Research Article
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Year 2021, Issue: 28, 211 - 224, 14.09.2021


Sasani dönemi şehirlerinin mekansal organizasyonu, kohandej (kale kent), şehristan (açık kent) ve rabaz (dış odaklı
büyüme) bölümlerini içerir ki önemli siyasi, dini ve sosyal alanlar kohandej kısmında yer alır. İslami dönemde de
kentsel mekân organizasyonu eski çağlarda olduğu gibi kohandej, şehristan ve rabaz bölümlerinden oluşmakla birlikte,
tarihi metinlere göre, bazı nedenlerle kohandej'in gücü azalmış ve rabaz ve şehristan şehrin siyasi, dini, ekonomik ve
sosyal merkezi haline gelmiştir. Bu araştırmanın amacı, Selçuklu dönemi boyunca Rey’in tarihi dokusunun, şehrin
mekânsal organizasyonu ve tarihi metinler ile arkeolojik verilere dayalı toplumsal düzey değişiklikleri yardımıyla
anlaşılmasıdır. Bu saptamalar sonucunda ortaya bazı önemli sorular çıkmaktadır: Selçuklu dönemindeki Rey kentinin
mekân organizasyonunda kohandej, rabaz ve şehristanın rolü nedir? Bu mekân organizasyonu ile önceki dönemler
arasındaki fark nedir? Sonuç olarak Rey şehrinin Selçuklu dönemindeki tarihi dokusunun, önceki dönemlerin
kentleşme tarzına göre yeni bir şekle sahip olduğu anlaşılmıştır. Arkeolojik kanıtlar, İslam döneminin başlarında,
özellikle Selçuklu döneminde, rabaz ve şehristan bölümlerinin geliştiğini ve büyüdüğünü göstermektedir.


