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Çevre Sosyolojisi ile İlgili Yapılan Çalışmaların Bibliyometrik Analizi

Year 2022, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 205 - 227, 28.05.2022


Bu çalışmanın temel amacı çevre sosyolojisi ile ilgili yapılan araştırmaların bibliyometrik analiz yöntemiyle incelenmesidir. Bu hedefle Web of Science (WoS) veri tabanında taranan indekslerde yer alan çevre sosyolojisi ile ilgili 554 kaynağa ulaşılmıştır. 554 kaynaktan sadece sosyoloji alanında çevre sosyolojisi ile ilgili yayınlanmış makaleleri ele aldığında araştırmanın verisi 237 olmuş ve araştırma sınırlandırılmıştır. Araştırma verisi iki aşamada analiz edilmiştir. Bunlardan birincisi WoS veri tabanından elde edilen verilerin betimsel analizi, diğeri ise verilerin VOSviewer yazılımı aracılığıyla diyagram analizidir. Betimsel analize göre yayınlanan makalelerin yıllara göre dağılımına bakıldığında; çevre sosyolojisi ile ilgili yayın hayatına 1987 yılında başlanıldığı ve 2008 yılı sonrası hızlı bir artış olduğu gözlemlenmiştir. En çok yayın yapan ve atıf alan dergilere bakıldığında “SOCIETY & NATURAL RESOURCES”, “SOCIOLOGICAL FORUM” VE “SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH” oldukları görülmektedir. Bibliyometrik analize göre, VOSviewer programının işlemiş olduğu veriler bakımından çevre sosyolojisi ile ilgili verilerin filtreleme yöntemi uygulanmış ve 19 kurum elde dilmiştir. Bu kurumlar arasında en çok atıf alan ve yayın yapan Utah, Oregon ve Carolina State Üniversiteleri diyagram kümelerin en belirginleri arasında yer almaktadır. Araştırmada elde edilen diğer bir sonuç ise en çok atıf alan ve yayın yapan ülkelere bakıldığında Amerika ilk sırada yer almaktadır. Daha sonra Kanada ve İngiltere gelmektedir. Ortak kelime analizi sonucuna baktığımızda 590 kelimeden en az 3 kere kullanılma kriterine göre aynı olan 42 kelimeye ulaşılmıştır. Bu kelimelerden diyagramda en belirgin olanları ise “environmental sociology” (çevre sosyolojisi), “climate change” (iklim değişikliği) ve “sustainability (sürdürülebilirlik)” kelimeleri bulunmuştur. Son olarak ortak yazar analizinin yazar açısından ele alındığında en çok yayın yapan ve atıf alan makaleler arasında Dunlap ve Catton olmasa da, yazarlar arasında en kuvvetli ilişkileri olduğu görülmektedir. Bu araştırmadan elde edilen sonuçlar ve elde edilen anahtar kelimeler doğrultusunda ilerideki çalışmalara ışık tutmaktadır. Bir sonraki çalışmaların daha detaylı olması ve çevre sosyolojisinin alt disiplinlerinin ele alınması önerilmektedir.


