Bülövkaya settlement is located near the Göynük village of Babek district, on the left banks of a mountain river, at an altitude of 1430 m above sea level. During the research carried out in the settlement in 2024 found new archaeological materials, especially a lots of painted pottery, allow a clear interpretation and re-evaluation of the relationship between Mesopotamian and Southern Caucasian cultures. Researches of the Bülövkaya settlement shows that in the first half of the 5th millennium BC, economic and cultural relationships between Mesopotamia and Nakhchivan expanded and Ubaid tribes moved north and settled in Nakhchivan. Research on the settlement allows us to say that the tribes who settled here were engaged in nomadic animal husbandry and used mainly Zengezur obsidian. The movement of Ubaid tribes towards Nakhchivan was related to the rich raw material deposits of the Southern Caucasus, especially obsidian and copper deposits, as well as abundant pastures. The presence of pottery specific to the Urmia Basin among the Bülövkaya pottery shows that this culture also has connections with local cultures.
Абибуллаев, O.A. (1982). Энеолит и бронза на территории Нахичеванской АССР. Элм.
Abedi, Khatib, Shahidi, H., Chataigner, Ch., Niknami, K., Eskandari, N., Kazempour, M., Pirmohammadi, A., Hoseinzadeh, J. and Ebrahimi Gh. (2014a) Excavation at Kul Tepe of (Jolfa), North-Western Iran, 2010: First Preliminary Report”, Ancient Near Eastern Studies, 51, 33-167.
Abedi, A., Eskandari, N., Shahidi, H., Sharahi, İ. (2014b). New Evidence from Dalma and Kura-Araxes Culture at Tapeh Qal‘e-ye-Sarsakhti. Iran and the Caucasus, 18, 101-114.
Abedi, A., Omrani, B., Karimifar, A. (2015). Fifth and fourth millennium BC in north-western Iran: Dalma and Pisdeli revisited. Documenta Praehistorica, XLII, 321-338.
Akkermans, P. (1987). A Late Neolithic and Early Halaf Village at Sabi Abyad, Northern Syria. Paléorient, 13, 1, 23-40.
Akkermans, P. (1989). The Prehistoric Pottery of Tell Sabi Abyad. Excavations at Tell Sabi Abyad: Prehistoric investigations in the Balikh Valley, northern Syria. Oxford, 77-214.
Akkermans, P. (1988) The Soundings at Tell Damishiliya / İn Hammam Et- Turkman I. Ed M.N. Van Loon, Nederlands Histonseh-Archaeologisch Instituut,19-68.
Alden, J., Minc, L., Buehlman-Barbeau, S.,Stein, G. (2021), Dalma ceramics at Surezha in the Erbil Plain: Stylistic, compositional, and petrographic evidence for trans-Zagros interaction during the Terminal Ubaid/Late Chalcolithic 1. Journal of Archaeological Science Reports, 39, 1, 1-23.
Amirov, Sh. (2018). The Morphology Of Halafian painted pottery From Yarim Tepe II, And The Process of Ubaidian Acculturation / II Workshop on Late Neolithic Ceramics in Ancient Mesopotamia: pottery in context, Monografies del MAC 1. Ed. Anna Gómez-Bach, Jörg Becker and Miquel Molist, Barcelona, 15-23.
Ахундов, Т.И. (2017). У истоков Кавказской цвилизации (Памятники традиции Гарабагского неолита). Афполиграф.
Badalyan, R., Harutyunyan, A., Chataıgner, Ch., Le Mort, F., Brochıer, J., Balasescu, A., Radu, V. ve Hovsepyan, R. (2010). The Settlement of Akhnashen-Khatunarkh, A Neolitic Site in the Ararat Plain (Armenia): Excavation Results 2004-2009. TUBA-AR, 13, 185-218.
Balossi-Restelli, F. (2012). The beginning of the Late Chalcolithic occupation at Arslantepe, Malatya. Marro C. (Ed.). After the Ubaid. İnterpreting chang from the Caucasus to Mezopotamia at the dawn of urban civilization (4500-3500 BC). Varia Anatolica, XVII, 235-260.
Baxşəliyev, V. B., Marro, C., Aşurov, S. (2010). Ovçulartəpəsi. Elm.
