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Regulatory Focus Theory Perspective in Consumer Behavior

Year 2023, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 64 - 83, 30.06.2023


In order to increase the effectiveness of marketing activities and act proactively in a strategic manner to understand the individual behavior in the field of consumption, understanding the consumer's inner world - the way of thinking gained importance as well as understanding the external environmental factors, in recent years. The concept of relationship marketing and the issue of bonding with consumers - which came to the fore especially in the 90s - have led to the attention of motivation and attitude-oriented studies on how consumers decide on purchasing. One of the many theories that guide researchers in the field of marketing from the field of behavioral psychology is the Regulatory Focus Theory. The Regulatory Focus Theory, which sets out with the philosophy that a positive and a negative stimulus can lead to a result at the same time, is a theory that offers important results in measuring consumer shopping behavior in different marketing channels. The dimensions of regulatory focus, promotion focus and prevention focus, reflect the cognitive state of the consumer and affect his/her attitude towards purchasing. The issue of motivation, which is another issue that is effective on the cognitive and affective state, and its hedonic and utilitarian components influence the outcome in the consumer decision-making process, directly and through various mediating factors. It has been demonstrated in various studies that hedonic and utilitarian motivation can determine purchase intention through regulatory focuses. In this study, firstly, after sharing information from literature review on the hedonic and utilitarian components of motivation, basic information about the regulatory focus theory, the concepts of promotion focus and prevention focus, their reflections in the field of marketing and the variables that researchers - who have worked in the field of regulatory focus – focus on will be discussed.


