Research Article
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The Medici’s Influence: Revival of Political and Financial Thought in Europe

Year 2021, Volume: 85 Issue: 302, 29 - 52, 16.04.2021


The history of the European Renaissance has been written in many versions. The move from medieval to Renaissance period in world history shows clashes between empires and human nature. The contemporary scholars have many variants of history to choose from and form their own views about what actually transpired during the historical period. The most significant role of the Medici family was in the new era of European history that witnessed the art of administration on the Medici Bank in Florence/Italy. This paper portrays the point of view of the influence of IslamicArab scholars as scribes in the re-introduction of Greek-Aristotelian philosophies to Renaissance Europe. This view is being increasingly challenged. The Islamic-Arab scholars such as Averroes and Avicenna were not mere scribes. Better translations of Arabic and Persian historical treasures reveal that the Islamic-Arab scholars during the golden age of Islam were globally accepted literary giants who made profound changes to the ideological shaping of Renaissance Europe.


  • Averroes, G. F. Hourani, Kitab fasl al-maqal, 1959.
  • Ball, Terence, Reappraising Political Theory: Revisionist Studies in The History of Political Thought, Vol. 2, Oxford University Press, 1995.
  • Baron, Hans, “Machiavelli: the republican citizen and the author of ’ The Prince”, The English Historical Review, Vol. 76/299, 1961, pp. 217-259.
  • Bruscoli, Francesco Guidi, Papal Banking in Renaissance Rome: Benvenuto Olivieri and Paul III, 1534–1549, Routledge, (2017).
  • Bullock, Katherinig H., “Re-Telling the History of Political Thought”, American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, Vol. 19/1, 2002, pp. 29-50.
  • Burnett, Charles, “Aristotle: The Giuntine Edition”. In Encyclopedia of Renaissance Philosophy, edited by Marco Sgarbi, 1–3. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.
  • Cashill, Jack, Popes and Bankers: A Cultural History of Credit and Debt, from Aristotle to AIG, Thomas Nelson, 2010.
  • Catalouge of The Medici Archives Consisting of Rare Autograph Letters Records and Documents 1084-1770 Including One Hundred And SixtySix Holograph Letters Of Lorenzo The Magnificent The Property of The Marquis Cosimo De’ Medici and The Marquis Averardo De’ Medici, https://, (1918), p. 24.
  • Curran, Charles E. - Richard, A. McCormick, The Magisterium and Morality, 1982.
  • Davis, Leo Donald, The first seven ecumenical councils (325-787): their history and theology, Vol. 21. Liturgical Press, 1990.
  • De Roover, Raymond, “New Perspectives on The History of Accounting”, The Accounting Review, Vol. 30/3, 1955, pp. 405-420.
  • De Roover, Raymond, The Rise and Decline of the Medici Bank: 1397-1494, Vol. 21, Beard Books, 1999.
  • Della Famiglia De Medici in Firenze Appresso Bartolommeo Sermartelli e Fratelli MDCX,
  • Dietz, Mary G., “Trapping the Prince: Machiavelli and the Politics of Deception”, American Political Science Review, Vol. 80/3, 1986, pp. 777-799.
  • Ekelund, Robert B.- Hébert, Robert F. - Tollison, Robert D., “An Economic Model of The Medieval Church: Usury As A Form of Rent Seeking”, Journal of Law, Economics, & Organization, Vol. 5/2, 1989, pp. 307-331.
  • Fakhry, Majid, Averroes: His Life. Work and Influence, Oneworld Publications, Oxford 2001.
  • Ferber, Stanley, Islam and the Medieval West, Vol. 11, Suny Press, 1979.
  • Fisher, D. Havelock, “The Medici Account-Books”, The American Historical Review, Vol. 33/4, 1928, pp. 829-831.
  • Fleischacker, Samuel, The ethics of culture, Cornell University Press, (1994).
  • Ghazanfar, S. M., “History of Economic Thought: The Schumpeterian “Great Gap”, the “lost” Araba-Islamic Legacy and the Literature Gap”, Medieval Islamic Economic Thought, Routledge, 2004, pp. 88-103.
