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Year 2021, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 472 - 492, 31.12.2021



  • Amezquita A, Weller CL, Wang L, Thippareddi H and Burson DE (2005). Development of an integrated model for heat transfer and dynamic growth of Clostridium perfringens during the cooling of cooked boneless ham. International journal of food microbiology, 101(2): 123-144.
  • Balsa-Canto E, Alonso AA, Arias-Méndez A, García MR, López-Núñez A, Mosquera-Fernández M, Vázquez C and Vilas C (2016). Modeling and optimization techniques with applications in food processes, bio-processes and bio-systems. In Numerical Simulation in Physics and Engineering (pp.187-216). Springer, Cham.
  • Balsubramanian S, Puri VM and Jun S (2008). Fouling models for heat exchangers. Food Process Operat Model, 107: 235.
  • Cárdenas FC, Giannuzzi L and Zaritzky NE (2008). Mathematical modelling of microbial growth in ground beef from Argentina. Effect of lactic acid addition, temperature and packaging film. Meat Science, 79(3): 509-520.
  • Chick H (1908). An investigation of the laws of disinfection. Epidemiology & Infection, 8(1): 92-158.
  • Datta AK (2008). Status of physics‐based models in the design of food products, processes, and equipment. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 7(1): 121-129.
  • Datta AK (2016). Toward computer-aided food engineering: Mechanistic frameworks for evolution of product, quality and safety during processing. Journal of Food Engineering, 176: 9-27.
  • Datta AK and Sablani SS (2007). Mathematical modeling techniques in food and bioprocess: an overview (pp. 1-11). CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA.
  • Delplace F, Leuliet JC and Tissier JP (1996). Fouling experiments of a plate heat exchanger by whey proteins solutions. EUR (Luxembourg), 1-8.
  • Erdogdu F, Sarghini F and Marra F (2017). Mathematical modeling for virtualization in food processing. Food Engineering Reviews, 9(4): 295-313.
  • Esser DS, Leveau JH and Meyer KM (2015). Modeling microbial growth and dynamics. Applied microbiology and biotechnology, 99(21): 8831-8846.
  • Feyissa AH, Gernaey KV and Adler-Nissen J (2013). 3D modelling of coupled mass and heat transfer of a convection-oven roasting process. Meat science, 93(4): 810-820.
  • Friis A and Jensen BBB (2002). Prediction of hygiene in food processing equipment using flow modelling. Food and bioproducts processing, 80(4): 281-285.
  • García-Flores R, de Souza Filho OV, Martins RS, Martins CVB and Juliano P (2015). Using logistic models to optimize the food supply chain. In Modeling Food Processing Operations (pp. 307-330). Woodhead Publishing.
  • Georgiadis MC and Macchietto S (2000). Dynamic modelling and simulation of plate heat exchangers under milk fouling. Chemical Engineering Science, 55(9): 1605-1619.
  • Gokhale SV and Lele SS (2014). Retort process modelling for Indian traditional foods. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 51(11): 3134-3143.
  • Golchin FM, Movahhed S, Eshaghi M and Chenarbon HA (2021). Mathematical modeling of weight loss and crust temperature of toast bread containing guar gum during baking process. Food Science & Nutrition, 9(1): 272.
  • Gulati T and Datta AK (2015). Mechanistic understanding of case-hardening and texture development during drying of food materials. Journal of Food Engineering, 166: 119-138.
  • Gulati T, Zhu H and Datta AK (2016). Coupled electromagnetics, multiphase transport and large deformation model for microwave drying. Chemical Engineering Science, 156: 206-228.
  • Isabelle L and Andre L (2006). Quantitative prediction of microbial behaviour during food processing using an integrated modelling approach: a review. International Journal of Refrigeration, 29(6): 968-984.
  • Jun S and Puri VM (2005a). 3D milk fouling model of plate heat exchangers using computational fluid dynamics. In 2005 ASAE Annual Meeting (p.l1). American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.
  • Jun S and Puri VM (2005b). Fouling models for heat exchangers in dairy processing: a review. Journal of Food Process Engineering, 28(1): 1-34.
  • Kumar C, Joardder M U H, Farrell TW and Karim MA (2016). Multiphase porous media model for intermittent microwave convective drying (IMCD) of food. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 104: 304-314.
