Research Article
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Year 2015, Volume: 16 Issue: 2, 43 - 53, 12.12.2015


In the eighties increased basic research was carried out in SFB (SonderForschungsBereich: a special fire research activity for structural elements in Braunschweig Technical University, 1971-1986) in order to clarify the discrepancies between calculation and measurement of restrained compression elements in case of fire. The work was particularly focused on the description of a universal material model for the concrete under elevated temperatures that could be applied successfully to estimate the relaxation response of restrained compression col-umns in fire. In the literature, various material models for structural concrete can be found. In many cases, how-ever, the verification of such models lacks for the case of fire, especially when a mechanical restraining or caused by the entire structural interaction of the carrying system is present.


  • Anderberg, Y.: Fire-Exposed Hyperstatic Con-crete Structures - An Experimental and Theoretical Study. Div. of Struct. Mechn. and Concrete Constr., Inst, of Techn., Lund, 1976.
  • Anderberg, Y. et al.: Stress and deformation characteristics of concrete in high temperatures. Lund Inst. of Techn., Bulletin 54, Lund 1976.
  • Bazant, Z.P.: Mathematical Model for Creep and Thermal Shrinkage of Concrete at High Temperatures. Report No.82-10/249m, The Techn. Inst., Northwestern University, Evanston, 1982.
  • Bronstein-Semendjajew.; Taschenbuch der Mathe-matik (Handbook of Mathematic)., Teubnerverlag., Leipzig, 1973
  • Cabrita Neves, J.C. Valente, J.P. Correia Rodrigues., Thermal restraint and fire resistance of columns., Fire Safety Journal, Volume 37, Issue 8, November 2002, Pages 753-771.
  • David Lange, Johan Sjöström., Mechanical response of a partially restrained column exposed to localized fires. Fire Safety Journal, Volume 67, July 2014, Pages 82-95.
  • DIN 4102 – Brandverhalten von Baustoffen und Bauteilen Teile 1-3, Teile 5-7, and Teil 4., DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung E.V., Beuth Verlag, Berlin, (1981)
  • Ehm, C.: Versuche zur Festigkeit und Verformung von Beton unter zweiaxialer Bean-spruchung und hohen Temperaturen ( Experiments on the concrete strength under biaxial loading and elavated temperatures). Dissertation, Technische Universität Braunschweig, 1985.
  • DIN V ENV 1992-1-2 Eurocode 2 – Planung von Stahlbeton- und Spannbetontragwerken, Teil 1-2: Allgemeine Regeln – Tragwerksbemessung für den Brandfall, (1997).
  • Frank Fingerloos and Ekkehard Richter., Nachweis des konstruktiven Brandschutzes bei Stahlbeton-stützen., Beton- und Stahlbetonbau, (Design of the Structural Fire Protection of Reinforced Concrete Column) , (2007).
  • Haksever, A.: Relaxationsverhalten von Stahlbeton-tragwerken im Brandfall (Relaxation behaviour of concrete structures in case of fire). SFB 148, Research report 1978-1980, Part A1-5, TU-Braunschweig, 1980
  • Hoffend, F.; Zum Brandverhalten von Stahl-beton-bauteilen., Versuchsergebnisse und rechnerische Unterschungen (On the fire behaviour of structural reinforced concrete elements and computational studies) ., SFB 148., Res. Report 1981-1983, Part I, pp 57-59.
  • Jens Upmeyer and Peter Schaumann: Zum Feuerwiderstand von Stahlbetonstützen, Beton- und Stahlbetonbau., (Fire Resistance of Reinforced Concrete Columns). (2008).
  • Jean-Marc Franssen., Failure temperature of a system comprising a restrained column submitted to fire., Fire Safety Journal, Volume 34, Issue 2, 3 March 2000, Pages 191-207.
