Research Article
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An Unknown Chapel in Oba-Alanya

Year 2006, Volume: 70 Issue: 259, 821 - 832, 20.12.2006


This article aims to introduce a small chapel in Oba-Alanya. The building is situated in the town of Çıplaklı in Oba near Alanya as so-called Kalonoros in the Byzantine period (The archaeological excavations in Alanya Castle are still continuing under the direction of Prof.M. Oluş Arık). Yet, it has not published. The building has a rectangular plan with a single naved and is noteworthy for its non-figurative wall paintings are applied on a thick layer of mortar. This article will focus on the architecture, wall paintings and dating problems of this building.


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  • BİLİCİ, Z.K., (trans.), 1915 Alanya Belediyesi Encümen Kararları Defteri, Antalya. 2003.
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  • DUGGAN, T.M.P., "A Short Account of Recorded Calamities (Earthquakes and Plagues) in Antalya Province and Adjacent and Related Areas Over the Past 2,300 Years-an Incomplete List, Comments and Observations", Adalya, VII, İstanbul. 2004, 123-164.
  • DUGGAN, T.M.P., "Supplementary Data to be Added to the Chronology of Plague and Earthquakes in Antalya Province and in Adjacent and Related Areas", Adalya, VIII, İstanbul. 2005, 357-396.
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  • İBN BİBİ, El Evamirü'l-Ala'iye Fi'l-Umuri'l-Ala'iye (Selçukname), 1, Ankara. 1996.
  • KOÇAK, M.L., Alanya'dan Nea Ionia'yai Mübadele İle Gelen Ayrılıklar ve Bitmeyen Özlem, Alanya.2004.
  • KÖROĞLU, G., "Al Oda (Ala Oda) Kaya Kilisesi", Celal Esat Arseven Anısına Sanat Tarihi Semineri Bildirileri, İstanbul. 2000, 388-397.
  • LAFONTAINE-DOSOGNE, J., "Pour une Problematique de la peinture d'eglise Byzantine a l'epoque Iconoclaste", DOP, 41, 1987, 321-337.
  • LLOYD,S.- RICE, D.S., Alanya (Alaiyya), Ankara. 1989.
  • MELAS, E., ed. Die Griechischen. Verlag: Inseln. 1976.
  • MILLER, M., "Archhaeologische Befunde im Umland von Kyaneai: Festung, Tempel, Gehöfte, Kirchen", Asia Minor Studien, Band 9, Bonn, 1993, 57-85.
  • OSTERHAUT, R., "The Architecture of Iconoclasm", Byzantium in the Iconoclast Era ( ca 680-850): The Sources: An Annotated Survey, Eds: L. Brubaker-J. Holdon, Ashgate. 2001, 3- 285.
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  • RUGGIERI, Chimera 1994 "Un Complesso Ikonoklastic a Chimera", Orientalia Christiana Periodika, 60, 471-502.
  • RUGGIERI, Chimera 1995 "Repporte The Chimera il silo Bizantio di Chimera", Orientalia Christiana Periodika, 61, 367-380.
  • VOYACOGLU, V., Alanya, Alanya. 2002.
  • WIEGAND, T., Der Latmos, Berlin. 1913.
  • WINFIELD, D.- WAINWRIGHT, J., "Some Byzantine Churches from the Pontus", Anatolian Studies, XII, 1962, 131- 161.
  • YILMAZ, L., Antalya, Bir Ortaçağ Türk Şehrinin Mimarlık Mirası ve şehir Dokusunun Gelişimi (16. Yüzyılın Sonuna Kadar), Ankara. 2002.
Year 2006, Volume: 70 Issue: 259, 821 - 832, 20.12.2006



