Entries mark ed with an aste risk ( * ) have appeared since the last Sardis
field re p o rt («The S ardis C am paigns of 1979 and 1980») w as su bm itted.
Akerström -Hougen , G.
1974 The C alender and H unting M osaics of th e Villa of th e F alconer
in Argos; A Study in E arly B yzantine Iconography. Skrifter
U tgivna av Svenska In stitu te t i Athen, 4° 23. Stockholm : Paul
Aström .
Alzinger, W.
1974 A ugusteische A rchitektur in E phesos. V ienna: Ö sterreichisches
A rchäologisches In stitu t.
Baity, J.
1969 La G rande M osaïque de C hasse du T riclinos. Fouilles d ’Apamée
de Syrie, M iscellanea 6. B russels: C entre Belge de R echerches
A rchéologiuques à A pam ée de Syrie.
Barag, D.
1972 Two R om an G lass B ottles w ith R em nants of Oil. Israel Exploratio n Jo u rn al 22: 24-26.
Basch, A.
1972 Analyses of Oil fro m Two R om an G lass B ottles.Israel E xploration Jo u rn al 22: 27-32.
Butler, H. C.
1922 S ardis 1, the E xcavations P a rt I, 1910-1914. Leiden. E. J. Brill.
Butterbaugh, D. J., and Piggot, V. C.
1980 MASCA M udbrick/A dobe C onservation In te rim R eport, pp. 19-27
in Üçüncü U luslararası K erpiç K orum a S em pozyum u/T hird
In tern atio n al Svm posium on M udhrick (A dobe) P reservation.
A nkara: ICOM, ICOMOS.
Curtius, E.
1853 A rtem is Gygaia u n d die lydischen F ü rsten g räb er. A rchäologische
Zeitung 11: 148-161.
Foss, C.
1982 A N eighbor of S ardis: The City of T m olus and Its S uccessors.
C lassical A ntiquity 1: 178-201.
* Gale, N. H., G entner, W., and W agner, G. A.
1980 M ineralogical and G eographical Silver Sources of A rchaic G reek
Coinage. M etallurgy in N um ism atics 1: 3-49.
von G erkan, A.
1959 Von Antike A rchitektur und T opographie; gesam m elte A ufsätze.
Stuttgart: W. Kohlhammer.
Greenewalt, C. H., Jr.
1972 Two Lydian Graves at Sardis.California Studies in Classical
Antiquity 5: 113-145.
1978 The Sardis
of Oriental
Campaign of 1976. Bulletin
Research 229: 57-73.
of the American Schools
1979 The Sardis
of Oriental
Campaign of 1977. Bulletin
Research 233: 1-32.
of the American Schools
1982 Sardis, 1979
* Greenewalt, C. H.,
1982 The Sardis
of Oriental
. Türk Arkeoloji Dergisi 26: 95-109.
Jr.; Sterud, E. L.; and Belknap, D.
Campaign of 1978. Bulletin of the
Research 245: 1-34.
American Schools
* Greenewalt, C. J., Jr.; Ramage, A.; Sullivan, D. G.;
Nayir, K.; and Tulga, A.
1983 The Sardis Campaigns of 1979 and 1980. Bulletin of the American
Schools of Oriental Research 248: XX -X X .
Graven, G.
1961 Beobachtungen zum Artemis-Tempel von Sardis. Mitteilungen des
Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Athenische Abteilung 76:
Gusmani, R.
1975 Neue Epiehorische Schriftzeugnisse aus Sardis (1958-1971). Sardis
M onograph 3. Cambridge, IvlA: H arvard University.
1982a Lydisches W örterbuch Ergänzungsband, Lieferung 2. Heidelberg:
Carl Winter.
* ________________
1932b Zwei Graffiti aus Sardis und Umbegung. Kadmos 21: 125-129.Habicht, C.
1975 New Evidence on the Province of Asia. Journal of Hellenic Studies 65: 64-91.
Hanfmann, G. M A.
1960 Excavations at Sardis, 1959. BASOR 157: 8-43.
1961 The Third Campaign at Sardis (1960). BASOR 162: 8-49.
1962 The Fourth Campaign at Sardis (1961). BASOR 166: 1-57.
1963 The Fifth Campaign at Sardis (1962). BASOR 170: 1-65.
1965 The Seventh Campaign at Sardis (1964). BASOR 177: 2-37.
1966 The Eight Campaign at Sardis (1965). BASOR 182: 2-54.
1968 The Tenth Campaign at Sardis (1967). BASOR 191: 2-41.
Hanfmann, G. M. A., and Waldbaum, J. C.