  • Kordina. K.: The behavior of structural elements and buildings under fire. Rheinisch-Werfaelische Akademie der Wissenscahften., Nr. 281. Westdeutscher Verlag, Opladen., 1979.
  • Kordina. K., Schneider, U.: Über das Verhalten von Beton unter hohen Temperaturen (On the behavior of concrete under elevated temperatures), Betonwerk-Fertigteil-Techn. 41. Jahrg, Heft 12.
  • Michael Cyllok, and Marcus Achenbach. Bemessung von Stahlbetonstützen im Brandfall: Absicherung der nichtlinearen Zonenmethode durch Laborversuche., Beton- und Stahlbetonbau., Design of Reinforced Concrete Columns exposed to Fire: Validation of Simplified Method (Zone Method) by Tests., (2011)
  • Schneider, U.: Properties of Materials at High Temperatures - Concrete -. RILEM 44-PHT, University of Kassel, Kassel, 1985.
  • Schneider, U.: Behaviour of Concrete at High Temperatures. Deutscher Ausschuß für Stahlbeton, Heft 337, Verlag W. Ernst und Sohn, Berlin, 1982.
  • Schneider, U.: Design of structures against fire, Symposium, The University of Aston, Birmingham, April 15-16, 1986.
  • Schneider, U.: Ein Beitrag zur Frage des Kriechens und der Relaxation von Beton unter hohen Tem-peraturen (A contribution to the question of creep and relaxation of concrete in elevated tem-peratures). (Habil. -Work.), 1979. SFB 148., Subproject B3., Research Report., 1974-1983.
  • Schneider, U.: Zur kinetik festigkeitsmindernder Reaktionen in Normalbetonen bei hohen Tempe-raturen., (On the kinetic of strength lessening reactions in normal concrete in elevated tempe-ratures). Diss. TU-Braunschweig, 1973. SFB 148.: “Sonderforschungsbereich 148; Brand-verhalten von Bauteilen” (A special research field Nr. 148; Fire response of structural elements). Technisce Universität Braunschweig., Germany., (1971-1986)
  • Sven Huismann, Manfred Korzen, Andreas Rogge., Entwicklung und Validierung eines allgemeinen Rechenverfahrens für Stahlbetonstützen aus hoch-festem Beton unter Brandbeanspruchung., (De-velopment and Validation of an Advanced Calculation Model for High Strength Concrete Columns Subjected to Fire Loading).,Beton- und Stahlbetonbau, (2012).
  • Truong-Thang Nguyen, Kang Hai Tan., Thermal-induced restraint forces in reinforced concrete columns subjected to eccentric loads. Fire Safety Journal, Volume 69, October 2014, Pages 136-146. Ulrich Quast, Spannungsabhängige und thermische Dehnungen (Stress and thermal dependant expansions), Beton- und Stahlbetonbau, (2009).
  • Waubke, N.V.; Schneider, U.: Tensile Stresses in concrete due to fast vapor flow. -Int. symp. on pore struct, and prop of mat., Part III, Vol. V. Prag 1973.
  • Waubke, N.V.: Über einen physikalischen Gesichtspunkt der Festigkeitsverluste von Portland-zementbetonen bei Temperaturen bis 1000 °C (From the physical point of view of strength loss for Portland cement concretes in 1000 °C temperatures), -Publications of 148, Issue 2, TU-Braunschweig, Nov. 1973.
  • Waubke, N.V.; Schneider, U.: Tensile Stresses in concrete due to fast vapour flow. -Int. symp. on pore struct, and prop of mat., Part III, Vol. V. Prag 1973.
  • Weiß, R.: Ein haufwerktheoretisches Modell der Restfestigkeit geschädigter Betone (A theoretical model for residual strength of damaged concretes in pile condition), -Diss. TU-Braunschweig, 1977.
  • Yu-ye Xu, Bo Wu., Fire resistance of reinforced concrete columns with L-, T-, and +-shaped cross-sections. Fire Safety Journal, Volume 44, Issue 6, August 2009, Pages 869-880.


