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Year 2019, Issue: 45, 119 - 134, 01.06.2019


In this study, Gülcihan, as a woman
character in Orhan Pamuk’s The Red Haired
referring to the image of Lilith, known as first wife of Adam in
Western Mythology. In feminist literature Lilith is one of the representatives
of femme fatale/fatal woman/diabolic woman with her libertarian spirit. One of
the most significant characteristics of Lilith is being
equalitarian/libertarian woman, and defining her
existence referring to her own body and senses and regarding her identity of
being a good mother and good spouse as secondary
the other is her leading to catastrophe through her red hair’s
fascinating and voluptuous effect. Similarly, Gülcihan in Orhan Pamuk’s The Red Haired Woman, forms her
libertarian woman identity through her red hair and being
a good mother and good wife is secondary. By means of her
equalitarian/libertarian such identity has a fatal effect leading to
catastrophe in the novel. In this study, character analysis of Gülcihan in The Red Haired Woman has been targeted
referring to the analogy of the image of Lilith.


  • ACIPAYAMLI, Orhan (1974). Türkiye'de Doğumla İlgili Adet ve İnanmaların Etnolojik Etüdü Erzurum: Atatürk Üniversitesi Yayınları, Yayın No. 68, Araştırmalar Serisi No: 57.
  • ADAY, Taner, (Aykırı Vaaz-XI (Lilith ve Diotima yada Ataerkilliğin zaferi) –11 Ekim 2013 http://muhalefet.org/yazi-aykiri-vaaz-xi-lilith-ve-diotima-yada-ataerkilligin-zaferi-taner-aday-28-8123.aspx
  • ALT, Peter-André (2016), Ästhetik Des Bösen (Translated into Turkish by Sabir Yücesoy) Her Şeyin Başlangıcı: Şeytanın Düşüşü ve Kötünün Doğuşu, Sel, İstanbul.
  • BUTLER, Judith (2016), Gender Trouble, (Translated by Başak Ertur), Cinsiyet Belası, Metis, İstanbul.
  • CAMPBELL, Joseph (2010), The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Translated into Turkish by Sabri Gürses) Kahramanın Sonsuz Yolculuğu, Kabalcı, İstanbul.
  • ÇAĞAN, Mehmet (1997), Rengi Rengine - Renklerin Etkisi, Sistem Yayıncılık, İstanbul.
  • ELİADE, Mircae (1994), Le Mythe de L’eternal Retour: Arcétypes et Répétition (Translated into Turkish by Ümit Altuğ), Ebedi Dönüş Mitosu, İmge Kitabevi, Ankara.
  • ERCAN, Cemile Akyıldız, (2013), “Mitolojide Çocuk Katili Kadınlar: Lilith, Lamia, Medea”, Zeitschrift für die Welt der Türken Journal of World of Turks, Vol. 5, No. 1, s. 89-103.
  • GILBERT, Sandra M-Susan Gubar, (2016), Madwoman in the Attic, (Translated into Turkish by Nil Sakman), Tavanarasındaki Deli Kadın, Aylak Adam, İstanbul.
  • GOETHE, Johann Wolfgang Von (2014), Faust, (Translated into Turkish by Recai Bilgin) 4. Baskı, Akçağ, Ankara.
  • JUNG, Carl G (2016), Man and His Symbols, (Translated into Turkish by Hatice Mukaddes İlgün) İnsan ve Sembolleri, Kabalcı, İstanbul.
  • KIRIK, Ali Murat (2013), “Sinemada Renk Öğesinin Kullanımı: Renk ve Anlatım İlişkisi, 21. Yüzyılda Eğitim ve Toplum, C. 2, S. 6 Kış 2013 s. 71-83.
  • LINK, Luther (2003), The Devil, (Translated into Turkish by Emek Ergün),Şeytan, Ayrıntı, İstanbul.
  • Messadié, Gerald (1999), Şeytanın Genel Tarihi. (Translated into Turkish by Işık Ergüden) Kabalcı Yayınevi, İstanbul.
  • MORAN, Berna, (1999), Edebiyat Kuramları ve Eleştiri, İletişim, İstanbul.
  • OYLUBAŞ, Duygu (2014), “Türk Edebiyatında Lilith: 2000 Sonrası Türk Romanında Havva’dan Önceki Kadın”, I. Genç Akademisyenler Sempozyumu, Bildiriler 6-7 Kasım 2013, Epa-Mat, Ankara, s. 433-449.
  • PAMUK, Orhan (2016), Kırmızı Saçlı Kadın, (Translated into English by Ekin Oklap) The Red Haired Woman Yapı Kredi Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • ROSENBERG, Donna (2006), World Mythology An Anthology of the Great Myths and Epics, (Translated into Turkish by Anonymous),Dünya Mitolojisi -Büyük Destan ve Söylenceler Antolojisi, 4. Baskı, İmge Kitabevi. Ankara.
  • SOYŞEKERCİ, Hülya (2006), “Karanlıktaki Özgür ve Asi Kadın ‘Lilith’’, Cumhuriyet Kitap, 31.08.2006.
  • STEINGASS, Francis Joseph (1963), A Comprehensive Persian-English Dictionary, 5th Edition, Routledge, London.
  • TURA, Saffet Murat (2014), Şeyh ve Arzu, Metis, İstanbul.
  • TURA, Saffet Murat (2016), Freud’dan Lacan’a Psikanaliz, Kanat, İstanbul.
  • WELLDON, Estela V. (2001), Mother, Madonna, Whore : The Idealization and Denigration of Motherhood, (Translated into Turkish by Semra kunt Akbaş and Can Kurultay) Anne: Melek mi, Yosma mı? Anneliğin İdealleştirilmesi ve Alçaltılması, Ayrıntı, İstanbul.
  • ZINGSEM, Vera (2007), Lilith, (Translated into Turkish by Devrim Doğan Yüzer), İlya, İzmir.


