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Year 2010, Volume: 1 Issue: 6, 199 - 228, 25.11.2022


  • ANDERSON, Benedict 1995 , Hayali Cemaatler. Milliyetçiliğin Kökenleri ve Yayılması, çev., İskender Savaşır, İstanbul: Metis Yayınları.
  • BANTON, Michael 2007 , “Max Weber on ethnic communities”, Nations and Nationalism, XIII/1, s.19-35.
  • BARTH, Fredrik 1999 , “Boundaries and connections”, Signifying Identities ed. Anthony P. Cohen , London, New York: Routledge, s.17-36.
  • BARTH, Fredrik drl. 2001 , Etnik Gruplar ve Sınırları. Kültürel Farklılığın Toplumsal Organizasyonu, çev., Ayhan Kaya-Seda Gürkan, İstanbul: Bağlam Yayınları.
  • BİLGİN, Vedat 2005 , “Etnisite, Millî Kimlik, Tarih ve Toplum”, Türkiye Günlüğü, Sayı: 80, Bahar, s.81-87.
  • BİLGİSEVEN, Âmiran Kurtkan 1991 , Türkiye’ye Yönelik Etnik İddialara Dayalı Bölücü Faaliyetler, İstanbul: Bayrak Matbaacılık.
  • BRASS, Paul 1996 , “Ethnic Groups and Ethnic Identity Formation”, Ethnicity ed. John Hutchinson, Anthony D. Smith , Oxford: Oxford University Press, s.85-90.
  • CHANDRA, Kanchan 2001 , “Cumulative Findings in the Study of Ethnic Politics”, apsa-cp Newsletter of the Organized Section in Comparative Politics of the American Political Science Association , XII/1 2001 , s.7-11.
  • CHESNUTT, Charles W. 2000 , “What Is a White Man?” in Werner Sollors ed. , Interracialism: Blackwhite intermarriage in American history, literature, and law, Oxford New York: Oxford University Press, s.37-42.
  • COHEN, Abner 1996 , “Ethnicity and Politics”, Ethnicity ed. John Hutchinson, Anthony D. Smith , Oxford: Oxford University Press, s.83-84.
  • CONVERSI, Daniele 2004 , “Debate Can Nationalism Studies and Ethnic/Racial Studies be Brought Together?”, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, XXX/4 July , s.815-829.
  • DİNÇ, Ahmet-Sedat Güneç 2006 , “Yargıtay’ın Terör Listesine Süryani Örgüt de Girdi”, Zaman, 19.11.
  • ERIKSEN, Thomas Hylland-Finn Sivert Nielsen 2001 , A History of Anthropology, London: Pluto Press.
  • ERIKSEN, Thomas Hylland 2002 , Etnisite ve Milliyetçilik. Antropolojik Bir Bakış, çev., Ekin Uşaklı, İstanbul: Avesta Basın Yayın.
  • ERIKSEN, Thomas Hylland 2001 , Small Places, Large Issues. An Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology, London: Pluto Press.
  • ERIKSEN, Thomas Hylland 2004 , What is Anthropology?, London: Pluto Press.
  • ERKAL, Mustafa E. 1995 , Sosyoloji Toplumbilim , İstanbul: Der Yayınları.
  • ERKAL, Mustafa E. 2001 , “Etniklik ve Etnik Grup Kavramları Üzerine”, Türkiye ve Siyaset, Sayı: 3, s.33-40.
  • FENTON, Steve 2001 , Etnisite. Irkçılık, Sınıf ve Kültür, Ankara: Phoenix Yayınevi.
  • FOWKES, Ben 2002 , Ethnicity and Ethnic Conflict in the Post-Communist World, Gordonsville: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • FUKUYAMA, Francis 2006a , “Introductıon: Nation-Building and the Failure of Institutional Memory”, Nation-building: beyond Afghanistan and Iraq ed. Francis Fukuyama , Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.
  • FUKUYAMA, Francis 2006b , “Guidelines for Future Nation-Builders”, Nation-building: beyond Afghanistan and Iraq ed. Francis Fukuyama , Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.
  • GEERTZ, Clifford 1973 , The Interpretation of Cultures, New York: Basic Books.
  • GEERTZ, Clifford 1983 , Local Knowledge, New York: Basic Books
  • GELLNER, Ernest 1992 , Uluslar ve Ulusçuluk, çev., Büşra Ersanlı, Günay Göksu Özdoğan, İstanbul: Hil yayın.
