Research Article
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An English Merchant in Ottoman İzmir (Smyrna): William Barker (1731-1825)

Year 2020, Volume: 84 Issue: 300, 717 - 744, 21.08.2020


In the eighteenth century, in order to stimulate British trade in the Levant the British Levant Company made such decisions as accepting membership of countrymen. With the benefits of changes in the Company’s rules, William Barker of Derbyshire became a member of the Company and came to İzmir (Smyrna) in 1760 for the purpose of trade and “profit”. Focusing on William Barker’s life, this research examines the rules binding merchants of the Company in Ottoman lands, their relations with both Ottoman subjects and “European” residents in İzmir, the reflections of interstates competitions and conflict on trade in concerned period and their contacts with Ottoman authorities by analysing documents including Barker’s letters to his family, minutes of the Levant Company, records from the Ottoman archives, traveller accounts, and the letters sent by the traders of the Smyrna Factory to the authorities in London. This study sheds light on how economic, political and social conditions of late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries in Levant affected European merchants residing in Ottoman lands individually and communally. Not leaving a lucrative trade back in the Ottoman lands where he had started as a merchant without capital and ended up bankrupt, William Barker who resided in İzmir for 65 years until his death left a generation that continued to live in these lands until the middle of the 20th century.


  • Archival Sources The National Archives (NA), London, United Kingdom.
  • NA, State Papers (SP) 105/126; 105/333; 105/337; 105/357.
  • NA, Foreign Office (FO) 881/80
  • Sheffield Archives (SA), Sheffield, United Kingdom (Currently in Derby)
  • BAR D 800; BAR D 725.
  • Presidency of the Republic of Turkey, State Archives (BOA), İstanbul and Ankara, Turkey.
  • BOA, Düvel-i Ecnebiye Defterleri (Sublime Porte, Registers of Foreign States, A.DVN.DVE.d)
  • BOA, Cevdet Tasnifi, Askeriye (Cevdet Series, Military, C.AS)
  • BOA, Cevdet Tasnifi Belediye (Cevdet Series Municipality, C.BDL)
  • BOA, Cevdet Tasnifi Hariciye (Cevdet Series, Foreign, C.HR)
  • BOA, Cevdet Tasnifi İktisat (Cevdet Series, Economy, C.İKTS)
  • BOA, Cevdet Tasnifi Zabtiye (Cevdet Series, Zabtieh, C.ZB)
  • BOA, Hariciye Nezareti Siyasi Kısım Evrakı (Foreign Ministry, Documents of Politics, HR.SYS)
  • BOA, Hatt-ı Hümayun (Imperial Rescripts, HAT)
  • Published Sources
  • Akarlı, Engin D., “Gedik: implements, mastership, shop usufruct and monopoly among İstanbul artisans, 1750–1850”,Wissenschaftskolleg Berlin Jahrbuch, (1986), pp. 225-231.
  • Akarlı, Engin D., “Gedik: A bundle of rights and obligations for İstanbul Artisans and Traders, 1750-1840” in Law, Anthropology and the Constitution of the Social: Making Persons and Things, ed. Alain Pottage and Martha Mundy, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2004, pp. 166-200.
  • An Historical View of the Conduct and Proceedings of the Turkey Company,1753, The Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths, University of London 1903.
  • Ağır, Seven, “The Rise and Demise of Gedik Markets in İstanbul, 1750-1860”,The Economic History Review, 71/1(2018), pp. 133-156.
  • Aydemir, Oğuz-İşipek, A. Rıza, 1770 Çeşme Deniz Savaşı, Denizler Kitabevi, İstanbul 2006.
  • Bağış, A. İhsan, Osmanlı Ticaretinde Gayri Müslimler: Kapitülasyonlar, Avrupa Tüccarları, Beratlı Tüccarlar, Hayriye Tüccarları(1750-1839), Turhan Kitabevi, Ankara 1983.
