Research Article
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Comparative Study of The Chemical Composition and Nutritional Value of Pumpkin Seed (Cucurbita pepo L.) Grown In The Different Ecological Conditions of Turkey

Year 2022, , 413 - 423, 23.04.2022


The present work has been carried out to examine the effect of ecology on pumpkin seeds’ chemical composition among seven pumpkin lines (Cucurbita pepo L.) selected as a result of breeding studies. Kırklareli has been chosen to represent Thrace Region and Nevsehir and Ankara have been chosen to represent Central Anatolian Region where pumpkin production in Turkey is intensified. The data obtained for the seven pumpkin seeds (seed moisture content, total oil content, the composition of fatty acids, protein, vitamin E and amounts of essential minerals (Fe, Mn, Mg, K, P) were found considerable variation between lines and different environment locations. It has been concluded for the pumpkin seeds that total oil ratio was high (35%-48%), that oleic acid (40%-58%) and linoleic acid (30%-40%) are dominant oil acids, that it contains 35%-40 % of protein. Pumpkin seeds are a good source of vitamin E. The results of vitamin E contents were found between 2.68 -4.47 mg/100g. The pumpkin seeds were found to have considerable amounts of essential minerals (K, Mg, and P). According to the findings, it was determined how the chemical properties of pumpkin lines grown under three different ecologies were affected.

