Research Article
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Şirket Sürdürülebilirlik İletişiminde Hedef ve Pratikler: Doğuş Otomotiv Örneği

Year 2022, Issue: 39, 120 - 131, 29.04.2022


Sürdürülebilirlik kavramı 1987 yılında Birleşmiş Milletler Brundtland Komisyonu tarafından global
gündeme taşındığında, kavrama yakın ilgi gösteren küresel toplumun birçok parçası, siyasi, ekonomik ve
toplumsal çatışmalar yaşıyordu. Sürdürülebilir bir yaşam için kanuni önlemler alan ve siyasi gündemlerinin
merkezine bu kavramı yerleştiren devletleri; sivil toplum kuruluşları, belediyeler, şirketler ve medya takip
etti ve hepsi de ekonomik büyüme kadar yaşanabilir bir çevre ve toplum anlayışı için stratejiler geliştirmeye
başladılar. Zaman içinde sürdürülebilirlik, kapsamına ekonomik ve çevresel konuların yanısıra toplumsal
meseleleri de almaya başladı. Her ne kadar sürdürülebilirlik uygulamaları bazı şirketler için şekilsel kalsa
ve bir yönetim modasına uyum sağlama çabasından öteye gitmese de, gerçek bir toplumsal değişim için
samimiyetle sorumluluk üstlenen organizasyonların sayısı giderek arttı ve sektörde bu yönde normların
gelişmesini sağladı. Türkiye’de de giderek daha çok şirket, gelişen sürdürülebilirlik bilinci ve etrafında
şekillenen toplumsal beklentiler ışığında iletişim stratejilerini yeniden kurguladı. Bu süreçte öncü olan
şirketlerin bu dönüşümü nasıl deneyimledikleri, yeni felsefelerini paydaşların değerlerine ne derece içkin
hale getirdiklerini anlamak da önem kazandı. Bu saikle çalışmada, Doğuş Otomotiv’in sürdürülebilirlik
değerleri ve bunların yaygınlaşması için izledikleri iletişim stratejilerine odaklanılmıştır. Niteliksel bir
bakış açısıyla sürdürülebilirlik raporları ve web sitelerinde içerik analizi yapılmış, ayrıca üst düzey bir
Kurumsal İletişim yöneticisiyle derinlemesine görüşme gerçekleştirilmiştir. Buna göre sürdürülebilirliğin,
tüm paydaşlar arası katılımcı, esnek, açık iletişim temelli, ayrıca kurumsal etik anlayış ve şirket kültürüne
içkin dinamik ve kapsamı geniş bir kavram olarak tanımlandığı sonucuna varılmıştır. Bununla beraber,
iletişiminin farklı paydaşlara göre farklı mecralarda gerçekleştiği ve hızlı değişen sürdürülebilirlik
gündemlerinin giderek hızlanan yeni medya sayesinde hızla yayılmasının sürdürülebilirlik iletişimi
açısından hem fırsatlar hem de güçlükler arz ettiği neticesi ortaya çıkmıştır.

