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An Investigation of Comfort Conditions in Educational Buildings Concerning Users’ Satisfaction

Year 2015, Volume: 16 Issue: 1, 11 - 19, 11.01.2016


In this study, physical space quality of architecture
department buildings in Uludag University Gorukle Campus, Bursa, Turkey is
analyzed in regard to user evaluations about the physical space quality. In the
analysis of these evaluations, criteria about physical space quality are
predetermined. In the method of the study, the below phases are implemented. In
first, the literature review about the physical space quality is done and then
a questionnaire is prepared with regard to the key themes in literature review
in order to evaluate the user satisfaction. The key themes in user satisfaction
questionnaire are indoor temperature and thermal comfort, daylight and natural
lighting, indoor air quality and natural ventilation. The aim of this study is
first to understand which criteria are important for the students and lecturers
and then to improve the physical space quality in regard to the


  • ARENA, A. P., DE ROSA, C. Life cycle assessment of energy and environmental implications of the implementation of conservation technologies in school buildings in Mendoza-Argentina: Arena. Building and Environment. 38(2), 359–368. 2003.
  • AVSAR, Y., GONULLU, M. T. Determination of safe distance between roadway and school buildings to get acceptable school outdoor noise level by using noise barriers. Building and Environment. 40(9), 1255-1260. 2005.
  • BAKER, N. The influence of thermal comfort and user control on the design of a passive solar school building-Locksheath primary school. Energy and Buildings. 5(2), 135-145. 1982.
  • BECKER, R., GOLDBERGER, I., PACİUK, M. Improving energy performance of school buildings while ensuring indoor air quality ventilation. Building and Environment. 42(9), 3261-3276. 2007.
  • BONEH, M. Environmental comfort in educational buildings — Influence of windows and other openings. Energy and Buildings. 4(3), 239-243. 1982.
  • BUTALA, V., NOVAK, P. Energy consumption and potential energy savings in old school buildings. Energy and Buildings. 29(3), 241-246. 1999.
  • CARTER, D. J. The lighting of the St. Mary's School, Wallasey. Building and Environment. 19(4), 209-215. 1984.
  • CLAY, F. The ventilation of school buildings. The Lancet.161, 760 1903.
  • CLEMENTS-CROOME, D.J., AWBI, H.B., BAKÓ-BİRÓ, ZS, KOCHHAR, N., WILLIAMS, M. Ventilation rates in schools. Building and Environment. 43(3), 362-367. 2008.
  • COLLET DA GRACA, V. A., KOWALTOWSKİ, D. C. C. K., DIEGO PETRECHE, J. R. An evaluation method for school building design at the preliminary phase with optimisation of aspects of environmental comfort for the school system of the State São Paulo in Brazil. Building and Environment. 42(2), 984-999. 2007.
  • CONCEIÇÃO, E.Z.E., LÚCIO, M.M.J.R. Thermal study of school buildings in winter conditions. Building and Environment. 43(5), 782-792. 2008.
  • COOPER, I. Heating standards or energy conservation? A review of British legislation for school buildings. Applied Energy. 15(4), 247-272. 1983.
  • DE ROSA, C., BASSO, M., FERNÁNDEZ, J.C., MITCHELL, J., ESTEVES, A., PATTİNİ, A., ARENA, P., MESA, A., CANTÓN, A., CORTEGOSO, J.L. Energy Efficient School Buildings in Central-Western Argentina an Assessment of Alternative Typologies for the Classroom Tier World. Renewable Energy Congress VI. 601-606. 2000.
  • DESIDERI, U., PROIETTI, S. Analysis of energy consumption in the high schools of a province in central Italy. Energy and Buildings. 34(10), 1003–1016. 2002.