Supporting Institution


Project Number

TUBITAK Project No: TOVAG 107O570


  • Abak, K., Sakin, M., Karakullukçu, S.S. 1994. Improvement of pumpkin for naked seeds.XXIIIrd Hort. Cong. Abstracts of Contributed Papers, 3074.
  • Abak, K., Sarı, N. and Çetiner, B., 1999. Changes of protein, fat content and fatty acid composition in naked pumpkin seeds ınfluenced by sowing Time. Acta Horticulturae, 492; 187-189.
  • Andjelkovic, M., Van Camp, J., Trawka, A., Verhé, R., 2010. Phenolic compounds and some quality parameters of pumpkin seed oil. Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. 112, 208217.
  • Anonymous.2020. Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu. Bitkisel Ürün Denge Tabloları ve Bitkisel Üretim İstatistikleri. http:// (Alınma Tarihi: 20.01.2022)
  • Anonymous. 2009. Pumpkin, Squash, Gourds, FAO Bulletin of Statistics, Web site: Erişim Tarihi: 18.10.2011.
  • Anonymous. 2007. Auto Distillation Unit Application Notes.
  • Anonymous. 1988. Standard methods of the tocopherols section of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), 5th ED. Butterwoths, London.
  • Al-Khalifa, A. S. 1996. Physicochemical characteristics, fatty acid composition and lipoxygenase activity of crude pumpkin and melon seed oils. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 44, 964-966.
  • Alfawaz, A.M. 2004. Chemical composition and oil characteristics of pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima) seed kernels. Food Sci. and Agric. Res. Center, King Saud Univ., pp.5-18, Saudi Arabia.
  • Anonymous. 2005. Extraction of fat in seed using Soxtec extraction systems. Tecator soxtec System HT Application Notes. Sweeden.
  • AOAC, 1990. Fatty acids in oil and fats. In: Official methods of analysis (Helrich K., ed), 15th ed. AOAC: Arlington, VA, USA. Volume 2, pp. 963-964.
  • Artık, N. 2004. Türk fındıklarının fenolik bileşik dağılımı ve kavurma prosesinde değişimi. Proje No:2002-07-11-045 Kesin Sonuç Raporu, 96 s.
  • Asiegbu, E.J. 1987. Some biochemical evaluation of fluted pumpkin seed. Journal of Science Food Agriculturae, 40, 151-155.
  • Balkaya, A. and Karaagaç, O. 2005. Vegetable genetic resources of Turkey. Journal of Vegetable Science 11: 81-102.
  • Balkaya, A., Yanmaz, R., Ozbakir, M., Kurtar, E.S. 2005. Determination of seed characteristics of winter squash (Cucurbita maxima Duch.) and pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata Pour) genotypes collected from Samsun region. (In Turkish.) Turkey II. Seed Science Congress. Pp. 120-127. Kasim, Adana, Turkey.
  • Balkaya, A., Özbakır, M., 2008. Karadeniz Bölgesinden toplanan kışlık kabak genotiplerinin çekirdeklik olarak değerlendirilmesi. Türkiye III. Tohumculuk Kongresi. 80-84. Bildiri Kitabı. 37- 41. 25-28 Haziran, Kapadokya.
  • Balkaya, A., Özbakir, M., Kurtar, E. S., 2010. The phenotypic diversity and fruit characterization of winter squash (Cucurbita maxima) populations from the Black Sea Region of Turkey. African Journal of Biotechnology9, 2, 152-162.
  • Can-Cauich, C. A., Sauri-Duch, E., Cuevas-Glory, L.F., Betancur-Ancona, D., Ortiz-Vázquez, E., Ríos-Soberanis, C. R., Chel-Guerrero, L., 4 González-Aguilar, G. A., Moo-Huchin, V. M. 2021. Physicochemical properties and stability of pumpkin seed oil as affected by different extraction methods and species. International Food Research Journal, 28(1): 148 – 160.
  • Çamaş, N., Çırak, C., Esendal, E. 2007. Seed yıeld, oıl content and fatty acıds composıtıon of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) grown ın Northern Turkey condıtıons. J. of Fac. of Agric., OMU, 22(1),98-104.
  • Decker, D.S., Wilson, H.D. 1986. Numerical analysis of seed morphology in Cucurbita pepo. Systematic Botany 11(4): 595-607.
  • Düzeltir, B., 2004. Çekirdek Kabağı (Cucurbita pepo L.) Hatlarında Morfolojik Özelliklere Göre Tanımlanma ve Seleksiyon Çalışmaları. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara, 76 s.
  • Düzeltir, B., Yanmaz, R. 2004. Çekirdek Kabağında (Cucurbita pepo L.) Seleksiyon Yoluyla Islah. V. Sebze Tarımı Sempozyumu, 21-24 Eylül 2004, Çanakkale, 63-68.
  • El-Adawy, T. A. and Taha, K. M. 2001. Characteristics and composition of different seed oils and flours. Food Chemistry, 74, 47-54. Esuoso, K., Lutz, H., Kutubuddin, M. and Bayer, E. 1998. Chemical composition and potential tropical biomass. I: fluted pumpkin (Telfairia occidentalis). Food Chemistry. 61, 487-492.
  • Ermiş, S. 2010. Ekolojinin Kabuklu ve Kabuksuz Çekirdek Kabak (Cucurbita pepo L.) Hatlarında Tohum Verimi ve Çerezlik Kalitesine Etkisi., Doktora Tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara, 154 s.