  • Gilbert, Allan H., Machiavelli’s Prince and its Forerunners, 1938.
  • Goff, Jacques Le, The Usurer and Purgatory, in The Dawn of Modern Banking, 1979, pp. 25-53.
  • Goldthwaite, Richard A., “The Medici Bank and the world of Florentine Capitalism”, Past & Present, No. 114, 1987, pp. 3-31.
  • Grabar, Oleg - Cynthia Robinson, (eds.), Islamic Art and Literature, Markus Wiener Publishers, 2001.
  • Halper, Yehuda, “Elia del Medigo, Averroes and Averroism”, Philosophy and the Jewish Tradition, Brill, 2012, pp. 51-62.
  • Hasse, Dag Nikolaus, “The Social Conditions of the Arabic-(Hebrew-) Latin Translation Movements in Medieval Spain and in the Renaissance”, Wissen über Grenzen: Arabisches Wissen und lateinisches Mittelalter, 2006, pp. 68-88.
  • Heer, Friedrich, The Medieval World: Europe, 1100-1350, Welcome Rain, (1998).
  • Hodgson, Marshall G. S., The Venture of Islam, Volume 1: The Classical Age of Islam, Vol. 1, University of Chicago Press, 2009.
  • Hodgson, Marshall G. S., Rethinking world history: essays on Europe, Islam and World History, Cambridge University Press, 1993.
  • Irwin, Jones, Averroes’ Reason: A Medieval Tale of Christianity and Islam, 2002.
  • Irwin, Robert, Dangerous knowledge: Orientalism and its Discontents, Woodstock, 2006.
  • Kritzeck, James Aloysius, Peter the Venerable and Islam, Princeton University Press, 2015.
  • Lea Clark, Carol, “Aristotle and Averroes: The Influences of Aristotle’s Arabic Commentator upon Western European and Arabic Rhetoric”, The Review of Communication, Vol. 7/4 2007, pp. 369-387.
  • Machiavelli, Niccolò, The Prince, (Translation by George Bull), Penguin, London 1961.
  • Mack, Rosamond E., (Book Review), “Bazaar to Piazza, Islamic Trade and Italian art, 1300-1600”, Middle East Journal, Vol. 56/4, 2002, pp. 721-723.
  • Marshall, P. J., Proceedings of the British Academy Volume 125, 2003 Lectures, Vol. 125, Proceedings of the British Academy, 2005.
  • Menocal, Maria Rosa, The Arabic Role in Medieval Literary History: a Forgotten Heritage, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2004.
  • Nasr, Seyyed Hossein - Oliver Leaman, History of Islamic Philosophy, Routledge, 2013.
  • Parks, Tim, Medici Money: Banking, Metaphysics, and Art in Fifteenth-Century Florence, WW Norton & Company, 2005.
  • Partner, Peter, “Papal Financial Policy in the Renaissance and CounterReformation”, Past & Present, Vol. 88/1, 1980, pp. 17-62.
  • Peters, F. E., (Book Review), Aron Rodrigue: “Jews and Muslims: Images of Sephardi and Eastern Jewries in Modern Times”, International Journal of Middle East Studies, Vol. 37/2, 2005, pp. 295-296.
  • Rahe, Paul A., Machiavelli’s Liberal Republican Legacy,Cambridge University Press, 2005.
  • Reinert, Erik - A. Daastol, The other Canon: The History of Renaissance Economics, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2004.
  • Rucquoi, Adeline, “Gundisalvus ou Dominicus Gundisalvi”, Bulletin de Philosophie Médiévale, XLI, 1999, pp. 85-106.
  • Siraisi, Nancy G., Avicenna in Renaissance Italy: the Canon and Medical Teaching in Italian Universities after 1500, Vol. 789, Princeton University Press, 2014.
  • Shayegan, Yegane, “The Transmission of Greek Philosophy to the Islamic World”, History of Islamic Philosophy, Vol. 1, 1996, pp. 89-104.
  • Strathern, Paul, The Medici: Godfathers of the Renaissance, Random House, 2018.
  • Stuurman, Siep, “The Canon of The History of Political Thought: Its Critique and A Proposed Alternative”, History and Theory, Vol. 39/2, 2000, pp. 147- 166.
  • Tarcov, Nathan, “Machiavelli’s Critique of Religion”, Social Research: An International Quarterly, Vol. 81/1, 2014, pp. 193-216.
  • Turner, Bryan S., Max Weber-Critical Responses, Routledge, 1999.
  • Wilson, Catherine, “Modern Western Philosophy”, History of Islamic Philosophy, Vol. 2/2, 1996, pp. 1021-1023.
  • Young, George Frederick, The Medici, Vol. 1, EP Dutton, 1917.