Бахшалиев, В.Б. (2014). Новые энеолотические памятники на территории Нахчывана. Российская археология, 1, 88-95.
Бахшалиев, В.Б. (2017) Исследование энеолитических памятников Сирабчайской и Нахчыванчайской долин. Н.А.Мусеибли (Ed). Проблемы археологии Кавказа и Передней Азии, 108-121.
Бахшалиев, В.Б. (2019). Археологические исследования поселения Нахчывантепе. Российская археология, 2, 114-128. https;//doi.org/ 10.31857/S086960630005448-1.
Bakhshaliyev, V. (2021b). Neolit və Eneolit dövründə Naxçıvanın iqtisadi-mədəni əlaqələri. Əcəmi.
Бахшалиев, В.Б. (2022). Археологические раскопки на поселении Кюльтепе I. Российская археология, № 1, 139-152. https;//doi.org/ 10.31857/S0869606322010032.
Baxşəliyev, V.B. (2023). Naxçıvan arxeologiyası. Naxçıvan, Əcəmi.
Бахшалиев, Э., Бахшалиев, В. (2021). Неолитический слой поселения Нахчыван Тепе. Российская археология, 2, 187-197. https;//doi.org/ 0.31857/S086960630015375-1.
Baxşəliyev, V., Marro, C., Berthon, R., Quliyeva, Z., Sarıaltun, S. (2017). Kültəpədə arxeoloji qazıntılar. Elm və təhsil.
Baxşəliyev, V., Marro, C., Hammon, C., Alıyev, N., Sanz, S. (2012). Naxçıvan Duzdağının qədim duz mədənləri. Əcəmi.
Бахшалиев, В.Б., Марро, К., Бертон, Р., Оранж, М. (2024). Новые данные о связях древних поселенцев Нахчывана с Ближним Востоком. Российская археология, 1, 7-21. https;//doi.org/10.31857/S0869606323030054, EDN: TUVXKX.
Bakhshaliyev, V. (2021). Archaeological investigations at Nakhchivan Tepe. Marro C., Stöllner T. (Eds.) On salt, copper and gold: the origins of early mining and metallurgy in the Caucasus. Archéologie (s) 5, 375-386.
Baxşəliyev, V.B., Baxşəliyev, E.V. (2023). Dalmatəpə mədəniyyətinin mənşəyi. Əcəmi.
Bahşaliyev, V., Ceylan, N., Bahşaliyev, E., Hasanova, H. (2024). Tumbul Tepe’de yapılan arkeolojik kazılar bağlamında Güney Kafkasya’da Sioni tipi çanak çömleğin değerlendirilmesi. TUBA-AR, 1, 1-15. https;//doi.org/ 10.22520/tubaar.1407621.
Baxşəliyev, E. (2024). Bülövqaya yaşayış yerinin yeni tapıntıları. AMEA Naxçıvan Bölməsinin Xəbərləri, 1, 141-149. https;//doi.org/10.59849/2218-4783.2024.1.141.
Caneva, I., Palumbi, G., Pasquino, A. (2012). The Ubaid impact on the pottery: Mersin-Yumuktepe during the fifth millennium BC. Marro C. (Ed.). After the Ubaid. İnterpreting chang from the Caucasus to Mezopotamia at the dawn of urban civilization (4500-3500 BC). Varia Anatolica, XVII, 353-392.
Campbell, S., Fletcher, A. (2012). Questioning the Hala-Ubaid Transition Robert A. C., Graham, Ph. (Eds.). Beyond the Ubaid. Transformation and integration in the late Prehistoric societies of the Middle East. İnternational Workshop held at Grey College, University of Durham, 20–22 april 2006, 69-83.
Cucchi, T., Kovács, Z., Berthon, R., Orth, A., Bonhomme, F., Evin, A., Siahsarvie, R., Darvish, J., Bakhshaliyev, V., Marro, C. (2013). On the trail of Neolithic mice and men towards Transcaucasia: zooarchaeological clues from Nakhchivan (Azerbaijan). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 1-12.
Davidson ,T. E. (1981). Watkins, T. Two Seasons of Excavation at Tell Aqab in the Jezirah, N.E. Syria. Iraq, 43, 1, 1–18.
Hamlin, C. (1975). Dalma Tepe. Iran, 13, 111–127.