  • Appio, F. P., Cesaroni, F., & Di Minin, A. (2014). Visualizing the structure and bridges of the intellectual property management and strategy literature: A document co-citation analysis. Scientometrics, 101(1), 623–661.
  • Battel, F. H. (1996). Environmental and Resource Sociology: Theoretical Issues and Opportunities for Synthesis 1. Rural Sociology, 61(1), 56-76.
  • Burningham, K., & Cooper, G. (1999). Being constructive: Social constructionism and the environment. Sociology, 33(2), 296-316.
  • Buttel, F. H. (1987). New directions in environmental sociology. Annual review of sociology, 13(1), 465-488.
  • Cobo M. J., Lopez-Herrera, A.G., Herrera-Viedma, E, et al. (2012). SciMAT: a new science mapping analysis software tool. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 63, 1609-30.
  • Donthu, N., Kumar, S., Mukherjee, D., Pandey, N., & Lim, W. M. (2021). How to conduct a bibliometric analysis: An overview and guidelines. Journal of Business Research, 133, 285-296.
  • Egghe, L., & Rousseau, R. (1990). Introduction to informetrics: Quantitative methods in library, documentation and information science. New York: Elsevier Science Publishers.
  • Freudenburg, W. R. (1992). Addictive economies: extractive industries and vulnerable localities in a changing world economy 1. Rural Sociology, 57(3), 305-332.
  • Freudenburg, W. R. (2005). Privileged access, privileged accounts: toward a socially structured theory of resources and discourses. Social Forces, 84(1), 89-114.
  • Freudenburg, W. R., & Gramling, R. (1994). Natural resources and rural poverty: A closer look. Society & Natural Resources, 7(1), 5-22.
  • Freudenburg, W. R., Frickel, S., & Gramling, R. (1995, September). Beyond the nature/society divide: Learning to think about a mountain. In Sociological Forum (Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 361-392). Kluwer Academic Publishers-Plenum Publishers.
  • Herther, N. K. (2009). Research evaluation and citation analysis: Key issues and implications. The Electronic Library, 27(3), 361–375.
  • Hjørland, B. (2013). Facet analysis: The logical approach to knowledge organization. Information Processing and Management, 49(2), 545–557.
  • Hooks, G., & Smith, C. L. (2004). The treadmill of destruction: National sacrifice areas and Native Americans. American Sociological Review, 69(4), 558-575.
  • Huddart‐Kennedy, E., Beckley, T. M., McFarlane, B. L., & Nadeau, S. (2009). Rural‐urban differences in environmental concern in Canada. Rural sociology, 74(3), 309-329.
  • Jorgenson, A. K. (2012). The sociology of ecologically unequal exchange and carbon dioxide emissions, 1960–2005. Social Science Research, 41(2), 242-252.
  • Jorgenson, A. K., & Clark, B. (2011). Societies consuming nature: A panel study of the ecological footprints of nations, 1960–2003. Social Science Research, 40(1), 226-244.
  • Jorgenson, A. K., Austin, K., & Dick, C. (2009). Ecologically unequal exchange and the resource consumption/environmental degradation paradox: a panel study of less-developed countries, 1970—2000. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 50(3-4), 263-284.
  • Knight, K. W., & Rosa, E. A. (2011). The environmental efficiency of well-being: A cross-national analysis. Social Science Research, 40(3), 931-949.
  • Mascarenhas, M., & Scarce, R. (2004). “The intention was good”: Legitimacy, consensus-based decision making, and the case of forest planning in British Columbia, Canada. Society and natural resources, 17(1), 17-38.
  • Mohai, P., D. Pellow, and J. T. Roberts. 2009. “Environmental Justice.” Annual Review of Environment and Resources 34 (1): 405–430.
  • Mol, A. P., & Spaargaren, G. (1993). Environment, modernity and the risk-society: the apocalyptic horizon of environmental reform. International sociology, 8(4), 431-459.
  • Murdoch, J. (2001). Ecologising sociology: Actor-network theory, co-construction and the problem of human exemptionalism. Sociology, 35(1), 111-133.
  • D. N., & Nyseth Brehm, H. (2013). An environmental sociology for the twenty-first century. Annual Review of Sociology, 39, 229-250. Pritchard, A., & Wittig, G. R. (1981). Bibliometrics. Watford: AllM Books.
  • Qin, H., Prasetyo, Y., Bass, M., Sanders, C., Prentice, E., & Nguyen, Q. (2020). Seeing the forest for the trees: A bibliometric analysis of environmental and resource sociology. Society & Natural Resources, 33(9), 1131-1148.
  • Sabir, I. A. D. I., & Leghari, I. U. (2020). Knowledge Production Patterns of Environmental Sociology: A Bibliometric Analysis of Top Journals of Sociology.
  • Sbicca, J. (2012). Growing food justice by planting an anti-oppression foundation: Opportunities and obstacles for a budding social movement. Agriculture and Human Values, 29(4), 455-466.
  • Spaargaren, G. (2003). Sustainable consumption: a theoretical and environmental policy perspective. Society &Natural Resources, 16(8), 687-701.
  • Spaargaren, G., & Mol, A. P. (1992). Sociology, environment, and modernity: Ecological modernization as a theory of social change. Society & natural resources, 5(4), 323-344.
  • Stets, J. E., & Biga, C. F. (2003). Bringing identity theory into environmental sociology. Sociological Theory, 21(4), 398-423.
  • Thanuskodi, S. (2010). Journal of Social Sciences: A bibliometric study. Journal of Social Sciences, 24(2), 77-80.
  • Tuna, M.(2012). (Ed.) Çevre Sosyolojisi. Eskişehir: T.C. Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayını
  • UNEP (2021). About UN Environment Programme. Online: (Erişim Tarihi: 22.11.2021).
  • Wallin, J.A. (2005), Bibliometric Methods: Pitfalls and Possibilities. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology, 97: 261-275.
  • Wolfram, D. (2003). Applied informetrics for information retrieval research. New Direction in Information Management no. 36. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group.
  • York, R. (2007). Demographic trends and energy consumption in European Union Nations, 1960–2025. Social science research, 36(3), 855-872.