  • Chandler, Richard, Travels in Asia Minor, Printed at Clarendon Press, Oxford 1775.
  • Clogg, Richard, “The Library of The Levant Company’s Factory in Smyrna (1805)”, The Gelaner, 11(1974), pp. 112-124.
  • Clogg, Richard, ‘The Smyrna “rebellion” of 1797: some documents from the British archives’, Deltio Kentrou Mikrasiatikon Spoudon, III (1982), pp. 71-125.
  • Damiani, Anita, Enlightened Observers, American University of Beirut,Beirut 1979.
  • Darling, Linda T.,“Capitulations” in The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern Islamic World, 4.vols., ed. John L. Esposito. vol. I, Oxford 1995, pp. 257-60.
  • Davis, Ralph, Aleppo and Devonshire Square: English Traders in the Levant in the Eighteenth Century, Macmillian.London, Melbourne and Toranto 1967.
  • Davis, Ralph, “English Imports from the Middle East, 1580-1780”,in Studies in the Economic History of the Middle East, ed.M. A. Cook. Oxford University Press:London 1970, pp.193-206.
  • Dearborn, Henry A. S., A Memoir on the Commerce and Navigaton of the Black Sea and Trade and Maritime Geography of Turkey and Egypt. v.II,Wells and Lilly, Boston 1819.
  • Eldem, Edhem, French Trade in Istanbul in the Eighteenth Century,Brill, Leiden, Boston, Köln 1999.
  • Eldem, Edhem, “Capitulations and Western Trade in the Ottoman Empire: questions, issues and sources” in Cambridge History of Turkey, vol. III:The Later Ottoman Empire, 1603-1839, S.Faroqhi (ed), Cambridge University Press 2006, pp. 283-335.
  • Epstein, M., The Early History of the Levant Company, George Routledge &Sons Limited, London 1908.
  • Eton, W., A Survey of Turkish Empire.T. Cadell and W. Davies, London 1799.
  • Evliya Çelebi Seyahatnamesi, 9. Kitap, v.1, ed. S. A. Kahraman, Yapı Kredi yay., İstanbul 2011.
  • Filippini, J.-P., L. Meignen, Roure, C. D. Sabatier and G. Stéphanidés (ed.) Dossiers sur le commerce français en Méditerranée orientale au XVIIIe siécle, Paris 1976.
  • Frangakis-Syrett, Elena, The Commerce of Smyrna in the Eighteenth Century (1700– 1820), Centre for Asia Minor Studies, Athens 1992.
  • Frangakis-Syrett, E., “The Ottoman Port of Izmir in the Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries, 1695-1820”, Revue de l’Occident musulman et de la Méditerranée, 39, 1985, pp.149-162.
  • “Trade between Ottoman Empire and Western Europe: the Case of İzmir in the Eighteenth century”, New Perspectives on Turkey, v. 2, n. 1, Spring 1988, pp. 1-18.
  • Goffman, D., “The Capitulations and the Question of Authority in Levantine Trade 1600-1650. Journal of Turkish Studies, 10 (1986), pp.155-61.
  • Goffman, D., İzmir and the Levantine World,1550-1650, University of Washington Press,Seattle and London1990.
  • Goffman, D., “İzmir: from village to colonial port city” inThe Ottoman City Between East and West, Aleppo, İzmir, and İstanbul, Ed. E Eldem, D. Goffman, B Masters. Cambridge University Press, New York 1999.
  • Griffits, J., Travels in Europe, Asia Minor and Arabia, T.Cadel and W.Davis, London 1805.
  • İnalcık, Halil (1971). “İmtiyazat:The Ottoman Empire”, Encylopedia of Islam, 2nd ed., v.3, Brill, Leiden 1971, pp. 1179-89.
  • Kadı İ. Hakkı, Ottoman and Dutch Merchants in the Eighteenth Century: Competition and Cooperation in Ankara, İzmir and Amsterdam, Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden 2012.