  • DESIDERI, U., PROIETTI, S. Analysis of energy consumption in the high schools of a province in central Italy. Energy and Buildings. 34(10), 1003-1016. 2002.
  • ELMALLAWANY, A. Field investigations of the sound insulation in school buildings. Building and Environment. 18(1-2), 85-89. 1983.
  • ELMALLAWANY, A. Minimum acoustical requirements for school buildings. Applied Acoustics. 13(2), 137-144. 1980.
  • ERHORN, H., MROZ, T., MØRCK, O., SCHMIDT, F., SCHOFF, L., THOMSEN, K. E. The Energy Concept Adviser—A tool to improve energy efficiency in educational buildings. Energy and Buildings. 40(4), 419-428. 2008.
  • FANGER, P., O. Thermal comfort: Analysis and applications in environmental engineering. Danish Technical Press. 1970.
  • FILIPPÍN, C. Thermal response of solar and conventional school buildings to design- and human-driven factors. Renewable Energy. 30(3), 353-376. 2005.
  • HARRIS, D. J., PROBERT, S., NWOKONKOR I. ‘Passive-solar’ schools in the UK. Applied Energy. 39(2), 145-171. 1991.
  • HASSANAIN, M. A. Post-Occupancy Indoor Environmental Quality Evaluation of Student Housing Facilities. Architectural Engineering And Design Management. 3, 249–256. 2007.
  • HERNANDEZ, P., BURKE, K., LEWIS, J. O. Development of energy performance benchmarks and building energy ratings for non-domestic buildings: An example for Irish primary schools. Energy and Building. 40(3), 249-254. 2008.
  • KHEDARI, J., BOONSRI, B., HIRUNLABH, J. Ventilation impact of a solar chimney on indoor temperature fluctuation and air change in a school building.
  • Energy and Buildings. 32(1), 89-93. 2000.
  • KRUGER, E. L., DORIGO, A. L. Daylighting analysis in a public school in Curitiba. Brazil Renewable Energy. 33(7), 1695-1702. 2008.
  • KWOK, A. G., CHUN, C. Thermal comfort in Japanese schools. Solar Energy. 74(3), 245-252. 2003.
  • LAPPALAINEN, S., KÄHKÖNEN, E., LOIKKANEN, P., PALOMÄKI, E., LINDROOS, O., REIJULA, K. Evaluation of priorities for repairing in moisture-damaged school buildings in Finland. Building and Environment. 36(8), 981-986. 2001.
  • MEKLIN, T., REPONEN, T., TOIVOLA, M., KOPONEN, V., HUSMAN, T., HYVÄRINEN, A., NEVALAINEN, A. Size distributions of airborne microbes in moisture-damaged and reference school buildings of two construction types. Atmospheric Environment. 36(39-40), 6031-6039. 2002.
  • NAVAI M, VEITCH JA. Acoustic satisfaction in open-plan offices: review and recommendations. Research Report RR-151. Ottawa, Canada: Institute for Research in Construction. National Research Council Canada. 2003.
  • NICOLAS, J., PONCELET, P. Solar-assisted heat pump system and in-ground energy storage in a school building. Solar Energy. 40(2), 117-125. 1988.
  • SANTAMOURIS, M., BALARAS, C. A., DASCALAKI, E., ARGIRIOU, A., GAGLIA A. Energy consumption and the potential for energy conservation in school buildings in Hellas. Energy. 19(6), 653-660. 1994.
  • SANTAMOURIS, M., MIHALAKAKOU, G., PATARGIAS, P., GAITANI, N., SFAKIANAKI, K., PAPAGLASTRA, M., PAVLOU, C., DOUKAS, P., PRIMIKIRI, E., GEROS, V., ASSIMAKOPOULOS, M. N., MITOULA,R., ZEREFOS, S. Using intelligent clustering techniques to classify the energy performance of school buildings. Energy and Buildings. 39(1), 45-51. 2007.
  • SOHN, J., YANG, W., KIM, J., SON, B., PARK, J. Indoor air quality investigation according to age of the school buildings in Korea. Journal of Environmental Management. 9(5), 348-354. 2009.
  • TIPPAYAWONG, N., KHUNTONG, P., NITATWICHIT, C., KHUNATORN, Y., TANTAKITTI, C. Indoor/outdoor relationships of size-resolved particle concentrations in naturally ventilated school environments. Building and Environment. 44, 188-197. 2009.


