The TUBITAK (Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Council)-funded were supported the project titled ‘Using Ohmic Assisted Vacuum Evaporation System in Non-Alcoholic Beer Production’. Project No. 222O168.
V. Popescu, A. Soceanu, S. Dobrinas and G. Stanciu, A study of beer bitterness loss during the various stages of the Romanian beer production process, J Inst of Brew, 119, 2013, 111–115.
P. S. Horacio, B. A. Veiga, L. F. Luz, C. A. Levek, A. R. de Souza and A. P. Scheer, Simulation of vacuum distillation to produce alcohol-free beer, J Inst of Brew, 126, 2020, 77–82.
S. Sohrabvandi, S. M. Mousavi, S. H. Razavi, A. M. Mortazavian and K. Rezaei, Alcohol-free beer: methods of production, sensorial defects, and healthful effects, Food Rev Int, 26 2010, 35–352.
R. Halama, P. Broz, P. Izak, M. Kacirkova, M. Dienstbier and J. Olsovska, Beer dealcoholization using pervaporation, Kvasny Prumysl, 65, 2019, 65–71.
C. A. Blanco, C. Andres-Iglesias and O. Montero, 2016, Low-alcohol beers: flavor compounds, defects, and improvement strategies, Crit Rev in Food Sci and Nut, 56, 2016, 1379–1388.
L. Cloninger, Alcohol determination of malt-based beverages by rapid distillation, J Am Soc Brew Chem, 76, 2018, 21–23.
M. Catarino, A. Mendes, Non-alcoholic beer-a new industrial process. Sep Puri Technol, 79, 2011, 342–351.
C. Andres-Iglesias, J. Garcia-Serna, O. Montero, C.A. Blanco, Simulation and flavor compound analysis of dealcoholized beer via one-step vacuum distillation, Food Res Int, 76, 2015, 751–760.
Z. M. Jiang, B. Y. Yang, X. Liu, S. Zhang, J. Shan, J. Liu, X. R. A.Wang, A novel approach for the production of a non-alcohol beer (<= 0.5% abv) by a combination of limited fermentation and vacuum distillation, J Inst Brew, 123, 2017, 533–536.
M. Catarino, A. Mendes, L. M. Madeira, A. Ferreira, Alcohol removal from beer by reverse osmosis, Sep Sci Technol, 42, 2007, 3011–3027.
E. Akyilmaz, and E. Dinçkaya, Development of a catalase based biosensor for alcohol determination in beer samples, Talanta, 61, 2003, 113–118.
S. Castritius, A. Kron, T. Schäfer, M. Rädle, D. Harms, Determination of alcohol and extract concentration in beer samples using a combined method of near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy and refractometry, J Agr Food Chem, 58, 2010, 12634–12641.
G. K. Buckee, A. P. Mundy, Determination of ethanol in beer by gas-chromatography (direct-injection) - collaborative trial, J Inst Brew, 99,1993, 381–384.
S. Engelhard, H. G. Löhmannsröben F. Schael, Quantifying ethanol content of beer using interpretive near-infrared spectroscopy, Appl Spectrosc, 58, 2004, 1205–1209.
S. Sumbhate, S. Nayak, , D., A. GouplaeTlwarl, R.S. Jadon, Colorimetric method for the estimation of ethanol in alcoholic-drinks, J Anal Tech, 1, 2012, 1–6.
C. Baltaci, Z. Aksit, Validation of HPLC Method for the determination of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural in pestil, köme, jam, marmalade and pekmez, Hittite Journal of Science & Engineering 3, 2016, 91–97.
ISO 5725, 1994, Accuracy (Trueness and Precision) of Measurement Methods and Results”, Parts 1-6, International Standard ISO 5725-1:1994, 5725-2:1994, 5725-3:1994, 5725-4:1994, 5725-5:1994, and 5725-6:1994. (1994).
AOAC, 2016, Appendix F: Guidelines for standard method performance requirements. AOAC Official Methods of Analysis, 9.
O. Golge, A. Koluman, B. Kabak, Validation of a modified QuEChERS method for the determination of 167 pesticides in milk and milk Products by LC-MS/MS, Food Ana Met, 11, 2018,1122–1148.