Year 2019, Issue: 45, 119 - 134, 01.06.2019


In this study, Gülcihan, as a woman
character in Orhan Pamuk’s The Red Haired
referring to the image of Lilith, known as first wife of Adam in
Western Mythology. In feminist literature Lilith is one of the representatives
of femme fatale/fatal woman/diabolic woman with her libertarian spirit. One of
the most significant characteristics of Lilith is being
equalitarian/libertarian woman, and defining her
existence referring to her own body and senses and regarding her identity of
being a good mother and good spouse as secondary
the other is her leading to catastrophe through her red hair’s
fascinating and voluptuous effect. Similarly, Gülcihan in Orhan Pamuk’s The Red Haired Woman, forms her
libertarian woman identity through her red hair and being
a good mother and good wife is secondary. By means of her
equalitarian/libertarian such identity has a fatal effect leading to
catastrophe in the novel. In this study, character analysis of Gülcihan in The Red Haired Woman has been targeted
referring to the analogy of the image of Lilith.


  • ACIPAYAMLI, Orhan (1974). Türkiye'de Doğumla İlgili Adet ve İnanmaların Etnolojik Etüdü Erzurum: Atatürk Üniversitesi Yayınları, Yayın No. 68, Araştırmalar Serisi No: 57.
  • ADAY, Taner, (Aykırı Vaaz-XI (Lilith ve Diotima yada Ataerkilliğin zaferi) –11 Ekim 2013 http://muhalefet.org/yazi-aykiri-vaaz-xi-lilith-ve-diotima-yada-ataerkilligin-zaferi-taner-aday-28-8123.aspx
  • ALT, Peter-André (2016), Ästhetik Des Bösen (Translated into Turkish by Sabir Yücesoy) Her Şeyin Başlangıcı: Şeytanın Düşüşü ve Kötünün Doğuşu, Sel, İstanbul.
  • BUTLER, Judith (2016), Gender Trouble, (Translated by Başak Ertur), Cinsiyet Belası, Metis, İstanbul.
  • CAMPBELL, Joseph (2010), The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Translated into Turkish by Sabri Gürses) Kahramanın Sonsuz Yolculuğu, Kabalcı, İstanbul.
  • ÇAĞAN, Mehmet (1997), Rengi Rengine - Renklerin Etkisi, Sistem Yayıncılık, İstanbul.
  • ELİADE, Mircae (1994), Le Mythe de L’eternal Retour: Arcétypes et Répétition (Translated into Turkish by Ümit Altuğ), Ebedi Dönüş Mitosu, İmge Kitabevi, Ankara.
  • ERCAN, Cemile Akyıldız, (2013), “Mitolojide Çocuk Katili Kadınlar: Lilith, Lamia, Medea”, Zeitschrift für die Welt der Türken Journal of World of Turks, Vol. 5, No. 1, s. 89-103.
  • GILBERT, Sandra M-Susan Gubar, (2016), Madwoman in the Attic, (Translated into Turkish by Nil Sakman), Tavanarasındaki Deli Kadın, Aylak Adam, İstanbul.
