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Silvopastoral Keçi Üretim Sistemleri için Önem Taşıyan Bazı Çalı ve Ağaç Yapraklarının Besin Madde Bileşimleri

Year 2022, , 943 - 950, 18.10.2022


Ülkemizde silvopastoral sistemin önemli bir parçası olan çalılı mera alanları hayvansal üretime kaba yem kaynağı sunmanın yanı sıra çevrenin sürdürülebilirliğine ve verimliliğe de katkı sunmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacını silvopastoral keçi üretim sistemlerinde beslemede önem taşıyan bazı çalı ve ağaç türlerinin besin madde bileşiminin mevsimsel değişiminin ortaya konması oluşturmuştur. Çalışmada katran ardıcı, çam, kermes meşesi ve tavşanmemesi bitkilerinin besin madde bileşimi ve sindirilebilir kuru madde (SKM) düzeyleri tahmin edilmiştir. Çalışmadan elde edilen bulgulara göre çalı ve ağaç türlerinin ham protein içeriklerinin (HP) kuru maddede %5.85-15.66, nötr çözücülerde çözünmeyen lif (NDF) düzeylerinin kuru maddede %31.70-48.93, asit çözücülerde çözünmeyen lif (ADF) düzeylerinin kuru maddede %13.96-31.33, asit çözücülerde çözünmeyen lignin (ADL) düzeylerinin kuru maddede %6.69-13.17, SKM değerlerinin kuru maddede %58.24-78.02 ve metabolize olabilir enerji (ME) düzeylerinin yine kuru maddede 2.27-2.96 Mcal/kg arasında değiştiği belirlenmiştir. Tavşanmemesi dışında kalan türlerin HP içerikleri düşük olduğundan yüksek verim düzeyini desteklemek için yıl boyu proteince zengin yem kaynaklarıyla ek yemlemeye ihtiyaç bulunmaktadır. Bitkilerin ME düzeyleri açısından ise yeterli olduğu belirlenmiştir.


  • Abdulrazak, S.A., Muinga, R.W., Thorpe, W., Ørskov, E.R. 1996. The effects of supplementation with Gliricidia sepium or Leucaena leucocephala forage on intake, digestion and live-weight gains of Bos taurus × Bos indicus steers offered napier grass. Animal Science, 63: 381–388.
  • AOAC 1990. Offical Methods of Analysis, 15 th Edition Association of Offical Analytical Chemists, Arlington, VA.
  • Arzani, H., Basiri, M., Khatibi, F., Ghorbani, G. 2006. Nutritive value of some Zagros Maountain rangeland species. Small Ruminant Research, 65 (1-2): 128-135.
  • Ataşoğlu, C., Canbolat, Ö., Şahin, S., Baytekin, H. 2010. Potential nutritive value of browse foliages from Pinus pinaster, Prunus amygdalus and Ulmus glabra. Hayvansal Üretim, 51(1): 1-7.
  • Barry, T.N. 1989. Condensed tannins their role in ruminant protein and carbohydrate digestion and possible effects upon the rumen ecosystem. In: Nolan J.V., Leng R.A. and Demeyer D.I. (eds) The roles of protozoa and fungi in ruminant digestion, Armidale, NSW, Australia: Penambul Books, pp. 153–169.
  • Casals, P., BAigers, T., Bota, G., Chocrro, C., de Bello, F., Fanlo, R., Sebastia, M.T., Taull, M. 2009. Silvopastoral systems in Northeastern Iberian Paninsula: a multifunctional perspective. A. A. Rigueiro-Rodriguez et al. (eds.), Agroforestry in Europe: Current Status and Future Prospects. Springer Science and Business Media B.V., 161-181.
  • Castro, M., Teixeira, A., Ferandez-Nunez, E. 2021. The nutritive value of different Mediterranean browse species used as animal feeds under oak silvopastoral systems in Northern Portugal. Agroforestry Systems, 95: 269-278.
  • Cebli, Y., Otmani, S.E., Elame, F., Moula, N., Chentouf, M., Hornick, J.L., Cabaraux, J.F. 2021. Silvopastoral system in Morocco: Focus on ther importance, strategic functions and recent changes in the Mediterranean Side. Sustainability, 13:10744.
