Research Article
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Factors Affecting the Farmer’s Use of Modern Irrigation Systems in Aleppo

Year 2024, , 757 - 766, 24.07.2024


This study investigates the adoption of modern irrigation methods, specifically sprinkler and drip irrigation, among farmers in northern Aleppo, Syria. Through a sample of 210 farmers selected via random sampling, we analyze how socio-demographic, geographic, and socio-economic factors impacting the adoption of modern irrigation methods. Using the chi-square test of independence, we compared users and non-users of modern irrigation systems to discern significant disparities across various characteristics. Our findings indicate the use of modern irrigation methods is influenced by various factors in northern Aleppo. These include the educational level of the farmers, the number of years of experience in agriculture, the size of the family, the slope of the land, the distance of the land from surface water sources, the size of the farm, the source of labor, ownership of an agricultural tractor, and the prices of agricultural inputs. In light of these insights, we propose targeted interventions by local authorities and agricultural extension organizations to promote modern irrigation methods in collaboration with educated and experienced farmers. Additionally, raising awareness among farmers about the water crisis and the importance of modern irrigation for enhancing production should be prioritized. Moreover, ensuring the accessibility of quality irrigation supplies at affordable prices, potentially through the facilitation of soft loans, stands imperative to incentivize adoption among interested stakeholders.