Bibliometric Analysis of Studies on Environmental Sociology

Year 2022, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 205 - 227, 28.05.2022


The main purpose of this study is to examine the researches on environmental sociology in the world by bibliometric analysis method. With this aim, 554 resources related to environmental sociology in the indexes scanned in the Web of Science (WoS) database were reached. When only the articles published on environmental sociology in the field of sociology were considered out of 554 sources, the data of the research was 237 and the research was limited. Research data were analysed in two stages. The first of these is the descriptive analysis of the data obtained from the WoS database, and the other is the diagram analysis of the data through the VOSviewer software. Considering the distribution of the articles published according to the descriptive analysis by years; It was observed that the publication life on environmental sociology started in 1987 and there was a rapid increase after 2008. When we look at the most published and cited journals, it is seen that “SOCIETY & NATURAL RESOURCES”, “SOCIOLOGICAL FORUM” and “SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH.” According to the diagram analysis, in terms of the data processed by the VOSviewer program, the filtering method of the data related to environmental sociology was applied and 19 institutions were obtained. Among these institutions, Utah, Oregon and Carolina State Universities, which are the most cited and published, are among the most prominent of the diagram clusters. Another result obtained in the research is that when we look at the most cited and publishing countries, America is in the first place. Canada and the UK come next. When we look at the result of the common word analysis, 42 words that are the same according to the criteria of using at least 3 times out of 590 words have been reached. The most prominent words in the diagram are the words "environmental sociology", "climate change" and "sustainability". Finally, when the co-author analysis is considered in terms of the author, it is seen that the most published and cited articles have the strongest relationships between the authors, although Dunlap and Catton are not. It sheds light on future studies in line with the results obtained from this research and the keywords obtained. It is recommended that the next studies be more detailed and consider the sub-disciplines of environmental sociology.


