Research Article
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Media Framing of “Ultimatum, No Thanks” Protests in North Macedonia: Analyzing Nationalist Confrontation and Ethnic Solidarity Frames

Year 2024, , 117 - 143, 31.12.2024


This article examines the media framing of the demonstrations in North Macedonia’s capital against
the French proposal aimed at resolving the country’s dispute with Bulgaria and initiating EU accession
talks. The protests, held from July 2, 2022 to July 16, 2022 under the slogan “Ultimatum, No Thanks,”
reflected widespread opposition to the proposal, which many saw as detrimental to Macedonian national
interests. Through a qualitative analysis of media coverage, specifically focusing on online media outlets,
the study explores how different frames, such as Nationalist Confrontation and Ethnic Solidarity, shaped
public discourse and perceptions of the protests. The government’s portrayal of the proposal as protecting
the Macedonian language and identity contrasts sharply with the opposition’s view of it as leading to
the ‘Bulgarization’ of the nation. This research fills a crucial gap in understanding the interplay between
identity politics, diplomatic negotiations, and media representation in times of high political tension. The
issue remains highly relevant today as it continues to be a significant obstacle to North Macedonia’s EU
accession. The findings suggest that media framing significantly influences public opinion and political
outcomes. Furthermore, the study highlights the broader implications for interethnic relations in the
Western Balkans and the ongoing EU accession processes.