  • Aaker, J. L. ve Lee, A. Y. (2001), “I” Seek pleasures and “we” avoid pains: The role of self-regulatory goals in information processing and persuasion. Journal of Consumer Research, 28(1), 33-49.
  • Anderson, K. C., Knight, D. K., Pookulangara S. ve Josiam B., (2014). Influence of hedonic and utilitarian motivations on retailer loyalty and purchase intention: A Facebook perspective. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 21, 774.
  • Arnold, M. J. ve Reynolds, K. E., (2009). Affect and retail shopping behavior: Understanding the role of mood regulation and regulatory focus. Journal of Retailing, 85, 308-320.
  • Atkinson, J. W. (1964). An introduction to motivation. New York. Toronto. London: D. Van Nostrand Co. Ltd.
  • Babin, B. J., Darden W. R. ve Griffin M., (1994). Work and/or fun: Measuring hedonic and utilitarian shopping value. Journal of Consumer Research, 20(4), 644 – 656.
  • Barbopoulos, I., ve Johansson, L. O. (2017). The Consumer Motivation Scale: Development of a multi-dimensional and context-sensitive measure of consumption goals. Journal of Business Research, 76, 118-126.
  • Baysal, A. C. ve Tekarslan E. (1987). Davranış bilimleri. İstanbul: İ. Ü. İşletme Fakültesi İşletme İktisadi Enstitüsü Yayını
  • Beatty, S. E. ve Ferrell, M. E. (1998). Impulse buying: Modeling its precursors. Journal of Retailing, 74(2), 169-191.
  • Beatty, S. E., & Kahle, L. R. (1988). Alternative hierarchies of the attitude-behavior relationship: The impact of brand commitment and habit. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 16(1), 1-10.
  • Bloch, P. H., ve Bruce, G. D. (1984). Product involvement as leisure behavior. ACR North American Advances, 11, 197-202.
  • Boldero, J. M. ve Higgins, E. T. (2011). Regulatory focus and political decision making: When people favor reform over the status quo. Political Psychology, 32(3), 399-418.
  • Bongran (Lucia), S. (2011). An integrative value-based consumer behavior model in the restaurant industry: Aspects of regulatory focus theory and cognitive appraisal theory. Doktora Tezi.
  • Bryant, P. ve Dunford, R. (2008). The influence of regulatory focus on risky decision‐making. Applied Psychology, 57(2), 335-359.
  • Bryła, P. (2021). The impact of consumer Schwartz values and regulatory focus on the willingness to pay a price premium for domestic food products: Gender differences. Energies, 14(19), 6198.
  • Childers, T. L., Carr, C. L., Peck, J. ve Carson, S. (2001). Hedonic and utilitarian motivations for online retail shopping behavior. Journal of Retailing, 77(4), 511-535.
  • Crowe, E. ve Higgins, E. T. (1997). Regulatory focus and strategic inclinations: Promotion and prevention in decision-making. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 69(2), 117-132.
  • Das, G. (2016). Regulatory focus as a moderator of retail shopping behaviour. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 24(6), 484-499.
  • Das, G., Roy, R. ve Spence, M. T. (2020). The mitigating effect of matching regulatory focus with arousal‐inducing stimuli in service failure situations. Psychology & Marketing, 37(10), 1420-1432.
  • Evanschitzky, H., Emrich, O., Sangtani, V., Ackfeldt, A. L., Reynolds, K. E. ve Arnold, M. J. (2014). Hedonic shopping motivations in collectivistic and individualistic consumer cultures. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 31(3), 335-338.
  • Ferrer, R. A., Lipkus, I. M., Cerully, J. L., McBride, C. M., Shepperd, J. A. ve Klein, W. M. (2017). Developing a scale to assess health regulatory focus. Social Science & Medicine, 195, 50-60.
  • Fischer, E. ve Arnold, S. J. (1990). More than a labor of love: Gender roles and Christmas gift shopping. Journal of Consumer Research, 17(3), 333-345.
  • Florack, A., Friese, M. ve Scarabis, M. (2010). Regulatory focus and reliance on implicit preferences in consumption contexts. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 20(2), 193-204.
  • Förster, J., Higgins, E. T. ve Idson, L. C. (1998). Approach and avoidance strength during goal attainment: regulatory focus and the" goal looms larger" effect. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 75(5), 1115.
  • Förster, J., Higgins, E. T. ve Bianco, A. T. (2003). Speed/accuracy decisions in task performance: Built-in trade-off or separate strategic concerns?. Organizational behavior and human decision processes, 90(1), 148-164.
  • Förster, J. ve Higgins, E. T. (2005). How global versus local perception fits regulatory focus. Psychological Science, 16(8), 631-636.
  • Frijda, N. H. (1999). Emotions and hedonic experience. In D. Kahneman, E. Diener, ve N. Schwarz (Eds.), Well-being: The foundations of hedonic psychology (pp. 190–210). Russell Sage Foundation.
  • Fuglestad, P. T., Rothman, A. J. ve Jeffery, R. W. (2008). Getting there and hanging on: the effect of regulatory focus on performance in smoking and weight loss interventions. Health Psychology, 27(3S), S260.
  • Graham, K. A., Ziegert, J. C. ve Capitano, J. (2015). The effect of leadership style, framing, and promotion regulatory focus on unethical pro-organizational behavior. Journal of Business Ethics, 126, 423-436.
  • Hauser, A., Weisweiler, S. ve Frey, D. (2018). Does the motivational orientation matter? A regulatory focus perspective on work-life enrichment and work-life conflict. International Journal of Stress Management, 25(4), 357.
  • Herzenstein, M., Posavac, S. S. ve Brakus, J. J. (2007). Adoption of new and really new products: The effects of self-regulation systems and risk salience. Journal of marketing research, 44(2), 251-260.
  • Higgins, E. T. (1987). Self-discrepancy: a theory relating self and affect. Psychological Review, 94(3), 319.
  • Higgins, E. T. (1997). Beyond pleasure and pain. American Psychologist, 52(12), 1280.
  • Higgins, E. T. (1998). Promotion and prevention: Regulatory focus as a motivational principle. In Advances in experimental social psychology (Vol. 30, pp. 1-46). Academic Press.
  • Higgins, E. T. (2000). Making a good decision: value from fit. American psychologist, 55(11), 1217.
  • Higgins, E. T., Friedman, R. S., Harlow, R. E., Idson, L. C., Ayduk, O. N. ve Taylor, A. (2001). Achievement orientations from subjective histories of success: Promotion pride versus prevention pride. European Journal of Social Psychology, 31(1), 3-23.
  • Higgins, E. T., Nakkawita, E., ve Cornwell, J. F. (2020). Beyond outcomes: How regulatory focus motivates consumer goal pursuit processes. Consumer Psychology Review, 3(1), 76-90.
  • Hirschman, E. C. ve Holbrook, M. B. (1982). Hedonic consumption: Emerging concepts, methods and propositions. Journal of Marketing, 46(3), 92-101.
  • Hsu, C. L., Yu, L. C. ve Chang, K. C. (2017). Exploring the effects of online customer reviews, regulatory focus, and product type on purchase intention: Perceived justice as a moderator. Computers in Human Behavior, 69, 335-346.
  • Johnson, R. E., King, D. D., Lin, S. H. J., Scott, B. A., Walker, E. M. J. ve Wang, M. (2017). Regulatory focus trickle-down: How leader regulatory focus and behavior shape follower regulatory focus. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 140, 29-45.
  • Khajehzadeh, S., Oppewal, H. ve Tojib, D. (2014). Consumer responses to mobile coupons: The roles of shopping motivation and regulatory fit. Journal of Business Research, 67(11), 2447-2455.
  • Kim, S. H., Huang, R. ve Kim, S. (2022). Exploring advertising strategy for restaurants sourcing locally: The interplay of benefit appeal and regulatory focus. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 50, 127-138.
  • Koçel, T. (2003). İşletme yöneticiliği. Genişletilmiş 9. Baskı, Beta Basım, İstanbul.
  • Lanaj, K., Chang, C. H. ve Johnson, R. E. (2012). Regulatory focus and work-related outcomes: a review and meta-analysis. Psychological Bulletin, 138(5), 998.
  • Lee, H. J. (2016). The role of regulatory focus in online & mobile shopping: focused on shopping motivation and information quality. Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, 20, 138.
  • Lee, C. K., Yoon, Y. S. ve Lee, S. K. (2007). Investigating the relationships among perceived value, satisfaction, and recommendations: The case of the Korean DMZ. Tourism management, 28(1), 204-214.
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  • Li, Y., Yuan, Z. ve Liu, J. (2017). Effects of regulatory focus and user perception on search engine advertising avoidance. Social Behavior and Personality: An International Journal, 45(6), 999-1006.
  • Liberman, N., Idson, L. C., Camacho, C. J. ve Higgins, E. T. (1999). Promotion and prevention choices between stability and change. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 77(6), 1135.
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Düzenleyici Odak Kuramının Tüketici Davranışındaki Yeri