M. Thompson, , S,L.R. Ellison, R. Wood, Harmonızed guıdelınes for sıngle laboratory valıdatıon of methods of analysis (IUPAC Technical Report), Pure Appl Chem, 74, 2002, 835–855.
N. Phadungcharoen, P. Patrojanasophon, P. Opanasopit, T. Ngawhirunpat, A. Chinsriwongkul, T. Rojanarata, Smartphone-based Ellman’s colourimetric methods for the analysis of d-penicillamine formulation and thiolated polymer, Int J Pharm, 558, 2019, 120–127.
J.N. Miller, Basic statistical methods for analytical chemistry. Part 2. Calibration and regression methods. A review, Analyst, 116, 1991, 3–14.
L. Curbani, J. Genlinsky, E. M. Borges, Determination of ethanol in beers using a flatbed scanner and automated digital image analysis, Food Anal Meth, 13, 2020, 249–259.
Analytical Detection Limit Guidance & Laboratory Guide for Determining Method Detection Limits, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Laboratory Certification Program, April 1996.
D.W. Lachenmeier, T. Pflaum, A. Nieborowsky, S. Mayer, J. Rehm, Alcohol-free spirits as novel alcohol placebo—A viable approach to reduce alcohol-related harms, Int. J. Drug Policy, 32, 2016, 1–2.
TS EN ISO/IEC 17025., 2017, General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories, Türk Standartları Enstitüsü Ankara.
Eurachem/Citac, 2000, Guide CG 4, Quantifying Uncertainty in Analytical Measurement, Third Edition.
NMKL Procedure No. 4., Validation of chemical analytical methods Page: 1 of 45 Version: 3 Date: June 2009 Approved: Ole Bjørn Jensen.
K. Bellut, E.K. Arendt, Chance and challenge: non-saccharomyces yeasts in nonalcoholic and low alcohol beer brewing–a review, J Am Soc Brew Chem, 77, 2019, 77–91.
O. Destanoğlu, İ. Ateş, Determination and evaluation of methanol, ethanol, and higher alcohols in legally and illegally produced alcoholic beverages, J Turkish Chem Soci, Section A: Chem, 6, 2019, 21–28.
Validation Study on Spectrophotometric Measurement of Ethanol from Beer and Non-Alcoholic Beer Samples Distilled by Micro Steam Distillation Method
The method validation technique for determining the ethanol percentage (v/v) in beer and non-alcoholic beer is presented in this study. The underlying idea is to use the micro water vapor method to distill the ethanol from beer and then use the spectrophotometric method, which uses the oxidation of sodium dichromate to measure the amount of ethanol. The Harmonized Guidelines for Single-Laboratory Validation of Methods of Analysis were used to validate the analytical method that we provided. The following aspects of the method were assessed: precision, recovery, linearity, measuring range, detection and quantification limitations, method detection limit, and measurement uncertainty. The following were the limits of detection (LOD) and quantification values (LOQ), and the method detection limit (MDL): ethanol, 0.04%, 0.05%, and 0.15. For both repeatability and within-laboratory reproducibility, the relative standard deviation values were less than 2.36 and 4.12%, respectively. The spiked samples had recovery rates ranging from 97% to 102%. These findings fulfilled the minimal performance standards set forth in AOAC Official Methods of Analysis Appendix F: Guidelines for Standard Method Performance Requirements. As a result, the process can be used for the regular analysis of ethanol in the beer and non-alcoholic beer under study.
TUBITAK (Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Council)
Project Number
The TUBITAK (Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Council)-funded were supported the project titled ‘Using Ohmic Assisted Vacuum Evaporation System in Non-Alcoholic Beer Production’. Project No. 222O168.
V. Popescu, A. Soceanu, S. Dobrinas and G. Stanciu, A study of beer bitterness loss during the various stages of the Romanian beer production process, J Inst of Brew, 119, 2013, 111–115.
P. S. Horacio, B. A. Veiga, L. F. Luz, C. A. Levek, A. R. de Souza and A. P. Scheer, Simulation of vacuum distillation to produce alcohol-free beer, J Inst of Brew, 126, 2020, 77–82.
