Research Article
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Year 1990, Volume: 54 Issue: 211, 1073 - 1150, 20.12.1990



  • BA : Başbakanlık Arşivi, Prime Minister's Archives, Istanbul.
  • Barnai : Dr. Jacob Barnai, "The Origins of the Jewish Commuity in Izmir in the Ottoman Period", (in Hebrew), Pe'amim: Studies in the Cultural Heritage of Oriental Jewry (Ben Zvi Institute for the Study of Jewish Communities in the East Quarterly, Jerusalim, no. 12, 1982).
  • Braude/Lewis : Benjamin Braude and Bernard Lewis, Christians and Jews in the Ottoman Empire (2 vols, New York, Holmes and Meier, 1982).
  • Barkan, "Statistique" : Ömer Lütfi Barkan, "Essai sur les Donnees Statistiques des Registres de Recensement dans l'Empire Ottoman aux XVe et XVe Siecles", Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient I (1957), 3-26.
  • Baron : Salo W. Baron, A Social and Religious history of the Jews: Late Middle Ages and Era of European Expansion (1200-1650): Second edition, revised and enlarged. Vol. XVIII. The Ottoman Empire, Persia, Ethiopia, India and Chios (Columbia University Press, New York, 1983).
  • Steven Bowman : The Jews of Byzantiom (Alabama Press, 1985).
  • BSOAS : Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies (London)
  • Cohen, Islam : Amnon Cohen, Jewish Life Under Islam: Jerusalem in the Sixteenth Century (Cambridge, Mass., 1984).
  • Cohen, Middle East : Hayyim Cohen, The Jews of the Middle East, 1860- 1972 (John Wiley, New York and Toronto, 1973).
  • Cohen/Lewis : Amnon Cohen and Bernard Lewis, Population and Revenue in the Towns of Palestine in the Sixteenth Century (Princeton, 1978).
  • Dumont : Paul Dumont, "Jewish Communities in Turkey during the Last Decades of the Nineteenth Century in the Light of the Archives of the Alliance Israelite Universelle", Christians and Jews in the Ottoman Empire, ed. B. Braude and B. Lewis (2 vols, New York, 1982) I, 209-242.
  • EJ : Encyclopaedia Judaica (17 volumes and supplements, Jerusalem, 1972).
  • Emmanuel : Isaac Samuel Emmanuel, Historire des Israelites de Salonique (2 vols, Paris, 1936).
  • Epstein : Mark Epstein, The Ottoman Jewish Communities and their role in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries (Freiburg, K. Schwarz, 1980).
  • Franco : Moise Franco, Essai sur l'histoire des Israelites de l'empire ottoman depuis les origines jusqu'a nos jours (Paris, 1897).
  • Galante, Anatolie : Abraham Galante, Histoire des Juifs d'Anatolie (2 vols, Istanbul, 1937-1939). Reprinted in Abraham Galante, Histoire des Juifs de Turquie (Istanbul, 1987) II, 243-290, IlI, 1-352, IV, 1-377.
  • Galante, Documents : Abraham Galante, Documents officiels turcs concernant les Juifs de Turquie (Stamboul, 1931). Reprinted in Abraham Galante, Histoire des Juifs de Turquie (Istanbul, 1987) V. 1-208.
  • Galante, Istanbul : Abraham Galante, Histoire des Juifs d'Istanbul depuis la prise de cette ville en 1453 jusqu'a nos jours (Istanbul, 2 vols, 1941-2). Reprinted in Abraham Galante, Histoire des Juifs de Turquie (Istanbul, Isis, 1987) I, 113-396, II, 3-241.
  • Galante, Rhodes : Abraham Galante, Historie des Juifs de Rhodes, Chio, Cos, etc. (Istanbul, 1935), reprinted in Abraham Galante, Histoire des Juifs de Turquie (9 vols, Istanbul, 1987) VII, 60-242.
  • Galante, Turcs et Juifs: Abraham Galante, Turcs et Juifs: Etude historique, politique (Istanbul, Haim Rozio, 1932). Reprinted in Abraham Galante, Histoire des Juifs de Turquie (Istanbul 1987) VII, 321-342, VIII, 1-114.
  • Goldman, Zimra : Israel M. Goldman, The Life and Times of Rabbi David Ibn Abi Zimra: A Social, Economic and Cultural Study of Jewish Life in the Ottoman Empire in the 15th and 16th Centuries as reflected in the Responsa of the RDBZ (New York, 1970).
  • Hirschberg : H.Z. Hirschberg, "The Oriental Jewish Communities", Religion in the Middle East, ed. A.J. Arberry (2 vols, Cambridge, England, 1969) I, 119-225.
  • IJMES : International Journal of Middle East Studies, ed, S.J. Shaw, 1970-1981.
  • JESHO : Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient (Leiden).
  • Levy : Avner Levy, "The Jews of Turkey on the Eve of the Second World War and During the War", Pe'amim no. 26-29 (Tel Aviv, 1986), pp. 32-47.
  • Lewis, Jews : Bernard Lewis, The Jews of Islam (Princeton, 1984).
  • Lewis, Semites : Bernard Lewis, Semites and anti-Semites: An Inquiry into Conflict and Prejudice (New York and London, Nordon, 1986).
  • Mandel, Arabs : Neville Mandel, The Arabs and Zionism before World War I (Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1976).
  • Mandel, "Ottoman Policy" : Neville Mandel, "Ottoman Policy and Restrictions on Jewish Settlement in Palestine: 1881-1908 Part I", Middle Eastern Studies X (1974), 312-332.
  • Mantran : Robert Mantran, Istanbul dans la Second Moitie du XVlle Siecle (Paris, 1962).
  • Nehama : Joseph Nehama, Histoire des Israelites de Salonique (7 vols, Salonika, 1935-1978).
  • REJ : Revue des Etudes Juives
  • Rosanes : Soloman Rosanes (Rozanes), Divrey Yemey Israel be-Togarma (History of the Jews in Turkey) (5 vols. Sofia, 1908-1938, vol. VI, Jerusalem, 1945. (covers years 1300-1835).
  • Shaw : Stanford J. Shaw, History of the Ottoman Empire and Modern Turkey, vol. 1, Empire of the Gazis: The Rise and Decline of the Ottoman Empire, 1280-1808 (Cambridge University Press, 1976 and later editions).
  • Shaw and Shaw : Stanford J. Shaw and Ezel K. Shaw, History of the Ottoman Empire and Modern Turkey, vol. 2, Reform, Revolution and Republic: The Rise of Modern Turkey, 1808-1975 (Cambridge University Press, 1977 and later editions).
  • Shmuelevitz : Aryeh Shmuelevitz, The Jews of the Ottoman Empire in the late fifteenth and the sixteenth centuries: administrative, economic, legal and social relations as reflected in the Responsa (Leiden, Brill, 1984).
  • Starr : Joshua Starr, The Jews in the Byzantine Empire, 641-1204 (Athens, 1939).
  • TK : Tapu ve Kadastro Genel Müdürlüğü, Directorate of Cadastres, Ankara.
  • TKS : Topkapı Sarayı, Palace of the Ottoman Sultans, Istanbul.
  • Tuval : Shaul Tuval, "The Jewish Community in Turkey Today", Pe'amim Yad Ben-Zvi, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, no. 11-14 (1982). pp. 114-139.
  • Zimmels : Rabbi H.J. Zimmels, Ashkenazim and Sephardim: Their Relations, Differences, and Problem as Reflected in the rabbinical Responsa (London, 1958).
  • Zinberg : Israel Zinberg, A History of Jewish Literature: The Jewish Center of Culture in the Ottoman Empire, ed. Bernard Martin (New York, 1974).

