (Haziran 1949), s.255-276.
  • Marcus, Jacob R., The Jew in Medieval World: A Source Book, 315-1791, Cincinnati, 1999.
  • Matthews, W. K., “Medieval Baltic Tribes”, American Slavic and East European Review, VIII/2 (April 1949), s.126-136.
  • Melin, Elsa, “The Names of the Dnieper Rapids in Chapter 9 of Constantine Porphyrogenitus’ De Administrando Imperio”, Scando-Slavica, 49 (2003), s.35-62.
  • Mesudî, Murûc ez-Zeheb (Altın Bozkırlar), çev. D. A. Batur, İstanbul, 2004.
  • Noonan, Thomas S., “When did Dirhams First Reach the Ukraine?”, Harvard Ukrainian Studies, II/1 (March 1978), s.26-40.
  • ----, “Medieval Islamic Copper Coins from European Russia and Surrounding Regions: The Use of the Fals in Early Islamic Trade with Eastern Europe”, Journal of the American Oriental Society, 94/4 (Oct-Dec 1974), s.448-453.
  • ----, “Why Dirhams First Reached Russia”, Archivum Eurasiae Medii Aevi, 4 (1984), s.151-282.
  • ----, “When Did Rūs/Rus’ First Visit Khazaria and Baghdad?”, Archivum Eurasiae Medii Aevi, 7 (1987-1991), s.213-219.
  • ----, “The Khazar Byzantine World of the Crimea in the Early Middle Ages: The Relgious Dimention”, Archivum Eurasiae Medii Aevi, 10 (1998-1999), s.207- 230.
  • ----, “The Economy of the Khazar Khaganate”, The World of the Khazars: New Perspectives, s.207-244.
  • Novoseltsev, A. P., “Obrazovaniye drevnerusskogo gosudarstva i pervıy ego pravitel’”, Voprosı İstorii, 2-3 (1991), s.3-20.
  • Obolensky, “The Varangian-Russian Controversy: The First Round”, The Byzantine Inheritance of Eastern Europe, London, 1982.
  • Ostrogorsky, George, Bizans Devleti Tarihi, çev. F. Işıltan, 4. baskı, Ankara 1996.
  • Paszkiewicz, Henryk, The Origin of Russia, London, 1954.
  • Petrukhin, Vladimir Y., “Khazaria and Rus’: An Examination of Their Historical Relations”, The World of the Khazars: New Perspectives, s.245-268.
  • Povest’ vremennıx let po Lavrent’evskoy letopisi, yay. D. S. Lihaçev - B. A. Romanov, Moskva-Leningrad, 1950.
  • Pritsak, Omeljan, “The Invitation to the Varangians”, Harvard Ukrainian Studies, I/1 (Mar. 1977), s.10-22.
  • ----, “Rusların Kökeni”, çev. M. B. Çelik, Omeljan Pritsak Armağanı, M. Alpargu - Y. Öztürk (yay.), Sakarya, 2007, s.41-65.
  • Rabinowitz, L., “The Routes of the Radanites”, The Jewish Quarterly Review, XXXV/3 (Jan. 1945), s.251-280.
  • Rady, Martyn, “The Gesta Hungarorum ofg Anonymus, the Anonymous Notary of king Béla: A Translation”, Slavonic and East European Review, LXXXVII/4 (Oct. 2009), s.681-727.
  • Riasanovsky, N., “The Norman Theory on the Origin of the Russian State”, Russian Review, VII/1 (Autumn 1947), s.96-110.
  • Romaşov, S. A., “İstoriçeskaya Geografiya azarskogo Kaganata (V-XIII vv) (Çast 4 i 5)”, Archivum Eurasiae Medii Aevi, 13 (2004), s.185-264.
  • Róna-Tas, András, Hungarians and Europe in the Early Middle Ages, Budapest, 1999.
  • ----, “The Khazars and the Magyars”, The World of the Khazars: New Perspectives, s.269-278.
  • Rybakov, Boris A., Early Centuries of Russian History, Moscow, 1965.
  • Shepard, Jonathan, “The Origins of Rus’ (c.900-1015)”, The Cambridge History of Russia -I-, yay. M. Perrie, Cambridge, 2006, s.47-72.
  • Simon Kézai, The Deeds of the Hungarians, yay. László Veszprémy, Frank Schaer, Jenő Szűcs, Budapest, 1999.
  • Solov’ev, S. M., Soçineniya -I-: İstoriya Rossii s drevneyşix vremen (1-2), Moskva, 1988.
  • Theophanes, The Chronicle of Theophanes Confessor, ed. C. Mango & R. Scott, New York, 1997.
  • Theophanes Continiatus, Corpus Scriptorum Historiae Byzantinae, yay. I. Bekker, Bonn, 1838.
  • Vasiliev, A. A., “The Second Russian Attack on Constaptinople”, Dumbarton Oaks Papers, VI (1951), s.161-225.
  • ----, “The Problem of the Early Russian Campaigns in the Black Sea Area”, American Slavic and East European Review, VIII/1 (Feb.1949), s.1-9.
  • Vinnikov, A. Z., “Kontaktı Donskix Slavyan s Alano-Bolgarskim Mirom”, Sovetskaya Arxeologiya, 3 (1990), s.124-137.
  • Vucinich, Alexander, “The First Russian State: An Apppraisal of the Soviet Theory”, Speculum, XXVIII/2 (Apr. 1953), s.324-334.
  • Yıldız, Hakkı D., “Hazarlar Arasında Müslümanlığın Yayılması”, VIII. Türk Tarih Kongresi Bildirileri, II, Ankara, 1981.
  • Yörükân, Y. Ziya, Müslüman Coğrafyacıların Gözüyle Ortaçağda Türkler, İstanbul, 2004.
  • Yücel, Mualla U., İlk Rus Yıllıklarına Göre Türkler, Ankara, 2007.
  • Zakharii, Roman, The Historiography of Normanist and Anti-Normanist Theories on the Origin of Rus’, Oslo Üniversitesi Viking ve Ortaçağ Araştırmaları Merke- zi’ne sunulmuş YL tezi, Oslo, 2002.
  • Zimonyi, István, The Origins of the Volga Bulghars, Szeged, 1990.
  • Zuckerman, Constantine, “On the Origin of the Khazar Diarchy and the Circumstances of Khazaria’s Conversion to Judaism”, The Turks, I, yay. O. Karatay vd., Ankara, 2002, s.516-523.
There are 72 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Araştırma Makaleleri