Year 2023, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 64 - 83, 30.06.2023


Pazarlama faaliyetlerinin etkinliğini arttırabilmek ve stratejik olarak proaktif davranabilmek adına, tüketim alanında birey davranışını anlamak için dış çevresel etkilerin yanında tüketicinin iç dünyasını – düşünme şeklini anlamak son yıllarda önem kazanmıştır. Özellikle 90’lı yıllarda gündeme gelen ilişkisel pazarlama kavramı ve tüketiciler ile bağ kurma hususu, tüketicilerin satın alma konusunda nasıl karar verdiklerine ilişkin güdülenme ve tutum odaklı çalışmaların dikkat çekmesine vesile olmuştur. Davranışsal psikoloji alanından pazarlama alanına araştırmacılara yön veren pek çok kuramdan birisi Düzenleyici Odak Kuramıdır. Bireyin bir hedefi gerçekleştirmesi yolunda pozitif ve negatif uyaranların aynı anda kendisini sonuca ulaştırabileceği felsefesi ile yola çıkan Düzenleyici Odak Kuramı, farklı pazarlama mecralarındaki tüketici alışveriş davranışını anlamaya yönelik ölçümlemelerde önemli sonuçlar sunan bir teoridir. Düzenleyici odağın boyutları olan yönelimci odak ve kaçınmacı odak tüketicinin bilişsel durumunu yansıtmakta ve satın almaya yönelik tavrını etkilemektedir. Bilişsel ve duyuşsal durum üzerinde etkili olan bir başka husus olan güdülenmenin ve onun hazcı ve faydacı bileşenlerinin tüketici karar verme sürecinde, sonuç üzerinde doğrudan ve çeşitli aracı faktörler üzerinden etkisi bulunmaktadır. Hazcı ve faydacı güdülenmenin düzenleyici odaklar aracılığı ile satın alma niyetini belirleyebileceği çeşitli çalışmalarda ortaya konmuştur. Bu çalışmada, öncelikli olarak güdülenmenin hazcı ve faydacı bileşenleri ile ilgili literatür araştırmasının sonuçları paylaşıldıktan sonra düzenleyici odak kuramı ile ilgili temel bilgiye, yönelimci odak ve kaçınmacı odak kavramlarına ve pazarlama alanındaki yansımalarına ve düzenleyici odak alanında çalışmış olan araştırmacıların merkez aldıkları değişkenlere yer verilecektir.