Year 2015, Volume: 16 Issue: 1, 11 - 19, 11.01.2016


Bu çalışmada Uludağ Üniversitesi Görükle Yerleşkesi’nde yer alan Mimarlık Bölümü binasının iç mekân fiziksel çevre kalitesi kullanıcı görüşleri dikkate alınarak değerlendirilmiştir. Bu değerlendirmenin yapılabilmesi için fiziksel çevre kalitesini oluşturan unsurlar, konu ile ilgili mevcut yayınlar da dikkate alınarak, belirlenmiştir. Çalışmanın yöntemi aşağıdaki aşamalarda gerçekleşmiştir: ilk aşamada; eğitim yapılarının fiziksel çevre kalitesi ile ilgili literatür analizi yapılmıştır. Literatür analizi sonrasında ortaya konulan anahtar kavramlar;  iç ortam sıcaklığı ve ısıl konfor, işitsel konfor, gün ışığı ve doğal aydınlatma, iç hava kalitesi ve doğal havalandırma olmuştur. Literatür analizinde öne çıkan anahtar kavramlardan yola çıkarak, bu kavramların sorgulanmasına ilişkin, kullanıcı görüşlerini almaya yönelik bir anket hazırlanmıştır. Bu değerlendirmenin amacı, mekân kullanımında öğrenciler ve öğretim elemanları için önemli olan kriterleri tespit etmek ve binanın ihtiyaç duyulan performans koşullarını yerine getirmesine olanak sağlamaktır.


