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The Alexander the Great Tetradrachm Hoard in the Durmaz Collection

Year 2006, Volume: 70 Issue: 258, 479 - 500, 20.08.2006


The hoard is in the collection of Mr. Mehmet Durmaz, whose collection is registered with the Ankara Museum of Anatolian Civilizations. The hoard, which was reported to have been found in the vicinity of Antakya in 1992, contains 32 silver tetradrachms. It appears that most of the coins were minted in eastern mints, with only a few from western mints. The hoard has very few examples from the period of Alexander. Most are of the posthumous Alexander series minted soon after the period of Alexander. The obverse of the coins of the hoard has a head of young Herakle wearing a lion's head, and the reverse has an enthroned Zeus seated left holding an eagle in his right hand and in the left a scepter. The hoard contains the names of three different kings. These are: Alexanderr III (336-323 BC), Philip III (323-317 BC) and Seleukos I (312- 281 BC). The coins of the hoard appear to begin with the Macedonian king Alexander and soon after his death continue with his brother-in-law, the Macedonian King Philip III, Arrhidaeus, and ends with Seleukos I, Nikator. Nine different mints have been identified among the coins of the hoard. The earliest dated coins of the hoard are those from 336-323 BC from the Amphipolis mint and 325-323 BC from the mint of Babylon. These coins are from the lifetime of Alexander. The two coins of Philip Arrhidaeus, which date to 323-317 BC, were minted at the mint of Babylon. The latest two coins, which are of the Seleukeia ad Tigrim mint, minted by the Syrian king Seleukos I, can be dated to 295 BC.