Medici’nin Etkileri: Avrupa’da Siyasi ve İktisadi Düşüncenin Canlanması

Year 2021, Volume: 85 Issue: 302, 29 - 52, 16.04.2021


Avrupa Rönesansı'nın tarihi birçok farklı şekilde yazılmıştır. Dünya tarihinde Orta Çağ’dan Rönesans dönemine geçiş, imparatorluklar ve insan doğası arasındaki çatışmaları yansıtmaktadır. Çağdaş bilim adamlarının, tarihsel dönemde gerçekte neyin meydana geldiğine dair kendi görüşlerini yansıtabilecekleri ve oluş-turabilecekleri çeşitli türde tarih yazımı vardır. Medici ailesinin en önemli rolü, onların İtalya’nın Floransa şehrindeki Medici Bankası’nda yönetme sanatına tanıklık eden Avrupa tarihinin, yeni çağında ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu araştırma, Yunan-Aristoteles felsefesinin Rönesans Avrupası’na aktarımında İslam-Arap bilim adamlarının etkisine ilişkin bakış açısını ele almaktadır. Bu görüş, giderek daha fazla sorgulanır ve araştırılır hale gelmektedir. İbn Rüşd ve İbn-i Sina gibi İslam-Arap alimleri salt tarih yazıcıları değillerdi. Arapça ve Farsça yazılmış tarihi hazinelerin daha iyi tercüme edilmesi; İslam'ın altın çağı sırasında İslam-Arap alimlerinin, Rönesans Avrupası’nın ideolojik şekillenmesinde köklü değişiklikler yapan, dünya çapında kabul gören edebi devlet olduklarını ortaya koymaktadır.