  • Khan IH, Joardder MUH, Kumar C, Karim MA, Khan IH, Joardder MUH and Kumar C (2018). Multiphase porous media modelling : A novel approach to predicting food processing performance.8398.
  • Kim DH, Zohdi TI and Singh RP (2020). Modeling, simulation and machine learning for rapid process control of multiphase flowing foods. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 371: 113286.
  • MacFie H (1994). Computer assisted product development. World of Ingredients, 10(11): 45-49.
  • Manika MH, Bildeaa CS, Grievinka J and Marshmanb C (2004). Modelling and optimisation of milk pasteurisation processes. In Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 18: 955-960.
  • Marks BP (2008). Status of microbial modeling in food process models. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 7(1): 137-143.
  • McKellar RC and Lu X (2003). Modeling microbial responses in food. (Eds.). CRC Press.
  • McMeekin TA, Olley J, Ross T and Ratkowsky DA (1993). Predictive microbiology: theory and application. Biotechnologia, 2(25): 94.
  • Mercier S, Marcos B, Moresoli C, Mondor M and Villeneuve S (2014). Modeling of internal moisture transport during durum wheat pasta drying. Journal of Food Engineering, 124 : 19-27.
  • Mohammadi Golchin F, Movahhed S, Eshaghi M and Ahmadi Chenarbon H (2021). Mathematical modeling of weight loss and crust temperature of toast bread containing guar gum during baking process. Food Science & Nutrition, 9(1): 272-281.
  • Mosna D and Vignali G (2015). Three-dimensional CFD simulation of a “steam water spray” retort process for food vegetable products. International Journal of Food Engineering, 11(6): 715-729.
  • Peleg M and Corradini MG (2011). Microbial growth curves: what the models tell us and what they cannot. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 51(10): 917-945.
  • Perez-Rodriguez F and Valero A (2013). Predictive microbiology in foods. In Predictive Microbiology in Foods (pp. 1-10). Springer, New York, NY.
  • Prabhakar PK, Srivastav PP, and Pathak SS (2019). Kinetics of total volatile basic nitrogen and trimethylamine formation in stored rohu (Labeo rohita) fish. Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology, 28(5): 452-464.
  • Pradhan AK, Li Y, Marcy JA, Johnson MG and Tamplin ML (2007). Pathogen kinetics and heat and mass transfer–based predictive model for Listeria innocua in irregular-shaped poultry products during thermal processing. Journal of Food Protection, 70(3): 607-615.
  • Rahman MM, Joardder MU, Khan MIH, Pham ND and Karim MA (2018). Multi-scale model of food drying: Current status and challenges. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 58(5): 858-876.
  • Ratkowsky DA, Lowry RK, McMeekin TA, Stokes AN and Chandler R (1983). Model for bacterial culture growth rate throughout the entire biokinetic temperature range. Journal of Bacteriology, 154(3): 1222-1226.
  • Sablani SS, Marcotte M, Baik OD and Castaigne F (1998). Modeling of simultaneous heat and water transport in the baking process. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 31(3): 201-209.
  • Swinnen IAM, Bernaerts K, Dens EJ, Geeraerd AH and Van Impe JF (2004). Predictive modelling of the microbial lag phase: a review. International journal of Food Microbiology, 94(2): 137-159.
  • Trystram G (2012). Modelling of food and food processes. Journal of Food Eengineering, 110(2): 269-277.
  • Van der Sman RGM (2007). Moisture transport during cooking of meat: An analysis based on Flory–Rehner theory. Meat Science, 76(4): 730-738.
  • Welsh ZG, Khan MIH and Karim MA (2021). Multiscale modeling for food drying: A homogenized diffusion approach. Journal of Food Engineering, 292: 110252.
  • Welsh Z, Simpson MJ, Khan IH and Karim MA (2018). Multiscale Modeling for Food Drying. State of the Art. 17, 1293-1308.
  • Whiting RC and Whiting RC (2009). Critical Reviews in Food Science & Nutrition Microbial modeling in foods Microbial Modeling in Foods. 8398 (1995).
  • Zhang J and Datta AK (2006). Mathematical modeling of bread baking process. Journal of Food Engineering, 75(1): 78-89.
  • Zhang L, Putranto A, Zhou W, Boom RM, Schutyser MA and Chen XD (2016). Miniature bread baking as a timesaving research approach and mathematical modeling of browning kinetics. Food and Bioproducts Processing, 100: 401-411.
  • Zugarramurdi A, Parin MA, Gadaleta L and Lupin HM (2007). A quality cost model for food processing plants. Journal of Food Engineering, 83(3): 414-421.