  • Ermis, S. and Yanmaz, R. 2012. Effects of roasting on nutritional composition of seven lines of pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.) seeds, Proceedings of the Xth Eucarpia Meeting on Genetics and Breeding of Cucurbitaceae, 707-717.
  • Erdinç, Ç., Seymen, M., Türkmen, Ö., Fidan, S., Paksoy, M. 2018. Mineral Composition of Inbred Confectionary Pumpkin Candidates from Turkey Originated Populations. Iğdır Univ. J. Inst. Sci. Tech., 8(1), 11–17.
  • Fagbemi, T. N. 2007. Effects of processing on the nutritional composition of fluted pumpkin (Telferia occidentalis) seed flour. Nigerian Food Journal, 25, 1-22.
  • Fruhwirth, G. O. and Hermetter, A. 2007. Seeds and oil of the Styrian oil pumpkin: Components and biological activities. Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol., 109, 1128-1140.
  • Glew, R.H., Glew, R.S., Chuang, L.T., Huang, Y.S. and Millson, M. 2006. Amino acid, mineral and fatty acid content of pumpkin seeds (Cucurbita spp.) and Cyperus esculentus nuts in the Republic of Niger. Plant Foods For Human Nutrition, 61, 51 -56.
  • Gencel, U., Demirci M., Esendal, E., Taşan, M. 2007. Fatty Acid Composition of the Oil from Developing Seeds of Different Varieties of Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) J Amer Oil Chem. Soc. 84, 47–54.
  • Gröber, U., Schmidt, J. and Kisters, K. 2015. Magnesium in Prevention and Therapy. Nutrients, 7, 8199-8226.
  • Idouraine, A., Kohlhepp, A.E. and Weber, C.W. 1996. Nutrient constituents from eight lines of naked seed squash (Cucurbita pepo L.). American Chemical Society, 44, 721-724.
  • Kirnak H, Irik HA, Sipahioglu O, Unlükara A. 2019. Variations in oil, protein, fatty acids and vitamin E contents of pumpkin seeds under deficit irrigation. Grasas Aceites 70 (2), e301. https://doi. org/10.3989/gya.0692181.
  • Lazos, E. S. 1986. Nutritional fatty acid and oil characteristics of pumpkin and melon seeds. Journal of Food Science, 51(5),1382-1383.
  • Loy, J. B. 1990. Hull-less seeded pumpkins: a new edible snackseed crop. Advances in New Crops, Timper pres, pp. 403-407, Portland.
  • Mansour, E., E. Dworschák, J. Perédi, A. Lugasi. and Barna, E. 1993. Nutritive value of pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo Kakai 35) seed products, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 61 (1), 73-78.
  • Maynard, L. 2007. Cucurbit crop growth and development, Indiana CCA Conference Proceedings.
  • Medjakovic, S., Hobiger, S., Ardjomand-Woelkart., K., Bucar, F., Jungbauer, A. 2016. Pumpkin seed extract: Cell growth inhibition of hyperplastic and cancer cells, independent of steroid hormone receptors. . Fitoterapia, Volume 110, pages 150-156.
  • Murkovic, M., Hillebrand, A., Winkler, J., Leitner, E., Pfannhuser, W. 1996. Variability of fatty acid content in pumpkin seeds (Cucurbita pepo L.) Z. Lebensm. Unters. For. 203, 216-219.
  • Murkovic, M., Hillebrand, A., Draxl, S. and Pfannhauser, W. 1999. Distribution of fatty acids and vitamin E content in pumpkin seeds (Cucurbita pepo L.) in breeding lines. Acta Horticulturae, 492;47-55.
  • Murkovic, M. Piironen, V., Lampi, A. M., Kraushofer, T. Sontag, G. 2004. Changes in chemical composition of pumpkin seeds during the roasting process for production of pumpkin seed oil (Part 1: non-volatile compounds). Food Chemistry, 84, 359-365.
  • Nakic, S. N., Rade, D., Skevin, D., Strucelj, D., Mokrovcak, Z. and Bartolic, M. 2006. Chemical characteristics of oils from naked and husk seeds of Cucurbita pepo L. European Journal of Lipid Science Technology, 108, 936-943.
  • Naziri, E., Mitić, M.N., Tsimidou, M.Z., 2016. Contribution of tocopherols and squalene to the oxidative stability of cold-pressed pumpkin seed oil. Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. 118, 898–905.
  • Nederal S, Petrovic M, Vincek D, Pukec D, Skevin D, Kraljic K, Obranovic M. 2014. Variance of quality parameters and fatty acid composition in pumpkin seed oil during three crop seasons. Ind. Crops Prod. 60, 15–21.
  • Nerson, H 2007. Seed production and germinability of cucurbit crops. Seed Sci. Biotechnol. 1: 1-10.
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  • Potočnik, T., Cizej, M.R. and Košir, I.J. 2018. Influence of seed roasting on pumpkin seed oil tocopherols, phenolics and antiradical activity. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 69, 7– 12.
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Türkiye'nin Farklı Ekolojik Koşullarında Yetiştirilen Çekirdek Kabağı Hatlarının (Cucurbita pepo L.) Kimyasal Bileşimi ve Besin Değerinin Karşılaştırılması

