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A Conceptual Study on Brand Fidelity in terms of Consumer Brand Relationships

Year 2024, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 34 - 45, 30.06.2024


Understanding and measuring consumer brand relations is very important for both academics and industry practitioners for sustainable and strong brand management. Over the years, many studies have been conducted to analysis consumer brand relations and strategies have been developed. This study aimed to evaluate the current situation in consumer brand relations, to help identify gaps in the relevant literature, to provide an understanding of future trends and brand fidelity, which is a new concept. For this purpose, the historical development of consumer brand relations, the emergence of the concept of brand fidelity and scale development studies are discussed in the focus of brand fidelity. In addition, this study aims to be a pioneering study by making a theoretical contribution to the marketing literature by examining the relationships between perceived corporate social responsibility, brand love and +wom, which are predicted to be related to brand fidelity.


  • Ahuvia, A., Bagozzi, R. P., & Batra, R. (2014). Psychometric vs. C-OAR-SE measures of brand love: A reply to Rossiter. Marketing Letters, 25(2), 235–243.
  • Albert, N., Merunka, D., & Valette Florence, P. (2009). The feeling of love toward a brand: Concept and measurement. Advences in Consumer Research, 36: 300-307.
  • Albert, N., & Merunka, D. (2013). The role of brand love in consumer-brand relationships. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 30(3), 258–266.
  • Amine, A. (1998). Consumers’ true brand loyalty: the central role of commitment. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 6(4), 305–319.
  • Anderson, R. E. (1973). Consumer dissatisfaction: The effect of disconfirmed expectancy on perceived product performance. Journal of Marketing Research, 10(1), 38–44.
  • Anggraeni, A. (2015), Effects of brand love, personality and ımage on word of mouth; the case of local fashion brands among young consumers. Procedia-Social and Behavioural Sciences, 211, 442-447.
  • Baena, V. (2018). The importance of CSR practices carried out by sport teams and Its ınfluence on brand love: The Real Madrid Foundation. Soc. Responsib. J., 14, 61–79.
  • Bıçakcıoğlu, N., İpek, İ., & Bayraktaroğlu, G. (2018). Antecedents and outcomes of brand love: the mediating role of brand loyalty. Journal of Marketing Communications, 24(8), 863-877.
  • Carroll, B.A. & Ahuvia, A.C. (2006). Some antecedents and outcomes of brand love. Marketing Letters, 17(2), 79–89.
  • Choi, B., & La, S. (2013). The impact of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and customer trust on the restoration of loyalty after service failure and recovery. Journal of Services Marketing, 27(3), 223-233.
  • Cifci, S. D., & Erdogan, B. Z. (2016). Antecedents and measurement of brand commitment and behavioural loyalty. Journal of Customer Behaviour, 15(4), 321-336.
  • Coelho, A., Bairrada, C. & Peres, F. (2019). Brand communities’ relational outcomes, through brand love. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 28(2), 154-165.
  • Day, G. S. (1977). Diagnosing the product portfolio. Journal of Marketing, 41(2), 29-38.
  • Faridi, M., & Naushad, M.A (2021). Study of brand fidelity: ıts contribution and ımpact on the Saudi market, Innovative Marketing, 17(4): 13-25. doi:10.21511/im.17(4).2021.02
  • Fournier, S., & Yao, J.L. (1997). Reviving brand loyalty: a reconceptualization within the framework of consumer-brand relationships. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 14(5), 451–472.
  • Fournier, S. (1998). Consumers and their brands: developing relationship theory in consumer research. Journal of Consumer Research, 24(4), 343–353.
  • Gilal, F. G., Channa, N. A., Gilal, N. G., Gilal, R. G., Gong, Z., & Zhang, N. (2020). Corporate social responsibility and brand passion among consumers: theory and evidence. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 27(5), 2275-2285.
  • Giovanis, A. (2016). Consumer-brand relationships’ development in the mobile internet market: evidence from an extended relationship commitment paradigm. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 25(6), 568-585.
  • Grace, D., Ross, M., & King, C. (2018), “Brand fidelity: a relationship maintenance perspective, Journal of Brand Management, 25: 577–590.
  • Grace, D., Ross, M., & King, C. (2020). Brand fidelity: Scale development and validation. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 52, 101908.
  • Hong, S. Y., & Rim, H. (2010). The influence of customer use of corporate websites: Corporate social responsibility, trust, and word of-mouth communication. Public Relations Review, 36(4), 389-391.
  • Jacoby, J., & Chestnut, R. W. (1978). Brand loyalty: measurement and management. New York: Ronald Press.
  • Jalilvand, M. R., Vosta, L. N., Mahyari, H. K., & Pool, J. K. (2017). Social responsibility ınfluence on customer trust in hotels: mediating effects of reputation and word-of-mouth, Tourism Review, 72(1), 1-14.