  • Adanır, F. (1996). Makedonya sorunu: Oluşumu ve 1908’e kadar gelişimi. Tarih Vakfı Yurt Yayınları.
  • Benford, R.D., & Snow, D.A. (2000). Framing processes and social movements: An overview and assessment. Annual Review of Sociology, 26(1), 611-639.
  • Brunnbauer, U. (2022). Side effects of “phantom pains”: How Bulgarian historical mythology derails North Macedonia’s EU accession. Comparative Southeast European Studies, 70(4), 722-739. https://doi. org/10.1515/soeu-2022-0064
  • D’Angelo, P. (2017). Framing: Media frames. In P. Roessler, C.A. Hoffner, & L. van Zoonen (Eds.), The International Encyclopedia of Media Effects (pp. 1-10). Wiley.
  • Djolai, M., & Djordjevic, L. (2021, July 19). Identity disputes and the EU enlargement: The case of North Macedonia. European Center for Minority Issues. identity-disputes-and-the-eu-enlargement-the-case-of-north-macedonia
  • Entman, R. (1993). Framing: Toward clarification of a fractured paradigm. Journal of Communication, 43(4), 51- 58.
  • Faktor. (2022, July 11). “Ultimatum – ne, blagodaram” – Gragyanite osmi den protestiraat. ultimatum—-ne-blagodaram—-gragjanite-osmi-den-protestiraat
  • Georgieva, V., & Konechni S. (1998). Historical dictionary of the Republic of Macedonia. Scarecrow Press.
  • Gitlin, T. (1980). The whole world is watching: Mass media in the making & unmaking of the new left. University of California Press.
  • Goffman, E. (1986). Frame analysis: An essay on the organization of experience. Northeastern University Press.
  • Hacısalihoğlu, M. (2008). Jön Türkler ve Makedonya sorunu (1890-1918). Tarih Vakfı Yurt Yayınları.
  • (2022, July 4). VMRO-DPMNE: Masovno da kajeme ‘Ultimatum – NE BLAGODARAM’ i denes vo 19 chasot pred Vlada. blagodaram-i-denes-vo-19-chasot-pred-vlada/a537132
  • Kazakov, A. A. (2014). Freyming media-tekstov kak instrument vozdeystviya na auditoriyu: Obzor rasprostranennyh traktovok. Sotsiologiya. Politologiya, 4, 85-90.
  • Kocevski, G., & Nofitoska, D. (2022). Monitoring report on digitally mediated assemblies in North Macedonia. Macedonian Young Lawyers Association.
  • Kopytowska, M. (2020). Proximization, prosumption and salience in digital discourse: On the interface of social media communicative dynamics and the spread of populist ideologies. Critical Discourse Studies, 19(2), 144-160.
  • Kopytowska, M., & Chilton, P. (2018). Rivers of blood: Migration, fear and threat construction. Lodz Papers in Pragmatics, 14(1), 133-161.
  • Lakoff, G. (2004). Don’t think of an elephant. Know your values and frame the debate. Chelsea Green Publishing.
  • Langacker, R.W. (1990). Concept, image and symbol. The cognitive basis of grammar. Mouton de Gruyter.
  • Maglajlija, V. (2021). Bulgaria’s veto strengthens nationalism and Euroscepticism in North Macedonia. Queen Mary University of London. strengthens-nationalism-and-euroscepticism-in-north-macedonia.html
  • (2022, July 4). Pred Vladata vo Skopye prodolji protestot pod mototo ‘Ultimatum – Ne blagodaram.’
  • Mourão, R.R. (2019). From mass to elite protest: News coverage and the evolution of antigovernment demonstrations in Brazil. Mass Communication and Society, 22(1), 49-71. 5.436.2018.1498899
  • Narodno Sabranie na Republika Balgariya. (2022). Reşenie na Çetirideset i sedmoto Narodno sabranie na Republika
  • Bılgariya vav vrazka s razşiryavaneto na Evropeyskiya Sayuz i Protsesa na Pregovori na Republika Severna Makedoniya. /164240
  • Neuman, Y., & Levi, M. (2003). Blood and chocolate: A rhetorical approach to fear appeal. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 22(1), 29-46.
  • Pieńkowski, J. (2018, July 27). Bulgaria’s national identity policy in the Balkans. PISM: The Polish Institute of International Affairs.
  • Portal, L. (2024, February 26). The struggle of North Macedonia for EU accession: Gazing at the 2024 elections. Blue Europe. eu-accession-gazing-at-the-2024-elections/
  • (2022, July 7). Nema otstapuvanye od Makedoniya: I denes protest ‘Ultimatum – NE blagodaram.’ ultimatum-ne-blagodaram/
  • Richardson, J. (2007). Analyzing newspapers: An approach from critical discourse analysis. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Rossos, A. (1991). The Macedonians of Aegean Macedonia: A British officer’s report, 1944. Slavonic and East European Review, 69(2), 282-309.
  • Schaffner, B. F., & Sellers, P. J. (2009). Winning with words: The origins and impact of political framing. Routledge. Scheufele, D.A. (1999). Framing as a theory of media effects. Journal of Communication, 49(1), 103-122.
  • Semetko, H.A., & Valkenburg, P.M. (2000). Framing European politics: A content analysis of press and television news. Journal of Communication, 50(2), 93-109.
  • (2022, July 2). Golem protest pred vladata pod mototo ‘Ultimatum-ne blagodaram’ na koy beşe otfrlena frantsuskata predlog pregovaraçka ramka. pred-vladata-pod-mototo-ultimatum-ne-blagodaram-na-koj-beshe-otfrlena-francuskata-predlog- pregovarachka-ramka/
  • Tumanovska, M. (2022, July 2). Protest pred Vladata: ‘No pasaran’ za frantsuskiot predlog. Radio Slobodna Evropa.протест-пред-владата-но-пасаран-за-францускиот- предлог/31926215.html
  • United Nations Treaty Collection. (2017, August 1). Treaty of friendship, good-neighborliness and cooperation between the Republic of Bulgaria and the Republic of Macedonia. UNTS/No%20Volume/55013/Part/I-55013.080.00002804f5d3c.pdf
  • Vangelov, O. (2023). The French proposal: A turning point in the Balkans or a dead end? Foreign Policy Review, 16(1), 160-172.
  • Veç (2022, July 2). Pred Poçetokot na senarodniot protest ‘Ultimatum – Ne blagodaram’ Mitskoski poraça: Neni treba Evropa ako treba da se asimilirame.пред-почетокот-на-сенародниот- протес/
  • (2022). I deneska gragyanite kye kajat ‘Ultimatum-Ne blagodaram.и- денеска-граѓаните-ќе-кажат-ултимат/

Kuzey Makedonya’da “Ültimatom, Hayır Teşekkürler” Protestolarının Medya Çerçevelemesi: Milliyetçi Çatışma ve Etnik Dayanışma Çerçevelerinin Analizi