Supporting Institution

Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi


Prof.Dr. İdil Karademirlidağ Suher, Leyla Gürbüz, Ebru Kantoğlu


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  • Carroll, A. B. Brown, J. A., & Buchholtz, A. K. (2018). Business& Society: Ethics, sustainability& Stakeholder management. Boston: Cengage Learning.
  • Common, M. & Perrings, C. (1992). Towards an ecological economics of sustainability, Ecological Economics, 6(1), 7-34.
  • Davis, K.& Blomstrom, R. L. (1975). Business and society: Environment and responsibility. NY:McGraw-Hill.
  • Delmas M, Burbano V (2011) The drivers of greenwashing. California Management Review, 54(1), 64–87.
  • Edwards, L. (2006). Rethinking power in public relations. Public Relations Review, 32, 229 – 231. Eisenhardt, K. M. (1989). Building theories from case study research. Academy of Management Review, 14(4), 532- 550.
  • Elkington J (1994) Towards the sustainable corporation: win-win-win business strategies for sustainable development. California Management Review, 36(2), 90–100.
  • Gallicano, T. D. (2011). A Critical Analysis of Greenwashing Claims, Public Relations Journal, 5(3), 1-17.
  • Graves, S.P., Waddock, S.& Kelly, M. (2001). How do you measure corporate citizenship? Business ethics: The magazine of corporate responsibility, 15(2), 17-17.
  • Grober, U. (2007). Deep roots: A conceptual history of “sustainable development”(Nachhaltigkeit), WZB Discussion Paper No: 2007-002. Retrieved from
  • Grunig, J. E., & Grunig, L. A. (1992). Models of public relations and communication. In Grunig, J. E. (Ed.), Excellence in public relations and communication management (ss.285-325). Hillsdale, N.J.: L. Erlbaum Associates.
  • Henriques, A. (2001). Sustainability: A manager’s guide. London:British Standards Institution.
  • Janesick, V. J. (1999). A journal about writing as a qualitative research technique: History, issues and reflections, Qualitative Inquiry, 5(4), 505-524.
  • Kruse, L. (2011). Psychological aspects of sustainability communication, In J. Godemann and G. Michelsen (Ed.) Sustainability Communication (ss.69-78). London:Springer.
  • Lippert, I. (2004). An Introduction to the Criticism on Sustainable Development. Paper published by Brandenburgische Technische Universitaet Cottbus.
  • Motion, J., & Weaver, C. K. (2005). A discourse perspective for critical public relations research: Life, sciences network and the battle for truth. Public Relations Research, 17(1), 49–67.
  • Orsato, R. J. & Wells, P. (2007). The automobile industry& sustainability. Journal of Cleaner Production, 15(11- 12), 989-993.
  • Özmehmet, E. (2008). Dünyada ve Türkiye’de sürdürülebilir kalkınma yaklaşımları. Journal of Yaşar University, 3(12), 1853-1876.
  • Petts, J. I. (2000). Sustainable communication: Implications for industry. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 78(4), 270-278.
  • Pommper, D. (2018). Corporate social responsibility, sustainability, and ethical public relations: Strengthening synergies with human resources. UK:Emerald Publishing.
  • Robertson, T. B. (2018), The nature of the World War II, Origins: Current events in historical perspective. Retrieved from defense-industry
  • Ross, K., Chmiel, J. F.& Ferkol, T. (2012). The impact of the Clean Air Act, Journal of Pediatrics, 161(5), 81-786.
  • Nyilasy, G. Gangadharbatla, H.&Paladino, A. (2014) Perceived greenwashing: the interactive effects of green advertising and corporate environmental performance on consumer reactions. Journal of Business Ethics, 125(4), 693–707.
  • Signitzer, B. & Prexl, A. (2007). Corporate sustainability communications: Aspects of theory and professionalization. Journal of Public Relations Research, 20(1), 1-19. Yin, Robert K. (2003). Case study research, design and methods. Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Goals and Practices in Corporate Sustainability Communication: Doğuş Otomotiv Case

Year 2022, Issue: 39, 120 - 131, 29.04.2022


The concept of sustainability was introduced in 1987 by the United Nations Brundtland Commission,
at a time when global society was experiencing various political, economic and social conflicts. States
developed legal measures for a more sustainable life and placed the topic at the core of their political
agendas. They were followed shortly by non-governmental organizations, municipalities, companies and
the media, who started developing strategies for economic growth that also integrated a sustainable natural
environment and society. Although sustainability practices in the business world sometimes remained
superficial for some companies and did not go beyond an effort to adapt to business trends, the proportion
of corporations that take genuine action for real social change has gradually increased and this has led to
the development of norms in the private sphere. In Turkey, more and more companies have redesigned
their communication strategies in light of the growing awareness around sustainability and the related
social expectations. In this process, it became important to understand the way in which leading companies
experienced this transformation and to what extent they combined sustainability practices with the values
of their stakeholders. With this purpose in mind, this study focuses on Doğuş Otomotiv’s sustainability
values and the communication strategies they implement to spread them. Content analysis was con1ducted
on sustainability reports and websites from a qualitative perspective, and an in-depth interview was held
with a senior Corporate Communications manager. Accordingly, it has been concluded that sustainability
is defined as a participatory, flexible, open communication-based concept among all stakeholders, as well
as a dynamic and broad concept inherent in corporate ethics and company culture. It also appears that sustainability communication takes a different form in different channels depending on the stakeholder
profile, and that in this sense, new media presents both opportunities and challenges.


