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Osmanlı Devleti’nde Alman Protestan Misyonerler Tarafından Açılan Diyakonez Okulu (Talitha Kumi Kız Okulu)

Year 2022, , 289 - 310, 27.12.2022


Misyonerlik hareketi kuvvetli bir Hıristiyan topluluğu kurmak, Hıristiyan olmayanlara Hıristiyanlığı telkin ederek, İncil’i bilmeyenlere öğretmek, Hıristiyan dinini doğuda yaymak olarak ortaya çıkmıştır. Bunun için de misyonerler gittikleri her yerde kiliselerini kurarak halkı Hıristiyanlığa davet etmeye çalışmışlar ve bu gayretli çalışmaları neticesinde 19 ve 20. yüzyılları kendileri için altın çağ haline getirmişlerdir. Sahip olduğu geniş topraklarda, değişik etnik köken ve dini inanca sahip unsurları bir arada idare eden Osmanlı Devleti, misyonerler tarafından zengin bir faaliyet sahası olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Farklı dinden ve ırktan insanları barındırmasının yanı sıra Osmanlı Devleti’nin sahip olduğu toprakların bir kısmının Hz. İsa ve havarilerin yaşadığı topraklar olması, bu topraklarda Hıristiyan hâkimiyetini arzulayan misyoner örgütlerinin Osmanlı Devleti’nde, diğer yerlere oranla çok daha geniş bütçe ve daha fazla sayıda personelle misyonerlik faaliyeti yürütmelerine sebep olmuştur. 19. yüzyılın ortalarından itibaren Osmanlı topraklarına gelen Alman misyonerleri öncelikle kültürel etkinlik kurmaya çalışmışlardır. Bir yandan dini çalışmalarda bulunmuşlar diğer yandan başta İstanbul olmak üzere İzmir, Beyrut, Kudüs, Maraş, Elazığ, Urfa, Selanik’te eğitim kurumları, yetimhaneler ve hastaneler açmışlardır. Çalışmamızda; Alman Misyoner Theodor Fliedner‘in 1836 yılında kurmuş olduğu Kiserswerther Diyakonez Enstitüsü tarafından açılmış olan; iş, eğitim ve sağlık alanlarının tamamında faaliyet gösterecek bayanlar yetiştiren bir konsepte sahip olması itibarı ile dünyada bir ilk özelliğe sahip Talitha Kumi okulu işlenecektir. Talitha Kumi Kız Okulu ve okula bağlı olarak faaliyet gösteren Arap diyakonez okulu, öğretmen okulu, ilköğretim okulu ve kreşiyle Osmanlı Devleti’nde faaliyet gösteren en etkili kurumlar arasında yer almıştır.