  • Johnson, E., & Brown, C. (2019). The role of corporate social responsibility in building consumer loyalty: a conceptual framework and research propositions. Journal of Business Ethics, 158(1), 103-115.
  • Johnson, E. F., Smith, A. B., & Brown, C. D. (2019). Corporate social responsibility and consumer loyalty: A meta-analytic review. Journal of Business Ethics, 158(3), 785-803.
  • Jones, T., & Taylor, S.F. (2007). The conceptual domain of service loyalty: How many dimensions? Journal of Services Marketing, 21(1), 36–51.
  • Jones, S., & Green, R. (2021). Corporate social responsibility and consumer behaviour: a review and conceptual framework. Journal of Business Ethics, 182(1), 79-97.
  • Joshi, R., & Garg, P. (2020). Assessing brand love, brand sacredness and brand fidelity towards halal brands. Journal of Islamic Marketing, 13(4): 807-823.
  • Keller, K. L. (2001). Building customer-based brand equity: A blueprint for creating strong brands. Cambridge, MA: Marketing Science Institute (MSI).
  • Khandeparkar, K., & Motiani, M. (2018). Fake-Love: brand love for counterfeits, Marketing Intelligence & Planning, (36)6: 661-667.
  • Liu, C. R., Wang, Y.C., Chiu T. H., & Chen, S.P. (2018). Antecedents and outcomes of lifestyle hotel brand attachment and love: the case of Gen Y. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management. 27(3), 281-298.
  • Li, X., & Petrick, J. F. (2008). Examining the antecedents of brand loyalty from an investment model perspective. Journal of Travel Research, 47(1), 25-34.
  • Mattila, A. S. (2006). How affective commitment boosts guest loyalty (and promotes frequent-guest programs). Cornell hotel and restaurant administration quarterly 47(2), 174-181.
  • Moorman, C., Zaltman, G., & Deshpande, R. (1992). Relationships between providers and users of market research: The Dynamics of trust within and between organizations. Journal of Marketing Research, 29(3), 14–328.
  • Peloza, J., & Shang, J. (2011). How can corporate social responsibility activities create value for stakeholders? A systematic review. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 39(1), 117-135.
  • Pringle, H., & Thompson, M. (1999). Sosyal sorumluluk kampanyaları ile marka yaratmak. (Z. Yelçe & C. Feyyat, Trans), İstanbul, Scala Yayıncılık.
  • Quezado, T. C. C., Cavalcante, W. Q. F., Fortes, N., & Ramos, R. F. (2022). Corporate social responsibility and marketing: a bibliometric and visualization analysis of the literature between the years 1994 and 2020. Sustainability, 14(3), 1694.
  • Rauschnabel, P. A., & A.C. Ahuvia. (2014). You’re so lovable: anthropomorphism and brand love. Journal of Brand Management, 21(5), 372–395.
  • Rodrigues, P., Borges, A. P., & Vieira, E.P. (2020), “Corporate social responsibility ımage and emotions for the Competitiveness of Tourism Destinations. J. Place Manag. Dev., 14, 134–147.
  • Roy, S.K., Eshghi, A., & Sarkar, A. (2013). Antecedents and consequences of brand love. Journal of Brand Management, 20(4), 325–332.
  • Rusbult, C.E. (1980), “Commitment and satisfaction in romantic associations: a test of the investment model. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 16(2), 172–186.
  • Ryan, M.J., Rayner, R., & Morrison, A. (1999). Diagnosing customer loyalty drivers. Marketing Research, 11(2), 19–26.
  • Sarkar, A., Ponnam, A., & Murthy, B.K. (2012). Understanding and measuring romantic brand love. Journal of Customer Behaviour, 11(4), 324–347.
  • Smith, A. B., Jones, C. D., & Johnson, E. F. (2020). The impact of corporate social responsibility initiatives on consumer behaviour: A systematic literature review. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 19(2), 161-181.
  • Terzi, S. & Işık, Ş. (2017). Evli bireylerin ilişki bağlanımları: yatırım modeli temelli nitel bir çalışma. Türk Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, 15(2), 184-199.
  • Tsiotsou, R. H. (2007), Exploring the role of brand love on perceived corporate social responsibility, proceedings. Regulation and Best Practices in Public and Nonprofit Marketing, 7, 482
  • Vlachos, P. A., & Vrechopoulos, A. P. (2012). Consumer–retailer love and attachment: Antecedents and personality moderators. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 19(2), 218-228.
  • Wallace, E., Buil, I., & De Chernatony, L. (2014). Consumer engagement with self-expressive brands: brand love and WOM outcomes. Journal of product & Brand Management, 23(1), 33-42.
  • White, L., & Yanamandram, V. (2007). A model of customer retention of dissatisfied business services customers. Managing Service Quality. An International Journal, 17(3), 298-316.
  • Yıldız, E. (2020), Marka kişiliği boyutlarının marka vefası Boyutları üzerindeki etkilerine yönelik bir araştırma. The Journal of International Social Sciences, 30(2), 317-334.
  • Yıldız E. (2021), Hizmet Kalitesinin Müşteri Vatandaşlığı Davranışı ve Marka Vefası Üzerindeki Etkileri. 25. Pazarlama Kongresi: Online; 30/06/2021- 02/07/2021
  • Yönet, E. (2005). Kurumsal sosyal sorumluluk anlayışında son dönemeç: stratejik sorumluluk. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 8(13), 239-264.

