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Pleistosen Arkeolojisi İle İlgili Son Çalışmalara 1997 Gözüyle Özet Bir Bakış

Year 1998, Issue: 1, 9 - 25, 01.01.1998


The joint excavations of Istanbul and California Universities at the Cave of Yarımburgaz during the field seasons of 1988-1990 were exclusively aimed to shed light on the Pleistocene cultures of the site. A Lower Paleolithic industry, similiar to the ones found in central, southern and eastern Europe was encountered in association with a diverse mammalian fauna. Studies showed that cave bears constitute 93% of all macromammal specimens recovered, interspersed with 1675 lithic finds. Using electron spin resonance, the site is dated to the middle of the Middle Pleistocene.


  • ALBRECHT , G. AN D H.MÜLLER-BECK, 1990, The Paleolithic of Şehremuz Near Samsat on the Euphrate s River- Summar y of the Excavation Finding s and a Morphology of the Handaxes, Paléorient-Hommage à Francis Hours, 76-86.
  • ARSEBÜK, G., 1993, Yarımburgaz: A Lower Paleolithic Cave Site Near Istanbul.
  • ARSEBÜK, G., 1996 a, The Oldest Stratified Site Yet Known i n Turkey: The Cave of Yarımburgaz, Von Halys zum Euphrat- Thomas Beran Festschrift. Ugarit Verlag, Miinster, 1-13.
  • ARSEBÜK, G., 1996 b, Trakya'da Esk i Bi r Yerleşim Yeri: Yarımburgaz Mağarası Alt Paleolitik Çağ Bulguları, Anadolu Araştırmaları XFV-Prof. Dr. Afif Erzen'e Armağan. Edebiyat Fakültesi Basımevi, İstanbul 33-50.
  • ARSEBÜK, G„ F . C. HOWELL , M. ÖZBAŞARAN, 1990, Yarımburgaz 1988, XI.Kazi Sonuçları Toplantısı L Ankara , 9-38.
  • ARSEBÜK, G., F. C. HOWELL , M. ÖZBAŞARAN, 1991, Yarımburgaz 1989, XII.Kazi Sonuçları Toplantısı I. Ankara , 17-41.
  • ARSEBÜK, G., F. C. HOWELL , M. ÖZBAŞARAN, 1992, Yarımburgaz 1990, XIII.Kazi Sonuçları Toplantısı I. Ankar a 1-21.
  • ARSEBÜK, G., M. ÖZBAŞARAN, 1994, Yarımburgaz Mağaraları: Pleisteosen'den B i r Kesit, XI. Türk Tarih Kongresi. Türk Tari h Kurum u Basımevi, Ankara , 17-27.
  • ARSEBÜK, G., M. ÖZBAŞARAN, (Baskıda), Pleistocene Archaeology of the Cave of Yarımburgaz i n Easter n Thrace/Turkey, Publication of the Firs t Internati ­ onal Conference on the Paleolithi c of Greece and its Adjacent Areas , Cambridge.
  • BAR-YOSEF , O., 1994, The Lower Paleolithic of the Near East, Journal of World Prehistory 8, 211-265.
  • BOSTANCI , E„ 1961, Researches in South-East Anatolia, The Chellean and Acheulean Industry of Dülük and Kartal, Anatolia 6, 89-162.
  • BLACKWELL , B. A , H . P. SCHWARCZ , W. R. FARRAND , Electron Spin Resonance (ESR ) and 230 T h / 234 U Dating at Yarımburgaz, Turkey. [Yazarın uhdesinde oian yayınlanmamış bi r çalışma].
  • BLACKWELL , B . A., H . P. SCHWARCZ , N. PORAT, F. C. HOWELL, . G. ARSEBÜK, 1990, Electron Spin Resonance (ESR ) Dating of Ursus Teeth from Yarımburgaz Cave, Turkey, Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs 22A, 120-121.
  • CLARK , J . D., 1993, African and Asian Perspectives on the Origin of Modern Humans. AİTKEN, O, C.
  • STRINGER , P. MELLAR S (eds.), The Origin of Modern Humans and the Impact of Chronometric Dating: Princeton University Press, Princeton, 148-178.