1975 A Survey of Sardis and the M ajor M onuments Outside the City
Walls. Sardis Reports 1. Cambridge, MA: H arvard University.
Head, B. V.
1901 Catalogue of the Greek Coins. Lydia. A Catalogue of the Greek
Coins in the British Museum. London: British Museum.
H ostetter, R. E.
1981 The Tiles of Ancient Sardis. Archaeology 34: 56-59.
Humann, K.
1904 Magnesia am Maender; Bericht über die Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen der Jahre 1891-1893. Berlin: G. Reimer.
Jalabert, L.; Mouterde, R.; and M ondésert, C.
1955 Inscriptions Grecques et Latines de la Syrie IV. Laodicée,
Apamène. Institut Français d ’Archéologie de Beyrouth. Bibliothèque Archéologique et Historique 61. Paris: Paul Geuthner.
Krencker, D. M., and Schede, M.
1936 Der Tempel in Ankara. Denkmäler Antiker A rchitektur 3. BerlinW. De Gruyter.
Mitten, D. G., and Yuğrum, G.
1971 The Gygaean Lake, 1969: Eski Balıkhane, Prelim inary Report.
H arvard Studies in Classical Philology 75: 191-195.
von Olfers, J. F. M.
1858 Über die Lydischen Königsgräber bei Sardes und den Grabhügel
des Alyattes, nach dem Bericht des K. General-Consuls Spiegelthal
zu Smyrna. Abhandlungen der Königlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin (1858). 539-556.
Oison, G. W.
1970 Field Report on Soils of Sardis, Turkey: A Description of Fieldwork and Research Orientation in a Study of Soils Environm ent
Around the Ancient Lydian, Greek, Roman and Byzantine Ruins.
Agronomy Mimeo 70-8. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University, Deparlment of Agronomy.
1971 Descriptions, Notes, Maps and Data on Soils of Sardis, Turkey.
Agronomy Mimeo 70.1. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University, D epartm ent
of Agronomy.
Ramage, A.
1972 The Fourteenth Campaign at Sardis (1971). BASOR 206: 9-39.
1978 Lydian Houses and Architectural Terracottas. Sardis Monograph,
5. Cambridge, MA: H arvard University.
Ramage, N. H.
1983 A M errythought Cup from Sardis. American Journal of Archaeology 87: XX -XX.
Robert, L.
1949 La Culte de Caligula a Milet et la Province d'Asie. Hellenics 7:
Sevin, V.
1982 Lidialılar. Anadolu Uygarlıkları Ansiklopedisi İstanbul:
Sherk, R. K.
1969 Roman Documents from the Greek East; Senatus Consulta and
Epistulae to the Age of Augustus. Baltimore, MD: Jonhs Hopkins,
von Saldem , A.
1980 Ancient and Byzantine Glass from Sardis. Sardis Monograph, 6.
Cambridge, MA: H arvard University.
Strocka, V. M.
1977 Die W andmalerei der Hanghäuser in Ephesos. Forschungen in
Ephesos 8: 1. Vienna: Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften.
Strong, D. E.
1953 Late Hadrianic Architectural Ornam ent in Rome .Papers of the
B ritish School at Rome 21: 118-151.
Stuiver, M.
1982 A High-Precision Calibration of the AD Radiocarbon Time Scale.
Radiocarbon 24: 1-26.
Umar, B.
1981 Lydia. Ak Yayınları K ültür Kitapları Serisi 4. Istanbul. Akyayınlan.
Vann, R. L.
1976 A Study of Roman Construction Techniques in Roman Asia
Minor. Cornell University Diss.
1983 The Unexcavated Buildings of Sardis. Boulder, CO: Social Science Monographs.
Ward-Perkins, J. B.
1948 Sever an Art and Architecture at Lepcis Magna. Journal of Roman
Studies 38: 59-80.
1958 Notes on the Structure and Building Methods of Early Byzantine
Architecture. Pp. 52-104 in The Great Palace of the Byzantine
Em perors, 2. ed. D. Talbot Rice. Edinburgh: University.
1980 The Marble Trade and its Organization: Evidence from Nicomedia.
Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome 36: 325-338.
Weber, H.
1969 Der Zeus-Tempel von A izani-Ein Panhellenisches Heiligtum der
Kaiserzeit. Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts,
Athenische Abteilung 84: 182-201.
Wiegand, T., and Schrader, H.
1904 Priene: Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen und Untersuchungen in den
Jahren 1895-1898. Berlin: G. Reimer.
Wroth, W. W.
