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Year 2018, Issue: 22, 119 - 143, 01.01.2018


Halikarnassos Yarımadası’ndaki Leleg kentlerinden biri olan Pedasa’da gerçekleştirilen, kazı ve araştırmalarda elde edilen arkeolojik ve epigrafik kanıtlar, yerleşimin şimdilik yegâne kutsal alanının Athena’ya adandığını ortaya koyar. Bu çalışmada değerlendirilen, MÖ 7. ve 6. yüzyıllara ait adak sunuları ve rituel eşyaları arasındaki ithal fayans objeler, kutsal alanın bölgeler arası ve deniz aşırı ilişkilerinin anlaşılmasına katkı sağlar. MÖ 7. yüzyılın ortalarından, MÖ 6. yüzyıl içlerine kadar güçlü Mısır etkisi altında üretilen ve literatüre “Doğu Yunan” veya “ Greko-Mısır” üretimleri olarak geçen belli başlı vazolar, nazarlık ve boncuklar kutsal alanın fayans buluntuları arasındadır. Leopar Benekli Grup içinde yer alan çömelen figürlü çiftli vazolar, Mısır stilinde bezeli pyksis, Yeni Yıl Şişesi, nazarlık ve kolye boncukları benzerleri Ege ve Akdeniz dünyasındaki çağdaşı kutsal alan ve mezar kontekstlerinde belgelenen sunulardandır. Olasılıkla tapınaktaki seremonilerde kullanılan kült gereçleri arasında bulunan makara tutamaklı bir grup sığ kase ise, formu ve dağılım şemasıyla buluntular arasında ayrı bir yere sahiptir. Timpone della Motta’dan yayınlanan bir örnek dışında, şimdilik Pedasa Athena, Miletos Zeytintepe Aphrodite ve Ephesos Artemis Tapınağı buluntuları ile sınırlı olan ve hamur ve sır özellikleriyle diğer Yunan fayanslarından ayrılan bu kaseler, İonya’da henüz yeri bilinmeyen bir üretim merkezinin varlığını bir kez daha gündeme getirmiştir. Buluntu yoğunluğu ve formun olası pişmiş toprak kökeni dolayısıyla üretim merkezi olarak Ephesos’un adı geçmekle birlikte, diğer güçlü aday Miletos olmalıdır. Sunular arasında yer alan ve yaygın inanışa göre kadın ve çocukları kötülüklere karşı koruyan nazarlıklar, sahiplerinin kişisel inanışlarını yansıtan objelerdir. Bu nazarlıklar, Nil Deltası’nda bir süre yaşayan ve Mısır dini pratiklerinden etkilenen Karyalılar veya onların Mısır kökenli eşleri ya da hizmetkârları tarafından tanrıçaya sunulmuş olmalıdır. Bilindiği gibi, Karyalılar İonyalılar ile birlikte, Psammetikhos I’in MÖ 664-610 askeri birlikleri içinde yer almışlardı ve Nil Deltası’ndan gelen mezar stelleri, Karca yazıtlar ve taş ustalarına ait işaretler, MÖ 7. yüzyılın ikinci yarısından MÖ 6. yüzyılın sonlarına kadar Mısır’da yaşayan Kar kökenli bir topluluğun varlığını kanıtlamaktadır.


  • AKURGAL, E. 1993. Eski İzmir I. Yerleşme Katları ve Athena Tapınağı. Ankara.
  • AMYX, D.A. 1988. Corinthian Vase-Painting of the Archaic Period. Vol. I-III. London.
  • ANDREWS, C. 1994. Amulets of Ancient Egypt. London.
  • BEAZLEY, J.D. 1956. Attic Black-Figure Vase-Painters. Oxford.
  • BÉNÉDITE, M. G. 1911. Cataloque Général des Antiquités Égyptiennes du Musée du Caire. Objects de Toilette I. Le Caire.
  • BERGES, D. 2006. Berges, D., Knidos. Beiträge zur Geschichte der archaischen Stadt. Mainz am Rhein.