  • Averroes, G. F. Hourani, Kitab fasl al-maqal, 1959.
  • Ball, Terence, Reappraising Political Theory: Revisionist Studies in The History of Political Thought, Vol. 2, Oxford University Press, 1995.
  • Baron, Hans, “Machiavelli: the republican citizen and the author of ’ The Prince”, The English Historical Review, Vol. 76/299, 1961, pp. 217-259.
  • Bruscoli, Francesco Guidi, Papal Banking in Renaissance Rome: Benvenuto Olivieri and Paul III, 1534–1549, Routledge, (2017).
  • Bullock, Katherinig H., “Re-Telling the History of Political Thought”, American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, Vol. 19/1, 2002, pp. 29-50.
  • Burnett, Charles, “Aristotle: The Giuntine Edition”. In Encyclopedia of Renaissance Philosophy, edited by Marco Sgarbi, 1–3. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.
  • Cashill, Jack, Popes and Bankers: A Cultural History of Credit and Debt, from Aristotle to AIG, Thomas Nelson, 2010.
  • Catalouge of The Medici Archives Consisting of Rare Autograph Letters Records and Documents 1084-1770 Including One Hundred And SixtySix Holograph Letters Of Lorenzo The Magnificent The Property of The Marquis Cosimo De’ Medici and The Marquis Averardo De’ Medici, https://, (1918), p. 24.
  • Curran, Charles E. - Richard, A. McCormick, The Magisterium and Morality, 1982.
  • Davis, Leo Donald, The first seven ecumenical councils (325-787): their history and theology, Vol. 21. Liturgical Press, 1990.
  • De Roover, Raymond, “New Perspectives on The History of Accounting”, The Accounting Review, Vol. 30/3, 1955, pp. 405-420.
  • De Roover, Raymond, The Rise and Decline of the Medici Bank: 1397-1494, Vol. 21, Beard Books, 1999.
  • Della Famiglia De Medici in Firenze Appresso Bartolommeo Sermartelli e Fratelli MDCX,
  • Dietz, Mary G., “Trapping the Prince: Machiavelli and the Politics of Deception”, American Political Science Review, Vol. 80/3, 1986, pp. 777-799.
  • Ekelund, Robert B.- Hébert, Robert F. - Tollison, Robert D., “An Economic Model of The Medieval Church: Usury As A Form of Rent Seeking”, Journal of Law, Economics, & Organization, Vol. 5/2, 1989, pp. 307-331.
  • Fakhry, Majid, Averroes: His Life. Work and Influence, Oneworld Publications, Oxford 2001.
  • Ferber, Stanley, Islam and the Medieval West, Vol. 11, Suny Press, 1979.
  • Fisher, D. Havelock, “The Medici Account-Books”, The American Historical Review, Vol. 33/4, 1928, pp. 829-831.
  • Fleischacker, Samuel, The ethics of culture, Cornell University Press, (1994).
  • Ghazanfar, S. M., “History of Economic Thought: The Schumpeterian “Great Gap”, the “lost” Araba-Islamic Legacy and the Literature Gap”, Medieval Islamic Economic Thought, Routledge, 2004, pp. 88-103.
  • Gilbert, Allan H., Machiavelli’s Prince and its Forerunners, 1938.
  • Goff, Jacques Le, The Usurer and Purgatory, in The Dawn of Modern Banking, 1979, pp. 25-53.
  • Goldthwaite, Richard A., “The Medici Bank and the world of Florentine Capitalism”, Past & Present, No. 114, 1987, pp. 3-31.
  • Grabar, Oleg - Cynthia Robinson, (eds.), Islamic Art and Literature, Markus Wiener Publishers, 2001.
  • Halper, Yehuda, “Elia del Medigo, Averroes and Averroism”, Philosophy and the Jewish Tradition, Brill, 2012, pp. 51-62.
  • Hasse, Dag Nikolaus, “The Social Conditions of the Arabic-(Hebrew-) Latin Translation Movements in Medieval Spain and in the Renaissance”, Wissen über Grenzen: Arabisches Wissen und lateinisches Mittelalter, 2006, pp. 68-88.
  • Heer, Friedrich, The Medieval World: Europe, 1100-1350, Welcome Rain, (1998).
  • Hodgson, Marshall G. S., The Venture of Islam, Volume 1: The Classical Age of Islam, Vol. 1, University of Chicago Press, 2009.
  • Hodgson, Marshall G. S., Rethinking world history: essays on Europe, Islam and World History, Cambridge University Press, 1993.
  • Irwin, Jones, Averroes’ Reason: A Medieval Tale of Christianity and Islam, 2002.
  • Irwin, Robert, Dangerous knowledge: Orientalism and its Discontents, Woodstock, 2006.
  • Kritzeck, James Aloysius, Peter the Venerable and Islam, Princeton University Press, 2015.
  • Lea Clark, Carol, “Aristotle and Averroes: The Influences of Aristotle’s Arabic Commentator upon Western European and Arabic Rhetoric”, The Review of Communication, Vol. 7/4 2007, pp. 369-387.
  • Machiavelli, Niccolò, The Prince, (Translation by George Bull), Penguin, London 1961.
  • Mack, Rosamond E., (Book Review), “Bazaar to Piazza, Islamic Trade and Italian art, 1300-1600”, Middle East Journal, Vol. 56/4, 2002, pp. 721-723.
  • Marshall, P. J., Proceedings of the British Academy Volume 125, 2003 Lectures, Vol. 125, Proceedings of the British Academy, 2005.
  • Menocal, Maria Rosa, The Arabic Role in Medieval Literary History: a Forgotten Heritage, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2004.
  • Nasr, Seyyed Hossein - Oliver Leaman, History of Islamic Philosophy, Routledge, 2013.
  • Parks, Tim, Medici Money: Banking, Metaphysics, and Art in Fifteenth-Century Florence, WW Norton & Company, 2005.
  • Partner, Peter, “Papal Financial Policy in the Renaissance and CounterReformation”, Past & Present, Vol. 88/1, 1980, pp. 17-62.
  • Peters, F. E., (Book Review), Aron Rodrigue: “Jews and Muslims: Images of Sephardi and Eastern Jewries in Modern Times”, International Journal of Middle East Studies, Vol. 37/2, 2005, pp. 295-296.
  • Rahe, Paul A., Machiavelli’s Liberal Republican Legacy,Cambridge University Press, 2005.
  • Reinert, Erik - A. Daastol, The other Canon: The History of Renaissance Economics, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2004.
  • Rucquoi, Adeline, “Gundisalvus ou Dominicus Gundisalvi”, Bulletin de Philosophie Médiévale, XLI, 1999, pp. 85-106.
  • Siraisi, Nancy G., Avicenna in Renaissance Italy: the Canon and Medical Teaching in Italian Universities after 1500, Vol. 789, Princeton University Press, 2014.
  • Shayegan, Yegane, “The Transmission of Greek Philosophy to the Islamic World”, History of Islamic Philosophy, Vol. 1, 1996, pp. 89-104.
  • Strathern, Paul, The Medici: Godfathers of the Renaissance, Random House, 2018.
  • Stuurman, Siep, “The Canon of The History of Political Thought: Its Critique and A Proposed Alternative”, History and Theory, Vol. 39/2, 2000, pp. 147- 166.
  • Tarcov, Nathan, “Machiavelli’s Critique of Religion”, Social Research: An International Quarterly, Vol. 81/1, 2014, pp. 193-216.
  • Turner, Bryan S., Max Weber-Critical Responses, Routledge, 1999.
  • Wilson, Catherine, “Modern Western Philosophy”, History of Islamic Philosophy, Vol. 2/2, 1996, pp. 1021-1023.
  • Young, George Frederick, The Medici, Vol. 1, EP Dutton, 1917.
There are 52 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Araştırma Makaleleri