Year 2022, , 413 - 423, 23.04.2022


Bu araştırma, ıslah çalışmaları sonucunda seçilen yedi çekirdek kabağı (Cucurbita pepo L.) hattında ekolojinin kabak çekirdeği kimyasal bileşimi üzerine etkisini incelemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Ülkemizde çekirdek kabağı yetiştiriciliğinin yaygın olarak yapıldığı Trakya Bölgesi’ni temsilen Kırklareli, İç Anadolu Bölgesi’ni temsilen de Nevşehir ve Ankara lokasyonları seçilmiştir. Çekirdek kabağı hatlarında elde edilen veriler incelendiğinde; tohum nem içeriği, toplam yağ miktarı, yağ asitlerinin bileşimi, protein, E vitamini ve mineral madde miktarları (Fe, Mn, Mg, K, P) bakımından hatlar ve ekolojiler arasında önemli farklılıklar bulunmuştur. Çekirdek kabağı tohumlarında toplam yağ oranının yüksek (%35-48), doymamış yağ asitlerinden oleik (%40-58) ve linoleik asidin (%30-40) baskın yağ asitleri olduğu, %35-40 oranında protein içerdiği belirlenmiştir. Çekirdek kabağı tohumları E vitamini bakımından zengin olup hatların E viamini miktarı 2.68 -4.47 mg/100g arasında değiştiği gözlenmiştir. Kabak çekirdeğinin önemli miktarda esansiyel minerallere (K, Mg ve P) sahip olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Elde edilen bulgulara göre üç farklı ekoloji altında yetiştirilen çekirdek kabağı hatlarının kimyasal özelliklerinin nasıl etkilendiği belirlenmiştir.

