(*): For a Sample English Manuscript Template, please click on this address:
For a Sample Turkish Manuscript Template, please click on this address:
(*): For the TITLE PAGE TEMPLATES for the English-Turkish manuscripts, click on this address:
For new manuscript submissions to the journal, the responsible author must upload the copyright agreement form signed with the similarity report using the 'iThenticate Plagiarism Detection Software,' Turnitin, or programs.
-The submitted manuscript's plagiarism report (similarity report) should be below 20%, except for the reference list.
-The manuscript text should be prepared on A4 size paper, leaving 2.5 cm blank spaces on all four margins for each page. Each line of pages and each page should be numbered. The submitted manuscript should not be over 25 pages (excluding figures and tables).
The text manuscript of the manuscript should be written in Century font.
-Firstly, TITLE PAGE should be prepared for the article to be sent.
-In Turkish manuscript writing; do not forget to write the Turkish title and Turkish abstract. And also, Figure and Table titles should be given in Turkish and English together.
The title of the manuscript should be brief and informative. The title should be written a single line spacing and written in lowercase letters, except the first letter of the title. The manuscript title of the manuscript should be written in Century font with 13 points.
The abstract should be at least 150 and a maximum of 350 words. It should be prepared in Century font, 10 points, and one-half line spacing. The abstract should be written as a single paragraph.
Keywords section should be contained 3-6 keywords and they should be written in Century font, single line spacing, and 10 points. Keywords should be different from the words of the title of the article.
The introduction section should be prepared in Century font 11 points and a second line spacing. The introduction section should be clear and concise. The introduction should clearly define the objectives of the study. In the introduction section, the existing problem must be explained, and the previous studies, especially the most recent publications, should be given.
Materials and Methods section should be prepared in Century font with 11 points and a second line spacing. In this section, all the procedures (materials, analytical methods, and statistical analyses) should clearly be explained.
Results and Discussion section should be prepared in Century font with 11 points and a second line spacing. The findings and results of the study should be discussed with consideration of the previous works of literature in the Results and discussion section. Tables and/or figures should be presented in this section. The title of tables and/or figures should be given as a second-line spacing and numbered sequentially.
Figures and Tables should be given with a title and numbered consecutively. Tables and figures should not exceed 16 x 23 cm. Figures should have a high resolution and grayscale (For example a minimum resolution of 600dpi in jpeg format).
Units: SI units should be used for all units of measurement in the text. '/' sign should not be used in unit representations (For example: (km h-1; l s-1 rather than km/h; l/s) A space should be left between units and a single space should be left between the number and the unit (For example; cal g-1 ˚C- 1; 1 kg m-1 h-2 ). For decimal fractions, a period should be used. (2.54 rather than 2,54). In the definitions of percentage, angle, second and minute, no space should be left between the number and the unit. (For example 20%, 40°, 55'', 15').
Formulas and Equations: Number each formula should be numbered, using the word mathematical processor, with a reference number at the end in parentheses. Formulas should be given as “Equation” and numbered in the text (For example Equation 1).
Abbreviations and symbols: Abbreviations and symbols should be given in parentheses if necessary. Abbreviations should not be used in the article title or subtitles. In the definitions given for statistical significance in the text, ‘P’ values or ‘p<0.01’ symbols should be used.
The importance of the results and their contribution to the science of the results should be emphasized in this section. This section should be prepared in Century font 11 points and a second line spacing. The conclusion section may be included recommendations. The conclusion should not include the same sentences in the text or abstract.
In the Acknowledgment section, the grants, the funds, and the persons and organizations that contributed to the research should be written. This section should be prepared in Century font with 11 points and a second line spacing.
In this section, references should be written in alphabetical and chronological order. References should be prepared in Century font 9 points and one-half line spacing. In English-prepared manuscripts, the thesis references in different languages (except English) must be referred to by an English translation. In the text, a citation with one author, surname, and year of publication should be written (Mohsenin, 1980). For citations with two authors, ‘and’ should be used between the surnames of the authors (Razavi and Parvar, 2007). For citations with three or more authors, the first author’s surname should be followed ‘et al.’ (Eren et al., 2010). For the same author/s, if there is more than one reference in the same year, then ‘a, b’ letters should be added in alphabetical order to these references (Altuntas et al., 2018a).
References should be listed as given below:
Journal article:
Altuntas E, Ozturk B and Kalyoncu HI (2018). Bioactive compounds and physico-mechanical attributes of fruit and stone of cherry laurel (Prunus laurocerasus) harvested at different maturity stages. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Hortorum Cultus, 17(6): 75-84.
Mohsenin, NN (1980). Physical properties of plant and animal materials. Gordon & Breach Science Publishers, New York.
Chapter of book:
Weiss EA (2000). Safflower. In: Oilseed Crops, Blackwell Sci. Ltd., Victoria, Australia.
Standard Book:
ASAE (1999). ASAE Standards. D497.4 MAR99: Agricultural Machinery Management Data. pp. 350-357 ASAE 2950 Niles Rd., St. Joseph, MI, 49085-9659, USA.
Asiltürk M (2010). The effects of the different soil tillage systems on soil properties and tuber yield in potato production. Master thesis, Gaziosmanpasa University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science, Department of Agricultural Machinery, p. 91, Tokat-Türkiye (In Turkish).
Acaroğlu M (2006). Comparison energy balances in energy production from solid and biodiesel. 23th National Congress of Agricultural Mechanization, pp. 103-108. 6-8 Eylül 2006. Çanakkale-Turkey (in Turkish).
Internet source:
CABI (2017). Capsicum annuum (bell pepper). (01/06/2020).
International peer double-blind reviewed journal