S. Sohrabvandi, S. M. Mousavi, S. H. Razavi, A. M. Mortazavian and K. Rezaei, Alcohol-free beer: methods of production, sensorial defects, and healthful effects, Food Rev Int, 26 2010, 35–352.
R. Halama, P. Broz, P. Izak, M. Kacirkova, M. Dienstbier and J. Olsovska, Beer dealcoholization using pervaporation, Kvasny Prumysl, 65, 2019, 65–71.
C. A. Blanco, C. Andres-Iglesias and O. Montero, 2016, Low-alcohol beers: flavor compounds, defects, and improvement strategies, Crit Rev in Food Sci and Nut, 56, 2016, 1379–1388.
L. Cloninger, Alcohol determination of malt-based beverages by rapid distillation, J Am Soc Brew Chem, 76, 2018, 21–23.
M. Catarino, A. Mendes, Non-alcoholic beer-a new industrial process. Sep Puri Technol, 79, 2011, 342–351.
C. Andres-Iglesias, J. Garcia-Serna, O. Montero, C.A. Blanco, Simulation and flavor compound analysis of dealcoholized beer via one-step vacuum distillation, Food Res Int, 76, 2015, 751–760.
Z. M. Jiang, B. Y. Yang, X. Liu, S. Zhang, J. Shan, J. Liu, X. R. A.Wang, A novel approach for the production of a non-alcohol beer (<= 0.5% abv) by a combination of limited fermentation and vacuum distillation, J Inst Brew, 123, 2017, 533–536.
M. Catarino, A. Mendes, L. M. Madeira, A. Ferreira, Alcohol removal from beer by reverse osmosis, Sep Sci Technol, 42, 2007, 3011–3027.
E. Akyilmaz, and E. Dinçkaya, Development of a catalase based biosensor for alcohol determination in beer samples, Talanta, 61, 2003, 113–118.
S. Castritius, A. Kron, T. Schäfer, M. Rädle, D. Harms, Determination of alcohol and extract concentration in beer samples using a combined method of near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy and refractometry, J Agr Food Chem, 58, 2010, 12634–12641.
G. K. Buckee, A. P. Mundy, Determination of ethanol in beer by gas-chromatography (direct-injection) - collaborative trial, J Inst Brew, 99,1993, 381–384.
S. Engelhard, H. G. Löhmannsröben F. Schael, Quantifying ethanol content of beer using interpretive near-infrared spectroscopy, Appl Spectrosc, 58, 2004, 1205–1209.
S. Sumbhate, S. Nayak, , D., A. GouplaeTlwarl, R.S. Jadon, Colorimetric method for the estimation of ethanol in alcoholic-drinks, J Anal Tech, 1, 2012, 1–6.
C. Baltaci, Z. Aksit, Validation of HPLC Method for the determination of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural in pestil, köme, jam, marmalade and pekmez, Hittite Journal of Science & Engineering 3, 2016, 91–97.
ISO 5725, 1994, Accuracy (Trueness and Precision) of Measurement Methods and Results”, Parts 1-6, International Standard ISO 5725-1:1994, 5725-2:1994, 5725-3:1994, 5725-4:1994, 5725-5:1994, and 5725-6:1994. (1994).
AOAC, 2016, Appendix F: Guidelines for standard method performance requirements. AOAC Official Methods of Analysis, 9.
O. Golge, A. Koluman, B. Kabak, Validation of a modified QuEChERS method for the determination of 167 pesticides in milk and milk Products by LC-MS/MS, Food Ana Met, 11, 2018,1122–1148.
M. Thompson, , S,L.R. Ellison, R. Wood, Harmonızed guıdelınes for sıngle laboratory valıdatıon of methods of analysis (IUPAC Technical Report), Pure Appl Chem, 74, 2002, 835–855.
N. Phadungcharoen, P. Patrojanasophon, P. Opanasopit, T. Ngawhirunpat, A. Chinsriwongkul, T. Rojanarata, Smartphone-based Ellman’s colourimetric methods for the analysis of d-penicillamine formulation and thiolated polymer, Int J Pharm, 558, 2019, 120–127.
J.N. Miller, Basic statistical methods for analytical chemistry. Part 2. Calibration and regression methods. A review, Analyst, 116, 1991, 3–14.