  • VON BISSING, Fr. W. F. 1933. “Karthago und seine griechischen und italischen Beziehungen”, Studi Etruschi 7: 83-134.
  • VON BISSING, Fr. W. F. 1939. “Materiali Archeologici Orientali ed Egiziani”, Studi Etruschi 13: 447-454.
  • VON BISSING, Fr. W. F.1941. Zeit und Herkunft der in Cerveteri gefundenen Gefäβe aus ägyptischer Fayence und glasiertem Ton. Sitzungsberichte der bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Band II. München.
  • BLINKENBERG, Chr., 1931. Lindos. Fouilles de L’Acropole 1902-1914. Le Petit Objects. Lindos I. Berlin.
  • BOARDMAN, J. / HAYES, J. 1966. Excavation at Tocra 1963-1965: The Archaic Depozits I. London
  • BOARDMAN, J. 1967. Excavations in Khios 1952-1955. Greek Emporio. BSA Supp. 6. London.
  • BOARDMAN, J. 1968. Archaic Greek Gems. Schools and Artists in the Sixth and Early Fifth Centuries BC. London.
  • BOARDMAN, J. 1988. The Greeks Overseas. Their Early Colonies and Trade. London.
  • BÖHM, S. 2014. Korinthische figurenvasen. Düfte, Gaben und Symbole. Regensburg.
  • BULUT, H. 2014. “Kutsal Alan Tapınak Terası”, bkz: Diler, A.- Özer, B.- Bulut H.- Gümüş, Ş.- Adıgüzel, G.- Kasar, Ö.- Eryılmaz, N.S.- Çur, M., “Pedasa 2011-2012”, 35. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı-3. Ankara: 531-533.
  • BULUT, H. 2016. “Athena Kutsal Alanı”, bkz: Diler, A.- Özer, B.- Bulut, H.- Gümüş, Ş- Oruç, S. Z.- Adıgüzel, G.- Çur, M., “Pedasa 2014”, 37. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı-3. Ankara: 560-562.
  • BUSZ, R.-GERCKE, P. 1999. Türkis und Azur. Quartzkeramik im Orient und Okzident. Staatliche Museen Kassel. Universität Gesamthochschule Kassel. Wolfratshausen.
  • COLDSTREAM, J.N. 2003. Geometric Greece. 900-700 BC. New York. CVA. Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum
  • DASEN, V. 1993. Dwarfs in Ancient Egypt and Greece. Oxford.
  • FALTINGS, V.D. 2014/2015. “von Fröschen und Kröten”, Gedenkschrift für Werner Kaiser (Eds. D. Polz / S. J.Seidlmayer). Mitteilungen des deutschen Archäologischen Instituts Abteilung Kairo 70-71: 121-137.
  • FAZZINI, R.A. 1972. “Some Egyptian Reliefs in Brooklyn”, Miscellanea Wilbouriana 1: 33-70.
  • FELGENHAUER, A.1996. Ägyptische und ägyptisiserende Kunstwerke. Vollständiger Katalog. Staatliche Museen Kassel. Kassel.
  • FOSTER, K. P.1979. Aegean Faience of the Bronze Age. London.
  • FRIEDMAN, F. D. 1998a. Gifts of the Nile. Ancient Egyptian Faience. London.
  • FRIEDMAN, F. D. 1998b. “Faience: the Brilliance of Eternity”, Gifts of the Nile. Ancient Egyptian Faience (Ed. F.D. Friendman). London: 15-21.
  • GARDNER, E.A. 1888. Naukratis II. London.
  • GJERSTAD, E. 1935. Gjerstad, E. – Lindros, J.- Sjöqvist, E.-Westholm, A., Finds and Results of the Excavations in Cyprus 1927-1931. The Swedish Cyprus Expedition. SCE 2. Stockholm.