Year 2024, , 117 - 143, 31.12.2024


Bu makale, Kuzey Makedonya’nın başkentinde, ülkenin Bulgaristan’la olan anlaşmazlığını çözmeyi ve
AB katılım müzakerelerini başlatmayı amaçlayan Fransız önerisine karşı düzenlenen gösterilerin medya
çerçevesini incelemektedir. “Ültimatom, Hayır Teşekkürler” sloganı altında 2 Temmuz 2022’den 16 Temmuz
2022’ye kadar düzenlenen protestolar, birçok kişinin Makedonya’nın ulusal çıkarlarına zarar verdiğini
düşündüğü teklife karşı yaygın muhalefeti yansıtmıştır. Özellikle internet gazetelerine odaklanarak
medyada yer alan haberlerin nitel bir analizini yapan bu çalışma, Milliyetçi Çatışma ve Etnik Dayanışma
gibi farklı çerçevelerin kamu söylemini ve protestolara ilişkin algıları nasıl şekillendirdiğini araştırmaktadır.
Hükümetin öneriyi Makedon dilini ve kimliğini korumak olarak tanımlaması, muhalefetin öneriyi
ulusun ‘Bulgarlaşmasına’ yol açacağı yönündeki görüşüyle keskin bir tezat oluşturmuştur. Bu araştırma,
siyasi gerilimin yüksek olduğu dönemlerde kimlik politikaları, diplomatik müzakereler ve medya temsili
arasındaki etkileşimi anlamamızda önemli bir boşluğu doldurmaktadır. Konu, Kuzey Makedonya’nın AB
üyeliği önünde önemli bir engel olmaya devam ettiği için bugün de oldukça güncelliğini korumaktadır.
Bulgular, medya çerçevelemesinin kamuoyunu ve siyasi sonuçları önemli ölçüde etkilediğini göstermektedir.
Ayrıca çalışma, Batı Balkanlar’daki etnik gruplar arası ilişkiler ve devam eden AB katılım süreçleri için daha
geniş kapsamlı çıkarımların altını çizmektedir.