L. Curbani, J. Genlinsky, E. M. Borges, Determination of ethanol in beers using a flatbed scanner and automated digital image analysis, Food Anal Meth, 13, 2020, 249–259.
Analytical Detection Limit Guidance & Laboratory Guide for Determining Method Detection Limits, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Laboratory Certification Program, April 1996.
D.W. Lachenmeier, T. Pflaum, A. Nieborowsky, S. Mayer, J. Rehm, Alcohol-free spirits as novel alcohol placebo—A viable approach to reduce alcohol-related harms, Int. J. Drug Policy, 32, 2016, 1–2.
TS EN ISO/IEC 17025., 2017, General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories, Türk Standartları Enstitüsü Ankara.
Eurachem/Citac, 2000, Guide CG 4, Quantifying Uncertainty in Analytical Measurement, Third Edition.
NMKL Procedure No. 4., Validation of chemical analytical methods Page: 1 of 45 Version: 3 Date: June 2009 Approved: Ole Bjørn Jensen.
K. Bellut, E.K. Arendt, Chance and challenge: non-saccharomyces yeasts in nonalcoholic and low alcohol beer brewing–a review, J Am Soc Brew Chem, 77, 2019, 77–91.
O. Destanoğlu, İ. Ateş, Determination and evaluation of methanol, ethanol, and higher alcohols in legally and illegally produced alcoholic beverages, J Turkish Chem Soci, Section A: Chem, 6, 2019, 21–28.
The TUBITAK (Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Council)-funded were supported the project titled ‘Using Ohmic Assisted Vacuum Evaporation System in Non-Alcoholic Beer Production’. Project No. 222O168.
Akdoğan, A., & Baltacı, C. (2024). Validation Study on Spectrophotometric Measurement of Ethanol from Beer and Non-Alcoholic Beer Samples Distilled by Micro Steam Distillation Method. Turkish Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 6(1), 32-39.
Akdoğan A, Baltacı C. Validation Study on Spectrophotometric Measurement of Ethanol from Beer and Non-Alcoholic Beer Samples Distilled by Micro Steam Distillation Method. TurkJAC. June 2024;6(1):32-39. doi:10.51435/turkjac.1498318
Akdoğan, Arda, and Cemalettin Baltacı. “Validation Study on Spectrophotometric Measurement of Ethanol from Beer and Non-Alcoholic Beer Samples Distilled by Micro Steam Distillation Method”. Turkish Journal of Analytical Chemistry 6, no. 1 (June 2024): 32-39.
Akdoğan A, Baltacı C (June 1, 2024) Validation Study on Spectrophotometric Measurement of Ethanol from Beer and Non-Alcoholic Beer Samples Distilled by Micro Steam Distillation Method. Turkish Journal of Analytical Chemistry 6 1 32–39.
A. Akdoğan and C. Baltacı, “Validation Study on Spectrophotometric Measurement of Ethanol from Beer and Non-Alcoholic Beer Samples Distilled by Micro Steam Distillation Method”, TurkJAC, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 32–39, 2024, doi: 10.51435/turkjac.1498318.
Akdoğan, Arda - Baltacı, Cemalettin. “Validation Study on Spectrophotometric Measurement of Ethanol from Beer and Non-Alcoholic Beer Samples Distilled by Micro Steam Distillation Method”. Turkish Journal of Analytical Chemistry 6/1 (June 2024), 32-39.
Akdoğan A, Baltacı C. Validation Study on Spectrophotometric Measurement of Ethanol from Beer and Non-Alcoholic Beer Samples Distilled by Micro Steam Distillation Method. TurkJAC. 2024;6:32–39.
Akdoğan, Arda and Cemalettin Baltacı. “Validation Study on Spectrophotometric Measurement of Ethanol from Beer and Non-Alcoholic Beer Samples Distilled by Micro Steam Distillation Method”. Turkish Journal of Analytical Chemistry, vol. 6, no. 1, 2024, pp. 32-39, doi:10.51435/turkjac.1498318.
Akdoğan A, Baltacı C. Validation Study on Spectrophotometric Measurement of Ethanol from Beer and Non-Alcoholic Beer Samples Distilled by Micro Steam Distillation Method. TurkJAC. 2024;6(1):32-9.