Henrickson, E.F. (1983). Ceramic styles and cultural interaction in the Early and Middle Chalcolithic of the Central Zagros, İran. A Thesis submitted in conformity with the requirwmwnts for the degree of Doctor of philosophy in the University of Toronto.
Henrickson, E. F., Vitali, V. (1987). The Dalma Tradition: Prehistoric Inter-Regional Cultural Integration Highland Western Iran. Paleorient, 13, 2, 37-45.
Jasim, S.A. (2021). Excavation at Tell Abada, Iraq. University of Chicago.
Kirkbride, D. (1972). Umm Dabaghiyah 1971: A Preliminary Report. An Early Ceramic Farming Settlement in Marginal North Central Jazira, Iraq , Iraq, 34, 1, 3-15.
Esin, U. (1984). Değirmentepe (Malatya) Kurtarma Kazısı 1983 Yılı Raporu. VI Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı, 11-30.
Esin, U., Arsebuk, G. (1974). Tülintepe kazısı 1971. Keban Projesi 1971 Çalışmaları, 138-159.
Esin, U., Arsebuk, G. (1982). Tülintepe kazısı 1974. Ankara: Keban Projesi 1974-1975 Çalışmaları, 119-134.
Esin U., Arsebük, G. (1983). 1982 Yılı Değirmentepe (Malatya) Kurtarma Kazısı. V Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı, 71-80.
Marro, C. (2007). Upper-Mesopotamia and Transcaucasia in the Late Chalcolithic period (4000-3500 BC). Bertille Lyonnet (Ed.). Les cultures du Caucase (VIe-IIIemillenaires avant notre ere). CNRS EDUTIONS, 77-94.
Marro, C. (2022). The View from the North. The Emergence and Spread of the Chaff-Faced Ware oikumenè as seen from the Caucasus (ca. 4600-3500 BCE). Paléorient, 48,1, 111-130.
Marro, C., Bakhshaliyev, V., Ashurov, S. (2011). Excavations at Ovçular Tepesi (Nakhchivan, Azerbaijan). Second Preliminary Report: The 2009-2010 Seasons. Anatolia Antiqua, XIX, 53-100.
Marro, C., Bakhshaliyev, V., Severine, S., Alıyev, N. (2010). Archaeological Investigations on the Salt Minebof Duzdagi (Nakhchivan, Azerbaijan). Turkiye Bilimler Akademisi Arkeoloji Dergisi. TUBA-AR, 13, 229–245.
Mallowan, M. E. L. ve Cruikshank, J. R. (1935). Excavations at Tall Arpachiyah, 1933. Iraq, vol. 2, 1, 1-178.
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Bülövkaya yerleşimi Babek ilçesinin Göynük köyü civarında, deniz seviyesinden 1430 m yükseklikte, Sarısu nehrinin sol kıyısında yer almaktadır. Yerleşimde 2024 yılında yapılan araştırmalar sırasında ortaya çıkarılan yeni arkeolojik buluntular, çok sayıda boyalı çanak çömlek, Mezopotamya ve Güney Kafkasya kültürleri arasındaki ilişkinin net bir şekilde yorumlanmasına ve yeniden değerlendirilmesine olanak sağlamaktadır. Bülövkaya yerleşiminin araştırılması MÖ 5. binyılın ilk yarısında Mezopotamya ile Nahçıvan arasındaki ekonomik ve kültürel ilişkilerin genişlediğini, Ubeyd kabilelerinin kuzeye doğru hareket ederek Nahçıvan’a yerleştiğini göstermektedir. Yapılan araştırılmalar burada yerleşen kabilelerin göçebe hayvancılıkla uğraştıklarını, ağırlıklı olarak Zengezur obsidiyeni kullandıklarını söylemek için olanak sağlamaktadır. Ubeyd kabilelerinin Nahçıvan’a doğru hareketi Güney Kafkasya’nın zengin hammadde, özellikle obsidiyen, bakır kaynakları ve bol otlaklarla ilişkiliydi. Bülövkaya çanak çömleği arasında Urmiye Havzası’na özgü çanak çömleğin bulunması bu kültürün yerel kültürlerle etkileşimde olduğunu göstermektedir.