  • Appio, F. P., Cesaroni, F., & Di Minin, A. (2014). Visualizing the structure and bridges of the intellectual property management and strategy literature: A document co-citation analysis. Scientometrics, 101(1), 623–661.
  • Battel, F. H. (1996). Environmental and Resource Sociology: Theoretical Issues and Opportunities for Synthesis 1. Rural Sociology, 61(1), 56-76.
  • Burningham, K., & Cooper, G. (1999). Being constructive: Social constructionism and the environment. Sociology, 33(2), 296-316.
  • Buttel, F. H. (1987). New directions in environmental sociology. Annual review of sociology, 13(1), 465-488.
  • Cobo M. J., Lopez-Herrera, A.G., Herrera-Viedma, E, et al. (2012). SciMAT: a new science mapping analysis software tool. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 63, 1609-30.
  • Donthu, N., Kumar, S., Mukherjee, D., Pandey, N., & Lim, W. M. (2021). How to conduct a bibliometric analysis: An overview and guidelines. Journal of Business Research, 133, 285-296.
  • Egghe, L., & Rousseau, R. (1990). Introduction to informetrics: Quantitative methods in library, documentation and information science. New York: Elsevier Science Publishers.
  • Freudenburg, W. R. (1992). Addictive economies: extractive industries and vulnerable localities in a changing world economy 1. Rural Sociology, 57(3), 305-332.
  • Freudenburg, W. R. (2005). Privileged access, privileged accounts: toward a socially structured theory of resources and discourses. Social Forces, 84(1), 89-114.
  • Freudenburg, W. R., & Gramling, R. (1994). Natural resources and rural poverty: A closer look. Society & Natural Resources, 7(1), 5-22.
  • Freudenburg, W. R., Frickel, S., & Gramling, R. (1995, September). Beyond the nature/society divide: Learning to think about a mountain. In Sociological Forum (Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 361-392). Kluwer Academic Publishers-Plenum Publishers.
  • Herther, N. K. (2009). Research evaluation and citation analysis: Key issues and implications. The Electronic Library, 27(3), 361–375.
  • Hjørland, B. (2013). Facet analysis: The logical approach to knowledge organization. Information Processing and Management, 49(2), 545–557.
  • Hooks, G., & Smith, C. L. (2004). The treadmill of destruction: National sacrifice areas and Native Americans. American Sociological Review, 69(4), 558-575.
  • Huddart‐Kennedy, E., Beckley, T. M., McFarlane, B. L., & Nadeau, S. (2009). Rural‐urban differences in environmental concern in Canada. Rural sociology, 74(3), 309-329.
  • Jorgenson, A. K. (2012). The sociology of ecologically unequal exchange and carbon dioxide emissions, 1960–2005. Social Science Research, 41(2), 242-252.
  • Jorgenson, A. K., & Clark, B. (2011). Societies consuming nature: A panel study of the ecological footprints of nations, 1960–2003. Social Science Research, 40(1), 226-244.
  • Jorgenson, A. K., Austin, K., & Dick, C. (2009). Ecologically unequal exchange and the resource consumption/environmental degradation paradox: a panel study of less-developed countries, 1970—2000. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 50(3-4), 263-284.
  • Knight, K. W., & Rosa, E. A. (2011). The environmental efficiency of well-being: A cross-national analysis. Social Science Research, 40(3), 931-949.
  • Mascarenhas, M., & Scarce, R. (2004). “The intention was good”: Legitimacy, consensus-based decision making, and the case of forest planning in British Columbia, Canada. Society and natural resources, 17(1), 17-38.
  • Mohai, P., D. Pellow, and J. T. Roberts. 2009. “Environmental Justice.” Annual Review of Environment and Resources 34 (1): 405–430.
  • Mol, A. P., & Spaargaren, G. (1993). Environment, modernity and the risk-society: the apocalyptic horizon of environmental reform. International sociology, 8(4), 431-459.
  • Murdoch, J. (2001). Ecologising sociology: Actor-network theory, co-construction and the problem of human exemptionalism. Sociology, 35(1), 111-133.
  • D. N., & Nyseth Brehm, H. (2013). An environmental sociology for the twenty-first century. Annual Review of Sociology, 39, 229-250. Pritchard, A., & Wittig, G. R. (1981). Bibliometrics. Watford: AllM Books.
  • Qin, H., Prasetyo, Y., Bass, M., Sanders, C., Prentice, E., & Nguyen, Q. (2020). Seeing the forest for the trees: A bibliometric analysis of environmental and resource sociology. Society & Natural Resources, 33(9), 1131-1148.
  • Sabir, I. A. D. I., & Leghari, I. U. (2020). Knowledge Production Patterns of Environmental Sociology: A Bibliometric Analysis of Top Journals of Sociology.
  • Sbicca, J. (2012). Growing food justice by planting an anti-oppression foundation: Opportunities and obstacles for a budding social movement. Agriculture and Human Values, 29(4), 455-466.
  • Spaargaren, G. (2003). Sustainable consumption: a theoretical and environmental policy perspective. Society &Natural Resources, 16(8), 687-701.
  • Spaargaren, G., & Mol, A. P. (1992). Sociology, environment, and modernity: Ecological modernization as a theory of social change. Society & natural resources, 5(4), 323-344.
  • Stets, J. E., & Biga, C. F. (2003). Bringing identity theory into environmental sociology. Sociological Theory, 21(4), 398-423.
  • Thanuskodi, S. (2010). Journal of Social Sciences: A bibliometric study. Journal of Social Sciences, 24(2), 77-80.
  • Tuna, M.(2012). (Ed.) Çevre Sosyolojisi. Eskişehir: T.C. Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayını
  • UNEP (2021). About UN Environment Programme. Online: (Erişim Tarihi: 22.11.2021).
  • Wallin, J.A. (2005), Bibliometric Methods: Pitfalls and Possibilities. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology, 97: 261-275.
  • Wolfram, D. (2003). Applied informetrics for information retrieval research. New Direction in Information Management no. 36. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group.
  • York, R. (2007). Demographic trends and energy consumption in European Union Nations, 1960–2025. Social science research, 36(3), 855-872.
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Sociology
Journal Section Research Articles

Bilal Kılınç 0000-0003-4266-8490

Publication Date May 28, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 7 Issue: 1


APA Kılınç, B. (2022). Çevre Sosyolojisi ile İlgili Yapılan Çalışmaların Bibliyometrik Analizi. Türkiye Bilimsel Araştırmalar Dergisi, 7(1), 205-227.