  • Afyon Hoard, before 1976: CH3 (1977), no. 30
  • Ain-Tab (Aintab) hoard: IGCH 1542; references to seyrig, Tresors, no.13
  • American Journal of Numismatic
  • Akçakale hoard: G. L. Rider and N. Olcay, "Un tresor de tetradrachmes d'Alexandre trouve a Akçakale en 1958", RN 1988: 42-54, pl. v-x.
  • Akkar hoard: IGCH 1559; references to Seyrig, Tresors, no.18
  • Aleppo hoard, 1893: IGCH 1516
  • Aleppo hoard, 1930: IGCH 1562
  • The American Numismatic Society, New York
  • American Numismatic Society, Museum Notes
  • Armenak hoard: IGCH 1423; references to M. Thompson, The "Armenak" hoard (IGCH 1423), ANSMN 31 (1986): 63-106, pl. vi-xxvi
  • Asia Minor hoard, 1964: IGCH 1437
  • Asia Minor hoard, 1973/4: CH1 (1975), no. 56
  • Babylon hoard, 1900: IGCH 1774; references to K. Regling, "Hellenistischer Münzschatz aus Babylon", ZFN 38 (1928):92-132, pl. viii-xiii
  • Babylon (Mashtal, Baghdad) hoard, 1973: CH 4 (1973), no. 33
  • Bataşani hoard: CH 2 (1976), no. 65
  • G. F. Hill, Arabia, Mesopotomia and Persia (Nabataea, Arabia Provincia, South Arabia, Mesopotamia, Babylonia, Assyria, Persia, Alexandrine Empire of the East, Persis, Elymais, Characene), London, 1922 (Catalogue of Grek Coins in the Brirish Museum)
  • G. F. Hill, Cyprus, London, 1901 (Catalogue of Grek Coins in the Brirish Museum)
  • Coins Hoards
  • Demanhur hoard: IGCH 1664; references to E. T. Newell, "Alexander Hoards Il, Demanhur", 1905, New York, 1923 (NNM 19) Ayrıca şurada: O. Zarvos, "Additions to the Demanhur hoard of Alaxander tetradrachms", NC 1980: 185-188
  • Diyarbakir (Diyarbekir) hoard, 1955: IGCH 1735; (1975), references to Seyrig, Tresors, no.4
  • C. Ehrhardt, "A catalogue of issues of tetradrachms from Amphipolis, 318-294 BC",JNFA 4 (1976): 85-89
  • Gordion V hoard, 1961: IGCH 1405; references to D. H. Cox, "Gordion hoards III, IV, V, and VII ANSMN 12 (1966): 19-55, pl. iii-xxi, at 33-51
  • Haymana hoard: G. L. Rider and N. Olcay, "Le tresor de Haymana", RN 1988: 55-63, pl. xi
  • M. Thompson, O. Mcrkholm and C. M. Kraay (eds), Inventory of Grek Coin Hoards, New York, 1973
  • Journal of Hellenic Studies
  • Journal International d'Archelogie Numismatique
  • Journal of Numismatique Fine Arts
  • Jahrbuch für Numismatik und Geldgeschichte
  • Kirazlı hoard: IGCH 1369; references to G. Le Rider and N. Olcay, 'Le tresor de Kirazlı (pres de d'Amasya): IGCH 1369', Anatolia Antiqua/Eski Anadolu, Recueil de Travaux publies par lIstitut français d'Etudes Anatoliennes d'Istanbul (ed. B. Remy), İstanbul/Paris, 1987 (Varia Anatolica 1)
  • Kirikhan hoard: CH 1 (1975), no. 87A and 87B; references to Seyrig, Tresor, no. 23 ('Cilicie')
  • Larnaca hoard: IGCH 1472; references to Price, 'Greek coin hoards', 4-8
  • Latakia hoard, 1759: IGCH 1544; references to seyrig, Tresor, no. 11
  • Kuft hoard: IGCH 1670; D. Nash, "The kuft hoard of Alexander III tetradrachms", NC 1974, 14-30; O. Zervos, "Newell's manuscript of the Kuft hoard", ANSMN 25 (1980): 17-90, pl. iii
  • Meydancıkkale (Gülnar) CH 7 (1985), no. 80 A. Davesne - G. Le Rider, Le Tresor de Meydancıkkale (Cilicie Tracee, 1980), Paris 1989 (Institut français d'Etudes Anatoliennes, Gülnar 2)
  • O. Mcrkholm, Early Hellenistic Coinage from the Accession of Alexander to the Peace of Apamea (336-188 B.C.) Edited by. P. Grierson and U. Westermark, Cambridge/New York 1991; aynı eser için bkz., "Erken Helenistik Çağ Sikkeleri Büyük İskender'in tahta çıkışından Apameia Barışı'na kadar (İ.Ö. 336-188)" [çeviri: Oğuz Tekin] Homer Kitapevi, İstanbul 2000
  • Mosul hoard, 1862-3(?):IGCH 1756
  • L. Müller, Nümismatique d'Alexander le Grand, suivi d'un appendice contenant es monnaies de Philip II et III, Copenhagen, 1855
  • Mylasa hoard: IGCH 1289
  • Numismatic Chronicle
  • E. T. Newell, The Dated Alexander Coinage of Sidon and Ake, New Haven/Oxford, 1916 (Yale Oriental Series; Researches 2): 7-38, pl. i-v.
  • E. T. Newell, "Some Cypriote Alexanders , 'Salamis' at 306-316, pl. xiii-xv.
  • E. T. Newell, Alexander Hoards II. Demenhur, 1905, New York, 1923 (NNM 19)
  • E. T. Newell, The Coinage of the Eastern Seleucid Mints from Seleucus I to Antiochus III, New York, 1938 (ANS Numismatica Studies 1)
  • E. T. Newell, The Coinage of the Western Seleucid Mints from Seleucus I to Antiochus III, New York, 1941 (ANS Numismatica Studies 4): 37-43
  • Reattribution E. T. Newell, "Reattribution of certain tetradrachms of Alexander the Great ",New York, 1912
  • Numismatic Notes and Monographys, New York (ANS)
  • E. Özgen et A. Davesne, 'Le Tresor de Oylum Höyüğü', Tresor et circulation monetaire en Anatolie antique, (ed. M. Amandry - G. Le Rider), Paris 1994: 45-59
  • M. J. Price, The Coinage in the Name of Alexander the Great and Philip Arrhidaeus: A British Museum Catalogue (London/Zurich, 1991)
  • [A.] von Prokesch-Osten, 'Liste des Alexandres de ma colection qui ne se trouvent pas dans le catalogue de Mr. L. Müller', NZ 1 (1869[1870]), 31-64
  • [A.] von Prokesch-Osten, Suite des monnaies inedites d'or et d'argent d'Alexandre le Grand', NZ 3 (1871[1873]), 51-72
  • H. Seyrig, 'Notes on Syrian Coins', NNM 119, New-York, 1950
  • Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Royal Collection of Coins and Medals, Danish National Museum [9] Mecedonia 2: Alexander I-Alexander III, Copenhagen, 1943 (nos. 478-1066)
  • Schweizerische Numismatische Rundschau
  • Susa II hoard, 1948/9: IGCH 1799; references to Le Rider, Suse, 243-4
  • Susa V hoard, 1933/4: IGCH 1804; references to Le Rider, Suse, 246-8
  • Susiana hoard, 1965: IGCH 1806; references to A. Houghton and G. L. Rider, 'Un tresor de monnaies hellenistiques trouve pres de Suse', RN 1967, 111- 127, pl. iv-x
  • Syria hoard, 1959: IGCH 1535; references to Boehringer, Chronologie, 158-61
  • Syria hoard, 1960: IGCH 1533; references to Seyrig, Tresor, no. 3
  • Tarik Darreh hoard: : CH 7 (1985), no. 78; references A. Houghton, 'Tarik Darreh (Kangavar) hoard', ANSMN 25 (1980), 31-44, pl. iv-v
  • Tell Halaf hoard: IGCH 11763
  • Tell Kotchek hoard: IGCH 1773; references to Seyrig, Tresor, no. 15
  • Turkey hoard, 1973/4: CH1 (1975) no. 56
  • M. Thompson, Alexander's Drachm Mints, 1. Sardes and Miletus, New York, 1983 (ANS Numismatic Studies 16), Sardes at 5-42, pl. i-xx
  • Urfa hoard: IGCH 1772; references to Price, 'Greek coin hoards', 10-4, pl. iv
  • H. Bloesch, Griechische Münzen in Winterthur, 1. Spanien, Gallien, Italien, Moesien, Dakien, Sarmatien, Thrakien, Makedonien, Hellas, Inseln Winterthur, 1987
  • N. M. Woggener, The Alexander mint at Babylon (Doctoral Dissertation, Columbia University, 1968)
  • N. M. Woggener, "The early Alexander coinage at SeIeucia ad Tigrim", ANSMN 15 (1969): 21-30, pl. iii-v.
  • Zeitschrift für Numismatik