  • GÜLTEKİN, H. 1968. “Erythrae Kazısında Bulunan Fayans Figürinler”, Türk Arkeoloji Dergisi 17/2: 101-116.
  • HATTON, G.D. 2008. “Production of Egyptian Blue and Green Frits”, Production Technology of Faience and Related Early Vitreous Materials (Eds. M.S. Tite / A. J. Shortland). Oxford: 147-185.
  • HERRMANN, C. 2011. “Egyptian Amulets”, Ashkelon 3. The Seventh Century B.C. (Eds. L. E. Stager / D. M. Master / D. Schloen). Eisenbrauns: 359-395.
  • HOGARTH, D.G. 1908. Excavation at Ephesus. The Archaic Artemisia. London.
  • HÖLBL , G. 1979. Beziehungen der ägyptischen Kultur zu Altitalien. Vol. I-II. Leiden.
  • HÖLBL, G. 1986. Ägyptisches Kulturgut im phönikischen und punischen Sardinien I. Leiden.
  • HÖLBL, G. 1993. “Archaische Aegyptiaca aus Ephesus. Vorläufige Beobactungen zu Neufunden aus dem Artemision”, Die epigraphische und altertumskundliche Erforschung Kleinasiens: Hundert Jahre kleinasiatische Kommission der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Akten des Symposiums vom 23. bis 25. Oktober 1990 (Eds. G. Dobesch / G. Rehrenböck). Wien: 227-253.
  • HÖLBL, G. 1999. “Funde aus Milet. VIII. Die Aegyptiaca vom Aphroditetempel auf dem Zeytintepe”, Archäologischer Anzeiger 1999/3: 345-371.
  • HÖLBL, G. 2005. “Ägyptisches Kulturgut in der griechischen Welt im frühen ersten Jahrtausend vor Christus (10.-6. Jahrhundert v. Chr.)”, Ägypten Griechenland Rom. Abwehr und Berührung (Ed. C. P. Bol). Frankfurt am Mainz: 114-132.
  • HÖLBL, G. 2007. “Ionien und Ägypten in archaischer Zeit”, Frühes Ionien. Eine Bestandsaufnahme. Panionian-Symposion Güzelçamlı 26. September-1. Oktober 1999 ( J. Cobet). Milesische Forschungen Band 5. Mainz: 447- 460.
  • HÖLBL, G. 2008. “Ägyptisches Kulturgut im archaischen Artemision”, Die Archäologie der ephesischen Artemis. Gestalt und Ritual eines Heiligtums (Ed. U. Muss ). Wien: 209-221.
  • HÖLBL, G. 2014. “Ägyptisches Kulturgut in Ionien im 7. Jh. V. Chr.: Der Beitrag Milets zu einem religionshistorischen Phänomen”, Der Beitrag Kleinasiens zur Kultur- und Geistesgeschichte der griechisch –römischen Antike. Akten des Internationalen Kolloquiums Wien, 3.-5. November 2010 (Ed. J. Fischer).Wien: 181-209.
  • HÖLBL, G. 2017. Aegyptiaca aus Al Mina und Tarsos im Verbande des nordsyrisch-südostanatolischen Raumes. Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, AF BAND 28. Wien.
  • JACOPI, G. 1931. Scavi nella Necropoli Camiresi 1929-1930. Clara Rhodos 4. Rodi.
  • JACOPI, G. 1932/1933. Esplorazione Archeologica di Camiro II.1. Clara Rhodos 6/7. Rodi.
  • JAMES, T.H.G. 1962. “The Egyptian-Type Objects”, The Sanctuaries of Hera Akraia and Limenia. Pottery, Ivories, Scarabs, and other Objects from the Votive Deposit of Hera Limenia. Perakhora II (Ed. T. J. Dunbabin). Oxford: 461-515.
  • KACZMARCZYK, A.- HEDGES, R.E.M.1983. Ancient Egyptian Faience. An Analytical Survey of Egyptian Faience from Predynastic to Roman Times. Warminster.