Sema Yılmaz Genç This is me 0000-0002-3138-1622

Hassan Syed This is me 0000-0003-2114-2473

Publication Date April 16, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 85 Issue: 302


APA Yılmaz Genç, S., & Syed, H. (2021). The Medici’s Influence: Revival of Political and Financial Thought in Europe. BELLETEN, 85(302), 29-52.
AMA Yılmaz Genç S, Syed H. The Medici’s Influence: Revival of Political and Financial Thought in Europe. TTK BELLETEN. April 2021;85(302):29-52. doi:10.37879/belleten.2021.29
Chicago Yılmaz Genç, Sema, and Hassan Syed. “The Medici’s Influence: Revival of Political and Financial Thought in Europe”. BELLETEN 85, no. 302 (April 2021): 29-52.
EndNote Yılmaz Genç S, Syed H (April 1, 2021) The Medici’s Influence: Revival of Political and Financial Thought in Europe. BELLETEN 85 302 29–52.
IEEE S. Yılmaz Genç and H. Syed, “The Medici’s Influence: Revival of Political and Financial Thought in Europe”, TTK BELLETEN, vol. 85, no. 302, pp. 29–52, 2021, doi: 10.37879/belleten.2021.29.
ISNAD Yılmaz Genç, Sema - Syed, Hassan. “The Medici’s Influence: Revival of Political and Financial Thought in Europe”. BELLETEN 85/302 (April 2021), 29-52.
JAMA Yılmaz Genç S, Syed H. The Medici’s Influence: Revival of Political and Financial Thought in Europe. TTK BELLETEN. 2021;85:29–52.
MLA Yılmaz Genç, Sema and Hassan Syed. “The Medici’s Influence: Revival of Political and Financial Thought in Europe”. BELLETEN, vol. 85, no. 302, 2021, pp. 29-52, doi:10.37879/belleten.2021.29.
Vancouver Yılmaz Genç S, Syed H. The Medici’s Influence: Revival of Political and Financial Thought in Europe. TTK BELLETEN. 2021;85(302):29-52.