  • ANONYMOUS. 1996. History of the Seljuk Dynasty in Anatolia, Introduc- tion and edition by Jalali, N. Publishing Office of Written Heritage, Tehran.
  • ASHRAF, A. 1974. “Historical Characteristics of Urbanization in Iran du- ring the Islamic Period”, Journal of Social Sciences, 1, 4.
  • BONDARI, I. M. 1918. The history of the Seljuk dynasty (Zobdah al-Nusra and Nokhbah al- Asra), translated by Mohammad Ja- lili, H. Foundation of Iranian Culture Publishing House, Tehran.
  • BOSWORTH, C. E. 2016. Political and Dynastical History of Iran (390-614 AH / 1000-1217 AD), Cambridge University Research, Vol. 5, Compiled by Boyle, J. A, Persian translation by Anous- heh, H. Twelfth Edition, Amir Kabir Publishing Institute, Tehran.
  • CASTELLO, F. V. 1989. Urbanization in the Middle East, translated by Piran, P. and Rezaei, A., Nashr-e Ney, Tehran.
  • FARAHBAKHSH, M. / SAFA MANSOURI, H. 2016. “Recognition of the Defensive Fortifications of Bam Ci- tadel”, Iranian Journal of Archeology, 10, 231-211.
  • FARSHAD, M. 1983. Engineering History in Iran, Gouyesh Publishing Hou- se, Tehran
  • HABIBI, H. 1999. From Shar to City; A Historical Analysis of the Con- cept of the City and its Physical Appearance, Thought and Influence, Tehran University Press, Tehran
  • HAMAVI, Y. 1986. Mojam al-Boldan, translated by Monzavi, A. N. Cultu- ral Heritage Publishing House, Tehran.
  • IBN ATHIR, 1991. Tarikh al-Kamel, Vol. 8, Persian translation by Hamid Reza Azhir, Asatir Publication Inc. Tehran.
  • IBN HAWQAL, M. 1987. Ibn Hawqal’s travelogue (Iran in the image of the world), Translation and explanation by Dr. Jafar Shoar, Amir Kabir Publishing Institute, Tehran.
  • IBN RASTEH, A. O. 1986. Alaegh al-Nafsiyah, Persian translation by Ghareh Chanlou, H. Amir Kabir Publishing Institute, Tehran.
  • KARIMAN, H. 1976. The Ancient Rey. Volume I and II, National Iranian Uni- versity Press, Tehran.
  • KARIMIAN, H. / SEYEDIN, S. 2009. “Recovering Ancient Cities based on Historical Texts; Case study of Darabghird”, Bagh-e Nazar, 6, 11, 82-69.
  • KARIMIAN, H. / SEYEDIN, S. 2010. “Darabghird in Transition from Sassanian to Islamic Pe- riod based on archaeological documents”, Bagh-e Na- zar, 13, 88-73.
  • KARIMIAN, H. / SEYEDIN, S. 2016. “Recovering the Spatial Structure of the Historic City of Saveh, Relying on Architectural and Archaeological Evi- dence”, Journal of Iranian Islamic Studies, 25, 42-29.
  • KARIMIAN, H.2010. “Cities and Social Order in Sasanian Iran-the Archae- ological Potential”, Antiquity, Antiquity Publication Ltd, June 2010, Volume 84, Issue 324, pp. 453-466.
  • KEALL, E.J. 1979. “The Topography and Architecture of Medieval Rayy”, in Akten des VII. Internationalen Kongresses fur Ira- nische Kunst und Archaologie Munchen, 1976, Berlin: Pp. 537-43.
  • KHALEDIAN, S. /KARIMIAN, H. /AHMADPUR, A. / MAZAHERIAN, H. 2014. “Explaining the Position of Islam in Urbanization and Urban Space Organization of Iran”, Quarterly Journal of Iranian Islamic Studies, 17, 18-5.
  • KOWSARI, H. / RAHIMNEJAD, M. 1996. “Research on Gabri Castle of the Ancient Rey”, Proce- edings of the Congress on the History of Architecture and Urbanism of Iran, Publications of the Cultural Heritage Organization of Iran, Tehran.
  • LABBAF, K. R. and KERVRAN, M. 2007 “An Overview of the Archaeological Excavations and Re- search of the Joint Board of Iran and France in Kohandej of Neyshabur”, in Archaeological Reports 6, Research Center of Archaeology, Tehran, 35-21.
  • LATIFI, G. /KHANI, H. / KHAKSARI, R. A. 2015. Urban Space, Social Life, Negarestan Andisheh Publis- hing House, Tehran. MOHAJERNEJAD, A. R. /KARIMIAN, H. / SAGHA- EI, S. 2017. “The Spatial Organization and Chronology of the city of Natel, Relying on Historical Sources and Archaeological Evidence”, Iranian Journal of Archeology, No. 12, se- venth volume, pp. 259-245.
  • MORTEZAEI, M. 2007. “Study of Natural and Cultural Infrastructure in the For- mation of the City of Gorgan (A Case Study of the Jorjan Islamic Site)”, Asar Journal, 43-42, 146-129.
  • MORTEZAEI, M. / SADRAEI, A. 2014. “The Results of Archaeological Excavations in the city of Rey on Imam Ali Highway”. Asar Journal, 64, 113-120.
  • NEIYSHABURI, Z. 1953. Saljuk Namah, Compiled and edited by Khan Afshar E. Kolaleh Khavar Publishing Inc. Tehran.
  • POPE, A. U. 1956. “Persian Architecture”, London.
  • QAZVINI, R. A. J. 1979. Naghz (Baaz Mesal al-Navaseb fi Naghz Baaz Faza- neh al-Ravafez) compiled and edited by the Publishing House of Mir Jalaluddin Mohadeth, National Association of Iranian Works.
  • SAADATI, M. / NEYESTANI, J / HEJEBRI NOBARI, A. 2020. “The Inner City Seljuk Fortification of Rey: Case Study of Rashkan Fortress”, the International Iournal of Hu- manities, IQBQ. 2020; 27(3): 1-19
  • SCHMIDT, E.F. 1935. “Excavation at Rayy”, in Ars Islamica II, part. I, pp. 139-141.
  • SCHMIDT, E.F. 1936. “The Excavation on the Citadel Hill”, in University Mu- seum Bulletin 1-2, pp. 79-87, 133-135.
  • SCHMIDT, E.F. 1940. Flights over Ancient Cities of Iran, University of Chi- cago Press, Chicago.
  • SOLTANZADEH, H. 2011. A Brief History of Urbanization in Iran from the Ancient Period until the year 1976, Chahartagh Publication Inc., Tehran.
  • -TAGHAVI NEJAD, D. M. R. 1984. Architecture, Urbanism and Urbanization of Iran over Time, Nasr-e Yasaveli Publishing Inc., Tehran.
  • YOUSEFI FAR, S. 2006. “Pattern of Physical Expansion of Cities in the Midd- le Centuries of Iran”, Journal of Humanities, No. 52, 350-319.
  • YOUSEFI FAR, S. / MOHAMMAD HOSSEIN, M. 2008. “The Effect of Social Relations on the Physical Forma- tion of the Iranian-Islamic City Based on a Sample-like Approach to Rey city in Seljuk era”, Journal of Iranian Society of History, First year, 1, 205-175.
  • WILLIAMS, T. 2011. “Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Photography: Exploring the Medieval City of Merv, on the Silk Roads of Central Asia”, Archaeology International, No. 15, 2011-2012, 54-68.