Year 2015, Volume: 16 Issue: 2, 43 - 53, 12.12.2015


In the eighties increased basic research was carried out in SFB (SonderForschungsBereich: a special fire research activity for structural elements in Braunschweig Technical University, 1971-1986) in order to clarify the discrepancies between calculation and measurement of restrained compression elements in case of fire. The work was particularly focused on the description of a universal material model for the concrete under elevated temperatures that could be applied successfully to estimate the relaxation response of restrained compression col-umns in fire. In the literature, various material models for structural concrete can be found. In many cases, how-ever, the verification of such models lacks for the case of fire, especially when a mechanical restraining or caused by the entire structural interaction of the carrying system is present.


  • Anderberg, Y.: Fire-Exposed Hyperstatic Con-crete Structures - An Experimental and Theoretical Study. Div. of Struct. Mechn. and Concrete Constr., Inst, of Techn., Lund, 1976.
  • Anderberg, Y. et al.: Stress and deformation characteristics of concrete in high temperatures. Lund Inst. of Techn., Bulletin 54, Lund 1976.
  • Bazant, Z.P.: Mathematical Model for Creep and Thermal Shrinkage of Concrete at High Temperatures. Report No.82-10/249m, The Techn. Inst., Northwestern University, Evanston, 1982.
  • Bronstein-Semendjajew.; Taschenbuch der Mathe-matik (Handbook of Mathematic)., Teubnerverlag., Leipzig, 1973
  • Cabrita Neves, J.C. Valente, J.P. Correia Rodrigues., Thermal restraint and fire resistance of columns., Fire Safety Journal, Volume 37, Issue 8, November 2002, Pages 753-771.
  • David Lange, Johan Sjöström., Mechanical response of a partially restrained column exposed to localized fires. Fire Safety Journal, Volume 67, July 2014, Pages 82-95.
  • DIN 4102 – Brandverhalten von Baustoffen und Bauteilen Teile 1-3, Teile 5-7, and Teil 4., DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung E.V., Beuth Verlag, Berlin, (1981)
  • Ehm, C.: Versuche zur Festigkeit und Verformung von Beton unter zweiaxialer Bean-spruchung und hohen Temperaturen ( Experiments on the concrete strength under biaxial loading and elavated temperatures). Dissertation, Technische Universität Braunschweig, 1985.
  • DIN V ENV 1992-1-2 Eurocode 2 – Planung von Stahlbeton- und Spannbetontragwerken, Teil 1-2: Allgemeine Regeln – Tragwerksbemessung für den Brandfall, (1997).
  • Frank Fingerloos and Ekkehard Richter., Nachweis des konstruktiven Brandschutzes bei Stahlbeton-stützen., Beton- und Stahlbetonbau, (Design of the Structural Fire Protection of Reinforced Concrete Column) , (2007).
  • Haksever, A.: Relaxationsverhalten von Stahlbeton-tragwerken im Brandfall (Relaxation behaviour of concrete structures in case of fire). SFB 148, Research report 1978-1980, Part A1-5, TU-Braunschweig, 1980
  • Hoffend, F.; Zum Brandverhalten von Stahl-beton-bauteilen., Versuchsergebnisse und rechnerische Unterschungen (On the fire behaviour of structural reinforced concrete elements and computational studies) ., SFB 148., Res. Report 1981-1983, Part I, pp 57-59.
  • Jens Upmeyer and Peter Schaumann: Zum Feuerwiderstand von Stahlbetonstützen, Beton- und Stahlbetonbau., (Fire Resistance of Reinforced Concrete Columns). (2008).
  • Jean-Marc Franssen., Failure temperature of a system comprising a restrained column submitted to fire., Fire Safety Journal, Volume 34, Issue 2, 3 March 2000, Pages 191-207.