  • HECHTER, Michael 1988 , “Rational choice theory and the study of race and ethnic relations”, Theories of Race and Ethnic Relations ed. John Rex, David Mason , Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • HIRSCH, Francine 2005 , Empire of Nations: Ethnographic and the Making of the Soviet Union, Ithaca: Cornell University Pres.
  • HOBSBAWM, Eric 2006a , “Giriş: Gelenekleri İcat Etmek”, Geleneğin İcadı drl. Eric Hobsbawm-Terence Ranger , çev., Mehmet Murat Şahin, İstanbul: Agora Kitaplığı.
  • HOBSBAWM, Eric 2006b , 1780’den Günümüze Milletler ve Milliyetçilik: Program, Mit, Gerçeklik, İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları.
  • HUTCHINSON, John -Anthony D. Smith ed. 1996 , Ethnicity, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • HUXLEY, Julian-Alfred C. Haddon 1936 , We Europeans: a Survey of ‘Racial’ Problems. New York, London: Harper.
  • ISAACS, Harold R. 1975 , “Basic Group Identity: the Idols of the Tribe” Ethnicity: Theory and Experience eds. Nathan Glazer & Daniel P. Moynihan , Cambridge: Harvard University Press, s.29-52
  • IŞIK, Yüksel 2005 , “Alevilik, Ulus mudur?”, Radikal2, 30.10.2005.
  • KADIOĞLU, Ayşe 2005 , “Türk Ulusal Kimliğinin Üç Ötekisi”, Radikal2, 23.10.2005.
  • KARPAT, Kemal 1973 , An Inquiry into the Social Foundations of Nationalism in the Ottoman State: From Social Estates to Classes, From Millets to Nations, Princeton: Princeton University Center of International Studies.
  • KERESZTESI, Rita 2005 , Strangers at Home. American Ethnic Modernism between the World Wars, Lincoln and London: University of Nebraska Press.
  • KÖSEOĞLU, Nevzat 2005 , “Millî Kültür-Mozaik Kültür ve Etnisite”, Türkiye Günlüğü, Sayı: 83 Kış , s.27-51.
  • KUKLA, André 2000 , Social constructivism and the philosophy of science. London: Routledge.
  • MALEŠEVİC, Sinisa 2004 , Sociology of Ethnicity, London: Sage Publications.
  • MARX, Karl 2003 . 1844 Elyazmaları. Ekonomi Politik ve Felsefe, İstanbul: Eriş Yayınları.
  • McDONALD, Jason 2007 , American Ethnic History. Themes and Perspectives, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
  • MIRSKY, Georgiy I. 1997 , On Ruins of Empire: Ethnicity and Nationalism in the Former Soviet Union, Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group.
  • MONTAGU, Ashley 1950 , The Race Question, UNESCO.
  • OBERSCHALL, Anthony 2007 , Conflict and Peace Building in Divided Societies. Responses to Ethnic Violence, New York: Routledge.
  • ÖZKIRIMLI, Umut 2008 , Milliyetçilik Kuramları. Eleştirel Bir Bakış, Ankara: Doğu Batı Yayınları.
  • ÖZMEN, Abdurrahim 2006 , Tur Abdin Süryanileri Örneğinde Etno-Kültürel Sınırlar, Ankara: Ankara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Etnoloji Anabilim Dalı Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi .
  • ÖZTOPRAK SAĞIR, Meral-H. Serkan Akıllı 2004 , “Etnisite Kuramları ve Eleştirisi”, Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, XXVIII/1, s.1-22.
  • ROY,Olivier 2000 , Yeni Orta Asya ya da Ulusların İmal Edilişi, çev., Mehmet Moralı, İstanbul: Metis Yayınları.
  • SCHERMERHORN, Richard Alanzo 1996 , “Ethnicity and Minority Groups”, Ethnicity, ed. John Hutchinson-Anthony D. Smith , Oxford: Oxford University Press, s.17-18.
  • SHANKLAND, David 1999 , “Antropoloji ve Etnisite: Yeni Alevi Hareketinde Etnografyanın Yeri”, Alevi Kimliği ed. T. Olsson vd. , çev., B. Kurt Torun-H. Torun, İstanbul: Tarih Vakfı Yurt Yayınları, s.20-31
  • SHAW, R. Paul-Yuwa WONG 1989 , Genetic Seeds of Warfare: Evolution, Nationalism and Patriotism, London: Unwin Hyman.