  • Adomßent, M.& Godemann, J. (2011). Sustainability communication: An integrative approach, In Godemann, J., Michelsen, G. (Ed.), Sustainability Communication (ss. 27-37). Dordrecht: Springer.
  • Carroll, A. B. Brown, J. A., & Buchholtz, A. K. (2018). Business& Society: Ethics, sustainability& Stakeholder management. Boston: Cengage Learning.
  • Common, M. & Perrings, C. (1992). Towards an ecological economics of sustainability, Ecological Economics, 6(1), 7-34.
  • Davis, K.& Blomstrom, R. L. (1975). Business and society: Environment and responsibility. NY:McGraw-Hill.
  • Delmas M, Burbano V (2011) The drivers of greenwashing. California Management Review, 54(1), 64–87.
  • Edwards, L. (2006). Rethinking power in public relations. Public Relations Review, 32, 229 – 231. Eisenhardt, K. M. (1989). Building theories from case study research. Academy of Management Review, 14(4), 532- 550.
  • Elkington J (1994) Towards the sustainable corporation: win-win-win business strategies for sustainable development. California Management Review, 36(2), 90–100.
  • Gallicano, T. D. (2011). A Critical Analysis of Greenwashing Claims, Public Relations Journal, 5(3), 1-17.
  • Graves, S.P., Waddock, S.& Kelly, M. (2001). How do you measure corporate citizenship? Business ethics: The magazine of corporate responsibility, 15(2), 17-17.
  • Grober, U. (2007). Deep roots: A conceptual history of “sustainable development”(Nachhaltigkeit), WZB Discussion Paper No: 2007-002. Retrieved from
  • Grunig, J. E., & Grunig, L. A. (1992). Models of public relations and communication. In Grunig, J. E. (Ed.), Excellence in public relations and communication management (ss.285-325). Hillsdale, N.J.: L. Erlbaum Associates.
  • Henriques, A. (2001). Sustainability: A manager’s guide. London:British Standards Institution.
  • Janesick, V. J. (1999). A journal about writing as a qualitative research technique: History, issues and reflections, Qualitative Inquiry, 5(4), 505-524.
  • Kruse, L. (2011). Psychological aspects of sustainability communication, In J. Godemann and G. Michelsen (Ed.) Sustainability Communication (ss.69-78). London:Springer.
  • Lippert, I. (2004). An Introduction to the Criticism on Sustainable Development. Paper published by Brandenburgische Technische Universitaet Cottbus.
  • Motion, J., & Weaver, C. K. (2005). A discourse perspective for critical public relations research: Life, sciences network and the battle for truth. Public Relations Research, 17(1), 49–67.
  • Orsato, R. J. & Wells, P. (2007). The automobile industry& sustainability. Journal of Cleaner Production, 15(11- 12), 989-993.
  • Özmehmet, E. (2008). Dünyada ve Türkiye’de sürdürülebilir kalkınma yaklaşımları. Journal of Yaşar University, 3(12), 1853-1876.
  • Petts, J. I. (2000). Sustainable communication: Implications for industry. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 78(4), 270-278.
  • Pommper, D. (2018). Corporate social responsibility, sustainability, and ethical public relations: Strengthening synergies with human resources. UK:Emerald Publishing.
  • Robertson, T. B. (2018), The nature of the World War II, Origins: Current events in historical perspective. Retrieved from defense-industry
  • Ross, K., Chmiel, J. F.& Ferkol, T. (2012). The impact of the Clean Air Act, Journal of Pediatrics, 161(5), 81-786.
  • Nyilasy, G. Gangadharbatla, H.&Paladino, A. (2014) Perceived greenwashing: the interactive effects of green advertising and corporate environmental performance on consumer reactions. Journal of Business Ethics, 125(4), 693–707.
  • Signitzer, B. & Prexl, A. (2007). Corporate sustainability communications: Aspects of theory and professionalization. Journal of Public Relations Research, 20(1), 1-19. Yin, Robert K. (2003). Case study research, design and methods. Thousand Oaks: Sage.
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Communication and Media Studies
Journal Section Research Articles

Omer Vatanartıran 0000-0002-3147-4626

Publication Date April 29, 2022
Submission Date November 5, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2022 Issue: 39


APA Vatanartıran, O. (2022). Goals and Practices in Corporate Sustainability Communication: Doğuş Otomotiv Case. Türkiye İletişim Araştırmaları Dergisi(39), 120-131.

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