  • Abaci, N.I. and I. Boz. 2022. Relationships between irrigation systems, crop patterns and land sizes of farmers in coastal areas in terms of agricultural water management. Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture, 34(11): 982-990.
  • Alcon, F., Miguel, M.D. and Burton, M. 2011. Duration analysis of adoption of drip irrigation technology in southeastern Spain. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 78(6): 991-1001.
  • Amankwah, K. 2013. Modeling The Choice of Irrigation Technologies of Urban Vegetable Farmers in Accra, Ghana. PHD thesis, Purdue University. USA.
  • Aydın Eryılmaz, G., Kılıç, O. and Gülser, C. 2022. Sinop İlinde Çiftçilerin Sulama Yöntemleriyle İlgili Tercihleri. Türkiye Tarımsal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 9(2), 209-215.
  • Badr, A. 2010. An economic and social study of the impact of adopting modern supplementary irrigation techniques on the wheat production system in Syria. PHD thesis, University of Aleppo. Syria.
  • Bayramoglu, Z. and Ağızan, S. 2018. Sulama Sistemlerinin Tercihini Etkileyen Faktörlerin Analizi, Uluslararası Su ve Çevre Kongresi Suçev, 22-24 Mart, Bursa. Türkiye.
  • Bijay, K., Krishna, P. Paudel, ID. and Eduardo, S. 2018. Factors Affecting the Choice, Intensity, and Allocation of Irrigation Technologies by U.S. Cotton Farmers. Water, 10: 706.
  • Binswanger, H. 1978. The economics of tractors in South Asia: an analytical review. Agricultural Development Council and the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, New York.
  • Carnegie Middle East Center, 2015. Food Insecurity in War-Torn Syria: From Decades of Self-Sufficiency to Food Dependence, June 04, 2015.
  • Carrer, M.J. 2015. Determinantes da eficiência técnica e econômica da citricultura em propriedades rurais do Estado de São Paulo. PhD, dissertation, Federal University of São Carlos, UFSCAR.
  • Caswell, M.F. and Zilberman, D. 1985. The Choices of Irrigation Technologies in California. Amer. J.Agr. Econ., 67: 223-34.
  • Cox, C., Jin, L., Ganjegunte, G., Borrok, D. and Lougheed, V.M. 2018. Changes of soil quality due to flood irrigation in agricultural fields along the Rio Grande in western Texas. Appl. Geochem, 90: 87-100.
  • Daqduqa, M. 2013. Factors affecting irrigated wheat farmers’ adoption of modern irrigation technology in Al-Hasaka Governorate. Damascus University Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 29(2): 289 - 304.
  • Dessalegn, T. 2005. Modelling farm irrigation decisions under under rainfall risk in the White–Volta basis of Ghana. University of Bonn, Thesis.
  • Dhawan, B.D. 2002. Technological change in Indian Irrigated Agriculture: A study of water saving methods. Commonwealth Publishers, New Delhi.
  • Dinar, A. and Yaron, D. 1990. Influence of quality and scarcity of inputs on the adoption of modern irrigation technologies. West J Agric Econ, 15(2): 224-233.
  • FAO 2018. The State of Food and Agriculture 2018. Migration, Agriculture and Rural Development. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. “”
  • FAO 2023. The impact of disasters and crises on agriculture and food security. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome. “”
  • Foley, JA., Defries, R., Asner, GP., Barford, C., Bonan, G., Carpenter, SR., Chapin, FS., Coe, MT., Daily, GC., Gibbs, HK., Helkowski, JH., Holloway, T., Howard, EA., Kucharik, CJ., Monfreda, C., Patz, JA., Prentice, IC., Ramankutty, N., Snyder, PK. 2005. Global consequences of land use. Science, Science, 309: 570-574.
  • Gençoğlan, C., Gençoğlan, S., Akbay, C. and Boz, I. 2006. Deficit irrigation analysis of red pepper (Capsicum annum L.) using the mathematical optimisation method. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 30 (3): 203-212.
  • Gençoğlan, C., Gençoğlan, S., Kırnak, H., Akbay, C. and Boz, I. 2005. Deficit irrigation analysis of cotton under Harran conditions. In Proceedings of the 4th GAP (Southeastern Anotolia Project) Agricultural. Harmoon Center 2017. Agriculture: The Syrian Food Basket from Retreat to Disaster. September, 16.
  • Krejcie, R.V. and Morgan, D.W. 1970. Determining sample Size for Research Activities. Educational and Psychological Measurement.
  • Letey, J., Dinar, A., Woodring, C. and Oster, J. 1990. An Economic Analysis of Irrigation Systems. Irrigation Science, 11: 37-43.
  • Levidow, L., Zaccaria, D., Maia, R., Vivas, E., Todorovic, M. and Scardigno, A. 2014. Improving water-efficient irrigation: Prospects and difficulties of innovative practices. Agricultural Water Management, 146: 84-94.
  • Mahammad, N. 1978. Impact of economic factors on diffusion of agricultural innovations in central Transghaghara plain. Geographical Review of India, 40 (3): 266-280.
  • OCHA 2021. Water Crisis in Northern and Northeast Syria. Immediate Response and Funding Requirements. 9 September.
  • Ogunniyi, A., Omonona, B. and Abioye, O. 2018. Impact of irrigation technology use on crop yield, crop income and household food security in Nigeria: A treatment effect approach. AIMS Agriculture and Food, 3(2): 154–171.
  • Panahi, F. 2013. Analysis of Factors Affecting the Adoption of Modern Methods of Irrigation in the Agricultural System of Iran. World Applied Sciences Journal, 21(11): 1552-1559.
  • Robertson, A. 2012. Enabling agricultural extension for peace building, United States Institute of Peace. Washington.
  • Rogers, E.M. 1983. Diffusion of innovations. Third edition, The Free Press, A Division Macmillan Publishing co., Inc. Collier Macmillan Publishers London.
  • Rossi, F.R., de Souza Filho, H.M., and Carrer, M.J. 2015. Determinants of the adoption of irrigation technologies by citrus growers of the state of Sao Paulo-Brazil. In International Food and Agribusiness Management Association: Annual Meeting, June.
  • Saeed, G., Sadegh, E.M. and Maryam, A. 2014. Factors Affecting the Adoption of New Irrigation Systems by Iranian Farmers. Indian Journal of Scientific Research, 5(1): 9-15.
  • Salazar, C. and Rand, J. 2016. Production risk and adoption of irrigation technology: evidence from small-scale farmers in Chile. Lat Am Econ Rev., 25: 2.
  • Surya, G., Muralidharan, C., Hemalatha, S. and Vasanthi, R. 2021. A study on factors influencing the adoption of micro irrigation system in Vellore district. The Pharma Innovation Journal, 10(11): 996-999.
  • Van den Berg, J. 2013. Socio-economic factors affecting adoption of improved agricultural practices by small scale farmers. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 8(35): 4490-4500.
  • Wang, J. Bjornlund, H. and Zhang, L. 2016. Factors that Influence the Rate and Intensity of Adoption of Improved Irrigation Technologies in Alberta, Canada. Water Economics and Policy, 2(3): 1650026.
  • Welch, F. 1978. The role of investment in human capital in agriculture. In Distortion of agricultural Incentives, Ed. Schultz, T.W., Indian University Press, Bloomington.

Halep'teki Tarım İşletmelerinin Modern Sulama Sistemleri Kullanımını Etkileyen Faktörler