  • KACZMARCZYK, A.- VANDIVER, P. B. 2008. “Faience Production in Egypt”, Production Technology of Faience and Related Early Vitreous Materials (Eds. M.S. Tite, / A. J. Shortland), Oxford: 57-92.
  • KARAGEORGHIS, V. 1976. “Amulettes et figurines en pâte de verre et en faïence”, Fouilles de Kition II. Objects Égyptiens et Égyptisants: Scarabées, Amulettes et Figurines en Pâte de verre et en Faïence, Vase Plastique en Faïence. Sits Iet II, 1959- 1975. Nicosia:117-164.
  • KEIMER, L. 1938. “Pavian und Dūm-Palme”, Mitteilungen des deutschen Instituts für Ägyptische Altertumskunde in Kairo 8: 42- 45.
  • KOURAYOS, Y. 2006. “The Archaic Sanctuary of Apollo on the Island Despotiko”, Les Clients de la Céramique Grecque. Actes du Colloque de l’Académie des Inscriptions et BellesLettres Paris, 30-31 janvier 2004 (Ed. J. de La Genière). Cahiers du Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum No.1. Paris: 59- 67.
  • LAGARCE-LECLANT, J. 1976. “ Vase Plastique en Faïence KIT 1747: Une Fiole pour eau de Jouvence”, Fouilles de Kition II. Objects Égyptiens et Égyptisants: Scarabées, Amulettes et Figurines en Pâte de verre et en Faïence, Vase Plastique en Faïence. Sits Iet II, 1959-1975 (Ed. V. Karageorghis). Nicosia: 183-289.
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  • ÖZER, B. 2016. “Kutsal Alan Orta Teras Sondajı”, bkz: Diler, A., Özer, B., Bulut, H., Gümüş, Ş., Oruç, S. Z., Adıgüzel, G., Çur, M., “Pedasa 2014”, 37. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı-3. Ankara: 562-565.
  • ÖZER, B. 2017. “Orientalizan Style Pottery from Pedasa: Ionian Imports”, Karia Arkhaia, La Carie, des origines à la période préhékatomnide, Colloque international, 14-16 novembre 2013, İstanbul (baskıda).
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  • WEBB, V. 1978. Archaic Greek Faience, Miniature Scent Bottles and Related Objects from East Greece, 650-500 B.C. Warminster.
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Year 2018, Issue: 22, 119 - 143, 01.01.2018


The archaeological and epigraphical evidence obtained from surveys and excavations conducted in Pedasa, one of the Lelegian settlements located in the Halicarnassian Peninsula, revealed that the only sanctuary of the city was dedicated to the goddess Athena for the time being. The faience objects which form one of the remarkable groups among the imported votive offerings and ritual equipment belonging to 7th and 6th centuries BC shed light on the interregional and overseas connections of the sanctuary. The artefacts consisting of certain vases, amulets and beads are among the so-called “East Greek production” or “Greco Egyptian” and were produced by the middle of the 7th century and throughout the 6th century BC under the strong impacts of the Egyptian art. The double vases with kneeling figure within the Leopard Spot Group, Egyptianising style pyxis, New Year flasks, amulets and disc shaped beads were votive offerings, whose similar examples were documented in the contemporary sanctuaries and grave contexts in the Aegean and Mediterranean world. The shallow bowls with spool lug, most probably were one of the ritual tablewares used for certain ceremonies, are noteworthy by their form and distribution pattern. Apart from the example published from Timpone della Motta in Italy, these bowls have been documented in Athena Sanctuary in Pedasa, Aphrodite Temple in Miletus and Artemis Temple in Ephesus. Their paste and glaze features, different from the other Archaic Greek faience, imply unknow faience production center in Ionia, which has already been affirmed and has not been localized yet. Due to the distribution pattern, Ephesus was mentioned as a possible production center, but Miletus should be considered among the strongest candidates. The amulets, commonly believed to protect woman and child, represent the personal religious beliefs of the owners. The worshippers who dedicated these amulets were most likely the Carians who lived in the Nile Delta and were influenced by the Egyptian religious practices or their Egyptian originated wiwes or attendants. As it is well known, Carians together with Ionians served in the Psammetichus I’s 664-610 BC troops in Nile Delta and the grave stelai, Carian inscriptions and masonry markings attested the Carian descending community in Egypt from the second half of the 7th century BC until the late 6th century BC.