  • Koyuncu Kaya, Miyase, “The Dilemma of Ottoman State: Establishing New Gediks or Abolishing Them”,Turkish Studies. 8/5(2013), pp. 441-463.
  • Kurat, Akdes Nimet, Türk-İngiliz Münasebetlerinin Başlangıcı ve Gelişmesi, 1553-1610, Türk Tarih Kurumu Yayınları, Ankara 1953.
  • Kütükoğlu, Mübahat S., Osmanlı-İngiliz İktisadi Münasebetleri, v.I, Türk Kültürünü Araştırma Enstitüsü, Ankara 1974.
  • Laidlaw, Christine, The British in the Levant, Trade andPerception of the Ottoman Empire in the Eighteenth Century, I.B. Tauris Publishers, London and New York 2010.
  • Manley, Deborah, “Mr. And Mrs Barker and Family: Franks in the Levant”, Archeology and History in Lebanon. 16(2002), pp. 34-48.
  • Masson, Paul, Histoire du commerce français dans le Levant au XVIIIe siécle, Librairie Hachette, Paris 1911.
  • Muahedat Mecmuası, (1294-96). v. I.
  • Nagata, Yuzo, Tarihte Ayanlar, Karaosmanoğulları Üzerine Bir İnceleme, Türk Tarih Kurumu, Ankara 1997.
  • Panzac, Daniel, “La peste à Smyrne au XVIIIème siècle”, Annales E.S.C., 28/4(1973), pp. 1071-1093.
  • Panzac, Daniel, “International and Domestic Maritime Trade in the Ottoman Empire during the 18th century”, International Journal of Middle East Studies, 24/2(1992), pp.189-206.
  • Panzac, Daniel, Commerce et navigation dans l’empire ottoman au XVIIIe siécle,. Isis, İstanbul 1996.
  • Porter, Sir James, Observations on the Religion, Law, Government and Manners of the Turks, to which is added, The State of the Turkey Trade from Its Origin to the Present Time. v.I, 2nd edition. printed for J. Nourse, Bookseller to His majesty, London 1771.
  • Rear, Marjoire, William Barker Member of The Right Worshipful Levant Company 1731- 1825 A Life in Smyrna,, 2015.
  • Rosedale, H. G., Queen Elizabeth and the Levant Company, A Diplomatic and Literary Episode of the Establishment of Our Trade with Turkey, Henry Frowde, Oxford University Press, London 1904.
  • Smyrnelis, Marie-Carmen, Une société hors de soi, identités et relations sociales à Smyrne aux XIIIe et XIX siécles. Editons Peeters, Paris 2005.
  • Smyrnelis, Marie-Carmen, Une Ville Ottomane Plurielle, Smyrna aux XVIIe et XIX siécles. Les éditions Isis, İstanbul 2006.
  • Talbot, M., British-Ottoman Relations, 1661-1807: Commerce and Diplomatic Practice in Eighteenth Century İstanbul. The Boydell Press, Woodbridge 2017.
  • Ülker, Necmi, The Rise of İzmir, 1688-1740, Unpublished Phd Dissertation, University of Michigan, 1975.
  • Ülker, Necmi, “1797 Olayı ve İzmir’in Yakılması”,Tarih İncelemeleri Dergisi, 2/1(1984), pp. 117-158.
  • Webb Yıldırmak, Gülay, XVIII. yüzyılda Osmanlı-İngiliz Tiftik Ticareti, Türk Tarih Kurumu, Ankara 2011.
  • Wood, Alfred C., A History of the Levant Company. Oxford University Press, London 1935.
  • van den Boogert - Mautrits H., The Capitulations and the Ottoman Legal System: Qadis, Consuls, and Beratlis in the Eighteenth Century, E.J. Brill, Leiden 2005.