Year 2024, , 757 - 766, 24.07.2024


Bu çalışma, Suriye'nin Halep kentindeki çiftçilerin modern sulama sistemlerini benimsemelerini etkileyen; coğrafi, sosyo-ekonomik ve demografik faktörleri incelemektedir. Halep’te modern sulama sistemlerinden sıklıkla yağmurlama ve damla sulama sistemleri kullanıldığından çalışma ağırlıklı olarak bu iki sistem üzerinden açıklanmaktadır. Çalışmanın verileri, Oransal Örnekleme Yöntemiyle seçilen 210 çiftçiden oluşan bir örneklem aracılığıyla yüz yüze yapılan anketler ile elde edilmiştir. Modern sulama sistemlerini kullanan ve kullanmayan çiftçilerin bazı özellikler açısından karşılaştırılmasında Ki-kare bağımsızlık testi kullanılmıştır. Bulgular, bölgede çiftçilerin modern sulama yöntemlerinin kullanımının “eğitim düzeyi, tarımdaki deneyim yılı, aile genişliği, arazinin eğimi, arazinin su kaynaklarına uzaklığı, işletme büyüklüğü, traktör sahipliği ve tarımsal girdi fiyatları” gibi değişkenlerden etkilendiğini ortaya koymaktadır. Bu bilgiler ışığında, bölgede modern sulama yöntemlerini teşvik etmek için eğitimli ve deneyimli çiftçiler ile yerel yönetimlerin ve tarımsal yayım kuruluşlarının işbirliği içinde hareket etmesi önerilmektedir. Ayrıca modern sulamanın gerekliliğine ve her geçen yıl etkisini daha da çok hissettiren “su krizi” konusunda çiftçilerin bilinçlendirilmesine öncelik verilmelidir.

Ethical Statement

Bu çalışma çalışmanın 1. Yazarı olan Doktora öğrencisi Kuteybe Gannum'un "Kuzey Halep'te çiftçilerin yapısal sorunları ve modern sulama teknolojilerini benimsemesini etkileyen faktörlerin analizi" konulu doktora tezinden üretilmiştir.