Project Number

TUBITAK Project No: TOVAG 107O570


  • Abak, K., Sakin, M., Karakullukçu, S.S. 1994. Improvement of pumpkin for naked seeds.XXIIIrd Hort. Cong. Abstracts of Contributed Papers, 3074.
  • Abak, K., Sarı, N. and Çetiner, B., 1999. Changes of protein, fat content and fatty acid composition in naked pumpkin seeds ınfluenced by sowing Time. Acta Horticulturae, 492; 187-189.
  • Andjelkovic, M., Van Camp, J., Trawka, A., Verhé, R., 2010. Phenolic compounds and some quality parameters of pumpkin seed oil. Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. 112, 208217.
  • Anonymous.2020. Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu. Bitkisel Ürün Denge Tabloları ve Bitkisel Üretim İstatistikleri. http:// (Alınma Tarihi: 20.01.2022)
  • Anonymous. 2009. Pumpkin, Squash, Gourds, FAO Bulletin of Statistics, Web site: Erişim Tarihi: 18.10.2011.
  • Anonymous. 2007. Auto Distillation Unit Application Notes.
  • Anonymous. 1988. Standard methods of the tocopherols section of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), 5th ED. Butterwoths, London.
  • Al-Khalifa, A. S. 1996. Physicochemical characteristics, fatty acid composition and lipoxygenase activity of crude pumpkin and melon seed oils. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 44, 964-966.
  • Alfawaz, A.M. 2004. Chemical composition and oil characteristics of pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima) seed kernels. Food Sci. and Agric. Res. Center, King Saud Univ., pp.5-18, Saudi Arabia.
  • Anonymous. 2005. Extraction of fat in seed using Soxtec extraction systems. Tecator soxtec System HT Application Notes. Sweeden.
  • AOAC, 1990. Fatty acids in oil and fats. In: Official methods of analysis (Helrich K., ed), 15th ed. AOAC: Arlington, VA, USA. Volume 2, pp. 963-964.
  • Artık, N. 2004. Türk fındıklarının fenolik bileşik dağılımı ve kavurma prosesinde değişimi. Proje No:2002-07-11-045 Kesin Sonuç Raporu, 96 s.
  • Asiegbu, E.J. 1987. Some biochemical evaluation of fluted pumpkin seed. Journal of Science Food Agriculturae, 40, 151-155.
  • Balkaya, A. and Karaagaç, O. 2005. Vegetable genetic resources of Turkey. Journal of Vegetable Science 11: 81-102.
  • Balkaya, A., Yanmaz, R., Ozbakir, M., Kurtar, E.S. 2005. Determination of seed characteristics of winter squash (Cucurbita maxima Duch.) and pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata Pour) genotypes collected from Samsun region. (In Turkish.) Turkey II. Seed Science Congress. Pp. 120-127. Kasim, Adana, Turkey.
  • Balkaya, A., Özbakır, M., 2008. Karadeniz Bölgesinden toplanan kışlık kabak genotiplerinin çekirdeklik olarak değerlendirilmesi. Türkiye III. Tohumculuk Kongresi. 80-84. Bildiri Kitabı. 37- 41. 25-28 Haziran, Kapadokya.
  • Balkaya, A., Özbakir, M., Kurtar, E. S., 2010. The phenotypic diversity and fruit characterization of winter squash (Cucurbita maxima) populations from the Black Sea Region of Turkey. African Journal of Biotechnology9, 2, 152-162.
  • Can-Cauich, C. A., Sauri-Duch, E., Cuevas-Glory, L.F., Betancur-Ancona, D., Ortiz-Vázquez, E., Ríos-Soberanis, C. R., Chel-Guerrero, L., 4 González-Aguilar, G. A., Moo-Huchin, V. M. 2021. Physicochemical properties and stability of pumpkin seed oil as affected by different extraction methods and species. International Food Research Journal, 28(1): 148 – 160.
  • Çamaş, N., Çırak, C., Esendal, E. 2007. Seed yıeld, oıl content and fatty acıds composıtıon of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) grown ın Northern Turkey condıtıons. J. of Fac. of Agric., OMU, 22(1),98-104.
  • Decker, D.S., Wilson, H.D. 1986. Numerical analysis of seed morphology in Cucurbita pepo. Systematic Botany 11(4): 595-607.
  • Düzeltir, B., 2004. Çekirdek Kabağı (Cucurbita pepo L.) Hatlarında Morfolojik Özelliklere Göre Tanımlanma ve Seleksiyon Çalışmaları. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara, 76 s.
  • Düzeltir, B., Yanmaz, R. 2004. Çekirdek Kabağında (Cucurbita pepo L.) Seleksiyon Yoluyla Islah. V. Sebze Tarımı Sempozyumu, 21-24 Eylül 2004, Çanakkale, 63-68.
  • El-Adawy, T. A. and Taha, K. M. 2001. Characteristics and composition of different seed oils and flours. Food Chemistry, 74, 47-54. Esuoso, K., Lutz, H., Kutubuddin, M. and Bayer, E. 1998. Chemical composition and potential tropical biomass. I: fluted pumpkin (Telfairia occidentalis). Food Chemistry. 61, 487-492.
  • Ermiş, S. 2010. Ekolojinin Kabuklu ve Kabuksuz Çekirdek Kabak (Cucurbita pepo L.) Hatlarında Tohum Verimi ve Çerezlik Kalitesine Etkisi., Doktora Tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara, 154 s.
  • Ermis, S. and Yanmaz, R. 2012. Effects of roasting on nutritional composition of seven lines of pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.) seeds, Proceedings of the Xth Eucarpia Meeting on Genetics and Breeding of Cucurbitaceae, 707-717.