  • SHILLS, Edward 1957 , “Primordial, Personal, Sacred and Civil Ties: Some Particular Observations on the Relationships of Sociological Research and Theory”, The British Journal of Sociology, VIII/2, s.130- 145.
  • SIMMEL, Georg 1999 , Çatışma Fikri ve Modern Kültürde Çatışma, hzl. Ahmet Aydoğan, İstanbul: İz Yayıncılık
  • SMITH, Anthony D. 2002 , Ulusların Etnik Kökeni, Ankara: Dost Kitabevi.
  • SOLLORS, Werner ed 1991 , The Invention of Ethnicity. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • SOLLORS, Werner ed 1996 , Theories of Ethnicity. A Classical Reader, New York: New York University Press.
  • SOLLORS, Werner 2000 , “Terms from the English Dictionary”, Interracialism: Black-white intermarriage in American history, literature, and law ed. Werner Sollors , Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press, s.211-219.
  • SOLOMOS, John-Les Back 1999 , “Marxism, Identity and Ethnicity”, Race, Identity and Citizenship. A Reader ed. Rodolfo D. Torres, Louis F. Miròn, Jonathan Xavier Inda , Massachusetts-Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.
  • SOMERSAN, Semra 2004 , Sosyal Bilimlerde Etnisite ve Irk, İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • SUVARİ, Ç. Ceyhan 2005 , “Alevilik Bir Etnisite midir?”, Radikal2, 13.11.2005.
  • SWINGEWOOD, Alan 1998 , Sosyolojik Düşüncenin Kısa Tarihi, çev., Osman Akınhay, Ankara: Bilim ve Sanat Yayınları.
  • AHD, 1992 , The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language ed. Anne H. Soukhanov , Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
  • TONKIN, Elisabeth-Maryon McDonals-Malcolm Chapman 1996 , “History and Ethnicity”, Ethnicity ed. John Hutchinson, Anthony D. Smith , Oxford: Oxford University Press, s.18-24.
  • TONNIES, Ferdinand 2001 , Community and Civil Society ed. Jore Harris . West Nyack: Cambridge University Press.
  • TS 2005 , Türkçe Sözlük, hzl. Ş. Haluk Akalın vd., 10. Baskı, Ankara: Türk Dil Kurumu Yayınları.
  • TÜRKDOĞAN, Orhan 1999 , Etnik Sosyoloji, 3. Baskı, İstanbul: Timaş Yayınları.
  • VAN DEN BERGHE, Pierre 1989 , Stranger in Their Midst. Niwot, CO: University of Colorado Press.
  • VAN DEN BERGHE, Pierre 1994a , The Ethnic Phenomenon, London: Praeger.
  • VAN DEN BERGHE, Pierre 1994b , “A Socio-Biological Perpective”, Nationalism ed. John Hutchinson, Anthony D. Smith , Oxford: Oxford University Press, s.55-63.
  • VAN DEN BERGHE, Pierre 1996 , “Does Race Matter”, Ethnicity ed. John Hutchinson, Anthony D. Smith , Oxford: Oxford University Press, s.57-62.
  • VAN EVERA, Stephen 2001 , “Primordialism Lives!”, ”, apsa-cp Newsletter of the Organized Section in Comparative Politics of the American Political Science Association , XII/1 s.20-22.
  • WEBER, Max 1978 , Economy and Society. An Outline of Interpretive Sociology ed. Guenther RothClaus Wittich , Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • WICKER, Hans-Rudolf 1997 , “Introduction: Theorizing Ethnicity and Nationalism”, Rethinking Nationalism and Ethnicity: Rhe Struggle for Meaning and Order in Europe ed. H. R. Wicker , Oxford-New York: Berg.
  • WOLF, Kurt H. ed. 1950 , The Sociology of Georg Simmel, Glencoe: The Free Press.
  • WOLF, Stefan 2006 , Ethnic Conflict. A Global Perspective, Oxford-New York: Oxford University Press.
