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An Analysis Into The Persona Of Knidia

Year 2009, Volume: 73 Issue: 266, 1 - 34, 01.04.2009


From Visibles to Invisibles- This study is an examination into the religious significance and importance of Knidia, as a cult statue of Aphrodite, the masterpiece of Praxiteles (the 4th. century B.C.) which had been regarded as a unique example of the idealized heavenly beauty in the history of art throughout the ages. To illuminate and evaluate the divine character lying behind the appearance of the masterpiece under the guidance of the arhaeological and mythological data by an analytical approach are the chief objectives of the research. The data clearly indicate that it was the socio­psychological needs of the worshiping group that determined the characteristics of the divine personality in question. Such needs which arose under the pressure of worldly realities in life ascribed more than one role to Kinida. Archaeological findings expose her as a quite colourful figure diverging from her character well entrenched in Greek mythology and folklore; in other words she appears to have been involved in more than love and sexuality. It is clearly understood that Knidia was revered not only as a fertility goddess by the inhabitants of Knidos but also as a divine power granting unity and prosperity to society and family. Apart from these divinely roles, she was also worhipped as a goddess providing security and stability in the basic activities which constituted the backbone of the economic life on the one hand, and as a supernatural power protecting the people against any danger which threathened the living resources on the other hand. The divine persona of Knidia which was shaped within a polytheistic religious structure and developed on a fatalist understanding and thought brings a universal religious phenomenon, "Mother Goddess", to mind.


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Knidia Karakteri Üzerine Bir Analiz -Görünenden Görünmeyene-

Year 2009, Volume: 73 Issue: 266, 1 - 34, 01.04.2009


Tarih boyunca sanata konu olan çıplaklık farklı kültürlerde farklı anlamlar ifade etmiştir. Bu anlamlar kimi zaman aşk ve cinsellik, kimi zaman saflık ve temizlik, kimi zaman da güç ve verimliliktir. Söz konusu, antik çağın tanrıça figürlerindeki çıplaklık olunca -ki bunun en güzel örneklerini İştar, Afrodite ve Venüs sergilemektedir- antik Helen sanatının ünlü heykeltraşlarından Praxiteles’in İ.Ö. 4. yüzyıl eseri Knidia, hayli özel bir yere sahiptir. Üç boyutlu, anıtsal çıplak bir kadın heykeli olması nedeniyle antik sanat tarihinde yeni bir temanın ilk örneği olan bu eser, dünyevi güzelliğin çok ötesine taşan, idealize edilmiş ilahi bir güzelliğin eşsiz örneği ve antik çağ sanatında bir övünç sebebi olarak görülmüştür(1).


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There are 134 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Archaeology
Journal Section Araştırma Makaleleri

Gül E. Durna This is me

Publication Date April 1, 2009
Published in Issue Year 2009 Volume: 73 Issue: 266


APA Durna, G. E. (2009). Knidia Karakteri Üzerine Bir Analiz -Görünenden Görünmeyene-. BELLETEN, 73(266), 1-34.
AMA Durna GE. Knidia Karakteri Üzerine Bir Analiz -Görünenden Görünmeyene-. TTK BELLETEN. April 2009;73(266):1-34. doi:10.37879/belleten.2009.1
Chicago Durna, Gül E. “Knidia Karakteri Üzerine Bir Analiz -Görünenden Görünmeyene-”. BELLETEN 73, no. 266 (April 2009): 1-34.
EndNote Durna GE (April 1, 2009) Knidia Karakteri Üzerine Bir Analiz -Görünenden Görünmeyene-. BELLETEN 73 266 1–34.
IEEE G. E. Durna, “Knidia Karakteri Üzerine Bir Analiz -Görünenden Görünmeyene-”, TTK BELLETEN, vol. 73, no. 266, pp. 1–34, 2009, doi: 10.37879/belleten.2009.1.
ISNAD Durna, Gül E. “Knidia Karakteri Üzerine Bir Analiz -Görünenden Görünmeyene-”. BELLETEN 73/266 (April 2009), 1-34.
JAMA Durna GE. Knidia Karakteri Üzerine Bir Analiz -Görünenden Görünmeyene-. TTK BELLETEN. 2009;73:1–34.
MLA Durna, Gül E. “Knidia Karakteri Üzerine Bir Analiz -Görünenden Görünmeyene-”. BELLETEN, vol. 73, no. 266, 2009, pp. 1-34, doi:10.37879/belleten.2009.1.
Vancouver Durna GE. Knidia Karakteri Üzerine Bir Analiz -Görünenden Görünmeyene-. TTK BELLETEN. 2009;73(266):1-34.