Durmaz Koleksiyonu'ndaki Büyük İskender Tetradrahmi Definesi

Year 2006, Volume: 70 Issue: 258, 479 - 500, 20.08.2006


Bu define, Ankara Anadolu Medeniyetleri Müzesi koleksiyoneri, Sn. Mehmet Durmaz Koleksiyonu'ndadır. 11-42 envanter numaralarıyla kayıtlı bulunan definede, 32 adet gümüş tetradrahmi bulunmaktadır. Sikkelerin büyük çoğunluğunun doğu darphanelerinde, pek azının da batı darphanelerinde basılmış olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Definede, Alexander III (Büyük İskender)'ün kendi döneminde bastırılmış pek az örneğine karşın, definenin çoğunluğunu İskender'in hemen sonrasına ait posthumous (hatıra) İskender sikkeleri oluşturmaktadır.


  • Afyon Hoard, before 1976: CH3 (1977), no. 30
  • Ain-Tab (Aintab) hoard: IGCH 1542; references to seyrig, Tresors, no.13
  • American Journal of Numismatic
  • Akçakale hoard: G. L. Rider and N. Olcay, "Un tresor de tetradrachmes d'Alexandre trouve a Akçakale en 1958", RN 1988: 42-54, pl. v-x.
  • Akkar hoard: IGCH 1559; references to Seyrig, Tresors, no.18
  • Aleppo hoard, 1893: IGCH 1516
  • Aleppo hoard, 1930: IGCH 1562
  • The American Numismatic Society, New York
  • American Numismatic Society, Museum Notes
  • Armenak hoard: IGCH 1423; references to M. Thompson, The "Armenak" hoard (IGCH 1423), ANSMN 31 (1986): 63-106, pl. vi-xxvi
  • Asia Minor hoard, 1964: IGCH 1437
  • Asia Minor hoard, 1973/4: CH1 (1975), no. 56
  • Babylon hoard, 1900: IGCH 1774; references to K. Regling, "Hellenistischer Münzschatz aus Babylon", ZFN 38 (1928):92-132, pl. viii-xiii
  • Babylon (Mashtal, Baghdad) hoard, 1973: CH 4 (1973), no. 33
  • Bataşani hoard: CH 2 (1976), no. 65
  • G. F. Hill, Arabia, Mesopotomia and Persia (Nabataea, Arabia Provincia, South Arabia, Mesopotamia, Babylonia, Assyria, Persia, Alexandrine Empire of the East, Persis, Elymais, Characene), London, 1922 (Catalogue of Grek Coins in the Brirish Museum)
  • G. F. Hill, Cyprus, London, 1901 (Catalogue of Grek Coins in the Brirish Museum)
  • Coins Hoards
  • Demanhur hoard: IGCH 1664; references to E. T. Newell, "Alexander Hoards Il, Demanhur", 1905, New York, 1923 (NNM 19) Ayrıca şurada: O. Zarvos, "Additions to the Demanhur hoard of Alaxander tetradrachms", NC 1980: 185-188
  • Diyarbakir (Diyarbekir) hoard, 1955: IGCH 1735; (1975), references to Seyrig, Tresors, no.4
  • C. Ehrhardt, "A catalogue of issues of tetradrachms from Amphipolis, 318-294 BC",JNFA 4 (1976): 85-89
  • Gordion V hoard, 1961: IGCH 1405; references to D. H. Cox, "Gordion hoards III, IV, V, and VII ANSMN 12 (1966): 19-55, pl. iii-xxi, at 33-51
  • Haymana hoard: G. L. Rider and N. Olcay, "Le tresor de Haymana", RN 1988: 55-63, pl. xi
  • M. Thompson, O. Mcrkholm and C. M. Kraay (eds), Inventory of Grek Coin Hoards, New York, 1973
  • Journal of Hellenic Studies
  • Journal International d'Archelogie Numismatique
  • Journal of Numismatique Fine Arts
  • Jahrbuch für Numismatik und Geldgeschichte
  • Kirazlı hoard: IGCH 1369; references to G. Le Rider and N. Olcay, 'Le tresor de Kirazlı (pres de d'Amasya): IGCH 1369', Anatolia Antiqua/Eski Anadolu, Recueil de Travaux publies par lIstitut français d'Etudes Anatoliennes d'Istanbul (ed. B. Remy), İstanbul/Paris, 1987 (Varia Anatolica 1)
  • Kirikhan hoard: CH 1 (1975), no. 87A and 87B; references to Seyrig, Tresor, no. 23 ('Cilicie')
  • Larnaca hoard: IGCH 1472; references to Price, 'Greek coin hoards', 4-8
  • Latakia hoard, 1759: IGCH 1544; references to seyrig, Tresor, no. 11
  • Kuft hoard: IGCH 1670; D. Nash, "The kuft hoard of Alexander III tetradrachms", NC 1974, 14-30; O. Zervos, "Newell's manuscript of the Kuft hoard", ANSMN 25 (1980): 17-90, pl. iii
  • Meydancıkkale (Gülnar) CH 7 (1985), no. 80 A. Davesne - G. Le Rider, Le Tresor de Meydancıkkale (Cilicie Tracee, 1980), Paris 1989 (Institut français d'Etudes Anatoliennes, Gülnar 2)