1892 A Catalogue of the Greek Coins in the British Museum; Catalogue
of the Greek Coins of Mysia. London: B ritish Museum
Entries mark ed with an aste risk ( * ) have appeared since the last Sardis
field re p o rt («The S ardis C am paigns of 1979 and 1980») w as su bm itted.
Akerström -Hougen , G.
1974 The C alender and H unting M osaics of th e Villa of th e F alconer
in Argos; A Study in E arly B yzantine Iconography. Skrifter
U tgivna av Svenska In stitu te t i Athen, 4° 23. Stockholm : Paul
Aström .
Alzinger, W.
1974 A ugusteische A rchitektur in E phesos. V ienna: Ö sterreichisches
A rchäologisches In stitu t.
Baity, J.
1969 La G rande M osaïque de C hasse du T riclinos. Fouilles d ’Apamée
de Syrie, M iscellanea 6. B russels: C entre Belge de R echerches
A rchéologiuques à A pam ée de Syrie.
Barag, D.
1972 Two R om an G lass B ottles w ith R em nants of Oil. Israel Exploratio n Jo u rn al 22: 24-26.
Basch, A.
1972 Analyses of Oil fro m Two R om an G lass B ottles.Israel E xploration Jo u rn al 22: 27-32.
Butler, H. C.
1922 S ardis 1, the E xcavations P a rt I, 1910-1914. Leiden. E. J. Brill.
Butterbaugh, D. J., and Piggot, V. C.
1980 MASCA M udbrick/A dobe C onservation In te rim R eport, pp. 19-27
in Üçüncü U luslararası K erpiç K orum a S em pozyum u/T hird
In tern atio n al Svm posium on M udhrick (A dobe) P reservation.
A nkara: ICOM, ICOMOS.
Curtius, E.
1853 A rtem is Gygaia u n d die lydischen F ü rsten g räb er. A rchäologische
Zeitung 11: 148-161.
Foss, C.
1982 A N eighbor of S ardis: The City of T m olus and Its S uccessors.
C lassical A ntiquity 1: 178-201.
* Gale, N. H., G entner, W., and W agner, G. A.
1980 M ineralogical and G eographical Silver Sources of A rchaic G reek
Coinage. M etallurgy in N um ism atics 1: 3-49.
von G erkan, A.
1959 Von Antike A rchitektur und T opographie; gesam m elte A ufsätze.
Stuttgart: W. Kohlhammer.
Greenewalt, C. H., Jr.
1972 Two Lydian Graves at Sardis.California Studies in Classical
Antiquity 5: 113-145.
1978 The Sardis
of Oriental
Campaign of 1976. Bulletin
Research 229: 57-73.
of the American Schools
1979 The Sardis
of Oriental
Campaign of 1977. Bulletin
Research 233: 1-32.
of the American Schools
1982 Sardis, 1979
* Greenewalt, C. H.,
1982 The Sardis
of Oriental
. Türk Arkeoloji Dergisi 26: 95-109.
Jr.; Sterud, E. L.; and Belknap, D.
Campaign of 1978. Bulletin of the
Research 245: 1-34.
American Schools
* Greenewalt, C. J., Jr.; Ramage, A.; Sullivan, D. G.;
Nayir, K.; and Tulga, A.
1983 The Sardis Campaigns of 1979 and 1980. Bulletin of the American
Schools of Oriental Research 248: XX -X X .
Graven, G.
1961 Beobachtungen zum Artemis-Tempel von Sardis. Mitteilungen des
Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Athenische Abteilung 76:
Gusmani, R.
1975 Neue Epiehorische Schriftzeugnisse aus Sardis (1958-1971). Sardis
M onograph 3. Cambridge, IvlA: H arvard University.
1982a Lydisches W örterbuch Ergänzungsband, Lieferung 2. Heidelberg:
Carl Winter.
* ________________
1932b Zwei Graffiti aus Sardis und Umbegung. Kadmos 21: 125-129.Habicht, C.
1975 New Evidence on the Province of Asia. Journal of Hellenic Studies 65: 64-91.
Hanfmann, G. M A.
1960 Excavations at Sardis, 1959. BASOR 157: 8-43.
1961 The Third Campaign at Sardis (1960). BASOR 162: 8-49.
1962 The Fourth Campaign at Sardis (1961). BASOR 166: 1-57.
1963 The Fifth Campaign at Sardis (1962). BASOR 170: 1-65.
1965 The Seventh Campaign at Sardis (1964). BASOR 177: 2-37.
1966 The Eight Campaign at Sardis (1965). BASOR 182: 2-54.
1968 The Tenth Campaign at Sardis (1967). BASOR 191: 2-41.
Hanfmann, G. M. A., and Waldbaum, J. C.