  • AKURGAL, E. 1993. Eski İzmir I. Yerleşme Katları ve Athena Tapınağı. Ankara.
  • AMYX, D.A. 1988. Corinthian Vase-Painting of the Archaic Period. Vol. I-III. London.
  • ANDREWS, C. 1994. Amulets of Ancient Egypt. London.
  • BEAZLEY, J.D. 1956. Attic Black-Figure Vase-Painters. Oxford.
  • BÉNÉDITE, M. G. 1911. Cataloque Général des Antiquités Égyptiennes du Musée du Caire. Objects de Toilette I. Le Caire.
  • BERGES, D. 2006. Berges, D., Knidos. Beiträge zur Geschichte der archaischen Stadt. Mainz am Rhein.
  • VON BISSING, Fr. W. F. 1933. “Karthago und seine griechischen und italischen Beziehungen”, Studi Etruschi 7: 83-134.
  • VON BISSING, Fr. W. F. 1939. “Materiali Archeologici Orientali ed Egiziani”, Studi Etruschi 13: 447-454.
  • VON BISSING, Fr. W. F.1941. Zeit und Herkunft der in Cerveteri gefundenen Gefäβe aus ägyptischer Fayence und glasiertem Ton. Sitzungsberichte der bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Band II. München.
  • BLINKENBERG, Chr., 1931. Lindos. Fouilles de L’Acropole 1902-1914. Le Petit Objects. Lindos I. Berlin.
  • BOARDMAN, J. / HAYES, J. 1966. Excavation at Tocra 1963-1965: The Archaic Depozits I. London
  • BOARDMAN, J. 1967. Excavations in Khios 1952-1955. Greek Emporio. BSA Supp. 6. London.
  • BOARDMAN, J. 1968. Archaic Greek Gems. Schools and Artists in the Sixth and Early Fifth Centuries BC. London.
  • BOARDMAN, J. 1988. The Greeks Overseas. Their Early Colonies and Trade. London.
  • BÖHM, S. 2014. Korinthische figurenvasen. Düfte, Gaben und Symbole. Regensburg.
  • BULUT, H. 2014. “Kutsal Alan Tapınak Terası”, bkz: Diler, A.- Özer, B.- Bulut H.- Gümüş, Ş.- Adıgüzel, G.- Kasar, Ö.- Eryılmaz, N.S.- Çur, M., “Pedasa 2011-2012”, 35. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı-3. Ankara: 531-533.
  • BULUT, H. 2016. “Athena Kutsal Alanı”, bkz: Diler, A.- Özer, B.- Bulut, H.- Gümüş, Ş- Oruç, S. Z.- Adıgüzel, G.- Çur, M., “Pedasa 2014”, 37. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı-3. Ankara: 560-562.
  • BUSZ, R.-GERCKE, P. 1999. Türkis und Azur. Quartzkeramik im Orient und Okzident. Staatliche Museen Kassel. Universität Gesamthochschule Kassel. Wolfratshausen.
  • COLDSTREAM, J.N. 2003. Geometric Greece. 900-700 BC. New York. CVA. Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum
  • DASEN, V. 1993. Dwarfs in Ancient Egypt and Greece. Oxford.
  • FALTINGS, V.D. 2014/2015. “von Fröschen und Kröten”, Gedenkschrift für Werner Kaiser (Eds. D. Polz / S. J.Seidlmayer). Mitteilungen des deutschen Archäologischen Instituts Abteilung Kairo 70-71: 121-137.