  • ARIK, M.O., "Alanya Kalesi 2001 Yılı Çalışmaları ", 24. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı 2.cilt, Ankara, 2002, 519-534.
  • ARIK, M.O., "Alanya Kalesi Çalışmaları 2004", Anadolu Akdenizi, Arkeoloji Haberleri, 2005-3, İstanbul. 2005, 1-4.
  • BALLANCE, S., "The Byzantine Churches of Trebizond", Anatolian Studies, X, 1960,. 141- 175.
  • BİLİCİ, Z.K., (trans.), 1915 Alanya Belediyesi Encümen Kararları Defteri, Antalya. 2003.
  • BRYER, A.-WINFIELD, D., The Byzantine Monuments and Topography of the Pontos, I, Washington. 1985.
  • DIMITROKALLIS, G., "The Byzantine Churches Naxos". AJA 72, 1968, 283- 286.
  • DUGGAN, T.M.P., "A Short Account of Recorded Calamities (Earthquakes and Plagues) in Antalya Province and Adjacent and Related Areas Over the Past 2,300 Years-an Incomplete List, Comments and Observations", Adalya, VII, İstanbul. 2004, 123-164.
  • DUGGAN, T.M.P., "Supplementary Data to be Added to the Chronology of Plague and Earthquakes in Antalya Province and in Adjacent and Related Areas", Adalya, VIII, İstanbul. 2005, 357-396.
  • EDWARDS, R.W., "Ecclesiastical Architecture in the Fortifications of Armenian Cilica", DOP, 36, Washington. 1982, 155- 176.
  • EDWARDS, R.W., "Ecclesiastical Architecture in the Fortifications of Armenian Cilica: Second Report", DOP, 37, Washington. 1983, 123-146.
  • EYİCE, S., Karadağ (Binbir Kilise) ve Karaman Çevresinde Arkeolojik İncelemeler, İstanbul, 1971.
  • FELD, O., "Die Innenausstattung der Nilolaoskirche in Myra", Myra, Berlin. 1975, 360- 428.
  • GALLAS, K.- WESSEL, K.- BORBOUDAKİS, M., Byzantinisches Kreta, München. 1983.
  • GOUGH, M., "A Church of The Iconoclast (?) Period in Byzantine Isauria", Anatolian Studies, 7, 1957, 153-161.
  • HARRISON, R.M. " Churches and Chapels of Central Lycia", Anatolian Studies, XIII, 1963, 117- 151.
  • HELLENKEMPER,H.- HILD, F. Nene Forschungen in Kilikien, Wien. 1986.
  • HELLENKEMPER, H.- HILD, F., Lykien und Pamphylien, II, Wien. 2004.
  • HILD, F. -HELLENKEMPER, H.- HELLENKEMPER-SALIES, G. "Kommagene - Kilikien -Isaurien", Reallexikon zur Byzantinischen Kunst , 4, 1984, 182-356.
  • İBN BİBİ, El Evamirü'l-Ala'iye Fi'l-Umuri'l-Ala'iye (Selçukname), 1, Ankara. 1996.
  • KOÇAK, M.L., Alanya'dan Nea Ionia'yai Mübadele İle Gelen Ayrılıklar ve Bitmeyen Özlem, Alanya.2004.
  • KÖROĞLU, G., "Al Oda (Ala Oda) Kaya Kilisesi", Celal Esat Arseven Anısına Sanat Tarihi Semineri Bildirileri, İstanbul. 2000, 388-397.
  • LAFONTAINE-DOSOGNE, J., "Pour une Problematique de la peinture d'eglise Byzantine a l'epoque Iconoclaste", DOP, 41, 1987, 321-337.
  • LLOYD,S.- RICE, D.S., Alanya (Alaiyya), Ankara. 1989.
  • MELAS, E., ed. Die Griechischen. Verlag: Inseln. 1976.
  • MILLER, M., "Archhaeologische Befunde im Umland von Kyaneai: Festung, Tempel, Gehöfte, Kirchen", Asia Minor Studien, Band 9, Bonn, 1993, 57-85.
  • OSTERHAUT, R., "The Architecture of Iconoclasm", Byzantium in the Iconoclast Era ( ca 680-850): The Sources: An Annotated Survey, Eds: L. Brubaker-J. Holdon, Ashgate. 2001, 3- 285.
  • ROSENBAUM, E., A Survey of Coastal Cities in Western Cilicia, Ankara. 1967.
  • ROTT, H., Kleinasiatische Denkmaeler aus Pisidien, Pamphylien, Kappadokien und Lykien, Leipzig. 1908.
  • RUGGIERI, Chimera 1994 "Un Complesso Ikonoklastic a Chimera", Orientalia Christiana Periodika, 60, 471-502.
  • RUGGIERI, Chimera 1995 "Repporte The Chimera il silo Bizantio di Chimera", Orientalia Christiana Periodika, 61, 367-380.
  • VOYACOGLU, V., Alanya, Alanya. 2002.
  • WIEGAND, T., Der Latmos, Berlin. 1913.
  • WINFIELD, D.- WAINWRIGHT, J., "Some Byzantine Churches from the Pontus", Anatolian Studies, XII, 1962, 131- 161.
  • YILMAZ, L., Antalya, Bir Ortaçağ Türk Şehrinin Mimarlık Mirası ve şehir Dokusunun Gelişimi (16. Yüzyılın Sonuna Kadar), Ankara. 2002.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Archaeology
Journal Section Araştırma Makaleleri

Leyla Yılmaz This is me

Publication Date December 20, 2006
Published in Issue Year 2006 Volume: 70 Issue: 259


APA Yılmaz, L. (2006). An Unknown Chapel in Oba-Alanya. BELLETEN, 70(259), 821-832.
AMA Yılmaz L. An Unknown Chapel in Oba-Alanya. TTK BELLETEN. December 2006;70(259):821-832. doi:10.37879/belleten.2006.821
Chicago Yılmaz, Leyla. “An Unknown Chapel in Oba-Alanya”. BELLETEN 70, no. 259 (December 2006): 821-32.
EndNote Yılmaz L (December 1, 2006) An Unknown Chapel in Oba-Alanya. BELLETEN 70 259 821–832.
IEEE L. Yılmaz, “An Unknown Chapel in Oba-Alanya”, TTK BELLETEN, vol. 70, no. 259, pp. 821–832, 2006, doi: 10.37879/belleten.2006.821.
ISNAD Yılmaz, Leyla. “An Unknown Chapel in Oba-Alanya”. BELLETEN 70/259 (December 2006), 821-832.
JAMA Yılmaz L. An Unknown Chapel in Oba-Alanya. TTK BELLETEN. 2006;70:821–832.
MLA Yılmaz, Leyla. “An Unknown Chapel in Oba-Alanya”. BELLETEN, vol. 70, no. 259, 2006, pp. 821-32, doi:10.37879/belleten.2006.821.
Vancouver Yılmaz L. An Unknown Chapel in Oba-Alanya. TTK BELLETEN. 2006;70(259):821-32.