Tüketici Marka İlişkileri Bakımından Marka Vefası Üzerine Kavramsal Bir Çalışma

Year 2024, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 34 - 45, 30.06.2024


Sürdürülebilir ve güçlü marka yönetimi için tüketici marka ilişkilerini anlamak ve ölçebilmek hem akademisyenler hem sektör uygulayıcıları için oldukça önemlidir. Yıllar içerisinde tüketici marka ilişkilerini çözümlemeye yönelik pek çok çalışma yapılmış ve strateji geliştirilmiştir. Bu çalışma, tüketici marka ilişkilerindeki mevcut durumu kısaca değerlendirerek, ilgili yazındaki boşlukların tespit edilmesine yardımcı olmayı, gelecekteki eğilimleri ve yeni bir kavram olan marka vefasının anlaşılmasını sağlamayı amaçlamıştır. Buna yönelik marka vefası odağında tüketici marka ilişkilerinin tarihsel gelişimi, marka vefası kavramının ortaya çıkışı ve yapılan ölçek geliştirme çalışmaları ele alınmıştır. Ayrıca bu çalışma marka vefasının ilişki halinde olduğu öngörülen algılanan kurumsal sosyal sorumluluk, marka aşkı ve pozitif ağızdan ağıza iletişim kavramları ile olan ilişkileri de inceleyip pazarlama literatürüne teorik bir katkı sağlayarak öncü bir çalışma olmayı hedeflemiştir.