  • FAZZINI, R.A. 1972. “Some Egyptian Reliefs in Brooklyn”, Miscellanea Wilbouriana 1: 33-70.
  • FELGENHAUER, A.1996. Ägyptische und ägyptisiserende Kunstwerke. Vollständiger Katalog. Staatliche Museen Kassel. Kassel.
  • FOSTER, K. P.1979. Aegean Faience of the Bronze Age. London.
  • FRIEDMAN, F. D. 1998a. Gifts of the Nile. Ancient Egyptian Faience. London.
  • FRIEDMAN, F. D. 1998b. “Faience: the Brilliance of Eternity”, Gifts of the Nile. Ancient Egyptian Faience (Ed. F.D. Friendman). London: 15-21.
  • GARDNER, E.A. 1888. Naukratis II. London.
  • GJERSTAD, E. 1935. Gjerstad, E. – Lindros, J.- Sjöqvist, E.-Westholm, A., Finds and Results of the Excavations in Cyprus 1927-1931. The Swedish Cyprus Expedition. SCE 2. Stockholm.
  • GÜLTEKİN, H. 1968. “Erythrae Kazısında Bulunan Fayans Figürinler”, Türk Arkeoloji Dergisi 17/2: 101-116.
  • HATTON, G.D. 2008. “Production of Egyptian Blue and Green Frits”, Production Technology of Faience and Related Early Vitreous Materials (Eds. M.S. Tite / A. J. Shortland). Oxford: 147-185.
  • HERRMANN, C. 2011. “Egyptian Amulets”, Ashkelon 3. The Seventh Century B.C. (Eds. L. E. Stager / D. M. Master / D. Schloen). Eisenbrauns: 359-395.
  • HOGARTH, D.G. 1908. Excavation at Ephesus. The Archaic Artemisia. London.
  • HÖLBL , G. 1979. Beziehungen der ägyptischen Kultur zu Altitalien. Vol. I-II. Leiden.
  • HÖLBL, G. 1986. Ägyptisches Kulturgut im phönikischen und punischen Sardinien I. Leiden.
  • HÖLBL, G. 1993. “Archaische Aegyptiaca aus Ephesus. Vorläufige Beobactungen zu Neufunden aus dem Artemision”, Die epigraphische und altertumskundliche Erforschung Kleinasiens: Hundert Jahre kleinasiatische Kommission der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Akten des Symposiums vom 23. bis 25. Oktober 1990 (Eds. G. Dobesch / G. Rehrenböck). Wien: 227-253.
  • HÖLBL, G. 1999. “Funde aus Milet. VIII. Die Aegyptiaca vom Aphroditetempel auf dem Zeytintepe”, Archäologischer Anzeiger 1999/3: 345-371.
  • HÖLBL, G. 2005. “Ägyptisches Kulturgut in der griechischen Welt im frühen ersten Jahrtausend vor Christus (10.-6. Jahrhundert v. Chr.)”, Ägypten Griechenland Rom. Abwehr und Berührung (Ed. C. P. Bol). Frankfurt am Mainz: 114-132.
  • HÖLBL, G. 2007. “Ionien und Ägypten in archaischer Zeit”, Frühes Ionien. Eine Bestandsaufnahme. Panionian-Symposion Güzelçamlı 26. September-1. Oktober 1999 ( J. Cobet). Milesische Forschungen Band 5. Mainz: 447- 460.
  • HÖLBL, G. 2008. “Ägyptisches Kulturgut im archaischen Artemision”, Die Archäologie der ephesischen Artemis. Gestalt und Ritual eines Heiligtums (Ed. U. Muss ). Wien: 209-221.
  • HÖLBL, G. 2014. “Ägyptisches Kulturgut in Ionien im 7. Jh. V. Chr.: Der Beitrag Milets zu einem religionshistorischen Phänomen”, Der Beitrag Kleinasiens zur Kultur- und Geistesgeschichte der griechisch –römischen Antike. Akten des Internationalen Kolloquiums Wien, 3.-5. November 2010 (Ed. J. Fischer).Wien: 181-209.