  • DAVIS, R. S„ V. A. RANOV, E . A. DODONOV, 1980, Earl y Man in Soviet Central Asia, Scientific American 243, 130-137.
  • FARRAND , W. R., 1994, Geoarchaeology of Yarımburgaz Cave, Turkey, BERMUDEZ
  • J . , J . ARSUAGA, E . CARBONEL L (eds.), Evolución Humana en Europa y los Yacimientos de la Sierra de Atapuerca, Vol.I Junt a de Castilla y León, 19-36.
  • FARRAND , W. R., J . P. MCMAHON , (Baskıda), History of the Sedimentary Infilling of Yarımburgaz Cave, Turkey, Geoarchaeology.
  • HOWELL , F. C , G. ARSEBÜK, 1988, Yarımburgaz Cave. Report on Investigations in the Cave of Yarımburgaz (Marmara, Turkey). Unpublisned Report Submitted to Committee on Research and Explorations. National Geographic Society.
  • HOWELL , F. C , G. ARSEBÜK, 1989, Report on Investigations and Current Status of Research i n the Cave of Yarımburgaz (Marmara, Turkey), 1989 Field Season. Unpublished Report Submitted to Committee on Research and Explorations, National Geographic Society.
  • HOWELL , F.C., G. ARSEBÜK, W. FARRAND , W. VO N KO - ENIGSWALD , H. P. SCHWARCZ , 1990, Report on the Preliminar y Status of Research i n the Cave of Yarımburgaz (Marmara, Turkey), 1989 Fiel d Season. Report Submitted to the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research.
  • JELINEK , A., 1980, Collections of Paleolithic Materials from Valleys on the Eas t Side of the Bosporus. H . QAMBEL-R.J.BRAIDWOO D (eds.), Prehistoric Research in Southeastern Anatolia, Edebiyat Fa ­ kültesi Basımevi, Istanbul, 319-327.
  • KUHN , S. L., G. ARSEBÜK, F. C. HOWELL , 1996, The Middle Pleistocene Lithi c Assemblage from Yarımburgaz Cave, Turkey. Paléorient 22/1, 31-49.
  • de LUMLEY , H., 1976 a, L e s civilisations du Paléolithique inférieur en Provance. I n Lumley, H . de, (éd.), La Préhistoire Française 1. Editions du CNRS, Paris , 819-851.
  • de LUMLEY , H . 1976 b Le s civilisations du Paléolithique inférieur en Langeadoc méditterranéen et en Roussillon. de LUMLEY , H . (éd.), La Préhistoire Française 1. Editions du CNRS, Paris, 852-874.
  • OTTE , M., I , YALÇINKAYA, J . KOZLOWSKI , O. BAR-JOSEF , H . TAŞKIRAN,1995, Evolution technique au Paléolithique ancien de Karain, L'Anthropologie 90, 529-561.
  • ÖZBAŞARAN, M., 1995, The Historical Background of the Researches at the Caves of Yarımburgaz, Readings in Prehistory- Studies Presented to Halet Çambel. Graphi s Yayınları, Istanbul, 27-39.
  • ÖZDOĞAN, M.,1982, Doğu Marmar a ve Traky a Araştırmaları, Türk Arkeoloji Dergisi 26/1, 37-48.
  • BAILEY , G.N. - P. CALLO W (eds.), Stone Age Prehistory: Studies in Memory of Charles McBurney. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 121-151.
  • STINER , M. C , G. ARSEBÜK, F. C. HOWELL , 1996, Cave Bear s and Paleolithic Artifacts i n Yarımburgaz Cave, Turkey : Dissecting a Palimpsest. Geoarchaeology 11/4, 279-327.
  • SVABODA, J. , 1987, Lithi c Industries of Arago, Vértesszôllôs and Bilzingsleben Hominids : Comparison and Evolutionary Interpretations. Current Anthropology 28, 219-227.
  • SVABODA, J. , 1989, Middle Pleistocene Adaptations in Central Europe . Journal of World Prehistory 3, 33-70.
  • TSOUKALA , E. , (Baskıda), Ursidae from Yarımburgaz.