  • Ahuvia, A., Bagozzi, R. P., & Batra, R. (2014). Psychometric vs. C-OAR-SE measures of brand love: A reply to Rossiter. Marketing Letters, 25(2), 235–243.
  • Albert, N., Merunka, D., & Valette Florence, P. (2009). The feeling of love toward a brand: Concept and measurement. Advences in Consumer Research, 36: 300-307.
  • Albert, N., & Merunka, D. (2013). The role of brand love in consumer-brand relationships. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 30(3), 258–266.
  • Amine, A. (1998). Consumers’ true brand loyalty: the central role of commitment. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 6(4), 305–319.
  • Anderson, R. E. (1973). Consumer dissatisfaction: The effect of disconfirmed expectancy on perceived product performance. Journal of Marketing Research, 10(1), 38–44.
  • Anggraeni, A. (2015), Effects of brand love, personality and ımage on word of mouth; the case of local fashion brands among young consumers. Procedia-Social and Behavioural Sciences, 211, 442-447.
  • Baena, V. (2018). The importance of CSR practices carried out by sport teams and Its ınfluence on brand love: The Real Madrid Foundation. Soc. Responsib. J., 14, 61–79.
  • Bıçakcıoğlu, N., İpek, İ., & Bayraktaroğlu, G. (2018). Antecedents and outcomes of brand love: the mediating role of brand loyalty. Journal of Marketing Communications, 24(8), 863-877.
  • Carroll, B.A. & Ahuvia, A.C. (2006). Some antecedents and outcomes of brand love. Marketing Letters, 17(2), 79–89.
  • Choi, B., & La, S. (2013). The impact of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and customer trust on the restoration of loyalty after service failure and recovery. Journal of Services Marketing, 27(3), 223-233.
  • Cifci, S. D., & Erdogan, B. Z. (2016). Antecedents and measurement of brand commitment and behavioural loyalty. Journal of Customer Behaviour, 15(4), 321-336.
  • Coelho, A., Bairrada, C. & Peres, F. (2019). Brand communities’ relational outcomes, through brand love. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 28(2), 154-165.
  • Day, G. S. (1977). Diagnosing the product portfolio. Journal of Marketing, 41(2), 29-38.
  • Faridi, M., & Naushad, M.A (2021). Study of brand fidelity: ıts contribution and ımpact on the Saudi market, Innovative Marketing, 17(4): 13-25. doi:10.21511/im.17(4).2021.02
  • Fournier, S., & Yao, J.L. (1997). Reviving brand loyalty: a reconceptualization within the framework of consumer-brand relationships. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 14(5), 451–472.
  • Fournier, S. (1998). Consumers and their brands: developing relationship theory in consumer research. Journal of Consumer Research, 24(4), 343–353.
  • Gilal, F. G., Channa, N. A., Gilal, N. G., Gilal, R. G., Gong, Z., & Zhang, N. (2020). Corporate social responsibility and brand passion among consumers: theory and evidence. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 27(5), 2275-2285.
  • Giovanis, A. (2016). Consumer-brand relationships’ development in the mobile internet market: evidence from an extended relationship commitment paradigm. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 25(6), 568-585.
  • Grace, D., Ross, M., & King, C. (2018), “Brand fidelity: a relationship maintenance perspective, Journal of Brand Management, 25: 577–590.
  • Grace, D., Ross, M., & King, C. (2020). Brand fidelity: Scale development and validation. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 52, 101908.
  • Hong, S. Y., & Rim, H. (2010). The influence of customer use of corporate websites: Corporate social responsibility, trust, and word of-mouth communication. Public Relations Review, 36(4), 389-391.
  • Jacoby, J., & Chestnut, R. W. (1978). Brand loyalty: measurement and management. New York: Ronald Press.
  • Jalilvand, M. R., Vosta, L. N., Mahyari, H. K., & Pool, J. K. (2017). Social responsibility ınfluence on customer trust in hotels: mediating effects of reputation and word-of-mouth, Tourism Review, 72(1), 1-14.
  • Johnson, E., & Brown, C. (2019). The role of corporate social responsibility in building consumer loyalty: a conceptual framework and research propositions. Journal of Business Ethics, 158(1), 103-115.
  • Johnson, E. F., Smith, A. B., & Brown, C. D. (2019). Corporate social responsibility and consumer loyalty: A meta-analytic review. Journal of Business Ethics, 158(3), 785-803.
  • Jones, T., & Taylor, S.F. (2007). The conceptual domain of service loyalty: How many dimensions? Journal of Services Marketing, 21(1), 36–51.
  • Jones, S., & Green, R. (2021). Corporate social responsibility and consumer behaviour: a review and conceptual framework. Journal of Business Ethics, 182(1), 79-97.
  • Joshi, R., & Garg, P. (2020). Assessing brand love, brand sacredness and brand fidelity towards halal brands. Journal of Islamic Marketing, 13(4): 807-823.