  • GOETHE, Johann Wolfgang Von (2014), Faust, (Translated into Turkish by Recai Bilgin) 4. Baskı, Akçağ, Ankara.
  • JUNG, Carl G (2016), Man and His Symbols, (Translated into Turkish by Hatice Mukaddes İlgün) İnsan ve Sembolleri, Kabalcı, İstanbul.
  • KIRIK, Ali Murat (2013), “Sinemada Renk Öğesinin Kullanımı: Renk ve Anlatım İlişkisi, 21. Yüzyılda Eğitim ve Toplum, C. 2, S. 6 Kış 2013 s. 71-83.
  • LINK, Luther (2003), The Devil, (Translated into Turkish by Emek Ergün),Şeytan, Ayrıntı, İstanbul.
  • Messadié, Gerald (1999), Şeytanın Genel Tarihi. (Translated into Turkish by Işık Ergüden) Kabalcı Yayınevi, İstanbul.
  • MORAN, Berna, (1999), Edebiyat Kuramları ve Eleştiri, İletişim, İstanbul.
  • OYLUBAŞ, Duygu (2014), “Türk Edebiyatında Lilith: 2000 Sonrası Türk Romanında Havva’dan Önceki Kadın”, I. Genç Akademisyenler Sempozyumu, Bildiriler 6-7 Kasım 2013, Epa-Mat, Ankara, s. 433-449.
  • PAMUK, Orhan (2016), Kırmızı Saçlı Kadın, (Translated into English by Ekin Oklap) The Red Haired Woman Yapı Kredi Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • ROSENBERG, Donna (2006), World Mythology An Anthology of the Great Myths and Epics, (Translated into Turkish by Anonymous),Dünya Mitolojisi -Büyük Destan ve Söylenceler Antolojisi, 4. Baskı, İmge Kitabevi. Ankara.
  • SOYŞEKERCİ, Hülya (2006), “Karanlıktaki Özgür ve Asi Kadın ‘Lilith’’, Cumhuriyet Kitap, 31.08.2006.
  • STEINGASS, Francis Joseph (1963), A Comprehensive Persian-English Dictionary, 5th Edition, Routledge, London.
  • TURA, Saffet Murat (2014), Şeyh ve Arzu, Metis, İstanbul.
  • TURA, Saffet Murat (2016), Freud’dan Lacan’a Psikanaliz, Kanat, İstanbul.
  • WELLDON, Estela V. (2001), Mother, Madonna, Whore : The Idealization and Denigration of Motherhood, (Translated into Turkish by Semra kunt Akbaş and Can Kurultay) Anne: Melek mi, Yosma mı? Anneliğin İdealleştirilmesi ve Alçaltılması, Ayrıntı, İstanbul.
  • ZINGSEM, Vera (2007), Lilith, (Translated into Turkish by Devrim Doğan Yüzer), İlya, İzmir.
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Şahika Karaca

Publication Date June 1, 2019
Submission Date November 12, 2018
Acceptance Date May 20, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Issue: 45


MLA Karaca, Şahika. “MY RED HAIR IS MY FREEDOM: IMAGE OF LILITH IN ORHAN PAMUK’S NOVEL, THE RED HAIRED WOMAN”. Türklük Bilimi Araştırmaları, no. 45, 2019, pp. 119-34.