Year 2010, Volume: 1 Issue: 6, 199 - 228, 25.11.2022


  • ANDERSON, Benedict 1995 , Hayali Cemaatler. Milliyetçiliğin Kökenleri ve Yayılması, çev., İskender Savaşır, İstanbul: Metis Yayınları.
  • BANTON, Michael 2007 , “Max Weber on ethnic communities”, Nations and Nationalism, XIII/1, s.19-35.
  • BARTH, Fredrik 1999 , “Boundaries and connections”, Signifying Identities ed. Anthony P. Cohen , London, New York: Routledge, s.17-36.
  • BARTH, Fredrik drl. 2001 , Etnik Gruplar ve Sınırları. Kültürel Farklılığın Toplumsal Organizasyonu, çev., Ayhan Kaya-Seda Gürkan, İstanbul: Bağlam Yayınları.
  • BİLGİN, Vedat 2005 , “Etnisite, Millî Kimlik, Tarih ve Toplum”, Türkiye Günlüğü, Sayı: 80, Bahar, s.81-87.
  • BİLGİSEVEN, Âmiran Kurtkan 1991 , Türkiye’ye Yönelik Etnik İddialara Dayalı Bölücü Faaliyetler, İstanbul: Bayrak Matbaacılık.
  • BRASS, Paul 1996 , “Ethnic Groups and Ethnic Identity Formation”, Ethnicity ed. John Hutchinson, Anthony D. Smith , Oxford: Oxford University Press, s.85-90.
  • CHANDRA, Kanchan 2001 , “Cumulative Findings in the Study of Ethnic Politics”, apsa-cp Newsletter of the Organized Section in Comparative Politics of the American Political Science Association , XII/1 2001 , s.7-11.
  • CHESNUTT, Charles W. 2000 , “What Is a White Man?” in Werner Sollors ed. , Interracialism: Blackwhite intermarriage in American history, literature, and law, Oxford New York: Oxford University Press, s.37-42.
  • COHEN, Abner 1996 , “Ethnicity and Politics”, Ethnicity ed. John Hutchinson, Anthony D. Smith , Oxford: Oxford University Press, s.83-84.
  • CONVERSI, Daniele 2004 , “Debate Can Nationalism Studies and Ethnic/Racial Studies be Brought Together?”, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, XXX/4 July , s.815-829.
  • DİNÇ, Ahmet-Sedat Güneç 2006 , “Yargıtay’ın Terör Listesine Süryani Örgüt de Girdi”, Zaman, 19.11.
  • ERIKSEN, Thomas Hylland-Finn Sivert Nielsen 2001 , A History of Anthropology, London: Pluto Press.
  • ERIKSEN, Thomas Hylland 2002 , Etnisite ve Milliyetçilik. Antropolojik Bir Bakış, çev., Ekin Uşaklı, İstanbul: Avesta Basın Yayın.
  • ERIKSEN, Thomas Hylland 2001 , Small Places, Large Issues. An Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology, London: Pluto Press.
  • ERIKSEN, Thomas Hylland 2004 , What is Anthropology?, London: Pluto Press.
  • ERKAL, Mustafa E. 1995 , Sosyoloji Toplumbilim , İstanbul: Der Yayınları.
  • ERKAL, Mustafa E. 2001 , “Etniklik ve Etnik Grup Kavramları Üzerine”, Türkiye ve Siyaset, Sayı: 3, s.33-40.
  • FENTON, Steve 2001 , Etnisite. Irkçılık, Sınıf ve Kültür, Ankara: Phoenix Yayınevi.
  • FOWKES, Ben 2002 , Ethnicity and Ethnic Conflict in the Post-Communist World, Gordonsville: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • FUKUYAMA, Francis 2006a , “Introductıon: Nation-Building and the Failure of Institutional Memory”, Nation-building: beyond Afghanistan and Iraq ed. Francis Fukuyama , Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.
  • FUKUYAMA, Francis 2006b , “Guidelines for Future Nation-Builders”, Nation-building: beyond Afghanistan and Iraq ed. Francis Fukuyama , Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.
  • GEERTZ, Clifford 1973 , The Interpretation of Cultures, New York: Basic Books.
  • GEERTZ, Clifford 1983 , Local Knowledge, New York: Basic Books
  • GELLNER, Ernest 1992 , Uluslar ve Ulusçuluk, çev., Büşra Ersanlı, Günay Göksu Özdoğan, İstanbul: Hil yayın.