  • HÖLBL, G. 2017. Aegyptiaca aus Al Mina und Tarsos im Verbande des nordsyrisch-südostanatolischen Raumes. Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, AF BAND 28. Wien.
  • JACOPI, G. 1931. Scavi nella Necropoli Camiresi 1929-1930. Clara Rhodos 4. Rodi.
  • JACOPI, G. 1932/1933. Esplorazione Archeologica di Camiro II.1. Clara Rhodos 6/7. Rodi.
  • JAMES, T.H.G. 1962. “The Egyptian-Type Objects”, The Sanctuaries of Hera Akraia and Limenia. Pottery, Ivories, Scarabs, and other Objects from the Votive Deposit of Hera Limenia. Perakhora II (Ed. T. J. Dunbabin). Oxford: 461-515.
  • KACZMARCZYK, A.- HEDGES, R.E.M.1983. Ancient Egyptian Faience. An Analytical Survey of Egyptian Faience from Predynastic to Roman Times. Warminster.
  • KACZMARCZYK, A.- VANDIVER, P. B. 2008. “Faience Production in Egypt”, Production Technology of Faience and Related Early Vitreous Materials (Eds. M.S. Tite, / A. J. Shortland), Oxford: 57-92.
  • KARAGEORGHIS, V. 1976. “Amulettes et figurines en pâte de verre et en faïence”, Fouilles de Kition II. Objects Égyptiens et Égyptisants: Scarabées, Amulettes et Figurines en Pâte de verre et en Faïence, Vase Plastique en Faïence. Sits Iet II, 1959- 1975. Nicosia:117-164.
  • KEIMER, L. 1938. “Pavian und Dūm-Palme”, Mitteilungen des deutschen Instituts für Ägyptische Altertumskunde in Kairo 8: 42- 45.
  • KOURAYOS, Y. 2006. “The Archaic Sanctuary of Apollo on the Island Despotiko”, Les Clients de la Céramique Grecque. Actes du Colloque de l’Académie des Inscriptions et BellesLettres Paris, 30-31 janvier 2004 (Ed. J. de La Genière). Cahiers du Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum No.1. Paris: 59- 67.
  • LAGARCE-LECLANT, J. 1976. “ Vase Plastique en Faïence KIT 1747: Une Fiole pour eau de Jouvence”, Fouilles de Kition II. Objects Égyptiens et Égyptisants: Scarabées, Amulettes et Figurines en Pâte de verre et en Faïence, Vase Plastique en Faïence. Sits Iet II, 1959-1975 (Ed. V. Karageorghis). Nicosia: 183-289.
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There are 65 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Hülya Bulut This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Issue: 22


APA Bulut, H. (2018). PEDASA ATHENA KUTSAL ALANI ARKAİK DÖNEM FAYANS ADAK SUNULARI. TÜBA-AR Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi Arkeoloji Dergisi(22), 119-143.
Chicago Bulut, Hülya. “PEDASA ATHENA KUTSAL ALANI ARKAİK DÖNEM FAYANS ADAK SUNULARI”. TÜBA-AR Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi Arkeoloji Dergisi, no. 22 (January 2018): 119-43.
EndNote Bulut H (January 1, 2018) PEDASA ATHENA KUTSAL ALANI ARKAİK DÖNEM FAYANS ADAK SUNULARI. TÜBA-AR Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi Arkeoloji Dergisi 22 119–143.
ISNAD Bulut, Hülya. “PEDASA ATHENA KUTSAL ALANI ARKAİK DÖNEM FAYANS ADAK SUNULARI”. TÜBA-AR Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi Arkeoloji Dergisi 22 (January 2018), 119-143.
MLA Bulut, Hülya. “PEDASA ATHENA KUTSAL ALANI ARKAİK DÖNEM FAYANS ADAK SUNULARI”. TÜBA-AR Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi Arkeoloji Dergisi, no. 22, 2018, pp. 119-43.

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