  • O. Mcrkholm, Early Hellenistic Coinage from the Accession of Alexander to the Peace of Apamea (336-188 B.C.) Edited by. P. Grierson and U. Westermark, Cambridge/New York 1991; aynı eser için bkz., "Erken Helenistik Çağ Sikkeleri Büyük İskender'in tahta çıkışından Apameia Barışı'na kadar (İ.Ö. 336-188)" [çeviri: Oğuz Tekin] Homer Kitapevi, İstanbul 2000
  • Mosul hoard, 1862-3(?):IGCH 1756
  • L. Müller, Nümismatique d'Alexander le Grand, suivi d'un appendice contenant es monnaies de Philip II et III, Copenhagen, 1855
  • Mylasa hoard: IGCH 1289
  • Numismatic Chronicle
  • E. T. Newell, The Dated Alexander Coinage of Sidon and Ake, New Haven/Oxford, 1916 (Yale Oriental Series; Researches 2): 7-38, pl. i-v.
  • E. T. Newell, "Some Cypriote Alexanders , 'Salamis' at 306-316, pl. xiii-xv.
  • E. T. Newell, Alexander Hoards II. Demenhur, 1905, New York, 1923 (NNM 19)
  • E. T. Newell, The Coinage of the Eastern Seleucid Mints from Seleucus I to Antiochus III, New York, 1938 (ANS Numismatica Studies 1)
  • E. T. Newell, The Coinage of the Western Seleucid Mints from Seleucus I to Antiochus III, New York, 1941 (ANS Numismatica Studies 4): 37-43
  • Reattribution E. T. Newell, "Reattribution of certain tetradrachms of Alexander the Great ",New York, 1912
  • Numismatic Notes and Monographys, New York (ANS)
  • E. Özgen et A. Davesne, 'Le Tresor de Oylum Höyüğü', Tresor et circulation monetaire en Anatolie antique, (ed. M. Amandry - G. Le Rider), Paris 1994: 45-59
  • M. J. Price, The Coinage in the Name of Alexander the Great and Philip Arrhidaeus: A British Museum Catalogue (London/Zurich, 1991)
  • [A.] von Prokesch-Osten, 'Liste des Alexandres de ma colection qui ne se trouvent pas dans le catalogue de Mr. L. Müller', NZ 1 (1869[1870]), 31-64
  • [A.] von Prokesch-Osten, Suite des monnaies inedites d'or et d'argent d'Alexandre le Grand', NZ 3 (1871[1873]), 51-72
  • H. Seyrig, 'Notes on Syrian Coins', NNM 119, New-York, 1950
  • Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Royal Collection of Coins and Medals, Danish National Museum [9] Mecedonia 2: Alexander I-Alexander III, Copenhagen, 1943 (nos. 478-1066)
  • Schweizerische Numismatische Rundschau
  • Susa II hoard, 1948/9: IGCH 1799; references to Le Rider, Suse, 243-4
  • Susa V hoard, 1933/4: IGCH 1804; references to Le Rider, Suse, 246-8
  • Susiana hoard, 1965: IGCH 1806; references to A. Houghton and G. L. Rider, 'Un tresor de monnaies hellenistiques trouve pres de Suse', RN 1967, 111- 127, pl. iv-x
  • Syria hoard, 1959: IGCH 1535; references to Boehringer, Chronologie, 158-61
  • Syria hoard, 1960: IGCH 1533; references to Seyrig, Tresor, no. 3
  • Tarik Darreh hoard: : CH 7 (1985), no. 78; references A. Houghton, 'Tarik Darreh (Kangavar) hoard', ANSMN 25 (1980), 31-44, pl. iv-v
  • Tell Halaf hoard: IGCH 11763
  • Tell Kotchek hoard: IGCH 1773; references to Seyrig, Tresor, no. 15
  • Turkey hoard, 1973/4: CH1 (1975) no. 56
  • M. Thompson, Alexander's Drachm Mints, 1. Sardes and Miletus, New York, 1983 (ANS Numismatic Studies 16), Sardes at 5-42, pl. i-xx
  • Urfa hoard: IGCH 1772; references to Price, 'Greek coin hoards', 10-4, pl. iv
  • H. Bloesch, Griechische Münzen in Winterthur, 1. Spanien, Gallien, Italien, Moesien, Dakien, Sarmatien, Thrakien, Makedonien, Hellas, Inseln Winterthur, 1987
  • N. M. Woggener, The Alexander mint at Babylon (Doctoral Dissertation, Columbia University, 1968)
  • N. M. Woggener, "The early Alexander coinage at SeIeucia ad Tigrim", ANSMN 15 (1969): 21-30, pl. iii-v.
  • Zeitschrift für Numismatik
There are 68 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Archaeology
Journal Section Araştırma Makaleleri

