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Kültepe'de Bulunmuş İki Antlaşma Metni

Year 2005, Volume: 69 Issue: 256, 759 - 780, 20.12.2005


Kültepe-Kanis karumunda ortaya çıkarılan ve büyük bir kısmı Asurlu tüccarların ticari faaliyetlerini ihtiva eden belgeler arasında, seyrek de olsa, son derece önemli tarihi, idari ve hukuki belgeler de bulunmaktadır.Başta Akadlı Sargon'la ilgili tablet (Kt.j/k 97) olmak üzere, arka arkaya tespit edilen limu listeleri, Mama kralı Anum-Hirbi'nin Kanis kralı Warsama'ya gönderdiği mektup (Kt.g/t 35) ile Harsamna kralı Hurmeli'ye hitaben yazılmış diğer bir mektup (Kt.01/k 217) ve burada işlediğimiz iki antlaşma metni ilk akla gelen örneklerdir.


  • AKT 3: E-Bilgiç-C.Günbattı, Ankaraner Kültepe-Texte IlI, FAOS Beihfet 3, Stuttgart, 1995.
  • Balkan, K.1957: Mama Kıralı Anum-Hirbi'nin Kaniş Kıralı Warşama'ya Gönderdiği Mektup (TTKYVII/31). Ankara.
  • Bayram, S.2000: "ina naditim sa narua'im", Archivum Anatolicum 4, Ankara, s.29-48.
  • Bilgiç, E.1992: "Ebla" in Cappadocian Inscriptions, Hittite and Other Anatolian and Near Eastern Studies in Honour of Sedat Alp, Ankara, s.61-66.
  • CDA: J.Black, A.George, N.Postgate (ed.), A Concise Dictionary of Akkadian, Wiesbaden, 2000.
  • Çeçen, S.1997: "Kanis Karum'unun Diğer Karum ve Wabartumlar'a "KU.AN" (amutum) İle ilgili Önemli Talimatları", Belleten 61 / 231, Ankara, s.219-232.
  • 1998: "Yeni Delillere Göre Kültepe'de 'kan parası' ", XXXIV.International Assyriology Congress, Ankara, s.291-296.
  • Çeçen, S.-Hecker, K.1995: "ina matika eblum, Zu einem neuen Text zum Wegerecht, in der Kültepe-Zeit", Festschrift für Wolfram Freiherrn von Soden zum 85.Geburstag am 19.Juni 1993, (AOAT 240), Münster, s.31- 41.
  • Dercksen J.G.2001: "When we met in Hattus".Trade according to Old Assyrian texts from Alishar and Boğazköy, Veenhof Anniversary Volume, Leiden, s.39-66.
  • Donbaz, V.1989: "Some Remarkable Contrarcts 1-B Period Kültepe Tablets",Anatolia and the Ancient Near East.Studies in Honour of Tahsin Özgüç, Ankara, s.75-98.
  • 1993: "Some Remarkable Contrarcts 1-B Period Kültepe Tablets II", Aspects of Art and Iconography: Anatolia and Its Neighbors. Studies in Honour of Nimet Özgüç, Ankara,s.131-154.
  • Eidem, J.1991:"An Old Assyrian Treaty From Teli-Leilan", Merchands, diplomates et empereurs, Etudes sur la civilisation mesopotamienne offertes â Paul Garelli, Paris, s.185-207.
  • Garelli, P.1998: "Hahhum un relais assyrien sur la route commerciale de la Cappadoce", XXXIV.International Assyriology Congress, Ankara, s.451- 456.
  • Gessel, B.H.L.van 1998: Onomasticon of the Hittite Pantheon I.Leiden, New York, Köln.
  • Günbattı, C.1997:"Kültepe'den Akadlı Sargon'a Ait Bir Tablet", Archivum Anatolicum 3, Ankara, s.131-155.
  • 2002: "Kültepe'den Kervan Güzergâhlarına Işık Tutan İki Yeni Metin", Archivum Anatolicum 5, Ankara, s.79-87.
  • Haas, V.1994: Geschichte der Hethitischen Religion.Leiden, New York, Köln.
  • Hecker, K.-Kryszat, G.- Matous, L.1998: Kapadokhische Keilschriftafeln aus den Sammlungen der Karlsuniversitat Prag, Prag.
  • Kienast B.1960: ATHE: Die altassyrischen Texte des orientalischen Seminars der Universitat
  • Heidelberg und der Sammlung Erlenmeyer.Berlin.
  • Larsen, M.T.1976: OACC: The Old Assyrian City-State and its Colonies, Mesopotamia 4, Copenhagen.
  • del Monte, F.-Tischler, J.1978: Die Orts- und Gewassernamen der hethitischen Texte.(Repertoire Geographique des Textes Cuneiformes Bd.6).Wiesbaden.
  • Nashef, Kh.1991: Die Orts- und Gewassernamen der altassyrichen Zeit. (Repertoire Geographique des Textes Cuneiformes Bd.4).Wiesbaden.
  • Veenhof K.R.1989: "Status and offices of an Anatolian gentelman.Two unpublished letters of Huharimataku from Karum Kanish", Anatolia and the Ancient Near East.Studies in Honour of Tahsin Özgüç, Ankara, s.515-525.
  • 1995:"Old Assyrian işurtum, Akkadian eşerum and Hittite GIS.HUR", Studio Historiae Ardens.Ancient Near Eastern Studies Presented to Philo H.J.Houwink ten Cate on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday, İstanbul, s.311-332.
  • 2003: The Old Asyyrian List of Year Eponyms from Karum Kanish and Its Chronological Implications (TTKYVI/64).Ankara.