  • Duda, S.C., Marghitaş, L.A.,Dezmirean,D., Duda, M.,Margaoan, R., Bobiş O. 2015. Changes in major bioactive compounds with antioxidant activity of Agastache foeniculum, Lavandula angustifolia, Melissa officinalis and Nepeta cataria: Effect of harvest time and plant species. Industrial Crops and Products, 77(23): 499-507.
  • Ertekin, İ., Atış, İ., Yılmaz, Ş., Can, E., Kızılşimşek, M. 2019. Compoarison of shrub leaves in terms of chemical composition and nutritive value. KSÜ Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi, 22(5):781-786.
  • Fonnesbeck, P.V., Clark, D.H., Garret, W.N., Speth, C.F. 1984. Predicting energy utilization from Alfalfa Hay from the Western Region. Proceeding of American Society of Animal Sciences (Western Section), 35:305-308.
  • Izquierdo, A.M., Torres, M.P.N., Jimenez, G.S., Sosa, F.C. 2011. Changes in biomass allocation and phenolic compounds accumulation due to the effect of light and nitrate supply in Cecropia peltata plants. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 33(6):2135–2147.
  • Khalil, J.K., Sawaya, W.N., Hyder, S.Z. 1986. Nutrient composition of Atriplex leaves grown in Saudi Arabia. Journal pf Range Management, 39(2): 104-107.
  • Krause, T.E.C., Dahlgren, R.A., Zasoski R.J. 2003. Tannins in nutrient dynamics of forest ecosystems—a review. Plant and Soil, 256(1): 41–66.
  • Ku-Vera, J.C., Ayala-Burgos, A.J., Solorio-Sanchez, F.J., BricenoPoot, E.G., Ruiz-Gonzalez, A., Pineiro-Vazquez, A.T., BarrosRodrıguez, M., Soto-Aguilar, A., Espinoza-Hernandez, J.C., Albores-Moreno, S., Chay-Canul, A.J. 2013. Tropical tree foliages and shrubs as feed additives in ruminant rations. In: Salem AF (ed) Nutritional strategies of animal feed additives. Nova Scientist Publishers, New York, pp 59–76.
  • Makkar, H.P.S., 2003. Quantification of tannins in tree and shrub foliage a laboratory manual. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht/Boston/London/Netherlands.
  • Manousidis, T., Parissi, Z.M., Kyriazopoulos, A. P., Malesios, C., Koutroubas, S.D., Abas, Z. 2018. Relationships among nutritive value of selected forages, diet composition and milk quality in goats grazing in a Mediterranean woody rangeland. Livestock Science, 218:8-19.
  • Montagini, F., İbrahim, M., Restrepo, E.M. 2013. Silvopastoral systems and climate change mitigation in Latin America. Bois Et Forets Des Tropiques, 316 (2):3-16.
  • Mosquera-Losada, M.R., Moreno, G., Pardini, A., McAdam, J.H., Papanastasis, V., Burgess, P.J., Lamersdorf, N., Castro, M., Liagre, F., Rigueiro-Rodriguez, A. 2012. Past, Present and Future of Agroforestry Systems in Europe. Adv. Agroforestry 9: 285–313.
  • Nair, P.K.R., Kumar, B.M., Nair, V.D. 2009. Agroforestry as a strategy for carbon sequestration. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 172:10–23.
  • Oliveira, M.I.F., Lamy, E., Bugalho, M.N., Vaz, M., Pinheiro, C., Abreu, M.C., Silva, F.C., Baptista, E.S. 2013. Assessing foraging strategies of herbivores in Mediterranean oak woodlands: a review of key issues and selected methodologies. Agroforestry Systems, 87 (6): 1421–1437.
  • Özaslan Parlak, A. 2011. Çanakkale yöresinde çalılı meraların önemi. Çanakkale Tarımı Sempozyumu (Dünü, Bugünü ve Geleceği), 10–11 Ocak, Çanakkale, s. 489–496.
  • Özaslan-Parlak, A., Gökkuş, A., Hakyemez, B.H., Baytekin, H., 2011. Shrub yield and forage quality in Mediterranean shrublands of West Turkey for a period of one year. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 6(7): 1726-1734.
  • Parissi ZM, Papachristou TG, Nastis AS (2005). Effect of drying method on estimated nutritive value of browse species using an in vitro gas production technique. Anim. Feed Sci. Tech., 123-124(1): 119-128.