  • ARENA, A. P., DE ROSA, C. Life cycle assessment of energy and environmental implications of the implementation of conservation technologies in school buildings in Mendoza-Argentina: Arena. Building and Environment. 38(2), 359–368. 2003.
  • AVSAR, Y., GONULLU, M. T. Determination of safe distance between roadway and school buildings to get acceptable school outdoor noise level by using noise barriers. Building and Environment. 40(9), 1255-1260. 2005.
  • BAKER, N. The influence of thermal comfort and user control on the design of a passive solar school building-Locksheath primary school. Energy and Buildings. 5(2), 135-145. 1982.
  • BECKER, R., GOLDBERGER, I., PACİUK, M. Improving energy performance of school buildings while ensuring indoor air quality ventilation. Building and Environment. 42(9), 3261-3276. 2007.
  • BONEH, M. Environmental comfort in educational buildings — Influence of windows and other openings. Energy and Buildings. 4(3), 239-243. 1982.
  • BUTALA, V., NOVAK, P. Energy consumption and potential energy savings in old school buildings. Energy and Buildings. 29(3), 241-246. 1999.
  • CARTER, D. J. The lighting of the St. Mary's School, Wallasey. Building and Environment. 19(4), 209-215. 1984.
  • CLAY, F. The ventilation of school buildings. The Lancet.161, 760 1903.
  • CLEMENTS-CROOME, D.J., AWBI, H.B., BAKÓ-BİRÓ, ZS, KOCHHAR, N., WILLIAMS, M. Ventilation rates in schools. Building and Environment. 43(3), 362-367. 2008.
  • COLLET DA GRACA, V. A., KOWALTOWSKİ, D. C. C. K., DIEGO PETRECHE, J. R. An evaluation method for school building design at the preliminary phase with optimisation of aspects of environmental comfort for the school system of the State São Paulo in Brazil. Building and Environment. 42(2), 984-999. 2007.
  • CONCEIÇÃO, E.Z.E., LÚCIO, M.M.J.R. Thermal study of school buildings in winter conditions. Building and Environment. 43(5), 782-792. 2008.
  • COOPER, I. Heating standards or energy conservation? A review of British legislation for school buildings. Applied Energy. 15(4), 247-272. 1983.
  • DE ROSA, C., BASSO, M., FERNÁNDEZ, J.C., MITCHELL, J., ESTEVES, A., PATTİNİ, A., ARENA, P., MESA, A., CANTÓN, A., CORTEGOSO, J.L. Energy Efficient School Buildings in Central-Western Argentina an Assessment of Alternative Typologies for the Classroom Tier World. Renewable Energy Congress VI. 601-606. 2000.
  • DESIDERI, U., PROIETTI, S. Analysis of energy consumption in the high schools of a province in central Italy. Energy and Buildings. 34(10), 1003–1016. 2002.
  • DESIDERI, U., PROIETTI, S. Analysis of energy consumption in the high schools of a province in central Italy. Energy and Buildings. 34(10), 1003-1016. 2002.
  • ELMALLAWANY, A. Field investigations of the sound insulation in school buildings. Building and Environment. 18(1-2), 85-89. 1983.
  • ELMALLAWANY, A. Minimum acoustical requirements for school buildings. Applied Acoustics. 13(2), 137-144. 1980.
  • ERHORN, H., MROZ, T., MØRCK, O., SCHMIDT, F., SCHOFF, L., THOMSEN, K. E. The Energy Concept Adviser—A tool to improve energy efficiency in educational buildings. Energy and Buildings. 40(4), 419-428. 2008.
  • FANGER, P., O. Thermal comfort: Analysis and applications in environmental engineering. Danish Technical Press. 1970.
  • FILIPPÍN, C. Thermal response of solar and conventional school buildings to design- and human-driven factors. Renewable Energy. 30(3), 353-376. 2005.
  • HARRIS, D. J., PROBERT, S., NWOKONKOR I. ‘Passive-solar’ schools in the UK. Applied Energy. 39(2), 145-171. 1991.
  • HASSANAIN, M. A. Post-Occupancy Indoor Environmental Quality Evaluation of Student Housing Facilities. Architectural Engineering And Design Management. 3, 249–256. 2007.
  • HERNANDEZ, P., BURKE, K., LEWIS, J. O. Development of energy performance benchmarks and building energy ratings for non-domestic buildings: An example for Irish primary schools. Energy and Building. 40(3), 249-254. 2008.
  • KHEDARI, J., BOONSRI, B., HIRUNLABH, J. Ventilation impact of a solar chimney on indoor temperature fluctuation and air change in a school building.
  • Energy and Buildings. 32(1), 89-93. 2000.
  • KRUGER, E. L., DORIGO, A. L. Daylighting analysis in a public school in Curitiba. Brazil Renewable Energy. 33(7), 1695-1702. 2008.
  • KWOK, A. G., CHUN, C. Thermal comfort in Japanese schools. Solar Energy. 74(3), 245-252. 2003.
  • LAPPALAINEN, S., KÄHKÖNEN, E., LOIKKANEN, P., PALOMÄKI, E., LINDROOS, O., REIJULA, K. Evaluation of priorities for repairing in moisture-damaged school buildings in Finland. Building and Environment. 36(8), 981-986. 2001.
  • MEKLIN, T., REPONEN, T., TOIVOLA, M., KOPONEN, V., HUSMAN, T., HYVÄRINEN, A., NEVALAINEN, A. Size distributions of airborne microbes in moisture-damaged and reference school buildings of two construction types. Atmospheric Environment. 36(39-40), 6031-6039. 2002.
  • NAVAI M, VEITCH JA. Acoustic satisfaction in open-plan offices: review and recommendations. Research Report RR-151. Ottawa, Canada: Institute for Research in Construction. National Research Council Canada. 2003.
  • NICOLAS, J., PONCELET, P. Solar-assisted heat pump system and in-ground energy storage in a school building. Solar Energy. 40(2), 117-125. 1988.
  • SANTAMOURIS, M., BALARAS, C. A., DASCALAKI, E., ARGIRIOU, A., GAGLIA A. Energy consumption and the potential for energy conservation in school buildings in Hellas. Energy. 19(6), 653-660. 1994.
  • SANTAMOURIS, M., MIHALAKAKOU, G., PATARGIAS, P., GAITANI, N., SFAKIANAKI, K., PAPAGLASTRA, M., PAVLOU, C., DOUKAS, P., PRIMIKIRI, E., GEROS, V., ASSIMAKOPOULOS, M. N., MITOULA,R., ZEREFOS, S. Using intelligent clustering techniques to classify the energy performance of school buildings. Energy and Buildings. 39(1), 45-51. 2007.
  • SOHN, J., YANG, W., KIM, J., SON, B., PARK, J. Indoor air quality investigation according to age of the school buildings in Korea. Journal of Environmental Management. 9(5), 348-354. 2009.
  • TIPPAYAWONG, N., KHUNTONG, P., NITATWICHIT, C., KHUNATORN, Y., TANTAKITTI, C. Indoor/outdoor relationships of size-resolved particle concentrations in naturally ventilated school environments. Building and Environment. 44, 188-197. 2009.
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Filiz Şenkal Sezer

Publication Date January 11, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 16 Issue: 1