Pleistocene Archaeology at the Cave of Yarımburgaz

Year 1998, Issue: 1, 9 - 25, 01.01.1998


The joint excavations of Istanbul and California Universities at the Cave of Yarimburgaz during the field seasons of 1988-1990 were exclusively aimed to shed light on the Pleistocene cultures of the site. A Lower Paleolithic industry, similiar to the ones found in central, southern and eastern Europe was encountered in association with a diverse mammalian fauna. Studies showed tha t ca ve bears constitute 93% of all macromammal specimens recovered, interspersed with 1675 lithic finds. Using electron spin resonance, the site is dated to the middle of the Middle Pleistocene


  • ALBRECHT , G. AN D H.MÜLLER-BECK, 1990, The Paleolithic of Şehremuz Near Samsat on the Euphrate s River- Summar y of the Excavation Finding s and a Morphology of the Handaxes, Paléorient-Hommage à Francis Hours, 76-86.
  • ARSEBÜK, G., 1993, Yarımburgaz: A Lower Paleolithic Cave Site Near Istanbul.
  • ARSEBÜK, G., 1996 a, The Oldest Stratified Site Yet Known i n Turkey: The Cave of Yarımburgaz, Von Halys zum Euphrat- Thomas Beran Festschrift. Ugarit Verlag, Miinster, 1-13.
  • ARSEBÜK, G., 1996 b, Trakya'da Esk i Bi r Yerleşim Yeri: Yarımburgaz Mağarası Alt Paleolitik Çağ Bulguları, Anadolu Araştırmaları XFV-Prof. Dr. Afif Erzen'e Armağan. Edebiyat Fakültesi Basımevi, İstanbul 33-50.
  • ARSEBÜK, G„ F . C. HOWELL , M. ÖZBAŞARAN, 1990, Yarımburgaz 1988, XI.Kazi Sonuçları Toplantısı L Ankara , 9-38.
  • ARSEBÜK, G., F. C. HOWELL , M. ÖZBAŞARAN, 1991, Yarımburgaz 1989, XII.Kazi Sonuçları Toplantısı I. Ankara , 17-41.
  • ARSEBÜK, G., F. C. HOWELL , M. ÖZBAŞARAN, 1992, Yarımburgaz 1990, XIII.Kazi Sonuçları Toplantısı I. Ankar a 1-21.
  • ARSEBÜK, G., M. ÖZBAŞARAN, 1994, Yarımburgaz Mağaraları: Pleisteosen'den B i r Kesit, XI. Türk Tarih Kongresi. Türk Tari h Kurum u Basımevi, Ankara , 17-27.
  • ARSEBÜK, G., M. ÖZBAŞARAN, (Baskıda), Pleistocene Archaeology of the Cave of Yarımburgaz i n Easter n Thrace/Turkey, Publication of the Firs t Internati ­ onal Conference on the Paleolithi c of Greece and its Adjacent Areas , Cambridge.
  • BAR-YOSEF , O., 1994, The Lower Paleolithic of the Near East, Journal of World Prehistory 8, 211-265.
  • BOSTANCI , E„ 1961, Researches in South-East Anatolia, The Chellean and Acheulean Industry of Dülük and Kartal, Anatolia 6, 89-162.
  • BLACKWELL , B. A , H . P. SCHWARCZ , W. R. FARRAND , Electron Spin Resonance (ESR ) and 230 T h / 234 U Dating at Yarımburgaz, Turkey. [Yazarın uhdesinde oian yayınlanmamış bi r çalışma].
  • BLACKWELL , B . A., H . P. SCHWARCZ , N. PORAT, F. C. HOWELL, . G. ARSEBÜK, 1990, Electron Spin Resonance (ESR ) Dating of Ursus Teeth from Yarımburgaz Cave, Turkey, Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs 22A, 120-121.
  • CLARK , J . D., 1993, African and Asian Perspectives on the Origin of Modern Humans. AİTKEN, O, C.
  • STRINGER , P. MELLAR S (eds.), The Origin of Modern Humans and the Impact of Chronometric Dating: Princeton University Press, Princeton, 148-178.
  • DAVIS, R. S„ V. A. RANOV, E . A. DODONOV, 1980, Earl y Man in Soviet Central Asia, Scientific American 243, 130-137.
  • FARRAND , W. R., 1994, Geoarchaeology of Yarımburgaz Cave, Turkey, BERMUDEZ
  • J . , J . ARSUAGA, E . CARBONEL L (eds.), Evolución Humana en Europa y los Yacimientos de la Sierra de Atapuerca, Vol.I Junt a de Castilla y León, 19-36.
  • FARRAND , W. R., J . P. MCMAHON , (Baskıda), History of the Sedimentary Infilling of Yarımburgaz Cave, Turkey, Geoarchaeology.
  • HOWELL , F. C , G. ARSEBÜK, 1988, Yarımburgaz Cave. Report on Investigations in the Cave of Yarımburgaz (Marmara, Turkey). Unpublisned Report Submitted to Committee on Research and Explorations. National Geographic Society.
  • HOWELL , F. C , G. ARSEBÜK, 1989, Report on Investigations and Current Status of Research i n the Cave of Yarımburgaz (Marmara, Turkey), 1989 Field Season. Unpublished Report Submitted to Committee on Research and Explorations, National Geographic Society.
  • HOWELL , F.C., G. ARSEBÜK, W. FARRAND , W. VO N KO - ENIGSWALD , H. P. SCHWARCZ , 1990, Report on the Preliminar y Status of Research i n the Cave of Yarımburgaz (Marmara, Turkey), 1989 Fiel d Season. Report Submitted to the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research.
  • JELINEK , A., 1980, Collections of Paleolithic Materials from Valleys on the Eas t Side of the Bosporus. H . QAMBEL-R.J.BRAIDWOO D (eds.), Prehistoric Research in Southeastern Anatolia, Edebiyat Fa ­ kültesi Basımevi, Istanbul, 319-327.
  • KUHN , S. L., G. ARSEBÜK, F. C. HOWELL , 1996, The Middle Pleistocene Lithi c Assemblage from Yarımburgaz Cave, Turkey. Paléorient 22/1, 31-49.
  • de LUMLEY , H., 1976 a, L e s civilisations du Paléolithique inférieur en Provance. I n Lumley, H . de, (éd.), La Préhistoire Française 1. Editions du CNRS, Paris , 819-851.
  • de LUMLEY , H . 1976 b Le s civilisations du Paléolithique inférieur en Langeadoc méditterranéen et en Roussillon. de LUMLEY , H . (éd.), La Préhistoire Française 1. Editions du CNRS, Paris, 852-874.
  • OTTE , M., I , YALÇINKAYA, J . KOZLOWSKI , O. BAR-JOSEF , H . TAŞKIRAN,1995, Evolution technique au Paléolithique ancien de Karain, L'Anthropologie 90, 529-561.
  • ÖZBAŞARAN, M., 1995, The Historical Background of the Researches at the Caves of Yarımburgaz, Readings in Prehistory- Studies Presented to Halet Çambel. Graphi s Yayınları, Istanbul, 27-39.
  • ÖZDOĞAN, M.,1982, Doğu Marmar a ve Traky a Araştırmaları, Türk Arkeoloji Dergisi 26/1, 37-48.
  • BAILEY , G.N. - P. CALLO W (eds.), Stone Age Prehistory: Studies in Memory of Charles McBurney. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 121-151.
  • STINER , M. C , G. ARSEBÜK, F. C. HOWELL , 1996, Cave Bear s and Paleolithic Artifacts i n Yarımburgaz Cave, Turkey : Dissecting a Palimpsest. Geoarchaeology 11/4, 279-327.
  • SVABODA, J. , 1987, Lithi c Industries of Arago, Vértesszôllôs and Bilzingsleben Hominids : Comparison and Evolutionary Interpretations. Current Anthropology 28, 219-227.
  • SVABODA, J. , 1989, Middle Pleistocene Adaptations in Central Europe . Journal of World Prehistory 3, 33-70.
  • TSOUKALA , E. , (Baskıda), Ursidae from Yarımburgaz.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Güven Arsebük This is me