  • Rayburn, E., Sharpe, P. 2019. Introduction to pasture ecology. Horse Pasture Management, Academic Press, pp. 81-91. Sanz-Saez, A., Erice, G., Aguirreolea, J., Munoz, F., Sanchez-Diaz, M., Irigoyen, J.J. 2012. Alfalfa forage digestibility, quality and yield under future climate change scenarios vary with Sinorhizobium meliloti strain. Journal of Plant Physiology, 169:782-788.
  • SAS (1999) Institute Inc., SAS Online Doc®, Version 8.0, Cary, NC: SAS Institute Inc.
  • Sharpe, P. 2019. Nutritional value of pasture plants for horse. Horse Pasture Management, Academic Press, pp. 37-64.
  • Smith, M.M., Bentrup, G., Kellerman, T., MacFarland, K., Straight, R., Ameway, L., Stein, S. 2022. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 326:107818.
  • Tölü 2009. Farklı keçi genotiplerinde davranış, sağlık ve performans özellikleri üzerine araştırmalar. Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi.
  • Tölü, C., Savaş, T. 2021. An important genotype for sustainable extensive goat production systems of Turkey: The Gökçeada goat. Turkish Journal of Agriculture-Food Science and Technology, 9(8):1460-1466.
  • Tolunay, A., Korkmaz, M., Alkan, H. 2005. Batı Anadolu Bölge’sinin silvopastoral sistemleri ve kıl keçisi otlatmacılığındaki yeri ve önemi. I. Ulusal Süt Keçiciliği Kongresi, 26-27 Mayıs, İzmir, 191-197.
  • Turna, İ., Yıldırım, N. 2017. Gümüşhane-Zigana havzasının agroforestry uygulamaları açısından önemi. Anadolu Orman Araştırmaları Dergisi, 3(2):122-129.
  • Türkoğlu, T., Tolunay, A., Özmiş, M. 2019. Batı Akdeniz Bölgesinde sürdürülebilir keçi yetiştiriciliğinin Sosyo-Ekonomik ve Kültürel açıdan değerlendirilmesi. IV. International Symposium on Strategic and Social Research, 5-6 Aralık, Burdur/Türkiye.
  • Van Soest, P.J. 1994. Nutritional ecology of the ruminant. 2nd ed. Comstock Publishing Associates, Ithaca.
  • Van Soest, P.J., Robertson, J.B., Lewis, B.A. 1991. Symposium: carbohydrate methodology, metabolism and nutritional implications in dairy cattle methods for dietary fiber, neutral detergent fiber and non-starch polysaccharides in relation to animal nutrition. Journal of Dairy Science 74: 3583-3597.
  • Yang, L.G., Yin, P., Li, K., Fan, H., Xue, Q., Li, X., Sun, L.W., Liu, Y.J. 2018. Seasonal dynamics of constitutive levels of phenolic components lead to alterations of antioxidant capacities in Acer truncatum leaves. Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 11(1): 14-25.
Year 2022, , 943 - 950, 18.10.2022



  • Abdulrazak, S.A., Muinga, R.W., Thorpe, W., Ørskov, E.R. 1996. The effects of supplementation with Gliricidia sepium or Leucaena leucocephala forage on intake, digestion and live-weight gains of Bos taurus × Bos indicus steers offered napier grass. Animal Science, 63: 381–388.
  • AOAC 1990. Offical Methods of Analysis, 15 th Edition Association of Offical Analytical Chemists, Arlington, VA.
  • Arzani, H., Basiri, M., Khatibi, F., Ghorbani, G. 2006. Nutritive value of some Zagros Maountain rangeland species. Small Ruminant Research, 65 (1-2): 128-135.
  • Ataşoğlu, C., Canbolat, Ö., Şahin, S., Baytekin, H. 2010. Potential nutritive value of browse foliages from Pinus pinaster, Prunus amygdalus and Ulmus glabra. Hayvansal Üretim, 51(1): 1-7.
  • Barry, T.N. 1989. Condensed tannins their role in ruminant protein and carbohydrate digestion and possible effects upon the rumen ecosystem. In: Nolan J.V., Leng R.A. and Demeyer D.I. (eds) The roles of protozoa and fungi in ruminant digestion, Armidale, NSW, Australia: Penambul Books, pp. 153–169.
