Research Article
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Heidi Hep Dostum Kalacak: Psikolojik Sağlamlık

Year 2023, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 147 - 156, 31.12.2023


Psikolojik sağlamlık kavramı son yıllarda bilimsel araştırmalara sıklıkla konu olmaktadır. Bir psikolojik müdahale etkinliği olarak çizgi filmin kullanılmasının amaçlandığı bu araştırmada psikolojik sağlamlıkla ilişkili olduğu düşünülen Heidi çizgi filmi ele alınmıştır. Bir psikolojik danışma müdahalesinin olgunlaştırılması ve kuramsal destekle geliştirilmesinin yanında, seçilen çizgi filmin içerik analizinin çalışmayı güçlendireceği düşünülmüştür. İlk aşamada çizgi filmin psikolojik sağlamlık becerileri ile ilgili sahnelerinin içeriği analiz edilmiştir. Sonrasında grupla psikolojik danışma müdahalelerinin prosedürlerine uygun şekilde çizgi film müdahale aracı haline getirilmiştir. Grubun psikolojik sağlamlık düzeylerinde müdahale öncesi ve sonrasında yapılan ölçümler ile analiz gerçekleştirilmiştir. Heidi çizgi filminin psikolojik sağlamlığı geliştirmede etkili olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır.


  • Arslan, G. (2016). Psychological maltreatment, emotional and behavioral problems in adolescents: The mediating role of resilience and self-esteem. Child Abuse & Neglect, 52, 200-209.
  • Bandura, A. (1977). Self-efficacy: toward a unifying theory of behavioral change. Psychological Review, 84(2), 191-215.
  • Benard, B. (1991).Fostering resiliency in kids: Protective factors in the family, school, and community. Portland,OR: Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory.
  • Berg-Cross, L., Jennings, P., & Baruch, R. (1990). Cinematherapy: Theory and application. Psychotherapy in private practice, 8(1), 135-156.
  • Bierman, J. S., Krieger, A. R., & Leifer, M. (2003). Group cinematherapy as a treatment modality for adolescent girls. Residential Treatment for Children & Youth, 21(1), 1-15.
  • Can, A. (1995). Okul öncesi çocuklara yönelik televizyon programları içinde çizgi filmlerin çocukların gelişimine ve iletişimine etkileri [Doctoral dissertation, Marmara Universitesi (Turkey)].
  • Cicchetti, D. (2013). Annual research review: Resilient functioning in maltreated children–past, present, and future perspectives. Journal Of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 54(4), 402-422.
  • Connor, K. M., & Davidson, J. R. (2003). Development of a new resilience scale: The Connor‐Davidson resilience scale (CD‐RISC). Depression and Anxiety, 18(2), 76-82.
  • Goodson, I., & Walker, R. (1988). Putting Life into Educational Research. In R. R. Sherman & R.B.Webb (Eds.), Qualitative research in education: focus and methods (pp. 108-122). Routledge.
  • Hawkins, J. D., Catalano, R. F., & Miller, J. Y. (1992). Risk and protective factors for alcohol and other drug problems in adolescence and early adulthood: implications for substance abuse prevention. Psychological Bulletin, 112(1), 64-105.
  • Henderson, N., & Milstein, M. M. (2003). Resiliency in schools: Making it happen for students and educators. Corwin Press.
  • Huberman, A. B., & Miles, M. B. (1994). Data management and analysis methods. In N. K. Denzin and Y. S. Lincoln (Eds.), Handbook of qualitative research (pp. 428–444). Sage Publications.
  • Liebenberg, L., Ungar, M., & Vijver, F. V. D. (2012). Validation of the child and youth resilience measure-28 (CYRM-28) among Canadian youth. Research On Social Work Practice, 22(2), 219-226.
  • Marshall, C., & Rossman, G. B. (2014). Designing qualitative research. Sage publications.
  • Masten, A. S. (2007). Resilience in developing systems: Progress and promise as the fourth wave rises. Development and Psychopathology, 19(3), 921-930.
  • Oruç, C., Tecim, E., & Özyürek, H. (2011). Okul öncesi dönem çocuğunun kişilik gelişiminde rol modellik ve çizgi filmler. Ekev Akademi Dergisi, 15(48), 281-297.
  • Rashid, A. (2015). Impact of television cartoon channels on children in India. Journal of Indian Research, 3(2), 64-72.
  • Sharp, C., Smith, J. V., & Cole, A. (2002). Cinematherapy: Metaphorically promoting therapeutic change. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 15(3), 269-276.
  • Sherman, R. R., & Webb, R. B. (1988). Qualitative research in education: Focus and methods (Vol. 3). Psychology Press.
  • Sugiharto, D. Y. P., & Awalya, A. (2022). The effectiveness of cognitive behaviors therapy group counseling with cognitive restructuring techniques and cinematherapy techniques to reduce academic anxiety. Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling, 11(1), 9-15.
  • Terzi, Ş. (2006). Adaptatıon of resılıence scale (rs) to the Turk culture: ıt’s relıabılıty and valıdıty . Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal , 3(26) , 77-86.
  • Ungar, M., Liebenberg, L., Dudding, P., Armstrong, M., & Van de Vijver, F. J. (2013). Patterns of service use, individual and contextual risk factors, and resilience among adolescents using multiple psychosocial services. Child Abuse & Neglect, 37(2-3), 150-159.
  • Wolin, S. J., & Wolin, S. (1993). The resilient self. New York: Villard Books. Yıldırım, A., & Şimşek, H. (2013). Sosyal bilimlerde nitel araştırma yöntemleri (9. Baskı). Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.