  • Veinstein, Gilles, “Ayan de la région d’İzmir et le commerce du Levant (deuxiéme moitié du XVIIIe siécle)”, Revue del’Occident Musulman et de la Méditerranée, 20/2(1975), pp. 131-46.
  • Vlami, Despina, Trading with the Ottomans: The Levant Company in the Middle East,. I.B. Tauris & CO., London and New York 2015.
  • Yıldırım Onur - Ağır, Seven, “Gedik: What is in a Name”, in Bread From the Lion’s Mouth: Artisans Struggling for A livelihood in Ottoman Cities, ed. S. Faroqhi, Berghahn Books 2015, pp. 217-236.
  •, 26.03.2013.

Osmanlı İzmir’inde Bir İngiliz Tüccar: William Barker (1731-1825)

Year 2020, Volume: 84 Issue: 300, 717 - 744, 21.08.2020


İngiliz Levant Kumpanyası, 18.yüzyılda Levant ticaretini canlandırmak için taşralıları da üyeliğe kabul etmek gibi kararlar almıştır. Değişen şartlardan istifade ile Derbyshire’lı William Barker da Levant Kumpanyasına üye olmuş ve 1760 yılında ticaret yapmak ve kazanç elde etmek amacıyla İzmir’e gelmiştir. Bu araştırma, William Barker’ın hayatına odaklanarak, İngiliz tacirlerin tabi oldukları kurallar, Osmanlı tebaası ve diğer Frenklerle ilişkileri, yaşadıkları dönemin devletlerarası rekabet ve mücadelelerinin yansımaları, Osmanlı yetkilileri ile temaslarını; Barker’ın ailesine yazdığı mektuplar, Levant Kumpanyası toplantı tutanakları, Osmanlı arşiv belgeleri, seyyah anlatıları ve Kumpanya tacirlerinin Londra’daki yetkililere gönderdikleri mektupları analiz ederek incelemektedir. Söz konusu çalışma, Levant’ta 18. yüzyıl sonu 19. yüzyıl başlarında ekonomik, siyasi ve sosyal koşulların Osmanlı topraklarında yaşayan Avrupalı tacirleri bireysel ve toplumsal olarak nasıl etkilediğini izah etmektedir. Ölümüne kadar 65 yıl İzmir’de ikamet eden William Barker, sermayesiz bir tacir olarak Osmanlı topraklarında iflasla noktalanan macerasında geriye kârlı bir ticaret değil ama 20.yüzyılın ortalarına kadar bu topraklarda yaşamaya devam eden bir nesil bırakmıştır.


  • Archival Sources The National Archives (NA), London, United Kingdom.
  • NA, State Papers (SP) 105/126; 105/333; 105/337; 105/357.
  • NA, Foreign Office (FO) 881/80
  • Sheffield Archives (SA), Sheffield, United Kingdom (Currently in Derby)
  • BAR D 800; BAR D 725.
  • Presidency of the Republic of Turkey, State Archives (BOA), İstanbul and Ankara, Turkey.
  • BOA, Düvel-i Ecnebiye Defterleri (Sublime Porte, Registers of Foreign States, A.DVN.DVE.d)
  • BOA, Cevdet Tasnifi, Askeriye (Cevdet Series, Military, C.AS)
  • BOA, Cevdet Tasnifi Belediye (Cevdet Series Municipality, C.BDL)
  • BOA, Cevdet Tasnifi Hariciye (Cevdet Series, Foreign, C.HR)
  • BOA, Cevdet Tasnifi İktisat (Cevdet Series, Economy, C.İKTS)
  • BOA, Cevdet Tasnifi Zabtiye (Cevdet Series, Zabtieh, C.ZB)
  • BOA, Hariciye Nezareti Siyasi Kısım Evrakı (Foreign Ministry, Documents of Politics, HR.SYS)
  • BOA, Hatt-ı Hümayun (Imperial Rescripts, HAT)
  • Published Sources
  • Akarlı, Engin D., “Gedik: implements, mastership, shop usufruct and monopoly among İstanbul artisans, 1750–1850”,Wissenschaftskolleg Berlin Jahrbuch, (1986), pp. 225-231.