1975 A Survey of Sardis and the M ajor M onuments Outside the City
Walls. Sardis Reports 1. Cambridge, MA: H arvard University.
Head, B. V.
1901 Catalogue of the Greek Coins. Lydia. A Catalogue of the Greek
Coins in the British Museum. London: British Museum.
H ostetter, R. E.
1981 The Tiles of Ancient Sardis. Archaeology 34: 56-59.
Humann, K.
1904 Magnesia am Maender; Bericht über die Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen der Jahre 1891-1893. Berlin: G. Reimer.
Jalabert, L.; Mouterde, R.; and M ondésert, C.
1955 Inscriptions Grecques et Latines de la Syrie IV. Laodicée,
Apamène. Institut Français d ’Archéologie de Beyrouth. Bibliothèque Archéologique et Historique 61. Paris: Paul Geuthner.
Krencker, D. M., and Schede, M.
1936 Der Tempel in Ankara. Denkmäler Antiker A rchitektur 3. BerlinW. De Gruyter.
Mitten, D. G., and Yuğrum, G.
1971 The Gygaean Lake, 1969: Eski Balıkhane, Prelim inary Report.
H arvard Studies in Classical Philology 75: 191-195.
von Olfers, J. F. M.
1858 Über die Lydischen Königsgräber bei Sardes und den Grabhügel
des Alyattes, nach dem Bericht des K. General-Consuls Spiegelthal
zu Smyrna. Abhandlungen der Königlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin (1858). 539-556.
Oison, G. W.
1970 Field Report on Soils of Sardis, Turkey: A Description of Fieldwork and Research Orientation in a Study of Soils Environm ent
Around the Ancient Lydian, Greek, Roman and Byzantine Ruins.
Agronomy Mimeo 70-8. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University, Deparlment of Agronomy.
1971 Descriptions, Notes, Maps and Data on Soils of Sardis, Turkey.
Agronomy Mimeo 70.1. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University, D epartm ent
of Agronomy.
Ramage, A.
1972 The Fourteenth Campaign at Sardis (1971). BASOR 206: 9-39.
1978 Lydian Houses and Architectural Terracottas. Sardis Monograph,
5. Cambridge, MA: H arvard University.
Ramage, N. H.
1983 A M errythought Cup from Sardis. American Journal of Archaeology 87: XX -XX.
Robert, L.
1949 La Culte de Caligula a Milet et la Province d'Asie. Hellenics 7:
Sevin, V.
1982 Lidialılar. Anadolu Uygarlıkları Ansiklopedisi İstanbul:
Sherk, R. K.
1969 Roman Documents from the Greek East; Senatus Consulta and
Epistulae to the Age of Augustus. Baltimore, MD: Jonhs Hopkins,
von Saldem , A.
1980 Ancient and Byzantine Glass from Sardis. Sardis Monograph, 6.
Cambridge, MA: H arvard University.
Strocka, V. M.
1977 Die W andmalerei der Hanghäuser in Ephesos. Forschungen in
Ephesos 8: 1. Vienna: Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften.
Strong, D. E.
1953 Late Hadrianic Architectural Ornam ent in Rome .Papers of the
B ritish School at Rome 21: 118-151.
Stuiver, M.
1982 A High-Precision Calibration of the AD Radiocarbon Time Scale.
Radiocarbon 24: 1-26.
Umar, B.
1981 Lydia. Ak Yayınları K ültür Kitapları Serisi 4. Istanbul. Akyayınlan.
Vann, R. L.
1976 A Study of Roman Construction Techniques in Roman Asia
Minor. Cornell University Diss.
1983 The Unexcavated Buildings of Sardis. Boulder, CO: Social Science Monographs.
Ward-Perkins, J. B.
1948 Sever an Art and Architecture at Lepcis Magna. Journal of Roman
Studies 38: 59-80.
1958 Notes on the Structure and Building Methods of Early Byzantine
Architecture. Pp. 52-104 in The Great Palace of the Byzantine
Em perors, 2. ed. D. Talbot Rice. Edinburgh: University.
1980 The Marble Trade and its Organization: Evidence from Nicomedia.
Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome 36: 325-338.
Weber, H.
1969 Der Zeus-Tempel von A izani-Ein Panhellenisches Heiligtum der
Kaiserzeit. Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts,
Athenische Abteilung 84: 182-201.
Wiegand, T., and Schrader, H.
1904 Priene: Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen und Untersuchungen in den
Jahren 1895-1898. Berlin: G. Reimer.
Wroth, W. W.
1892 A Catalogue of the Greek Coins in the British Museum; Catalogue
of the Greek Coins of Mysia. London: B ritish Museum