Publication Date January 1, 1998
Published in Issue Year 1998 Issue: 1


APA Arsebük, G. (1998). Pleistosen Arkeolojisi İle İlgili Son Çalışmalara 1997 Gözüyle Özet Bir Bakış. TÜBA-AR Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi Arkeoloji Dergisi(1), 9-25.
AMA Arsebük G. Pleistosen Arkeolojisi İle İlgili Son Çalışmalara 1997 Gözüyle Özet Bir Bakış. TÜBA-AR. January 1998;(1):9-25.
Chicago Arsebük, Güven. “Pleistosen Arkeolojisi İle İlgili Son Çalışmalara 1997 Gözüyle Özet Bir Bakış”. TÜBA-AR Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi Arkeoloji Dergisi, no. 1 (January 1998): 9-25.
EndNote Arsebük G (January 1, 1998) Pleistosen Arkeolojisi İle İlgili Son Çalışmalara 1997 Gözüyle Özet Bir Bakış. TÜBA-AR Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi Arkeoloji Dergisi 1 9–25.
IEEE G. Arsebük, “Pleistosen Arkeolojisi İle İlgili Son Çalışmalara 1997 Gözüyle Özet Bir Bakış”, TÜBA-AR, no. 1, pp. 9–25, January 1998.
ISNAD Arsebük, Güven. “Pleistosen Arkeolojisi İle İlgili Son Çalışmalara 1997 Gözüyle Özet Bir Bakış”. TÜBA-AR Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi Arkeoloji Dergisi 1 (January 1998), 9-25.
JAMA Arsebük G. Pleistosen Arkeolojisi İle İlgili Son Çalışmalara 1997 Gözüyle Özet Bir Bakış. TÜBA-AR. 1998;:9–25.
MLA Arsebük, Güven. “Pleistosen Arkeolojisi İle İlgili Son Çalışmalara 1997 Gözüyle Özet Bir Bakış”. TÜBA-AR Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi Arkeoloji Dergisi, no. 1, 1998, pp. 9-25.
Vancouver Arsebük G. Pleistosen Arkeolojisi İle İlgili Son Çalışmalara 1997 Gözüyle Özet Bir Bakış. TÜBA-AR. 1998(1):9-25.

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