  • Kordina. K.: The behavior of structural elements and buildings under fire. Rheinisch-Werfaelische Akademie der Wissenscahften., Nr. 281. Westdeutscher Verlag, Opladen., 1979.
  • Kordina. K., Schneider, U.: Über das Verhalten von Beton unter hohen Temperaturen (On the behavior of concrete under elevated temperatures), Betonwerk-Fertigteil-Techn. 41. Jahrg, Heft 12.
  • Michael Cyllok, and Marcus Achenbach. Bemessung von Stahlbetonstützen im Brandfall: Absicherung der nichtlinearen Zonenmethode durch Laborversuche., Beton- und Stahlbetonbau., Design of Reinforced Concrete Columns exposed to Fire: Validation of Simplified Method (Zone Method) by Tests., (2011)
  • Schneider, U.: Properties of Materials at High Temperatures - Concrete -. RILEM 44-PHT, University of Kassel, Kassel, 1985.
  • Schneider, U.: Behaviour of Concrete at High Temperatures. Deutscher Ausschuß für Stahlbeton, Heft 337, Verlag W. Ernst und Sohn, Berlin, 1982.
  • Schneider, U.: Design of structures against fire, Symposium, The University of Aston, Birmingham, April 15-16, 1986.
  • Schneider, U.: Ein Beitrag zur Frage des Kriechens und der Relaxation von Beton unter hohen Tem-peraturen (A contribution to the question of creep and relaxation of concrete in elevated tem-peratures). (Habil. -Work.), 1979. SFB 148., Subproject B3., Research Report., 1974-1983.
  • Schneider, U.: Zur kinetik festigkeitsmindernder Reaktionen in Normalbetonen bei hohen Tempe-raturen., (On the kinetic of strength lessening reactions in normal concrete in elevated tempe-ratures). Diss. TU-Braunschweig, 1973. SFB 148.: “Sonderforschungsbereich 148; Brand-verhalten von Bauteilen” (A special research field Nr. 148; Fire response of structural elements). Technisce Universität Braunschweig., Germany., (1971-1986)
  • Sven Huismann, Manfred Korzen, Andreas Rogge., Entwicklung und Validierung eines allgemeinen Rechenverfahrens für Stahlbetonstützen aus hoch-festem Beton unter Brandbeanspruchung., (De-velopment and Validation of an Advanced Calculation Model for High Strength Concrete Columns Subjected to Fire Loading).,Beton- und Stahlbetonbau, (2012).
  • Truong-Thang Nguyen, Kang Hai Tan., Thermal-induced restraint forces in reinforced concrete columns subjected to eccentric loads. Fire Safety Journal, Volume 69, October 2014, Pages 136-146. Ulrich Quast, Spannungsabhängige und thermische Dehnungen (Stress and thermal dependant expansions), Beton- und Stahlbetonbau, (2009).
  • Waubke, N.V.; Schneider, U.: Tensile Stresses in concrete due to fast vapor flow. -Int. symp. on pore struct, and prop of mat., Part III, Vol. V. Prag 1973.
  • Waubke, N.V.: Über einen physikalischen Gesichtspunkt der Festigkeitsverluste von Portland-zementbetonen bei Temperaturen bis 1000 °C (From the physical point of view of strength loss for Portland cement concretes in 1000 °C temperatures), -Publications of 148, Issue 2, TU-Braunschweig, Nov. 1973.
  • Waubke, N.V.; Schneider, U.: Tensile Stresses in concrete due to fast vapour flow. -Int. symp. on pore struct, and prop of mat., Part III, Vol. V. Prag 1973.
  • Weiß, R.: Ein haufwerktheoretisches Modell der Restfestigkeit geschädigter Betone (A theoretical model for residual strength of damaged concretes in pile condition), -Diss. TU-Braunschweig, 1977.
  • Yu-ye Xu, Bo Wu., Fire resistance of reinforced concrete columns with L-, T-, and +-shaped cross-sections. Fire Safety Journal, Volume 44, Issue 6, August 2009, Pages 869-880.
There are 29 citations in total.


Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Ataman Haksever

Publication Date December 12, 2015
Acceptance Date October 5, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 16 Issue: 2