Melih Arslan This is me

Publication Date August 20, 2006
Published in Issue Year 2006 Volume: 70 Issue: 258


APA Arslan, M. (2006). Durmaz Koleksiyonu’ndaki Büyük İskender Tetradrahmi Definesi. BELLETEN, 70(258), 479-500.
AMA Arslan M. Durmaz Koleksiyonu’ndaki Büyük İskender Tetradrahmi Definesi. TTK BELLETEN. August 2006;70(258):479-500. doi:10.37879/belleten.2006.479
Chicago Arslan, Melih. “Durmaz Koleksiyonu’ndaki Büyük İskender Tetradrahmi Definesi”. BELLETEN 70, no. 258 (August 2006): 479-500.
EndNote Arslan M (August 1, 2006) Durmaz Koleksiyonu’ndaki Büyük İskender Tetradrahmi Definesi. BELLETEN 70 258 479–500.
IEEE M. Arslan, “Durmaz Koleksiyonu’ndaki Büyük İskender Tetradrahmi Definesi”, TTK BELLETEN, vol. 70, no. 258, pp. 479–500, 2006, doi: 10.37879/belleten.2006.479.
ISNAD Arslan, Melih. “Durmaz Koleksiyonu’ndaki Büyük İskender Tetradrahmi Definesi”. BELLETEN 70/258 (August 2006), 479-500.
JAMA Arslan M. Durmaz Koleksiyonu’ndaki Büyük İskender Tetradrahmi Definesi. TTK BELLETEN. 2006;70:479–500.
MLA Arslan, Melih. “Durmaz Koleksiyonu’ndaki Büyük İskender Tetradrahmi Definesi”. BELLETEN, vol. 70, no. 258, 2006, pp. 479-00, doi:10.37879/belleten.2006.479.
Vancouver Arslan M. Durmaz Koleksiyonu’ndaki Büyük İskender Tetradrahmi Definesi. TTK BELLETEN. 2006;70(258):479-500.