Christian Anti Semitism in the Ottoman Empire

Year 1990, Volume: 54 Issue: 211, 1073 - 1150, 20.12.1990


As a result of the tension now existing between Israel and the Muslim world, it long has been assumed that the anti Semitism to which Jews of the Ottoman Empire were subjected over the centuries was the result of Muslim antipathy for Judaism and Jews, and that it was carried out largely by Muslims. This idea was spread by Christian nationalist groups within and outside the Ottoman Empire for the purpose of gaining the support of world Jewry for their causes. At times, moreover, these groups even stimulated Muslim attacks on their own people to gain the support of the Christian nations of Europe.


  • BA : Başbakanlık Arşivi, Prime Minister's Archives, Istanbul.
  • Barnai : Dr. Jacob Barnai, "The Origins of the Jewish Commuity in Izmir in the Ottoman Period", (in Hebrew), Pe'amim: Studies in the Cultural Heritage of Oriental Jewry (Ben Zvi Institute for the Study of Jewish Communities in the East Quarterly, Jerusalim, no. 12, 1982).
  • Braude/Lewis : Benjamin Braude and Bernard Lewis, Christians and Jews in the Ottoman Empire (2 vols, New York, Holmes and Meier, 1982).
  • Barkan, "Statistique" : Ömer Lütfi Barkan, "Essai sur les Donnees Statistiques des Registres de Recensement dans l'Empire Ottoman aux XVe et XVe Siecles", Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient I (1957), 3-26.
  • Baron : Salo W. Baron, A Social and Religious history of the Jews: Late Middle Ages and Era of European Expansion (1200-1650): Second edition, revised and enlarged. Vol. XVIII. The Ottoman Empire, Persia, Ethiopia, India and Chios (Columbia University Press, New York, 1983).
  • Steven Bowman : The Jews of Byzantiom (Alabama Press, 1985).
  • BSOAS : Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies (London)
  • Cohen, Islam : Amnon Cohen, Jewish Life Under Islam: Jerusalem in the Sixteenth Century (Cambridge, Mass., 1984).
  • Cohen, Middle East : Hayyim Cohen, The Jews of the Middle East, 1860- 1972 (John Wiley, New York and Toronto, 1973).
  • Cohen/Lewis : Amnon Cohen and Bernard Lewis, Population and Revenue in the Towns of Palestine in the Sixteenth Century (Princeton, 1978).
  • Dumont : Paul Dumont, "Jewish Communities in Turkey during the Last Decades of the Nineteenth Century in the Light of the Archives of the Alliance Israelite Universelle", Christians and Jews in the Ottoman Empire, ed. B. Braude and B. Lewis (2 vols, New York, 1982) I, 209-242.
  • EJ : Encyclopaedia Judaica (17 volumes and supplements, Jerusalem, 1972).
  • Emmanuel : Isaac Samuel Emmanuel, Historire des Israelites de Salonique (2 vols, Paris, 1936).
  • Epstein : Mark Epstein, The Ottoman Jewish Communities and their role in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries (Freiburg, K. Schwarz, 1980).
  • Franco : Moise Franco, Essai sur l'histoire des Israelites de l'empire ottoman depuis les origines jusqu'a nos jours (Paris, 1897).
  • Galante, Anatolie : Abraham Galante, Histoire des Juifs d'Anatolie (2 vols, Istanbul, 1937-1939). Reprinted in Abraham Galante, Histoire des Juifs de Turquie (Istanbul, 1987) II, 243-290, IlI, 1-352, IV, 1-377.
  • Galante, Documents : Abraham Galante, Documents officiels turcs concernant les Juifs de Turquie (Stamboul, 1931). Reprinted in Abraham Galante, Histoire des Juifs de Turquie (Istanbul, 1987) V. 1-208.
  • Galante, Istanbul : Abraham Galante, Histoire des Juifs d'Istanbul depuis la prise de cette ville en 1453 jusqu'a nos jours (Istanbul, 2 vols, 1941-2). Reprinted in Abraham Galante, Histoire des Juifs de Turquie (Istanbul, Isis, 1987) I, 113-396, II, 3-241.