Osman Karatay This is me

Publication Date April 1, 2010
Published in Issue Year 2010 Volume: 74 Issue: 269


APA Karatay, O. (2010). Karadeniz’de İlk Ruslar ve Şarkel’in İnşası. BELLETEN, 74(269), 71-112.
AMA Karatay O. Karadeniz’de İlk Ruslar ve Şarkel’in İnşası. TTK BELLETEN. April 2010;74(269):71-112. doi:10.37879/belleten.2010.71
Chicago Karatay, Osman. “Karadeniz’de İlk Ruslar Ve Şarkel’in İnşası”. BELLETEN 74, no. 269 (April 2010): 71-112.
EndNote Karatay O (April 1, 2010) Karadeniz’de İlk Ruslar ve Şarkel’in İnşası. BELLETEN 74 269 71–112.
IEEE O. Karatay, “Karadeniz’de İlk Ruslar ve Şarkel’in İnşası”, TTK BELLETEN, vol. 74, no. 269, pp. 71–112, 2010, doi: 10.37879/belleten.2010.71.
ISNAD Karatay, Osman. “Karadeniz’de İlk Ruslar Ve Şarkel’in İnşası”. BELLETEN 74/269 (April 2010), 71-112.
JAMA Karatay O. Karadeniz’de İlk Ruslar ve Şarkel’in İnşası. TTK BELLETEN. 2010;74:71–112.
MLA Karatay, Osman. “Karadeniz’de İlk Ruslar Ve Şarkel’in İnşası”. BELLETEN, vol. 74, no. 269, 2010, pp. 71-112, doi:10.37879/belleten.2010.71.
Vancouver Karatay O. Karadeniz’de İlk Ruslar ve Şarkel’in İnşası. TTK BELLETEN. 2010;74(269):71-112.