  • HECHTER, Michael 1988 , “Rational choice theory and the study of race and ethnic relations”, Theories of Race and Ethnic Relations ed. John Rex, David Mason , Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • HIRSCH, Francine 2005 , Empire of Nations: Ethnographic and the Making of the Soviet Union, Ithaca: Cornell University Pres.
  • HOBSBAWM, Eric 2006a , “Giriş: Gelenekleri İcat Etmek”, Geleneğin İcadı drl. Eric Hobsbawm-Terence Ranger , çev., Mehmet Murat Şahin, İstanbul: Agora Kitaplığı.
  • HOBSBAWM, Eric 2006b , 1780’den Günümüze Milletler ve Milliyetçilik: Program, Mit, Gerçeklik, İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları.
  • HUTCHINSON, John -Anthony D. Smith ed. 1996 , Ethnicity, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • HUXLEY, Julian-Alfred C. Haddon 1936 , We Europeans: a Survey of ‘Racial’ Problems. New York, London: Harper.
  • ISAACS, Harold R. 1975 , “Basic Group Identity: the Idols of the Tribe” Ethnicity: Theory and Experience eds. Nathan Glazer & Daniel P. Moynihan , Cambridge: Harvard University Press, s.29-52
  • IŞIK, Yüksel 2005 , “Alevilik, Ulus mudur?”, Radikal2, 30.10.2005.
  • KADIOĞLU, Ayşe 2005 , “Türk Ulusal Kimliğinin Üç Ötekisi”, Radikal2, 23.10.2005.
  • KARPAT, Kemal 1973 , An Inquiry into the Social Foundations of Nationalism in the Ottoman State: From Social Estates to Classes, From Millets to Nations, Princeton: Princeton University Center of International Studies.
  • KERESZTESI, Rita 2005 , Strangers at Home. American Ethnic Modernism between the World Wars, Lincoln and London: University of Nebraska Press.
  • KÖSEOĞLU, Nevzat 2005 , “Millî Kültür-Mozaik Kültür ve Etnisite”, Türkiye Günlüğü, Sayı: 83 Kış , s.27-51.
  • KUKLA, André 2000 , Social constructivism and the philosophy of science. London: Routledge.
  • MALEŠEVİC, Sinisa 2004 , Sociology of Ethnicity, London: Sage Publications.
  • MARX, Karl 2003 . 1844 Elyazmaları. Ekonomi Politik ve Felsefe, İstanbul: Eriş Yayınları.
  • McDONALD, Jason 2007 , American Ethnic History. Themes and Perspectives, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
  • MIRSKY, Georgiy I. 1997 , On Ruins of Empire: Ethnicity and Nationalism in the Former Soviet Union, Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group.
  • MONTAGU, Ashley 1950 , The Race Question, UNESCO.
  • OBERSCHALL, Anthony 2007 , Conflict and Peace Building in Divided Societies. Responses to Ethnic Violence, New York: Routledge.
  • ÖZKIRIMLI, Umut 2008 , Milliyetçilik Kuramları. Eleştirel Bir Bakış, Ankara: Doğu Batı Yayınları.
  • ÖZMEN, Abdurrahim 2006 , Tur Abdin Süryanileri Örneğinde Etno-Kültürel Sınırlar, Ankara: Ankara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Etnoloji Anabilim Dalı Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi .
  • ÖZTOPRAK SAĞIR, Meral-H. Serkan Akıllı 2004 , “Etnisite Kuramları ve Eleştirisi”, Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, XXVIII/1, s.1-22.
  • ROY,Olivier 2000 , Yeni Orta Asya ya da Ulusların İmal Edilişi, çev., Mehmet Moralı, İstanbul: Metis Yayınları.
  • SCHERMERHORN, Richard Alanzo 1996 , “Ethnicity and Minority Groups”, Ethnicity, ed. John Hutchinson-Anthony D. Smith , Oxford: Oxford University Press, s.17-18.
  • SHANKLAND, David 1999 , “Antropoloji ve Etnisite: Yeni Alevi Hareketinde Etnografyanın Yeri”, Alevi Kimliği ed. T. Olsson vd. , çev., B. Kurt Torun-H. Torun, İstanbul: Tarih Vakfı Yurt Yayınları, s.20-31
  • SHAW, R. Paul-Yuwa WONG 1989 , Genetic Seeds of Warfare: Evolution, Nationalism and Patriotism, London: Unwin Hyman.