  • Akarlı, Engin D., “Gedik: A bundle of rights and obligations for İstanbul Artisans and Traders, 1750-1840” in Law, Anthropology and the Constitution of the Social: Making Persons and Things, ed. Alain Pottage and Martha Mundy, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2004, pp. 166-200.
  • An Historical View of the Conduct and Proceedings of the Turkey Company,1753, The Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths, University of London 1903.
  • Ağır, Seven, “The Rise and Demise of Gedik Markets in İstanbul, 1750-1860”,The Economic History Review, 71/1(2018), pp. 133-156.
  • Aydemir, Oğuz-İşipek, A. Rıza, 1770 Çeşme Deniz Savaşı, Denizler Kitabevi, İstanbul 2006.
  • Bağış, A. İhsan, Osmanlı Ticaretinde Gayri Müslimler: Kapitülasyonlar, Avrupa Tüccarları, Beratlı Tüccarlar, Hayriye Tüccarları(1750-1839), Turhan Kitabevi, Ankara 1983.
  • Chandler, Richard, Travels in Asia Minor, Printed at Clarendon Press, Oxford 1775.
  • Clogg, Richard, “The Library of The Levant Company’s Factory in Smyrna (1805)”, The Gelaner, 11(1974), pp. 112-124.
  • Clogg, Richard, ‘The Smyrna “rebellion” of 1797: some documents from the British archives’, Deltio Kentrou Mikrasiatikon Spoudon, III (1982), pp. 71-125.
  • Damiani, Anita, Enlightened Observers, American University of Beirut,Beirut 1979.
  • Darling, Linda T.,“Capitulations” in The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern Islamic World, 4.vols., ed. John L. Esposito. vol. I, Oxford 1995, pp. 257-60.
  • Davis, Ralph, Aleppo and Devonshire Square: English Traders in the Levant in the Eighteenth Century, Macmillian.London, Melbourne and Toranto 1967.
  • Davis, Ralph, “English Imports from the Middle East, 1580-1780”,in Studies in the Economic History of the Middle East, ed.M. A. Cook. Oxford University Press:London 1970, pp.193-206.
  • Dearborn, Henry A. S., A Memoir on the Commerce and Navigaton of the Black Sea and Trade and Maritime Geography of Turkey and Egypt. v.II,Wells and Lilly, Boston 1819.
  • Eldem, Edhem, French Trade in Istanbul in the Eighteenth Century,Brill, Leiden, Boston, Köln 1999.
  • Eldem, Edhem, “Capitulations and Western Trade in the Ottoman Empire: questions, issues and sources” in Cambridge History of Turkey, vol. III:The Later Ottoman Empire, 1603-1839, S.Faroqhi (ed), Cambridge University Press 2006, pp. 283-335.
  • Epstein, M., The Early History of the Levant Company, George Routledge &Sons Limited, London 1908.
  • Eton, W., A Survey of Turkish Empire.T. Cadell and W. Davies, London 1799.
  • Evliya Çelebi Seyahatnamesi, 9. Kitap, v.1, ed. S. A. Kahraman, Yapı Kredi yay., İstanbul 2011.
  • Filippini, J.-P., L. Meignen, Roure, C. D. Sabatier and G. Stéphanidés (ed.) Dossiers sur le commerce français en Méditerranée orientale au XVIIIe siécle, Paris 1976.
  • Frangakis-Syrett, Elena, The Commerce of Smyrna in the Eighteenth Century (1700– 1820), Centre for Asia Minor Studies, Athens 1992.
  • Frangakis-Syrett, E., “The Ottoman Port of Izmir in the Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries, 1695-1820”, Revue de l’Occident musulman et de la Méditerranée, 39, 1985, pp.149-162.