The Texts of Two Treaties Found at Kültepe

Year 2005, Volume: 69 Issue: 256, 759 - 780, 20.12.2005


It has been observed that the two tablets with excavation inventory numbers Kt. 00/k 6 and Kt. 00/k 10, found during the Kültepe excavation of 2000 and dated to the late phase of Kültepe (Ib), contain the texts of different treaties. Kt. 00/k 6 was found broken into two pieces, which were then rejoined. The front side in particular is in a very bad condition and most of the text cannot be deciphered in a way providing us with meaningful sentences. This 90 line tablet contains the text of a treaty between Kanis and the Assyrian state. In particular it contains many provisions concerning the protection of the lives and properties of Assyrian citizens. Among the main provisions: Assyrians' goods or real estate could not be confiscated or bought for less than their market value; if goods were lost and found they would be given back to their owners, and if they were not found indemnity would be paid for them; blood money would be paid for each Assyrian killed and the murderer would be punished by execution, to be carried out personally by the Assyrians; the commercial activities of an Assyrian indebted to a citizen of Kanis could not be limited and others would not be considered responsible in his place. Kt. 00/k 10's dimensions and four columns are unique as far as Kültepe is concerned. The tablet contains the text of the treaty entered into between Hahhum and the Assyrian state. A considerable part of the tablet is missing. Among the treaty's provisions it was also stated that decrees and sentences concerning Assyrians should be just; in case a ship owned by an Assyrian was sunk by someone, the full value of the goods transported would be indemnified; and as in the case of the above-mentioned treaty blood money would be paid for each Assyrian killed and the murderer would be punished by execution, to be carried out personally by the Assyrians.