  • Aaker, J. L. ve Lee, A. Y. (2001), “I” Seek pleasures and “we” avoid pains: The role of self-regulatory goals in information processing and persuasion. Journal of Consumer Research, 28(1), 33-49.
  • Anderson, K. C., Knight, D. K., Pookulangara S. ve Josiam B., (2014). Influence of hedonic and utilitarian motivations on retailer loyalty and purchase intention: A Facebook perspective. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 21, 774.
  • Arnold, M. J. ve Reynolds, K. E., (2009). Affect and retail shopping behavior: Understanding the role of mood regulation and regulatory focus. Journal of Retailing, 85, 308-320.
  • Atkinson, J. W. (1964). An introduction to motivation. New York. Toronto. London: D. Van Nostrand Co. Ltd.
  • Babin, B. J., Darden W. R. ve Griffin M., (1994). Work and/or fun: Measuring hedonic and utilitarian shopping value. Journal of Consumer Research, 20(4), 644 – 656.
  • Barbopoulos, I., ve Johansson, L. O. (2017). The Consumer Motivation Scale: Development of a multi-dimensional and context-sensitive measure of consumption goals. Journal of Business Research, 76, 118-126.
  • Baysal, A. C. ve Tekarslan E. (1987). Davranış bilimleri. İstanbul: İ. Ü. İşletme Fakültesi İşletme İktisadi Enstitüsü Yayını
  • Beatty, S. E. ve Ferrell, M. E. (1998). Impulse buying: Modeling its precursors. Journal of Retailing, 74(2), 169-191.
  • Beatty, S. E., & Kahle, L. R. (1988). Alternative hierarchies of the attitude-behavior relationship: The impact of brand commitment and habit. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 16(1), 1-10.
  • Bloch, P. H., ve Bruce, G. D. (1984). Product involvement as leisure behavior. ACR North American Advances, 11, 197-202.
  • Boldero, J. M. ve Higgins, E. T. (2011). Regulatory focus and political decision making: When people favor reform over the status quo. Political Psychology, 32(3), 399-418.
  • Bongran (Lucia), S. (2011). An integrative value-based consumer behavior model in the restaurant industry: Aspects of regulatory focus theory and cognitive appraisal theory. Doktora Tezi.
  • Bryant, P. ve Dunford, R. (2008). The influence of regulatory focus on risky decision‐making. Applied Psychology, 57(2), 335-359.
  • Bryła, P. (2021). The impact of consumer Schwartz values and regulatory focus on the willingness to pay a price premium for domestic food products: Gender differences. Energies, 14(19), 6198.
  • Childers, T. L., Carr, C. L., Peck, J. ve Carson, S. (2001). Hedonic and utilitarian motivations for online retail shopping behavior. Journal of Retailing, 77(4), 511-535.
  • Crowe, E. ve Higgins, E. T. (1997). Regulatory focus and strategic inclinations: Promotion and prevention in decision-making. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 69(2), 117-132.
  • Das, G. (2016). Regulatory focus as a moderator of retail shopping behaviour. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 24(6), 484-499.
  • Das, G., Roy, R. ve Spence, M. T. (2020). The mitigating effect of matching regulatory focus with arousal‐inducing stimuli in service failure situations. Psychology & Marketing, 37(10), 1420-1432.
  • Evanschitzky, H., Emrich, O., Sangtani, V., Ackfeldt, A. L., Reynolds, K. E. ve Arnold, M. J. (2014). Hedonic shopping motivations in collectivistic and individualistic consumer cultures. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 31(3), 335-338.
  • Ferrer, R. A., Lipkus, I. M., Cerully, J. L., McBride, C. M., Shepperd, J. A. ve Klein, W. M. (2017). Developing a scale to assess health regulatory focus. Social Science & Medicine, 195, 50-60.
  • Fischer, E. ve Arnold, S. J. (1990). More than a labor of love: Gender roles and Christmas gift shopping. Journal of Consumer Research, 17(3), 333-345.
  • Florack, A., Friese, M. ve Scarabis, M. (2010). Regulatory focus and reliance on implicit preferences in consumption contexts. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 20(2), 193-204.
  • Förster, J., Higgins, E. T. ve Idson, L. C. (1998). Approach and avoidance strength during goal attainment: regulatory focus and the" goal looms larger" effect. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 75(5), 1115.
  • Förster, J., Higgins, E. T. ve Bianco, A. T. (2003). Speed/accuracy decisions in task performance: Built-in trade-off or separate strategic concerns?. Organizational behavior and human decision processes, 90(1), 148-164.
  • Förster, J. ve Higgins, E. T. (2005). How global versus local perception fits regulatory focus. Psychological Science, 16(8), 631-636.