  • “Trade between Ottoman Empire and Western Europe: the Case of İzmir in the Eighteenth century”, New Perspectives on Turkey, v. 2, n. 1, Spring 1988, pp. 1-18.
  • Goffman, D., “The Capitulations and the Question of Authority in Levantine Trade 1600-1650. Journal of Turkish Studies, 10 (1986), pp.155-61.
  • Goffman, D., İzmir and the Levantine World,1550-1650, University of Washington Press,Seattle and London1990.
  • Goffman, D., “İzmir: from village to colonial port city” inThe Ottoman City Between East and West, Aleppo, İzmir, and İstanbul, Ed. E Eldem, D. Goffman, B Masters. Cambridge University Press, New York 1999.
  • Griffits, J., Travels in Europe, Asia Minor and Arabia, T.Cadel and W.Davis, London 1805.
  • İnalcık, Halil (1971). “İmtiyazat:The Ottoman Empire”, Encylopedia of Islam, 2nd ed., v.3, Brill, Leiden 1971, pp. 1179-89.
  • Kadı İ. Hakkı, Ottoman and Dutch Merchants in the Eighteenth Century: Competition and Cooperation in Ankara, İzmir and Amsterdam, Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden 2012.
  • Koyuncu Kaya, Miyase, “The Dilemma of Ottoman State: Establishing New Gediks or Abolishing Them”,Turkish Studies. 8/5(2013), pp. 441-463.
  • Kurat, Akdes Nimet, Türk-İngiliz Münasebetlerinin Başlangıcı ve Gelişmesi, 1553-1610, Türk Tarih Kurumu Yayınları, Ankara 1953.
  • Kütükoğlu, Mübahat S., Osmanlı-İngiliz İktisadi Münasebetleri, v.I, Türk Kültürünü Araştırma Enstitüsü, Ankara 1974.
  • Laidlaw, Christine, The British in the Levant, Trade andPerception of the Ottoman Empire in the Eighteenth Century, I.B. Tauris Publishers, London and New York 2010.
  • Manley, Deborah, “Mr. And Mrs Barker and Family: Franks in the Levant”, Archeology and History in Lebanon. 16(2002), pp. 34-48.
  • Masson, Paul, Histoire du commerce français dans le Levant au XVIIIe siécle, Librairie Hachette, Paris 1911.
  • Muahedat Mecmuası, (1294-96). v. I.
  • Nagata, Yuzo, Tarihte Ayanlar, Karaosmanoğulları Üzerine Bir İnceleme, Türk Tarih Kurumu, Ankara 1997.
  • Panzac, Daniel, “La peste à Smyrne au XVIIIème siècle”, Annales E.S.C., 28/4(1973), pp. 1071-1093.
  • Panzac, Daniel, “International and Domestic Maritime Trade in the Ottoman Empire during the 18th century”, International Journal of Middle East Studies, 24/2(1992), pp.189-206.
  • Panzac, Daniel, Commerce et navigation dans l’empire ottoman au XVIIIe siécle,. Isis, İstanbul 1996.
  • Porter, Sir James, Observations on the Religion, Law, Government and Manners of the Turks, to which is added, The State of the Turkey Trade from Its Origin to the Present Time. v.I, 2nd edition. printed for J. Nourse, Bookseller to His majesty, London 1771.
  • Rear, Marjoire, William Barker Member of The Right Worshipful Levant Company 1731- 1825 A Life in Smyrna,, 2015.
  • Rosedale, H. G., Queen Elizabeth and the Levant Company, A Diplomatic and Literary Episode of the Establishment of Our Trade with Turkey, Henry Frowde, Oxford University Press, London 1904.
  • Smyrnelis, Marie-Carmen, Une société hors de soi, identités et relations sociales à Smyrne aux XIIIe et XIX siécles. Editons Peeters, Paris 2005.