  • AKT 3: E-Bilgiç-C.Günbattı, Ankaraner Kültepe-Texte IlI, FAOS Beihfet 3, Stuttgart, 1995.
  • Balkan, K.1957: Mama Kıralı Anum-Hirbi'nin Kaniş Kıralı Warşama'ya Gönderdiği Mektup (TTKYVII/31). Ankara.
  • Bayram, S.2000: "ina naditim sa narua'im", Archivum Anatolicum 4, Ankara, s.29-48.
  • Bilgiç, E.1992: "Ebla" in Cappadocian Inscriptions, Hittite and Other Anatolian and Near Eastern Studies in Honour of Sedat Alp, Ankara, s.61-66.
  • CDA: J.Black, A.George, N.Postgate (ed.), A Concise Dictionary of Akkadian, Wiesbaden, 2000.
  • Çeçen, S.1997: "Kanis Karum'unun Diğer Karum ve Wabartumlar'a "KU.AN" (amutum) İle ilgili Önemli Talimatları", Belleten 61 / 231, Ankara, s.219-232.
  • 1998: "Yeni Delillere Göre Kültepe'de 'kan parası' ", XXXIV.International Assyriology Congress, Ankara, s.291-296.
  • Çeçen, S.-Hecker, K.1995: "ina matika eblum, Zu einem neuen Text zum Wegerecht, in der Kültepe-Zeit", Festschrift für Wolfram Freiherrn von Soden zum 85.Geburstag am 19.Juni 1993, (AOAT 240), Münster, s.31- 41.
  • Dercksen J.G.2001: "When we met in Hattus".Trade according to Old Assyrian texts from Alishar and Boğazköy, Veenhof Anniversary Volume, Leiden, s.39-66.
  • Donbaz, V.1989: "Some Remarkable Contrarcts 1-B Period Kültepe Tablets",Anatolia and the Ancient Near East.Studies in Honour of Tahsin Özgüç, Ankara, s.75-98.
  • 1993: "Some Remarkable Contrarcts 1-B Period Kültepe Tablets II", Aspects of Art and Iconography: Anatolia and Its Neighbors. Studies in Honour of Nimet Özgüç, Ankara,s.131-154.
  • Eidem, J.1991:"An Old Assyrian Treaty From Teli-Leilan", Merchands, diplomates et empereurs, Etudes sur la civilisation mesopotamienne offertes â Paul Garelli, Paris, s.185-207.
  • Garelli, P.1998: "Hahhum un relais assyrien sur la route commerciale de la Cappadoce", XXXIV.International Assyriology Congress, Ankara, s.451- 456.
  • Gessel, B.H.L.van 1998: Onomasticon of the Hittite Pantheon I.Leiden, New York, Köln.
  • Günbattı, C.1997:"Kültepe'den Akadlı Sargon'a Ait Bir Tablet", Archivum Anatolicum 3, Ankara, s.131-155.
  • 2002: "Kültepe'den Kervan Güzergâhlarına Işık Tutan İki Yeni Metin", Archivum Anatolicum 5, Ankara, s.79-87.
  • Haas, V.1994: Geschichte der Hethitischen Religion.Leiden, New York, Köln.
  • Hecker, K.-Kryszat, G.- Matous, L.1998: Kapadokhische Keilschriftafeln aus den Sammlungen der Karlsuniversitat Prag, Prag.
  • Kienast B.1960: ATHE: Die altassyrischen Texte des orientalischen Seminars der Universitat
  • Heidelberg und der Sammlung Erlenmeyer.Berlin.
  • Larsen, M.T.1976: OACC: The Old Assyrian City-State and its Colonies, Mesopotamia 4, Copenhagen.
  • del Monte, F.-Tischler, J.1978: Die Orts- und Gewassernamen der hethitischen Texte.(Repertoire Geographique des Textes Cuneiformes Bd.6).Wiesbaden.
  • Nashef, Kh.1991: Die Orts- und Gewassernamen der altassyrichen Zeit. (Repertoire Geographique des Textes Cuneiformes Bd.4).Wiesbaden.
  • Veenhof K.R.1989: "Status and offices of an Anatolian gentelman.Two unpublished letters of Huharimataku from Karum Kanish", Anatolia and the Ancient Near East.Studies in Honour of Tahsin Özgüç, Ankara, s.515-525.
  • 1995:"Old Assyrian işurtum, Akkadian eşerum and Hittite GIS.HUR", Studio Historiae Ardens.Ancient Near Eastern Studies Presented to Philo H.J.Houwink ten Cate on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday, İstanbul, s.311-332.
  • 2003: The Old Asyyrian List of Year Eponyms from Karum Kanish and Its Chronological Implications (TTKYVI/64).Ankara.
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Archaeology
Journal Section Araştırma Makaleleri

Cahit Günbattı This is me

Publication Date December 20, 2005
Published in Issue Year 2005 Volume: 69 Issue: 256


APA Günbattı, C. (2005). Kültepe’de Bulunmuş İki Antlaşma Metni. BELLETEN, 69(256), 759-780.
AMA Günbattı C. Kültepe’de Bulunmuş İki Antlaşma Metni. TTK BELLETEN. December 2005;69(256):759-780. doi:10.37879/belleten.2005.759
Chicago Günbattı, Cahit. “Kültepe’de Bulunmuş İki Antlaşma Metni”. BELLETEN 69, no. 256 (December 2005): 759-80.
EndNote Günbattı C (December 1, 2005) Kültepe’de Bulunmuş İki Antlaşma Metni. BELLETEN 69 256 759–780.
IEEE C. Günbattı, “Kültepe’de Bulunmuş İki Antlaşma Metni”, TTK BELLETEN, vol. 69, no. 256, pp. 759–780, 2005, doi: 10.37879/belleten.2005.759.
ISNAD Günbattı, Cahit. “Kültepe’de Bulunmuş İki Antlaşma Metni”. BELLETEN 69/256 (December 2005), 759-780.
JAMA Günbattı C. Kültepe’de Bulunmuş İki Antlaşma Metni. TTK BELLETEN. 2005;69:759–780.
MLA Günbattı, Cahit. “Kültepe’de Bulunmuş İki Antlaşma Metni”. BELLETEN, vol. 69, no. 256, 2005, pp. 759-80, doi:10.37879/belleten.2005.759.
Vancouver Günbattı C. Kültepe’de Bulunmuş İki Antlaşma Metni. TTK BELLETEN. 2005;69(256):759-80.