Year 2021, Issue: 28, 211 - 224, 14.09.2021


The spatial organization of cities during the Sassanid period includes three parts called Kohandezh, Shārestan, and
Rabaz that the important political, religious and social sectors were located in Kohandezh. In the Islamic period,
although the organization of urban space, has the same three parts of Kohandezh, Shārestan and Rabaz like the
ancient era, according to historical texts, during this period the power of Kohandezh diminished due to some reasons,
and Rabaz and Shārestan became the political, religious, economic and social center of the city. The purpose of the
present research is to recognize the historical texture of Rey during the Seljuk period by spatial organization of the
city and social level changes based on historical texts and archaeological data. Accordingly, some important questions
are raised here: What is the role of Kohandezh, Rabaz, and Shārestan in the organization of urban space during the
Seljuk period of Rey? How did this structure differ from the previous periods? As a result, it was revealed that the
historical texture of Rey during the Seljuk period took a new form compared to the urbanization style of the previous
eras. Archaeological data indicate that during the early Islamic era, especially the Seljuk period, the Rabaz and
Shārestan sections boomed and expanded.


  • ANONYMOUS. 1996. History of the Seljuk Dynasty in Anatolia, Introduc- tion and edition by Jalali, N. Publishing Office of Written Heritage, Tehran.
  • ASHRAF, A. 1974. “Historical Characteristics of Urbanization in Iran du- ring the Islamic Period”, Journal of Social Sciences, 1, 4.
  • BONDARI, I. M. 1918. The history of the Seljuk dynasty (Zobdah al-Nusra and Nokhbah al- Asra), translated by Mohammad Ja- lili, H. Foundation of Iranian Culture Publishing House, Tehran.
  • BOSWORTH, C. E. 2016. Political and Dynastical History of Iran (390-614 AH / 1000-1217 AD), Cambridge University Research, Vol. 5, Compiled by Boyle, J. A, Persian translation by Anous- heh, H. Twelfth Edition, Amir Kabir Publishing Institute, Tehran.
  • CASTELLO, F. V. 1989. Urbanization in the Middle East, translated by Piran, P. and Rezaei, A., Nashr-e Ney, Tehran.
  • FARAHBAKHSH, M. / SAFA MANSOURI, H. 2016. “Recognition of the Defensive Fortifications of Bam Ci- tadel”, Iranian Journal of Archeology, 10, 231-211.
  • FARSHAD, M. 1983. Engineering History in Iran, Gouyesh Publishing Hou- se, Tehran
  • HABIBI, H. 1999. From Shar to City; A Historical Analysis of the Con- cept of the City and its Physical Appearance, Thought and Influence, Tehran University Press, Tehran
  • HAMAVI, Y. 1986. Mojam al-Boldan, translated by Monzavi, A. N. Cultu- ral Heritage Publishing House, Tehran.
  • IBN ATHIR, 1991. Tarikh al-Kamel, Vol. 8, Persian translation by Hamid Reza Azhir, Asatir Publication Inc. Tehran.
  • IBN HAWQAL, M. 1987. Ibn Hawqal’s travelogue (Iran in the image of the world), Translation and explanation by Dr. Jafar Shoar, Amir Kabir Publishing Institute, Tehran.
  • IBN RASTEH, A. O. 1986. Alaegh al-Nafsiyah, Persian translation by Ghareh Chanlou, H. Amir Kabir Publishing Institute, Tehran.
  • KARIMAN, H. 1976. The Ancient Rey. Volume I and II, National Iranian Uni- versity Press, Tehran.
  • KARIMIAN, H. / SEYEDIN, S. 2009. “Recovering Ancient Cities based on Historical Texts; Case study of Darabghird”, Bagh-e Nazar, 6, 11, 82-69.
  • KARIMIAN, H. / SEYEDIN, S. 2010. “Darabghird in Transition from Sassanian to Islamic Pe- riod based on archaeological documents”, Bagh-e Na- zar, 13, 88-73.
  • KARIMIAN, H. / SEYEDIN, S. 2016. “Recovering the Spatial Structure of the Historic City of Saveh, Relying on Architectural and Archaeological Evi- dence”, Journal of Iranian Islamic Studies, 25, 42-29.