Heidi Will Always Remain My Friend: Psychological Resilience

Year 2023, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 147 - 156, 31.12.2023


The concept of psychological resilience has frequently been the subject of scientific research in recent years. In current study, which aims to use cartoons as a psychological intervention activity, the Heidi cartoon, which is thought to be related to psychological resilience, was discussed. In addition to maturing a psychological counselling intervention and developing it with theoretical support, it was thought that content analysis of the selected cartoon would strengthen the study. In the first stage, the content of the scenes of the cartoon related to psychological resilience skills was analysed. Then, the cartoon was turned into an intervention tool in accordance with the procedures of group counselling interventions. The psychological resilience levels of the group were analysed with the measurements made before and after the intervention. It was concluded that Heidi cartoon was effective in developing psychological resilience.


  • Arslan, G. (2016). Psychological maltreatment, emotional and behavioral problems in adolescents: The mediating role of resilience and self-esteem. Child Abuse & Neglect, 52, 200-209.
  • Bandura, A. (1977). Self-efficacy: toward a unifying theory of behavioral change. Psychological Review, 84(2), 191-215.
  • Benard, B. (1991).Fostering resiliency in kids: Protective factors in the family, school, and community. Portland,OR: Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory.
  • Berg-Cross, L., Jennings, P., & Baruch, R. (1990). Cinematherapy: Theory and application. Psychotherapy in private practice, 8(1), 135-156.
  • Bierman, J. S., Krieger, A. R., & Leifer, M. (2003). Group cinematherapy as a treatment modality for adolescent girls. Residential Treatment for Children & Youth, 21(1), 1-15.
  • Can, A. (1995). Okul öncesi çocuklara yönelik televizyon programları içinde çizgi filmlerin çocukların gelişimine ve iletişimine etkileri [Doctoral dissertation, Marmara Universitesi (Turkey)].
  • Cicchetti, D. (2013). Annual research review: Resilient functioning in maltreated children–past, present, and future perspectives. Journal Of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 54(4), 402-422.
  • Connor, K. M., & Davidson, J. R. (2003). Development of a new resilience scale: The Connor‐Davidson resilience scale (CD‐RISC). Depression and Anxiety, 18(2), 76-82.
  • Goodson, I., & Walker, R. (1988). Putting Life into Educational Research. In R. R. Sherman & R.B.Webb (Eds.), Qualitative research in education: focus and methods (pp. 108-122). Routledge.
  • Hawkins, J. D., Catalano, R. F., & Miller, J. Y. (1992). Risk and protective factors for alcohol and other drug problems in adolescence and early adulthood: implications for substance abuse prevention. Psychological Bulletin, 112(1), 64-105.
  • Henderson, N., & Milstein, M. M. (2003). Resiliency in schools: Making it happen for students and educators. Corwin Press.
  • Huberman, A. B., & Miles, M. B. (1994). Data management and analysis methods. In N. K. Denzin and Y. S. Lincoln (Eds.), Handbook of qualitative research (pp. 428–444). Sage Publications.
  • Liebenberg, L., Ungar, M., & Vijver, F. V. D. (2012). Validation of the child and youth resilience measure-28 (CYRM-28) among Canadian youth. Research On Social Work Practice, 22(2), 219-226.
  • Marshall, C., & Rossman, G. B. (2014). Designing qualitative research. Sage publications.
  • Masten, A. S. (2007). Resilience in developing systems: Progress and promise as the fourth wave rises. Development and Psychopathology, 19(3), 921-930.
  • Oruç, C., Tecim, E., & Özyürek, H. (2011). Okul öncesi dönem çocuğunun kişilik gelişiminde rol modellik ve çizgi filmler. Ekev Akademi Dergisi, 15(48), 281-297.
  • Rashid, A. (2015). Impact of television cartoon channels on children in India. Journal of Indian Research, 3(2), 64-72.
  • Sharp, C., Smith, J. V., & Cole, A. (2002). Cinematherapy: Metaphorically promoting therapeutic change. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 15(3), 269-276.
  • Sherman, R. R., & Webb, R. B. (1988). Qualitative research in education: Focus and methods (Vol. 3). Psychology Press.
  • Sugiharto, D. Y. P., & Awalya, A. (2022). The effectiveness of cognitive behaviors therapy group counseling with cognitive restructuring techniques and cinematherapy techniques to reduce academic anxiety. Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling, 11(1), 9-15.
  • Terzi, Ş. (2006). Adaptatıon of resılıence scale (rs) to the Turk culture: ıt’s relıabılıty and valıdıty . Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal , 3(26) , 77-86.
  • Ungar, M., Liebenberg, L., Dudding, P., Armstrong, M., & Van de Vijver, F. J. (2013). Patterns of service use, individual and contextual risk factors, and resilience among adolescents using multiple psychosocial services. Child Abuse & Neglect, 37(2-3), 150-159.
  • Wolin, S. J., & Wolin, S. (1993). The resilient self. New York: Villard Books. Yıldırım, A., & Şimşek, H. (2013). Sosyal bilimlerde nitel araştırma yöntemleri (9. Baskı). Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
There are 23 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Other Fields of Education
Journal Section Research Articles

Seher Pelin Keskin 0009-0007-9096-2375

Neslihan Çıkrıkçı 0000-0002-6091-9356

Publication Date December 31, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 8 Issue: 2


APA Keskin, S. P., & Çıkrıkçı, N. (2023). Heidi Hep Dostum Kalacak: Psikolojik Sağlamlık. Türkiye Bilimsel Araştırmalar Dergisi, 8(2), 147-156.