Mekalale yeni kazılara dayanılarak yazılmış ve hiç bir yerde yayınlanmamıştır
Supporting Institution
Azerbaycan Milli Bilimler Akademisi
Project Number
AMEA NB 2024
Emeği geçen her kese, özellikle analizleri yapan her kes teşekkür ederim
Абибуллаев, O.A. (1982). Энеолит и бронза на территории Нахичеванской АССР. Элм.
Abedi, Khatib, Shahidi, H., Chataigner, Ch., Niknami, K., Eskandari, N., Kazempour, M., Pirmohammadi, A., Hoseinzadeh, J. and Ebrahimi Gh. (2014a) Excavation at Kul Tepe of (Jolfa), North-Western Iran, 2010: First Preliminary Report”, Ancient Near Eastern Studies, 51, 33-167.
Abedi, A., Eskandari, N., Shahidi, H., Sharahi, İ. (2014b). New Evidence from Dalma and Kura-Araxes Culture at Tapeh Qal‘e-ye-Sarsakhti. Iran and the Caucasus, 18, 101-114.
Abedi, A., Omrani, B., Karimifar, A. (2015). Fifth and fourth millennium BC in north-western Iran: Dalma and Pisdeli revisited. Documenta Praehistorica, XLII, 321-338.
Akkermans, P. (1987). A Late Neolithic and Early Halaf Village at Sabi Abyad, Northern Syria. Paléorient, 13, 1, 23-40.
Akkermans, P. (1989). The Prehistoric Pottery of Tell Sabi Abyad. Excavations at Tell Sabi Abyad: Prehistoric investigations in the Balikh Valley, northern Syria. Oxford, 77-214.
Akkermans, P. (1988) The Soundings at Tell Damishiliya / İn Hammam Et- Turkman I. Ed M.N. Van Loon, Nederlands Histonseh-Archaeologisch Instituut,19-68.
Alden, J., Minc, L., Buehlman-Barbeau, S.,Stein, G. (2021), Dalma ceramics at Surezha in the Erbil Plain: Stylistic, compositional, and petrographic evidence for trans-Zagros interaction during the Terminal Ubaid/Late Chalcolithic 1. Journal of Archaeological Science Reports, 39, 1, 1-23.
Amirov, Sh. (2018). The Morphology Of Halafian painted pottery From Yarim Tepe II, And The Process of Ubaidian Acculturation / II Workshop on Late Neolithic Ceramics in Ancient Mesopotamia: pottery in context, Monografies del MAC 1. Ed. Anna Gómez-Bach, Jörg Becker and Miquel Molist, Barcelona, 15-23.
Ахундов, Т.И. (2017). У истоков Кавказской цвилизации (Памятники традиции Гарабагского неолита). Афполиграф.
Badalyan, R., Harutyunyan, A., Chataıgner, Ch., Le Mort, F., Brochıer, J., Balasescu, A., Radu, V. ve Hovsepyan, R. (2010). The Settlement of Akhnashen-Khatunarkh, A Neolitic Site in the Ararat Plain (Armenia): Excavation Results 2004-2009. TUBA-AR, 13, 185-218.
Balossi-Restelli, F. (2012). The beginning of the Late Chalcolithic occupation at Arslantepe, Malatya. Marro C. (Ed.). After the Ubaid. İnterpreting chang from the Caucasus to Mezopotamia at the dawn of urban civilization (4500-3500 BC). Varia Anatolica, XVII, 235-260.
Baxşəliyev, V. B., Marro, C., Aşurov, S. (2010). Ovçulartəpəsi. Elm.
Бахшалиев, В.Б. (2014). Новые энеолотические памятники на территории Нахчывана. Российская археология, 1, 88-95.
Бахшалиев, В.Б. (2017) Исследование энеолитических памятников Сирабчайской и Нахчыванчайской долин. Н.А.Мусеибли (Ed). Проблемы археологии Кавказа и Передней Азии, 108-121.
Бахшалиев, В.Б. (2019). Археологические исследования поселения Нахчывантепе. Российская археология, 2, 114-128. https;//doi.org/ 10.31857/S086960630005448-1.
Bakhshaliyev, V. (2021b). Neolit və Eneolit dövründə Naxçıvanın iqtisadi-mədəni əlaqələri. Əcəmi.
Бахшалиев, В.Б. (2022). Археологические раскопки на поселении Кюльтепе I. Российская археология, № 1, 139-152. https;//doi.org/ 10.31857/S0869606322010032.