Mathematical Modeling of Food Processing Operations: A Basic Understanding and Overview

Year 2021, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 472 - 492, 31.12.2021


Modeling is the core of food processing supported by many approaches and governed by heat, mass, and momentum transfer equations. The objective of this paper is to mainly discuss and introduce mathematical modeling of some food processes. Food processing is unique from other material processing, as it includes complex multiphase transport and change in material properties during processing. It poses a great challenge in food process engineering. Now a day’s, consumers are taking more precautions before eating something. The way of food processing effectively impacts food quality. Most of the conventional industries use thermal processes like pasteurization, sterilization, and freezing. In recent years the main aim has been to improve these conventional processing technologies. Characterization of temperature distribution is done by mathematical modeling during processing, so this review paper aims to introduce mathematical modeling as a potential tool for the food processing industry. The mathematical models discussed in this article captures the essential features of a complex object or process based on a theoretical understanding of the phenomena and available measurements.


  • Amezquita A, Weller CL, Wang L, Thippareddi H and Burson DE (2005). Development of an integrated model for heat transfer and dynamic growth of Clostridium perfringens during the cooling of cooked boneless ham. International journal of food microbiology, 101(2): 123-144.
  • Balsa-Canto E, Alonso AA, Arias-Méndez A, García MR, López-Núñez A, Mosquera-Fernández M, Vázquez C and Vilas C (2016). Modeling and optimization techniques with applications in food processes, bio-processes and bio-systems. In Numerical Simulation in Physics and Engineering (pp.187-216). Springer, Cham.
  • Balsubramanian S, Puri VM and Jun S (2008). Fouling models for heat exchangers. Food Process Operat Model, 107: 235.
  • Cárdenas FC, Giannuzzi L and Zaritzky NE (2008). Mathematical modelling of microbial growth in ground beef from Argentina. Effect of lactic acid addition, temperature and packaging film. Meat Science, 79(3): 509-520.
  • Chick H (1908). An investigation of the laws of disinfection. Epidemiology & Infection, 8(1): 92-158.
  • Datta AK (2008). Status of physics‐based models in the design of food products, processes, and equipment. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 7(1): 121-129.
  • Datta AK (2016). Toward computer-aided food engineering: Mechanistic frameworks for evolution of product, quality and safety during processing. Journal of Food Engineering, 176: 9-27.
  • Datta AK and Sablani SS (2007). Mathematical modeling techniques in food and bioprocess: an overview (pp. 1-11). CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA.
  • Delplace F, Leuliet JC and Tissier JP (1996). Fouling experiments of a plate heat exchanger by whey proteins solutions. EUR (Luxembourg), 1-8.
  • Erdogdu F, Sarghini F and Marra F (2017). Mathematical modeling for virtualization in food processing. Food Engineering Reviews, 9(4): 295-313.
  • Esser DS, Leveau JH and Meyer KM (2015). Modeling microbial growth and dynamics. Applied microbiology and biotechnology, 99(21): 8831-8846.
  • Feyissa AH, Gernaey KV and Adler-Nissen J (2013). 3D modelling of coupled mass and heat transfer of a convection-oven roasting process. Meat science, 93(4): 810-820.
  • Friis A and Jensen BBB (2002). Prediction of hygiene in food processing equipment using flow modelling. Food and bioproducts processing, 80(4): 281-285.
  • García-Flores R, de Souza Filho OV, Martins RS, Martins CVB and Juliano P (2015). Using logistic models to optimize the food supply chain. In Modeling Food Processing Operations (pp. 307-330). Woodhead Publishing.
  • Georgiadis MC and Macchietto S (2000). Dynamic modelling and simulation of plate heat exchangers under milk fouling. Chemical Engineering Science, 55(9): 1605-1619.
  • Gokhale SV and Lele SS (2014). Retort process modelling for Indian traditional foods. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 51(11): 3134-3143.
  • Golchin FM, Movahhed S, Eshaghi M and Chenarbon HA (2021). Mathematical modeling of weight loss and crust temperature of toast bread containing guar gum during baking process. Food Science & Nutrition, 9(1): 272.
  • Gulati T and Datta AK (2015). Mechanistic understanding of case-hardening and texture development during drying of food materials. Journal of Food Engineering, 166: 119-138.
  • Gulati T, Zhu H and Datta AK (2016). Coupled electromagnetics, multiphase transport and large deformation model for microwave drying. Chemical Engineering Science, 156: 206-228.
  • Isabelle L and Andre L (2006). Quantitative prediction of microbial behaviour during food processing using an integrated modelling approach: a review. International Journal of Refrigeration, 29(6): 968-984.
  • Jun S and Puri VM (2005a). 3D milk fouling model of plate heat exchangers using computational fluid dynamics. In 2005 ASAE Annual Meeting (p.l1). American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.
  • Jun S and Puri VM (2005b). Fouling models for heat exchangers in dairy processing: a review. Journal of Food Process Engineering, 28(1): 1-34.