  • SHILLS, Edward 1957 , “Primordial, Personal, Sacred and Civil Ties: Some Particular Observations on the Relationships of Sociological Research and Theory”, The British Journal of Sociology, VIII/2, s.130- 145.
  • SIMMEL, Georg 1999 , Çatışma Fikri ve Modern Kültürde Çatışma, hzl. Ahmet Aydoğan, İstanbul: İz Yayıncılık
  • SMITH, Anthony D. 2002 , Ulusların Etnik Kökeni, Ankara: Dost Kitabevi.
  • SOLLORS, Werner ed 1991 , The Invention of Ethnicity. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • SOLLORS, Werner ed 1996 , Theories of Ethnicity. A Classical Reader, New York: New York University Press.
  • SOLLORS, Werner 2000 , “Terms from the English Dictionary”, Interracialism: Black-white intermarriage in American history, literature, and law ed. Werner Sollors , Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press, s.211-219.
  • SOLOMOS, John-Les Back 1999 , “Marxism, Identity and Ethnicity”, Race, Identity and Citizenship. A Reader ed. Rodolfo D. Torres, Louis F. Miròn, Jonathan Xavier Inda , Massachusetts-Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.
  • SOMERSAN, Semra 2004 , Sosyal Bilimlerde Etnisite ve Irk, İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • SUVARİ, Ç. Ceyhan 2005 , “Alevilik Bir Etnisite midir?”, Radikal2, 13.11.2005.
  • SWINGEWOOD, Alan 1998 , Sosyolojik Düşüncenin Kısa Tarihi, çev., Osman Akınhay, Ankara: Bilim ve Sanat Yayınları.
  • AHD, 1992 , The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language ed. Anne H. Soukhanov , Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
  • TONKIN, Elisabeth-Maryon McDonals-Malcolm Chapman 1996 , “History and Ethnicity”, Ethnicity ed. John Hutchinson, Anthony D. Smith , Oxford: Oxford University Press, s.18-24.
  • TONNIES, Ferdinand 2001 , Community and Civil Society ed. Jore Harris . West Nyack: Cambridge University Press.
  • TS 2005 , Türkçe Sözlük, hzl. Ş. Haluk Akalın vd., 10. Baskı, Ankara: Türk Dil Kurumu Yayınları.
  • TÜRKDOĞAN, Orhan 1999 , Etnik Sosyoloji, 3. Baskı, İstanbul: Timaş Yayınları.
  • VAN DEN BERGHE, Pierre 1989 , Stranger in Their Midst. Niwot, CO: University of Colorado Press.
  • VAN DEN BERGHE, Pierre 1994a , The Ethnic Phenomenon, London: Praeger.
  • VAN DEN BERGHE, Pierre 1994b , “A Socio-Biological Perpective”, Nationalism ed. John Hutchinson, Anthony D. Smith , Oxford: Oxford University Press, s.55-63.
  • VAN DEN BERGHE, Pierre 1996 , “Does Race Matter”, Ethnicity ed. John Hutchinson, Anthony D. Smith , Oxford: Oxford University Press, s.57-62.
  • VAN EVERA, Stephen 2001 , “Primordialism Lives!”, ”, apsa-cp Newsletter of the Organized Section in Comparative Politics of the American Political Science Association , XII/1 s.20-22.
  • WEBER, Max 1978 , Economy and Society. An Outline of Interpretive Sociology ed. Guenther RothClaus Wittich , Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • WICKER, Hans-Rudolf 1997 , “Introduction: Theorizing Ethnicity and Nationalism”, Rethinking Nationalism and Ethnicity: Rhe Struggle for Meaning and Order in Europe ed. H. R. Wicker , Oxford-New York: Berg.
  • WOLF, Kurt H. ed. 1950 , The Sociology of Georg Simmel, Glencoe: The Free Press.
  • WOLF, Stefan 2006 , Ethnic Conflict. A Global Perspective, Oxford-New York: Oxford University Press.
There are 75 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Yahya Kemal Taştan This is me

Publication Date November 25, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2010 Volume: 1 Issue: 6


APA Taştan, Y. K. (2022). ETNİSİTE KURAMLARI. Düşünce Dünyasında Türkiz, 1(6), 199-228.