  • Altundağ, Ş. (1988). Kavalalı Mehmet Ali Paşa isyanı, Mısır Meselesi. 1831-1841, 1. Kısım, TTK Yayınları.
  • Bancroft, J. M. (1890). Deaconesses in Europe and Their Lessons for America. Hunt & Eaton CO.
  • Ben-Arieh, Y. (1979). The Rediscovery Of The Holy Land in The Nineteenth Century. Magnes Press.
  • Calder, J. M. (1971). The Story of Nursing. Methuen Educational Ltd.
  • Deweese, C. W. (2005). Women Deacons and Deaconesses: 400 Years of Baptist Service. Mercer University Press.
  • Eisler, E. J. (2006). Charlotte Pilz 1819-1903. Adelheid M. von Hauff (ed.), Frauen gestalten Diakonie: 18. bis zum 20 jahrhundert içinde (Cilt, s. 2, ss. 251-263). W. Kohlhammer Verlag.
  • Fliedner, T. (1866). The German Pastor, s. or, Sketches of the Life of Theodor Fliedner, William Oliphant & Co.
  • Fliedner, T. (1867). Life of Pastor Fliedner of Kaiserswerth. (C. Winkworth, Çev.). Longmans, Green & Co.
  • Foerster, F. (1991). Mission im Heiligen Land, s. Der Jerusalemsverein zu Berlin, 1852-1945, Gütersloher Verlhaus Mohn.
  • Golder, C. (1903). History of the Deaconess Movement in the Christian Church. Jennings and Pye.
  • Hanselmann, S. (1971). Deutsche evangelische Palästinamission. Handbuch ihrer Motive, Geschichte und Ergebnisse. Verlag der Evangelisch-Lutherischen Mission.
  • Hauser, J. (2008). Das hier so furchtbar verwahrloste weibliche Geschlecht aus dem Standeheben zu Helfen<. Der emanzipatorische Auftrag Kaiserswerther Diakonissen im Osmanischen Reich (1851-1918) und seine Ambivalenzen. W. Gippert, P. Götte, E. Kleinau (Hg.). Transkulturalität. Gender und Bildungshistorische Perspektiven (ss. 219-23). Transcript Verlag.
  • Hofman, Y. (1975). The Administration of Syria and Palestine under Egyptian Rule (1831-1840), M. Ma’oz (ed.), Studies on Palestine During the Ottoman Period, (ss. 311-333). Magnes Press.
  • Http1. http://www.fliedner-kulturstiftung.De/fliedner-kulturstiftung/downloads/ Internationales_Netzwerk.pdf. adresinden 20 Ekim 2021 tarihinde alındı.
  • Http2. “Der Armen- und Krankenfreund” (Erschienen von 1849 bis 1939). adresinden 21 Ekim 2021 tarihinde alındı.
  • Http3. School&kindergarten: History. Htttp:// Adresinden 20 Ekim 2021 tarihinde alındı.
  • Kaminsky, U. (2005). Die İnnere Mission Kaiserswerths im Ausland-Von der Evangelisation zum Bemühen um Dritte Welt. N. Fedrich, T. Jähnichen (ed), Sozialer Protestantismus im Kaiserreich, s. Problemkonstellationen - Lösungsperspektiven – Handlungsprofile; Bochumer Forum zur Geschichte des Sozialen Protestantismus (s. 355-386). LIT Verlag,.
  • Kaminsky, U. (2006). German “Home Mission” Abroad, s. The Orientarbeit of the Deaconess İnstitution Kaiserswerth in the Ottoman Empire. H. Murre-van den Berg (ed), New Faith in Ancient Lands, s. Western Missions in the Middle East in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries (s. 191-209). Brill Academic Publishers.
  • Kildani, H. (2010). Modern Christianity in the Holy Land, s. Development of the Structure of Churches and the Growth of Christian Institutions in Jordan and Palestine. Author House.
  • Kutluoğlu, M. H. (1998). The Egyptian Question, 1831-1841, Eren Yayınevi.
  • Lenker, J. N. (1894). Lutheran in All Lands, s. The Wonderful Works of God. (Fourth Revısed and Enlarged Edition). Lutherans in All Lands Company.
  • Liefde, J. de. (1865). Six Months Among the Charities of Europe. Alexander Strahan Publisher.
  • Lückhoff, M. (1998). Anglikaner und Protestanten im Heiligen Land, s. das gemeinsame Bistum Jerusalem (184 -1886). Harrassowitz Verlag. Ma’oz, M. (1968). Ottoman Reform in Syria and Palestine (1840-1861). The Impact of the Tanzimat on Politics and Society, Clarendon Press.
  • McDonald, L. (ed). (2004). Florence Nightingale's European Travels, (Collected Works of Florence Nighingale, 7). Wilfrid Laurier University Press.
  • Masters, B. (2001). Christians and Jews in the Ottoman Arab World. The Roots of Sectarianism, Cambridge University Press.
  • Perry, Y. (2003). British Mission to the Jews in Nineteenth-Century Palestine, Frank Cass Publishers.
  • Richter, J. (1910). History of Protestant Missions in the Near East. Oliphant, Anderson & Ferlier Press.
  • Schmidt, J. (1998). Beruf Schwester; Mutterhaus Diakonie im 19. Jahrhundert, Campus Verlag.