  • Galante, Rhodes : Abraham Galante, Historie des Juifs de Rhodes, Chio, Cos, etc. (Istanbul, 1935), reprinted in Abraham Galante, Histoire des Juifs de Turquie (9 vols, Istanbul, 1987) VII, 60-242.
  • Galante, Turcs et Juifs: Abraham Galante, Turcs et Juifs: Etude historique, politique (Istanbul, Haim Rozio, 1932). Reprinted in Abraham Galante, Histoire des Juifs de Turquie (Istanbul 1987) VII, 321-342, VIII, 1-114.
  • Goldman, Zimra : Israel M. Goldman, The Life and Times of Rabbi David Ibn Abi Zimra: A Social, Economic and Cultural Study of Jewish Life in the Ottoman Empire in the 15th and 16th Centuries as reflected in the Responsa of the RDBZ (New York, 1970).
  • Hirschberg : H.Z. Hirschberg, "The Oriental Jewish Communities", Religion in the Middle East, ed. A.J. Arberry (2 vols, Cambridge, England, 1969) I, 119-225.
  • IJMES : International Journal of Middle East Studies, ed, S.J. Shaw, 1970-1981.
  • JESHO : Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient (Leiden).
  • Levy : Avner Levy, "The Jews of Turkey on the Eve of the Second World War and During the War", Pe'amim no. 26-29 (Tel Aviv, 1986), pp. 32-47.
  • Lewis, Jews : Bernard Lewis, The Jews of Islam (Princeton, 1984).
  • Lewis, Semites : Bernard Lewis, Semites and anti-Semites: An Inquiry into Conflict and Prejudice (New York and London, Nordon, 1986).
  • Mandel, Arabs : Neville Mandel, The Arabs and Zionism before World War I (Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1976).
  • Mandel, "Ottoman Policy" : Neville Mandel, "Ottoman Policy and Restrictions on Jewish Settlement in Palestine: 1881-1908 Part I", Middle Eastern Studies X (1974), 312-332.
  • Mantran : Robert Mantran, Istanbul dans la Second Moitie du XVlle Siecle (Paris, 1962).
  • Nehama : Joseph Nehama, Histoire des Israelites de Salonique (7 vols, Salonika, 1935-1978).
  • REJ : Revue des Etudes Juives
  • Rosanes : Soloman Rosanes (Rozanes), Divrey Yemey Israel be-Togarma (History of the Jews in Turkey) (5 vols. Sofia, 1908-1938, vol. VI, Jerusalem, 1945. (covers years 1300-1835).
  • Shaw : Stanford J. Shaw, History of the Ottoman Empire and Modern Turkey, vol. 1, Empire of the Gazis: The Rise and Decline of the Ottoman Empire, 1280-1808 (Cambridge University Press, 1976 and later editions).
  • Shaw and Shaw : Stanford J. Shaw and Ezel K. Shaw, History of the Ottoman Empire and Modern Turkey, vol. 2, Reform, Revolution and Republic: The Rise of Modern Turkey, 1808-1975 (Cambridge University Press, 1977 and later editions).
  • Shmuelevitz : Aryeh Shmuelevitz, The Jews of the Ottoman Empire in the late fifteenth and the sixteenth centuries: administrative, economic, legal and social relations as reflected in the Responsa (Leiden, Brill, 1984).
  • Starr : Joshua Starr, The Jews in the Byzantine Empire, 641-1204 (Athens, 1939).
  • TK : Tapu ve Kadastro Genel Müdürlüğü, Directorate of Cadastres, Ankara.
  • TKS : Topkapı Sarayı, Palace of the Ottoman Sultans, Istanbul.
  • Tuval : Shaul Tuval, "The Jewish Community in Turkey Today", Pe'amim Yad Ben-Zvi, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, no. 11-14 (1982). pp. 114-139.
  • Zimmels : Rabbi H.J. Zimmels, Ashkenazim and Sephardim: Their Relations, Differences, and Problem as Reflected in the rabbinical Responsa (London, 1958).
  • Zinberg : Israel Zinberg, A History of Jewish Literature: The Jewish Center of Culture in the Ottoman Empire, ed. Bernard Martin (New York, 1974).
There are 42 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects History of Ottoman Minorities
Journal Section Araştırma Makaleleri