  • Casals, P., BAigers, T., Bota, G., Chocrro, C., de Bello, F., Fanlo, R., Sebastia, M.T., Taull, M. 2009. Silvopastoral systems in Northeastern Iberian Paninsula: a multifunctional perspective. A. A. Rigueiro-Rodriguez et al. (eds.), Agroforestry in Europe: Current Status and Future Prospects. Springer Science and Business Media B.V., 161-181.
  • Castro, M., Teixeira, A., Ferandez-Nunez, E. 2021. The nutritive value of different Mediterranean browse species used as animal feeds under oak silvopastoral systems in Northern Portugal. Agroforestry Systems, 95: 269-278.
  • Cebli, Y., Otmani, S.E., Elame, F., Moula, N., Chentouf, M., Hornick, J.L., Cabaraux, J.F. 2021. Silvopastoral system in Morocco: Focus on ther importance, strategic functions and recent changes in the Mediterranean Side. Sustainability, 13:10744.
  • Duda, S.C., Marghitaş, L.A.,Dezmirean,D., Duda, M.,Margaoan, R., Bobiş O. 2015. Changes in major bioactive compounds with antioxidant activity of Agastache foeniculum, Lavandula angustifolia, Melissa officinalis and Nepeta cataria: Effect of harvest time and plant species. Industrial Crops and Products, 77(23): 499-507.
  • Ertekin, İ., Atış, İ., Yılmaz, Ş., Can, E., Kızılşimşek, M. 2019. Compoarison of shrub leaves in terms of chemical composition and nutritive value. KSÜ Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi, 22(5):781-786.
  • Fonnesbeck, P.V., Clark, D.H., Garret, W.N., Speth, C.F. 1984. Predicting energy utilization from Alfalfa Hay from the Western Region. Proceeding of American Society of Animal Sciences (Western Section), 35:305-308.
  • Izquierdo, A.M., Torres, M.P.N., Jimenez, G.S., Sosa, F.C. 2011. Changes in biomass allocation and phenolic compounds accumulation due to the effect of light and nitrate supply in Cecropia peltata plants. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 33(6):2135–2147.
  • Khalil, J.K., Sawaya, W.N., Hyder, S.Z. 1986. Nutrient composition of Atriplex leaves grown in Saudi Arabia. Journal pf Range Management, 39(2): 104-107.
  • Krause, T.E.C., Dahlgren, R.A., Zasoski R.J. 2003. Tannins in nutrient dynamics of forest ecosystems—a review. Plant and Soil, 256(1): 41–66.
  • Ku-Vera, J.C., Ayala-Burgos, A.J., Solorio-Sanchez, F.J., BricenoPoot, E.G., Ruiz-Gonzalez, A., Pineiro-Vazquez, A.T., BarrosRodrıguez, M., Soto-Aguilar, A., Espinoza-Hernandez, J.C., Albores-Moreno, S., Chay-Canul, A.J. 2013. Tropical tree foliages and shrubs as feed additives in ruminant rations. In: Salem AF (ed) Nutritional strategies of animal feed additives. Nova Scientist Publishers, New York, pp 59–76.
  • Makkar, H.P.S., 2003. Quantification of tannins in tree and shrub foliage a laboratory manual. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht/Boston/London/Netherlands.
  • Manousidis, T., Parissi, Z.M., Kyriazopoulos, A. P., Malesios, C., Koutroubas, S.D., Abas, Z. 2018. Relationships among nutritive value of selected forages, diet composition and milk quality in goats grazing in a Mediterranean woody rangeland. Livestock Science, 218:8-19.
  • Montagini, F., İbrahim, M., Restrepo, E.M. 2013. Silvopastoral systems and climate change mitigation in Latin America. Bois Et Forets Des Tropiques, 316 (2):3-16.
  • Mosquera-Losada, M.R., Moreno, G., Pardini, A., McAdam, J.H., Papanastasis, V., Burgess, P.J., Lamersdorf, N., Castro, M., Liagre, F., Rigueiro-Rodriguez, A. 2012. Past, Present and Future of Agroforestry Systems in Europe. Adv. Agroforestry 9: 285–313.
  • Nair, P.K.R., Kumar, B.M., Nair, V.D. 2009. Agroforestry as a strategy for carbon sequestration. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 172:10–23.