Diaconesis School Opened By German Protestan Missionaries in the Ottoman State (Talitha Kumi Girls' School)

Year 2022, , 289 - 310, 27.12.2022


The missionary movement emerged as to establish a strong Christian community, to inculcate Christianity to non-Christians, to teach the Bible to those who do not know, and to spread the Christian religion in the east. For this reason, missionaries tried to invite the people to this religion by establishing their religious churches wherever they went, and as a result of their diligent efforts, they made the 19th and 20th centuries a golden age for them. The Ottoman Empire, which ruled together the elements of different ethnic origins and religious beliefs in its vast lands, was evaluated as a rich field of activity by the missionaries. In addition to hosting people of different religions and races, some of the lands owned by the Ottoman Empire belonged to being the lands where Jesus and the apostles lived, the missionary organizations that wanted Christian domination in these lands led to the missionary activities in the Ottoman Empire with a much larger budget and more personnel compared to other places. German missionaries who came to the Ottoman lands from the middle of the 19th century tried to establish cultural activities first. On the one hand, German Missionaries carried out religious studies, on the other hand, they opened educational institutions, orphanages and hospitals in Istanbul, Izmir, Beyrut, Kudüs (Jerusalem), Maraş, Elazig, Urfa, Selanik (Thessaloniki). This paper deal with Talitha Kumi Girls' School; which founded in 1836 by the German Missionary Theodor Fliedner, the Kiserswerther Diaconesis Institute was opened in Jerusalem. It’s the first in the world has a concept that trains women who will operate in the fields of business, education and health has been discussed. Talitha Kumi Girls' School was one of the most influential institutions which operating Arab diaconesis school, teacher's school, primary school and nursery in the Ottoman Empire.


  • Altundağ, Ş. (1988). Kavalalı Mehmet Ali Paşa isyanı, Mısır Meselesi. 1831-1841, 1. Kısım, TTK Yayınları.
  • Bancroft, J. M. (1890). Deaconesses in Europe and Their Lessons for America. Hunt & Eaton CO.
  • Ben-Arieh, Y. (1979). The Rediscovery Of The Holy Land in The Nineteenth Century. Magnes Press.
  • Calder, J. M. (1971). The Story of Nursing. Methuen Educational Ltd.
  • Deweese, C. W. (2005). Women Deacons and Deaconesses: 400 Years of Baptist Service. Mercer University Press.
  • Eisler, E. J. (2006). Charlotte Pilz 1819-1903. Adelheid M. von Hauff (ed.), Frauen gestalten Diakonie: 18. bis zum 20 jahrhundert içinde (Cilt, s. 2, ss. 251-263). W. Kohlhammer Verlag.
  • Fliedner, T. (1866). The German Pastor, s. or, Sketches of the Life of Theodor Fliedner, William Oliphant & Co.
  • Fliedner, T. (1867). Life of Pastor Fliedner of Kaiserswerth. (C. Winkworth, Çev.). Longmans, Green & Co.
  • Foerster, F. (1991). Mission im Heiligen Land, s. Der Jerusalemsverein zu Berlin, 1852-1945, Gütersloher Verlhaus Mohn.
  • Golder, C. (1903). History of the Deaconess Movement in the Christian Church. Jennings and Pye.