  • Erdinç, Ç., Seymen, M., Türkmen, Ö., Fidan, S., Paksoy, M. 2018. Mineral Composition of Inbred Confectionary Pumpkin Candidates from Turkey Originated Populations. Iğdır Univ. J. Inst. Sci. Tech., 8(1), 11–17.
  • Fagbemi, T. N. 2007. Effects of processing on the nutritional composition of fluted pumpkin (Telferia occidentalis) seed flour. Nigerian Food Journal, 25, 1-22.
  • Fruhwirth, G. O. and Hermetter, A. 2007. Seeds and oil of the Styrian oil pumpkin: Components and biological activities. Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol., 109, 1128-1140.
  • Glew, R.H., Glew, R.S., Chuang, L.T., Huang, Y.S. and Millson, M. 2006. Amino acid, mineral and fatty acid content of pumpkin seeds (Cucurbita spp.) and Cyperus esculentus nuts in the Republic of Niger. Plant Foods For Human Nutrition, 61, 51 -56.
  • Gencel, U., Demirci M., Esendal, E., Taşan, M. 2007. Fatty Acid Composition of the Oil from Developing Seeds of Different Varieties of Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) J Amer Oil Chem. Soc. 84, 47–54.
  • Gröber, U., Schmidt, J. and Kisters, K. 2015. Magnesium in Prevention and Therapy. Nutrients, 7, 8199-8226.
  • Idouraine, A., Kohlhepp, A.E. and Weber, C.W. 1996. Nutrient constituents from eight lines of naked seed squash (Cucurbita pepo L.). American Chemical Society, 44, 721-724.
  • Kirnak H, Irik HA, Sipahioglu O, Unlükara A. 2019. Variations in oil, protein, fatty acids and vitamin E contents of pumpkin seeds under deficit irrigation. Grasas Aceites 70 (2), e301. https://doi. org/10.3989/gya.0692181.
  • Lazos, E. S. 1986. Nutritional fatty acid and oil characteristics of pumpkin and melon seeds. Journal of Food Science, 51(5),1382-1383.
  • Loy, J. B. 1990. Hull-less seeded pumpkins: a new edible snackseed crop. Advances in New Crops, Timper pres, pp. 403-407, Portland.
  • Mansour, E., E. Dworschák, J. Perédi, A. Lugasi. and Barna, E. 1993. Nutritive value of pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo Kakai 35) seed products, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 61 (1), 73-78.
  • Maynard, L. 2007. Cucurbit crop growth and development, Indiana CCA Conference Proceedings.
  • Medjakovic, S., Hobiger, S., Ardjomand-Woelkart., K., Bucar, F., Jungbauer, A. 2016. Pumpkin seed extract: Cell growth inhibition of hyperplastic and cancer cells, independent of steroid hormone receptors. . Fitoterapia, Volume 110, pages 150-156.
  • Murkovic, M., Hillebrand, A., Winkler, J., Leitner, E., Pfannhuser, W. 1996. Variability of fatty acid content in pumpkin seeds (Cucurbita pepo L.) Z. Lebensm. Unters. For. 203, 216-219.
  • Murkovic, M., Hillebrand, A., Draxl, S. and Pfannhauser, W. 1999. Distribution of fatty acids and vitamin E content in pumpkin seeds (Cucurbita pepo L.) in breeding lines. Acta Horticulturae, 492;47-55.
  • Murkovic, M. Piironen, V., Lampi, A. M., Kraushofer, T. Sontag, G. 2004. Changes in chemical composition of pumpkin seeds during the roasting process for production of pumpkin seed oil (Part 1: non-volatile compounds). Food Chemistry, 84, 359-365.
  • Nakic, S. N., Rade, D., Skevin, D., Strucelj, D., Mokrovcak, Z. and Bartolic, M. 2006. Chemical characteristics of oils from naked and husk seeds of Cucurbita pepo L. European Journal of Lipid Science Technology, 108, 936-943.
  • Naziri, E., Mitić, M.N., Tsimidou, M.Z., 2016. Contribution of tocopherols and squalene to the oxidative stability of cold-pressed pumpkin seed oil. Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. 118, 898–905.
  • Nederal S, Petrovic M, Vincek D, Pukec D, Skevin D, Kraljic K, Obranovic M. 2014. Variance of quality parameters and fatty acid composition in pumpkin seed oil during three crop seasons. Ind. Crops Prod. 60, 15–21.
  • Nerson, H 2007. Seed production and germinability of cucurbit crops. Seed Sci. Biotechnol. 1: 1-10.
  • Olaofe, O.1994. Amino acid and mineral composition and functional properties of some oilseeds. J. Agric. Food Chem., 42, 878-881.
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  • Potočnik, T., Cizej, M.R. and Košir, I.J. 2018. Influence of seed roasting on pumpkin seed oil tocopherols, phenolics and antiradical activity. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 69, 7– 12.
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There are 62 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural, Veterinary and Food Sciences
Journal Section Research Articles

Sıtkı Ermiş 0000-0003-4919-921X

Ruhsar Yanmaz 0000-0002-4491-4037

Project Number TUBITAK Project No: TOVAG 107O570
Publication Date April 23, 2022
Submission Date February 17, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Ermiş, S., & Yanmaz, R. (2022). Comparative Study of The Chemical Composition and Nutritional Value of Pumpkin Seed (Cucurbita pepo L.) Grown In The Different Ecological Conditions of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences, 9(2), 413-423.