  • KARIMIAN, H.2010. “Cities and Social Order in Sasanian Iran-the Archae- ological Potential”, Antiquity, Antiquity Publication Ltd, June 2010, Volume 84, Issue 324, pp. 453-466.
  • KEALL, E.J. 1979. “The Topography and Architecture of Medieval Rayy”, in Akten des VII. Internationalen Kongresses fur Ira- nische Kunst und Archaologie Munchen, 1976, Berlin: Pp. 537-43.
  • KHALEDIAN, S. /KARIMIAN, H. /AHMADPUR, A. / MAZAHERIAN, H. 2014. “Explaining the Position of Islam in Urbanization and Urban Space Organization of Iran”, Quarterly Journal of Iranian Islamic Studies, 17, 18-5.
  • KOWSARI, H. / RAHIMNEJAD, M. 1996. “Research on Gabri Castle of the Ancient Rey”, Proce- edings of the Congress on the History of Architecture and Urbanism of Iran, Publications of the Cultural Heritage Organization of Iran, Tehran.
  • LABBAF, K. R. and KERVRAN, M. 2007 “An Overview of the Archaeological Excavations and Re- search of the Joint Board of Iran and France in Kohandej of Neyshabur”, in Archaeological Reports 6, Research Center of Archaeology, Tehran, 35-21.
  • LATIFI, G. /KHANI, H. / KHAKSARI, R. A. 2015. Urban Space, Social Life, Negarestan Andisheh Publis- hing House, Tehran. MOHAJERNEJAD, A. R. /KARIMIAN, H. / SAGHA- EI, S. 2017. “The Spatial Organization and Chronology of the city of Natel, Relying on Historical Sources and Archaeological Evidence”, Iranian Journal of Archeology, No. 12, se- venth volume, pp. 259-245.
  • MORTEZAEI, M. 2007. “Study of Natural and Cultural Infrastructure in the For- mation of the City of Gorgan (A Case Study of the Jorjan Islamic Site)”, Asar Journal, 43-42, 146-129.
  • MORTEZAEI, M. / SADRAEI, A. 2014. “The Results of Archaeological Excavations in the city of Rey on Imam Ali Highway”. Asar Journal, 64, 113-120.
  • NEIYSHABURI, Z. 1953. Saljuk Namah, Compiled and edited by Khan Afshar E. Kolaleh Khavar Publishing Inc. Tehran.
  • POPE, A. U. 1956. “Persian Architecture”, London.
  • QAZVINI, R. A. J. 1979. Naghz (Baaz Mesal al-Navaseb fi Naghz Baaz Faza- neh al-Ravafez) compiled and edited by the Publishing House of Mir Jalaluddin Mohadeth, National Association of Iranian Works.
  • SAADATI, M. / NEYESTANI, J / HEJEBRI NOBARI, A. 2020. “The Inner City Seljuk Fortification of Rey: Case Study of Rashkan Fortress”, the International Iournal of Hu- manities, IQBQ. 2020; 27(3): 1-19
  • SCHMIDT, E.F. 1935. “Excavation at Rayy”, in Ars Islamica II, part. I, pp. 139-141.
  • SCHMIDT, E.F. 1936. “The Excavation on the Citadel Hill”, in University Mu- seum Bulletin 1-2, pp. 79-87, 133-135.
  • SCHMIDT, E.F. 1940. Flights over Ancient Cities of Iran, University of Chi- cago Press, Chicago.
  • SOLTANZADEH, H. 2011. A Brief History of Urbanization in Iran from the Ancient Period until the year 1976, Chahartagh Publication Inc., Tehran.
  • -TAGHAVI NEJAD, D. M. R. 1984. Architecture, Urbanism and Urbanization of Iran over Time, Nasr-e Yasaveli Publishing Inc., Tehran.
  • YOUSEFI FAR, S. 2006. “Pattern of Physical Expansion of Cities in the Midd- le Centuries of Iran”, Journal of Humanities, No. 52, 350-319.
  • YOUSEFI FAR, S. / MOHAMMAD HOSSEIN, M. 2008. “The Effect of Social Relations on the Physical Forma- tion of the Iranian-Islamic City Based on a Sample-like Approach to Rey city in Seljuk era”, Journal of Iranian Society of History, First year, 1, 205-175.
  • WILLIAMS, T. 2011. “Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Photography: Exploring the Medieval City of Merv, on the Silk Roads of Central Asia”, Archaeology International, No. 15, 2011-2012, 54-68.
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Archaeology
Journal Section Articles