  • Hanselmann, S. (1971). Deutsche evangelische Palästinamission. Handbuch ihrer Motive, Geschichte und Ergebnisse. Verlag der Evangelisch-Lutherischen Mission.
  • Hauser, J. (2008). Das hier so furchtbar verwahrloste weibliche Geschlecht aus dem Standeheben zu Helfen<. Der emanzipatorische Auftrag Kaiserswerther Diakonissen im Osmanischen Reich (1851-1918) und seine Ambivalenzen. W. Gippert, P. Götte, E. Kleinau (Hg.). Transkulturalität. Gender und Bildungshistorische Perspektiven (ss. 219-23). Transcript Verlag.
  • Hofman, Y. (1975). The Administration of Syria and Palestine under Egyptian Rule (1831-1840), M. Ma’oz (ed.), Studies on Palestine During the Ottoman Period, (ss. 311-333). Magnes Press.
  • Http1. http://www.fliedner-kulturstiftung.De/fliedner-kulturstiftung/downloads/ Internationales_Netzwerk.pdf. adresinden 20 Ekim 2021 tarihinde alındı.
  • Http2. “Der Armen- und Krankenfreund” (Erschienen von 1849 bis 1939). adresinden 21 Ekim 2021 tarihinde alındı.
  • Http3. School&kindergarten: History. Htttp:// Adresinden 20 Ekim 2021 tarihinde alındı.
  • Kaminsky, U. (2005). Die İnnere Mission Kaiserswerths im Ausland-Von der Evangelisation zum Bemühen um Dritte Welt. N. Fedrich, T. Jähnichen (ed), Sozialer Protestantismus im Kaiserreich, s. Problemkonstellationen - Lösungsperspektiven – Handlungsprofile; Bochumer Forum zur Geschichte des Sozialen Protestantismus (s. 355-386). LIT Verlag,.
  • Kaminsky, U. (2006). German “Home Mission” Abroad, s. The Orientarbeit of the Deaconess İnstitution Kaiserswerth in the Ottoman Empire. H. Murre-van den Berg (ed), New Faith in Ancient Lands, s. Western Missions in the Middle East in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries (s. 191-209). Brill Academic Publishers.
  • Kildani, H. (2010). Modern Christianity in the Holy Land, s. Development of the Structure of Churches and the Growth of Christian Institutions in Jordan and Palestine. Author House.
  • Kutluoğlu, M. H. (1998). The Egyptian Question, 1831-1841, Eren Yayınevi.
  • Lenker, J. N. (1894). Lutheran in All Lands, s. The Wonderful Works of God. (Fourth Revısed and Enlarged Edition). Lutherans in All Lands Company.
  • Liefde, J. de. (1865). Six Months Among the Charities of Europe. Alexander Strahan Publisher.
  • Lückhoff, M. (1998). Anglikaner und Protestanten im Heiligen Land, s. das gemeinsame Bistum Jerusalem (184 -1886). Harrassowitz Verlag. Ma’oz, M. (1968). Ottoman Reform in Syria and Palestine (1840-1861). The Impact of the Tanzimat on Politics and Society, Clarendon Press.
  • McDonald, L. (ed). (2004). Florence Nightingale's European Travels, (Collected Works of Florence Nighingale, 7). Wilfrid Laurier University Press.
  • Masters, B. (2001). Christians and Jews in the Ottoman Arab World. The Roots of Sectarianism, Cambridge University Press.
  • Perry, Y. (2003). British Mission to the Jews in Nineteenth-Century Palestine, Frank Cass Publishers.
  • Richter, J. (1910). History of Protestant Missions in the Near East. Oliphant, Anderson & Ferlier Press.
  • Schmidt, J. (1998). Beruf Schwester; Mutterhaus Diakonie im 19. Jahrhundert, Campus Verlag.
Year 2022, , 289 - 310, 27.12.2022