  • Smyrnelis, Marie-Carmen, Une Ville Ottomane Plurielle, Smyrna aux XVIIe et XIX siécles. Les éditions Isis, İstanbul 2006.
  • Talbot, M., British-Ottoman Relations, 1661-1807: Commerce and Diplomatic Practice in Eighteenth Century İstanbul. The Boydell Press, Woodbridge 2017.
  • Ülker, Necmi, The Rise of İzmir, 1688-1740, Unpublished Phd Dissertation, University of Michigan, 1975.
  • Ülker, Necmi, “1797 Olayı ve İzmir’in Yakılması”,Tarih İncelemeleri Dergisi, 2/1(1984), pp. 117-158.
  • Webb Yıldırmak, Gülay, XVIII. yüzyılda Osmanlı-İngiliz Tiftik Ticareti, Türk Tarih Kurumu, Ankara 2011.
  • Wood, Alfred C., A History of the Levant Company. Oxford University Press, London 1935.
  • van den Boogert - Mautrits H., The Capitulations and the Ottoman Legal System: Qadis, Consuls, and Beratlis in the Eighteenth Century, E.J. Brill, Leiden 2005.
  • Veinstein, Gilles, “Ayan de la région d’İzmir et le commerce du Levant (deuxiéme moitié du XVIIIe siécle)”, Revue del’Occident Musulman et de la Méditerranée, 20/2(1975), pp. 131-46.
  • Vlami, Despina, Trading with the Ottomans: The Levant Company in the Middle East,. I.B. Tauris & CO., London and New York 2015.
  • Yıldırım Onur - Ağır, Seven, “Gedik: What is in a Name”, in Bread From the Lion’s Mouth: Artisans Struggling for A livelihood in Ottoman Cities, ed. S. Faroqhi, Berghahn Books 2015, pp. 217-236.
  •, 26.03.2013.
There are 70 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Araştırma Makaleleri

Miyase Koyuncu Kaya This is me 0000-0002-6438-8177

Publication Date August 21, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 84 Issue: 300


APA Koyuncu Kaya, M. (2020). An English Merchant in Ottoman İzmir (Smyrna): William Barker (1731-1825). BELLETEN, 84(300), 717-744.
AMA Koyuncu Kaya M. An English Merchant in Ottoman İzmir (Smyrna): William Barker (1731-1825). TTK BELLETEN. August 2020;84(300):717-744. doi:10.37879/belleten.2020.717
Chicago Koyuncu Kaya, Miyase. “An English Merchant in Ottoman İzmir (Smyrna): William Barker (1731-1825)”. BELLETEN 84, no. 300 (August 2020): 717-44.
EndNote Koyuncu Kaya M (August 1, 2020) An English Merchant in Ottoman İzmir (Smyrna): William Barker (1731-1825). BELLETEN 84 300 717–744.
IEEE M. Koyuncu Kaya, “An English Merchant in Ottoman İzmir (Smyrna): William Barker (1731-1825)”, TTK BELLETEN, vol. 84, no. 300, pp. 717–744, 2020, doi: 10.37879/belleten.2020.717.
ISNAD Koyuncu Kaya, Miyase. “An English Merchant in Ottoman İzmir (Smyrna): William Barker (1731-1825)”. BELLETEN 84/300 (August 2020), 717-744.
JAMA Koyuncu Kaya M. An English Merchant in Ottoman İzmir (Smyrna): William Barker (1731-1825). TTK BELLETEN. 2020;84:717–744.
MLA Koyuncu Kaya, Miyase. “An English Merchant in Ottoman İzmir (Smyrna): William Barker (1731-1825)”. BELLETEN, vol. 84, no. 300, 2020, pp. 717-44, doi:10.37879/belleten.2020.717.
Vancouver Koyuncu Kaya M. An English Merchant in Ottoman İzmir (Smyrna): William Barker (1731-1825). TTK BELLETEN. 2020;84(300):717-44.