Baxşəliyev, V.B. (2023). Naxçıvan arxeologiyası. Naxçıvan, Əcəmi.
Бахшалиев, Э., Бахшалиев, В. (2021). Неолитический слой поселения Нахчыван Тепе. Российская археология, 2, 187-197. https;//doi.org/ 0.31857/S086960630015375-1.
Baxşəliyev, V., Marro, C., Berthon, R., Quliyeva, Z., Sarıaltun, S. (2017). Kültəpədə arxeoloji qazıntılar. Elm və təhsil.
Baxşəliyev, V., Marro, C., Hammon, C., Alıyev, N., Sanz, S. (2012). Naxçıvan Duzdağının qədim duz mədənləri. Əcəmi.
Бахшалиев, В.Б., Марро, К., Бертон, Р., Оранж, М. (2024). Новые данные о связях древних поселенцев Нахчывана с Ближним Востоком. Российская археология, 1, 7-21. https;//doi.org/10.31857/S0869606323030054, EDN: TUVXKX.
Bakhshaliyev, V. (2021). Archaeological investigations at Nakhchivan Tepe. Marro C., Stöllner T. (Eds.) On salt, copper and gold: the origins of early mining and metallurgy in the Caucasus. Archéologie (s) 5, 375-386.
Baxşəliyev, V.B., Baxşəliyev, E.V. (2023). Dalmatəpə mədəniyyətinin mənşəyi. Əcəmi.
Bahşaliyev, V., Ceylan, N., Bahşaliyev, E., Hasanova, H. (2024). Tumbul Tepe’de yapılan arkeolojik kazılar bağlamında Güney Kafkasya’da Sioni tipi çanak çömleğin değerlendirilmesi. TUBA-AR, 1, 1-15. https;//doi.org/ 10.22520/tubaar.1407621.
Baxşəliyev, E. (2024). Bülövqaya yaşayış yerinin yeni tapıntıları. AMEA Naxçıvan Bölməsinin Xəbərləri, 1, 141-149. https;//doi.org/10.59849/2218-4783.2024.1.141.
Caneva, I., Palumbi, G., Pasquino, A. (2012). The Ubaid impact on the pottery: Mersin-Yumuktepe during the fifth millennium BC. Marro C. (Ed.). After the Ubaid. İnterpreting chang from the Caucasus to Mezopotamia at the dawn of urban civilization (4500-3500 BC). Varia Anatolica, XVII, 353-392.
Campbell, S., Fletcher, A. (2012). Questioning the Hala-Ubaid Transition Robert A. C., Graham, Ph. (Eds.). Beyond the Ubaid. Transformation and integration in the late Prehistoric societies of the Middle East. İnternational Workshop held at Grey College, University of Durham, 20–22 april 2006, 69-83.
Cucchi, T., Kovács, Z., Berthon, R., Orth, A., Bonhomme, F., Evin, A., Siahsarvie, R., Darvish, J., Bakhshaliyev, V., Marro, C. (2013). On the trail of Neolithic mice and men towards Transcaucasia: zooarchaeological clues from Nakhchivan (Azerbaijan). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 1-12.
Davidson ,T. E. (1981). Watkins, T. Two Seasons of Excavation at Tell Aqab in the Jezirah, N.E. Syria. Iraq, 43, 1, 1–18.
Hamlin, C. (1975). Dalma Tepe. Iran, 13, 111–127.
Henrickson, E.F. (1983). Ceramic styles and cultural interaction in the Early and Middle Chalcolithic of the Central Zagros, İran. A Thesis submitted in conformity with the requirwmwnts for the degree of Doctor of philosophy in the University of Toronto.
Henrickson, E. F., Vitali, V. (1987). The Dalma Tradition: Prehistoric Inter-Regional Cultural Integration Highland Western Iran. Paleorient, 13, 2, 37-45.
Jasim, S.A. (2021). Excavation at Tell Abada, Iraq. University of Chicago.
Kirkbride, D. (1972). Umm Dabaghiyah 1971: A Preliminary Report. An Early Ceramic Farming Settlement in Marginal North Central Jazira, Iraq , Iraq, 34, 1, 3-15.