  • Altundağ, Ş. (1988). Kavalalı Mehmet Ali Paşa isyanı, Mısır Meselesi. 1831-1841, 1. Kısım, TTK Yayınları.
  • Bancroft, J. M. (1890). Deaconesses in Europe and Their Lessons for America. Hunt & Eaton CO.
  • Ben-Arieh, Y. (1979). The Rediscovery Of The Holy Land in The Nineteenth Century. Magnes Press.
  • Calder, J. M. (1971). The Story of Nursing. Methuen Educational Ltd.
  • Deweese, C. W. (2005). Women Deacons and Deaconesses: 400 Years of Baptist Service. Mercer University Press.
  • Eisler, E. J. (2006). Charlotte Pilz 1819-1903. Adelheid M. von Hauff (ed.), Frauen gestalten Diakonie: 18. bis zum 20 jahrhundert içinde (Cilt, s. 2, ss. 251-263). W. Kohlhammer Verlag.
  • Fliedner, T. (1866). The German Pastor, s. or, Sketches of the Life of Theodor Fliedner, William Oliphant & Co.
  • Fliedner, T. (1867). Life of Pastor Fliedner of Kaiserswerth. (C. Winkworth, Çev.). Longmans, Green & Co.
  • Foerster, F. (1991). Mission im Heiligen Land, s. Der Jerusalemsverein zu Berlin, 1852-1945, Gütersloher Verlhaus Mohn.
  • Golder, C. (1903). History of the Deaconess Movement in the Christian Church. Jennings and Pye.
  • Hanselmann, S. (1971). Deutsche evangelische Palästinamission. Handbuch ihrer Motive, Geschichte und Ergebnisse. Verlag der Evangelisch-Lutherischen Mission.
  • Hauser, J. (2008). Das hier so furchtbar verwahrloste weibliche Geschlecht aus dem Standeheben zu Helfen<. Der emanzipatorische Auftrag Kaiserswerther Diakonissen im Osmanischen Reich (1851-1918) und seine Ambivalenzen. W. Gippert, P. Götte, E. Kleinau (Hg.). Transkulturalität. Gender und Bildungshistorische Perspektiven (ss. 219-23). Transcript Verlag.
  • Hofman, Y. (1975). The Administration of Syria and Palestine under Egyptian Rule (1831-1840), M. Ma’oz (ed.), Studies on Palestine During the Ottoman Period, (ss. 311-333). Magnes Press.
  • Http1. http://www.fliedner-kulturstiftung.De/fliedner-kulturstiftung/downloads/ Internationales_Netzwerk.pdf. adresinden 20 Ekim 2021 tarihinde alındı.
  • Http2. “Der Armen- und Krankenfreund” (Erschienen von 1849 bis 1939). adresinden 21 Ekim 2021 tarihinde alındı.
  • Http3. School&kindergarten: History. Htttp:// Adresinden 20 Ekim 2021 tarihinde alındı.
  • Kaminsky, U. (2005). Die İnnere Mission Kaiserswerths im Ausland-Von der Evangelisation zum Bemühen um Dritte Welt. N. Fedrich, T. Jähnichen (ed), Sozialer Protestantismus im Kaiserreich, s. Problemkonstellationen - Lösungsperspektiven – Handlungsprofile; Bochumer Forum zur Geschichte des Sozialen Protestantismus (s. 355-386). LIT Verlag,.
  • Kaminsky, U. (2006). German “Home Mission” Abroad, s. The Orientarbeit of the Deaconess İnstitution Kaiserswerth in the Ottoman Empire. H. Murre-van den Berg (ed), New Faith in Ancient Lands, s. Western Missions in the Middle East in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries (s. 191-209). Brill Academic Publishers.
  • Kildani, H. (2010). Modern Christianity in the Holy Land, s. Development of the Structure of Churches and the Growth of Christian Institutions in Jordan and Palestine. Author House.
  • Kutluoğlu, M. H. (1998). The Egyptian Question, 1831-1841, Eren Yayınevi.
  • Lenker, J. N. (1894). Lutheran in All Lands, s. The Wonderful Works of God. (Fourth Revısed and Enlarged Edition). Lutherans in All Lands Company.
  • Liefde, J. de. (1865). Six Months Among the Charities of Europe. Alexander Strahan Publisher.
  • Lückhoff, M. (1998). Anglikaner und Protestanten im Heiligen Land, s. das gemeinsame Bistum Jerusalem (184 -1886). Harrassowitz Verlag. Ma’oz, M. (1968). Ottoman Reform in Syria and Palestine (1840-1861). The Impact of the Tanzimat on Politics and Society, Clarendon Press.
  • McDonald, L. (ed). (2004). Florence Nightingale's European Travels, (Collected Works of Florence Nighingale, 7). Wilfrid Laurier University Press.
  • Masters, B. (2001). Christians and Jews in the Ottoman Arab World. The Roots of Sectarianism, Cambridge University Press.
  • Perry, Y. (2003). British Mission to the Jews in Nineteenth-Century Palestine, Frank Cass Publishers.
  • Richter, J. (1910). History of Protestant Missions in the Near East. Oliphant, Anderson & Ferlier Press.
  • Schmidt, J. (1998). Beruf Schwester; Mutterhaus Diakonie im 19. Jahrhundert, Campus Verlag.
There are 28 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Religious Studies
Journal Section Research Articles

Uğur İnan 0000-0003-0513-3550

Publication Date December 27, 2022
Submission Date July 10, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA İnan, U. (2022). Osmanlı Devleti’nde Alman Protestan Misyonerler Tarafından Açılan Diyakonez Okulu (Talitha Kumi Kız Okulu). Türkiye Din Eğitimi Araştırmaları Dergisi(14), 289-310.

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