  • Kumar C, Joardder M U H, Farrell TW and Karim MA (2016). Multiphase porous media model for intermittent microwave convective drying (IMCD) of food. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 104: 304-314.
  • Khan IH, Joardder MUH, Kumar C, Karim MA, Khan IH, Joardder MUH and Kumar C (2018). Multiphase porous media modelling : A novel approach to predicting food processing performance.8398.
  • Kim DH, Zohdi TI and Singh RP (2020). Modeling, simulation and machine learning for rapid process control of multiphase flowing foods. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 371: 113286.
  • MacFie H (1994). Computer assisted product development. World of Ingredients, 10(11): 45-49.
  • Manika MH, Bildeaa CS, Grievinka J and Marshmanb C (2004). Modelling and optimisation of milk pasteurisation processes. In Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 18: 955-960.
  • Marks BP (2008). Status of microbial modeling in food process models. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 7(1): 137-143.
  • McKellar RC and Lu X (2003). Modeling microbial responses in food. (Eds.). CRC Press.
  • McMeekin TA, Olley J, Ross T and Ratkowsky DA (1993). Predictive microbiology: theory and application. Biotechnologia, 2(25): 94.
  • Mercier S, Marcos B, Moresoli C, Mondor M and Villeneuve S (2014). Modeling of internal moisture transport during durum wheat pasta drying. Journal of Food Engineering, 124 : 19-27.
  • Mohammadi Golchin F, Movahhed S, Eshaghi M and Ahmadi Chenarbon H (2021). Mathematical modeling of weight loss and crust temperature of toast bread containing guar gum during baking process. Food Science & Nutrition, 9(1): 272-281.
  • Mosna D and Vignali G (2015). Three-dimensional CFD simulation of a “steam water spray” retort process for food vegetable products. International Journal of Food Engineering, 11(6): 715-729.
  • Peleg M and Corradini MG (2011). Microbial growth curves: what the models tell us and what they cannot. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 51(10): 917-945.
  • Perez-Rodriguez F and Valero A (2013). Predictive microbiology in foods. In Predictive Microbiology in Foods (pp. 1-10). Springer, New York, NY.
  • Prabhakar PK, Srivastav PP, and Pathak SS (2019). Kinetics of total volatile basic nitrogen and trimethylamine formation in stored rohu (Labeo rohita) fish. Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology, 28(5): 452-464.
  • Pradhan AK, Li Y, Marcy JA, Johnson MG and Tamplin ML (2007). Pathogen kinetics and heat and mass transfer–based predictive model for Listeria innocua in irregular-shaped poultry products during thermal processing. Journal of Food Protection, 70(3): 607-615.
  • Rahman MM, Joardder MU, Khan MIH, Pham ND and Karim MA (2018). Multi-scale model of food drying: Current status and challenges. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 58(5): 858-876.
  • Ratkowsky DA, Lowry RK, McMeekin TA, Stokes AN and Chandler R (1983). Model for bacterial culture growth rate throughout the entire biokinetic temperature range. Journal of Bacteriology, 154(3): 1222-1226.
  • Sablani SS, Marcotte M, Baik OD and Castaigne F (1998). Modeling of simultaneous heat and water transport in the baking process. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 31(3): 201-209.
  • Swinnen IAM, Bernaerts K, Dens EJ, Geeraerd AH and Van Impe JF (2004). Predictive modelling of the microbial lag phase: a review. International journal of Food Microbiology, 94(2): 137-159.
  • Trystram G (2012). Modelling of food and food processes. Journal of Food Eengineering, 110(2): 269-277.
  • Van der Sman RGM (2007). Moisture transport during cooking of meat: An analysis based on Flory–Rehner theory. Meat Science, 76(4): 730-738.
  • Welsh ZG, Khan MIH and Karim MA (2021). Multiscale modeling for food drying: A homogenized diffusion approach. Journal of Food Engineering, 292: 110252.
  • Welsh Z, Simpson MJ, Khan IH and Karim MA (2018). Multiscale Modeling for Food Drying. State of the Art. 17, 1293-1308.
  • Whiting RC and Whiting RC (2009). Critical Reviews in Food Science & Nutrition Microbial modeling in foods Microbial Modeling in Foods. 8398 (1995).
  • Zhang J and Datta AK (2006). Mathematical modeling of bread baking process. Journal of Food Engineering, 75(1): 78-89.
  • Zhang L, Putranto A, Zhou W, Boom RM, Schutyser MA and Chen XD (2016). Miniature bread baking as a timesaving research approach and mathematical modeling of browning kinetics. Food and Bioproducts Processing, 100: 401-411.
  • Zugarramurdi A, Parin MA, Gadaleta L and Lupin HM (2007). A quality cost model for food processing plants. Journal of Food Engineering, 83(3): 414-421.
There are 49 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural Engineering
Journal Section Review

Manibhushan Kumar This is me

Siddhartha Vatsa This is me

Mitali Madhumita This is me 0000-0002-1364-2649

Pramod K Prabhakar 0000-0002-1967-6575

Publication Date December 31, 2021
Submission Date April 12, 2021
Acceptance Date August 9, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 2 Issue: 2


APA Kumar, M., Vatsa, S., Madhumita, M., Prabhakar, P. K. (2021). Mathematical Modeling of Food Processing Operations: A Basic Understanding and Overview. Turkish Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research, 2(2), 472-492.


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Publisher: Ebubekir ALTUNTAŞ

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