  • Abaci, N.I. and I. Boz. 2022. Relationships between irrigation systems, crop patterns and land sizes of farmers in coastal areas in terms of agricultural water management. Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture, 34(11): 982-990.
  • Alcon, F., Miguel, M.D. and Burton, M. 2011. Duration analysis of adoption of drip irrigation technology in southeastern Spain. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 78(6): 991-1001.
  • Amankwah, K. 2013. Modeling The Choice of Irrigation Technologies of Urban Vegetable Farmers in Accra, Ghana. PHD thesis, Purdue University. USA.
  • Aydın Eryılmaz, G., Kılıç, O. and Gülser, C. 2022. Sinop İlinde Çiftçilerin Sulama Yöntemleriyle İlgili Tercihleri. Türkiye Tarımsal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 9(2), 209-215.
  • Badr, A. 2010. An economic and social study of the impact of adopting modern supplementary irrigation techniques on the wheat production system in Syria. PHD thesis, University of Aleppo. Syria.
  • Bayramoglu, Z. and Ağızan, S. 2018. Sulama Sistemlerinin Tercihini Etkileyen Faktörlerin Analizi, Uluslararası Su ve Çevre Kongresi Suçev, 22-24 Mart, Bursa. Türkiye.
  • Bijay, K., Krishna, P. Paudel, ID. and Eduardo, S. 2018. Factors Affecting the Choice, Intensity, and Allocation of Irrigation Technologies by U.S. Cotton Farmers. Water, 10: 706.
  • Binswanger, H. 1978. The economics of tractors in South Asia: an analytical review. Agricultural Development Council and the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, New York.
  • Carnegie Middle East Center, 2015. Food Insecurity in War-Torn Syria: From Decades of Self-Sufficiency to Food Dependence, June 04, 2015.
  • Carrer, M.J. 2015. Determinantes da eficiência técnica e econômica da citricultura em propriedades rurais do Estado de São Paulo. PhD, dissertation, Federal University of São Carlos, UFSCAR.
  • Caswell, M.F. and Zilberman, D. 1985. The Choices of Irrigation Technologies in California. Amer. J.Agr. Econ., 67: 223-34.
  • Cox, C., Jin, L., Ganjegunte, G., Borrok, D. and Lougheed, V.M. 2018. Changes of soil quality due to flood irrigation in agricultural fields along the Rio Grande in western Texas. Appl. Geochem, 90: 87-100.
  • Daqduqa, M. 2013. Factors affecting irrigated wheat farmers’ adoption of modern irrigation technology in Al-Hasaka Governorate. Damascus University Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 29(2): 289 - 304.
  • Dessalegn, T. 2005. Modelling farm irrigation decisions under under rainfall risk in the White–Volta basis of Ghana. University of Bonn, Thesis.
  • Dhawan, B.D. 2002. Technological change in Indian Irrigated Agriculture: A study of water saving methods. Commonwealth Publishers, New Delhi.
  • Dinar, A. and Yaron, D. 1990. Influence of quality and scarcity of inputs on the adoption of modern irrigation technologies. West J Agric Econ, 15(2): 224-233.
  • FAO 2018. The State of Food and Agriculture 2018. Migration, Agriculture and Rural Development. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. “”
  • FAO 2023. The impact of disasters and crises on agriculture and food security. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome. “”
  • Foley, JA., Defries, R., Asner, GP., Barford, C., Bonan, G., Carpenter, SR., Chapin, FS., Coe, MT., Daily, GC., Gibbs, HK., Helkowski, JH., Holloway, T., Howard, EA., Kucharik, CJ., Monfreda, C., Patz, JA., Prentice, IC., Ramankutty, N., Snyder, PK. 2005. Global consequences of land use. Science, Science, 309: 570-574.
  • Gençoğlan, C., Gençoğlan, S., Akbay, C. and Boz, I. 2006. Deficit irrigation analysis of red pepper (Capsicum annum L.) using the mathematical optimisation method. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 30 (3): 203-212.
  • Gençoğlan, C., Gençoğlan, S., Kırnak, H., Akbay, C. and Boz, I. 2005. Deficit irrigation analysis of cotton under Harran conditions. In Proceedings of the 4th GAP (Southeastern Anotolia Project) Agricultural. Harmoon Center 2017. Agriculture: The Syrian Food Basket from Retreat to Disaster. September, 16.
  • Krejcie, R.V. and Morgan, D.W. 1970. Determining sample Size for Research Activities. Educational and Psychological Measurement.
  • Letey, J., Dinar, A., Woodring, C. and Oster, J. 1990. An Economic Analysis of Irrigation Systems. Irrigation Science, 11: 37-43.
  • Levidow, L., Zaccaria, D., Maia, R., Vivas, E., Todorovic, M. and Scardigno, A. 2014. Improving water-efficient irrigation: Prospects and difficulties of innovative practices. Agricultural Water Management, 146: 84-94.
  • Mahammad, N. 1978. Impact of economic factors on diffusion of agricultural innovations in central Transghaghara plain. Geographical Review of India, 40 (3): 266-280.
  • OCHA 2021. Water Crisis in Northern and Northeast Syria. Immediate Response and Funding Requirements. 9 September.
  • Ogunniyi, A., Omonona, B. and Abioye, O. 2018. Impact of irrigation technology use on crop yield, crop income and household food security in Nigeria: A treatment effect approach. AIMS Agriculture and Food, 3(2): 154–171.
  • Panahi, F. 2013. Analysis of Factors Affecting the Adoption of Modern Methods of Irrigation in the Agricultural System of Iran. World Applied Sciences Journal, 21(11): 1552-1559.
  • Robertson, A. 2012. Enabling agricultural extension for peace building, United States Institute of Peace. Washington.
  • Rogers, E.M. 1983. Diffusion of innovations. Third edition, The Free Press, A Division Macmillan Publishing co., Inc. Collier Macmillan Publishers London.
  • Rossi, F.R., de Souza Filho, H.M., and Carrer, M.J. 2015. Determinants of the adoption of irrigation technologies by citrus growers of the state of Sao Paulo-Brazil. In International Food and Agribusiness Management Association: Annual Meeting, June.
  • Saeed, G., Sadegh, E.M. and Maryam, A. 2014. Factors Affecting the Adoption of New Irrigation Systems by Iranian Farmers. Indian Journal of Scientific Research, 5(1): 9-15.
  • Salazar, C. and Rand, J. 2016. Production risk and adoption of irrigation technology: evidence from small-scale farmers in Chile. Lat Am Econ Rev., 25: 2.
  • Surya, G., Muralidharan, C., Hemalatha, S. and Vasanthi, R. 2021. A study on factors influencing the adoption of micro irrigation system in Vellore district. The Pharma Innovation Journal, 10(11): 996-999.
  • Van den Berg, J. 2013. Socio-economic factors affecting adoption of improved agricultural practices by small scale farmers. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 8(35): 4490-4500.
  • Wang, J. Bjornlund, H. and Zhang, L. 2016. Factors that Influence the Rate and Intensity of Adoption of Improved Irrigation Technologies in Alberta, Canada. Water Economics and Policy, 2(3): 1650026.
  • Welch, F. 1978. The role of investment in human capital in agriculture. In Distortion of agricultural Incentives, Ed. Schultz, T.W., Indian University Press, Bloomington.
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Farm Enterprises
Journal Section Research Article

Kuteybe Gannum 0000-0002-2366-362X

Cuma Akbay 0000-0001-7673-7584

Cevahir Kaynakçı Baydar 0000-0003-3785-5283

Publication Date July 24, 2024
Submission Date May 6, 2024
Acceptance Date June 7, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Gannum, K., Akbay, C., & Kaynakçı Baydar, C. (2024). Factors Affecting the Farmer’s Use of Modern Irrigation Systems in Aleppo. Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences, 11(3), 757-766.