  • Keller, K. L. (2001). Building customer-based brand equity: A blueprint for creating strong brands. Cambridge, MA: Marketing Science Institute (MSI).
  • Khandeparkar, K., & Motiani, M. (2018). Fake-Love: brand love for counterfeits, Marketing Intelligence & Planning, (36)6: 661-667.
  • Liu, C. R., Wang, Y.C., Chiu T. H., & Chen, S.P. (2018). Antecedents and outcomes of lifestyle hotel brand attachment and love: the case of Gen Y. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management. 27(3), 281-298.
  • Li, X., & Petrick, J. F. (2008). Examining the antecedents of brand loyalty from an investment model perspective. Journal of Travel Research, 47(1), 25-34.
  • Mattila, A. S. (2006). How affective commitment boosts guest loyalty (and promotes frequent-guest programs). Cornell hotel and restaurant administration quarterly 47(2), 174-181.
  • Moorman, C., Zaltman, G., & Deshpande, R. (1992). Relationships between providers and users of market research: The Dynamics of trust within and between organizations. Journal of Marketing Research, 29(3), 14–328.
  • Peloza, J., & Shang, J. (2011). How can corporate social responsibility activities create value for stakeholders? A systematic review. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 39(1), 117-135.
  • Pringle, H., & Thompson, M. (1999). Sosyal sorumluluk kampanyaları ile marka yaratmak. (Z. Yelçe & C. Feyyat, Trans), İstanbul, Scala Yayıncılık.
  • Quezado, T. C. C., Cavalcante, W. Q. F., Fortes, N., & Ramos, R. F. (2022). Corporate social responsibility and marketing: a bibliometric and visualization analysis of the literature between the years 1994 and 2020. Sustainability, 14(3), 1694.
  • Rauschnabel, P. A., & A.C. Ahuvia. (2014). You’re so lovable: anthropomorphism and brand love. Journal of Brand Management, 21(5), 372–395.
  • Rodrigues, P., Borges, A. P., & Vieira, E.P. (2020), “Corporate social responsibility ımage and emotions for the Competitiveness of Tourism Destinations. J. Place Manag. Dev., 14, 134–147.
  • Roy, S.K., Eshghi, A., & Sarkar, A. (2013). Antecedents and consequences of brand love. Journal of Brand Management, 20(4), 325–332.
  • Rusbult, C.E. (1980), “Commitment and satisfaction in romantic associations: a test of the investment model. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 16(2), 172–186.
  • Ryan, M.J., Rayner, R., & Morrison, A. (1999). Diagnosing customer loyalty drivers. Marketing Research, 11(2), 19–26.
  • Sarkar, A., Ponnam, A., & Murthy, B.K. (2012). Understanding and measuring romantic brand love. Journal of Customer Behaviour, 11(4), 324–347.
  • Smith, A. B., Jones, C. D., & Johnson, E. F. (2020). The impact of corporate social responsibility initiatives on consumer behaviour: A systematic literature review. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 19(2), 161-181.
  • Terzi, S. & Işık, Ş. (2017). Evli bireylerin ilişki bağlanımları: yatırım modeli temelli nitel bir çalışma. Türk Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, 15(2), 184-199.
  • Tsiotsou, R. H. (2007), Exploring the role of brand love on perceived corporate social responsibility, proceedings. Regulation and Best Practices in Public and Nonprofit Marketing, 7, 482
  • Vlachos, P. A., & Vrechopoulos, A. P. (2012). Consumer–retailer love and attachment: Antecedents and personality moderators. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 19(2), 218-228.
  • Wallace, E., Buil, I., & De Chernatony, L. (2014). Consumer engagement with self-expressive brands: brand love and WOM outcomes. Journal of product & Brand Management, 23(1), 33-42.
  • White, L., & Yanamandram, V. (2007). A model of customer retention of dissatisfied business services customers. Managing Service Quality. An International Journal, 17(3), 298-316.
  • Yıldız, E. (2020), Marka kişiliği boyutlarının marka vefası Boyutları üzerindeki etkilerine yönelik bir araştırma. The Journal of International Social Sciences, 30(2), 317-334.
  • Yıldız E. (2021), Hizmet Kalitesinin Müşteri Vatandaşlığı Davranışı ve Marka Vefası Üzerindeki Etkileri. 25. Pazarlama Kongresi: Online; 30/06/2021- 02/07/2021
  • Yönet, E. (2005). Kurumsal sosyal sorumluluk anlayışında son dönemeç: stratejik sorumluluk. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 8(13), 239-264.
There are 52 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Consumer Behaviour, Product and Brand Management
Journal Section Reviews

Emine Anık 0000-0002-2920-319X

Mehmet Tığlı 0000-0002-0740-0950

Publication Date June 30, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 3 Issue: 1


APA Anık, E., & Tığlı, M. (2024). A Conceptual Study on Brand Fidelity in terms of Consumer Brand Relationships. Turkish Journal of Marketing Research, 3(1), 34-45.