  • Frijda, N. H. (1999). Emotions and hedonic experience. In D. Kahneman, E. Diener, ve N. Schwarz (Eds.), Well-being: The foundations of hedonic psychology (pp. 190–210). Russell Sage Foundation.
  • Fuglestad, P. T., Rothman, A. J. ve Jeffery, R. W. (2008). Getting there and hanging on: the effect of regulatory focus on performance in smoking and weight loss interventions. Health Psychology, 27(3S), S260.
  • Graham, K. A., Ziegert, J. C. ve Capitano, J. (2015). The effect of leadership style, framing, and promotion regulatory focus on unethical pro-organizational behavior. Journal of Business Ethics, 126, 423-436.
  • Hauser, A., Weisweiler, S. ve Frey, D. (2018). Does the motivational orientation matter? A regulatory focus perspective on work-life enrichment and work-life conflict. International Journal of Stress Management, 25(4), 357.
  • Herzenstein, M., Posavac, S. S. ve Brakus, J. J. (2007). Adoption of new and really new products: The effects of self-regulation systems and risk salience. Journal of marketing research, 44(2), 251-260.
  • Higgins, E. T. (1987). Self-discrepancy: a theory relating self and affect. Psychological Review, 94(3), 319.
  • Higgins, E. T. (1997). Beyond pleasure and pain. American Psychologist, 52(12), 1280.
  • Higgins, E. T. (1998). Promotion and prevention: Regulatory focus as a motivational principle. In Advances in experimental social psychology (Vol. 30, pp. 1-46). Academic Press.
  • Higgins, E. T. (2000). Making a good decision: value from fit. American psychologist, 55(11), 1217.
  • Higgins, E. T., Friedman, R. S., Harlow, R. E., Idson, L. C., Ayduk, O. N. ve Taylor, A. (2001). Achievement orientations from subjective histories of success: Promotion pride versus prevention pride. European Journal of Social Psychology, 31(1), 3-23.
  • Higgins, E. T., Nakkawita, E., ve Cornwell, J. F. (2020). Beyond outcomes: How regulatory focus motivates consumer goal pursuit processes. Consumer Psychology Review, 3(1), 76-90.
  • Hirschman, E. C. ve Holbrook, M. B. (1982). Hedonic consumption: Emerging concepts, methods and propositions. Journal of Marketing, 46(3), 92-101.
  • Hsu, C. L., Yu, L. C. ve Chang, K. C. (2017). Exploring the effects of online customer reviews, regulatory focus, and product type on purchase intention: Perceived justice as a moderator. Computers in Human Behavior, 69, 335-346.
  • Johnson, R. E., King, D. D., Lin, S. H. J., Scott, B. A., Walker, E. M. J. ve Wang, M. (2017). Regulatory focus trickle-down: How leader regulatory focus and behavior shape follower regulatory focus. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 140, 29-45.
  • Khajehzadeh, S., Oppewal, H. ve Tojib, D. (2014). Consumer responses to mobile coupons: The roles of shopping motivation and regulatory fit. Journal of Business Research, 67(11), 2447-2455.
  • Kim, S. H., Huang, R. ve Kim, S. (2022). Exploring advertising strategy for restaurants sourcing locally: The interplay of benefit appeal and regulatory focus. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 50, 127-138.
  • Koçel, T. (2003). İşletme yöneticiliği. Genişletilmiş 9. Baskı, Beta Basım, İstanbul.
  • Lanaj, K., Chang, C. H. ve Johnson, R. E. (2012). Regulatory focus and work-related outcomes: a review and meta-analysis. Psychological Bulletin, 138(5), 998.
  • Lee, H. J. (2016). The role of regulatory focus in online & mobile shopping: focused on shopping motivation and information quality. Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, 20, 138.
  • Lee, C. K., Yoon, Y. S. ve Lee, S. K. (2007). Investigating the relationships among perceived value, satisfaction, and recommendations: The case of the Korean DMZ. Tourism management, 28(1), 204-214.
  • Levy, S. J. (1959). Symbols for sale. Harvard Business Review.
  • Lewin, K. (1946). Action research and minority problems. Journal of Social Issues, 2(4), 34-46.
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  • Liberman, N., Idson, L. C., Camacho, C. J. ve Higgins, E. T. (1999). Promotion and prevention choices between stability and change. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 77(6), 1135.
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There are 82 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Marketing Theory, Consumer Behaviour
Journal Section Reviews

Burcu Keskin This is me 0009-0005-2511-6493

Aypar Uslu 0000-0002-6994-9367

Publication Date June 30, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 2 Issue: 1


APA Keskin, B., & Uslu, A. (2023). Düzenleyici Odak Kuramının Tüketici Davranışındaki Yeri. Turkish Journal of Marketing Research, 2(1), 64-83.