  • Oliveira, M.I.F., Lamy, E., Bugalho, M.N., Vaz, M., Pinheiro, C., Abreu, M.C., Silva, F.C., Baptista, E.S. 2013. Assessing foraging strategies of herbivores in Mediterranean oak woodlands: a review of key issues and selected methodologies. Agroforestry Systems, 87 (6): 1421–1437.
  • Özaslan Parlak, A. 2011. Çanakkale yöresinde çalılı meraların önemi. Çanakkale Tarımı Sempozyumu (Dünü, Bugünü ve Geleceği), 10–11 Ocak, Çanakkale, s. 489–496.
  • Özaslan-Parlak, A., Gökkuş, A., Hakyemez, B.H., Baytekin, H., 2011. Shrub yield and forage quality in Mediterranean shrublands of West Turkey for a period of one year. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 6(7): 1726-1734.
  • Parissi ZM, Papachristou TG, Nastis AS (2005). Effect of drying method on estimated nutritive value of browse species using an in vitro gas production technique. Anim. Feed Sci. Tech., 123-124(1): 119-128.
  • Rayburn, E., Sharpe, P. 2019. Introduction to pasture ecology. Horse Pasture Management, Academic Press, pp. 81-91. Sanz-Saez, A., Erice, G., Aguirreolea, J., Munoz, F., Sanchez-Diaz, M., Irigoyen, J.J. 2012. Alfalfa forage digestibility, quality and yield under future climate change scenarios vary with Sinorhizobium meliloti strain. Journal of Plant Physiology, 169:782-788.
  • SAS (1999) Institute Inc., SAS Online Doc®, Version 8.0, Cary, NC: SAS Institute Inc.
  • Sharpe, P. 2019. Nutritional value of pasture plants for horse. Horse Pasture Management, Academic Press, pp. 37-64.
  • Smith, M.M., Bentrup, G., Kellerman, T., MacFarland, K., Straight, R., Ameway, L., Stein, S. 2022. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 326:107818.
  • Tölü 2009. Farklı keçi genotiplerinde davranış, sağlık ve performans özellikleri üzerine araştırmalar. Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi.
  • Tölü, C., Savaş, T. 2021. An important genotype for sustainable extensive goat production systems of Turkey: The Gökçeada goat. Turkish Journal of Agriculture-Food Science and Technology, 9(8):1460-1466.
  • Tolunay, A., Korkmaz, M., Alkan, H. 2005. Batı Anadolu Bölge’sinin silvopastoral sistemleri ve kıl keçisi otlatmacılığındaki yeri ve önemi. I. Ulusal Süt Keçiciliği Kongresi, 26-27 Mayıs, İzmir, 191-197.
  • Turna, İ., Yıldırım, N. 2017. Gümüşhane-Zigana havzasının agroforestry uygulamaları açısından önemi. Anadolu Orman Araştırmaları Dergisi, 3(2):122-129.
  • Türkoğlu, T., Tolunay, A., Özmiş, M. 2019. Batı Akdeniz Bölgesinde sürdürülebilir keçi yetiştiriciliğinin Sosyo-Ekonomik ve Kültürel açıdan değerlendirilmesi. IV. International Symposium on Strategic and Social Research, 5-6 Aralık, Burdur/Türkiye.
  • Van Soest, P.J. 1994. Nutritional ecology of the ruminant. 2nd ed. Comstock Publishing Associates, Ithaca.
  • Van Soest, P.J., Robertson, J.B., Lewis, B.A. 1991. Symposium: carbohydrate methodology, metabolism and nutritional implications in dairy cattle methods for dietary fiber, neutral detergent fiber and non-starch polysaccharides in relation to animal nutrition. Journal of Dairy Science 74: 3583-3597.
  • Yang, L.G., Yin, P., Li, K., Fan, H., Xue, Q., Li, X., Sun, L.W., Liu, Y.J. 2018. Seasonal dynamics of constitutive levels of phenolic components lead to alterations of antioxidant capacities in Acer truncatum leaves. Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 11(1): 14-25.
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Agricultural, Veterinary and Food Sciences
Journal Section Research Articles

Hande Işıl Akbağ 0000-0002-7325-4453

Publication Date October 18, 2022
Submission Date June 27, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Akbağ, H. I. (2022). Silvopastoral Keçi Üretim Sistemleri için Önem Taşıyan Bazı Çalı ve Ağaç Yapraklarının Besin Madde Bileşimleri. Türk Tarım Ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi, 9(4), 943-950.