  • Adanır, F. (1996). Makedonya sorunu: Oluşumu ve 1908’e kadar gelişimi. Tarih Vakfı Yurt Yayınları.
  • Benford, R.D., & Snow, D.A. (2000). Framing processes and social movements: An overview and assessment. Annual Review of Sociology, 26(1), 611-639.
  • Brunnbauer, U. (2022). Side effects of “phantom pains”: How Bulgarian historical mythology derails North Macedonia’s EU accession. Comparative Southeast European Studies, 70(4), 722-739. https://doi. org/10.1515/soeu-2022-0064
  • D’Angelo, P. (2017). Framing: Media frames. In P. Roessler, C.A. Hoffner, & L. van Zoonen (Eds.), The International Encyclopedia of Media Effects (pp. 1-10). Wiley.
  • Djolai, M., & Djordjevic, L. (2021, July 19). Identity disputes and the EU enlargement: The case of North Macedonia. European Center for Minority Issues. identity-disputes-and-the-eu-enlargement-the-case-of-north-macedonia
  • Entman, R. (1993). Framing: Toward clarification of a fractured paradigm. Journal of Communication, 43(4), 51- 58.
  • Faktor. (2022, July 11). “Ultimatum – ne, blagodaram” – Gragyanite osmi den protestiraat. ultimatum—-ne-blagodaram—-gragjanite-osmi-den-protestiraat
  • Georgieva, V., & Konechni S. (1998). Historical dictionary of the Republic of Macedonia. Scarecrow Press.
  • Gitlin, T. (1980). The whole world is watching: Mass media in the making & unmaking of the new left. University of California Press.
  • Goffman, E. (1986). Frame analysis: An essay on the organization of experience. Northeastern University Press.
  • Hacısalihoğlu, M. (2008). Jön Türkler ve Makedonya sorunu (1890-1918). Tarih Vakfı Yurt Yayınları.
  • (2022, July 4). VMRO-DPMNE: Masovno da kajeme ‘Ultimatum – NE BLAGODARAM’ i denes vo 19 chasot pred Vlada. blagodaram-i-denes-vo-19-chasot-pred-vlada/a537132
  • Kazakov, A. A. (2014). Freyming media-tekstov kak instrument vozdeystviya na auditoriyu: Obzor rasprostranennyh traktovok. Sotsiologiya. Politologiya, 4, 85-90.
  • Kocevski, G., & Nofitoska, D. (2022). Monitoring report on digitally mediated assemblies in North Macedonia. Macedonian Young Lawyers Association.
  • Kopytowska, M. (2020). Proximization, prosumption and salience in digital discourse: On the interface of social media communicative dynamics and the spread of populist ideologies. Critical Discourse Studies, 19(2), 144-160.
  • Kopytowska, M., & Chilton, P. (2018). Rivers of blood: Migration, fear and threat construction. Lodz Papers in Pragmatics, 14(1), 133-161.
  • Lakoff, G. (2004). Don’t think of an elephant. Know your values and frame the debate. Chelsea Green Publishing.
  • Langacker, R.W. (1990). Concept, image and symbol. The cognitive basis of grammar. Mouton de Gruyter.
  • Maglajlija, V. (2021). Bulgaria’s veto strengthens nationalism and Euroscepticism in North Macedonia. Queen Mary University of London. strengthens-nationalism-and-euroscepticism-in-north-macedonia.html
  • (2022, July 4). Pred Vladata vo Skopye prodolji protestot pod mototo ‘Ultimatum – Ne blagodaram.’
  • Mourão, R.R. (2019). From mass to elite protest: News coverage and the evolution of antigovernment demonstrations in Brazil. Mass Communication and Society, 22(1), 49-71. 5.436.2018.1498899
  • Narodno Sabranie na Republika Balgariya. (2022). Reşenie na Çetirideset i sedmoto Narodno sabranie na Republika
  • Bılgariya vav vrazka s razşiryavaneto na Evropeyskiya Sayuz i Protsesa na Pregovori na Republika Severna Makedoniya. /164240
  • Neuman, Y., & Levi, M. (2003). Blood and chocolate: A rhetorical approach to fear appeal. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 22(1), 29-46.
  • Pieńkowski, J. (2018, July 27). Bulgaria’s national identity policy in the Balkans. PISM: The Polish Institute of International Affairs.
  • Portal, L. (2024, February 26). The struggle of North Macedonia for EU accession: Gazing at the 2024 elections. Blue Europe. eu-accession-gazing-at-the-2024-elections/
  • (2022, July 7). Nema otstapuvanye od Makedoniya: I denes protest ‘Ultimatum – NE blagodaram.’ ultimatum-ne-blagodaram/
  • Richardson, J. (2007). Analyzing newspapers: An approach from critical discourse analysis. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Rossos, A. (1991). The Macedonians of Aegean Macedonia: A British officer’s report, 1944. Slavonic and East European Review, 69(2), 282-309.
  • Schaffner, B. F., & Sellers, P. J. (2009). Winning with words: The origins and impact of political framing. Routledge. Scheufele, D.A. (1999). Framing as a theory of media effects. Journal of Communication, 49(1), 103-122.
  • Semetko, H.A., & Valkenburg, P.M. (2000). Framing European politics: A content analysis of press and television news. Journal of Communication, 50(2), 93-109.
  • (2022, July 2). Golem protest pred vladata pod mototo ‘Ultimatum-ne blagodaram’ na koy beşe otfrlena frantsuskata predlog pregovaraçka ramka. pred-vladata-pod-mototo-ultimatum-ne-blagodaram-na-koj-beshe-otfrlena-francuskata-predlog- pregovarachka-ramka/
  • Tumanovska, M. (2022, July 2). Protest pred Vladata: ‘No pasaran’ za frantsuskiot predlog. Radio Slobodna Evropa.протест-пред-владата-но-пасаран-за-францускиот- предлог/31926215.html
  • United Nations Treaty Collection. (2017, August 1). Treaty of friendship, good-neighborliness and cooperation between the Republic of Bulgaria and the Republic of Macedonia. UNTS/No%20Volume/55013/Part/I-55013.080.00002804f5d3c.pdf
  • Vangelov, O. (2023). The French proposal: A turning point in the Balkans or a dead end? Foreign Policy Review, 16(1), 160-172.
  • Veç (2022, July 2). Pred Poçetokot na senarodniot protest ‘Ultimatum – Ne blagodaram’ Mitskoski poraça: Neni treba Evropa ako treba da se asimilirame.пред-почетокот-на-сенародниот- протес/
  • (2022). I deneska gragyanite kye kajat ‘Ultimatum-Ne blagodaram.и- денеска-граѓаните-ќе-кажат-ултимат/
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Media Studies, Journalism, Communication Studies
Journal Section Research Articles

Samet Yerköy 0000-0002-2682-4986

Publication Date December 31, 2024
Submission Date May 24, 2024
Acceptance Date October 31, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Yerköy, S. (2024). Media Framing of “Ultimatum, No Thanks” Protests in North Macedonia: Analyzing Nationalist Confrontation and Ethnic Solidarity Frames. Türkiye İletişim Araştırmaları Dergisi(46), 117-143.

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