Esin, U. (1984). Değirmentepe (Malatya) Kurtarma Kazısı 1983 Yılı Raporu. VI Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı, 11-30.
Esin, U., Arsebuk, G. (1974). Tülintepe kazısı 1971. Keban Projesi 1971 Çalışmaları, 138-159.
Esin, U., Arsebuk, G. (1982). Tülintepe kazısı 1974. Ankara: Keban Projesi 1974-1975 Çalışmaları, 119-134.
Esin U., Arsebük, G. (1983). 1982 Yılı Değirmentepe (Malatya) Kurtarma Kazısı. V Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı, 71-80.
Marro, C. (2007). Upper-Mesopotamia and Transcaucasia in the Late Chalcolithic period (4000-3500 BC). Bertille Lyonnet (Ed.). Les cultures du Caucase (VIe-IIIemillenaires avant notre ere). CNRS EDUTIONS, 77-94.
Marro, C. (2022). The View from the North. The Emergence and Spread of the Chaff-Faced Ware oikumenè as seen from the Caucasus (ca. 4600-3500 BCE). Paléorient, 48,1, 111-130.
Marro, C., Bakhshaliyev, V., Ashurov, S. (2011). Excavations at Ovçular Tepesi (Nakhchivan, Azerbaijan). Second Preliminary Report: The 2009-2010 Seasons. Anatolia Antiqua, XIX, 53-100.
Marro, C., Bakhshaliyev, V., Severine, S., Alıyev, N. (2010). Archaeological Investigations on the Salt Minebof Duzdagi (Nakhchivan, Azerbaijan). Turkiye Bilimler Akademisi Arkeoloji Dergisi. TUBA-AR, 13, 229–245.
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Bahshaliyev V, Ceylan N, Bahşaliyev E, Hasanova H, Memmedova Z. UBEYD KÜLTÜRÜ’NÜN GÜNEY KAFKASYA’YA YAYILIMI İLE İLİŞKİLİ YENİ VERİLER. TÜBA-AR. December 2024;(35):35-50. doi:10.22520/tubaar.1568146
Bahshaliyev, Veli, Nezahat Ceylan, Elmar Bahşaliyev, Heyran Hasanova, and Ziniyet Memmedova. “UBEYD KÜLTÜRÜ’NÜN GÜNEY KAFKASYA’YA YAYILIMI İLE İLİŞKİLİ YENİ VERİLER”. TÜBA-AR Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi Arkeoloji Dergisi, no. 35 (December 2024): 35-50. https://doi.org/10.22520/tubaar.1568146.
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V. Bahshaliyev, N. Ceylan, E. Bahşaliyev, H. Hasanova, and Z. Memmedova, “UBEYD KÜLTÜRÜ’NÜN GÜNEY KAFKASYA’YA YAYILIMI İLE İLİŞKİLİ YENİ VERİLER”, TÜBA-AR, no. 35, pp. 35–50, December 2024, doi: 10.22520/tubaar.1568146.
Bahshaliyev, Veli et al. “UBEYD KÜLTÜRÜ’NÜN GÜNEY KAFKASYA’YA YAYILIMI İLE İLİŞKİLİ YENİ VERİLER”. TÜBA-AR Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi Arkeoloji Dergisi 35 (December 2024), 35-50. https://doi.org/10.22520/tubaar.1568146.
Bahshaliyev V, Ceylan N, Bahşaliyev E, Hasanova H, Memmedova Z. UBEYD KÜLTÜRÜ’NÜN GÜNEY KAFKASYA’YA YAYILIMI İLE İLİŞKİLİ YENİ VERİLER. TÜBA-AR. 2024;:35–50.
Bahshaliyev, Veli et al. “UBEYD KÜLTÜRÜ’NÜN GÜNEY KAFKASYA’YA YAYILIMI İLE İLİŞKİLİ YENİ VERİLER”. TÜBA-AR Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi Arkeoloji Dergisi, no. 35, 2024, pp. 35-50, doi:10.22520/tubaar.1568146.
Bahshaliyev V, Ceylan N, Bahşaliyev E, Hasanova H, Memmedova Z. UBEYD KÜLTÜRÜ’NÜN GÜNEY KAFKASYA’YA YAYILIMI İLE İLİŞKİLİ YENİ VERİLER. TÜBA-AR. 2024(35):35-50.