Stanford J. Shaw This is me

Publication Date December 20, 1990
Published in Issue Year 1990 Volume: 54 Issue: 211


APA Shaw, S. J. (1990). Christian Anti Semitism in the Ottoman Empire. BELLETEN, 54(211), 1073-1150.
AMA Shaw SJ. Christian Anti Semitism in the Ottoman Empire. TTK BELLETEN. December 1990;54(211):1073-1150. doi:10.37879/belleten.1990.1073
Chicago Shaw, Stanford J. “Christian Anti Semitism in the Ottoman Empire”. BELLETEN 54, no. 211 (December 1990): 1073-1150.
EndNote Shaw SJ (December 1, 1990) Christian Anti Semitism in the Ottoman Empire. BELLETEN 54 211 1073–1150.
IEEE S. J. Shaw, “Christian Anti Semitism in the Ottoman Empire”, TTK BELLETEN, vol. 54, no. 211, pp. 1073–1150, 1990, doi: 10.37879/belleten.1990.1073.
ISNAD Shaw, Stanford J. “Christian Anti Semitism in the Ottoman Empire”. BELLETEN 54/211 (December 1990), 1073-1150.
JAMA Shaw SJ. Christian Anti Semitism in the Ottoman Empire. TTK BELLETEN. 1990;54:1073–1150.
MLA Shaw, Stanford J. “Christian Anti Semitism in the Ottoman Empire”. BELLETEN, vol. 54, no. 211, 1990, pp. 1073-50, doi:10.37879/belleten.1990.1073.
Vancouver Shaw SJ. Christian Anti Semitism in the Ottoman Empire. TTK BELLETEN. 1990;54(211):1073-150.