Mohsen Saadatı This is me 0000-0001-7364-0357

Javad Neyestanı This is me 0000-0002-4237-3660

Seyed Mehdi Mousavı Kouhpar This is me 0000-0001-9532-3002

Alireza Hejebtı Nobarı This is me 0000-0002-5698-8535

Publication Date September 14, 2021
Submission Date November 30, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2021 Issue: 28


APA Saadatı, M., Neyestanı, J., Mousavı Kouhpar, S. M., Hejebtı Nobarı, A. (2021). İRAN’DAKİ SELÇUKLU ŞEHİRLERİNİN MEKANSAL YAPISININ İNCELENMESİ VE ANALİZİ, ÖRNEK: REY ŞEHRİ. TÜBA-AR Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi Arkeoloji Dergisi(28), 211-224.
AMA Saadatı M, Neyestanı J, Mousavı Kouhpar SM, Hejebtı Nobarı A. İRAN’DAKİ SELÇUKLU ŞEHİRLERİNİN MEKANSAL YAPISININ İNCELENMESİ VE ANALİZİ, ÖRNEK: REY ŞEHRİ. TÜBA-AR. September 2021;(28):211-224. doi:10.22520/tubaar.2021.28.011
Chicago Saadatı, Mohsen, Javad Neyestanı, Seyed Mehdi Mousavı Kouhpar, and Alireza Hejebtı Nobarı. “İRAN’DAKİ SELÇUKLU ŞEHİRLERİNİN MEKANSAL YAPISININ İNCELENMESİ VE ANALİZİ, ÖRNEK: REY ŞEHRİ”. TÜBA-AR Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi Arkeoloji Dergisi, no. 28 (September 2021): 211-24.
EndNote Saadatı M, Neyestanı J, Mousavı Kouhpar SM, Hejebtı Nobarı A (September 1, 2021) İRAN’DAKİ SELÇUKLU ŞEHİRLERİNİN MEKANSAL YAPISININ İNCELENMESİ VE ANALİZİ, ÖRNEK: REY ŞEHRİ. TÜBA-AR Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi Arkeoloji Dergisi 28 211–224.
IEEE M. Saadatı, J. Neyestanı, S. M. Mousavı Kouhpar, and A. Hejebtı Nobarı, “İRAN’DAKİ SELÇUKLU ŞEHİRLERİNİN MEKANSAL YAPISININ İNCELENMESİ VE ANALİZİ, ÖRNEK: REY ŞEHRİ”, TÜBA-AR, no. 28, pp. 211–224, September 2021, doi: 10.22520/tubaar.2021.28.011.
ISNAD Saadatı, Mohsen et al. “İRAN’DAKİ SELÇUKLU ŞEHİRLERİNİN MEKANSAL YAPISININ İNCELENMESİ VE ANALİZİ, ÖRNEK: REY ŞEHRİ”. TÜBA-AR Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi Arkeoloji Dergisi 28 (September 2021), 211-224.
MLA Saadatı, Mohsen et al. “İRAN’DAKİ SELÇUKLU ŞEHİRLERİNİN MEKANSAL YAPISININ İNCELENMESİ VE ANALİZİ, ÖRNEK: REY ŞEHRİ”. TÜBA-AR Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi Arkeoloji Dergisi, no. 28, 2021, pp. 211-24, doi:10.22520/tubaar.2021.28.011.

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